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                                  Affidavit for Real Property Tax Waiver  
 L-9                                                  Resident Decedent
 (9/22)                        Use this form for dates of death on or after January 1, 2018 
                               For dates of death before January 1, 2018, use Form L-9(A)

 Decedent’s Name  
                               Last                                                 First                     Middle Initial

 Decedent’s SSN                     Date of Death (mm/dd/yyyy)  /              /    County of Residence 
 This form may be used only if all beneficiaries are Class A, there is no New Jersey Inheritance or Estate Tax, and there is no requirement to file a tax return.

 Complete and Notarize                                          Testate (with will)                  Intestate (no will)

                       Name                                                                         Phone (             ) 
 Mailing Address  
      for all          Street 
                       City                                                               State     ZIP Code 

                                                                                                    Interest of Beneficiary in the Estate 
 State full names of all who have an interest in the estate   Relationship to Decedent
      (vested, contingent, operation of law, transfer, etc.)                                        (percentage or specific)

 Deponent (person making deposition) further states the following schedule contains the names of all beneficiaries who predeceased the
                               Name                                  Date of Death                  Domicile at Death

 State of                                                            County of 

 (Deponent’s name)                                                                        , being duly sworn, has reviewed the infor-
 mation contained in this form and declares to the best of their knowledge it is true, correct, and complete. Deponent authorizes the party 
 listed above to act as the estate’s representative and to receive the waiver(s) requested herein.

 Subscribed and sworn before me 
                                                              Affidavit of                 Executor  Administrator         Joint Tenant
 This      day of                    , 20            .

 (Signature of Notary Public or Attesting Officer)            Signature of Deponent

                                                              Deponent’s Social Security or Federal Identification Number


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                          Description of New Jersey Real Estate

 Street and Number

 Lot                                                     Block


 Owner(s) of Record (if decedent owned a fractional interest, state how held and fractional value thereof):

                          Description of New Jersey Real Estate

 Street and Number

 Lot                                                     Block


 Owner(s) of Record (if decedent owned a fractional interest, state how held and fractional value thereof):

                          Description of New Jersey Real Estate

 Street and Number

 Lot                                                     Block


 Owner(s) of Record (if decedent owned a fractional interest, state how held and fractional value thereof):

                          Riders may be attached when necessary

This form will be returned if it is not fully and properly completed and/or it does not have the required attachments.

Include all of the required documentation with this form:
  Copy of the decedent’s will, codicils and related writings, and any trust agreements;
  Copy of the deed for the property listed on the form;
  Copy of executor’s or administrator’s certificate (letters of testamentary or of administration);
  Copy of the decedent’s death certificate.

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                                       Form L-9 Instructions 
This form can be completed by:
  The executor;
  Administrator; or 
  Joint tenant of the property for which a waiver is requested.

All beneficiaries of this estate must be one of the following Class A beneficiaries:
  Spouse or civil union partner;
  Child (includes legally adopted child), grandchild, great-grandchild, etc.;
  Parent or grandparent;
  Step-child (but not step-grandchildren);
  Domestic partner (on or after 7/10/04).

You cannot use Form L-9 if any of the following conditions exist:
  The real estate was held as “tenants by the entirety” (jointly by spouse/civil union partner) and the spouse/civil 
    union partner is surviving. 
    Note: No waiver is needed for this property, and none will be issued;
  Any asset of the decedent valued at $500 or more passes to any beneficiary other than the Class A beneficiaries 
    listed above; 
  The relationship of a mutually acknowledged child is claimed to exist;
  There is any New Jersey Inheritance Tax or Estate Tax due.

Note: If a trust agreement either exists or is created by the will, the Division may require a full return should the terms of 
the trust indicate a possible Inheritance Tax. A waiver would not then be issued from this form.

Required Documents
  Copy of the decedent’s will, codicils and related writings, and any trust agreements;
  Copy of the deed for the property listed on the form;
  Copy of executor’s or administrator’s certificate (letters of testamentary or of administration);
  Copy of the decedent’s death certificate.

This form is not a tax waiver. Do not file with the County Clerk. Mail to:
Regular Mail and USPS Express Mail
NJ Division of Taxation 
Transfer Inheritance Tax 
PO Box 249 
Trenton, NJ 08695-0249

Express Mail – Private Carriers (UPS, FedEx)
NJ Division of Taxation 
Transfer Inheritance Tax 
PO Box 249 
3 John Fitch Way, 6th Floor 
Trenton, NJ 08611

For more information about the use of Form L-9, call the Inheritance and Estate Tax Branch at (609) 292-5033 or visit the 
Division of Taxation website at nj.gov/taxation.

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