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Alabama Secretary of State
Effective with filings or requests postmarked/hand-delivered January 1, 2019
Filing or Request Type Fee
Domestic Entities: all entity types
Certificate of Formation $100.00
Restated Certificate of Formation $100.00
Amendment to Certificate of Formation $50.00
Certificate of Termination $100.00
(Includes Cancellations and Dissolutions)
Statement of Merger or Conversion; Articles of Consolidation
or Share Exchange $100.00
Any other filing instrument required or permitted under Title 10A $25.00
Foreign Entities: all entity types
Foreign Entity Registration $150.00
Certificate of Termination $100.00
(Includes Cancellations and Withdrawals)
Certificate of Merger; Articles of Consolidation or Share Exchange $100.00
Any other filing instrument required or permitted under Title 10A $25.00
General Partnerships: Domestic and Foreign
Statements and any document required/permitted to be filed
With the Secretary of State under Chapter 8A $100.00
General Services: all entity types/ Domestic and Foreign
Name Reservations:
A. Less than 24 hours* $25.00
B. More than 24 hours* $10.00