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                               uuOnline Filing is available @ http://lctcb.localtaxonline.orguu

This tax return covers the tax period from January 1, through December 31, and must be completed and filed with this bureau by April 15th.  This is an earned income and net profits tax, 
levied by school districts and municipalities, collected by this Bureau, and distributed to the school district and municipality where you reside.  The Bureau retains the right to request additional 
documentation to substantiate the information reported.
All residents of Lancaster County and the Octorara Area School District in Chester County who were 16 years of age or older; not fully retired or had earned income at any time during the tax 
year.  A tax return must be filed even if no tax is due or your employer(s) withheld all tax due.  Failure to receive a tax return shall not excuse the taxpayer from filing a return, or paying any 
tax due.  Tax return forms are available on our website, www.lctcb.org, or by contacting the Bureau.
Section A  • If the information is not pre-printed, please provide your name, current address, city, state and zip code in the space(s) provided.
         • If a taxpayer is to be removed from this form, draw a line through the taxpayer to be removed and check the appropriate box.
         • If you are requesting an extension or filing an amended return check the appropriate box.
         • Taxpayers reporting no earned income must check the applicable box.
         • PIN number for online filing use.
         • Check the appropriate filing status box.
Section B  Complete this section if you moved during the tax year. Account for all 12 months.
Section C  Enter the municipal code from Table 1 for your residence as of December 31.
Section D  Enter your complete social security number(s) in the appropriate column(s).
       Lines 1 through 20 provide two columns. All information for Taxpayer A and Taxpayer B must be recorded in the appropriate columns.
Line 1 Enter total gross earned income as indicated on your W-2(s).  Include copies of W-2(s) when mailing return.  Report only income earned while a resident of our jurisdiction. 
       Examples of taxable and non-taxable income are listed in Table 2 on the reverse side.  This is not, however, intended to be a complete listing.  If you are not sure about a certain item, 
       please contact the Bureau office for clarification.
Line 2 Enter total business expenses (include supporting documentation Pennsylvania State Form PA-UE).  Expenses for which an employee has not been reimbursed are allowable as a 
       deduction from gross earned income, provided such expenses are allowable for Pennsylvania State Income Tax purposes.  These expenses must be ordinary, necessary, and required 
       by the employer in order for the taxpayer to keep his/her present job.  Examples of business expenses are listed in Table 2 on the reverse side.  This is not, however, intended to be 
       a complete listing.
       NOTE:  Business expenses reported without enclosing proper supporting documentation or schedules will be denied without notification to the taxpayer.
Line 3 Enter earned income not reported on Line 1. Interest and dividends earned are not taxable and should not be included.
Line 4 Enter the total of Line 1 minus Line 2 plus Line 3.  If less than zero, enter zero.
Line 5 Report all self-employment profits and include all supporting schedules (PA Schedule C, PA Schedule F and/or PA Schedule K-1). PA Schedule C-F is not acceptable.
       Report S Corp profits on reverse side of the return only.
Line 6 Report all self-employment losses and include all supporting schedules (PA Schedule C, PA Schedule F and/or PA Schedule K-1). PA Schedule C-F is    not acceptable.
       Report S Corp losses on reverse side of the return only.
Line 7 Enter the total of Line 5 minus Line 6.  If less than zero, enter zero.
Line 8 Enter the total of Line 4 plus Line 7.
Line 9   Enter the total of Line 8 multiplied by the decimal tax rate table (see Table 1 on the reverse side) Example 1.000% = 0.010, 1.75% = 0.0175
Line 10  Enter the sum of the amount(s) recorded in the “LOCAL INCOME TAX” box of W-2(s). Credit for this amount will only be given if W-2(s) are provided with the filing.
       Do not include Local Services Tax, Philadelphia City,  and/or Other State credits.
Line 11  Enter the sum of quarterly payments, estimated payments and previous year’s credit applied to this year.
Line 12  Enter the total Philadelphia City and/or Other State credit.  There is no credit for taxes paid to Pittsburgh. Refer to the instructions below and/or the worksheet on the reverse side of 
       the return.
Line 13  Enter the sum of Lines 10, 11 and 12.
Line 14  Enter a value on this line only if Line 13 minus Line 9 is greater than or equal to a $2.00.
Line 15  Enter credit amount being applied in the column of the individual receiving the credit or overpayment and check the appropriate box.
       Failure to choose an option for your overpayment will result in a refund. LCTCB is required to report refunds/credits of $10.00 or more to the Internal Revenue Service.
Line 16  Enter a value on this line only if Line 9 minus Line 13 minus any credit from spouse that is greater than or equal to $2.00.
Line 17  An additional penalty of one percent (1%) will apply to the amount of unpaid tax for each month, or partial month during which the tax remains unpaid.  A late filing fee will be 
       imposed on any return filed after the due date.
Line 18  Payment made after the due date will be subject to interest at the rate established for the tax year by the Commonwealth of PA. under Section 806.
Line 19  Enter the total of Lines 16, 17 and 18.  Acceptable forms of payment include check, money order, cash and credit cards.  You may elect to pay by VISA, MasterCard, American 
       Express or Discover cards.  This service is available by going to our website, http://www.lctcb.org/earned-income-tax/ or by visiting the Bureau office.  Credit card payments will 
       incur a convenience fee.
Line 20  Sign and date the tax return. Complete all information requested.  Please provide a daytime telephone number in the event there are any questions about this filing.
Mailing Instructions:  Mail your return and all appropriate documentation as follows:
                            Payments:        LCTCB - PAYMENT • PO BOX 11444 • Lancaster, PA 17605-1444
                            Refund:          LCTCB – REFUND • PO BOX 11445 • Lancaster, PA 17605-1445
         No Payment/No Refund:               LCTCB – NO PYMT/REF • PO BOX 11446 • Lancaster, PA 17605-1446

Other State (Line 12):  Credit is limited to the combined resident tax rate as levied under Chapter 3 of the Local Tax Enabling Act, not to exceed 1%.  The credit will be applied only to 
the extent that the income taxed by the other State represents the income subject to the local tax.  No credit will be allowed against compensation received in Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, 
Indiana, New Jersey or Virginia which are reciprocal states.
Philadelphia City (Line 12):  Credit is limited to the combined resident tax rate as levied under Chapter 3 of the Local Tax Enabling Act, not to exceed 1%.  The credit will be applied only 
to the extent that the income taxed by Philadelphia, represents the income subject to the local tax.


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                                                                                   TABLE 1
  MUNICIPALITY              CODE      TAX RATE  RATE               MUNICIPALITY      CODE       TAX RATE           RATE                     MUNICIPALITY CODE         TAX RATE RATE
                      COCALICO                                               EPHRATA AREA (CONT'D)                                          OCTORARA AREA (CONT'D)
 Adamstown Boro             360101    1.000%    0.010       Ephrata Boro             360703     1.000%             0.010 Christiana Boro                 361307       1.000%   0.010
 Denver Boro                360102    1.000%    0.010       Ephrata Twp              360704     1.000%             0.010 Sadsbury Twp                    361308       1.000%   0.010
 E Cocalico Twp             360103    1.000%    0.010                                HEMPFIELD                                                           PENN MANOR
 W Cocalico Twp             360104    1.000%    0.010       E Hempfield Twp          360801     1.000%             0.010 Conestoga Twp                   361401       1.000%   0.010
                      COLUMBIA                              E Petersburg Boro        360802     1.000%             0.010 Manor Twp                       361402       1.000%   0.010
 Columbia Boro              360201    1.000%    0.010       Mountville Boro          360803     1.000%             0.010 Martic Twp                      361403       1.000%   0.010
                  CONESTOGA VALLEY                          W Hempfield Twp          360804     1.000%             0.010 Millersville Boro               361404       1.000%   0.010
 E Lampeter Twp             360301    1.000%    0.010                        LAMPETER/STRASBURG                          Pequea Twp                      361405       1.000%   0.010
 Upper Leacock Twp          360302    1.000%    0.010       Strasburg Boro           360901     1.000%             0.010                                 PEQUEA VALLEY
 W Earl Twp                 360303    1.000%    0.010       Strasburg Twp            360902     1.000%             0.010 Leacock Twp                     361501       1.000%   0.010
 E Lampeter Twp Annex       360399    1.100%    0.011       W Lampeter Twp           360903     1.000%             0.010 Paradise Twp                    361502       1.000%   0.010
                      DONEGAL                               W Lampeter Twp Annex     360999     1.100%             0.011 Salisbury Twp                   361503       1.000%   0.010
 E Donegal Twp              360401    1.000%    0.010                                LANCASTER                                                           SOLANCO
 Marietta Boro              360402    1.000%    0.010       Lancaster City           361001     1.100%             0.011 Bart Twp                        361601       1.650%   0.0165
 Mount Joy Boro             360403    1.000%    0.010       Lancaster Twp            361002     1.000%             0.010 Colerain Twp                    361602       1.650%   0.0165
 Mount Joy Twp              360404    1.000%    0.010                              MANHEIM CENTRAL                       Drumore Twp                     361603       1.650%   0.0165
            EASTERN LANCASTER COUNTY                        Manheim Boro             361101     1.000%             0.010 E Drumore Twp                   361604       1.650%   0.0165
 Brecknock Twp              360501    1.000%    0.010       Penn Twp                 361102     1.000%             0.010 Eden Twp                        361605       1.650%   0.0165
 Caernarvon Twp             360502    1.000%    0.010       Rapho Twp                361103     1.000%             0.010 Fulton Twp                      361606       1.650%   0.0165
 Earl Twp                   360503    1.000%    0.010                              MANHEIM TOWNSHIP                      Little Britain Twp              361607       1.650%   0.0165
 E Earl Twp                 360504    1.000%    0.010       Manheim Twp              361201     1.000%             0.010 Providence Twp                  361608       1.650%   0.0165
 New Holland Boro           360505    1.000%    0.010                              OCTORARA AREA                         Quarryville Boro                361609       1.650%   0.0165
 Terre Hill Boro            360506    1.000%    0.010       Atglen Boro              361301     1.000%             0.010                                 WARWICK
                 ELIZABETHTOWN AREA                         Highland Twp             361302     1.500%             0.015 Elizabeth Twp                   361701       1.150%   0.0115
 Conoy Twp                  360601    1.000%    0.010       Londonderry Twp          361303     1.250%          0.0125   Lititz Boro                     361702       1.150%   0.0115
 Elizabethtown Boro         360602    1.000%    0.010       Parkesburg Boro          361304     1.000%             0.010 Warwick Twp                     361703       1.150%   0.0115
 Mount Joy Twp              360603    1.000%    0.010       W Fallowfield Twp        361305     1.000%             0.010                                 OUT OF AREA
 W Donegal Twp              360604    1.000%    0.010       W Sadsbury Twp           361306     1.200%             0.012 Out of State                    880000
                    EPHRATA AREA
 Akron Boro                 360701    1.000%    0.010                        NOTE:	For	other	areas	in	Pennsylvania,	use	the	following	link	to	locate	your	PSD	
 Clay Twp                   360702    1.000%    0.010                                code	and	tax	rate	http://munstatspa.dced.state.pa.us/FindLocalTax.aspx

                                                                                     TABLE 2
          TAXABLE INCOME:                       TAXABLE INCOME: (CONT'D)                        NON-TAXABLE INCOME: (CONT'D)                             NON-ALLOWABLE BUSINESS 
 •  Gross Wages and Salaries                   •  Compensation for Services Rendered           •  Lottery Winnings                                       EXPENSES:
 •  Commissions                                •  Taxes Assumed by Employer                    •  Life Insurance Policy Proceeds            •  Child Care Expenses
 •  Bonuses                                    •  Foreign Earnings                             •  Workers Compensation                      •  Club Dues or Fees
 •  Stock Options                              •  Non-Compete Payments                         •  Meals and Lodging for Employers           •  Medical Expenses
 •  Deferred (Tax Sheltered) Contributions                                                      Convenience                                 •  Charitable Contributions
 •  Net Income from Business, Farm, Limited     NON-TAXABLE INCOME:                            •  Rental Income                             •  Taxes
  Liability Company, Limited Liability         •  Interest Income                                                                           •  Employment Fees
  Partnership, or General Partnership          •  Dividends                                     ALLOWABLE BUSINESS EXPENSES:                •  Sabbatical Leave Expenses
 •  Executor and Director Fees                 •  Capital Gains                                •  Union Dues                                •  Educational Expenses NOT Required By  
 •  Vacation Pay                               •  S Corporation Profits in Excess of Services  •  Professional Dues and License Fees                     Your Employer
 •  Separation Pay                              Rendered (Except for Wages and Salaries)       •  Cost of Small Tools                       •  Contributions To Retirement, Pension, or  
 •  Union Pay                                  •  Pension Benefits                             •  Uniforms and Work Clothing not Suitable                Salary Reduction Plans
 •  Tips and Allocated Tips                    •  Annuities and IRA Benefits                    for Everyday Use                            •  Insurance Premiums
 •  Regular Wages Received During Sickness     •  Third Party Sick Pay or Disability Benefits  •  Educational Expenses Required by Your     •  Moving Expenses-Unless Required By  
  or Disability                                •  Social Security Benefits                      Employer in Order to Keep Your Current                   Your Employer
 •  Taxable Fringe Benefits                    •  Unemployment Benefits                         Job or Position
 •  Jury Duty Pay                              •  Ordained Clergy Housing Allowance            •  Expenses Properly Deductible on The PA  
 •  Stipends or Fellowships when               •  Public Assistance Benefits                    Income Tax Return

                                                                           SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 
Extension Requests  An extension of time does not extend the time to pay the earned income tax.  Time to file will be extended to October 15th, provided the following are adhered to: (1) 
the box in this section is marked with an “X”, indicating a request for additional time to file; (2) the extension request is received on or before the original due date; (3) an estimated payment 
is included with this initial filing.
Amended Returns Check box on the front of the return and complete the return in its entirety.  Provide all supporting documentation.
Blended Tax Rate (Line 9):  If your tax rate changes during the year, the tax rate applied to Earned Income and Net Profits will be a blended rate based on the number of full months each 
rate applies.  The blended tax rate calculator is available on our website, www.lctcb.org.  The blended rate will be calculated by dividing each tax rate by the number of months you resided in 
LCTCB’s jurisdiction, multiplied by the number of months applicable.  If you lived in LCTCB jurisdiction the entire year, divide by 12.  The result of each applicable tax rate will be added 
to determine the blended rate to apply to the total Earned Income and Net Profits.  The rate shall be calculated to five decimal places. The tax rate applicable for the greatest number of days 
during any month shall be the tax rate for the month.  This calculation applies to:
        Tax rate change by taxing district 
        Tax rate change caused by taxpayer moving between taxing districts with different rates if income reported on the annual return represents only income taxable at one rate, that
          rate applies, not a blended rate.
Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau collects the earned income/net profits tax for the school districts and municipalities listed on the instructions sheet.  If you were a resident of any of 
the municipalities or school districts for all or any portion of the tax year, you are required to file a written form with this tax bureau.
Taxpayers Bill of Rights Notice:  You are entitled to receive a written explanation of your rights with regard to the audit, appeal, enforcement, refund and collection of local earned income and 
net profits taxes by requesting the Taxpayers Bill of Rights Disclosure Statement.  To obtain a copy, call LCTCB at (717) 569-4521, or send written request to LCTCB, 1845 William Penn Way, 
Suite 1, Lancaster, PA 17601-6713 or visit our website at www.lctcb.org.
                                                FOR ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR EARNED INCOME TAX RETURN:
                                                                   Phone: (717) 569-4521 • Website: www.lctcb.org
                                                            Office: 1845 William Penn Way, Suite 1 • Lancaster, PA. 17601
                                                                        PLEASE CALL FOR OFFICE HOURS.

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