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                                                                  Reset Form
                                                                                                                          IT: 489
                                               ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE

                                               Taxpayer Refund Information
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                                                SPOUSE’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER

                       NAME AS SHOWN ON RETURN                                           DATE FILED        TAX YEAR
                                                                                         FORM              REFUND AMOUNT
                       CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS                                                        E40
                                                                                          40         40NR
                                                                                          40A        41
  PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT                                                                   ADDRESS ON RETURN

Home:  (          )                            Work:  (          )

 I did not receive a tax refund check.
 I received a tax refund check but, it was:                lost  stolen     destroyed.
The signatures below should be written (not printed) exactly as they were on the return. (If this check was a refund on a joint
return, the Alabama Department of Revenue will be unable to trace it unless signatures of both husband and wife are furnished.)

YOUR SIGNATURE                                               DATE   SPOUSE’S SIGNATURE                                DATE
                                                DESCRIPTION OF CHECK (For Office Use Only)
FILE NUMBER                  WARRANT NUMBER                                              DATE ISSUED       DATE MAILED

CHARGED TO                                                                                                 DATE

                             Specific Information Concerning Your Refund Inquiry is Found Below
 1. Your check was returned as undeliverable by the Post Office. It will be remailed to your new address within three
 2. Your refund has been applied to next year's estimated tax liability as you requested in your return. You should
                       claim credit for this overpayment when you file your next year’s return.
 3. We have no record of your return at this time under the name or Social Security Number provided. If the Social
                       Security Number or name shown above is incorrect, please call or write again with the correct information.
                       However, if the information above is correct, please file another tax form including copies of your withholding
                       forms. Also sign as indicated in the signature box above and staple it to the front of the return. If you need addition-
                       al forms or schedules, please call (334) 242-9681 (not toll free).
 4. Your refund has been delayed because of unpaid taxes for a prior year. If you are still due a refund after the prior
                       year’s tax liability has been paid, your refund will be mailed to you within eight to 12 weeks.
 5. You failed to enter your social security number(s) on your return. We have entered this information and it will take
                       approximately eight weeks for you to receive your refund.
 6. We have not completed processing all returns received by the Department. If you do not receive your refund within
                       the next six weeks, please call again.
 7. Your return has been forwarded to one of our Taxpayer Service Centers for verification of certain items. We are con-
                       tacting our Taxpayer Service Center and asking them to contact you within the next six weeks.
 8. Your refund has been delayed because you filed more than one return. It will take eight to 12 weeks to associate
                       these returns and complete the processing.
                                                                  (Continued on Reverse Side)

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 9. Your return is being processed. Some problems have been encountered but should be resolved within the next six to
  eight weeks. If additional data is needed, you will be contacted.
 10. Our research indicates that your refund will be released in the next three to four weeks. If you do not receive your
  refund by that time, please call again.
 11. Your return was missing information needed to complete processing. Either the address was missing or incomplete,
  the form was not signed, or the withholding statements were not attached. We are in the process of requesting this
  information and you should receive a letter within the next 30 days. Once the Department receives this information,
  it will take 12 weeks for processing.
 12. Your refund has been transferred to the Human Resources Department to be applied to delinquent child support. If
  you have any questions contact the Human Resources Department at (334) 242-9300 concerning this matter.
 13. Your refund has been transferred to the Human Resources Department due to an overissuance of benefits under a
  public assistance program. If you have any questions contact the Human Resources Department at (334) 242-9300
  concerning this matter.
 14. Your refund has been transferred to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education to be applied to a delinquent
  student loan. If you have any questions contact the Alabama Commission on Higher Education at (334) 269-2700,
  ext. 625 concerning this matter.
 15. Your refund has been transferred to the Alabama Medicaid Agency due to failure to repay debt to the Alabama
  Medicaid Agency. If you have any questions contact the Alabama Medicaid Agency, Tax Intercept Unit at 1-800-
 16. Your refund has been transferred to the Administrative Office of Courts due to failure to pay court fines/fees. If
  you have any questions concerning this matter, contact the Administrative Office of Courts at (334) 954-5000.
 17. Other:

            If you have received your refund in the meantime, please disregard this form.
            This form and any correspondence regarding it should be mailed to:
                                  Alabama Department of Revenue
                         Individual and Corporate Tax Division
                                         P. O. Box 327410
                                       Montgomery, AL 36132-7410

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