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Instructions for Form 6310, Income Tax Education Column C Table - Use the following codes for each contribution
Credit A Direct instruction, research & educational support by an
Alaska 2-year or 4-year accredited college, Alaska University
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Foundation or an elementary or secondary school
B Secondary school level vocational courses operated by an
Purpose of Form Alaska school district
Use Form 6310 to calculate a potential income tax education credit.
C State-operated vocational technical education and training
The income tax education credit is limited to 50% of the first school, regional training center, and state registered
$100,000, 75% of the next $200,000 and 50% of the contributions apprenticeship programs
that exceed $300,000. The total allowable credit may not exceed D Alaska 2-year or 4-year college, elementary, or secondary
$1 million. If a taxpayer is a member of an affiliated group, the total school for facilities
amount of credit may not exceed $1 million for the affiliated group. E Alaska Native cultural or heritage program for public school
A contribution qualifying for the credit cannot be claimed as a staff and students K–12
charitable contribution deduction.
F Coastal ecosystem learning center qualified under the
The credit may not reduce the tax liability below zero. Contributions Coastal America Partnership
claimed as a credit on this return cannot be claimed as a credit for G Alaska higher education investment fund under AS 37.14.750
other Alaska taxes. The taxpayer may not claim more than $1 H Non-profit organization to fund scholarship for a dual-credit
million for all credits claimed under AS 21.96.070, AS 21.96.075, student as defined in AS 43.20.014 (g)(1)
AS 43.20.014, AS 43.55.019, AS 43.56.018, AS 43.65.018,
AS 43.75.018, and AS 43.77.045. Any unused credit or portion I Residential school approved under AS 14.16.200
of a credit may not be sold, traded, transferred or applied in a J Childhood learning and development programs provided by a
subsequent tax year. non-profit organization
K Science, technology, engineering, and math programs pro-
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS vided by a non-profit agency or school district for students
K-12 and staff
Section I - Contributions L Non-profit organization providing educational opportunities
for public service
Line 1: List all contributions for which credit is claimed.
Column C: Report the code from the table that best describes the Note: The above list of qualifying recipients is intended as a
recipient of the contribution. general description only. Please see AS 43.20.014(a) for details
of requirements. Taxpayers are encouraged to consult their tax
Column D: List those contributions that qualify as charitable advisor.
contributions under IRC Sec. 170.
Section II - Equipment Contributions Listed in Section I
Line 3: Enter the sum of column D.
Column A: A description of the equipment contributed in sufficient
Line 5: Enter the lesser of line 3 or $1,900,000. This is the detail to be easily identified by the recipient organization includ-
amount that charitable contributions must be reduced on Schedule ing make, model number, year, serial number or any other unique
K. Enter the amount from line 5 on Schedule K, line 2. identifying information.
Line 9: Add lines 6–8. This is the tentative education credit. Enter : The original date the equipment was acquired by the
Column B
this amount on Form 6300, line 8. donor.
Column C: The date title of the equipment was transferred to the
recipient organization.
Column D: Donor’s cost or adjusted basis as reported on the
federal tax return.
Column E: Appraised market value at time of donation. For
equipment donated that exceeds $5,000, a written appraisal from
a qualified appraiser and recipient acknowledgement must be
submitted with Form 6310.
Column F: The amount available may be included in Section I,
Column D.
0405-6310 Rev 02/15/20