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                              20___                               Government of Puerto Rico                                                                      20___ Electronic Filing Confirmation Number
 Form 480.60 EC                                         DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
 Rev. 01.21
                                           INFORMATIVE RETURN - PASS-THROUGH ENTITY                                                                                               Control Number
                                       1 PARTNERSHIP               2 SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP             3 CORPORATION OF INDIVIDUALS
                                                  Partner's Distributable                 Share or Stockholder's
                                                                                                                                                                       Control No. of Original Informative Return
                                             Proportional Share on Income, Losses and Credits
                                           Taxable year beginning on __________ ,20____  and ending on __________ ,20____
           Select the form with respect to which this Informative Return is prepared:             1                480.20(EC)            2                            480.10(SC)            3 480.20(U)
 Name of Partner, Stockholder or Member                                                   Social Security or Employer Identification                                                  AMENDED
                                                                                          No. of Partner, Stockholder or Member
                                                                                                                                                                       (Day_____ Month_____ Year_____)
 Entity's Name                                                                               Entity's Employer Identification No.                                                 Type of Industry


 Part                   IINFORMATION OF THE PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER                             OR MEMBER
 A. 1. Managing Partner    D. Share percentage on:                                                              K. Sworn Statement submitted by partner or stockholder
 2. Limited Partner           1. Losses     (     %)           2. Gains (     %)                                    (Section 1062.05(a)(1)(A) or 1062.07(a)(1)(B) of the Code)                           Yes No
 3. Unlimited Partner      E. Portion of current debts from the Entity assumed by the                           L. Partner or stockholder made the election of
 B. TYPE:                     partners or stockholders.                                                            Section 1062.07(a)(1)(A) of the Code                           ..................     Yes No
 1. Individual                1. Secured:     ________________________________                                  M. Indicate if the Entity was granted an exemption under the following acts:
 2. Trust                     2. Unsecured: _______________________________                                        1. Act No. 52 of 1983                               10. Act 83-2010
 3. Estate                 F. Debts attributable to partners of the Partnership or SpecialFOR 2. Act No. 47 of 1987                                                    11. Act 132-2010
                              Partnership under Act 78-1993 and Act No. 52 of 1983.                                3. Act 78-1993                                      12. Act 27-2011
 4. Partnership               Secured: ________________________________                                            4. Act 225-1995                                     13. Act 20-2012
 5. Special  Partnership   G. Entity's merchant registration number:                                               5. Act 165-1996                                     14. Act 14-2017
 6. Corporation               _____________________________                                                        6. Act 135-1997                                           Decree No. ______________
 C. STATUS:                H. Subject to Act 154-2010 (Applies only to partnerships)       Yes     No              7. Act 362-1999                                     15. Act 60-2019
 1. Resident               I. Indicate if an Investor Special Partnership......           Yes      No              8. Act 73-2008                                           Section ______________
 2. Nonresident            INFORMATIONJ. Optional Tax Election                                                     9. Act 74-2010                                      16. Other  _____
                              (Section 1071.10 or 1115.15 of the Code) ......       Yes      No
                                             FOR THE USE OF THE PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER OR MEMBER
    CHECK HEREÍ            Election for the application of Section 1114.06(b) or 1115.04(c) of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011, as amended.
                           (Option to treat certain items as ordinary income (or loss)). $_______________________ (See instructions)
           (a)                    (b)                                (c)                                              (d)                                              (e)                             (f)
 Capital contributions   Other increases to basis  Partner's or stockholder's distributable                Partner's or stockholder's  debts                           Withdrawals and         Other decreases to
 made during the year      (Submit detail)         share on the gain or loss of the Entity     assumed and secured by the Entity                                       distributions          basis (See instructions)

 Part III                DISTRIBUTABLE SHARE PER CATEGORY                                                                                                              Amount                  Tax Withheld
                  DO NOT USE FOR 
 1. Net long-term gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of capital assets (Schedule D Pass-Through Entity) .....................                                    (1)                 00
 2. Net short-term gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of capital assets (Schedule D Pass-Through Entity) ......................                                  (2)                 00
 3. Net gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of substantially all assets dedicated to an activity under Act 78-1993
    (Schedule D Pass-Through Entity) ................................................................................................................            (3)                 00
 4. Net gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of property used in the business (Schedule D Pass-Through Entity) .....................                               (4)                 00
 5. Net income (or loss) from the entity’s trade or business (See instructions) ...........................................................FILING.               (5)                 00                      00
    (a)  Share of the net income attributable to services rendered by the partners or stockholders .. (5a)                                                       00
    (b) Remaining net income (or loss) (Subtract line 5(a) from line 5) .................................. (5b)                                                  00
 6. Net income (or loss) from partially exempt income (See instructions) .................................................................                       (6)                 00                      00
 7. Net income (or loss) from income subject to a preferential rate (See instructions) ..................................................                        (7)                 00                      00
 8. Eligible distribution of dividends from corporations at 15% (See instructions) .......................................................                       (8)                 00                      00
 9. Distributions of dividends subject to ______% withholding (See instructions) .......................................................                         (9)                 00                      00
 10. Interest income from deposits in financial institutions subject to withholding (See instructions) ........................................                  (10)                00                      00
 11. Interest income from deposits in financial institutions not subject to withholding (See intructions) .....................................                  (11)                00
 12. Other interests subject to withholding at the 10% rate (See instructions) ..................................................................                (12)                00                      00
 13. Other interests subject to ______% withholding (See instructions) ......................................................................                    (13)                00                      00
 14. Distributable share on gain from a partnership or special partnership owned by the entity (See instructions) ....................                           (14)                00                      00
 15. Distributable share on loss from a partnership or special partnership owned by the entity (See instructions) ....................                           (15)                00                      00
 16. Others .................................................................................................................................................... (16)                00                      00
 17. Exempt income (Schedule IE Pass-Through Entity) .........................................................................................                   (17)                00
 18. Exempt income subject to alternate basic tax (Schedule IE Pass-Through Entity) (See instructions) .........................                                 (18)                00
 19. Adjustment for deductions not allowed for alternate basic tax and alternative minimum tax (See instructions) ...............                                (19)                00
 20. Other adjustments for purposes of the alternate basic tax (See instructions) ...............................................................                (20)                00
 21. Other adjustments for purposes of the alternative minimum tax (See instructions) .......................................................                    (21)                00
 22. Charitable contributions (Applies only to partnerships) (See instructions) ...............................................................                  (22)                00
 23. Volume of business (See instructions) ………………………………………………………………….……...............…                                                                          (23)                00
    (a) Gross income from services rendered ...............................………….....…........… (23a)                                                             00
 24. Gross income subject to the optional tax (Section 1071.10 or 1115.11 of the Code) (See instructions) .................……                                    (24)                00                      00
 25. Volume of business of subsidiary pass-through entities (See instructions)……………………............................……                                             (25)                00
    (a) Gross income from services rendered ...……………………………...................…… (25a)                                                                            00
                                                                        Retention Period: Ten (10) years

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Form 480.60 EC  Rev. 01.21                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Amount        Tax Withheld
 1. Distributable share on net income from the special partnership or corporation of individuals ............................................  (1)                                                             00                    00
     Part V                    CREDITS (See instructions)
  1. Credit attributable to losses or for investment in the Capital Investment, Tourism or                other funds or direct investment (Schedules Q and Q1) .........(1)                                                         00
  2. Credit for investment in housing infrastructure (Act 98-2001, as amended) (See instructions) ........................................................................                                    (2)                    00
  3. Credit for investment in the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental        housing to the elderly (Chapter 2 of Act 140-2001, as amended)
     (See instructions) ............................................................................................................................................................................          (3)                    00
  4. Credit for construction investment in urban centers (Act 212-2002, as amended) (See                  instructions) ..............................................................                        (4)                    00
  5. Credit for the establishment of an eligible conservation easement or donation of eligible land (Act 183-2001, as amended) (See instructions) ........                                                    (5)                    00
  6. Credit for the purchase of tax credits (Complete Part VII) (See instructions) ………………………………………….….......................................                                                                  (6)                    00
  7. Other credits subject to moratorium not included on the preceding lines (Submit detail) ....................................................................................                             (7)                    00
     B. CREDITS NOT SUBJECT TO MORATORIUM                                                               
  8. Credit for tax withheld at source from Industrial Development dividends (Act No. 8 of 1987) ........................................................................                                     (8)                    00
  9. Credit for investment in film industry development (Act 27-2011):            1 Film Project          or           2 Infrastructure Project (See instructions) .....                                      (9)                    00
 10. Credit for the purchase or transmission of television programming made in P.R. (Section 1051.14) (See instructions) ......................................                                               (10)                   00
 11. Credit for contributions to former governors foundations (See instructions) ..............................……………............................................…….                                           (11)                   00
 12. Credit for contributions to:               1 Santa Catalina's Palace Patronage              2     Patronage of the State Capitol of the Legislative Assembly (See
     instructions) ...................................................................................................................................................................................        (12)                   00
 13. Credit for investment (Section 6 of Act 73-2008) ........................................................................……………………………………....……..                                                          (13)                   00
 14. Credit for investment in opportunity zones (Act 60-2019) ………………...............................................................................…………………..                                                  (14)                   00
 15. Credit for the purchase of tax credits (Complete Part VII) (See instructions) .................................................................................................                          (15)                   00
 16. Other credits not subject to moratorium not included on the preceding lines (See instructions) (Submit detail) ...................................................                                       (16)                   00
                                                                                       ForeignFORCountry, State,Territory or Possession of the United States
                                                                                              A                  B                             C                                                       United States    Total
  Name of the country, state, territory or possession ..................
  1. Net income from sources within the country, state, territory or
     possession .................................................................. (1)                 00                 00                          00                                                             00             00
  2. Tax paid during the year ................................................INFORMATION(2)           00                 00                          00                                                             00             00
     Check the box corresponding to the act (or acts) under which you acquired the credit and enter the amount:
  1.     Solid Waste Disposal (Act 159-2011) ......................................................................................................................................                           (1)                    00
  2.     Capital Investment Fund (Act 46-2000) ...................................................................................................................................                            (2)                    00
  3.               PURPOSES ONLY.(3)                                                                                                                                                                                                 00
         Housing Infrastructure (Act 98-2001) .....................................................................................................................................
  4.     Construction or Rehabilitation of Rental Housing Projects for Low or Moderate Income Families or Investment in the Acquisition,
         Construction or Rehabilitation of Affordable Rental Housing to the Elderly (Act 140-2001) ...................................................                                                        (4)                    00
  5.     Conservation Easement (Act 183-2001) ...............................................................................................................................                                 (5)                    00
  6.     Revitalization of Urban Centers (Act 212-2002) .......................................................................................................................                               (6)                    00
  7.     Other: _____________________________.....................................................................................................................DO NOT USE FOR(7)                                                  00
  8. Total  credit for the purchase of  tax credits subject to moratorium (Transfer to Part V, line 6) ........................................................                                               (8)                    00
  9.     Tourism Development (Act 78-1993 and Act 74-2010) .............................................................................................................                                      (9)                    00
  10.    Tourism Eligible Investment (Act 60-2019) ..............................................................................................................................                             (10)                   00
  11.    Film Industry Development (Act 27-2011) ..............................................................................................................................FILING.                        (11)                   00
  12.    Creative Industries (Act 60-2019) .........................................................................................................................................                          (12)                   00
  13.    Economic Incentives (Research and Development) (Section 5(c) of Act 73-2008) ..............................................................                                                          (13)                   00
  14.    Economic Incentives (Industrial Investment) (Section 6 of Act 73-2008) ................................................................................                                              (14)                   00
  15.    Green Energy Incentives (Research and Development) (Act 83-2010) ................................................................................                                                    (15)                   00
  16.    Research and Development Investment (Act 60-2019) ...........................................................................................................                                        (16)                   00
  17.    Opportunity Zones (Act 60-2019) ...........................................................................................................................................                          (17)                   00
  18.    Other: _____________________________.....................................................................................................................                                            (18)                   00
  19. Total  credit for the purchase of  tax credits not subject to moratorium (Transfer to Part V, line 15) .................................................                                                (19)                   00
                                                        Tax Responsibility                                                                            Net Income                                                        Tax Withheld
  1.  Schedule CI Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) ...............……..............………………………………..……… (1)                                                                                                00                    00
  2.  Schedule V Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) ...............……..............………………………………..……… (2)                                                                                                 00                    00
  3.  Schedule W Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) …………………..................……………………………....… (3)                                                                                                        00                    00
  4.  Schedule X Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) ……………………………………………….............…..……..… (4)                                                                                                          00                    00
  5.  Schedule Y Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) ………………………………………………..........….………… (5)                                                                                                               00                    00
  6.  Schedule Z Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%) ………………………………………………………...............…… (6)                                                                                                           00                    00
  7.  Schedule AA Pass-Through Entity (Taxed at _______%)…….....………………………………………............…..……. (7)                                                                                                         00                    00
  8.  Total (Add lines 1 through 7. Transfer to Part III, line 7) ………………………......………………....................…… (8)                                                                                             00                    00
                                                                                       Retention Period: Ten (10) years

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                                                      Government of Puerto Rico
                                                      Department of the Treasury
                                           INFORMATIVE RETURN – PASS-THROUGH ENTITY
Rev. 04.22

                                                      FORM 480.60 EC
                                                                            The period of 6 months will be considered from the due date to file
                                                                            the return.
                                                                            ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT ON OWNERS' DISTRIBUTABLE
Every partnership, special partnership, corporation of individuals, or
                                                                            Sections 1062.05, 1062.04 and 1062.07 of the Code provide the
limited liability company (hereinafter "entity") that is required to file a
                                                                            requirements for the estimated income tax payments attributable to the
Pass-Through Entity Informative Income Tax Return must provide
                                                                            stockholder's proportional share in a corporation of individuals, to the
to each partner, stockholder or member (hereinafter "owner") a
                                                                            partner's distributable share on the income from a partnership or
report containing the information required to be included on the
                                                                            special partnership and of a member of a limited liability company
owner's income tax return. The information must be provided in Form
                                                                            subject to the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Code, respectively.
480.60 EC (Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity - Partner's or
Stockholder's Distributable Share on Income, Losses and Credits).
                                                                            The managing owner or any other person in charge of providing the
                                                                            informative return to the owners, must determine and submit to the
Each owner must submit this Informative Return with the income tax
                                                                            Department of the Treasury an amount equal to 30% of the total
                                                                            estimated owner's distributable share on the income items from a
                                                                            pass-through entity, less total withholdings on compensation
For purposes of this return, the terms partnership and partner include
                                                                            payments received pursuant to judicial or extrajudicial proceedings
a limited liability company and any of its members if they are subject
                                                                            and on payments for services rendered.
to the provisions of Chapter 7 of Subtitle A of the Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 2011, as amended (hereinafter "Code").
                                                                            Such payments must be deposited with the Department of the
                                                                            Treasury in 4 equal installments, no later than the 15th day of the
                                                                            fourth, sixth, ninth and twelfth month of the entity's tax year, and they
Form 480.60 EC must be filed electronically through the taxpayer's          must be made electronically through the SURI account.
Pass-Through Entity account in the Internal Revenue Integrated
System ("SURI"), available free of charge through the following link:       For a partner that is a nonresident alien individual, foreign
https://suri.hacienda.pr.gov.                                               corporation or partnership not engaged in trade or business in Puerto
                                                                            Rico, the withholding amount is 29% of the distributable share on the
For additional information related to the filing of the Pass-Through Entity net income of the special partnership.
Informative Income Tax Return for taxable year 2020, refer to the Internal
Revenue Circular Letter No. 21-07 of 8 March 2021 ("CC RI 21-07").          For a stockholder that is a nonresident alien individual, the
                                                                            withholding amount is 33% of the distributable share on the net income
WHEN TO PROVIDE THE DECLARATION TO OWNERS?                                  of the corporation of individuals.

The entity has until the last day of the third month following the close    Any balance not paid by the end of the entity's tax year, must be paid
of its taxable year to provide the informative return filed electronically  no later than the 15th day of the third month following the close of the
to the owners. The informative returns must be provided to their            tax year, electronically through the SURI account.
owners by electronic means, subject to the provisions of the Internal
Revenue Circular Letter No. 16-11.                                          For additional information regarding the process to make the
                                                                            estimated payment of the owner's distributable share, please refer to
Copy of the informative return must be sent to the                          the CC RI 21-07.
Department of the Treasury together with the Pass-Through
Entity Informative Income Tax Return (Form 480.20(EC)) on                   HOW MUST THE OWNERS REPORT THESE ITEMS ON THEIR
the date of its filing.                                                     INCOME TAX RETURNS?

REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO PROVIDE THE                                The owner must include each one of the items indicated in his income
REPORT TO OWNERS                                                            tax return as if such items were realized directly by him, since the
                                                                            Code provides that the nature, source and character of the income,
Any entity that has requested an automatic extension of time to file the    gains, losses or credits items included in the owner's distributable
entity's informative return, will automatically be granted a 6-month        share will be determined as if such items were realized by the owner
extension to file and deliver the owner's reports (Forms 480.60 EC).        directly out of the source from which the entity realized them, or
As such, the entity does not have to request a different extension for      incurred in the same way that they were incurred by the entity.
the filing and delivery of such reports.                                    Likewise, the owner's distributable share on income from sources

- 4 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
outside of Puerto Rico earned by the entity will retain the character       Line E - Indicate the amount of the entity's current debts assumed
of the income from sources outside of Puerto Rico in the hands of the       by the owner, including those liabilities which are secured and
owner.                                                                      unsecured by the owner. The owner's basis will increase by liabilities
                                                                            secured by such owner.
Nevertheless, Sections 1114.06(b) and 1115.04(c) of the Code
provide, respectively, that the partner or stockholder of a special         Line F - Enter the partnerships or special partnership's debts
partnership or corporation of individuals may elect to treat its            attributable to the partner with respect to operations covered under
distributable share on lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and   Act 78-1993 and Act No. 52 of 1983.
16 of Part III as part of the special partnerships or corporation of
individual's net income or loss. In this case, the amount allowable as      Line J - Indicate if the entity elected the optional tax of Section 1071.10
a deduction for its distributable share on the loss from the sale or        or 1115.15 of the Code, as applicable.
exchange of capital assets by the special partnership or corporation
of individuals will be limited to the partner's or stockholder's            Line K - Indicate if the partner or stockholder submitted the sworn
distributable share on the capital gains realized by the special            statement to exempt the entity from the obligation to withhold the tax
partnership or corporation of individuals. Once the election is made        provided in Section 1062.05 or 1062.07 of the Code.
for a particular tax year, the same is irrevocable with respect to such
year.                                                                       Line L- Indicate if the partner or stockholder made the election
                                                                            provided in Section 1062.07(a)(1)(A) of the Code in order for the
EVIDENCES OF THE INFORMATIVE RETURN                                         entity to withhold the maximum tax rate for corporations plus an
                                                                            additional ten (10) percent of the dividend equivalent amount,
Evidence must be kept in the entity's records for a period of ten (10)      according to Section 1092.02 of the Code, resulting from its
years for items that so require, in case of further review, investigation,  distributable share.
or audit procedure.
                                                                            Line M - If the activities are covered by a tax exemption grant or
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS                                                       decree, check the act that grants such exemption. The boxes
                                                                            corresponding to Act 362-1999, Act 27-2011 and Act 20-2012, may
Enter the information required in each space. The entity is required        be selected only if the entity is a partnership. The boxes
to provide this informative return to each owner completed in all parts,    corresponding to Act 135-1997 and Act 83-2010, may only be
so the owner can complete the income tax return to be filed with the        selected by entities that are a special partnership or partnership. If
Department of the Treasury.                                                 you are entitled to an exemption under any act that is not included
                                                                            on this line, indicate the same in subsection 16.
Check in the heading the box corresponding to the type of pass-
through entity that completes the informative return and indicate the       PART II – ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL ACCOUNT OF THE PARTNER,
entity's taxable year.                                                      STOCKHOLDER OR MEMBER

Enter the name and address of the owner and entity, as well as the          Column (a) - Enter any capital contributed by the owner during the
social security number or employer identification number and type of        tax year.
                                                                            Column (b) - Enter any other basis increases attributable to the
Also, select the return with respect to which this Informative Return is    owner, including the amount of a special partnership's debt assumed
prepared:                                                                   by a partner. A schedule detailing the nature of each item included
                                                                            on this line must be kept for your records.
x Form 480.20(EC) – Informative Income Tax Return Pass-
  Through Entity                                                            Column (c) - Enter the owner's distributable share on the gains or
x Form 480.10(SC) – Partnership Informative Income Tax                      losses from the entity during the taxable year. Transfer the amount
  Return – Composite                                                        included on line 5, Part II of the return.
x Form 480.20(U) –       Income Tax Return 480.20(U)
  (Nonresident foreign corporations and partnerships subject                Column (d) - Enter the amount attributable to the owner's debt
  to the effectively connected income source rules of Act 154-              assumed and secured by the entity. The owner must also include this
                                                                            information on Schedule R1 Individual, Part I, line 3(i) or Part III, line
  2010, as amended)
                                                                            Column (e) - Enter the amount attributed to withdrawals or
                                                                            distributions made by the entity to the owner, excluding the amount
                                                                            attributed to income tax for withholdings at source on the distributable
Indicate on lines A through M, the information applicable to the
                                                                            share made to a resident owner (30%), to a nonresident alien
description of the owner.
                                                                            partner of a special partnership (29%) or to an individual nonresident
                                                                            alien stockholder of a corporation of individuals (33%).
Line B - Select the type of owner. If the owner is not a natural person,
select the type of business organization.
                                                                            Column (f) - Enter the amount attributed to other decreases to the
                                                                            owner's basis in the entity.
Line D - Indicate the percentage of participation of the partner or
shareholder in the profits and losses of the pass-through entity. The
                                                                            Include on this line the amount of a partner's individual debt assumed
amount entered must be rounded to two decimal places.
                                                                            by a special partnership.

- 5 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
To calculate the loss that the owner is entitled to claim, the adjusted      The amount on line 5(b) must be informed by the owner on Schedule
basis of the owner's interest must be determined as provided under           R1 of its income tax return.
Sections 1071.05, 1114.17 and 1115.05 of the Code.
                                                                             Line 6 - Net income (or loss) from partially exempt income
The owner's losses in one or more entities are allowed as a deduction,
subject to certain limitations, against income from other entities in which  Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the net income
the owner is a shareholder or stockholder. Each loss may be                  or loss from partially exempt activities, such as operations under Act
considered up to the amount of the adjusted basis of the owner's             No. 52-1983, Act No. 47-1987, Act No. 78-1993, Act No. 225-1995,
interest in each corresponding entity.                                       Act No. 165-1996, Act No. 74-2010 or Act No. 132-2010, included
                                                                             on Schedule L of the Pass-Through Entity's Return.
The limitation of the adjusted basis will be computed for each one of
the entities in which the owner invests.                                     Line 7 - Net income (or loss) from income subject to a
                                                                             preferential rate
If the loss deduction allowable to the owner for any tax year is less
than its distributable share in the entity's net loss, the owner may claim   Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the net operating
such excess as a deduction in any future tax year, subject to the            income or loss subject to a fixed special tax rate, such as income
limitations previously explained.                                            under Act 83-2010, known as the Puerto Rico Green Energy
                                                                             Incentives Act, and income from Act 73-2008, excluding dividends,
Those expenses incurred by the entity that were not deductible for           long-term capital gains and interest income from deposits in financial
purposes of determining the net income from the entity's trade or            institutions. Also, enter on this line the net income or loss subject to
business, as determined on line 4, Part XVII of the pass-through entity      preferential tax rates under the provisions of Act 135-1997, Act 362-
return, Form 480.20(EC), will also be included. You must provide the         1999, Act 27-2011, Act 20-2012 and Act 14-2017.
partner or shareholder with a breakdown of the expenses of the
applicable non-deductible items.                                             Enter in the first Column the amount attributable to the owner on the
                                                                             net taxable income and in the second Column the tax deposited by
PART III – DISTRIBUTABLE SHARE PER CATEGORY                                  the entity, as determined in Form 480.20(EC).

Enter in each one of the spaces provided the owner's distributable           In the case of an individual owner, the net income from this line must
share on the applicable item and the corresponding tax withheld, if any.     be included on Schedule F Individual, Part V, Column F and
                                                                             transferred to Schedule A2 Individual, Columns E, F, G and H, as
Line 1 - Net long-term gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of                 applicable, to determine the income tax at the corresponding fixed
capital assets                                                               rate. The tax withheld as reported in Column 2 of this line 7 must be
                                                                             transferred to Schedule B Individual, Part III, line 11(e).
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the gain or loss
derived from the sale or exchange of capital assets held by the entity       In the case of a corporation, the net income reported in the first Column
for more than one (1) year.                                                  of this line 7 must be included in Schedule R1 Corporation of the
                                                                             partner or stockholder's corporation's income tax return. The tax
Line 2 - Net short-term gain (or loss) on sale or exchange of                reported in Column 2 of this line 7 must be transferred to Schedule
capital assets                                                               B Corporation, Part III, line 7(c).

Enter on this line the distributable share on the gain or loss derived       Line 8 - Eligible distribution of dividends from corporations
from the sale or exchange of capital assets held by the entity for one       at 15%
(1) year or less.
                                                                             Enter on this line the total distributable share of the owner in the
Line 5 - Net income (or loss) from the entity's trade or                     distributions of eligible dividends that were made by a corporation that
business                                                                     are subject to the 15% rate, as defined in Section 1023.06 of the
                                                                             Code, together with the proportion of the tax withheld.
Include on this line the owner's distributable share on the net income
or loss from the entity's trade or business.                                 In the case of an individual partner, said tax withheld must be included
                                                                             on Schedule B Individual, Part III, line 11(b) and in the case of a
Do not include in this item income, gains or losses identified on other      corporate partner, it will be included on Schedule B Corporation, Part
lines of this Part III.                                                      III, line 7(b).

Enter on line 5(a) the share of the entity's net income attributable to      In the case of special partnerships and corporations of individuals,
services rendered by the owner and not paid to the owner as salaries         as elected by the owner, said income may be included in the entity's
or compensation for services rendered.                                       net income to determine its income or loss, as provided in Sections
                                                                             1114.06(b) and 1115.04(c) of the Code, respectively.
The amount on line 5(a) must be reported by the owner as income
from services or from trade or business in its income tax return.            Line 9 – Distributions of dividends subject to ____%
Enter on line 5(b) the difference between the total amount on line 5
and the amount attributable to the services rendered by the owner            Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the dividend
reported on line 5(a).                                                       distributions subject to a fixed special tax rate not previously specified,

- 6 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
along with the corresponding tax withheld. Specify the applicable rate     of the schedule must be included with the Informative Return provided
in the blank space provided for this purpose.                              to the owner.

Line 10 - Interest income from deposits in financial                       Line 17 - Exempt income
institutions subject to withholding
                                                                           Enter the owner's distributable share on the total amount of exempt
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the income           income derived by the entity.
derived by the entity from interests on investments or deposits in
cooperatives, savings associations authorized by the Federal               Line 18 - Exempt income subject to alternate basic tax
Government or by the Government of Puerto Rico, commercial and
mutual banks or in banking organizations established in Puerto Rico,       Enter the individual owner's distributable share on the total amount
as well as the 10% amount withheld, if such an election was made.          of exempt income subject to alternate basic tax.
In the case of an individual owner, such tax withheld must be included
on Schedule B Individual, Part III, line 11(a).                            Line 19 - Adjustment for deductions not allowed for alternate
                                                                           basic tax and alternative minimum tax
Line 11 – Interest income from deposits in financial
institutions not subject to withholding                                    Enter here the owner's distributable share in any adjustment to the
                                                                           income from the entity that, at the entity's individual owner or
                                                                           corporate partner level, are considered nondeductible for purposes
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the taxable
                                                                           of the alternate basic tax or alternative minimum tax, as applicable.
interest received or credited by the investment entity or deposits in
cooperatives, savings associations authorized by the Federal
                                                                           For these purposes, the amount determined on line 20, Part II of Form
Government or by the Government of Puerto Rico, commercial and             480.20(EC) will be used as a basis, which is based on the amount
mutual banks, or in bank type organizations located in Puerto Rico         determined on line 58, Part IX of the entity's return.
that were not subject to withholding.
                                                                           Line 20 - Other adjustments for purposes of the alternate
Line 12 – Other interests subject to withholding at the 10% rate           basic tax

Enter here the owner's distributable share on the income from taxable      Enter here the owner's distributable share on any adjustment to the
interests received or credited that were subject to the 10%                income of the entity that, at the level of the entity's individual owner,
preferential rate. In the case of an individual owner, such tax withheld   is considered income subject to alternate basic tax. For more details,
must be included on Schedule B Individual, Part III, line 11(a).           refer to Section 1021.02(a)2 of the Code.

Line 13 – Other interests subject to ____% withholding                     Line 21 - Other adjustments for purposes of the alternative
                                                                           minimum tax
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the income from
taxable interests received or credited that were subject to a fixed        Enter here the corporate owner's distributable share in any
special tax rate not previously specified, along with the                  adjustment to the income from the entity that, at the owner level, are
corresponding tax withheld. Specify the corresponding rate in the          considered income subject to alternative minimum tax. A schedule
blank space provided for this purpose.                                     detailing the nature of each item included on this line with
                                                                           the amount of each adjustment per item must be kept for your
Line 14 - Distributable share on gain from a partnership or                records. Copy of this schedule must be included with the Informative
special partnership owned by the entity                                    Return that the entity provides to the owner.

The entity can be a partner in a partnership or a special partnership.     Line 22 – Charitable contributions (Apply only to
This entity will also be known as the Subsidiary Pass-Through Entity.      partnerships)

This line will reflect the owner's distributable share on income from the  Enter here the partner's distributable share on the total charitable
Subsidiary Pass-Through Entity attributable to the entity.                 contributions paid during the tax year, by the partnership, to a
                                                                           nonprofit religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational or
Line 15 - Distributable share on loss from a partnership or                museum organizations, or to organizations for the prevention of
special partnership owned by the entity                                    cruelty or abuse of children, the elderly or disabled, or animals,
                                                                           organizations for the prevention of domestic violence or hate crimes,
The entity can be a partner in a partnership or a special partnership.     or to organizations of war veterans in the United States or Puerto
This entity will also be known as the Subsidiary Pass-Through Entity.      Rico. However, no part of the net earnings of any organization to
                                                                           which you contribute may benefit any particular partner.
This line will reflect the owner's distributable share on loss from the
                                                                           Enter here, also, the partner's distributable share on the deduction
Subsidiary Pass-Through Entity attributable to the owner.
                                                                           for contributions paid to:
Line 16 - Others
                                                                           x the Government of Puerto Rico, the United States Government,
                                                                             or any of its states, territories or possessions, or any political
Enter the total of other income not included on the preceding lines. If      subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, when the
this line includes income from different concepts, a schedule showing        contributions or donations are used exclusively for public
a breakdown of such income must be kept for your records. Copy               purposes;

- 7 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
x university level accredited educational institutions established in        Remember that the amount of gross income related to services
  Puerto Rico;                                                               rendered to be distributed among the partners or shareholders will
                                                                             be determined as follows:
x the José Jaime Pierluisi Foundation;
                                                                                          Description              Reference in Return    Amount
x the Puerto Rican Fund for the Financing of Cultural Affairs;
                                                                             Gross Income on sale of      Line 7, Part VIII of the
                                                                             services                     return
x the Puerto Rico Communitarian Foundation;
                                                                             Plus: Distributable share on Line 3, Part I, Schedule R
x posts or organizations of war veterans, or auxiliary units of, or          gross income from services   Pass-Through Entity
  trusts or foundations for, any of such posts or organizations, if          rendered by pass-through
  such posts, organizations, units, trusts or foundations are                entities
  organized in Puerto Rico, the United States or any of their States
  or possessions, as long as no part of its net earnings inures to           Gross Income from services rendered ................
  the benefit of any particular shareholder or individual;
                                                                             Line 24 - Gross income subject to Optional Tax (Section
x the Corporation of the Symphonic Orchestra of Puerto Rico; and             1071.10 or 1115.11 of the Code)

x the Fund for Services Against Remediable Catastrophic                      Enter here the owner's distributable share on gross income for which
                                                                             the pass-through entity elected and paid the optional contribution of
                                                                             Section 1071.10 or 1115.11 of the Code, as applicable. This amount
                                                                             will constitute an exclusion from gross income and will only be
Include also the partner's distributable share on the contributions of
                                                                             considered to determine the tax base of the owner in the entity.
cultural or historic value made to a municipality, as certified by the
Institute of Puerto Rican Culture or the Cultural Center of each             If the pass-through entity did not indicate in question J of the
municipality, or that makes possible the realization of any cultural or      questionnaire that you are electing the optional tax, no information
historic work, on occasion of the celebration of the centennial              will be entered in this line.
foundation of said municipalities. If this type of contributions is included
on this line, you must keep for your records a schedule itemizing those      In the case that the pass-through entity has elected to pay the optional
contributions. Copy of this schedule must be included with the               tax, the taxable gross income will be reported on this line. Therefore,
Informative Return that the entity provides to the owner.                    lines 1 to 16 of Column of "Amount" will be zero and it will only be
                                                                             allowed to enter withholding on line 5, Part III of this form if the
Line 23 - Volume of business                                                 withholdings totals exceed the optional tax determined on Schedule
                                                                             BB Pass-Through Entity. In these cases, the partner may claim the
Enter here the owner's distributable share on the entity's total volume      withholdings reported on line 5, Part III at the time of prepare your
of business for purposes of determining the requirement to file financial    return, even if no amount is presented in the first column.
statements, as determined on line 24, Part II of Form 480.20(EC).
                                                                             In those cases where the pass-through entity elected to benefit from
Remember that the amount of volume of business to be distributed             the Optional Tax and pay such tax with the Pass-Through Entity
among the partners or shareholders will be determined as follows:            Informative Income Tax Return (Form 480.20(EC)), the amounts
                                                                             reported on this line should not be included in the return of the partner,
             Description             Reference in Return    Amount           shareholder, or owner of the pass-through entity. Likewise, the tax
                                                                             withheld reflected in this line should not be included in the partner's
Total Gross Operating Income     Line 23, Part VIII of the                   return. Furthermore, in these cases when the partner is an individual,
                                                                             he may not use the amount reported on this line to determine the limit
Plus: Distributable share on     Line 3, Part I, Schedule R                  of the mortgage interest deduction.
gross income from services       Pass-Through Entity
rendered by pass-through                                                     Line 25 - Volume of business of subsidiary pass-through
entities                                                                     entities

                                                                             Enter the partner's or shareholder's distributable share on gross
Plus: Distributable share on the Line 8, Part I, Schedule R                  income reported by the subsidiary pass-through entity, as such term
gross income of pass-through     Pass-Through Entity
entities                                                                     is defined on lines 14 and 15 of Part III of this form.

Plus: Exempt Income              Line 21, Part II, Schedule                  The amount to be distributed among the partners or shareholders
                                 IE Pass-Through Entity                      will be determined by adding gross income reported on line 23 of all
                                                                             Forms 480.60 EC issued by subsidiary pass-through entities and
Total Volume of Business ......................................              included as part of this return.

Line 23(a) - Gross income from services rendered                             Line 25(a) - Gross income from services rendered

Enter the owner's share of the total volume of business of the pass-         Enter the partner's or shareholder's distributable share on gross
through entity that comes from services rendered as determined on            income from services provided, as reported by the subsidiary pass-
line 25(a), Part II of Form 480.20(EC).                                      through entity, as such term is defined on lines 14 and 15 of Part III
                                                                             of this form.

- 8 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
The amount to be distributed among the partners or shareholders will         A. CREDITS SUBJECT TO MORATORIUM
be determined by adding the gross income reported on line 23(a) of
all Forms 480.60 EC issued by subsidiary pass-through entities and           Line 1 – Credit attributable to losses or for investment in
included as part of this return.                                             Capital Investment, Tourism or other funds or direct
OR STOCKHOLDERS                                                              Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit
                                                                             determined on Schedules Q and Q1 included on the Pass-Through
Enter on line 1 of this Part IV the distributable share of a nonresident     Entity Informative Income Tax Return (Form 480.20(EC)),
alien owner in the net income of a pass-through entity and the               attributable to losses or for investment in a Capital Investment Fund,
corresponding withholding.                                                   Tourism Fund, or other funds, or direct investment.

PART V - CREDITS                                                             Line 2 - Credit for housing infrastructure (Act 98-2001, as
On March 7, 2017, the Financial Advisory Authority and Fiscal
Agency of Puerto Rico ("AAFAF", for its Spanish acronym) issued              Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit for
Administrative Order No. OA-2017-01 ("OA-2017-01") by which it               investment in housing infrastructure recommended by the
                                                                             designated officers of the Housing Department and the Department
created the Disbursements and Tax Concessions Authorization
                                                                             of the Treasury.
Committee ("CADCC", for its Spanish acronym) to which it granted
certain authorizations regarding the evaluation and granting of tax
                                                                             Act 98-2001, as amended, grants a credit for infrastructure
credits and delegated the responsibility of establishing limitations         investment to the developers of housing projects. It will be subject to
regarding the use and availability of the tax credits granted. Also,         the taxpayer's request and the approval by the Secretary of an
OA2017-01 ordered the Secretary of Treasury ("Secretary") to                 administrative determination under Act 98-2001 and the applicable
carry out an inventory of the tax credits granted and to require the         regulations.
holders of tax credits to report the amount granted of said credits, in
the manner that the Secretary establishes for said purposes. The             For additional details, refer to Act 98-2001 and its corresponding
administrative order also establishes that, any credit holder that does      regulations.
not show evidence issued by the Secretary of compliance with the
information requirement, will not be able to claim said tax credits.         Line 3 - Credit for the investment in the acquisition,
                                                                             construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing
For such purposes, on April 20, 2017, the Department of the                  to the elderly (Chapter 2 of Act    140-2001, as amended)
Treasury issued the Internal Revenue Informative Bulletin No. 17-
08 to notify that the requirement to carry out the inventory of tax credits  Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit for
would be met by electronically filing Form 480.71.1 (Informative             investment in the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of
Return for Tax Credits Holders) and established that the requirement         affordable rental housing projects for the elderly.
imposed by AAFAF to submit evidence of compliance with the
information requirement in order to claim the tax credits, would be met      Chapter 2 of Act 140-2001 provides that every owner of an
by electronically filing Form 480.71.1. Therefore, in order to claim a       affordable rental housing project for the elderly may qualify for a tax
tax credit that has been granted and available as of April 19, 2017,         credit. The petitioner must file an application with the Housing Finance
it must be included in Form 480.71.1 that the credit holder submitted        Authority.
to the Department.
                                                                             The tax credit will be subject to the taxpayer's request and the
For its part, on July 2, 2018, AAFAF, through Administrative Order No.       approval by the Secretary of an administrative determination.
OA-2018-10 ("OA-2018-10"), repealed the OA-2017-01 and left the
CADCC without effect prospectively. For such purposes, Section               Line 4 - Credit for construction investment in urban centers
1051.15(b)(1) of the Code provides that for taxable years commenced          (Act 212-2002, as amended)
after December 31, 2017, the tax credits will not be subject to the
limitations set forth in the resolutions issued by the CADCC during its      Enter the owner's distributable share on the amount of credit for
existence, therefore, they will be subject only to the rules of use          investment in construction on urban centers. Every person that
established in the special law under which the tax credit is granted and     carries out a construction or improvement project in an urban center,
the applicable provisions of the Code. However, credits covered under        as provided by law, may qualify to claim a credit against the tax.
Section 1051.12(a)(4), (5) and (7) of the Code will be subject to the
use limitation provided in Section 1051.13 of the Code.                      The grant of the credit is subject to taxpayer's request and the
                                                                             issuance of an administrative determination by the Secretary of the
However, OA-2018-10 establishes that the Secretary will continue
to perform and maintain the inventory of all tax credits and maintains
                                                                             For additional details, refer to Act 212-2002, as amended, and the
the requirement of the OA-2017-01 that the credit holder must show
                                                                             corresponding regulations.
evidence issued by the Secretary of the compliance with the
information requirement to be able to claim a tax credit.                    Line 5 - Credit for the establishment of an eligible
                                                                             conservation easement or donation of eligible land (Act 183-
Every Pass-Through Entity that reports the distributable                     2001, as amended)
share of a tax credit to its owners, must accompany with its
Informative Return copy of Form 480.71.1 duly filed in the                   Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit for the
Department.                                                                  establishment and donation of a conservation easement, equal to

- 9 -
Instructions Informative Return - Pass-Through Entity
50% of the value of the eligible conservation easement. To claim this credit,  claimed for contributions to former governors foundations equivalent
you must obtain a certification issued by Secretary of the Treasury.           to 100% of the amount contributed during the taxable year to such
                                                                               foundations for operating expenses and those expenses related  to the
For additional details, refer to Act 183-2001, as amended, and                 purposes for which they were created and/or those donations to a
Internal Revenue Circular Letter No. 05-04 of March 23, 2005.                  Depository of Files and Relics of Former Governors and Former First
                                                                               Ladies of Puerto Rico constituted according to the provisions of Act 290-
Line 6 - Credit for the purchase of tax credits                                2000 by itself or as a whole with public or private Higher Education
                                                                               entities, to cover the costs of construction, operation and other
Enter the owner's distributable share on the tax credits subject to            necessary expenses for the true fulfillment of the purposes of Act 290-
moratorium acquired by the entity during the year through the                  2000 and Section 1051.10 of the Code. The tax credits to be granted
purchase, exchange, or transfer from the primary investor.                     cannot exceed $500,000 in aggregate, for any taxable year.

Part VII of this form must be completed.                                       To claim this tax credit a certification issued by the recipient entity must
                                                                               be submitted as evidence that the contribution was made and
Line 7 - Other credits subject to limitation not included on the               accepted; that the foundation is operationally active at the time of
preceding lines                                                                receiving the contribution; that it has the Certificate of Tax Exemption
                                                                               issued by the Department of the Treasury; and that it complies with
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share in the total amount         the annual report that is submitted to the Commission of Legislative
of other credits subject to moratorium not included on the preceding           Funds for Community Impact (as provided in Section 1051.10(b) of
lines. If different concepts of credit are included on this line, a schedule
                                                                               the Code). The amount of the credit not used in the taxable year in
showing a breakdown of such credits must be kept for your records.
                                                                               which the contribution was made, may be carried over to subsequent
Copy of the schedule must be included with the Informative Return
                                                                               taxable years, until fully exhausted.
that the entity provides to the owner.
B. CREDITS NOT SUBJECT TO MORATORIUM                                           Line 12 - Credit for contributions to Santa Catalina's Palace
                                                                               Patronage and/or State Capitol of the Legislative Assembly
Line 8 - Credit for tax withheld at source on Industrial                       Patronage
Development dividends (Act No. 8 of 1987)
                                                                               Enter the owner's distributable share on the 100% of contributions
The owners of an entity are entitled to claim, according to the                made to Santa Catalina's Palace Patronage and/or State Capitol of
percentage applicable to their distributable share in the entity, a credit     the Legislative Assembly Patronage (Patronages). The tax credits
pursuant to Section 4(a) of the Incentives Act, against their tax due          to be granted cannot exceed $2,500,000 for any taxable year.
for the year in which the entity received, as an investor, a distribution
from Industrial Development Income.                                            To claim this tax credit a certification issued by the Patronage must
                                                                               be submitted as evidence that the contribution was made and
Enter on this line the owner's distributable share on the tax withheld at      accepted. The part of the credit not used in the taxable year may be
source to the entity on dividends from Industrial Development Income.          carried over to subsequent years, until fully exhausted.

Line 9 - Credit for investment in Film Industry Development                    Line 13 - Credit for investment (Section 6 of Act 73-2008)
(Act 27-2011)
                                                                               Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit to be
Enter the owner's distributable share on the amount of the credit to be        claimed for industrial investment under Section 6 of Act 73-2008.This
claimed for the investment in a Film Entity engaged in a Film Project          amount shall be equal to 50% of the eligible investment to be claimed
and/or Infrastructure Project under Act 27-2011.                               in two or more installments: the first half in the year in which the eligible
                                                                               investment is completed and the balance in the subsequent years.
This credit is subject to the request and approval by the Secretary of
an administrative determination under Act 27-2011 and its                      The credit not used in a taxable year may be carried over to
regulations. For additional details, refer to Act 27-2011.                     subsequent years, until fully exhausted.

Line 10 - Credit for the purchase or transmission of television                For additional details, refer to Act 73-2008 and its corresponding
programming made in P.R. (Section 1051.14)                                     regulations.

Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit to be            Line 14 - Credit for investment in opportunity zone (Act 60-
claimed for the purchase or transmission of television programming             2019)
made in Puerto Rico, according to Section 1051.14 of the Code.
                                                                               Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit to be
This credit is subject to the issuance of a Compliance Certification by        claimed for eligible investment in opportunity zones. The credit will
the Department of Economic Development, according to the
                                                                               be equal to the eligible percentage of eligible investment and must be
provisions of Section 1051.14 of the Code and regulations
                                                                               claimed as indicated below:
                                                                               x If the eligible investment is made in the year the exempt
Line 11 -Credit for contributions to former governors'
foundations                                                                      business completed full construction of the Priority
                                                                                 Project or when the exempt business begins operations
Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit to be              (if the priority project does not require construction):


- 10 -
The credit will be taken in four (4) installments: 25% in the year in        sources outside of Puerto Rico derived by the entity and the taxes
which the exempt business completed construction or when the                 paid by the entity outside of Puerto Rico on said net income. This Part
exempt business started operations, whichever is later, and 25% of           VI provides space to include the income per country of up to 3
the balance of said credit in the next three (3) subsequent years.           countries, in addition to the Unites States. If there is income derived
                                                                             from more than 3 countries, you must include the total of such income
x If the eligible investment is made after completing the                    in one column and keep for your records a schedule breaking down
  construction of the Priority Project or the exempt                         the information of the net income and tax paid to each country.
  business begins operations:
                                                                             Line 1 – Net income from sources within the country, state,
The credit must be claimed in four (4) installments: 25% in the year         territory or possession
in which a significant expansion has been made in the real property
built or in the exempt business, as applicable, and as the Secretary         Enter on this line the owner's distributable share in the net income from
of Economic Development defines this term by regulation,                     sources outside of Puerto Rico derived by the entity. This amount
administrative regulation, administrative determination, circular letter     must be reported per country, as determined on line 1, Part V of the
or informative bulletin, for these purposes, and 25% of the balance          Pass-Through Entity Informative Income Tax Return (Form
of said credit in the next three (3) subsequent years.                       480.20(EC) filed by the entity).

Any eligible investment made during the investor's taxable year, will        Line 2 - Tax paid during the year
qualify for this tax credit, in said taxable year, provided all the
requirements are met.                                                        Enter on this line the owner’s distributable share in the income tax paid
                                                                             or accrued to the United States, its states, possessions or foreign
This credit may be applied against any tax determined of the investor,       country as reported on line 2, Part V of the Pass-Through Entity
according to Subtitle A of the Code, including the alternate basic tax       Informative Income Tax Return (Form 480.20(EC) filed by the
applicable to individuals and the alternative minimum tax applicable         entity).
to corporations.
                                                                             PART VII - BREAKDOWN OF THE PURCHASE OF TAX
The part of the credit not used in the taxable year may be carried over
to subsequent years, until fully exhausted.
                                                                             Enter the owner's distributable share in the amount of credit acquired
The taxpayer must include with his return copy of the Administrative
                                                                             by the entity. Select the block corresponding to the act (or acts) under
Determination issued by the Department of Economic Development
                                                                             which the credit was acquired. Transfer the amount from lines 8 and
and Commerce granting said credit.
                                                                             19 to Part V of this Informative Return 480.60 EC, lines 6 and 15,
The taxpayer must also include with the return for every year in which       respectively.
the credit is claimed, a schedule detailing the year in which the credit
is available to be used, the taxable years in which it has been claimed,     PART VIII – DISTRIBUTABLE SHARE ON THE NET INCOME
the expiration date of the credit, the total amount of the credit, and the   SUBJECT TO PREFERENTIAL RATES
amounts claimed in previous years.
                                                                             Indicate in this part the owner's distributable share on the net income
For additional details, refer to Act 60-2019.                                and income tax withheld in the cases where the entity operates with
                                                                             an exemption decree under the Puerto Rico tax incentives acts.
Line 15 - Credit for the purchase of tax credits
                                                                             In the Columns for "Net Income" and "Tax Withheld" you must indicate
Enter the owner's distributable share in the tax credits not subject to      the owner's attributable amount from Schedules CI, V, W, X, Y, Z and
moratorium acquired by the entity during the year through the                AA Pass-Through Entity, Part XIII of Form 480.20(EC), as
purchase, exchange or transfer from the primary investor.                    applicable. Also, specify the applicable corresponding rate in the
                                                                             spaces provided for this purpose on lines 1 through 7.
Part VII of this form must be completed.
                                                                             The total tax withheld indicated on line 8 of this part, must have been
Line 16 - Other credits not subject to limitation not included               paid by the entity on behalf of its owners.
on the preceding lines

Enter on this line the owner's distributable share in the total amount
of other credits not subject to moratorium not included on the preceding
lines. If different concepts of credit are included on this line, a schedule
showing a breakdown of such credits must be kept for your records.
Copy of the schedule must be included with the Informative Return
that the entity provides to the owner.


Enter in this part the owner's distributable share in the net income from


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