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Request for Copies of Previously Filed Tax Returns (Form DCC-1)
Name and Address as Shown on Tax Return:
City State Zip Code
Social Security number or ID number shown on document Daytime telephone number
Type of Tax Tax Year(s)
Gross Income Tax
(NJ-1040, NJ-1040NR, NJ-1040X, NJ1041)
Corporation Business Tax
(CBT-100, CBT-100S)
Sales Tax
Property Tax Relief
(PTR, Homestead Benefit)
Payroll Tax
Business Requests:
Any return filed through the On-line Services Filing and Payment Services can be obtained by logging on with your
Business Identification Number and assigned PIN number.
Requests for copies of Corporation, Sales and Use, and Payroll tax forms must include a request on company
letterhead that is signed by an officer of the company.
Copies will only be provided to individual(s) who signed the return or an authorized representative. An authorized
representative must provide a Form M-5008-R that covers the return(s) being requested.
Current Address if Different From Above:
City State Zip Code
Signature Date
Complete, sign, and mail to:
New Jersey Division of Taxation
Document Control Center
PO BOX 269
Trenton, NJ 08695-0269
You can also get a copy of your NJ-1040, NJ-1040NR or NJ-1041 at a Division of Taxation Regional Information Center.