RETURN THIS ENTIRE SHEET WITH YOUR PAYMENT BUSINESS PRIVILEGE AND/OR MERCANTILE TAX RETURN Re: Tax Year: PO BOX 21810 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-1810 Send documentation to District: Account Number: Name: Address: *STD* City, State, Zip DO NOT WRITE IN BOX WEB POSTMARK DATE OF POST OFFICE ACCEPTED — NO EXTENSIONS Failure to receive a tax return does not entitle owner to disregard the penalty or interest on taxes owed. SECTION A: COMPUTATION OF GROSS VOLUME OF BUSINESS ON REVERSE SIDE TAX DUE ON OR BEFORE SECTION B: FINAL TAX - BUSINESS PRIVILEGE AND/OR MERCANTILE TAX RETURN NATURE OF GROSS VOLUME OF BUSINESS EXEMPTIONS & TAXABLE VOLUME TAX RATE AMOUNT OF TAX DUE BUSINESS ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR EXCLUSIONS ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR 1. Service , , , , , , x , , 2. Rentals , , , , , , x , , 3. Retail , , , , , , x , , 4. Wholesale , , , , , , x , , 5. TOTAL TAX DUE (Add lines 1, 2, 3, & 4) , , 6. Less last year’s credit and/or estimated payment (excluding penalty & interest) , , 7. SUBTOTAL (Line 5 minus Line 6) , , 8. Add interest of (after due date) , , 9. Add penalty of (after due date) , , 10. TOTAL SECTION B (Add Lines 7, 8, & 9) , , SECTION C: ESTIMATED TAX - BUSINESS PRIVILEGE AND/OR MERCANTILE TAX RETURN NATURE OF GROSS VOLUME OF BUSINESS EXEMPTIONS & TAXABLE VOLUME TAX AMOUNT OF TAX DUE BUSINESS ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR EXCLUSIONS ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR RATE ROUND TO NEAREST DOLLAR 11. Service , , , , , , x , , 12. Rentals , , , , , , x , , 13. Retail , , , , , , x , , 14. Wholesale , , , , , , x , , 15. TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX DUE (Add Lines 11, 12, 13, & 14) , , 16. Add interest of (after due date) , , 17. Add penalty of (after due date) , , 18. TOTAL SECTION C (Add Lines 15, 16 & 17) , , 19. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (Add Lines 10 & 18) PAYMENT DUE BY , , E.I.N. # _____________________ Please check one: Refund Due BUSINESS TELEPHONE ____________________________ No Payment Due DATE OPERATION BEGAN IN DISTRICT _______________ *STD* Payment Included DO NOT TEAR APART NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. BUSINESS PRIVILEGE AND/OR MERCANTILE TAX RETURN Your cancelled check is your receipt of payment. There will be a $29 fee for returned checks. Make any corrections to Business Name & Address and check here. Tax Year: Business Name: Re: District: Account Number: Make check payable to and remit to: HAB-BPT PO BOX 21810 Amount of Payment: $ _____________________ LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-1810 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE mercre-web 011823 *STD* |
IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL BUSINESSES MUST PROVIDE SUPPORTING SCHEDULES AND/OR DOCUMENTATION USED TO ARRIVE AT THE FIGURES IN SECTIONS A & B. EXPLAIN FULLY ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GROSS VOLUME AND TAXABLE VOLUME. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING A MERCANTILE AND/OR BUSINESS PRIVILEGE TAX LICENSE AND TAX RETURN GENERAL INFORMATION Be sure to submit all information requested by Berkheimer Tax Innovations. Be sure to include signature and date where applicable. Failure to do so will constitute filing an incomplete return. Return the Form, any tax due, and required documentation. Make checks payable to HAB-BPT. NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Your cancelled check is your receipt of payment. If you file a return showing no tax due, you should provide a detailed explanation as to why no tax is owed. Your failure to provide an acceptable, accurate and complete explanation as to why no tax is due and owing may lead to a potential audit of your account. What is the Business Privilege/Mercantile Tax? Your municipality or school district may impose a tax on each dollar of gross annual receipts for a business within the municipality or school district, whether for gain or profit including financial businesses, professions, vocations, services, construction, or other commercial activities. What is the meaning of Gross Receipts? For purposes of computing the tax, Gross Receipts means any cash, credits or property of any kind received in exchange for merchandise sold or services performed in business activity. Do not deduct costs of property or merchandise sold, materials, labor or services furnished or used, or interest or discount paid. What supporting documentation should I include when I file the return? • Include a copy of any Federal documentation such as a Schedule C, Form 1120 (S-Corp) or any like form used to file with the IRS. If your business does not have these forms, then provide other documentation used to determine gross receipts (such as your sales spreadsheet). • Normal business expenses are not to be used as exemptions. • If you have moved business from one municipality to another during the tax year, you may have incurred an additional tax liability to that municipality. TAX RETURN INFORMATION Section A Computation of Gross Volume of Business. Complete only where applicable. Line (a) Enter total gross volume of business for period indicated. Line (b) This line is to be completed if your business opened during the present tax year and an estimated gross volume is required by the appropriate Ordinance and/or Resolution. Enter appropriate gross volume of business. Line (c) This line is to be completed if your business opened during the tax year and you are required to file an initial estimated gross volume for the first year. This section applies to those districts where Ordinances and/or Resolutions require a Final Return to be filed yearly, with the exception of the first year. Line (d) This line is to be completed if business is temporary, itinerant, or seasonal. Enter actual gross volume of business. SECTION A: COMPUTATION OF GROSS VOLUME OF BUSINESS (fill in one only) A. If in business from , use total gross volume of business for period. $ ____________________ If business commenced after , indicate starting date (________________) and multiply your first B. full months gross volume of business (_____________________) x 12. $ ____________________ If business commenced after , indicate starting date (________________) and multiply your first C. full months gross volume of business (_______________________) by the number of months remaining in year (_________________) include fractional months from starting date to . $ ____________________ If temporary, itinerant or seasonal, report actual income ($ _____________________) within seven days D. of completion of business. $ ____________________ NATURE OF BUSINESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OWNER __________________________________________________________ TITLE __________________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________________ DATE _________________________ NAME & ADDRESS OF LEASING AGENT, IF RENTING ___________________________________________________________________________________ Section B Filing the Final Tax In this section, your gross volume of business should be calculated according to the figure indicated in Section A. Again, this final tax amount should be calculated on the actual business transacted for the period of time specified in Section A. Be sure to complete lines 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 as they apply to your type of business and tax levied at the rates indicated. Continue to complete lines 5 through 10 as they apply to your respective tax situation. Section C Filing the Estimated Tax This section is to be completed if any estimated tax return is required. If no rates are shown in Section C, no estimate is due. To complete this section, your estimated gross volume of business should be calculated. Be sure to complete Lines 11, 12, 13 and/or 14 as they apply to your type of business and tax levied at the rate indicated. Continue to complete lines 15 through 19 as they apply to your respective tax obligations. Website: mercins-web 011823 |