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 SEVERANCE TAX REPORT FOR SURFACE COAL                                     Form Type: Indicate if the report filed is an original (O) or an amended 
        (Form 5000) INSTRUCTIONS (revised 9/2019)                          (A) report. Do not report original and amended line items on the same 
                                                                           Form 5000. 
WHO MUST FILE - All taxes on production shall be remitted by the            
operator or his duly authorized agent. Severance taxes are determined      Mine Group Number: Enter the Mine Group Number (the 5-digit number 
from the gross production in the current calendar year.                    beginning with a 9) for each line item reported, as assigned by the 
                                                                           Department of Revenue. If you are reporting a mine group which has not 
WHEN TO FILE - Severance tax reports and payment in-full must be           been assigned a Mine Group Number, leave this box blank. 
postmarked by the 25th day of the second month following the month          
of production. If a taxpayer’s total liability for severance tax was less  Rate Code: Enter the proper Rate Code for each line item reported. The 
than $30,000 for the preceding calendar year, monthly reporting and        Rate Code for coal subject to the 7% severance tax rate is “BAS”. The 
payment requirements are waived and the taxpayer shall report and pay      Rate Code for coal which qualifies for the $.60 severance tax per ton 
the tax annually, by February 25th of the year following the year of       limitation is “60C”. A line item with the “BAS” Rate Code must be filed 
production. If a severance tax report shows tax due, the taxpayer shall    for each Mine Group Number. A separate line item with the “60C” Rate 
pay the tax due when the report is filed. If a taxpayer does not file      Code may be filed for each Mine Group Number with production which 
severance tax reports and pay the total tax due by the due date, the       qualifies for the $.60 severance tax per ton limitation. Do not include the 
severance tax is delinquent and is subject to penalty and interest.        production,  sales,  or  taxable  value  of  $.60  coal  in  the  information 
                                                                           reported under the “BAS” Rate Code. Rate Code “60C” may only be filed 
FOR ASSISTANCE - For assistance with any Wyoming solid mineral             by those producers with coal production sold under contracts which 
tax question, please call the Mineral Tax Division of the Department of    qualify for the $.60 severance tax per ton limitation allowed under 
Revenue at (307) 777-7935.                                                 Wyoming Statute 39-14-105(b). Producers must submit a letter to the 
                                                                           Department for each coal sales agreement which you think qualifies for 
Coal  is  assessed  for  mineral  taxation  purposes  in  accordance  with the $.60 severance tax per ton limitation. 
Wyoming  Statute  39-14-103.  For  additional  information  on  the         
valuation of coal, refer to Wyoming Statute 39-14-103 and Chapter 6        Tons Sold: Enter the tons of coal sold during the production period.  
of the Rules of the Wyoming Department of Revenue.                          
                                                                           Sales Value: Enter the sales value of coal sold during the production 
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - Please complete a Severance Tax                     period. 
Report For Surface Coal (Form 5000), using production, sales, and           
taxable value information for the production period reported.  IF YOU      Tons  Mined:  Enter  the  tons  of  coal  mined  during  the  production 
ARE A MONTHLY FILER, DO NOT REPORT YEAR-TO-DATE                            period.  
TOTALS FOR TONS SOLD, SALES VALUE, TONS MINED OR                            
TAXABLE VALUE. REPORT ONLY THE TONS SOLD, SALES                            Taxable Value: Enter the taxable value of the tons of coal mined during 
VALUE,  TONS  MINED  AND  TAXABLE  VALUE  FOR  THE                         the production period. Compute the taxable value in accordance with 
PRODUCTION  PERIOD REPORTED. All information provided                      Wyoming Statute 39-14-103. 
should be determined on the accrual basis of accounting, in accordance      
with generally accepted accounting principles. Round all figures to the    Total Tax Due: For Rate Code “BAS”, enter the result of multiplying 
nearest whole number except where otherwise instructed. Fill out the       the Taxable Value by 7%, rounded to 2 decimal places (for example, 
report completely, on the forms provided by the Department. Do not         $100.12). For Rate Code “60C”, enter the result of multiplying the 
substitute computer generated forms. If the report is not filled out       Tons Mined by $.60, rounded to 2 decimal places. 
completely and accurately, the report may be considered delinquent and      
may be subject to penalty and interest. The sum of the taxable values      Previous Tax Paid (amends): For amended reports only. Report the 
reported on your monthly severance tax reports must equal the total        severance tax previously paid for this Mine Group Number and Rate 
taxable value of your coal production for the calendar year.               Code. If this is an original report, enter 0. 
NOTE: Production, sales, taxable value, and tax due information must       Current Tax Due: Enter the result of subtracting Previous Tax Paid 
still  be  reported  separately  for  each  mine,  using  the  Mine  Group from Total Tax Due. 
Number assigned by the Department of Revenue. However you may               
now report information for more than one Mine Group Number on              Page Total: Enter the sum of the Current Tax Due column on this Form 
separate lines of the same Form 5000. You may also report information      5000.  
on  production  which  qualifies  for  the  $.60  severance  tax  per  ton  
limitation on a separate line of the same form with your information on    Payment Amount: Enter the payment submitted with your report(s). 
production subject to the 7% severance tax rate.                            
                                                                           AMENDMENT - Form 5000 is now filed on a monthly basis. Year-to-
Operator ID: Enter the operator ID number (the 4-digit number beginning    date information is no longer reported on each monthly severance 
with a 9) assigned to you by the Department of Revenue. If an operator     report. Corrections to information reported may be implemented for 
ID has not been assigned to you, leave this box blank.                     each production period by filing amended severance reports. Amended 
                                                                           reports must be filed in accordance with the statute of limitations 
Operator Name: Enter the Operator Name. Do not enter the name of the       described in W.S. 39-14-108. Report the corrected replacement value 
contact person or tax agent.                                               for Tons Sold, Sales Value, Tons Mined, and Taxable Value on your 
                                                                           amended reports. Please indicate the Form Type as (A). Do not report 
Contact Name and Contact Phone #: Enter the name and telephone             original and amended line items on the same Form 5000. 
number of the person the Department of Revenue may contact about this       
report.                                                                    The mailing address for all Department of Revenue mineral forms is: 
                                                                                      Wyoming Department of Revenue  
Production Period: Enter the production period (month and year of the                 Mineral Tax Division 
production  reported).  If  you  qualify  to  file  annually,  report  the            Herschler Building, 3  Floorrd     East 
production period as December (for example, 12/2000).                                 Cheyenne, WY  82002-0110 

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State of Wyoming 
Department of Revenue                         SEVERANCE TAX REPORT                                 5000 
122 West 25th Street 
Cheyenne WY 82002-0110                        FOR    SURFACE COAL                                  *5000* 
         DOR USE ONLY: 
Operator ID:                          Operator Name:                                                                                                               

Contact Name:                                                      Contact Phone #:  (         ) 

                                                                 O - Original      
Prod. Period:           /                     Form Type:         A - Amended 
 MINE       RATE       TONS   SOLD    SALES   VALUE TONS   MINED TAXABLE   VALUE TOTAL  TAX  DUE PREVIOUS                                                CURRENT 
 GROUP      CODE                                                                                 TAX  PAID                                               TAX  DUE 
 NUMBER                                                                                          (AMENDS) 


                                                                                 PAGE TOTAL:                                                                       
 DO NOT REPORT YEAR-TO-DATE INFORMATION                                                             
            I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this return and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete. 

                 Authorized Signature                                      Title                                                                         Date 

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