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                                                                                                        Batch  _________________ 
                  RETURN DUE ON OR BEFORE 
                  THE 20 THOF EACH MONTH                                                                Check  _________________ 
                                                                                                        Amount  _______________ 
                                     PO Box 4089  Gulf Shores, AL 36547  Phone 251-968-2426   Fax251-968-1470 
                                                             TAX RETURN 
           Account No.  __________________                                                       Check here for address change 
           Reporting Period ______________                                                       Check here is this is a FINAL tax return 
           (This return only for the business shown below) 
                                                                                     Total Amount Remitted 
                                                                                                  Make check payable to:                             
                                                                                                   CITY OF GULF SHORES 
           Type of Tax           Tax     (A)                 (B)             (C)      (D)               (E)            (F)             (G) 
                                 Rate  Gross Receipts      Total     Net Taxable     Tax Due            Plus  (+)    Plus (+)   Amount Due 
                                 %                       Deduction                                      Penalty      Interest 
                                                         (see back) 
           Sale -General         3.0                                                                                           
     Sale -General P.J.          1.5                                                                                           
     Sale -Automotive            1.5                                                                                           
    Sale -Automotive P.J.        .75                                                                                           
  Sale -Machine/Agriculture      1.5                                                                                           
  Sale -Mach/Agriculture P.J.  .75                                                                                             
           Lodging               7.0                                                                                           
           Lodging P.J.          3.5                                                                                           
           Use -General          3.0                                                                                           
     Use -General P.J.           1.5                                                                                           
     Use -Automotive             1.5                                                                                           
    Use -Automotive P.J.         .75                                                                                           
  Use -Machine/Agriculture       1.5                                                                                           
  Use -Mach/Agriculture P.J.  .75                                                                                              
           Lease -General        3.0                                                                                           
     Lease -General P.J.         1.5                                                                                           
    Lease -Auto/Linens/etc       1.5                                                                                           
  Lease -Auto/Linens/etc P.J.  .75                                                                                             

  Auto Vehicles Withdrawn                                                                                                      
  No. ____________ x $1.00 
 (* P.J. Police Jurisdiction)                                                                     
                                                                                                  TOTAL AMOUNTTotal DUE____________________________ 
  By signing this report I am certifying that this report, including any accompanying schedules AmountAor statements,___________   has been  
  examined by me and is to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and complete reportmount                for the period stated.        
  Signature & Title _________________________________________________          Date  _______________________ 

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                            INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING CITY OF GULF SHORES TAX RETURN                       
 Column A             Enter gross receipts (both cash/credit, nontaxable/ taxable). 
 Column B             Enter total deductions from standard deductions summary table below. 
 Column C             Enter net taxable - Column A (Gross Receipts) less Column B (Total Deduction) 
 Column D             Enter tax due for each tax type by multiplying tax rate by Column C (Net Taxable). 
 Column E             Enter penalty (See below for penalty worksheet) if delinquent. 
 Column F             Enter interest (See below for interest worksheet) if delinquent. 

 Column G             Enter amount due for tax type: Add Columns D (Tax Due), E (Penalty) and F (Interest) 
 Total Amount Due     Add all amounts in Column G (Amount Due) and place results on the “Total Amount Due” line. 
                 Penalty Worksheet                                                  Interest Worksheet 
       Penalty 1 - Failure to Timely File                                           Interest Calculation 
   1. Tax Amount                            __________________         1. Use the current interest rate established by 26 USC 
   2. Line 1 x 10% or $50,                                                6621. The rate can be found at: 
        whichever is greater            __________________                https://revenue.alabama.gov/taxpayer-
       Penalty 2 - Failure to Timely Pay                                   
   3. Line 1 x 10%                         ___________________         2. Take the interest rate ___ ÷ 365 = daily interest 
                                                                          rate.  The daily rate x number of days late x tax = 
       Total Penalty – Add Penalties 1 and 2 together                     interest due. 
   4. Add line 2 and 3                ____________________                 
                                             Standard Deduction Summary Table 
               (Summary below must be completed to correspond with total deductions on front of Tax Report) 
TYPE OF TAX    WHOLE        AUTO             LABOR/ NON-  SALES           SALES TO  SALES OF         OTHER          TOTAL 
                 SALE       TRADE-           TAXABLE      DELIVERY      GOVERNMENT  GAS OR         ALLOWABLE   DEDUCTIONS 
                 TAX        INS              SERVICE      OUTSIDE         OR ITS    LUBE OILS      DEDUCTIONS 
                                                          JURISDICTION  AGENCIES 
     To avoid the application of penalty and/or interest amounts, this report must be filed on or before the 20th 
      of the month following the period for which the report is submitted. Cancellation postmark will determine 
      timely filing. 
     A remittance for the total amount due made payable to the tax jurisdiction must be submitted with this report. 
     This report should be submitted on a monthly basis unless you have requested and been approved for a 
      different filing frequency a zero return must be filed. 
     No duplicate or replicated forms acceptable except with prior approval of the taxing jurisdiction. 
  Indicate Any Account Changes Below 
  Business Name                                                                 _____                Phone                                                                       ____  
  Contact Person                                                                _____      Fax                                                                           ___ 
  Physical Address                                                                                                                                              ____________ 
  Mailing Address                                                                                                                                                   ___ ______ 

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