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Completing the Adjustment to The K-CNS 111 is to amend a previously filed Quarterly Wage Report &
Quarterly Wage Report, K·CNS 111 Unemployment Tax Return,K-CNS 100 . Complete this adjustment in
duplicate and keep one copy for your records.
This report can be filed online at:
www.KansasEmployer.gov NOTE: If no tax is due, you may fax the adjustment to 785-291-3425.
If you have questions about the completion of this report, you may call your
closest unemployment tax representative.
You may also email KDOL.UITax@ks.gov.
Instructions for completing K-CNS 111
1. Your employer name and address. 11.a List the same excess wage figure shown on K-CNS 100,
Column 7.
2. Calendar year and quarter. Submit a separate
adjustment for each quarter. Identify quarters as follows: 11.b List the correct excess wage figure that should have
Quarter - Year been reported on K-CNS 100.
Quarter Ending March 31 ................... 1-20XX
Quarter Ending June 30 ...................... 2-20XX 12.a The total of Column 10.a for all pages (If there are
Quarter Ending September 30 ............ 3-20XX multiple pages necessary, please complete a K-CNS
Quarter Ending December 31 ............. 4-20XX 112).
3. Brief reason why this adjustment is necessary. 12.b The total of Column 10.b for all pages.
4. Employer account number. 12.c The total of Column 11.a for all pages.
5. Tax Rate. 12.d The total of Column 11.b for all pages.
6. Current page number out of total number of continuation 13. Difference in total wages reported and correct total
pages. wages.
(a) 12.a minus 12.b
7. Signature of owner, partner or corporate officer.
Adjustment must be signed and dated. 14. Difference in excess wages reported and correct excess
8. Social Security number of individual workers. (a) 12.c minus 12.d
If an individual worker’s Social Security number was
incorrectly reported, list incorrect Social Security number 15. Net difference in taxable wages.
on one line and the correct number on the line below. (a) Line 13 plus or minus Line 14.
9. Individual worker’s name (Last, First and Middle Initial 16. Total amount of taxes due or overpaid.
List only those workers for which corrections are Select either Underpayment or Overpayment.
necessary for either an individual worker’s total wages If taxes are due, enter the amount here. If the amount
(K-CNS 100, Column 6) or an individual worker’s excess due is $5 or greater, accompany this adjustment with a
wages (K-CNS 100, Column 7). remittance, payable to the Kansas Employment Security
Fund. If taxes are overpaid, enter the amount here. If the
10.a List the same wage figure shown on K-CNS 100, amount overpaid is $5 or greater, a credit will be issued
Column 6. which can be applied to future taxes due, or you may
request a refund. For a refund you must complete and
10.b List the correct wage figure that should have been submit an IRS Form W-9 with your written request for
reported on K-CNS 100 refund.
For help in completing this tax return or filing an adjustment to a prior return, you may call your local unemployment tax office.
A list of offices is at https://www.dol.ks.gov/employers/directory-of-ui-tax-offices
Assistance is also available by email: KDOL.UITax@ks.gov