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AlAbAmA DepArtment of revenue
Specifications for filing
Wage and tax Information electronically 10/15
The Alabama Department of Revenue requires electron- EFW2 format with the modifications on this form.
ic submission of wage and tax information for 25 or more For more information regarding electronic filing of wage
wage statements or if you filed and paid electronically dur- and tax information, go to http://www.revenue.alabama.
ing the year. Other Income reported on Form 1099, W2G, gov/ withholding/online/W2FileInstr.cfm.
etc. in which Alabama income tax was withheld must be • If you do not have software that will create this file, the
included in your file. To file electronically through the Department has provided a program that will create an
Department’s Web site you must follow the procedures acceptable file that can be uploaded. Go to
and specifications outlined on this form. You must also http://www.revenue.alabama.gov/ withholding/ online/
refer to Social Security Administration’s Publication EFW2 createW2FileInstr.cfm for more information.
for record format and specifications. Contact SSA for the • A complete file must be sent electronically, no paper
EFW2 specifications at www.ssa.gov/employer. The Depart- copies are allowed. The number of wage and tax state-
ment does not accept this information on reel tapes, car- ments must agree with the number entered on Form A-3.
tridges, diskettes, or CDs. • Payroll Services must use their Agent account infor-
Procedures for Electronic Filing mation to electronically file and pay for clients. To apply to
My Alabama Taxes allows filers to key as many wage become a Bulk Filer go to http://www.revenue.alabama.
and tax statements as needed or upload a single file in the gov/ withholding/bulkfl.cfm.
W-2 Electronic Filing Specifications
• The Web site to file electronically is www.revenue.alabama.gov/ withholding/ efiling.cfm.
• Data must be recorded in ASCII-1 character set.
• Any file name may be used.
• File extension must be .txt.
Record Layout and Content
The Alabama Department of Revenue reads only the "RS" record. ThIs record must contain the following information in
the locations and format specified in SSA Publication EFW2. Each record must be exactly 512 bytes and must not include
record delimiters (carriage return and/or line feeds).
a. Record identifier, columns 1-2.
b. Employee information:
• Social security number, columns 10-18.
• Employee first name, columns 19-33.
• Employee middle name or initial, columns 34-48.
• Employee last name, columns 49-68.
c. State Employer Account Number (Alabama Withholding Tax Account Number), columns
• Numbers below 700000 – right justify and zero fill.
• Numbers 700000 and above – R followed by nine digits.
d. Federal Employer Identification Number, columns 258-266.
e. State code, columns 274-275 (must be AL or 01).
f. State taxable wages, columns 276-286.
g. State income tax withheld, columns 287-297.
h. Federal income tax withheld, columns 298-307.
i. Other income (1099, W2G, etc.), columns 338-348. (Only use this field to report other income reported
on 1099, W2G, etc. from which Alabama tax was withheld. Zero fill if not applicable.)
j. Payment year, columns 393-396.