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                  2022 Form NJ-1041                                                                                    1

                  Table of Contents

General Filing Information ............................................................................... 2
Who Must File ........................................................................................ 2
Period Covered by Return ..................................................................... 3
When to File ........................................................................................... 3
Extension of Time to File ........................................................................ 3
Name, Address, and Identification Number ..................................................... 4
Income ............................................................................................................. 4
Schedule NJ-BUS-1 – Business Income Summary......................................... 6
Schedule A – Net Gains or Income From Disposition of Property ................. 12
Schedule B – Beneficiaries’ Shares of Income .............................................. 13
Schedule C – Credit for Income or Wage Taxes Paid by New Jersey 
Estates or Trusts to Other Jurisdictions ..................................................... 14
Schedule D – Allocation of Business Income to New Jersey ........................ 14
Schedule E – New Jersey Income of Nonresident Estates and Trusts ......... 14
How to Pay .................................................................................................... 15
Penalties, Interest, and Collection Fees ........................................................ 16
Where to Mail ................................................................................................ 16
Amended Return ........................................................................................... 16
Schedule NJK-1............................................................................................. 17
NJ-NR-A – Business Allocation Schedule ..................................................... 17
Tax Table ....................................................................................................... 20
Tax Rate Schedules....................................................................................... 28
Information, Forms, and Assistance .............................................................. 30
Index .............................................................................................................. 31

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                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                               2

                                                                     then revocable and has not subsequently become 
Things to Know Before Beginning 
                                                                     irrevocable; or
              the 2022 NJ-1041                                 b. A person domiciled in New Jersey at the time such 
                                                                     trust, or portion of a trust, became irrevocable, if 
Definitions                                                          it was revocable when such property was trans-
Fiduciary means a guardian, trustee, executor, adminis-              ferred to the trust but has subsequently become 
trator, receiver, conservator, or any person acting in any           irrevocable.
trust or similar capacity.
                                                               For the purposes of the foregoing, domicile is the place 
The term estates refers only to the estates of deceased        an individual regards as their permanent home—the 
persons. The New Jersey Gross Income Tax liability for         place to which they intend to return after a period of ab-
minors, persons adjudicated incompetent, or for any per-       sence. A domicile, once established, contin ues until a 
son who is suffering from some other legal disability must     new, fixed, and permanent home is acquired. No change 
be calculated on the same form as that used for any            of domicile results from moving to a new location if the 
other individual taxpayer, but it may be prepared in the       intention is to remain only for a limited time even if it is 
name of the disabled individual and signed by the guard-       for a relatively long duration.
ian or conservator.
                                                               A resident estate or trust does not include charitable 
                                                               trusts or trusts that are part of a pension or profit-sharing 
Who Must File a Return                                         plan. 
Resident Estates and Trusts
The fiduciary of every resident estate or trust must file a    Revocable/Irrevocable Trust. A trust or portion of a 
New Jersey Gross Income Tax Fiduciary Return (Form             trust is revocable if it is subject to a power, exer cisable 
NJ-1041) if gross income, before exemptions or deduc-          immediately or at any future time, to revest title in the 
tions, was more than $10,000 (prorated for the number          person whose property constitutes such trust or portion 
of months covered by a part-year return) during the tax        of a trust, and a trust or portion of a trust becomes ir-
year.                                                          revocable when the possibility that such power may be 
                                                               exercised has been terminated.
A resident estate or trust is not subject to New Jersey tax 
if it:                                                         Grantor Trust. Grantor trusts are required to file a New 
                                                               Jersey Gross Income Tax Fiduciary Return. If the grantor 
      Does not have any tangible assets in New Jersey; 
                                                               trust income is reportable by or taxable to the grantor 
      Does not have any income from New Jersey                for federal income tax purposes, it also is taxable to the 
       sources; and                                            grantor for New Jersey Income Tax purposes. (See the 
      Does not have any trustees or executors in New          line-by-line instructions for distributions.)
                                                               Charitable Trust. A charitable trust is a trust operated 
However, the fiduciary must file Form NJ-1041 for such         exclusively for a religious, charitable, scientific, liter ary, 
estate or trust, enclose a statement certifying that the       or educational purpose. Income of a charitable trust is 
estate or trust is not subject to tax, and check the box on    exempt from Income Tax. However, income received by 
line 27.                                                       a charitable trust that is not distributed or credited to its 
                                                               beneficiaries is subject to tax in the tax year of the trust. 
Resident estate or trust means:                                If the terms of the governing instrument of an estate or 
1. The estate of a decedent who at their death was domi-       trust require any amount of income to be accumulated 
   ciled in New Jersey; or                                     and added to the principal for ultimate distribution to 
                                                               any religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educa-
2. A trust, or a portion of a trust, consisting of property    tional organization and such income is permanently and 
   transferred by will of a decedent who at their death        irrevoca bly set aside for such purposes, it will be treated 
   was domiciled in New Jersey; or                             as having been paid, credited, or required to be distrib-
3. A trust, or portion of a trust, consisting of the property  uted to the charitable beneficiary. The same treatment is 
   of:                                                         afforded to any income required to be held in trust for the 
                                                               use of any charitable beneficiary or organization.
   a. A person domiciled in New Jersey at the time such 
       property was transferred to the trust, if such trust or In general, income that is deemed to have been paid, 
       portion of a trust was then irrevocable, or if it was   credited, or required to be distributed to a beneficiary is 
                                                               taxable to such beneficiary. However, if the beneficiary 

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                                                2022 Form NJ-1041                                                      3

is an exempt charitable organization, no tax will be im-    decedent (if death occurred after January 1, 2022) to the 
posed. This is true even if the income is permanently and   end of the tax year selected by the fiduciary when appro-
irrevocably set aside in an invested income account.        priate. The 2022 return filed by a trustee of a trust must 
                                                            cover the period beginning January 1, 2022. 
Nonresident Estates and Trusts
The fiduciary of every nonresident estate or trust that     The tax year for the estate or trust must be the same as 
derived income from New Jersey sources must file a          for federal income tax purposes. The tax year cannot be 
New Jersey Gross Income Tax Fiduciary Return (Form          longer than 12 months. All income received by the ex-
NJ-1041) if the gross income received from all sources      ecutor, administrator, or trustee in the tax year must be 
(both inside and outside New Jersey) during the tax         reported on the return.  
year was more than $10,000 (prorated for the number of 
months covered by a part-year return) before exemptions 
or deductions.                                              When to File
                                                            Form NJ-1041 must be filed on or before the 15th day of 
A nonresident estate or trust does not include charitable   the fourth month following the close of the tax year of the 
trusts or pension or profit-sharing trusts. The residence   estate or trust. 
of the fiduciary does not affect the nonresident classifica-
tion of an estate or trust.
                                                            Extension of Time to File
Gross income from sources within New Jersey for a non-      There is no extension of time to pay tax due – only 
resident estate or trust means those items of income and    to file. Penalties and interest will be charged if the tax is 
gain that are earned, received, or acquired from the fol-   paid after the original due date. 
lowing sources:
                                                            You can receive a 5½-month extension of time to file if 
1. By reason of ownership or disposition of any interest 
                                                            at least 80% of the tax liability calculated (line 29) is paid 
   in real or tangible personal property in New Jersey; or
                                                            through withholdings, estimated, or other payments by 
2. In connection with a trade, profession, or occupation    the original due date, and
   carried on in New Jersey or for the rendition of per-    You enclose a copy of your federal Application for 
   sonal services performed in New Jersey; or
                                                              Automatic Extension, if filed by paper, and check 
3. As a distributive share of the income of a business,       the box at the top of Form NJ-1041 (or enter your 
   profession, enterprise, undertaking, or other activity     confirmation number in the space provided at the 
   as the result of work done, services rendered, or other    top of Form NJ-1041 if the extension application or 
   business activities conducted in New Jersey except as      payment was filed online or by phone); or
   allocated to another state; or                            You file Form NJ-630, Application for Extension of 
4. From intangible personal property employed in a            Time to File New Jersey Gross Income Tax Return, 
   trade, profession, occupation, or business carried on      by the original due date of the return. You can also 
   in New Jersey; or                                          file an extension application online until 11:59 p.m. 
                                                              on the original due date.
5. Income of a New Jersey S corporation allocated to 
   New Jersey; or                                           If you do not meet the requirements for an extension, or 
                                                            you do not file the return by the extended due date, we 
6. Net gambling winnings from New Jersey sources, 
                                                            will deny your extension request and charge penalties 
   including New Jersey Lottery winnings from prize 
                                                            and interest from the original due date of the return. (See 
   amounts over $10,000.
                                                            “Penalties, Interest, and Collection Fees” on page 16.) 
Electing Small Business Trusts                              You will not receive an approved copy of your extension 
A federal Electing Small Business Trust can make a New      request. We will notify you only if we deny your request, 
Jersey election to be taxed in the same manner as for       but not until after the return is actually filed.
federal tax purposes. See Form NJ-1041SB for election 
information, filing instructions, and tax forms.
                                                            Filling Out the Form Properly
                                                             Use only a 2022 return for the 2022 Tax Year.
Period Covered by Return                                     Use only blue or black ink.
The 2022 return filed by an administrator or an executor     Do not use dollar signs or dashes.
of an estate must cover the period from January 1, 2022,     Do not report a loss on Form NJ-1041 (see page 4).
or fiscal year beginning in 2022, or the date of death of 

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                                           2022 Form NJ-1041                                                           4

                                                             death or the date the trust was created. If the estate or 
                                                             trust is a resident of a state other than New Jersey, enter 
                                                             the name of the state. In the space provided, indicate the 
                                                             type of trust (i.e., simple trust, complex trust, grantor type 

                                                             Line 5 – Estate Closed or Trust 
                                                             If the estate was closed or the trust terminated, check 
You will need your bank’s 9-digit routing number and your    the box and indicate the date of closing or termination. 
account number to pay by e-check. Do not enter the check     Also write “final return” at the top of the form.
number as part of the account number. Note: The routing 
and account numbers may be in different places on your 
check.                                                       Gubernatorial Elections Fund
                                                             A fiduciary can designate $1 to help candidates for Gov-
 To request a refund, you must enter an amount on           ernor pay campaign expenses by checking the “Yes” 
  line 42.                                                   box. Checking the “Yes” box will not reduce the refund or 
 The name and federal employer identification num-          increase the amount owed. 
  ber must be entered on all schedules accompany-
  ing the return.                                            For more information on the Gubernatorial Public Financ-
                                                             ing Program, contact the New Jersey Election Law En-
                                                             forcement Commission at 609-292-8700 or online.
Instead of making dollars-and-cents entries on your re-
turn, you can round and use whole dollar amounts. If you     Income
round, do so for all lines, and enter “00” after the decimal Estates and trusts (whether resident or nonresident) 
for cents.                                                   must report on lines 6 through 13 taxable income re-
                                                             ceived from all sources (both inside and outside New 
Round amounts of 50 cents or more up to the next whole 
                                                             Jersey) during the tax year. (Nonresident estates or 
dollar. For example, $26.78 becomes $27.00.
                                                             trusts must complete lines 6–13 as if the income was 
Round amounts of less than 50 cents down to the next         earned by a resident estate or trust. Nonresident estates 
whole dollar. For example, $13.45 becomes $13.00.            or trusts also must complete Schedule E to report their 
                                                             income from New Jersey sources. See the instructions 
Round the total, not the amounts used to calculate the       for Schedule E on page 14.)
total. For example, the sum of $13.45 and $46.24 is 
$59.69, which becomes $60.00.                                Reporting Losses. If you have a net loss in any cat-
                                                             egory of income, remember the following:
                                                              Do not report a loss on the NJ-1041 (e.g., in paren-
Line-by-Line Instructions                                      theses or as a negative number);
                                                              Net losses can be combined with gains in the same 
Name, Address, and Identification                              category of income. For example, you can subtract 
Number                                                         a loss from one partnership from a gain from an-
Print or type the name of the estate or trust, the name        other partnership during the tax year; 
and title of the fiduciary, complete address, and ZIP         Net losses in one category of income cannot be ap-
Code. Check the “Change of Address” box if the address         plied against income or gains in another on Form 
has changed since the last time a New Jersey return was        NJ-1041. For example, you cannot subtract a part-
filed. Enter the federal employer identification number in     nership loss from interest income;
the space provided.                                           If there is a net loss in any income category, enter 
                                                               “0” on that line of your NJ-1041. Do not enter the 
                                                               amount of the loss in parentheses or as a negative 
Lines 1–4 – Residency Status
Indicate the residency status of the estate or trust by 
checking the  ap pro priate box provided at each line. In-    No carryback or carryover of losses is allowed 
dicate in the space  pro vided the date of the decedent’s      when reporting income on your NJ-1041.

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                                              2022 Form NJ-1041                                                        5

Accounting Method. Use the same accounting method           fund. If exempt interest is more than $10,000, you must 
for New Jersey Income Tax that was used for federal         enclose a listing of the amount received from each source. 
income tax purposes. Income must be recognized and 
reported in the same period as it is recognized and re-     For more information on tax-exempt interest income and 
ported for federal purposes.                                New Jersey qualified investment funds, see GIT-5, Non-
                                                            taxable Investment Income.

Line 6 – Interest
Enter all taxable interest from sources both inside and     Line 7 – Dividends
outside New Jersey.                                         Enter the dividends received from investments (e.g., 
                                                            from stocks, mutual funds) or other income-producing 
Common sources of taxable interest:                         activities that do not constitute a trade or business. The 
 Banks;                                                    total taxable dividends received, regardless of where 
                                                            earned, must be reported. For dividends received from a 
 Savings and loan associations;
                                                            mutual fund or other regulated investment company, see 
 Credit unions;                                            the instructions for interest income at line 6. 
 Checking accounts;
                                                            Taxpayers, including partners in a partnership and share-
 Bonds and notes;
                                                            holders of an S corporation, report global intangible 
 Certificates of deposit;                                  low-taxed income (GILTI) as dividend income when the 
 Life insurance dividends;                                 income is actually distributed from earnings and profits. 
 Distributions from Coverdell education savings ac-        For more information, see IRC §951A: Reporting and 
  counts (ESAs), but only the earnings portion;             Payment/Pass-through Entities.
 Ginnie Maes, Fannie Maes, Freddie Macs;
                                                            Do not include on this line:
 Repurchase agreements;                                     Dividends that were earned and paid to a sole 
 Obligations of other states and their political subdi-      proprietorship, a partnership, or an S corporation. 
  visions, other than New Jersey;                             Report on Schedule NJ-BUS-1;
 Any other interest not specifically exempt.                Dividends that were earned and paid to another 
                                                              estate or trust (other than a grantor trust). Report 
Amounts paid by a mutual fund or other regulated invest-      on line 13 (grantor trusts, see the instructions for 
ment company are includable in gross income unless the        Schedule B, line 47).
fund is a qualified investment fund as defined by New 
Jersey law, or to the extent that the distributions are at- Distributions out of earnings and profits of corporations 
tributable to interest earned on federal obligations.       are required to be reported in the year received by the 
Do not include on this line:
 Interest that was earned and paid to a sole propri-       Tax-Free Distributions. A distribution that is a return of 
  etorship, a partnership, or an S corporation. Report      investment or capital and does not come out of earnings 
  on Schedule NJ-BUS-1. Note: Interest paid or              and profits is a nontaxable capital or tax-free distribution. 
  deemed to have been paid by a partnership or S            These distributions reduce the basis of the stock or in-
  corporation and reported on Form 1099 must be             vestment, and are not taxable until the investment is fully 
  included as interest on line 6;                           recovered. 
 Interest that was earned and paid to another es-
                                                            Capital gain dividends, under New Jersey law, are tax-
  tate or trust (other than a grantor trust). Report 
                                                            able in full as capital gains. Dividends reinvested in a 
  on line 13 (grantor trusts, see the instructions for 
                                                            public utility are taxable.
  Schedule B, line 47).

Forfeiture Penalty for Early Withdrawal. If a penalty 
                                                            Line 8 – Net Profits From Business
is incurred for withdrawing a time deposit early, you 
can subtract the amount of the penalty from the interest    Complete Part I of Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and enter on 
income.                                                     line 8 the amount from line 4 of Part I. If the amount on 
                                                            line 4 is a loss, enter “0” on line 8. See instructions be-
Tax-Exempt Interest Income. In the space provided,          low. Enclose Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and a copy of the fed-
enter all tax-exempt interest, including the exempt portion eral Schedule C or F for each business with the return.
of a distribution from a New Jersey qualified investment 

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                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                            6

Line 9 – Net Gains or Income From                            Line 11 – Distributive Share of 
Disposition of Property                                      Partnership Income
Enter the amount from Schedule A, line 46. If the amount     Complete Part III of Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and enter on 
on line 46 is a loss, enter “0” on line 9. Enclose a copy of line 11 the amount from line 4 of Part III. If the amount 
federal Schedule D. If the estate or trust sold real prop-   on line 4 is a loss, enter “0” on line 11. See instructions 
erty in New Jersey, enclose the Settlement Statement         on page 8. Enclose Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and a copy of 
(HUD-1) for each property sold.                              Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1065, for each partnership 
                                                             with the return. If the estate or trust did not receive a 
Do not include on Schedule A:                                Schedule NJK-1, a copy of the federal Schedule K-1 
 Gains/losses from the disposition of property              must be enclosed.
  owned by a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or an 
  S corporation. Report on Schedule NJ-BUS-1;
 Gains/losses from the disposition of property              Line 12 – Net Pro Rata Share of S 
  owned by another estate or trust (other than a             Corporation Income
  grantor trust). Report on line 13 (grantor trusts, see     Complete Part IV of Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and enter on 
  the instructions for Schedule B, line 47).                 line 12 the amount from line 4 of Part IV. If the amount 
                                                             on line 4 is a loss, enter “0” on line 12. See instructions 
                                                             on page 8. Enclose Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and a copy of 
Line 10 – Net Gains or Income From                           Schedule NJ-K-1, Form CBT-100S, for each S corpora-
Rents, Royalties,  Patents, and Copyrights                   tion with the return. If the estate or trust did not receive 
Complete Part II of Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and enter on           a Schedule NJ-K-1, a copy of the federal Schedule K-1 
line 10 the amount from line 4 of Part II. If the amount on  must be enclosed.
line 4 is a loss, enter “0” on line 10. See instructions on 
page 7. Enclose Schedule NJ-BUS-1 and a copy of fed-
eral Schedule E with the return.

                                Schedule NJ-BUS-1

Part I – Net Profits From Business
Report the net profits or loss from a business, trade, profession, or other activity carried on by the estate or trust. Make the 
following adjustments to federal Schedule C or F.
 Add any amounts deducted for taxes based on income.
 Subtract interest reported on federal Schedule C or F that is exempt for New Jersey purposes but taxable for federal 
 Add interest not reported on federal Schedule C or F from states or political subdivisions outside New Jersey that is 
  exempt for federal purposes.
 Add interest and dividends derived in the conduct of a trade or business.
 Add or subtract income or losses derived in the conduct of a trade or business from rentals, royalties, patents, or 
 Add or subtract gains or losses from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the trade or business’s property. Do 
  not include New Jersey exempt securities.
 Deduct meal and entertainment expenses that constitute ordinary expenses incurred in the conduct of a trade or 
  business but that were not allowed on the federal return.
 Deduct your qualified contributions to a self-employed 401(k) Plan. Contributions that exceeded the federal limits are 
  not deductible for New Jersey purposes. 
 Add or subtract the net adjustment from the Gross Income Tax Depreciation Adjustment Worksheet GIT-DEP, Part I, 
  line 7. 

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                                            2022 Form NJ-1041                                                                     7

Sole proprietorships providing primary care services in a qualified medical or dental practice that is located in or within five 
miles of a designated Health Enterprise Zone (HEZ) may be able to deduct a percentage of the net income from that practice 
on line 19. See Technical Bulletin TB-56 for eligibility requirements and instructions for calculating the HEZ deduction.

For an income-producing activity to constitute a business or profession, it must be a commercial enterprise regularly con-
ducted for profit and meet the criteria listed in N.J.A.C. 18:35-1.1, Net Profits From Business.

A trust invests in stock for its own financial benefit. It does not offer its investment services to others for a fee. It derives 
substantial income (gains from the sale of stock, interest, and dividends) from the invest ment activities. The trust’s income 
is not net profits from a business or profession. It must report this income as gains from the sale of stock, interest, and 

Lines 1–3
For each business, enter the following information. If you need more space, enclose a statement with the return listing any 
additional businesses and the related profit or loss.
 Business name as listed on federal Schedule C or F
 Social Security number or federal employer identification number (EIN)
 Profit or (loss) as adjusted for New Jersey purposes
Line 4 
Add the amounts in the Profit or (Loss) column and enter the total on line 4, netting profits with losses. Enter this amount 
on line 8, Form NJ-1041. If the netted amount is a loss, enter “0” on line 8.

Part II – Net Gains or Income From Rents, Royalties, Patents, and Copyrights
Report net gains or income less net losses from rents, royalties, patents, and copyrights of the estate or trust. 

Depreciation and Expense Deduction. New Jersey and federal depreciation and expense deduction limits are different. 
A New Jersey depreciation adjustment may be needed for assets placed in service on or after January 1, 2004. Complete 
the Gross Income Tax Depreciation Adjustment Worksheet GIT-DEP to calculate the adjustment. 

Passive Losses. There is no distinction between active and passive losses for New Jersey purposes. You cannot carry 
back or carry forward such losses when reporting income on Form NJ-1041. You can deduct federal passive losses in full 
in the year incurred against any gain within the same category of income. 

Do not include in Part II:
 Gains/losses from rents, royalties, patents, and copyrights from property owned by a sole proprietorship, a partner-
  ship, or an S corporation. Report in Parts I, III, or IV of Schedule NJ-BUS-1;
 Gains/losses from rents, royalties, patents, and copyrights from property owned by an estate or trust (other than a 
  grantor trust). Report on line 13 (grantor trusts, see the instructions for Schedule B, line 47).

Lines 1–3
For each source of income or loss, enter the following information. If you need more space, enclose a statement with the 
return listing any additional property and income or loss. 
 Property name or description. For rental real estate, enter the physical address of the property
 Social Security number or federal employer identification number (EIN)
 Type of property. Enter the following number that corresponds with the type of property:
  1. Rental real estate
  2. Royalties
  3. Patents
  4. Copyrights
 Gain or (loss) for each type of property. 

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                                            2022 Form NJ-1041                                                              8

Line 4
Add the amounts in the Income or (Loss) column and enter the total on line 4, netting gains with losses. Enter this amount 
on line 10, Form NJ-1041. If the netted amount is a loss, enter “0” on line 10. 

Part III – Distributive Share of Partnership Income
Report the estate’s or trust’s share of income or loss from partnership(s), whether or not the income was actually distributed.  

Lines 1–3
For each partnership, enter the following information. If you need more space, enclose a statement with the return listing 
any additional partnerships and the related income or loss. 
 Partnership name as listed on Schedule NJK-1 (or federal Schedule K-1)
 Federal employer identification number (EIN)
 The estate’s or trust’s share of partnership income (or loss) as reported on the Schedule NJK-1 (column A of the line 
  labeled Distributive Share of Partnership Income). If the estate or trust did not receive a Schedule NJK-1, enclose a 
  copy of the federal Schedule K-1 and complete Reconciliation Work sheet A contained in GIT-9P, Partnership Income. 
 Total amount of New Jersey Income Tax paid on behalf of the estate or trust by partnership(s) as shown on Schedule 
  NJK-1, line 1, Part III, nonresident partner’s share of New Jersey tax
 The estate’s or trust’s share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax as reported on Schedule PTE-K-1 or 
  Schedule NJK-1 received from the partnership

Line 4
Add the amounts in the Share of Partnership Income or (Loss) column and enter the total on line 4, netting income with 
losses. Enter this amount on line 11, Form NJ-1041. If the netted amount is a loss, enter “0” on line 11.  

Line 5
Add the amounts in the Share of tax paid on your behalf by Partnerships column and enter the total. Include this amount 
on line 35a, Form NJ-1041. See the instructions for line 35a.

Line 6
Add the amounts in the Share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Business Income Tax column and enter the total. In-
clude this amount on line 36a, Form NJ-1041.

For more information, see GIT-9P, Partnership Income.

Part IV – Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income
Report the amount of the estate’s or trust’s net pro rata share of S corporation income or loss, whether or not the income 
was actually distributed. Do not include global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) on Schedule NJ-BUS-1. Report GILTI 
as dividends on line 7. 

Lines 1–3
For each S corporation, enter the following information. If you need more space, enclose a statement with the return listing 
any additional S corporations and the related income or loss. 
 S corporation name as listed on Schedule NJ-K-1 (or federal Schedule K-1)
 Federal employer identification number (EIN)
 Pro rata share of S corporation income or (usable loss) as reported on the Schedule NJ-K-1. If the estate or trust 
  did not receive a Schedule NJ-K-1, enclose a copy of the federal Schedule K-1 and complete Reconciliation 
  Worksheet B contained in GIT-9S, Income From S Corporations.
 The estate’s or trust’s share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Income Tax as reported on Schedule PTE-K-1 or 
  Schedule NJ-K-1 received from the S corporation

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                                            2022 Form NJ-1041                                                          9

Line 4
Add the amounts in the Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income or (Usable Loss) column and enter the total on line 4, 
netting income with losses. Enter this amount on line 12, Form NJ-1041. If the netted amount is a loss, enter “0” on line 12.

Line 5
Add the amounts in the Share of Pass-Through Business Alternative Business Income Tax column and enter the total. In-
clude this amount on line 36a, Form NJ-1041.

For more information, see GIT-9S, Income From S Corporations.

Line 13 – Other Income                                       Line 18 – Exemption
Enter the amount of taxable income for which a space         Enter $1,000. If the return covers less than a full calen-
is not pro vided elsewhere on the return. Also state the     dar year, prorate the exemption to reflect the period cov-
nature of this income. If additional space is needed, en-    ered by the return.
close a statement with the return.

                                                             Line 19 – Health Enterprise Zone 
Line 14 – Gross Income                                       Deduction
Add lines 6 through 13 and enter the total.                  Eligible taxpayers providing primary care services at a 
                                                             qualified medical and/or dental practice located in or 
If the total is $10,000 or less (prorated for the number 
                                                             within five miles of a designated Health Enterprise Zone 
of months covered by a part-year return), there is no 
                                                             (HEZ), may be able to deduct a percentage of the net in-
New Jersey tax liability and no return is required. If the 
                                                             come from that practice. 
return is being filed only for a refund of estimated pay-
ments made and/or other cred  its, complete Schedule B,      Enter the HEZ deduction for a qualified practice as 
Beneficiar ies’ Shares of Income, and    line 15. Then con-  follows:
tinue completing the return at line 34.
                                                                 Partners – Use the amount from Part III of the 
                                                                  Schedule NJK-1, Form NJ-1065, received from the 
Line 15 – Deduction for Distributions to                          practice;
Beneficiaries                                                    S corporation shareholders – Use the amount from 
Enter the amount from Schedule B, line 48A.                       Part V of the Schedule NJ-K-1, Form CBT-100S, 
                                                                  received from the practice;
                                                                 Sole proprietors – Determine the allowable HEZ 
Line 16 – Total Income                                            deduction and enclose a schedule showing how it 
Subtract line 15 from line 14 and enter the result.               was calculated. 

Nonresident Estates and Trusts Only:                         For eligibility requirements and instructions for calculating 
                                                             the HEZ deduction, see Technical Bulletin TB-56.
Caution:  Nonresident estates and trusts must 
         complete Schedule E before complet-
         ing line 16a. (See the instructions for 
                                                             Line 20 – Alternative Business Calculation 
         Schedule E on page 14.)
Line 16a NJ Income from Schedule E, line 11                If Schedule NJ-BUS-1 was completed and there was 
Enter on this line the total amount of income from New       a loss on line 4 of any part, the estate or trust may be 
Jersey sources from Schedule E, line 11.                     eligible for an income adjustment. An estate or trust 
                                                             that had a loss carryforward on Schedule NJ-BUS-2 
                                                             from a prior year may also be eligible. Complete Sched-
Line 17 – Income Commissions                                 ule NJ-BUS-2 and enter on line 20 the amount from 
Enter commissions that are specifically related to income    line 11 of the schedule. 
reported on line 14 and paid or accrued to the Executor 
or Trustee. Deductible commissions are those measured        Enclose Schedule NJ-BUS-2 with the return and keep a 
as a percentage of income. Fixed fee commissions are         completed copy. The estate or trust may need the infor-
not deductible. Enclose a schedule showing the calcula-      mation to complete the return in future years.
tion of the commissions. 

- 10 -
                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                        10

Line 21 – NJBEST Deduction                                  Jersey sources, and does not have any trustees or ex-
If gross income was $200,000 or less, you can deduct up     ecutors in New Jersey is not subject to New Jersey tax. 
to $10,000 of contributions made during the year into an    Check the box and enclose a statement with the return 
NJBEST (New Jersey Better Educational Savings Trust)        certifying that the estate or trust is not subject to tax.
                                                            Nonresident Estates and Trusts
                                                            Multiply the amount on line 25 by the income percentage 
Line 22 – Total Deductions and                              on line 26 and enter the result.
Add lines 17 through 21 and enter the total.                Line 28 – Credit for Income or Wage 
                                                            Taxes Paid by New Jersey Estates or 
Line 23 – Taxable Income                                    Trusts to Other Jurisdictions
Subtract line 22 from line 16 and enter the result.         Enter the amount of credit allowed from Schedule C, 
                                                            line 53.

Line 24 – Taxable Income
Enter on line 24 the taxable income from line 23.           Line 29 – Balance of Tax
                                                            Subtract line 28 from line 27 and enter the result.
Nonresident Estates and Trusts Only: 
Line 25 – Tax on Amount on Line 24                          Line 30 – Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit
If the income on line 24 is less than $110,000, use the     Enter your Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit for the current 
Tax Table on page 20. Otherwise, calculate the tax us-      year from Part IV, line 12 of Form GIT-317. Enclose Form 
ing the Tax Rate Schedule on page 28. Enter the tax on      GIT-317 with the return and keep a completed copy.
line 25.

                                                            Line 31 – Balance of Tax After Credit
Line 26 – Income Percentage                                 Subtract line 30 from line 29 and enter the result.
Divide the amount on line 16a by the amount on line 16. 
Carry your result to four decimal places. For example, 
if the amounts used were $20,000 (line 16a) divided by      Line 32 – Interest on Underpayment of 
$30,000 (line 16), the result would be 66.67% or .6667.     Estimated Tax
                                                            New Jersey Income Tax is a pay-as-you-go tax. You 
In certain situations, the income percentage can exceed     must pay tax on the income as it is earned or received. 
100%. For example, a nonresident estate or trust real-      If you do not pay enough tax on the income throughout 
izes a $50,000  gain from the sale of real property in      the year, the estate or trust may have to pay installment 
New Jersey and sus tains a $10,000 loss from the sale       interest. 
of property in Florida. This nonresident tax   payer (which 
has no oth er income) reports $40,000 as total income       Installment interest may be charged if:
(line 16) and $50,000 as income from New Jersey                 The total tax is more than $400 (after subtracting 
sources (line 16a). The income percentage is 125% (or            withholdings and other credits); and
1.25) calculated as  follows: 
$50,000 (line 16a)  ÷  $40,000 (line 16).                       You did not pay (by withholdinngs or estimated pay-
                                                                 ments) at least 80% of the tax liability during the 

Line 27 – Tax                                               To calculate the amount of interest for the underpayment 
                                                            of estimated tax, complete Form NJ-2210, Underpay-
Resident Estates and Trusts
                                                            ment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, or Trusts. 
If the income on line 24 is less than $110,000, use the 
                                                            Enter on line 32 the amount from line 19, Form NJ-2210, 
Tax Table on page 20. Otherwise, calculate the tax us-
                                                            and check the box. Enclose Form NJ-2210 with the 
ing the Tax Rate Schedule on page 28. Enter the tax on 
line 27.
                                                            Exceptions. Estimated tax payments are not required 
Note: A resident estate or trust that does not have any 
tangible assets in New Jersey or any income from New 

- 11 -
                                                2022 Form NJ-1041                                                  11

  A decedent’s estate for any tax year ending be-          Schedule NJK-1 (Form NJ-1041), Part II, tax paid 
   fore the date that is two years after the decedent’s      by partnerships and distributed; 
   death; or                                                Schedule NJK-1 (Form NJ-1041), Part III, tax paid 
  A trust that was treated as owned by the decedent         by partnership(s) on behalf of trust; 
   if the trust will receive the residue of the decedent’s 
   estate under the will (or if no will is admitted to     Enclose a copy of each Schedule NJK-1 (Form NJ-1065) 
   probate, the trust pri marily responsible for pay-      for each partnership that paid tax on your behalf, and a 
   ing debts, taxes, and expenses of administration)       copy of Schedule NJK-1 (Form NJ-1041) for each estate 
   for any tax year ending before the date that is two     or trust that distributed tax paid by partnership(s) to you 
   years after the decedent’s death.                       for which you are claiming a credit.

For more information, see GIT-8, Estimating Income         Note: Estimated payments, payments made on behalf of 
Taxes.                                                     a nonresident/nonconsenting shareholder, and payments 
                                                           made in connection with a sale or transfer of real prop-
                                                           erty in New Jersey cannot be distributed to a beneficiary. 
Line 33 – Total Tax and Penalty                            The fiduciary of the estate or trust must claim any refund 
Add lines 31 and 32 and enter the total.                   on Form NJ-1041. 

                                                           Line 35b. Enter the amount from Schedule B, line 48C. 
Line 34 – New Jersey Income Tax 
                                                           Line 35c. Subtract line 35b from line 35a and enter the 
Previously Paid                                            result.
Include on this line:
  Estimated payments made for 2022. Include pay-
   ments made in connection with the sale or transfer      Pass-Through Business Alternative 
   of real property in New Jersey. Enclose a copy of       Income Tax Credit (Lines 36a–c)
   Form GIT/REP-1, Nonresident Seller’s Tax Declara-       Line 36a. Enter the trust’s share of tax from Schedule 
   tion, or GIT/REP-2, Nonresident Seller’s Tax Pre-       NJ-BUS-1, Part III, line 6; Schedule NJ-BUS-1, Part IV, 
   payment Receipt, with the return.                       line 5; or the tax distributed to the trust from the NJK-1 
  Amount paid with an application for an extension;       received from an estate or trust. Enclose Schedule 
  Credit applied from the prior year. This is the         NJ-BUS-1 and copies of the PTE-K-1(s), beneficiary 
   amount carried forward on line 40 of the 2021           NJK-1(s), NJK-1(s) from partnerships, and NJ-K-1(s) 
   NJ-1041;                                                from S corporations with the return.

  Payments made by an S corporation on behalf of a        Line 36b. Enter the amount from Schedule B, line 48D.
   nonresident/nonconsenting shareholder. Enclose a 
   copy of Form NJ-1040-SC.                                Line 36c. Subtract line 36b from line 36a.

Do not include on this line:
  Prior year refunds;                                     Line 37 – Total New Jersey Income Tax 
  Tax paid on behalf of the estate or trust by            Withheld
   partnership(s). Report amounts from Schedule            Enter the total New Jersey Income Tax withheld, as 
   NJK-1, Form NJ-1065 in Part III of Schedule             shown on any W-2, W-2G, and/or 1099s issued to the 
   NJ-BUS-1. Report amounts from Schedule NJK-1,           estate or trust. All W-2 and 1099 statements must reflect 
   Form NJ-1041 on line 35a.                               the same federal employer identification number (FEIN) 
                                                           that is listed on the return. Enclose Forms W-2 and 1099 
                                                           with the return.
Tax Paid on Your Behalf by 
Partnership(s) (Lines 35a–c)                               Common forms include:
Line 35a. Enter the total amount of New Jersey Income       Form W-2: Box 17 (Box 15 must indicate NJ);
Tax paid on behalf of the nonresident estate or trust by    Form W-2G: Box 15 (Box 13 must indicate NJ);
partnership(s), as shown on:                                Form 1099-R: Box 14 (Box 15 must indicate NJ);
  Schedule NJ-BUS-1, Part III, line 5, total share of      Form 1099-MISC: Box 16 (Box 17 must indicate 
   tax paid on your behalf by partnerships;                  NJ);
                                                            Form 1099-NEC: Box 5 (Box 6 must indicate NJ).

- 12 -
                                                   2022 Form NJ-1041                                                    12

Do not include on this line:
                                                            Schedule A – Net Gains or Income 
 Tax paid on behalf of the nonresident estate or trust 
  by partnership(s). Report these amounts in Part III       From  Disposition of Property
  of Schedule NJ-BUS-1;                                     Report the estate’s or trust’s capital gains and income 
                                                            from the sale or exchange of property (both inside and 
 Estimated payments made in connection with a 
                                                            outside New Jersey). You can deduct the expenses of 
  sale or transfer of real property in New Jersey. Re-
                                                            the sale and the basis in the property from the sales 
  port on line 34;
 Payments made by an S corporation on behalf of a 
  nonresident/nonconsenting shareholder. Report on          In general, when calculating the gain or loss, you will 
  line 34.                                                  use the cost or adjusted basis that you used for federal 
                                                            purposes. However, in certain situations, you may use a 
Important:  If a person received income in 2022 but died    different basis. 
before filing a return, a New Jersey Income Tax return      
                                                               Sale of interest in a partnership, a sole proprietor-
(Form NJ-1040 or Form NJ-1040NR) should be filed to 
                                                             ship, or rental property. You may be required to use 
report such income. Do not include on line 37 amounts 
                                                             a New Jersey adjusted basis.
withheld from income of a deceased taxpayer. 
                                                              Sale of S corporation shares. You must use your 
                                                             New Jersey adjusted basis.
Line 38 – Total Payments and Credits
Add lines 34, 35c, 36c, and 37 and enter the total.         If the estate or trust sold or transferred real property in 
                                                            New Jersey and was required to make estimated tax 
                                                            payments in connection with the sale or transfer, include 
Line 39 – Balance of Tax Due                                such payments on line 34. Enclose a copy of Form 
If line 33 is more than line 38, you have tax due. Subtract GIT/REP-1, Nonresident Seller’s Tax Declaration, or 
line 38 from line 33 and enter the result.                  GIT/REP-2, Nonresident Seller’s Tax Prepayment Re-
                                                            ceipt, with the return.
See “How to Pay” on page 15. If you do not file the return 
or make a payment on time, we may charge penalties          Installment Sales. You must report all gains from install-
and interest.                                               ment sales in the same tax year as they are reported 
                                                            for federal purposes. If the New Jersey basis is different 
Note: If the amount on line 39 is more than $400, you       from the federal basis, a New Jersey installment sale cal-
may want to increase your estimated payments.               culation must be made and the New Jersey gain must be 

Line 40 – Overpayment                                       Depreciation and Expense Deduction. The basis to be 
If line 38 is more than line 33, you have an overpayment.   used for calculating gain or loss is the cost or adjusted 
Subtract line 33 from line 38 and enter the result.         basis determined for federal income tax purposes. New 
                                                            Jersey and federal depreciation and expense deduction 
                                                            limits are different. A New Jersey depreciation adjust-
Line 41 – Credit to 2023 Tax                                ment may be required for assets placed in service on or 
Enter the amount of overpayment from line 40 you want       after January 1, 2004. Complete the Gross Income Tax 
to credit to 2023. This amount will reduce the refund.      Deprecia tion Adjustment Worksheet GIT-DEP to calcu-
                                                            late the adjustment. 

Line 42 – Refund                                            Complete Liquidation. If the estate or trust had an inter-
                                                            est in a partnership, sole proprietorship, or S corporation 
Subtract line 41 from line 40 and enter the result.
                                                            that sold or disposed of virtually all of its assets in con-
You must submit the return to claim a refund. If the        junction with the complete liquidation of the entity, the es-
refund is $1 or less, you must enclose a statement re-      tate’s or trust’s portion of the gain or loss from the entity’s 
questing it.                                                sale or disposition of its assets must be reported. 

Time Period for Refunds. Generally, you have three 
years from the date the return was due (including exten-    Line 43 – List of Transactions
sions) to request a refund.                                 List any New Jersey taxable transaction(s) as reported 
                                                            for federal purposes, indicating the gain or loss for each 
                                                            transaction in column f. In listing the gain or loss on 

- 13 -
                                                2022 Form NJ-1041                                                     13

disposition of rental property, you must take into con-     In column C, enter the amount of tax paid by partner-
sideration the New Jersey adjustment from Worksheet         ships on behalf of the estate or trust and that was distrib-
GIT-DEP, Part I, line 6.                                    uted to a nonresident beneficiary or grantor. Tax paid by 
                                                            partnerships can only be distributed to a nonresident 
Do not include gains or losses from the sale of exempt      bene ficiary or grantor. Do not make an entry in col-
obligations. See GIT-5, Nontaxable Investment Income.       umn C for a New Jersey resident beneficiary or grantor. 
                                                            If you need more space, enclose a statement with the re-
There is no distinction between active and passive          turn. Enclose a copy of New Jersey Schedule NJK-1(s).
losses for New Jersey purposes. You cannot carry back 
or carry forward such losses when reporting income on       Enter in column D the amount of Pass-Through Business 
Form NJ-1041. You can deduct federal passive losses in      Alternative Income Tax Credit that was distributed to the 
full in the year incurred against any gain within the same  beneficiaries or the grantor.
category of income, but only in the year that it occurred. 
                                                            Grantor Trusts Only:
If you need more space, enclose a statement with the        If the income from a grantor trust is reportable by or 
return listing any additional transactions.                 taxable to the grantor for federal income tax purposes, 
                                                            it is also taxable to the grantor, and not the trust, for 
                                                            New Jersey Gross Income Tax purposes. Use the fol-
Line 44 – Capital Gains Distributions
                                                            lowing instructions.
Enter the capital gains distributions from Form 
1099-DIV(s) or similar statement(s). Do not include         Line 47 – Beneficiaries’ Shares of Income
capital gains from a New Jersey Qualified Investment        Enter the name and address, state of residence, 
Fund that are attributable to qualified exempt obligations  and Social Security number of the taxable grantor. 
or gains from mutual funds to the extent attributable to    In column A, enter the trust’s gross income from 
federal obligations. For more information on New Jersey     line 14. For a New Jersey nonresident grantor, enter 
qualified investment funds, see GIT-5, Nontaxable In-       in column B the New Jersey source income included 
vestment Income.                                            in the trust’s gross income. If the grantor is a New Jer-
                                                            sey resident, the total on line 48C should be listed on 
                                                            line 35a and on line 35c and can only be refunded to 
Line 45 – Other Net Gains
                                                            the nonresident trust. Enter the amount on line 48A on 
Enter the net gains or income less net losses from dispo-   line 15. Line 16 (Total Income) should equal zero (“0”).
sition of property not included on lines 43 and 44.

Line 46 – Net Gains 
                                                            Line 48A – Total Distributions to 
Enter the total of lines 43, 44, and 45, netting gains with 
losses. Enter this amount on line 9. If zero or less, enter Beneficiaries
“0.”                                                        Enter the total of the income distributed or distributable. 
                                                            Also enter this amount on line 15.

Schedule B – Beneficiaries’ Shares 
                                                            Line 48B – New Jersey Source Income 
of Income                                                   Distributed
                                                            Enter the total New Jersey source income distributed 
Line 47 – Beneficiaries’ Shares of Income                   or distributable. Also enter this amount on Schedule E, 
Enter the name and address, state of residence, and So-     line 10.
cial Security number of each beneficiary to whom estate 
or trust income was distributed or distributable during the Do not enter an amount for a nonresident beneficiary 
tax year.                                                   if the income being distributed to the nonresident ben-
                                                            eficiary was received from a business entity (i.e., sole 
In column A, enter the actual amount of income distrib-     proprietorship, partnership, LLP, or LLC) located in New 
uted or required to be distributed to the beneficiaries.    Jersey and the business entity’s only activity is the pur-
                                                            chase, holding, or sale of intangible personal property, 
For New Jersey nonresident beneficiaries, enter in col-     such as commodities or securities, and such intangible 
umn B the New Jersey source income distributed or           personal property is not held for sale to customers. How-
required to be distributed. Do not include distributions of ever, you must include this income in column A.
New Jersey tax-exempt income or corpus distributions. 

- 14 -
                                                2022 Form NJ-1041                                                      14

Line 48C – Tax Paid on Behalf of Estate or                    Line 50 – Income Subject to Tax by New 
Trust by Partnerships and Distributed                         Jersey
Enter the total tax paid on behalf of the estate or trust by  Enter the amount of income reported on line 16.
partnerships that was distributed to nonresident benefi-
ciaries or grantor. Also enter this amount on line 35b.
                                                              Line 51 – Maximum Allowable Credit
                                                              Divide line 49 by line 50 and multiply the result by the 
Line 48D – Pass-Through Business                              New Jersey tax (line 27). This is the amount of maximum 
Alternative Income Tax Credit                                 allowable credit.
Enter the total Pass-Through Business Alternative In-         Line 52 – Income Tax Paid to Other 
come Tax Credit that was distributed to the beneficiaries 
or the grantor. Also enter this amount on line 36b.
                                                              Enter the income or wage tax paid to the other jurisdic-
                                                              tion on the income shown on line 49.
Schedule C – Credit for Income 
or Wage Taxes Paid by New                                     Line 53 – Credit Allowed
                                                              Enter the lesser of line 51 or line 52. Also enter this 
Jersey Estates or Trusts to Other 
                                                              amount on line 28.
A resident estate or trust may be eligible for a credit if it For more information, see GIT-3W, Credit for Taxes 
had income from outside New Jersey that was taxed by          Paid to Other Jurisdictions (Wage Income), and GIT-3B, 
another jurisdiction and sub ject to New Jersey Income        Credit for Taxes Paid to Other Jurisdictions (Business/
Tax in the same year. The fiduciary must com plete this       Nonwage Income).
schedule to claim the credit. It is not necessarily a dollar-
for-dollar credit. You cannot take a credit for taxes paid to 
the U.S. Government, Puerto Rico, or any other country        Schedule D – Allocation of Business 
or territory.
                                                              Income to New Jersey
Note: New Jersey does not require that a copy of the          Schedule D must be used by nonresident taxpayers who 
income tax return(s) filed with the other jurisdiction(s)     are required to complete and enclose a Gross Income 
be submitted with Form NJ-1041. However, taxpayers            Tax Business Allocation Schedule (Form NJ-NR-A). This 
should keep complete copies of any returns filed with         schedule is completed only by nonresidents carrying on 
other jurisdiction(s), including Electronic Filing Income     business both inside and outside New Jersey. (See the 
Tax Returns and associated schedules and worksheets           instructions for Form NJ-NR-A on page 17.)
that establish the nature and source of the income be-
ing taxed by the other jurisdiction. The taxpayer may be 
asked to submit copies of these or other documents.           Schedule E – New Jersey Income of 
                                                              Nonresident  Estates and Trusts
                                                              The New Jersey Income Tax liability of a nonresident es-
Line 49 – Income Properly Taxed by Both 
                                                              tate or trust is calculated on income from all sources and 
New Jersey and Other Jurisdiction                             then prorated based on the percentage of the income 
Enter the amount of income received during the tax year,      that comes from New Jersey sources.
after the deduction of the actual amount of income dis-
tributed or required to be distributed, that was subject      Nonresident estates must report their income from all 
to tax by another  juris dic  tion. Any income included on    sources (both inside and outside New Jersey) on lines 
line 49 must also be included on line 50 since the income     6–13 of Form NJ-1041 and their income from New Jersey 
has to be taxed by both New Jersey and the other juris-       sources on lines 1–8 of Schedule E. These figures can-
diction. Therefore, the amount on line 49 cannot be more      not be copied from the federal return.
than the amount on line 50. Do not combine the same 
income subject to tax by more than one jurisdiction.          Complete Schedule E before completing line 16a of 
                                                              Form NJ-1041. If you complete Schedule E, enclose it 
                                                              with your Form NJ-1041.

- 15 -
                                            2022 Form NJ-1041                                                      15

Income From New Jersey Sources (Lines 1–8)                  “Preparer Other than Fiduciary,” check the box above the 
For each category of income, enter the portion of the       preparer’s signature line to give your permission.
estate’s or trust’s income that comes from New Jersey 
sources.                                                    Tax Preparers
                                                            Anyone who prepares a taxpayer’s return for a fee must 
Important:  For every entry on lines 6–13 of Form           sign as “Preparer” and enter their Social Security number 
          NJ-1041, there should be an entry on the          or federal preparer tax identification number. Include the 
          corresponding line on Schedule E. If none         company or corporation name and federal identification 
          of the income in a particular category is         number, if applicable. A tax preparer who fails to sign the 
          from New Jersey sources, enter “0” on the         return or provide a tax identification number will be liable 
          appropriate line on Schedule E.                   for a $25 penalty for each omission. Someone who pre-
                                                            pares the return but does not charge you should not sign 
Income or losses that a nonresident estate or trust re-     the return.
ceives from a business entity (i.e., sole proprietorship, 
partnership, LLP, or LLC) located in New Jersey are not     E-File Mandate. Preparers that reasonably expect to 
deemed to be derived from New Jersey sources if the         prepare 11 or more individual resident Income Tax re-
business entity’s sole activity is the purchase, holding,   turns (including those filed for trusts and estates) during 
or sale of intangible personal property, such as com-       the tax year must use electronic methods to file those 
modities or securities, and such intangible personal        returns if an electronic filing option is available. A tax pre-
property is not held for sale to customers. However, you    parer is liable for a penalty of $50 for each return they fail 
must include this income on the appropriate line of Form    to file electronically when required to do so.
                                                            Opting Out of Electronic Filing. If your tax preparer is 
A nonresident estate or trust that carries on business      required to file all returns electronically but you want to 
both inside and outside New Jersey must allocate busi-      file a paper return, you can opt out by enclosing Form 
ness income to determine the amount of income from          NJ-1040-O, E-File Opt-Out Request Form, with your 
New Jersey sources. Complete and enclose a separate         paper return. Both you and your preparer must sign the 
Business Allocation Schedule (Form NJ-NR-A) for each        form, and your preparer must check the box next to their 
business required to allocate. Also complete Schedule D,    signature on your return to indicate that Form NJ-1040-O 
Form NJ-1041.                                               is enclosed.

Line 9 – Total Income From New Jersey Sources
Add lines 1 throught 8 and enter the total.                 How to Pay
                                                            The balance of tax due can be paid either electronically 
Line 10 – New Jersey Source Income Distributed              (e-check or credit card) or by check or money order. Pay-
to  Beneficiaries                                           ments must be postmarked or submitted electronically 
Enter the amount from Schedule B, line 48B.                 by the original due date to avoid penalty and interest 
                                                            charges. If you are paying a balance due for 2022 and 
Line 11 – New Jersey Income                                 also making an estimated tax payment for 2023, make 
Subtract line 10 from line 9. Enter the result here and on  a separate payment for each transaction. If the amount 
line 16a.                                                   due is less than $1, no payment is required. 

                                                            Check or Money Order. If tax is due and you are send-
Signature                                                   ing the payment with the return, complete a payment 
The return must be signed and dated in blue or black ink    voucher (Form NJ-1041-V), entering the amount of tax 
by the individual fiduciary or by the authorized officer of due in the boxes on the voucher. Form NJ-1041-V is 
the organization receiving or having custody or control     available on the Division’s website.
and management of the income of the estate or trust.
                                                            Make the check or money order payable to “State of New 
                                                            Jersey – TGI.” Write the federal employer identification 
Paid Tax Preparer Information                               number on the check or money order. Send the check 
Preparer Authorization. Division of Taxation personnel      or money order and the payment voucher in the same 
cannot discuss your return or enclosures with anyone        envelope as the NJ-1041 return. (See “Where to Mail the 
other than you without your written authorization. If you   Return” on page 16.)
want a Division of Taxation representative to discuss 
your tax return with the person who signed the return as    Electronic Payments. Do not send in the payment 
                                                            voucher if you are paying electronically. When making 

- 16 -
                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                      16

your payment, you must enter the federal employer iden-    Where to Mail the Return
tification number and the date of the decedent’s death or  Mail Form NJ-1041 with related enclosures, payment 
the date the trust was created or the account will not be  voucher, and check or money order for any tax due to the 
properly credited.                                         address below. Send only one return per envelope. 
  Electronic Check (E-Check). You can have the 
 payment directly withdrawn from a bank account            Mail Form NJ-1041 to:  
 using our online e-check service. This option is             State of New Jersey  
 available on the Division’s website. Taxpayers who           Division of Taxation 
 do not have internet access can pay by e-check by            Revenue Processing Center 
 contacting the Division’s Customer Service Cen-              PO Box 888 
 ter or visiting a Regional Information Center. (See          Trenton  NJ  08646-0888
 page 30 for phone numbers or addresses.) 
                                                           Do not staple, paper clip, tape, or use any other fasten-
  Credit Card (Processing Fees Apply). You can use        ing device for your return and enclosures.
 an American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa 
 credit card to make a payment. This option is avail-
 able on the Division’s website or by phone (1 (888)       Amended Return
 673-7694). Credit card payments can also be made          File an amended return and pay any tax due if:
 by contacting the Division’s Customer Service Cen-         An additional tax statement is received after the re-
 ter or by visiting a Regional Information Center (see 
                                                              turn is filed; or
 page 30 for phone numbers or addresses.)
                                                             A mistake was made on a previously filed return; or
Penalties, Interest, and Collection Fees                     There are any changes in the federal income tax 
If you do not file your return or make your payment on        that affect the New Jersey taxable income. The 
time, we may charge the following penalities and interest:    amended return must be filed within 90 days.

  Late Filing Penalty. When the return is filed after     To file an amended fiduciary return, complete a new 
 the original or extended due date, we will assess a       NJ-1041 and check the box at the top of the return. En-
 penalty of 5% per month (or part of a month) up to        close all supporting documents, schedules, and forms. 
 a maximum of 25% of the outstanding tax balance.          Do not use Form NJ-1040X to amend a fiduciary return.
 You may also be charged a $100 penalty for each 
                                                           An amended NJ-1041 that results in a refund must be 
 month the return is late.
                                                           filed within three years from the date the origi nal return 
  Late Payment Penalty. When you pay after the fil-       was filed or within two years from the time the tax was 
 ing deadline, you may be charged a 5% penalty on          paid, whichever is later, to receive a refund. (A return 
 the outstanding balance.                                  filed before the due date or extended due date is consid-
  Interest. We will assess interest at an annual rate     ered to be filed on the due date or extended due date.)
 of 3% above the prime rate each month (or part of 
 a month) the tax is unpaid. At the end of each cal-
 endar year, any tax, penalties, and interest remain-      Privacy Act Notification
 ing unpaid will become part of the balance on which       The Division of Taxation uses the federal employer iden-
 interest is charged. See Technical Bulletin TB-21(R)      tification number primarily to account for and give credit 
 for current and previous years’ interest rates.           for tax payments. It also is used in the administration and 
  Collection Fees. In addition, if a tax bill is sent to  enforcement of all tax laws for which we are responsible.
 our collection agency, a referral cost recovery fee 
 of 11% of the tax due will be added to the lia bility. If 
 a certificate of debt is issued for an outstanding li-
 ability, a fee for the cost of collection of the tax may 
 also be imposed.

- 17 -
                                              2022 Form NJ-1041                                                             17

                                              Schedule NJK-1
Beneficiaries are subject to New Jersey Income Tax on the net income from an estate or trust actually distributed or re-
quired to be distributed during the tax year. The fiduciary of an estate or trust must provide each beneficiary with a Sched-
ule NJK-1, Form NJ-1041, listing the total income distributed and the New Jersey source income distributed.

Prepare a Schedule NJK-1 for each beneficiary using the information listed on Schedule B, Form NJ-1041, Beneficiaries’ 
Shares of Income.

Tax Paid by Partnerships can only be distributed to a nonresident beneficiary or grantor and can only be claimed on a non-
resident beneficiary’s or grantor’s Income Tax return.

For a grantor trust, in Part I, Beneficiary or Grantor Information, enter the grantor’s information and New Jersey resi-
dency status. In Part I, Estate or Trust Information, enter the grantor trust’s information and New Jersey residency status. 
In Part III, Grantor’s Share of Income, enter the grantor’s income, gain, or loss by category as required to be reported 
for Gross Income Tax purposes. For a nonresident grantor, list the tax paid by partnership(s) on behalf of the trust from 
Schedule B, line 48C.

Do not include distributions of New Jersey tax-exempt income or corpus distributions.

Include the NJK-1(s) with Form NJ-1041.
Note: Estimated payments made on behalf of a nonresident/nonconsenting shareholder, payments made in connection 
with a sale or transfer of real property in New Jersey, or any estimated payments made by the estate or trust cannot be 
distributed to a beneficiary.

                             NJ-NR-A – Business Allocation Schedule

General Instructions 
If business activities are carried on both inside and outside New Jersey, business income may be allocated to determine 
the amount of income from New Jersey sources. 

Be sure that Form NJ-NR-A is enclosed with the return, and that the name and address on the Business Allocation 
Schedule agree exactly with the name and address on the return.

Section 1 – Business Locations
Use Section 1 to list the locations where the business activities are conducted. In columns (a) and (b) list the exact loca-
tions at which the business carries on activities both inside and outside the State. List all business locations. In column (c) 
describe the places listed in columns (a) and (b) (i.e., branch office, agency, factory, warehouse, etc.). In column (d) indi-
cate whether the business rents or owns each location listed. Enclose additional sheets if necessary.

Section 2 – Average Values
Use Section 2 to determine the average values of your business assets. The average value of property owned  is deter-
mined by adding (1) the book value of the property at the beginning of the tax year and (2) the book value of the property 
at the end of the tax year and dividing the sum by two.

The average value of property rented or leased is valued at eight times the annual rent. Rent includes any amounts paid in 
addition to, or accrued in lieu of, rent for the period covered by the return (such as interest, taxes, insurance, and repairs).

Line 1 – Real Property Owned
Column A
Enter on line 1, column A, the average value of the real property listed in Section 1 that was owned for the period covered 
by the return. Include property located both inside and outside New Jersey.

- 18 -
                                    2022 Form NJ-1041                                                                      18

Column B
Enter on line 1, column B, the average value of the real property listed in Section 1 that was owned in the State. Include 
only property located in New Jersey.

Line 2 – Real and Tangible Property Rented
Column A
Enter on line 2, column A, the average value of property, both real and tangible, that was rented for the period covered by 
the return. Include property located both inside and outside New Jersey.

Column B
Enter on line 2, column B, the average value of property, both real and tangible, that was rented in the State. Include only 
property located in New Jersey.

Line 3 – Tangible Personal Property Owned
Column A
Enter on line 3, column A, the average value of the tangible personal property that was owned and used in the business 
for the period covered by the return. Include property located both inside and outside New Jersey.

Column B
Enter on line 3, column B, the average value of the tangible personal property that was owned and used in the business in 
the State. Include only property located in New Jersey.

Line 4 – Totals
Column A
Add lines 1–3 of column A and enter the total on line 4, column A.

Column B
Add lines 1–3 of column B and enter the total on line 4, column B.

Section 3 – Business Allocation Percentage
Use Section 3 to determine the business allocation percentage that must be applied to business income. The business 
allocation percentage must be applied to business income from all sources to determine the amount from New Jersey 

Line 1 – Average Values of Property
Line 1a – In New Jersey
Enter on line 1a the average values of the business property in New Jersey from line 4, column B, Section 2.

Line 1b – Everywhere
Enter on line 1b the average values of the business property from everywhere (both inside and outside New Jersey) from 
line 4, column A, Section 2.

Line 1c – Percentage in New Jersey
Divide the amount on line 1a by the amount on line 1b. The result will be 100% or less. Enter the result on line 1c.

Line 2 – Total Receipts From All Sales, Services, and Other Business Transactions
Line 2a – In New Jersey
Enter on line 2a the total of receipts from all sales made, services performed, and business transactions conducted in New 
Jersey during the period covered by the return. This includes sales made and services performed by partners, employees, 
agents, agencies, or independent contractors of the business situated at or sent out from, the offices of the business (or its 
agencies) located in New Jersey. For example, if a salesperson working out of the New Jersey office of the business cov-
ers the states of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, all sales made are to be allocated to New Jersey and reported 
on line 2a.

- 19 -
                                           2022 Form NJ-1041                                                               19

Line 2b – Everywhere
Enter on line 2b the total of receipts from all sales made, services performed, and business transactions conducted both 
inside and outside New Jersey during the period covered by the return.

Line 2c – Percentage in New Jersey
Divide the amount on line 2a by the amount on line 2b. The result will be 100% or less. Enter the result on line 2c.

Line 3 – Wages, Salaries, and Other Personal  Compensation Paid During the Year
Line 3a – In New Jersey
Enter on line 3a the total of wages, salaries, and other personal com pensation paid to employees in connection with op-
erations carried on in New Jersey during the period covered by the return. Compensation is paid in connection with op-
erations carried on in New Jersey if work is based in an office or other place of business located in New Jersey. Include 
only amounts paid to employees on line 3a. Do not include payments to independent contractors, independent sales 
agents, etc.

Line 3b – Everywhere
Enter on line 3b the total compensation paid to employees both inside and outside New Jersey during the period covered 
by the return. Do not include payments to independent contractors, independent sales agents, etc.

Line 3c – Percentage in New Jersey
Divide the amount on line 3a by the amount on line 3b. The result will be 100% or less. Enter the result on line 3c.

Line 4 – Sum of New Jersey Percentages
Add lines 1c, 2c, and 3c and enter the total on line 4.

Line 5 – Business Allocation Percentage
Divide the total on line 4 by three and enter the result on line 5. Also enter this percentage on Schedule D, Form NJ-1041.
If one of the fractions (property, receipts, or payroll) is missing, the other two percentages are added and the sum is di-
vided by two. If two of the fractions are missing, the remaining percentage can be used as the allo cation factor. A fraction is 
not missing merely because its numerator is zero, but is missing if its denominator is zero.

- 20 -
                                                     2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                      20

         2022 New Jersey Tax Table

         Use this table if your taxable income on line 24 is less than $110,000. If your taxable income 
         is $110,000 or more, you must use the Tax Rate Schedule on page 28 of this booklet.

                 Example: Mr. Evans is filing a fiduciary return for his mother’s estate. The taxable 
                 income on line 24 of Form NJ-1041 is $39,875. First he finds the $39,850–
                 $39,900 income line. Next, he finds the column for “Your Tax Is:” and reads down 
                 the column. The amount shown where the income line meets the tax amount 
                 column is $713. This is the tax amount to be entered on line 27 of Form NJ-1041 
                 (nonresidents, line 25).

                           If line 24 
                           (Taxable Income) is—
                           At Least                  But Less Than              Your Tax is—
                         39,800                       39,850                       711
                         39,850                       39,900                       713
                         39,900                       39,950                       715
                         39,950                       40,000                       717

  If Line 24                 If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —
   At        But       Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than    Is:
                                        1,000                     2,000                     3,000                     4,000
       0        50     0    1,000         1,050  14   2,000         2,050  28   3,000       3,050    42   4,000        4,050  56
 50             100    1    1,050         1,100  15   2,050         2,100  29   3,050       3,100    43   4,050        4,100  57
  100           150    2    1,100         1,150  16   2,100         2,150  30   3,100       3,150    44   4,100        4,150  58
  150           200    2    1,150         1,200  16   2,150         2,200  30   3,150       3,200    44   4,150        4,200  58
  200           250    3    1,200         1,250  17   2,200         2,250  31   3,200       3,250    45   4,200        4,250  59
  250           300    4    1,250         1,300  18   2,250         2,300  32   3,250       3,300    46   4,250        4,300  60
  300           350    5    1,300         1,350  19   2,300         2,350  33   3,300       3,350    47   4,300        4,350  61
  350           400    5    1,350         1,400  19   2,350         2,400  33   3,350       3,400    47   4,350        4,400  61
  400           450    6    1,400         1,450  20   2,400         2,450  34   3,400       3,450    48   4,400        4,450  62
  450           500    7    1,450         1,500  21   2,450         2,500  35   3,450       3,500    49   4,450        4,500  63
  500           550    7    1,500         1,550  21   2,500         2,550  35   3,500       3,550    49   4,500        4,550  63
  550           600    8    1,550         1,600  22   2,550         2,600  36   3,550       3,600    50   4,550        4,600  64
  600           650    9    1,600         1,650  23   2,600         2,650  37   3,600       3,650    51   4,600        4,650  65
  650           700    9    1,650         1,700  23   2,650         2,700  37   3,650       3,700    51   4,650        4,700  65
  700           750    10   1,700         1,750  24   2,700         2,750  38   3,700       3,750    52   4,700        4,750  66
  750           800    11   1,750         1,800  25   2,750         2,800  39   3,750       3,800    53   4,750        4,800  67
  800           850    12   1,800         1,850  26   2,800         2,850  40   3,800       3,850    54   4,800        4,850  68
  850           900    12   1,850         1,900  26   2,850         2,900  40   3,850       3,900    54   4,850        4,900  68
  900           950    13   1,900         1,950  27   2,900         2,950  41   3,900       3,950    55   4,900        4,950  69
  950        1,000     14   1,950         2,000  28   2,950         3,000  42   3,950       4,000    56   4,950        5,000  70

- 21 -
                                                     2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                      21

  If Line 24                 If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —
   At        But       Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than    Is:
             5,000                      8,000                     11,000                    14,000                    17,000
 5,000          5,050  70   8,000         8,050  112  11,000      11,050   154  14,000      14,050   196  17,000      17,050  238
 5,050          5,100  71   8,050         8,100  113  11,050      11,100   155  14,050      14,100   197  17,050      17,100  239
 5,100          5,150  72   8,100         8,150  114  11,100      11,150   156  14,100      14,150   198  17,100      17,150  240
 5,150          5,200  72   8,150         8,200  114  11,150      11,200   156  14,150      14,200   198  17,150      17,200  240
 5,200          5,250  73   8,200         8,250  115  11,200      11,250   157  14,200      14,250   199  17,200      17,250  241
 5,250          5,300  74   8,250         8,300  116  11,250      11,300   158  14,250      14,300   200  17,250      17,300  242
 5,300          5,350  75   8,300         8,350  117  11,300      11,350   159  14,300      14,350   201  17,300      17,350  243
 5,350          5,400  75   8,350         8,400  117  11,350      11,400   159  14,350      14,400   201  17,350      17,400  243
 5,400          5,450  76   8,400         8,450  118  11,400      11,450   160  14,400      14,450   202  17,400      17,450  244
 5,450          5,500  77   8,450         8,500  119  11,450      11,500   161  14,450      14,500   203  17,450      17,500  245
 5,500          5,550  77   8,500         8,550  119  11,500      11,550   161  14,500      14,550   203  17,500      17,550  245
 5,550          5,600  78   8,550         8,600  120  11,550      11,600   162  14,550      14,600   204  17,550      17,600  246
 5,600          5,650  79   8,600         8,650  121  11,600      11,650   163  14,600      14,650   205  17,600      17,650  247
 5,650          5,700  79   8,650         8,700  121  11,650      11,700   163  14,650      14,700   205  17,650      17,700  247
 5,700          5,750  80   8,700         8,750  122  11,700      11,750   164  14,700      14,750   206  17,700      17,750  248
 5,750          5,800  81   8,750         8,800  123  11,750      11,800   165  14,750      14,800   207  17,750      17,800  249
 5,800          5,850  82   8,800         8,850  124  11,800      11,850   166  14,800      14,850   208  17,800      17,850  250
 5,850          5,900  82   8,850         8,900  124  11,850      11,900   166  14,850      14,900   208  17,850      17,900  250
 5,900          5,950  83   8,900         8,950  125  11,900      11,950   167  14,900      14,950   209  17,900      17,950  251
 5,950          6,000  84   8,950         9,000  126  11,950      12,000   168  14,950      15,000   210  17,950      18,000  252
             6,000                      9,000                     12,000                    15,000                    18,000
 6,000          6,050  84   9,000       9,050    126  12,000      12,050   168  15,000      15,050   210  18,000      18,050  252
 6,050          6,100  85   9,050       9,100    127  12,050      12,100   169  15,050      15,100   211  18,050      18,100  253
 6,100          6,150  86   9,100       9,150    128  12,100      12,150   170  15,100      15,150   212  18,100      18,150  254
 6,150          6,200  86   9,150       9,200    128  12,150      12,200   170  15,150      15,200   212  18,150      18,200  254
 6,200          6,250  87   9,200       9,250    129  12,200      12,250   171  15,200      15,250   213  18,200      18,250  255
 6,250          6,300  88   9,250       9,300    130  12,250      12,300   172  15,250      15,300   214  18,250      18,300  256
 6,300          6,350  89   9,300       9,350    131  12,300      12,350   173  15,300      15,350   215  18,300      18,350  257
 6,350          6,400  89   9,350       9,400    131  12,350      12,400   173  15,350      15,400   215  18,350      18,400  257
 6,400          6,450  90   9,400       9,450    132  12,400      12,450   174  15,400      15,450   216  18,400      18,450  258
 6,450          6,500  91   9,450       9,500    133  12,450      12,500   175  15,450      15,500   217  18,450      18,500  259
 6,500          6,550  91   9,500       9,550    133  12,500      12,550   175  15,500      15,550   217  18,500      18,550  259
 6,550          6,600  92   9,550       9,600    134  12,550      12,600   176  15,550      15,600   218  18,550      18,600  260
 6,600          6,650  93   9,600       9,650    135  12,600      12,650   177  15,600      15,650   219  18,600      18,650  261
 6,650          6,700  93   9,650       9,700    135  12,650      12,700   177  15,650      15,700   219  18,650      18,700  261
 6,700          6,750  94   9,700       9,750    136  12,700      12,750   178  15,700      15,750   220  18,700      18,750  262
 6,750          6,800  95   9,750       9,800    137  12,750      12,800   179  15,750      15,800   221  18,750      18,800  263
 6,800          6,850  96   9,800       9,850    138  12,800      12,850   180  15,800      15,850   222  18,800      18,850  264
 6,850          6,900  96   9,850       9,900    138  12,850      12,900   180  15,850      15,900   222  18,850      18,900  264
 6,900          6,950  97   9,900       9,950    139  12,900      12,950   181  15,900      15,950   223  18,900      18,950  265
 6,950          7,000  98   9,950       10,000   140  12,950      13,000   182  15,950      16,000   224  18,950      19,000  266
             7,000                      10,000                    13,000                    16,000                    19,000
 7,000          7,050  98   10,000      10,050   140  13,000      13,050   182  16,000      16,050   224  19,000      19,050  266
 7,050          7,100  99   10,050      10,100   141  13,050      13,100   183  16,050      16,100   225  19,050      19,100  267
 7,100          7,150  100  10,100      10,150   142  13,100      13,150   184  16,100      16,150   226  19,100      19,150  268
 7,150          7,200  100  10,150      10,200   142  13,150      13,200   184  16,150      16,200   226  19,150      19,200  268
 7,200          7,250  101  10,200      10,250   143  13,200      13,250   185  16,200      16,250   227  19,200      19,250  269
 7,250          7,300  102  10,250      10,300   144  13,250      13,300   186  16,250      16,300   228  19,250      19,300  270
 7,300          7,350  103  10,300      10,350   145  13,300      13,350   187  16,300      16,350   229  19,300      19,350  271
 7,350          7,400  103  10,350      10,400   145  13,350      13,400   187  16,350      16,400   229  19,350      19,400  271
 7,400          7,450  104  10,400      10,450   146  13,400      13,450   188  16,400      16,450   230  19,400      19,450  272
 7,450          7,500  105  10,450      10,500   147  13,450      13,500   189  16,450      16,500   231  19,450      19,500  273
 7,500          7,550  105  10,500      10,550   147  13,500      13,550   189  16,500      16,550   231  19,500      19,550  273
 7,550          7,600  106  10,550      10,600   148  13,550      13,600   190  16,550      16,600   232  19,550      19,600  274
 7,600          7,650  107  10,600      10,650   149  13,600      13,650   191  16,600      16,650   233  19,600      19,650  275
 7,650          7,700  107  10,650      10,700   149  13,650      13,700   191  16,650      16,700   233  19,650      19,700  275
 7,700          7,750  108  10,700      10,750   150  13,700      13,750   192  16,700      16,750   234  19,700      19,750  276
 7,750          7,800  109  10,750      10,800   151  13,750      13,800   193  16,750      16,800   235  19,750      19,800  277
 7,800          7,850  110  10,800      10,850   152  13,800      13,850   194  16,800      16,850   236  19,800      19,850  278
 7,850          7,900  110  10,850      10,900   152  13,850      13,900   194  16,850      16,900   236  19,850      19,900  278
 7,900          7,950  111  10,900      10,950   153  13,900      13,950   195  16,900      16,950   237  19,900      19,950  279
 7,950          8,000  112  10,950      11,000   154  13,950      14,000   196  16,950      17,000   238  19,950      20,000  280

- 22 -
                                                     2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                      22

  If Line 24                 If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —
   At        But       Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than    Is:
             20,000                     23,000                    26,000                    29,000                    32,000
 20,000      20,050    280  23,000      23,050   333  26,000      26,050   385  29,000      29,050   438  32,000      32,050  490
 20,050      20,100    281  23,050      23,100   334  26,050      26,100   386  29,050      29,100   439  32,050      32,100  491
 20,100      20,150    282  23,100      23,150   335  26,100      26,150   387  29,100      29,150   440  32,100      32,150  492
 20,150      20,200    283  23,150      23,200   336  26,150      26,200   388  29,150      29,200   441  32,150      32,200  493
 20,200      20,250    284  23,200      23,250   336  26,200      26,250   389  29,200      29,250   441  32,200      32,250  494
 20,250      20,300    285  23,250      23,300   337  26,250      26,300   390  29,250      29,300   442  32,250      32,300  495
 20,300      20,350    286  23,300      23,350   338  26,300      26,350   391  29,300      29,350   443  32,300      32,350  496
 20,350      20,400    287  23,350      23,400   339  26,350      26,400   392  29,350      29,400   444  32,350      32,400  497
 20,400      20,450    287  23,400      23,450   340  26,400      26,450   392  29,400      29,450   445  32,400      32,450  497
 20,450      20,500    288  23,450      23,500   341  26,450      26,500   393  29,450      29,500   446  32,450      32,500  498
 20,500      20,550    289  23,500      23,550   342  26,500      26,550   394  29,500      29,550   447  32,500      32,550  499
 20,550      20,600    290  23,550      23,600   343  26,550      26,600   395  29,550      29,600   448  32,550      32,600  500
 20,600      20,650    291  23,600      23,650   343  26,600      26,650   396  29,600      29,650   448  32,600      32,650  501
 20,650      20,700    292  23,650      23,700   344  26,650      26,700   397  29,650      29,700   449  32,650      32,700  502
 20,700      20,750    293  23,700      23,750   345  26,700      26,750   398  29,700      29,750   450  32,700      32,750  503
 20,750      20,800    294  23,750      23,800   346  26,750      26,800   399  29,750      29,800   451  32,750      32,800  504
 20,800      20,850    294  23,800      23,850   347  26,800      26,850   399  29,800      29,850   452  32,800      32,850  504
 20,850      20,900    295  23,850      23,900   348  26,850      26,900   400  29,850      29,900   453  32,850      32,900  505
 20,900      20,950    296  23,900      23,950   349  26,900      26,950   401  29,900      29,950   454  32,900      32,950  506
 20,950      21,000    297  23,950      24,000   350  26,950      27,000   402  29,950      30,000   455  32,950      33,000  507
             21,000                     24,000                    27,000                    30,000                    33,000
 21,000      21,050    298  24,000      24,050   350  27,000      27,050   403  30,000      30,050   455  33,000      33,050  508
 21,050      21,100    299  24,050      24,100   351  27,050      27,100   404  30,050      30,100   456  33,050      33,100  509
 21,100      21,150    300  24,100      24,150   352  27,100      27,150   405  30,100      30,150   457  33,100      33,150  510
 21,150      21,200    301  24,150      24,200   353  27,150      27,200   406  30,150      30,200   458  33,150      33,200  511
 21,200      21,250    301  24,200      24,250   354  27,200      27,250   406  30,200      30,250   459  33,200      33,250  511
 21,250      21,300    302  24,250      24,300   355  27,250      27,300   407  30,250      30,300   460  33,250      33,300  512
 21,300      21,350    303  24,300      24,350   356  27,300      27,350   408  30,300      30,350   461  33,300      33,350  513
 21,350      21,400    304  24,350      24,400   357  27,350      27,400   409  30,350      30,400   462  33,350      33,400  514
 21,400      21,450    305  24,400      24,450   357  27,400      27,450   410  30,400      30,450   462  33,400      33,450  515
 21,450      21,500    306  24,450      24,500   358  27,450      27,500   411  30,450      30,500   463  33,450      33,500  516
 21,500      21,550    307  24,500      24,550   359  27,500      27,550   412  30,500      30,550   464  33,500      33,550  517
 21,550      21,600    308  24,550      24,600   360  27,550      27,600   413  30,550      30,600   465  33,550      33,600  518
 21,600      21,650    308  24,600      24,650   361  27,600      27,650   413  30,600      30,650   466  33,600      33,650  518
 21,650      21,700    309  24,650      24,700   362  27,650      27,700   414  30,650      30,700   467  33,650      33,700  519
 21,700      21,750    310  24,700      24,750   363  27,700      27,750   415  30,700      30,750   468  33,700      33,750  520
 21,750      21,800    311  24,750      24,800   364  27,750      27,800   416  30,750      30,800   469  33,750      33,800  521
 21,800      21,850    312  24,800      24,850   364  27,800      27,850   417  30,800      30,850   469  33,800      33,850  522
 21,850      21,900    313  24,850      24,900   365  27,850      27,900   418  30,850      30,900   470  33,850      33,900  523
 21,900      21,950    314  24,900      24,950   366  27,900      27,950   419  30,900      30,950   471  33,900      33,950  524
 21,950      22,000    315  24,950      25,000   367  27,950      28,000   420  30,950      31,000   472  33,950      34,000  525
             22,000                     25,000                    28,000                    31,000                    34,000
 22,000      22,050    315  25,000      25,050   368  28,000      28,050   420  31,000      31,050   473  34,000      34,050  525
 22,050      22,100    316  25,050      25,100   369  28,050      28,100   421  31,050      31,100   474  34,050      34,100  526
 22,100      22,150    317  25,100      25,150   370  28,100      28,150   422  31,100      31,150   475  34,100      34,150  527
 22,150      22,200    318  25,150      25,200   371  28,150      28,200   423  31,150      31,200   476  34,150      34,200  528
 22,200      22,250    319  25,200      25,250   371  28,200      28,250   424  31,200      31,250   476  34,200      34,250  529
 22,250      22,300    320  25,250      25,300   372  28,250      28,300   425  31,250      31,300   477  34,250      34,300  530
 22,300      22,350    321  25,300      25,350   373  28,300      28,350   426  31,300      31,350   478  34,300      34,350  531
 22,350      22,400    322  25,350      25,400   374  28,350      28,400   427  31,350      31,400   479  34,350      34,400  532
 22,400      22,450    322  25,400      25,450   375  28,400      28,450   427  31,400      31,450   480  34,400      34,450  532
 22,450      22,500    323  25,450      25,500   376  28,450      28,500   428  31,450      31,500   481  34,450      34,500  533
 22,500      22,550    324  25,500      25,550   377  28,500      28,550   429  31,500      31,550   482  34,500      34,550  534
 22,550      22,600    325  25,550      25,600   378  28,550      28,600   430  31,550      31,600   483  34,550      34,600  535
 22,600      22,650    326  25,600      25,650   378  28,600      28,650   431  31,600      31,650   483  34,600      34,650  536
 22,650      22,700    327  25,650      25,700   379  28,650      28,700   432  31,650      31,700   484  34,650      34,700  537
 22,700      22,750    328  25,700      25,750   380  28,700      28,750   433  31,700      31,750   485  34,700      34,750  538
 22,750      22,800    329  25,750      25,800   381  28,750      28,800   434  31,750      31,800   486  34,750      34,800  539
 22,800      22,850    329  25,800      25,850   382  28,800      28,850   434  31,800      31,850   487  34,800      34,850  539
 22,850      22,900    330  25,850      25,900   383  28,850      28,900   435  31,850      31,900   488  34,850      34,900  540
 22,900      22,950    331  25,900      25,950   384  28,900      28,950   436  31,900      31,950   489  34,900      34,950  541
 22,950      23,000    332  25,950      26,000   385  28,950      29,000   437  31,950      32,000   490  34,950      35,000  542

- 23 -
                                                     2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                       23

  If Line 24                 If Line 24                If Line 24                If Line 24                 If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable       (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —              Income) Is —               Income) Is —
   At        But       Your At          But      Your At          But      Your At          But      Your  At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax  Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:              Than     Is:               Than    Is:
             35,000                     38,000                    41,000                    44,000                     47,000
 35,000      35,050    543  38,000      38,050   648  41,000      41,050   774  44,000      44,050   940   47,000      47,050  1,106
 35,050      35,100    545  38,050      38,100   650  41,050      41,100   777  44,050      44,100   943   47,050      47,100  1,108
 35,100      35,150    547  38,100      38,150   652  41,100      41,150   780  44,100      44,150   945   47,100      47,150  1,111
 35,150      35,200    549  38,150      38,200   654  41,150      41,200   782  44,150      44,200   948   47,150      47,200  1,114
 35,200      35,250    550  38,200      38,250   655  41,200      41,250   785  44,200      44,250   951   47,200      47,250  1,117
 35,250      35,300    552  38,250      38,300   657  41,250      41,300   788  44,250      44,300   954   47,250      47,300  1,119
 35,300      35,350    554  38,300      38,350   659  41,300      41,350   791  44,300      44,350   956   47,300      47,350  1,122
 35,350      35,400    556  38,350      38,400   661  41,350      41,400   793  44,350      44,400   959   47,350      47,400  1,125
 35,400      35,450    557  38,400      38,450   662  41,400      41,450   796  44,400      44,450   962   47,400      47,450  1,128
 35,450      35,500    559  38,450      38,500   664  41,450      41,500   799  44,450      44,500   965   47,450      47,500  1,130
 35,500      35,550    561  38,500      38,550   666  41,500      41,550   802  44,500      44,550   968   47,500      47,550  1,133
 35,550      35,600    563  38,550      38,600   668  41,550      41,600   805  44,550      44,600   970   47,550      47,600  1,136
 35,600      35,650    564  38,600      38,650   669  41,600      41,650   807  44,600      44,650   973   47,600      47,650  1,139
 35,650      35,700    566  38,650      38,700   671  41,650      41,700   810  44,650      44,700   976   47,650      47,700  1,142
 35,700      35,750    568  38,700      38,750   673  41,700      41,750   813  44,700      44,750   979   47,700      47,750  1,144
 35,750      35,800    570  38,750      38,800   675  41,750      41,800   816  44,750      44,800   981   47,750      47,800  1,147
 35,800      35,850    571  38,800      38,850   676  41,800      41,850   818  44,800      44,850   984   47,800      47,850  1,150
 35,850      35,900    573  38,850      38,900   678  41,850      41,900   821  44,850      44,900   987   47,850      47,900  1,153
 35,900      35,950    575  38,900      38,950   680  41,900      41,950   824  44,900      44,950   990   47,900      47,950  1,155
 35,950      36,000    577  38,950      39,000   682  41,950      42,000   827  44,950      45,000   992   47,950      48,000  1,158
             36,000                     39,000                    42,000                    45,000                     48,000
 36,000      36,050    578  39,000      39,050   683  42,000      42,050   829  45,000      45,050   995   48,000      48,050  1,161
 36,050      36,100    580  39,050      39,100   685  42,050      42,100   832  45,050      45,100   998   48,050      48,100  1,164
 36,100      36,150    582  39,100      39,150   687  42,100      42,150   835  45,100      45,150   1,001 48,100      48,150  1,166
 36,150      36,200    584  39,150      39,200   689  42,150      42,200   838  45,150      45,200   1,003 48,150      48,200  1,169
 36,200      36,250    585  39,200      39,250   690  42,200      42,250   840  45,200      45,250   1,006 48,200      48,250  1,172
 36,250      36,300    587  39,250      39,300   692  42,250      42,300   843  45,250      45,300   1,009 48,250      48,300  1,175
 36,300      36,350    589  39,300      39,350   694  42,300      42,350   846  45,300      45,350   1,012 48,300      48,350  1,177
 36,350      36,400    591  39,350      39,400   696  42,350      42,400   849  45,350      45,400   1,014 48,350      48,400  1,180
 36,400      36,450    592  39,400      39,450   697  42,400      42,450   851  45,400      45,450   1,017 48,400      48,450  1,183
 36,450      36,500    594  39,450      39,500   699  42,450      42,500   854  45,450      45,500   1,020 48,450      48,500  1,186
 36,500      36,550    596  39,500      39,550   701  42,500      42,550   857  45,500      45,550   1,023 48,500      48,550  1,189
 36,550      36,600    598  39,550      39,600   703  42,550      42,600   860  45,550      45,600   1,026 48,550      48,600  1,191
 36,600      36,650    599  39,600      39,650   704  42,600      42,650   863  45,600      45,650   1,028 48,600      48,650  1,194
 36,650      36,700    601  39,650      39,700   706  42,650      42,700   865  45,650      45,700   1,031 48,650      48,700  1,197
 36,700      36,750    603  39,700      39,750   708  42,700      42,750   868  45,700      45,750   1,034 48,700      48,750  1,200
 36,750      36,800    605  39,750      39,800   710  42,750      42,800   871  45,750      45,800   1,037 48,750      48,800  1,202
 36,800      36,850    606  39,800      39,850   711  42,800      42,850   874  45,800      45,850   1,039 48,800      48,850  1,205
 36,850      36,900    608  39,850      39,900   713  42,850      42,900   876  45,850      45,900   1,042 48,850      48,900  1,208
 36,900      36,950    610  39,900      39,950   715  42,900      42,950   879  45,900      45,950   1,045 48,900      48,950  1,211
 36,950      37,000    612  39,950      40,000   717  42,950      43,000   882  45,950      46,000   1,048 48,950      49,000  1,213
             37,000                     40,000                    43,000                    46,000                     49,000
 37,000      37,050    613  40,000      40,050   719  43,000      43,050   885  46,000      46,050   1,050 49,000      49,050  1,216
 37,050      37,100    615  40,050      40,100   722  43,050      43,100   887  46,050      46,100   1,053 49,050      49,100  1,219
 37,100      37,150    617  40,100      40,150   724  43,100      43,150   890  46,100      46,150   1,056 49,100      49,150  1,222
 37,150      37,200    619  40,150      40,200   727  43,150      43,200   893  46,150      46,200   1,059 49,150      49,200  1,224
 37,200      37,250    620  40,200      40,250   730  43,200      43,250   896  46,200      46,250   1,061 49,200      49,250  1,227
 37,250      37,300    622  40,250      40,300   733  43,250      43,300   898  46,250      46,300   1,064 49,250      49,300  1,230
 37,300      37,350    624  40,300      40,350   735  43,300      43,350   901  46,300      46,350   1,067 49,300      49,350  1,233
 37,350      37,400    626  40,350      40,400   738  43,350      43,400   904  46,350      46,400   1,070 49,350      49,400  1,235
 37,400      37,450    627  40,400      40,450   741  43,400      43,450   907  46,400      46,450   1,072 49,400      49,450  1,238
 37,450      37,500    629  40,450      40,500   744  43,450      43,500   909  46,450      46,500   1,075 49,450      49,500  1,241
 37,500      37,550    631  40,500      40,550   747  43,500      43,550   912  46,500      46,550   1,078 49,500      49,550  1,244
 37,550      37,600    633  40,550      40,600   749  43,550      43,600   915  46,550      46,600   1,081 49,550      49,600  1,247
 37,600      37,650    634  40,600      40,650   752  43,600      43,650   918  46,600      46,650   1,084 49,600      49,650  1,249
 37,650      37,700    636  40,650      40,700   755  43,650      43,700   921  46,650      46,700   1,086 49,650      49,700  1,252
 37,700      37,750    638  40,700      40,750   758  43,700      43,750   923  46,700      46,750   1,089 49,700      49,750  1,255
 37,750      37,800    640  40,750      40,800   760  43,750      43,800   926  46,750      46,800   1,092 49,750      49,800  1,258
 37,800      37,850    641  40,800      40,850   763  43,800      43,850   929  46,800      46,850   1,095 49,800      49,850  1,260
 37,850      37,900    643  40,850      40,900   766  43,850      43,900   932  46,850      46,900   1,097 49,850      49,900  1,263
 37,900      37,950    645  40,900      40,950   769  43,900      43,950   934  46,900      46,950   1,100 49,900      49,950  1,266
 37,950      38,000    647  40,950      41,000   771  43,950      44,000   937  46,950      47,000   1,103 49,950      50,000  1,269

- 24 -
                                                      2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                         24

  If Line 24                  If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —
   At        But       Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than    Is:
             50,000                      53,000                     56,000                     59,000                     62,000
 50,000      50,050    1,271 53,000      53,050   1,437 56,000      56,050   1,603 59,000      59,050   1,769 62,000      62,050  1,934
 50,050      50,100    1,274 53,050      53,100   1,440 56,050      56,100   1,606 59,050      59,100   1,771 62,050      62,100  1,937
 50,100      50,150    1,277 53,100      53,150   1,443 56,100      56,150   1,608 59,100      59,150   1,774 62,100      62,150  1,940
 50,150      50,200    1,280 53,150      53,200   1,445 56,150      56,200   1,611 59,150      59,200   1,777 62,150      62,200  1,943
 50,200      50,250    1,282 53,200      53,250   1,448 56,200      56,250   1,614 59,200      59,250   1,780 62,200      62,250  1,945
 50,250      50,300    1,285 53,250      53,300   1,451 56,250      56,300   1,617 59,250      59,300   1,782 62,250      62,300  1,948
 50,300      50,350    1,288 53,300      53,350   1,454 56,300      56,350   1,619 59,300      59,350   1,785 62,300      62,350  1,951
 50,350      50,400    1,291 53,350      53,400   1,456 56,350      56,400   1,622 59,350      59,400   1,788 62,350      62,400  1,954
 50,400      50,450    1,293 53,400      53,450   1,459 56,400      56,450   1,625 59,400      59,450   1,791 62,400      62,450  1,956
 50,450      50,500    1,296 53,450      53,500   1,462 56,450      56,500   1,628 59,450      59,500   1,793 62,450      62,500  1,959
 50,500      50,550    1,299 53,500      53,550   1,465 56,500      56,550   1,631 59,500      59,550   1,796 62,500      62,550  1,962
 50,550      50,600    1,302 53,550      53,600   1,468 56,550      56,600   1,633 59,550      59,600   1,799 62,550      62,600  1,965
 50,600      50,650    1,305 53,600      53,650   1,470 56,600      56,650   1,636 59,600      59,650   1,802 62,600      62,650  1,968
 50,650      50,700    1,307 53,650      53,700   1,473 56,650      56,700   1,639 59,650      59,700   1,805 62,650      62,700  1,970
 50,700      50,750    1,310 53,700      53,750   1,476 56,700      56,750   1,642 59,700      59,750   1,807 62,700      62,750  1,973
 50,750      50,800    1,313 53,750      53,800   1,479 56,750      56,800   1,644 59,750      59,800   1,810 62,750      62,800  1,976
 50,800      50,850    1,316 53,800      53,850   1,481 56,800      56,850   1,647 59,800      59,850   1,813 62,800      62,850  1,979
 50,850      50,900    1,318 53,850      53,900   1,484 56,850      56,900   1,650 59,850      59,900   1,816 62,850      62,900  1,981
 50,900      50,950    1,321 53,900      53,950   1,487 56,900      56,950   1,653 59,900      59,950   1,818 62,900      62,950  1,984
 50,950      51,000    1,324 53,950      54,000   1,490 56,950      57,000   1,655 59,950      60,000   1,821 62,950      63,000  1,987
             51,000                      54,000                     57,000                     60,000                     63,000
 51,000      51,050    1,327 54,000      54,050   1,492 57,000      57,050   1,658 60,000      60,050   1,824 63,000      63,050  1,990
 51,050      51,100    1,329 54,050      54,100   1,495 57,050      57,100   1,661 60,050      60,100   1,827 63,050      63,100  1,992
 51,100      51,150    1,332 54,100      54,150   1,498 57,100      57,150   1,664 60,100      60,150   1,829 63,100      63,150  1,995
 51,150      51,200    1,335 54,150      54,200   1,501 57,150      57,200   1,666 60,150      60,200   1,832 63,150      63,200  1,998
 51,200      51,250    1,338 54,200      54,250   1,503 57,200      57,250   1,669 60,200      60,250   1,835 63,200      63,250  2,001
 51,250      51,300    1,340 54,250      54,300   1,506 57,250      57,300   1,672 60,250      60,300   1,838 63,250      63,300  2,003
 51,300      51,350    1,343 54,300      54,350   1,509 57,300      57,350   1,675 60,300      60,350   1,840 63,300      63,350  2,006
 51,350      51,400    1,346 54,350      54,400   1,512 57,350      57,400   1,677 60,350      60,400   1,843 63,350      63,400  2,009
 51,400      51,450    1,349 54,400      54,450   1,514 57,400      57,450   1,680 60,400      60,450   1,846 63,400      63,450  2,012
 51,450      51,500    1,351 54,450      54,500   1,517 57,450      57,500   1,683 60,450      60,500   1,849 63,450      63,500  2,014
 51,500      51,550    1,354 54,500      54,550   1,520 57,500      57,550   1,686 60,500      60,550   1,852 63,500      63,550  2,017
 51,550      51,600    1,357 54,550      54,600   1,523 57,550      57,600   1,689 60,550      60,600   1,854 63,550      63,600  2,020
 51,600      51,650    1,360 54,600      54,650   1,526 57,600      57,650   1,691 60,600      60,650   1,857 63,600      63,650  2,023
 51,650      51,700    1,363 54,650      54,700   1,528 57,650      57,700   1,694 60,650      60,700   1,860 63,650      63,700  2,026
 51,700      51,750    1,365 54,700      54,750   1,531 57,700      57,750   1,697 60,700      60,750   1,863 63,700      63,750  2,028
 51,750      51,800    1,368 54,750      54,800   1,534 57,750      57,800   1,700 60,750      60,800   1,865 63,750      63,800  2,031
 51,800      51,850    1,371 54,800      54,850   1,537 57,800      57,850   1,702 60,800      60,850   1,868 63,800      63,850  2,034
 51,850      51,900    1,374 54,850      54,900   1,539 57,850      57,900   1,705 60,850      60,900   1,871 63,850      63,900  2,037
 51,900      51,950    1,376 54,900      54,950   1,542 57,900      57,950   1,708 60,900      60,950   1,874 63,900      63,950  2,039
 51,950      52,000    1,379 54,950      55,000   1,545 57,950      58,000   1,711 60,950      61,000   1,876 63,950      64,000  2,042
             52,000                      55,000                     58,000                     61,000                     64,000
 52,000      52,050    1,382 55,000      55,050   1,548 58,000      58,050   1,713 61,000      61,050   1,879 64,000      64,050  2,045
 52,050      52,100    1,385 55,050      55,100   1,550 58,050      58,100   1,716 61,050      61,100   1,882 64,050      64,100  2,048
 52,100      52,150    1,387 55,100      55,150   1,553 58,100      58,150   1,719 61,100      61,150   1,885 64,100      64,150  2,050
 52,150      52,200    1,390 55,150      55,200   1,556 58,150      58,200   1,722 61,150      61,200   1,887 64,150      64,200  2,053
 52,200      52,250    1,393 55,200      55,250   1,559 58,200      58,250   1,724 61,200      61,250   1,890 64,200      64,250  2,056
 52,250      52,300    1,396 55,250      55,300   1,561 58,250      58,300   1,727 61,250      61,300   1,893 64,250      64,300  2,059
 52,300      52,350    1,398 55,300      55,350   1,564 58,300      58,350   1,730 61,300      61,350   1,896 64,300      64,350  2,061
 52,350      52,400    1,401 55,350      55,400   1,567 58,350      58,400   1,733 61,350      61,400   1,898 64,350      64,400  2,064
 52,400      52,450    1,404 55,400      55,450   1,570 58,400      58,450   1,735 61,400      61,450   1,901 64,400      64,450  2,067
 52,450      52,500    1,407 55,450      55,500   1,572 58,450      58,500   1,738 61,450      61,500   1,904 64,450      64,500  2,070
 52,500      52,550    1,410 55,500      55,550   1,575 58,500      58,550   1,741 61,500      61,550   1,907 64,500      64,550  2,073
 52,550      52,600    1,412 55,550      55,600   1,578 58,550      58,600   1,744 61,550      61,600   1,910 64,550      64,600  2,075
 52,600      52,650    1,415 55,600      55,650   1,581 58,600      58,650   1,747 61,600      61,650   1,912 64,600      64,650  2,078
 52,650      52,700    1,418 55,650      55,700   1,584 58,650      58,700   1,749 61,650      61,700   1,915 64,650      64,700  2,081
 52,700      52,750    1,421 55,700      55,750   1,586 58,700      58,750   1,752 61,700      61,750   1,918 64,700      64,750  2,084
 52,750      52,800    1,423 55,750      55,800   1,589 58,750      58,800   1,755 61,750      61,800   1,921 64,750      64,800  2,086
 52,800      52,850    1,426 55,800      55,850   1,592 58,800      58,850   1,758 61,800      61,850   1,923 64,800      64,850  2,089
 52,850      52,900    1,429 55,850      55,900   1,595 58,850      58,900   1,760 61,850      61,900   1,926 64,850      64,900  2,092
 52,900      52,950    1,432 55,900      55,950   1,597 58,900      58,950   1,763 61,900      61,950   1,929 64,900      64,950  2,095
 52,950      53,000    1,434 55,950      56,000   1,600 58,950      59,000   1,766 61,950      62,000   1,932 64,950      65,000  2,097

- 25 -
                                                      2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                         25

  If Line 24                  If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —
   At        But       Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than    Is:
             65,000                      68,000                     71,000                     74,000                     77,000
 65,000      65,050    2,100 68,000      68,050   2,266 71,000      71,050   2,432 74,000      74,050   2,597 77,000      77,050  2,780
 65,050      65,100    2,103 68,050      68,100   2,269 71,050      71,100   2,434 74,050      74,100   2,600 77,050      77,100  2,783
 65,100      65,150    2,106 68,100      68,150   2,271 71,100      71,150   2,437 74,100      74,150   2,603 77,100      77,150  2,787
 65,150      65,200    2,108 68,150      68,200   2,274 71,150      71,200   2,440 74,150      74,200   2,606 77,150      77,200  2,790
 65,200      65,250    2,111 68,200      68,250   2,277 71,200      71,250   2,443 74,200      74,250   2,608 77,200      77,250  2,793
 65,250      65,300    2,114 68,250      68,300   2,280 71,250      71,300   2,445 74,250      74,300   2,611 77,250      77,300  2,796
 65,300      65,350    2,117 68,300      68,350   2,282 71,300      71,350   2,448 74,300      74,350   2,614 77,300      77,350  2,799
 65,350      65,400    2,119 68,350      68,400   2,285 71,350      71,400   2,451 74,350      74,400   2,617 77,350      77,400  2,803
 65,400      65,450    2,122 68,400      68,450   2,288 71,400      71,450   2,454 74,400      74,450   2,619 77,400      77,450  2,806
 65,450      65,500    2,125 68,450      68,500   2,291 71,450      71,500   2,456 74,450      74,500   2,622 77,450      77,500  2,809
 65,500      65,550    2,128 68,500      68,550   2,294 71,500      71,550   2,459 74,500      74,550   2,625 77,500      77,550  2,812
 65,550      65,600    2,131 68,550      68,600   2,296 71,550      71,600   2,462 74,550      74,600   2,628 77,550      77,600  2,815
 65,600      65,650    2,133 68,600      68,650   2,299 71,600      71,650   2,465 74,600      74,650   2,631 77,600      77,650  2,818
 65,650      65,700    2,136 68,650      68,700   2,302 71,650      71,700   2,468 74,650      74,700   2,633 77,650      77,700  2,822
 65,700      65,750    2,139 68,700      68,750   2,305 71,700      71,750   2,470 74,700      74,750   2,636 77,700      77,750  2,825
 65,750      65,800    2,142 68,750      68,800   2,307 71,750      71,800   2,473 74,750      74,800   2,639 77,750      77,800  2,828
 65,800      65,850    2,144 68,800      68,850   2,310 71,800      71,850   2,476 74,800      74,850   2,642 77,800      77,850  2,831
 65,850      65,900    2,147 68,850      68,900   2,313 71,850      71,900   2,479 74,850      74,900   2,644 77,850      77,900  2,834
 65,900      65,950    2,150 68,900      68,950   2,316 71,900      71,950   2,481 74,900      74,950   2,647 77,900      77,950  2,838
 65,950      66,000    2,153 68,950      69,000   2,318 71,950      72,000   2,484 74,950      75,000   2,650 77,950      78,000  2,841
             66,000                      69,000                     72,000                     75,000                     78,000
 66,000      66,050    2,155 69,000      69,050   2,321 72,000      72,050   2,487 75,000      75,050   2,653 78,000      78,050  2,844
 66,050      66,100    2,158 69,050      69,100   2,324 72,050      72,100   2,490 75,050      75,100   2,656 78,050      78,100  2,847
 66,100      66,150    2,161 69,100      69,150   2,327 72,100      72,150   2,492 75,100      75,150   2,659 78,100      78,150  2,850
 66,150      66,200    2,164 69,150      69,200   2,329 72,150      72,200   2,495 75,150      75,200   2,662 78,150      78,200  2,853
 66,200      66,250    2,166 69,200      69,250   2,332 72,200      72,250   2,498 75,200      75,250   2,666 78,200      78,250  2,857
 66,250      66,300    2,169 69,250      69,300   2,335 72,250      72,300   2,501 75,250      75,300   2,669 78,250      78,300  2,860
 66,300      66,350    2,172 69,300      69,350   2,338 72,300      72,350   2,503 75,300      75,350   2,672 78,300      78,350  2,863
 66,350      66,400    2,175 69,350      69,400   2,340 72,350      72,400   2,506 75,350      75,400   2,675 78,350      78,400  2,866
 66,400      66,450    2,177 69,400      69,450   2,343 72,400      72,450   2,509 75,400      75,450   2,678 78,400      78,450  2,869
 66,450      66,500    2,180 69,450      69,500   2,346 72,450      72,500   2,512 75,450      75,500   2,682 78,450      78,500  2,873
 66,500      66,550    2,183 69,500      69,550   2,349 72,500      72,550   2,515 75,500      75,550   2,685 78,500      78,550  2,876
 66,550      66,600    2,186 69,550      69,600   2,352 72,550      72,600   2,517 75,550      75,600   2,688 78,550      78,600  2,879
 66,600      66,650    2,189 69,600      69,650   2,354 72,600      72,650   2,520 75,600      75,650   2,691 78,600      78,650  2,882
 66,650      66,700    2,191 69,650      69,700   2,357 72,650      72,700   2,523 75,650      75,700   2,694 78,650      78,700  2,885
 66,700      66,750    2,194 69,700      69,750   2,360 72,700      72,750   2,526 75,700      75,750   2,697 78,700      78,750  2,889
 66,750      66,800    2,197 69,750      69,800   2,363 72,750      72,800   2,528 75,750      75,800   2,701 78,750      78,800  2,892
 66,800      66,850    2,200 69,800      69,850   2,365 72,800      72,850   2,531 75,800      75,850   2,704 78,800      78,850  2,895
 66,850      66,900    2,202 69,850      69,900   2,368 72,850      72,900   2,534 75,850      75,900   2,707 78,850      78,900  2,898
 66,900      66,950    2,205 69,900      69,950   2,371 72,900      72,950   2,537 75,900      75,950   2,710 78,900      78,950  2,901
 66,950      67,000    2,208 69,950      70,000   2,374 72,950      73,000   2,539 75,950      76,000   2,713 78,950      79,000  2,904
             67,000                      70,000                     73,000                     76,000                     79,000
 67,000      67,050    2,211 70,000      70,050   2,376 73,000      73,050   2,542 76,000      76,050   2,717 79,000      79,050  2,908
 67,050      67,100    2,213 70,050      70,100   2,379 73,050      73,100   2,545 76,050      76,100   2,720 79,050      79,100  2,911
 67,100      67,150    2,216 70,100      70,150   2,382 73,100      73,150   2,548 76,100      76,150   2,723 79,100      79,150  2,914
 67,150      67,200    2,219 70,150      70,200   2,385 73,150      73,200   2,550 76,150      76,200   2,726 79,150      79,200  2,917
 67,200      67,250    2,222 70,200      70,250   2,387 73,200      73,250   2,553 76,200      76,250   2,729 79,200      79,250  2,920
 67,250      67,300    2,224 70,250      70,300   2,390 73,250      73,300   2,556 76,250      76,300   2,732 79,250      79,300  2,924
 67,300      67,350    2,227 70,300      70,350   2,393 73,300      73,350   2,559 76,300      76,350   2,736 79,300      79,350  2,927
 67,350      67,400    2,230 70,350      70,400   2,396 73,350      73,400   2,561 76,350      76,400   2,739 79,350      79,400  2,930
 67,400      67,450    2,233 70,400      70,450   2,398 73,400      73,450   2,564 76,400      76,450   2,742 79,400      79,450  2,933
 67,450      67,500    2,235 70,450      70,500   2,401 73,450      73,500   2,567 76,450      76,500   2,745 79,450      79,500  2,936
 67,500      67,550    2,238 70,500      70,550   2,404 73,500      73,550   2,570 76,500      76,550   2,748 79,500      79,550  2,939
 67,550      67,600    2,241 70,550      70,600   2,407 73,550      73,600   2,573 76,550      76,600   2,752 79,550      79,600  2,943
 67,600      67,650    2,244 70,600      70,650   2,410 73,600      73,650   2,575 76,600      76,650   2,755 79,600      79,650  2,946
 67,650      67,700    2,247 70,650      70,700   2,412 73,650      73,700   2,578 76,650      76,700   2,758 79,650      79,700  2,949
 67,700      67,750    2,249 70,700      70,750   2,415 73,700      73,750   2,581 76,700      76,750   2,761 79,700      79,750  2,952
 67,750      67,800    2,252 70,750      70,800   2,418 73,750      73,800   2,584 76,750      76,800   2,764 79,750      79,800  2,955
 67,800      67,850    2,255 70,800      70,850   2,421 73,800      73,850   2,586 76,800      76,850   2,768 79,800      79,850  2,959
 67,850      67,900    2,258 70,850      70,900   2,423 73,850      73,900   2,589 76,850      76,900   2,771 79,850      79,900  2,962
 67,900      67,950    2,260 70,900      70,950   2,426 73,900      73,950   2,592 76,900      76,950   2,774 79,900      79,950  2,965
 67,950      68,000    2,263 70,950      71,000   2,429 73,950      74,000   2,595 76,950      77,000   2,777 79,950      80,000  2,968

- 26 -
                                                      2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                         26

  If Line 24                  If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —
   At        But       Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than    Is:
             80,000                      83,000                     86,000                     89,000                     92,000
 80,000      80,050    2,971 83,000      83,050   3,162 86,000      86,050   3,354 89,000      89,050   3,545 92,000      92,050  3,736
 80,050      80,100    2,975 83,050      83,100   3,166 86,050      86,100   3,357 89,050      89,100   3,548 92,050      92,100  3,739
 80,100      80,150    2,978 83,100      83,150   3,169 86,100      86,150   3,360 89,100      89,150   3,551 92,100      92,150  3,742
 80,150      80,200    2,981 83,150      83,200   3,172 86,150      86,200   3,363 89,150      89,200   3,554 92,150      92,200  3,745
 80,200      80,250    2,984 83,200      83,250   3,175 86,200      86,250   3,366 89,200      89,250   3,557 92,200      92,250  3,748
 80,250      80,300    2,987 83,250      83,300   3,178 86,250      86,300   3,369 89,250      89,300   3,561 92,250      92,300  3,752
 80,300      80,350    2,990 83,300      83,350   3,182 86,300      86,350   3,373 89,300      89,350   3,564 92,300      92,350  3,755
 80,350      80,400    2,994 83,350      83,400   3,185 86,350      86,400   3,376 89,350      89,400   3,567 92,350      92,400  3,758
 80,400      80,450    2,997 83,400      83,450   3,188 86,400      86,450   3,379 89,400      89,450   3,570 92,400      92,450  3,761
 80,450      80,500    3,000 83,450      83,500   3,191 86,450      86,500   3,382 89,450      89,500   3,573 92,450      92,500  3,764
 80,500      80,550    3,003 83,500      83,550   3,194 86,500      86,550   3,385 89,500      89,550   3,576 92,500      92,550  3,768
 80,550      80,600    3,006 83,550      83,600   3,197 86,550      86,600   3,389 89,550      89,600   3,580 92,550      92,600  3,771
 80,600      80,650    3,010 83,600      83,650   3,201 86,600      86,650   3,392 89,600      89,650   3,583 92,600      92,650  3,774
 80,650      80,700    3,013 83,650      83,700   3,204 86,650      86,700   3,395 89,650      89,700   3,586 92,650      92,700  3,777
 80,700      80,750    3,016 83,700      83,750   3,207 86,700      86,750   3,398 89,700      89,750   3,589 92,700      92,750  3,780
 80,750      80,800    3,019 83,750      83,800   3,210 86,750      86,800   3,401 89,750      89,800   3,592 92,750      92,800  3,784
 80,800      80,850    3,022 83,800      83,850   3,213 86,800      86,850   3,405 89,800      89,850   3,596 92,800      92,850  3,787
 80,850      80,900    3,025 83,850      83,900   3,217 86,850      86,900   3,408 89,850      89,900   3,599 92,850      92,900  3,790
 80,900      80,950    3,029 83,900      83,950   3,220 86,900      86,950   3,411 89,900      89,950   3,602 92,900      92,950  3,793
 80,950      81,000    3,032 83,950      84,000   3,223 86,950      87,000   3,414 89,950      90,000   3,605 92,950      93,000  3,796
             81,000                      84,000                     87,000                     90,000                     93,000
 81,000      81,050    3,035 84,000      84,050   3,226 87,000      87,050   3,417 90,000      90,050   3,608 93,000      93,050  3,799
 81,050      81,100    3,038 84,050      84,100   3,229 87,050      87,100   3,420 90,050      90,100   3,612 93,050      93,100  3,803
 81,100      81,150    3,041 84,100      84,150   3,233 87,100      87,150   3,424 90,100      90,150   3,615 93,100      93,150  3,806
 81,150      81,200    3,045 84,150      84,200   3,236 87,150      87,200   3,427 90,150      90,200   3,618 93,150      93,200  3,809
 81,200      81,250    3,048 84,200      84,250   3,239 87,200      87,250   3,430 90,200      90,250   3,621 93,200      93,250  3,812
 81,250      81,300    3,051 84,250      84,300   3,242 87,250      87,300   3,433 90,250      90,300   3,624 93,250      93,300  3,815
 81,300      81,350    3,054 84,300      84,350   3,245 87,300      87,350   3,436 90,300      90,350   3,627 93,300      93,350  3,819
 81,350      81,400    3,057 84,350      84,400   3,248 87,350      87,400   3,440 90,350      90,400   3,631 93,350      93,400  3,822
 81,400      81,450    3,061 84,400      84,450   3,252 87,400      87,450   3,443 90,400      90,450   3,634 93,400      93,450  3,825
 81,450      81,500    3,064 84,450      84,500   3,255 87,450      87,500   3,446 90,450      90,500   3,637 93,450      93,500  3,828
 81,500      81,550    3,067 84,500      84,550   3,258 87,500      87,550   3,449 90,500      90,550   3,640 93,500      93,550  3,831
 81,550      81,600    3,070 84,550      84,600   3,261 87,550      87,600   3,452 90,550      90,600   3,643 93,550      93,600  3,834
 81,600      81,650    3,073 84,600      84,650   3,264 87,600      87,650   3,455 90,600      90,650   3,647 93,600      93,650  3,838
 81,650      81,700    3,076 84,650      84,700   3,268 87,650      87,700   3,459 90,650      90,700   3,650 93,650      93,700  3,841
 81,700      81,750    3,080 84,700      84,750   3,271 87,700      87,750   3,462 90,700      90,750   3,653 93,700      93,750  3,844
 81,750      81,800    3,083 84,750      84,800   3,274 87,750      87,800   3,465 90,750      90,800   3,656 93,750      93,800  3,847
 81,800      81,850    3,086 84,800      84,850   3,277 87,800      87,850   3,468 90,800      90,850   3,659 93,800      93,850  3,850
 81,850      81,900    3,089 84,850      84,900   3,280 87,850      87,900   3,471 90,850      90,900   3,662 93,850      93,900  3,854
 81,900      81,950    3,092 84,900      84,950   3,283 87,900      87,950   3,475 90,900      90,950   3,666 93,900      93,950  3,857
 81,950      82,000    3,096 84,950      85,000   3,287 87,950      88,000   3,478 90,950      91,000   3,669 93,950      94,000  3,860
             82,000                      85,000                     88,000                     91,000                     94,000
 82,000      82,050    3,099 85,000      85,050   3,290 88,000      88,050   3,481 91,000      91,050   3,672 94,000      94,050  3,863
 82,050      82,100    3,102 85,050      85,100   3,293 88,050      88,100   3,484 91,050      91,100   3,675 94,050      94,100  3,866
 82,100      82,150    3,105 85,100      85,150   3,296 88,100      88,150   3,487 91,100      91,150   3,678 94,100      94,150  3,870
 82,150      82,200    3,108 85,150      85,200   3,299 88,150      88,200   3,490 91,150      91,200   3,682 94,150      94,200  3,873
 82,200      82,250    3,111 85,200      85,250   3,303 88,200      88,250   3,494 91,200      91,250   3,685 94,200      94,250  3,876
 82,250      82,300    3,115 85,250      85,300   3,306 88,250      88,300   3,497 91,250      91,300   3,688 94,250      94,300  3,879
 82,300      82,350    3,118 85,300      85,350   3,309 88,300      88,350   3,500 91,300      91,350   3,691 94,300      94,350  3,882
 82,350      82,400    3,121 85,350      85,400   3,312 88,350      88,400   3,503 91,350      91,400   3,694 94,350      94,400  3,885
 82,400      82,450    3,124 85,400      85,450   3,315 88,400      88,450   3,506 91,400      91,450   3,698 94,400      94,450  3,889
 82,450      82,500    3,127 85,450      85,500   3,319 88,450      88,500   3,510 91,450      91,500   3,701 94,450      94,500  3,892
 82,500      82,550    3,131 85,500      85,550   3,322 88,500      88,550   3,513 91,500      91,550   3,704 94,500      94,550  3,895
 82,550      82,600    3,134 85,550      85,600   3,325 88,550      88,600   3,516 91,550      91,600   3,707 94,550      94,600  3,898
 82,600      82,650    3,137 85,600      85,650   3,328 88,600      88,650   3,519 91,600      91,650   3,710 94,600      94,650  3,901
 82,650      82,700    3,140 85,650      85,700   3,331 88,650      88,700   3,522 91,650      91,700   3,713 94,650      94,700  3,905
 82,700      82,750    3,143 85,700      85,750   3,334 88,700      88,750   3,526 91,700      91,750   3,717 94,700      94,750  3,908
 82,750      82,800    3,147 85,750      85,800   3,338 88,750      88,800   3,529 91,750      91,800   3,720 94,750      94,800  3,911
 82,800      82,850    3,150 85,800      85,850   3,341 88,800      88,850   3,532 91,800      91,850   3,723 94,800      94,850  3,914
 82,850      82,900    3,153 85,850      85,900   3,344 88,850      88,900   3,535 91,850      91,900   3,726 94,850      94,900  3,917
 82,900      82,950    3,156 85,900      85,950   3,347 88,900      88,950   3,538 91,900      91,950   3,729 94,900      94,950  3,920
 82,950      83,000    3,159 85,950      86,000   3,350 88,950      89,000   3,541 91,950      92,000   3,733 94,950      95,000  3,924

- 27 -
                                                      2022 NJ-1041 Tax Table                                                         27

  If Line 24                  If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24                 If Line 24 
   (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable        (New Jersey Taxable
   Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —               Income) Is —
   At        But       Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But      Your  At          But     Your
  Least      Less      Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less     Tax   Least       Less    Tax
             Than      Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than     Is:               Than    Is:
             95,000                      98,000                     101,000                    104,000                    107,000
 95,000      95,050    3,927 98,000      98,050   4,118 101,000     101,050  4,309 104,000     104,050  4,500 107,000     107,050 4,691
 95,050      95,100    3,930 98,050      98,100   4,121 101,050     101,100  4,312 104,050     104,100  4,503 107,050     107,100 4,694
 95,100      95,150    3,933 98,100      98,150   4,124 101,100     101,150  4,315 104,100     104,150  4,507 107,100     107,150 4,698
 95,150      95,200    3,936 98,150      98,200   4,127 101,150     101,200  4,319 104,150     104,200  4,510 107,150     107,200 4,701
 95,200      95,250    3,940 98,200      98,250   4,131 101,200     101,250  4,322 104,200     104,250  4,513 107,200     107,250 4,704
 95,250      95,300    3,943 98,250      98,300   4,134 101,250     101,300  4,325 104,250     104,300  4,516 107,250     107,300 4,707
 95,300      95,350    3,946 98,300      98,350   4,137 101,300     101,350  4,328 104,300     104,350  4,519 107,300     107,350 4,710
 95,350      95,400    3,949 98,350      98,400   4,140 101,350     101,400  4,331 104,350     104,400  4,522 107,350     107,400 4,714
 95,400      95,450    3,952 98,400      98,450   4,143 101,400     101,450  4,335 104,400     104,450  4,526 107,400     107,450 4,717
 95,450      95,500    3,956 98,450      98,500   4,147 101,450     101,500  4,338 104,450     104,500  4,529 107,450     107,500 4,720
 95,500      95,550    3,959 98,500      98,550   4,150 101,500     101,550  4,341 104,500     104,550  4,532 107,500     107,550 4,723
 95,550      95,600    3,962 98,550      98,600   4,153 101,550     101,600  4,344 104,550     104,600  4,535 107,550     107,600 4,726
 95,600      95,650    3,965 98,600      98,650   4,156 101,600     101,650  4,347 104,600     104,650  4,538 107,600     107,650 4,729
 95,650      95,700    3,968 98,650      98,700   4,159 101,650     101,700  4,350 104,650     104,700  4,542 107,650     107,700 4,733
 95,700      95,750    3,971 98,700      98,750   4,163 101,700     101,750  4,354 104,700     104,750  4,545 107,700     107,750 4,736
 95,750      95,800    3,975 98,750      98,800   4,166 101,750     101,800  4,357 104,750     104,800  4,548 107,750     107,800 4,739
 95,800      95,850    3,978 98,800      98,850   4,169 101,800     101,850  4,360 104,800     104,850  4,551 107,800     107,850 4,742
 95,850      95,900    3,981 98,850      98,900   4,172 101,850     101,900  4,363 104,850     104,900  4,554 107,850     107,900 4,745
 95,900      95,950    3,984 98,900      98,950   4,175 101,900     101,950  4,366 104,900     104,950  4,557 107,900     107,950 4,749
 95,950      96,000    3,987 98,950      99,000   4,178 101,950     102,000  4,370 104,950     105,000  4,561 107,950     108,000 4,752
             96,000                      99,000                     102,000                    105,000                    108,000
 96,000      96,050    3,991 99,000      99,050   4,182 102,000     102,050  4,373 105,000     105,050  4,564 108,000     108,050 4,755
 96,050      96,100    3,994 99,050      99,100   4,185 102,050     102,100  4,376 105,050     105,100  4,567 108,050     108,100 4,758
 96,100      96,150    3,997 99,100      99,150   4,188 102,100     102,150  4,379 105,100     105,150  4,570 108,100     108,150 4,761
 96,150      96,200    4,000 99,150      99,200   4,191 102,150     102,200  4,382 105,150     105,200  4,573 108,150     108,200 4,764
 96,200      96,250    4,003 99,200      99,250   4,194 102,200     102,250  4,385 105,200     105,250  4,577 108,200     108,250 4,768
 96,250      96,300    4,006 99,250      99,300   4,198 102,250     102,300  4,389 105,250     105,300  4,580 108,250     108,300 4,771
 96,300      96,350    4,010 99,300      99,350   4,201 102,300     102,350  4,392 105,300     105,350  4,583 108,300     108,350 4,774
 96,350      96,400    4,013 99,350      99,400   4,204 102,350     102,400  4,395 105,350     105,400  4,586 108,350     108,400 4,777
 96,400      96,450    4,016 99,400      99,450   4,207 102,400     102,450  4,398 105,400     105,450  4,589 108,400     108,450 4,780
 96,450      96,500    4,019 99,450      99,500   4,210 102,450     102,500  4,401 105,450     105,500  4,593 108,450     108,500 4,784
 96,500      96,550    4,022 99,500      99,550   4,213 102,500     102,550  4,405 105,500     105,550  4,596 108,500     108,550 4,787
 96,550      96,600    4,026 99,550      99,600   4,217 102,550     102,600  4,408 105,550     105,600  4,599 108,550     108,600 4,790
 96,600      96,650    4,029 99,600      99,650   4,220 102,600     102,650  4,411 105,600     105,650  4,602 108,600     108,650 4,793
 96,650      96,700    4,032 99,650      99,700   4,223 102,650     102,700  4,414 105,650     105,700  4,605 108,650     108,700 4,796
 96,700      96,750    4,035 99,700      99,750   4,226 102,700     102,750  4,417 105,700     105,750  4,608 108,700     108,750 4,800
 96,750      96,800    4,038 99,750      99,800   4,229 102,750     102,800  4,421 105,750     105,800  4,612 108,750     108,800 4,803
 96,800      96,850    4,042 99,800      99,850   4,233 102,800     102,850  4,424 105,800     105,850  4,615 108,800     108,850 4,806
 96,850      96,900    4,045 99,850      99,900   4,236 102,850     102,900  4,427 105,850     105,900  4,618 108,850     108,900 4,809
 96,900      96,950    4,048 99,900      99,950   4,239 102,900     102,950  4,430 105,900     105,950  4,621 108,900     108,950 4,812
 96,950      97,000    4,051 99,950      100,000  4,242 102,950     103,000  4,433 105,950     106,000  4,624 108,950     109,000 4,815
             97,000                      100,000                    103,000                    106,000                    109,000 
 97,000      97,050    4,054 100,000     100,050  4,245 103,000     103,050  4,436 106,000     106,050  4,628 109,000     109,050 4,819
 97,050      97,100    4,057 100,050     100,100  4,249 103,050     103,100  4,440 106,050     106,100  4,631 109,050     109,100 4,822
 97,100      97,150    4,061 100,100     100,150  4,252 103,100     103,150  4,443 106,100     106,150  4,634 109,100     109,150 4,825
 97,150      97,200    4,064 100,150     100,200  4,255 103,150     103,200  4,446 106,150     106,200  4,637 109,150     109,200 4,828
 97,200      97,250    4,067 100,200     100,250  4,258 103,200     103,250  4,449 106,200     106,250  4,640 109,200     109,250 4,831
 97,250      97,300    4,070 100,250     100,300  4,261 103,250     103,300  4,452 106,250     106,300  4,643 109,250     109,300 4,835
 97,300      97,350    4,073 100,300     100,350  4,264 103,300     103,350  4,456 106,300     106,350  4,647 109,300     109,350 4,838
 97,350      97,400    4,077 100,350     100,400  4,268 103,350     103,400  4,459 106,350     106,400  4,650 109,350     109,400 4,841
 97,400      97,450    4,080 100,400     100,450  4,271 103,400     103,450  4,462 106,400     106,450  4,653 109,400     109,450 4,844
 97,450      97,500    4,083 100,450     100,500  4,274 103,450     103,500  4,465 106,450     106,500  4,656 109,450     109,500 4,847
 97,500      97,550    4,086 100,500     100,550  4,277 103,500     103,550  4,468 106,500     106,550  4,659 109,500     109,550 4,850
 97,550      97,600    4,089 100,550     100,600  4,280 103,550     103,600  4,471 106,550     106,600  4,663 109,550     109,600 4,854
 97,600      97,650    4,092 100,600     100,650  4,284 103,600     103,650  4,475 106,600     106,650  4,666 109,600     109,650 4,857
 97,650      97,700    4,096 100,650     100,700  4,287 103,650     103,700  4,478 106,650     106,700  4,669 109,650     109,700 4,860
 97,700      97,750    4,099 100,700     100,750  4,290 103,700     103,750  4,481 106,700     106,750  4,672 109,700     109,750 4,863
 97,750      97,800    4,102 100,750     100,800  4,293 103,750     103,800  4,484 106,750     106,800  4,675 109,750     109,800 4,866
 97,800      97,850    4,105 100,800     100,850  4,296 103,800     103,850  4,487 106,800     106,850  4,679 109,800     109,850 4,870
 97,850      97,900    4,108 100,850     100,900  4,299 103,850     103,900  4,491 106,850     106,900  4,682 109,850     109,900 4,873
 97,900      97,950    4,112 100,900     100,950  4,303 103,900     103,950  4,494 106,900     106,950  4,685 109,900     109,950 4,876
 97,950      98,000    4,115 100,950     101,000  4,306 103,950     104,000  4,497 106,950     107,000  4,688 109,950     110,000 4,879

- 28 -
                                           2022 NJ-1041 Tax Rate Schedules                                             28

2022 New Jersey Tax Rate Schedule

                                          STEP 1            STEP 2                 STEP 3
                                       Enter Your  Multiply Your                   Subtract             Your Tax
 If Taxable Income (line 24) is:  Line 24        Line 24 by:
     Over          But not over
  $          0           $    20,000      __________    .014  =         __________$         0  =   _________
  $  20,000              $    35,000      __________    .0175  =        __________$  70.00  =      _________
  $  35,000              $    40,000      __________    .035  =         __________$  682.50  =     _________
  $  40,000              $    75,000      __________    .05525     =    __________$  1,492.50  =   _________
  $  75,000              $  500,000       __________    .0637  =        __________$  2,126.25  =   _________
  $   500,000            $ 1,000,000      __________    .0897  =    __________ –   $ 15,126.25  =      _________
  $  1,000,000             and over       __________    .1075  =        __________$ 32,926.25  =_________

NJ TaxTalk
TaxTalk is the portion of the Automated Tax Information             Select the 3-digit number of the topic you want to hear. 
System (ATIS) that provides recorded information to call-           Then, from a touch-tone phone, call 1 (800) 323-4400 
ers on a variety of New Jersey tax topics and affords them          (within NJ, NY, PA, DE, and MD) or (609) 826-4400. Have 
the opportunity to request written information on certain           paper and pencil available to take notes. Additional topics 
topics. TaxTalk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.         may become available after the printing of this booklet.

                                          TaxTalk — Topic Codes
NJ INCOME TAX INFORMATION FOR             115  Nonresidents Selling Real Property 134  New Jersey Earned Income Tax  
INDIVIDUALS                               in New Jersey –  Estimated Tax           Credit 
                                          Payment Requirements                    135  Property Tax Deduction or Credit
Filing Your New Jersey Return             116  Mailing Your Return With Refunds   136  Deductions
100  Who Must File                        or No Tax Due                           138  Reporting Wages
101   Military Personnel Resident Defined 118  Mailing Your Return With           140  Nontaxable Income
     & Income Tax Filing Requirements       Payments Due                          142  Reporting Capital Gain Income
102  Military Personnel Nonresident       119  Mailing Your Property Tax Credit   143  Reporting a Gain From the Sale 
     Defined & Income Tax Filing          Application Only (Without NJ-1040        of a Principal Residence (Main 
     Requirements                         Tax Returns)                             Home)
103  How and When to File an  Extension   120  How to Pay                         144  Reporting Net Profits From Your 
104  Military Extensions                                                           Business
105  How and When to Amend                Completing Your New Jersey Return 
                                                                                  145  Reporting Distributive Share of 
106  Penalties, Interest & Collection     121  Social Security Number              Partnership Income
     Fees                                 122  Filing Status                      146  Reporting Net Pro Rata Share of S 
108  Who is Required to Make              123  Civil Union Partners                Corporation Income
       Estimated Tax Payments             124  Part-Year Residents                147  Use Tax Due on Out-of-State 
110  Interest on  Underpayment of         128  Deceased Taxpayers                  Purchases
       Estimated Tax  Payments            130  Personal Exemptions                148  Withholdings and Payments
112  Pennsylvania Residents Working in    131  Domestic Partnership Exemption     150  Claiming Credit for Income 
     New Jersey/New Jersey Residents      132  Dependent Exemptions                or Wage Tax Paid to Another 
     Working in  Pennsylvania             133  Dependents Attending Colleges         Jurisdiction
114  Nonresidents                         Exemptions                              152  Claiming Excess Unemployment 
                                                                                   and Disability

- 29 -
                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                       29

Pension and IRA Information              Income Tax Withholding Information     INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUALS ON 
154  Pension Income                      for Businesses                         SALES & USE TAX AND STATE FEES
156  Pension Exclusion                   412  Reporting and Remitting NJ        General Information on Sales and Use 
157  Employer Post-Retirement                  Income Tax Withheld              Tax for Individuals 
  Contributions to Section 403(b)        414  Reconciling Tax Withheld With 
Plan                                         Form NJ-W-3                        600  General Information on Sales and 
158  IRA Distributions                   416  Employee’s Withholding Allowance  Use Tax for Individuals 
160  Establishing Your Roth IRA              Certificates, Forms W-4 and NJ-W-4 Out-of-State Purchases
162  Qualified Distributions From a Roth 420  Withholding New Jersey Income     602  Out-of-State Purchases
IRA                                          Taxes
164  Nonqualified Distributions From a   421  Withholding New Jersey Income     Taxability of Leases and Rentals
Roth IRA                                     Taxes for Contractor Services      608  Taxability of Leases and Rentals
                                         422  Penalties, Interest & Collection  Other Fees and Taxes 
NJ PROPERTY TAX RELIEF                       Fees                               609  9-1-1 System and Emergency 
PROGRAMS                                 Sales and Use Tax Information for        Response Fee
ANCHOR Benefit                           Businesses                             610  Atlantic City Luxury Tax, Sales Tax, 
228  General Information on the          424  Collecting Sales Tax              and Other Fees
ANCHOR Benefit                           426  Use Tax                           612  Atlantic City Casino Hotel Parking 
231   ANCHOR Benefit Amounts             428  Annual Use Tax                    Fee
233  How to Check the Status of Your     429  New Jersey Sales and Use Tax      614  Cape May County Tourism Tax and 
ANCHOR Benefit                               EZ File Systems for Filing Forms   Assessment
Senior Freeze/Property Tax                     ST-50/ST-51                      618  Domestic Security Fee
                                                                                620  Hotel/Motel State Occupancy Fee 
  Reimbursement                          430  Filing Forms ST-50/ST-51
                                                                                and Municipal Occupancy Tax
216  General Information on the          432 Pay Your Taxes Electronically
                                                                                621  Motor Vehicle Tire Fee
Senior Freeze/ Property Tax              434  Penalties, Interest & Collection 
  Reimbursement                              Fees
218  Eligibility Requirements            442  Urban Enterprise Zone             OTHER NJ TAX INFORMATION 
220  How to Apply for a Senior Freeze/   Lease and Rental Information for       New Jersey Division of Taxation 
Property Tax Reimbursement               Businesses                               Regional Offices
Property Tax Deduction or Credit         444  Lease and Rental Transactions     702  Camden Office
224  General Information on the          448  Domestic Security Fee             704  Fair Lawn Office
                                                                                705  Freehold Office
  Property Tax Deduction or Credit       Other Fees and Taxes                   706  Newark Office
                                         449   9-1-1 System and Emergency       708  Galloway Office
PAPERLESS FILING PROGRAMS                      Response Fee                     710  Somerville Office
Online Income Tax Filing and Federal/    454  Domestic Security Fee             712  Trenton Office
State E-File                             456  Hotel/Motel State Occupancy Fee   Identity Theft
300  Online Income Tax Filing and            and Municipal Occupancy Tax
Federal/State E-File                     458  Litter Control Fee                726  Identity Theft
                                         459  Motor Vehicle Tire Fee            Income Tax Refund Information
                                                                                713  How to Check the Status of Your 
NJ TAX AND FEE INFORMATION                                                      Income Tax Refund
Business Registration                    Corporations                           Other Ways to Contact the Division
400  Starting a Business in New Jersey   501  Starting a Corporation            714  Other Ways to Contact the Division
401   How to File Taxes and Fees by      502  Filing Responsibilities           Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights
Phone or Online                          503  Consequences of Not Dissolving a  718  Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights
402  Small Business Workshops                Corporation
404  Electing S Corporation Status       504  Tax Rates and Accounting Periods  CATCH Program/Citizens Against Tax 
410  Ending Your Tax Registration in     506  Electing S Corporation Status     Cheats
                                                                                720  CATCH Program
New Jersey                               Partnerships
                                         508  Partnership Information           Inheritance and Estate Tax
                                         510  Partnership Filing Requirements   722  Inheritance and Estate Tax
                                         511  Prepayment of Partnership Filing 

- 30 -
                                             2022 Form NJ-1041                                                  30

When You Need Information                                 in person…
                                                          Visit a New Jersey Division of Taxation 
by phone…                                                   Regional Information Center
                                                          Regional Information Centers provide individual as-
Call our Automated Tax Information System 
                                                          sistance at  various locations throughout the State. 
1 (800) 323-4400 or (609) 826-4400. 
                                                          Call the  Automated Tax Information System or visit our 
Touch-tone phones only.
                                                          website for the  address of the center nearest you.
 Listen to recorded tax information on many  topics.
 Order certain forms and publications through our 
    automated message system.                             To Get Forms…
                                                           Call New Jersey’s Forms Request System at 
Contact our Customer Service Center                           1 (800) 323-4400 or  
(609) 292-6400 — Speak directly to a  representative        (609) 826-4400. Touch-tone phones  only. 
for tax information and  assistance. See website for       Visit our website at: 
hours of operation.                                         nj.gov/treasury/taxation/prntgit.shtml
                                                           Write to:   NJ Division of Taxation 
Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, Speech 
                                                                  Taxpayer Forms Services 
                                                                  PO Box 269 
Visit njrelay.com or call 711.
                                                                  Trenton NJ 08695-0269

online…                                                   Who Can Help…
Visit the New Jersey Division of Taxation                 In addition to assistance provided by the Division, 
Website                                                     other free tax assistance is available for senior citizens, 
Many State tax forms and publications are available         disabled, non-English speaking, and low-income  people. 
on our website: nj.gov/taxation                           Trained volunteers in the VITA (Volunteer  Income Tax 
                                                          Assistance) and TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) 
You can also reach us by email with general State tax     programs are available to help prepare both federal and 
questions at: nj.taxation@treas.nj.gov                    State returns at locations throughout New Jersey.

Do not include confidential information such as Social    For the location nearest you, contact the Division’s 
Security or federal tax identification numbers, liability   Customer Service Center at (609) 292-6400 or the 
or payment amounts, dates of birth, or bank account         Internal Revenue Service. 
numbers in your email.

Subscribe to NJ Tax E-News, the Division of               Paperless Filing
Taxation’s online information service, at:                You can use NJ E-File to file Form NJ-1041 for 2022 
nj.gov/treasury/taxation/listservice.shtml                electronically. Use tax software you purchase, go to a tax 
                                                          preparation website, or have a tax preparer file the return 
                                                          for you.

- 31 -
                                         2022 Form NJ-1041                                                       31

A                                      E                                        O
Accounting Method 5                    Estates 2                                Other Income 9
Allocation of Business Income 14, 17   Exemption 9                              Overpayment 12
Alternative Business Calculation       Extensions 3
  Adjustment 9
Amended Returns 16                                                              P
Assistance 30                          F                                        Partnership Income, Distributive Share of 
Average Values 17                      Federal Employer Identification Number 4  6, 8
                                       Fiduciary 2                              Patents 6, 7
                                       Filing—                                  Penalties 16
B                                        When to File 3                         Period Covered by the Return 3
Basis 5, 12                              Where to Mail 16                       Privacy Act Notification 16
Beneficiaries—                           Who Must File 2
  Deduction for Distributions to 9
  Distributions to 2                                                            Q
  Share of Income 17                   G                                        Qualified Investment Fund 5
Business Income 5, 6, 14               Gains and Losses From  
                                         Disposition of Property 6, 12
                                       Gambling Winnings 3                      R
C                                      Grantor Trusts 2, 13                     Refunds 12
Capital Gains and Losses 6, 12         Gubernatorial Elections Fund Check-Off 4 Rental Income 6, 7
Capital Gains Distributions 13                                                  Resident Estates and Trusts—
Changes in Federal Income Tax 16                                                 Calculating Tax for 10
Charitable Trusts 2                    H                                         Defined 2
Collection Fees 16                     Health Enterprise Zone Deduction 9       Rounding 4
Commissions 9                          How to Pay 15                            Royalties 6, 7
Copyrights 6, 7
Credits—                               I                                        S
  Estimated Tax Payments 11            Income—                                  S Corporations 6, 8
  Overpayment From Prior Year 11         Commissions 9                          Schedule NJK-1 Instructions 17
  Sheltered Workshop Tax Credit 10       Disposition of Property 6, 12          Signature 15
  Tax Paid by Partnership(s) 11          Dividends 5                            Small Business Trusts 3
  Tax Paid by S Corporation(s) 11        Exempt Interest 5
  Taxes Paid to Other Jurisdictions 10   Interest 5
  To 2023 Tax 12                         Mutual Fund 5                          T
                                         Net Profits From Business 5, 6         Tax—
                                                                                 How to Pay 15
D                                        Nonresident Estates and Trusts, New     Preparers 15
Deductions—                              Jersey Income of 14                     Rate Schedule 28
  Commissions 9                          Other 9                                 Table 20
  Distributions to Beneficiaries 9       Partnership 6, 8                        Withheld 11
  Health Enterprise Zones 9              Percentage 10                          Tax Assistance 30
  NJBEST 10                              Qualified Investment Fund 5            TaxTalk 28
Definitions—                             Rents, Royalties, Patents, Copyrights  Trusts—
  Estate 2                               6, 7                                    Charitable Trusts 2
  Fiduciary 2                            S Corporation 6, 8                      Electing Small Business Trusts 3
  Irrevocable Trusts 2                 Interest 16                               Grantor Trusts 2, 13
  Nonresident Trusts 3                 Interest Income 5                         Irrevocable Trusts 2
  Resident Trusts 2                                                              Nonresident Trusts 3
  Revocable Trusts 2                   L                                         Resident Trusts 2
Distributions—                         Lottery Winnings 3                        Revocable Trusts 2
  Beneficiaries, to 13
  Capital Gains 13
  Coverdell ESAs 5                     M                                        W
  Mutual Fund 5                        Mutual Funds 5                           Wage and Tax Statement (W-2) 11
  Qualified Investment Fund 5                                                   When to File 3
Dividends 5                                                                     Where to Mail the Return 16
Domicile 2                             N                                        Who Must File 2
                                       Nonresident Estates and Trusts—
                                         Calculating Tax for 10
                                         Defined 3
                                         Income of 9

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