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R-1362 (8/16)
                                                                                                           Return completed form to:
                                             Natural Disaster Claim for Refund of State                    Louisiana Department of Revenue
                                                            Sales Taxes Paid                               P.O. Box 91138
                                                                                                           Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9138

Must attach Forms R-1362S and          R-1362D
                                                                                                                           PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Claimant’s Name                                                              DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)      Social Security Number

Spouse’s Name                                                                DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)      Spouse’s Social Security Number

Mailing Address               Check box to indicate address change          City                               State      ZIP

Resident of Louisiana Since (mm/yyyy)                                        Telephone    (Daytime)

                                             Location and Description of Destruction
Street Address (including apartment number)                                  City                                                  ZIP

Parish                                                      Date of Disaster (mm/dd/yyyy)          Name or Description of Disaster 

Primary Cause of Destruction:                                                Type of Home:
Flood        Wind        Other_________________________              House        Apartment/Condo          Mobile Home

Area(s) of the home that received damage:                                                                                  Total Number of Areas  
Kitchen        Living Room             Dining Room                   Bedroom(s) (how many rooms) ______          that Received Damage
Breakfast Area  Den                     Garage/Carport                Bathroom(s) (how many rooms) ______
Patio          Outdoor Structure       Other ______________ 
1 Total amount of unreimbursed property loss from Form R-1362S, Line 3, Total Column.                                      $

2 Total amount of state sales tax requested to be refunded from Form R-1362S, Line 6, Total Column.                        $

Certified Statement of Natural Disaster Refund Claim
The above individual, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the following statement is true and correct, that he is entitled to the refund 
requested, and that he is not delinquent with the State of Louisiana in the payment of any state taxes.
The property described on the schedule was destroyed by a natural disaster in a “natural disaster area” so declared by the President 
of the United States. I hereby certify:
    •  That the destroyed property was held for personal use at my residence, was not owned by a business, partnership, or corporation, 
       and was not otherwise used by any person for commercial purposes;
    •  That the property was movable, both at the time of its purchase and at the time of its destruction;
    •  That I paid the Louisiana state sales/use tax on my purchase of the destroyed property in the amounts now requested to be 
       refunded, and that the property was not acquired by gift, purchased outside the state, or otherwise without payment by me of the 
       Louisiana sales/use tax; and,
    •  That all expected and actual reimbursements from insurance and other sources have been included.
Natural disaster refund claims must be notarized to be processed. Filing or submitting false information or false representation 
on this refund claim may result in jail time of 5 years and/or fines up to $5,000 under Revised Statute 14:133.
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS _____________________ day of _____________________,  ________
Claimant’s Name (please print)                                               Claimant’s Signature

Spouse’s Name   (please print)                                               Spouse’s Signature

Paid Preparer Name if other than taxpayer    (please print) Signature of Paid Preparer                     Paid Preparer Telephone Number
                                                                                                           (            )
Notary Name (please print)                                  Notary Signature                               Notary Number

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R-1362S (8/16)

                                     Natural Disaster Claim for Refund                           Must be attached to Natural 
                                                                                                 Disaster Claim for Refund of State 
                                Calculation of State Sales Tax Refund Due                        Sales Taxes Paid – Form R-1362

                                                                                                           PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Claimant’s Name                                                   Social Security Number

Spouse’s Name                                                     Spouse’s Social Security Number

Name or Description of Disaster                                   Date of Disaster (mm/dd/yyyy)

                                      Location Where Property was Destroyed
Street Address                        City                               Parish                              State  ZIP

                                     Calculation of State Sales Tax Refund Due
                                                                  R-1362D, Column A  R-1329D, Column B              TOTAL
                                                                      4% tax rate              5% tax rate    (Column A + B)
   Total cost of destroyed property from attached Form(s) 
1                                                                 $                     $                    $

2  Reimbursement of destroyed property

   Reimbursement from insurance – actual or anticipated
2a     Check box if destroyed property was not covered by        ($               )    ($                 ) ($                )

   Reimbursement from employer or disaster relief agencies
       Check box if you were denied reimbursement from an 
2b  employer.                                                     ($               )    ($                 ) ($                )
       Check box if you were denied reimbursement from any 
    disaster relief agencies, including FEMA.

   Total reimbursement – Add Lines 2a and 2b for Columns A 
2c                                                                ($               )    ($                 ) ($                )
   and B.
   Total unreimbursed property loss – Subtract Line 2C from 
3                                                                 $                     $                    $
   Line 1 for Columns A and B.

4  State sales tax rate                                               4%                         5%

   State sales tax computation – Multiply Line 3 by the sales tax 
5                                                                 $                     $
   rates found on Line 4 for Columns A and B. 

   Total state sales tax refund requested. Add Line 5, 
6                                                                                                            $
   Columns A and B. 

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R-1362D (8/16)

                                  NATURAL DISASTER CLAIM FOR REFUND                             Must be attached to Natural 
                                            Schedule of Tangible Personal                       Disaster Claim for Refund of State 
                                  Property Destroyed by a Natural Disaster                      Sales Taxes Paid – Form R-1362

                                                                                                               PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.
Claimant’s Name                                                  Social Security Number

Spouse’s Name                                                    Spouse’s Social Security Number

The following are examples of tangible personal property that would be eligible for the state sales tax refund:
1. Furniture, Rugs, Utensils, etc.
2. TV, Camera, Toys, Exercise Equipment, etc.
3. Clothing, Linens, etc.
4. Other Household Items   (Books, Decorations, Lawn Mowers, etc.)

The following items are not eligible for state sales tax refunds:
1. Food
2. Real immovable property, such as houses, buildings, central heating and cooling systems, lighting fixtures, lavatories, dishwashers, 
water heaters, hot tubs and spas, and wall-to-wall carpeting.
3. Titled assets such as automobiles or all terrain vehicles (ATV).
4. Boats, water or snow skis, golfing or tennis equipment or other recreation equipment generally used away from the home.

To support your claim, attach a copy of the declaration  page of your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy and a copy of the  
insurance adjuster’s report that documents the damage and claim reimbursement  amounts. If you did not have insurance, attach 
all available purchase  receipts for the destroyed items and any documentation of reimbursement from FEMA or other disaster relief 
sources. Attach copies of any letter from insurance copy, FEMA, or other disaster relief agencies showing denial of reimbursement.

                                                                            COLUMN A                           COLUMN B
                                                                 Date of    Original Cost of Property          Original cost of Property 
                Description of Property      Purchase                       Purchased PRIOR TO                 Purchased ON or AFTER  
                        Destroyed            (mm/dd/yyyy)                   APRIL 1, 2016                      APRIL 1, 2016

Total Property Cost (Total columns A and B.)
If more space is needed, additional copies of this form may be used.

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