Form | Subject | Link |
A-1 | Petition of Appeal |
A-1 Comp. Sales | Comparable Sales Analysis Form (For use with A-1: Petition of Appeal Form) | |
AA-1 | Added/Omitted Petition of Appeal | |
AFR | Application for Full Reassessment Program | |
AFR-A | Application For Annual Reassessment Program | |
AMSPTD | Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment Application | |
CRES | Application for Certification of Renewable Energy System(s) | |
CITT-1 | Controlling Interest Transfer Tax | |
CNC-1 | Certification of New Construction/Improvements/Partial Assessments | |
CNC-2 | Itemized Listing/Supplement to Form CNC-1 |
CNC-3 | Certification of New Construction/Improvements/Partial Assessments – Fire District |
C.O.E.D.V.S.S.E. | Certification of Eligibility to Continue Receipt of Disabled Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemption | |
C.P. | Request for Compliance Plan |
D.V.S.S.E. | Claim for Property Tax Exemption on Dwelling House of Disabled Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner/Surviving Domestic Partner of Disabled Veteran or Serviceperson | |
E/A-1 | Application for 5 Year Exemption/Abatement for Improvement, Conversion or Construction of Property under C.441, P.L. 1991 | |
E.O.Z.-1 | Application for Real Property Tax Exemption for Certain Contaminated Real Property | |
FA-1 | Application for Farmland Assessment | |
FA-1 G.S. | Supplemental Farmland Assessment Gross Sales (For use with FA-1: Application for Farmland Assessment) | |
F.S. | Further Statement of Non-Profit Organization Claiming Property Tax Exemption | |
FSS | Claim For Property Tax Exemption For Automatic Fire Suppression Systems | |
HWP | Certification for loss in Assessed Value of vacant land reported by Tax Assessor and certification by County Tax Board of aggregate decline in True Value due to Highlands Water Protection Act, P.L. 2004, Chapter 120. | |
I.S. | Initial Statement of Non-Profit Organization Claiming Property Tax Exemption |
N-RDF | Non-Residential Development Fee Certification/Exemption | |
PD-4 | Notice of Disallowance of Claim for a Real Property Tax Deduction on Dwelling House of a New Jersey Resident Senior Citizen, Disabled Person, or Surviving Spouse. | |
PD-5 | Annual Post-Tax Year Income Statement of Qualified NJ Resident Senior Citizen, Disabled Person, or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner Required to Continue Receipt of Real Property Tax Deduction on Dwelling House | |
P.T.D. | Claim for Real Property Tax Deduction on Dwelling House of Qualified NJ Resident Senior Citizen, Disabled Person, or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner | |
PT-10 | Return of Tangible Personal Property for Local Exchange Telephone Co. (For use only by Verizon, United Telephone Company of New Jersey, and Alteva) | |
PT 10-1 | Return of Machinery, Apparatus, or Equipment of a Petroleum Refinery Directly Used to Manufacture Petroleum Products From Crude Oil | |
PTD-SI | $250 Real Property Tax Deduction Supplemental Income Form | |
RTF-1 | Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Sellers | |
RTF-1EE | Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Buyers - Used by grantees for real property transfers classified as "Class 2" residential; "Class 3A" farm property (regular); "Class 4A commercial" and any other property transferred with it to the same grantee; and cooperative units, for consideration in excess of $1,000,000 for an amount equal to 1% of the entire consideration amount. | |
RTF-3 | Claim For Refund - Realty Transfer Fee | |
RTF-4 | Filing of Protest of Fee Assessment | |
RTF-8 | Affidavit of Consideration (Statement of Prior Mortgage, Leins, or Encumbrances) for Sheriff's Deeds | |
S.R. | Status Report for Historic Site Real Property Tax Exemption | |
U.E.Z. | Application for Real Property Tax Abatement for Residential Property in an Urban Enterprise Zone | |
V.S.S. | Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner/Surviving Domestic Partner of Veteran or Serviceperson | |
V.N.D.A | Notice of Disallowance of Claim for Veteran's Property Tax Deduction/Disabled Veteran's Exemption | |
WD-1 | Woodland Data Form |