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R-1086 (1/17)  
                                                                                                                                               FILING PERIOD
                                          Solar Energy Income Tax Credit for                                                                               2016
                                               Individuals and Businesses

 Individual           Business                                                                                             PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Name of Taxpayer/Entity claiming credit                                                Social Security No./Entity Louisiana Revenue Account No.

Name of Taxpayer’s spouse   (if joint individual income tax return)                    Spouse’s Social Security No. (if joint individual income tax return)

Taxpayer residence address (if individual income tax return) or Business address

City                                                                                                                 State ZIP

                                                                    Total Available Credit
  Complete a worksheet, from page 2, for each solar energy system. Add the amounts from 
1                                                                                                                   1
  Line 12 for each worksheet and enter the total. 

  Share of qualifying tax credit from partnerships, trusts or small business corporations 
  (Number of units ____________ )                                                      
2                                                                                                                   2
   Name of Entity:                        
  Louisiana Revenue Acct No: 
3 Total Credit Available to the taxpayer (Add Lines 1 and 2.)                                                       3

LSA-R.S. 47:6030 provides for a credit against income tax for the purchase and installation of a solar electric system hereinafter referred to 
as “system”.  The credit may be claimed by a third-party owner through a lease with the owner of a single-family detached residence located 
in this state. However, only one tax credit with respect to each residence is allowed and no other tax credit will be allowed for any other 
system installed at that residence. See Revenue Information Bulletins No.13-026 and 15-026, and LAC 61:I.1907 for additional information 
regarding additional requirements and restrictions.

System components purchased on or after July 1, 2013 must be compliant with the “Buy American” requirements of the federal American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). See Revenue Information Bulletin 13-013 for more information.

The tax credit for a leased system installed in 2016 is equal to 38 percent of the first $20,000 of eligible cost. For the purpose of 
determining the cost basis of the credit for a leased system, the eligible cost is $2.00 per watt limited to 6 kilowatts for a system purchased 
and installed on or after July 1, 2015 and before July 1, 2018.

If you received this credit through an interest in a partnership, trust, or small business corporation, please retain copies of the Schedule 
K-1 or other document that support your share of the distributed credit amount entered on line 2 above.

This credit may be used in addition to any federal credits earned for the same system, but the taxpayer is prohibited from using any other 
state tax benefit for property for which the credit is claimed.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge of all available information, this refund claim is true and complete and complies with all 
statutes, rules and regulations, and any other policy pronouncements related to the solar energy income tax credit.
Signature of Taxpayer, Entity Officer or Other (for other, attach power of attorney)      Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Signature of Spouse (if joint return)                                                     Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Please complete a separate worksheet and supplemental information sheet for each solar energy system for which you are 
requesting credit. Attach each worksheet to page 1.


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R-1086 (1/17)  
                                                                                                                                         FILING PERIOD
                                                    Solar Energy Income Tax
                                               Leased Systems (Credit Code 74F)                                                          2016

                                                                                                                    PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Name of Taxpayer/Entity claiming credit                            Social Security No. /Entity Louisiana Revenue Account No.

Name of Taxpayer’s spouse (if joint individual income tax return)  Spouse’s Social Security No. (if joint individual income tax return)

Physical address of location where system installed                City                                       State ZIP

Date the installation of the energy system was completed ________________________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy) in a Louisiana residence. 

Contractor’s Name                                                  Contractor’s Louisiana License Number

                                                                  Computation of the Credit
1 Cost of new system equipment                                                                                         1

2 Cost of new system installation                                                                                      2

3 Taxes associated with new system                                                                                     3

4 Total (Add Lines 1 through 3.)                                                                                       4

5 Enter the smaller of $20,000 or the amount on Line 4.                                                                5

6 Enter the sum of the nameplate kW of all of the photovoltaic panels in the system.                                   6

7 Multiply Line 6 by 1,000.                                                                                            7

8 Enter the smaller of $6,000 or the amount on Line 7.                                                                 8

9 System cost per watt                                                                                                 9                 $2.00
10 Multiply Line 8 by Line 9.                                                                                       10

11 Enter the smaller of Line 5 or Line 10.                                                                          11

12 Multiply Line 11 by 38% (.38). This is your credit.                                                              12


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R-1086 (1/17)  
                                                                                                                   FILING PERIOD
                                                    Solar Energy 
                                                    Income Tax Credit                                                     2016
                                                    Supplemental Information

                                                                                                              PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Name of Taxpayer/Entity claiming credit                    Social Security No./ Louisiana Revenue Account No.

Physical address of location where system installed        City                                       State ZIP
Name of Taxpayer’s spouse (if joint return)                Spouse’s Social Security No.

                                                    System Information
Total nameplate listed kW of all installed panels:

Provide the Make, Model and serial number of generators, alternators, turbines, photovoltaic panels and inverters for which a credit is 
being applied.
               Make                                 Model                                        Serial Number

Attach Additional Sheets if Needed
Louisiana Administrative Code 61:I.1907 requires certain information about the system be provided to determine eligibility for the credit.  
Below is a list of additional information required about the solar system.  Failure to provide this information may result in the disallowance 
of the credit.
1. A copy of the modeled array output report using the PV Watts Solar System Performance Calculator. The calculator was developed 
   by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and is available at the website www.nrel.gov/rredc/pvwatts. The analysis must be 
   performed using the default PV Watts de-rate factor.
2.  A copy of the solar site shading analysis conducted on the installation site using a recognized industry site assessment tool such 
   as a Solar Pathfinder or Solmetric demonstrating the suitability of the site for installation of a solar energy system.
3.  A copy of the installation contract signed by the taxpayer and a copy of the receipt or paid invoice detailing the amount of purchase.


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R-1086 (1/17)  
                                                                                                                                 FILING PERIOD
                                                       Solar Energy 
                                                    Income Tax Credit                                                            2016
                                            Residential Property Owner Declaration

                                                                                                                 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Name of Taxpayer/Entity claiming credit                                        Social Security No./ Louisiana Revenue Account No.

Physical address of location where system installed                            City                        State ZIP
Name of Taxpayer’s spouse (if joint return)                                    Spouse’s Social Security No.

This page must be signed by the owner of the property on which the solar system is installed.
I, the undersigned residential property owner, am the lessee of a solar energy system and may be entitled to claim the Louisiana solar 
energy income tax credit pursuant to R.S. 47:6030.
I understand and acknowledge my right to consult a tax professional prior to claiming any Louisiana state tax credit for which I may be 
I understand and acknowledge that LAC 61:I.1907(F)(2) and (3) provide cost ineligible for inclusion under the tax credit. I understand that 
R.S. 47:6030(C)(1) explains that my “cost of purchase” or overall “costs” of a solar energy system cannot include any lease management 
fee or any inducement to lease a solar energy system. 
I understand that an inducement is an incentive for me to lease a solar energy system. An inducement may be offered to me as a rebate, 
prize, gift certificate, trip, additional energy item or service, or any other thing of value given to me by the seller, installer, or equipment 
manufacturer as an incentive for me to lease a system. 
Whenever marketing rebates or incentives are offered to me in return for a reduction in the lease price of the system or as an inducement to 
lease, the eligible cost under LAC 61:I.1907(F)(1) will be accordingly reduced by the fair market value of the marketing rebate or incentive 
that I receive.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)         Last 4 digits of SSN                                Signature
                                            _______  _______  _______  _______


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R-1086-B (1/17)  
                                                                                                          FILING PERIOD
                                            Sworn Statements by Licensed                                  2016
                                                       Dealer and Installer

Pursuant to Act 131, Department of Revenue Form R-1086 shall contain the following sworn statements by the licensed dealer who leased 
the system and the licensed installer who installed the system. This page should be completed in its entirety and included with Form 

                          Residential Property where the Solar Energy System was Installed
  Address                                              City                                 State      ZIP

The undersigned is an authorized principal in _______________________________________________________, is licensed by the 
Louisiana Board of Contractors as required by R.S. 47:6030, and certifies under penalty of law, particularly R.S. 14:202.2(A), that the 
system leased to the homeowner of the residence located at ___________________________________________________ has a total 

nameplate value of ___________________ kilowatts, that no solar dealer, solar installer, or installer affiliate financed the repayment 
obligations, and that a reasonable good faith belief exists that the residence is eligible for the credit provided for in this Section in the 
amount claimed on a Louisiana income tax return. 

___________________________________________________          ___________________________________________________
                 Dealer’s Name (printed)                                   Dealer’s Name (signature)

                 Dealer’s Louisiana License Number 

The undersigned is an authorized principal in ______________________________________________________________________, 
is licensed by the Louisiana Board of Contractors as required by R.S. 47:6030, is a licensed installer, as required by R.S. 37:2156.3, and 
certifies under penalty of law, particularly R.S. 14:202.2(A), that the system installed at the residence located at ____________________
______________________________________________________ has a total nameplate value of _____________ kilowatts. 

___________________________________________________          ___________________________________________________
                 Installer’s Name (printed)                                Installer’s Name (signature)

___________________________________________________          ___________________________________________________ 
                 Installer’s Louisiana License Number        Date the installation of the energy system was completed and placed in service 

                                                            Notary Public


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