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2021 / 2022
City & Borough of Yakutat State of Alaska Business License #___________
Tax & License Department ___ 1 Year…$25.00.
P. O. Box 160, Yakutat, AK 99689 ___ 2 Years $50.00.
Ph. 907-784-3323 ext. 106, Fax 907-784-3281 Check payable to: City & Borough of Yakutat
cbytaxes@yakutatak.us Funds are non-refundable. Fill in all blanks.
Business Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Name must match the name on the State of Alaska business license
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________ State ____________ Zip _____________
Phone Number__________________Fax #______________________Toll Free___________________
Is this the same address that the Sales Tax Return will be mailed to? ___Yes ___No. If No, then fill in
the address where the Sales Tax Return will be mail to: ______________________________________
Physical Location of Business _________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address_______________________________ Web Page______________________________
LINE OF BUSINESS: _________________________________Activity Code___________________
(Please use the State of Alaska Lines of Business & Activity lists.)
If a permit and/or professional licenses are required, list the type of license, name of license holder & number.
What Zoning district of business location?
Conditional Use Permit or a Zoning Compliance Permit Required? YES______NO_____
If you are not sure what zone your business is in or if you need a CUP or ZCP please contact P and Z.
Check all that apply: Sales Tax 5%___ Transient Accommodation Tax 8%___Vehicle Rental Tax 8% ___
Business is: (Check One)
□Corporate Corporation Name _____________________________EIN: _________________________
□Sole Proprietorship (One Individual)
□Partnership (Provide the SSN of the first two partners, if there are more than two; attach a complete
list of partners and their information on a separate sheet.
Partner ________________________________________SSN_____________________________
This application must be signed & dated by the natural person completing this application on behalf of the business and
state the person’s title of position in the business. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that this application is true and
_______________________________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Receipt #__________Initial____Paid___New___Renewal___CBY License__________ST BL____________