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Circle (or check) Code Section Number related to the products and services being offered
§ Description § Description
41 Abstract companies, etc. 110 Hide, fur, etc., dealers
42 Acetylene gas and carbide manufacturers 111 Horse show, rodeo, or dog and pony shows
43 Actuaries, auditors, and public accountants 112 Horse, mule, etc., dealers
43.1 Added fee for private examining or collecting firms 113 Ice cream factory selling at wholesale
44 Adding machines, calculators, computers, typewriters, etc 114 Ice factories
45 Advertising 115 Innkeepers and hotels, > 4 bedrooms
46 Air-conditioning plants and equipment 116 Junk dealers and Car Crushers
47 Amusement parks 117 Laundered towel, apron, etc., rentals; diaper services
48 Architects 118 Laundries or launderettes
49 Attorneys 119 Legerdemain, magicians and sleight of hand
50 Auctioneers 120 Lightning rods
51 Automobile dealers 121 Lumber and timber dealers-wholesale
52 Repealed 122 Lumberyards, wooden flooring
53 Automobile accessory/parts dealers 123 Machinery repair shops, fabrication, welding shops
54 Automobile garages and shops 124 Manicurists, hairdressers, etc.
55 Automobile storage garages 125 Mattresses, cushions, rugs, upholstery manufacturing/cleaning
56 Automobile storage other than in garages 126 Medicine, chemistry, bacteriology, etc.
57 Automobile tire retreading shops 127 Mimeographs, duplicating machines, dictaphones, etc.
58 Barbers 128 Mining of Iron Ore; Levy and amount of tax; limitation of actions
59 Baseball parks 129 Mining of Iron Ore; Report of operators
60 Battery shops 130 Mining of Iron Ore; Report of persons receiving products
61 Beauty parlors, etc. 131 Monuments and tombstones
62 Bicycle and motorcycles 132 Moving picture shows; Transient operators
63 Blueprint makers 133 Moving picture shows; Permanent operators
64 Bond makers 134 Newsstands, magazines, periodicals
65 Bottlers 135 Oculists, optometrists and opticians
66 Bowling alleys 136 Osteopaths and chiropractors
67 Brokers and agents of iron, railway, etc., supplies 137 Packing houses, cold storage plants, etc.
68 Brooms, brushes, mops, etc. – manufacturing 138 Pawnbrokers
69.1 Can/bottle cereal beverages, carbonated or other soft drinks; retailers 139 Peddlers and itinerant vendors (spices & homemade medicines)
69.2 Taps/dispenser cereal beverages, carbonated or other soft drinks; retailers 140 Photographers and photograph galleries
70 Cereal beverages, carbonated or other soft drinks; wholesalers 141 Pianos, organs and other musical instruments
71 Certified Public Accountants 142 Pig iron storage operators
72 Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, tobacco, etc; retailers 143 Pistols, revolvers, bowie and dirk knives, etc.
73 Cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, tobacco, etc; wholesalers 144 Playing cards
74 Circuses 145 Plumbers, steamfitters, roofing shop, tin shop operators, etc.
75 Cleaning and pressing establishments, dyeing 146 Pool tables
76 Coal and coke dealers maintaining yards 147 Racetracks, athletic fields, etc.
77 Coal and coke dealers not maintaining yards 148 Radios, transmitting & receiving devices
78 Coffins and caskets; manufacturers 149 Real estate brokers and agents, realty situated within state
79 Coffins and caskets; dealers and agents 150 Real estate brokers and agents, realty situated without the state
80 Collection agencies 151 Restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, etc.
81 Commission merchants or merchandise brokers 152 Roadhouses, nightclubs, etc. where dancing allowed
82 Concerts, musical entertainments, public lecture, etc. where admission charged 153 Sandwich shops, barbecue stands, etc. with prepackaged sides
83 Conditional sales contracts, drafts, acceptances, etc; dealers in, money lending 154 Sawmills, heading mills or stave mills
84 Construction companies or contractors 155 Scientists, naturopaths and chiropodists
85 Cotton buyers 156 Sewing machines
86 Cotton compresses 157 Shooting galleries, shooting of firearms
87 Cottonseed oil mills, cotton mills, factories, etc. 158 Shotguns, rifles, ammunition, etc.
88 Cotton warehouses 159 Skating rinks
89 Credit agencies 160 Soliciting brokers, travel agent
90 Creosoting, preservative treatments, etc. 161 Spectacles or eyeglasses
91 Delicatessen shops (cooked foods sold for off-premise consumption), caterer 162 Stock and bond brokers
92 Dentists 163 Street fairs and carnivals
93 Detective agencies 164 Supply cars
94 Developing and printing films 165 Syrup and sugar factories
95 Devices for testing skill and strength, blowing to test lungs, used for profit 166 Theaters, variety shows, places where admission charged
96 Directories-compiling and/or selling 167 Ticket scalpers
97 Electric refrigerators, electric or gas heaters, etc. 168 Tourist camp, RV park, Bed & Brkfast, Boarding Hse, <5 bedrooms
98 Embalmers 169 Tractors, road machinery, mobile homes, and trailers
99 Engineers 170 Trading stamps
100 Fertilizer factories 171 Transfer of freight
101 Fire, closing out, etc. sales 172 Transient dealers – wholesale
102 Fireworks 173 Transient theatrical and vaudeville shows
103 Flying jennies, merry-go-rounds, roller coasters, hobby horses, etc. 174 Transient vendors and peddlers – retail
104 Fortunetellers, palmists, clairvoyants, astrologer, etc. 175 Turpentine and resin stills
105 Fruit dealers 176 Vending machines
106 Gasoline stations and pumps 177 Veneer mills, planing mills, box factories, cabinet shops, etc.
107 Glass 178 Veterinary surgery
108 Golf, miniature golf, etc., courses 179 Warehouses and yards for storage of goods for hire
109 Hat cleaning establishments 315 Store, mercantile establishment