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  P       rofit         Corporation                   Instructions 

                               Wyoming Secretary of State  
Herschler Building East, Suite 101   122 W 25th Street   Cheyenne,WY 82002-0020   

                         307.777.7311   Business@wyo.gov 
Before Filing Please Note  __________________________________________________________________  Filing fee of $100.00. Make check or money order payable to Wyoming Secretary of State.

 Reference the checklist at the bottom of the Articles for a detailed list of the required attachments.

 Under the circumstance specified in W.S. 17-28-104(e), an email address is required.Annual reports are due every year on the first day of the anniversary month of formation. If
  not paid within 60 days of the due date the entity will be subject to dissolution.

 Please review the form prior to submission. The Secretary of State’s Office is unable to
  process incomplete forms.You’re Ready to Mail in Your Documents!Processing time is up to 15 business days following the date of receipt in our office.
 Wyoming statutes do not allow for expedited filing at this time. Your filing will be processed in the
  order it is received.
 You can visit our website at http://wyobiz.wyo.gov to see what day is currently being processed.

Additional Contact Information   ____________________________________________________________  

Department of Revenue (Sales and Use Tax Information)
  o       Ph. 307.777.5200 OR https://revenue.state.wy.us/
Department of Workforce Services (Workers’ Compensation or Unemployment Insurance)
  o       Ph. 307.777.8650 OR http://www.wyomingworkforce.org/
Internal Revenue Service (Tax ID Information)
  o       https://www.irs.gov/Filing

FP-ArticlesContinuanceInstructions – Revised May 2022

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                            Wyoming Secretary of State 
                            Herschler Building East, Suite 101 
                                          122 W 25th Street                             For Office Use Only 
                                  Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 
                                          Ph. 307.777.7311
                                 Email: Business@wyo.gov      

                                            Foreign Profit Corporation 
                                              Articles of Continuance  

Pursuant to W.S. 17-16-1810 the undersigned hereby submits the following Articles of Continuance: 

1. Corporation name:

2. Incorporated under the laws of:
                                          (State or country) 

3. Date of incorporation:
                            (Date – mm/dd/yyyy) 

4. Period of duration:
(This is referring to the length of time the corporation intends to exist and not the length of time it has been in existence. The most common 
term used is “perpetual.”) 

5. Mailing address of the corporation:

6. Principal office address:

7. Name and physical address of its registered agent:
(The registered agent may be an individual resident in Wyoming or a domestic or foreign business entity authorized to transact business in 
Wyoming. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming. If the registered office includes a suite number, it must be
included in the registered office address. A Drop Box is not acceptable. A PO Box is acceptable if listed in addition to a physical address.) 



                           (If mail is received at a Post Office Box, please list above in addition to the physical address.) 

FP-ArticlesContinuance – Revised June20 1 2  

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8. Purpose of the corporation which it proposes to pursue in the transaction of business in this state:    in the transaction of business in this state:

9. Names and respective addresses of its officers and directors:

Office            Name                                    Address


Vice President






10. Aggregate number of shares or other ownership units which it has the authority to issue.
    (Itemize by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value and series, if any, within a class.)

11. Aggregate number of issued shares or other ownership units.
    (Itemize by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value and series, if any, within a class.)

12. The corporation accepts the constitution of the state of Wyoming in compliance with the requirement of
Article 10, Section 5 of the Wyoming Constitution.

FP-ArticlesContinuance – Revised June 2021 

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13. Certification. (Please check the box to complete the required certification.)

       I consent on behalf of the business entity to accept electronic service of process at the required email address 
provided on the form under the circumstances specified in W.S. 17-28-104(e).

Signature: ___________________________________________                                          Date: 
(Shall be executed by an officer or director of the corporation.)                                         (mm/dd/yyyy) 
Print Name: 

                                                                  Contact Person: 
Daytime Phone Number: 

                                                                  (An email address is required. Email(s) provided will receive important 
                                                                  reminders, notices and filing evidence.)


       A certified copy of its original Articles of Incorporation and all amendments currently certified within the 
       last six (6) months by the proper officer of the state or nation of formation. 

       A copy of the company resolution authorizing continuance of the Profit Corporation into Wyoming. 

       Note: Please provide evidence showing the entity has been dissolved after the continuation into 
       Wyoming has been completed. Copies of the dissolution are acceptable and can be emailed to 
       business@wyo.gov or mailed in.  

FP-ArticlesContinuance – Revised June 2021 

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                                                                                                                                               Wyoming Secretary of State 
                                                                                                                           Herschler Building East, Suite 101 
                                                                                                                                                      122 W 25th Street 
                                                                                                                                               Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020 
                                                                                                                                                                  Ph. 307.777.7311 
                                                                                                                                               Email: Business@wyo.gov

                                         Consent to Appointment by Registered Agent 

I,                                                                                                                       , registered office located at 
                                                    (name of registered agent) 

                                                                                                                             voluntarily consent to serve 

       *(registered office physical address, city, state, & zip)

as the registered agent for 
                                                                             (name of business entity) 

I hereby certify that I am in compliance with the requirements of W.S. 17-28-101 through W.S. 17-28-111. 

Signature:__________________________________________                                                                 Date: 
                        (Shall be executed by the registered agent.)                                                                            (mm/dd/yyyy) 

Print Name:                                                                                           Daytime Phone: 

Title:                                                                                                Email: 
                                                                                                                (An email address is required. Email(s) provided will receive 
                                                                                                                important reminders, notices and filing evidence.)

Registered Agent Mailing Address 
 (if different than above):

IMPORTANT:        areyou  If an existing registered agent and your existing address recordon does matchnot what 
is provided on this form, a Registered Agent Information Update form is also required.  

RAConsent – Revised December 2021

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