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City of Leeds
1040 Park Drive
Leeds, AL 35094
Phone: 205-699-2585
Fax: 205-699-6558
Tax Refund Request
Type of Tax:
Joint Individual
Note: Separate requests are required for each type of tax.
The undersigned hereby makes application for refund of ($__________________)
_________________________________________________Dollars. Taxes paid by said
undersigned to the City of Leeds for the period(s)________________________________,
which amount was erroneously paid or paid in excess of the amount due or was paid
through mistake of fact or law.
Explain in detail the reasons for refund claim ( attach additional pages if necessary):
Signatures: A joint petition must bear the signatures of both the seller and the
consumer-purchaser. If a petitioner is an individual, the individual must sign. If a petitioner
is a business organization (i.e corporation, partnership, LLC), an authorized representative
must sign.
Petitioner's Name (Seller) Petitioner's Name (Consumer-Purchaser)
Account Number Telephone Number Account Number Telephone Number
Petitioner's Signature/Title Petitioner's Signature/Title
Petitioner's Email Address Petitioner's Email Address
Petitioner's Mailing Address Petitioner's Mailing Address
City State Zip City State Zip
Date Signed Date Signed