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   (N.J.S.A. 54:4-4.4; & 54:4-3.5; 54:4-3.6; 54:4-3.6a; 54:4-3.9; 54:4-3.10; 54:4-3.13; 54:4-3.15; 54:4-3.24; 54:4-3.25;     
                          54:4-3.26; 54:4-3.27; 54:4-3.35; 54:4-3.52; 54:4-3.64; & N.J.S.A. 8A:5-10 et al) 
IMPORTANT File this claim in duplicate with          municipal assessor of taxing district where property is located no later 
than November 1 of every third succeeding year,          updating the organization’s status. Separate claims must be filed for 
each parcel. See instructions. 
2. ORGANIZATION ADDRESS (Corporate Headquarters) 
   Name                                                       Phone #                      E-Mail Address            Fax #
                                                     Postal Mailing Address 
4.EXEMPT PROPERTY LOCATION IN NEW JERSEY for which continued exemption is claimed 
         Street Address                                                    City                                    Zip Code        
      County                                Municipality                          Block #                 Lot #      Qualifier 
Initial Statement claiming exemption from taxation for the above mentioned real property in item #4 was filed on   
_____________________ with          the assessor of the aforementioned municipality. 
6. PHYSICAL and/or USE CHANGES of the aforementioned real property in item #4 
Fully describe any physical changes that have occurred since the filing of the previous Initial or Further Statement. 
Total Land Area (Sq. Ft./Acreage) ________________  
Land is   Vacant or   Improved with buildings and/or structures? (Check one) 
If improved, state number of buildings and/or structures ____________State building(s) size in square feet _____________ 
Fully describe building(s)/structure(s) type ________________________________________________________________ 
State $ amount for which improvements are insured _________________ 
Fully describe any changes in the use that have occurred since the filing of the previous Initial or Further Statement.  
If vacant land, state purpose, area used and size for each use. If not used, state none ________________________________ 
If improved with buildings and/or structures, state uses of each.________________________________________________ 
Are land and/or buildings used for originally stated purposes of claimant organization?        No      Yes  
If yes,   Entirely or   Partially?  Explain if used for other than claimant organization’s purposes or if used or occupied by 
other than the claimant organization ______________________________________________________________________ 
Are land and/or buildings leased or rented by other than claimant organization?   No    Yes   
If yes,    Entirely or    Partially?   Percentage of property leased ______%           Attachcopy lease/rental agreement.  
Explain rental uses____________________________________________________________________________________ 
State tenant names and rental income received. 
Is commercial business conducted on premises?       No      Yes   If yes, explain 
Fully describe any changes that have occurred since the filing of the previous Initial or Further Statement. 
List names of individuals, officers, entities receiving compensation, salaries, allowance, monetary profits from claimant 
organization and dollar amounts received. If none, state none. Supporting financial data may be required by assessor. 
Has any portion of the real property described in item 4, for which exemption has previously been claimed and allowed, 
been rented, sold or otherwise disposed of since the filing of the prior Initial or Further Statement?   Yes         No    
If yes, describe the property and state to whom conveyed and date of conveyance. _________________________________ 
9. PROPERTY NEWLY ACQUIRED for which exemption is claimed 
Has any new or additional real property been acquired by claimant since the filing of the previous Initial or Further 
Statement? Yes           No     Property Location ______________________________________________________________ 
If yes, an Initial Statement, Form I.S., as to such new or additional real property must be filed with the assessor. 
I certify the above declarations are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and understand they will be considered as if 
made under oath and subject to penalties for perjury if falsified. 
Signature_______________________________ Official Title or Position _______________________Date___________ 
Official Use              Denied            Approved                       Exempt Property Code______________________________ 
Form F.S. Rev. April 2002. This form is prescribed by the Director, Division of Taxation, as required by law, and may not be altered 
without the approval of the Director. 

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FURTHER STATEMENT REQUIRED: Every third year as of November 1 after approval of the Initial 
Statement, a Further Statement is to be filed with the municipal assessor. 
IMPORTANT File this claim in duplicate with municipal assessor of taxing district where property is located 
by November 1. Separate claims must be filed for each parcel. If additional space is needed, please attach a rider. 
GENERAL ELIGIBILITY: Real property tax exemption is determined by: 
1. the organization’s purpose 
2. the property’s use as of October 1 of the pretax year 
3. the absence, presence, degree and use of profits 
4. the property’s ownership as of October 1 of the pretax year 
5. incorporation of the organization or its authorization to operate in New Jersey 
6. land area or existing buildings 
7. timely application as of November 1 of every third succeeding year 
 Because eligibility criteria varies from statute to statute, specific questions regarding your organization’s 
   exemption requirements should be directed to the municipal assessor in the taxing district where the 
                                                        property is located. 
STATUTES: Veterans organizations                                                N.J.S.A 54:4-3.5 & 54:4-3.25 & 54:4-3.15 
                       Educational, religious, charitable organizations                             N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6 
                       Firefighter organizations                                        N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.10 & 54:4-3.13 
                       Burial grounds & cemeteries                            N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.9 & N.J.S.A. 8A:5-10 
                       Youth organizations                                                         N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.24 
                       Fraternal organizations                                                     N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.26 
                       Disaster relief organizations                                               N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.27 
                       District Supervisor Religious Organization                                  N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.35 
                       Historic Sites                                                              N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.52 
                       Conservation/Recreation Land                                                N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.64 
DENIALS/APPEALS: Any unfavorable determination by the assessor may be appealed to the County Board of 
Taxation annually on or before          April 1. 
DOCUMENTARY PROOFS: N.J.S.A.54:4-4.4 provides, Each assessor may at any time inquire into a 
claimant’s right to continue an exemption and for that purpose he may require the submission of such 
documentation as he considers necessary to determine the claimant’s continuing right to exemption. Claimants 
may be asked to provide: proof of income via audited financial statements, tax return copies; proof of ownership 
via deed; proof of use via lease/rental agreements, itinerary/calendar of events & organization’s promotional 
literature; proof of organization’s purpose via certificate of incorporation, articles of association, charter or 
mission statement, and constitution and by-laws.  
Burden of proof is on exemption claimant; it is not the responsibility of the assessor to seek out claimant or 
                                        to bring claimant into exemption compliance. 
                                                  FOR ASSESSOR USE ONLY 
          Deed/Ownership Documents                                          Lease/Rental Agreements
          Insurance Policy on Property                                      Certificate of Incorporation   
          Articles of Association                                           Constitution and By-laws 
          Audited Financial Statements                                      Tax Returns    
          Charter and/or Mission Statement                                  Organization’s Promotional Literature 
          Itinerary/Calendar of Events                                      Addendum containing any other pertinent  

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