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Finance Department /Tax & License Division
Job Credit Supplemental Information Sheet
Chapter 6B of the Tacoma Municipal Code, as amended.
A separate sheet must be submitted for each new position added
The New Position:
Is located at a permanent business inside the city limits of Tacoma
Will pay a “Family Wage” within 12 months of the hire date
Is a full-time position (at least 35 hours per week)
Will be filled for at least four subsequent calendar years after the date of hire
Will have associated records maintained that show the growth in the employment base in Tacoma
Contract Account # ____________________________ WA State UBI # ________________________
Name of Business ___________________________________________________
Date new position filled: ______________
Position Job Title: ___________________________________________________
Hourly Rate Paid: _______
Is the position a “Green Job?” Yes ______ No ______
Is the position filled with a Tacoma Resident? Yes ______ No ______
Does your company conduct international business service within the empowerment zone or “distressed areas” –
as defined by the Washington State Department of Revenue? (For more information, call Department of Revenue’s
Information Center at 1-800-647-7706). Yes ______ No _______
Important to Know
• The credit cannot be accrued and carried back or forward between years
• The credit is not refundable
• The credit is available for five calendar years; positions created after June 30 qualify for only half of the
eligible credit the first calendar year
Signature of Applicant: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________
City of Tacoma • Finance Department / Tax & License Division
cityoftacoma.org/businesslicense • Phone (253) 591-5252 • taxinfo@cityoftacoma.org
TXL 193 (03/05) a