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                                          CITY OF ALABASTER, ALABAMA BUSINESS APPLICATION 
Submit By Email F or Review And        Approval                      (CONFIDENTIAL)                                Applicant Complete This Box 
 Mail Payment Once Approved To:                                                                                    FEIN: 
           City of Alabaster                                                                                       ST of Ala Tax #: 
                  Dept  CS # 1                                                                                     NAICS CODE: 
              PO Box 830525                                                                                       Form of Ownership (Check One) 
       Birmingham, AL  35283                                                                                  Sole Proprietor       Partnership 
       Phone 205 664 6844: ( )      -                                                                         Corporation           Professional Assoc. 
Email: revenue@cityofalabaster.com                                                                            LLC                Other _____ 
                                                CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE

APPLICATION TYPE:          NEW            RENEWAL            OWNER CHANGE            NAME CHANGE            LOCATION CHANGE 

Legal Business Name: 

Trade Name: (If different from above) 
Business Activities: (Brief description of activity – ex. retail clothing sales, wholesale food sales, rental of industrial equipment, computer 
consulting, etc.) 

Physical Address: 
                           (Street)                           (City)                                      (State)                      (Zip) 

Mailing Address: 
                           (Street)                           (City)                                      (State)                      (Zip) 

                           (Business)                                (Fax) 


Name/Phone # for Contact Person:                                                           (            ) 

List Names of Owner(s), Partners, or Officers (Attach separate sheet if necessary) 
       Name                               Residence Address                               SSN                            Title 

Date Business Activity Initiated or Proposed in Alabaster:______________________Projected Gross Receipts in Alabaster: _________________ 
This application has been examined by me and is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and complete representation of the above named entity, 
and person(s) listed. I understand that the issuance of a business license is contingent upon all applicable City of Alabaster Code of Ordinances and 
State of Alabama licensing requirements being satisfied.    
Date                                 Signature                                                             Title 

Please print legibly or type, and complete all highlighted areas. Refer to attached checklist for additional help.
Please email the completed application to revenue@cityofalabaster.com, and the department will contact you 
for any additional forms and/or information that may be required.  There may be other specific requirements 
in order to complete the licensing process. Once approved the department will provide the amount due.

                                                THIS AREA FOR MUNICIPAL USE ONLY
ZONINGDEPARTMENT: REVIEWED BY: ____________________________                ______________________________          CLASSIFICATION: ____________
                                                SIGNATURE                             PRINTED NAME

FIRE DEPARTMENT:                      REVIEWED BY: ____________________________       ______________________________
                                                  SIGNATURE                               PRINTED NAME

ACCOUNT# _______________________________                             NAICS CODE ______________________________________

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  Did I provide my Federal Tax ID number (FEIN or TIN)? This is issued by the IRS. 

  Did I provide my State of Alabama tax ID and/or sales tax number? This number usually begins with the letter “R” 
  unless filing under your SSN. 

  Did I provide my NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code? Vi  sit https://www.census.gov/eos/ 
      www/naics/ to determine your NAICS code. Businesses with multiple activities may have more than one NAICS 
      code they operate under. 

  Did I check the form of Ownership (Sole Proprietor, LLC, Corp, Partnership)? You must select sole proprietor, 
  unless you have legally filed LLC or Corporation papers with your Home County and/or state. Partnerships must 
  provide agreement paperwork. 

  Did I provide the business name? Legal business name is the name the business files taxes under. The trade 
  name is usually DBA. Please list legal business name and, if applicable, DBA. 

  Did I provide the business activities? License fees are based on the business activity conducted inside the city 
  limits of Alabaster. If more than one activity, please list each one. 

  Did I provide physical and mailing addresses? If physical address is inside city limits, you will need to be 
  approved by the zoning department and fire marshall. You may need to complete some additional 
  paperwork. Each location, parcel, and/or suite needs a separate application. A physical address cannot 
  be a PO Box or UPS mailbox store. 

  Did I provide contact information? A telephone number for the business and business owner is needed. You 
  must also provide an email address as an additional contact means. 

  Did I provide name and number for a contact individual? This individual is either the business owner or someone 
  who you will allow the City of Alabaster to speak with concerning your business license. 

  Did I provide information of all owners and/or partners? SSN is not needed unless you file taxes under that 

  Did I provide a copy of recorded Articles of Incorporation, LLC, and/or partnership agreements (if applicable)? A 
  recorded copy is stamped showing where the articles were recorded in your home county and/or state. 

  Did I date and sign my application? An application not signed is considered incomplete. It must be signed by 
  someone who is authorized to act on behalf of the company and must be listed on application. 

  Did I provide the start date of business activities? This is the date you began/will begin your business. 

  Did I provide the estimated gross receipts? This does not apply to all businesses, but does apply to most. 
  Some business are based on different criteria such as number of technicians, units, sq footage, ect. 

            If you need additional assistance, please contact the revenue department at 
                               (205) 664-6844 or revenue@cityofalabaster.com 

UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, I ____________________________________________(PRINT NAME), THE 

                     ______________________________________                       ______________________
                                                 (DECLARATOR'S SIGNATURE)          DATE

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