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                              Wyoming Department of Revenue                                                                                           
                              Excise Tax Division 
                              122 W. 25th Street, Herschler Bldg.                                        Department Use Only 
                              Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0110                                                 RID:__________________ 
                              http://revenue.state.wy.us                                                  License:_______________ 
                                                                                                         Fling Freq:_____________ 
                                                        Sales/Use Tax                                                                                                       
       1.  Ownership Name:_________________________________________________________ (1) ____________________________ 
                                                                                                                      (federal identification number) 
       2.  Date of first Sale / Service in Wyoming_______/_________/_______________________(1)____________________________         
                                                                                                                     (date and state of incorporation) 
       3.  DBA/Doing Business As Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ 
       4.  Please check one of the following that best describes your ownership (spousal ownership is considered a partnership): 
           A. ________Association/Club                  B. ________Corporation                          C. ________Individual
           D. ________Limited Partnership               E .________Limited Liability Company            F. ________Partnership 
           G. ________Other(explain 
           Note: Corporations must provide evidence of registration with your home state or Wyoming Secretary of State’s office.  
           Please contact the Wyoming Secretary of State’s office at 307 777-7311 with any questions regarding registration.       
       5.   Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ 
                                      Street or PO Box                     City                         State                Zip Code 
       6.   Location Address:______________________________________________________________________________________ 
                                          Street                           City                         State             Zip Code
       7.   Internet E-Mail Address:________________________________ @___________________________________ 
       8.   Business Telephone Number: (       )_______-________   (800)_______-___________Fax No:(       )________-_________ 
       9.   Authorized Contact:________________________________________________Phone Number: (     )_______-__________ 
       10. What Type of Sales does this business make? Retail_________Wholesale_________Service________Manufacturer_______ 
       11. Estimated monthly sales volume: $____________________ 
       12. Describe specifically the type of products and/or services this business provides, (ex: auto parts, computers and/or auto repair,  
          computer repair) give the percentage of each: total must equal 100% 
          A. _____________________   _____%     B._______________________   ______%    C.______________________  _____%
       13. Does this business sell liquor? If yes, list your WY. Liquor license number_________________      Yes_______ No________  
       14. Does this business provide lodging?                                                                        Yes_______ No________
       15. Does this business have more than one lodging location?                                                    Yes_______ No________ 
       16. Is this business located within the boundaries of an incorporated city or town in Wyoming?                 Yes_______ No________ 
       17. Does this business sell Cigarettes, cigars, snuff, or other tobacco products?                              Yes_______ No________ 
       18. Does this business sell propane, butane, liquefied gas, or compressed natural gas?                        Yes_______ No________ 
       19. Does this business ship/deliver products and/or service in any other WY city, town or county?         Yes_______ No________ 
       20. Has this ownership ever had a Wyoming Sales/Use Tax License?                                               Yes_______ No________   
       21. Does this business have more than one location in Wyoming?                                                 Yes_______ No________ 
       22. If this business has more than one location do you prefer to consolidated the licenses?                    Yes_______ No________ 
          If yes how many locations? _____________ 
          Note:  Original Signature(s) are required for all ownership types.  The business owner must sign for the individual ownership, all partners 
          must sign for partnerships, one major officer for a Corporation, one member or manager a Limited Liability Company and Limited 
          Partnership.  Attach an additional signature page if needed.  Signatures must be original. 
            A.  Print Name:__________________________________              Signature__________________________________________ 
                   Address:   __________________________________           City:______________________State________Zip_________ 
                       SSN:_______________________________________    Title______________________________________________ 
             B.  Print Name:__________________________________             Signature__________________________________________ 
                      Address:   __________________________________        City:______________________State________Zip_________ 
                      SSN:_______________________________________    Title______________________________________________ 
             C.  Print Name:__________________________________             Signature__________________________________________ 
                      Address:   __________________________________        City:______________________State________Zip_________ 
                      SSN:_______________________________________    Title______________________________________________ 
         Don’t forget!  *To complete all lines of this application in its entirety, including all required signatures. 
                     *Include the $60.00 non-refundable application fee.   
                     *Please make check payable to the Wyoming Department of Revenue  
                              *For assistance completing the application please call (307) 777-5200.  
         ETS Form 001.1 Revised:  04/25/2011 

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