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KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                                                            Page 1 of 5
                                                         For Internal Use Only            SUBMIT ONLINE: www.KansasEmployer.gov
EMPLOYER STATUS REPORT                                                                    MAIL:  Unemployment Tax Contributions
K-CNS 010 (Rev. 3-19)                                                                            P.O. Box 400
                                                                                                 Topeka, KS 66601-0400
                                                                                          FAX:         (785) 291-3425

See instructions on page 5. The information requested in this report is required to be provided by K.S.A. 44-714(f) and K.A.R. 
 50-2-5. It will be used only by public officials in the performance of their public duties. Section 6103(d) of the Internal Revenue
Code authorizes IRS to exchange information with us for audits and certifications.

1. What is your type of organization / ownership? (check one below)
        Individual                               Limited Partnership            Estate
        General Partnership                          Joint Venture              Receivership
        Limited Liability Company (LLC)           Corporation (Inc.)            Trust
        Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)       Governmental/Political Sub-Division (if checked, answer questions 2a and 2b)
        Other:  ________________________________________________________________________________________
 2. If you are a governmental or political sub-division, select the branch of government and your finance option:
   2a. Branch of government (check one)                  2b. Finance option (check one)
       State            Local      Indian Tribe                        Contributing     Reimbursing      Rated Governmental
 3. Are you a 501(c)(3) exempt organization?            YES            NO     (if YES, answer 3a and 3b)
   3a. Finance option (check one)        Contributing     Reimbursing
   3b. Have you received the 501(c)(3) exemption letter from the IRS?           YES        NO   (if NO, explain below)

4. Are you a Professional Employment Organization (P.E.O.)?
      YES (If YES, you must submit a separate K-CNS 015 for each client.)               NO
 5. Describe the major service, activity or product in Kansas that generates the most revenue for your business:
   5a. Is your business considered to be in the construction industry?       YES         NO
6. Date you first paid wages in Kansas: _________________________
7. List your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): ______________________________
8. Legal business name (Inc., LLC, LP, Sole Prop, etc.): ___________________________________________________________
9. Business or trade name (if different than #8): ________________________________________________________________
10.  Business phone: _______________________________________(        ) Business fax:  ________________________________(        )
     Business Email:  ___________________________________________________________________________________
11.  Mailing address - Street:______________________________________________________________________________
   City: ______________________________________________________ State: ________ ZIP:  ____________________
12. Kansas business physical address:        Storefront/Physical Location       Job/Construction Site      Employee Residence
   Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
   City: ______________________________________________________  State: ________ ZIP:  ____________________

                                            UNEMPLOYMENT TAX CONTRIBUTIONS
                       P.O. Box 400, Topeka, KS  66601-0400 •  Phone (785) 296-5027  •  Fax (785) 291-3425

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Kansas Department of Labor                                                                                                 Page 2 of 5
Employer Status Report
K-CNS 010 (Rev. 3-19)

13. Address where accounting records are maintained/can be examined in the state of Kansas:                   Address same as #12
Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City:  ______________________________________________________  State:  _______  ZIP:  ____________________

14. Company or in-house payroll contact:
Name:  ____________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________(        )

Email: _____________________________________________________________________                                  Address same as #12
Street: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________  State: ________ ZIP:  ____________________

15. Ownership identification – Owner, Corporate Officer, Member, Member/Manager, Partner (general & limited), etc. Use
full LEGAL names. Do NOT use nicknames. Provide residence address of each owner, officer, partner, etc. Use page 4
if additional space is needed.

           Social Security number: ________________________ Title: __________________________________________ 
  First name: ____________________________  MI: _________ Last name:  ______________________________
  Street:    ____________________________________________________________________________________ 
City:  _______________________________________________________ State:  ___________ ZIP:  __________

 Social Security number:  ________________________ Title: __________________________________________ 
  First name: ____________________________  MI: _________ Last name:  ______________________________
  Street:  _____________________________________________________________________________________ 
 City:  _______________________________________________________ State:  ___________ ZIP:  __________

   Social Security number: ________________________ Title: __________________________________________ 
  First name: ____________________________  MI: _________ Last name:  ______________________________

  Street:   ____________________________________________________________________________________ 
 City:   ________________________________________________________ State:  __________ ZIP:   __________

16. Record all Kansas wages paid by calendar quarter for the current and prior calendar year.
           Year                  1st Quarter       2nd Quarter       3rd Quarter                    4th Quarter
                           $                 $                 $                             $
                           $                 $                 $                             $

17. In which WEEK did you establish liability based on the number of weeks of employment? ______________________

                                             UNEMPLOYMENT TAX CONTRIBUTIONS
                           P.O. Box 400, Topeka, KS 66601-0400 •  Phone (785) 296-5027  •  Fax (785) 291-3425

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Kansas Department of Labor                                                                                                                        Page 3 of 5
Employer Status Report
K-CNS 010 (Rev. 3-19)
18. Did you acquire/purchase all or part of an existing business?       c YES       NOc
    18a.  If YES, the date acquired (mm/dd/yyyy): ____________________       c All                         c  Part    ______ % acquired 
          Did you acquire substantially all of the assets?    c  YES      cNO   
          Did you acquire substantially all of the employing enterprise, organization, trade or business?    c  YES      cNO
          Termination date of prior owner (mm/dd/yyyy): ____________________
    18b.  Has the previous owner continued business in         Kansas?    c  YES      cNO     If YES, explain:
    18c.  Do you want the prior owner’s experience rating factors?      c YES      cNO
          Transfer of rating factors is:       c Mandatory    c  Elective
    18d.  Name of prior owner: __________________________________ 
          Prior owner’s Kansas employer serial number: _______________
    18e.  Prior business or trade name: _____________________________________ Current phone: ___________                                     ________
    18f.   Prior owner’s current address: Street ______________________________________________________________ 
          City: _______________________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ______________________
K.S.A. 44-710a(b)(2) allows a successor, defined in K.S.A. 44-703(h)(4) and K.S.A. 44-703(dd), the choice to acquire the experience rating factors of the 
predecessor employer. The request for transfer must be made in writing within 120 days of the acquisition. The experience rating factors are all of the 
unemployment taxes paid, annual payrolls and benefit charges of the predecessor employer. These factors are used to compute your unemployment tax rate 
for subsequent years. Alternately, successor employers may elect to be assigned their industry tax rate.
K.S.A. 44-710a(b)( ) 1 shall be unlawful through manipulation of the employer's workforce, or business, to knowingly obtain a reduced liability for contributions 
related to determining a contribution rate, when the primary purpose of the business acquisition was for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate of contributions,
or for a person to knowingly advise an employing unit in such a way that results in such a violation, shall be subject to penalties. 
19. For the last three years, list any multiple business locations you have operated in KANSAS.                          c  No multiple locations
                      Trade Name and Address                                  Date Opened    Date Closed   No. Employees             Business Activity

20. Are you subject toFederal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)?  Current year:    c YES                        c  NO    Prior year:    c YES                   c  NO
21. If no liability is indicated, do you wish to elect coverage?
        c  YES, beginning January 1 of the current year, or at the commencement of employment of the current year, and 
                continuing for not less than two calendar years, on behalf of the employing unit, I voluntarily elect to: (select one or both)
                c  become an employer described in K.S.A. 44-703(h), the same as other employers, since no  
                    mandatory coverage is indicated
                c  extend coverage to all workers performing services that are excluded from coverage by the employment 
                       security law
        c  NO
22. Are you continuing to pay wages inKANSAS?      c YES      cNO
23. Do you have individuals performing services you believe are not employees?    c  YES      cNO
    If YES, explain. Attach additional pages if necessary.

24. Would you like to have a KDOL representative contact you to provide additional information on exemptions, payment
options for governmental/political sub-divisions or 501(C)(3) entities, successorship or any other status report information?
        c  YES      cNO

25. I certify that the information I have provided on this report is complete, correct and true to the best of my knowledge and
        Signature of owner, partner, member/manager, corporate officer, etc.  Title                                                      Date
                                                 UNEMPLOYMENT TAX CONTRIBUTIONS
                          P.O. Box 400, Topeka, KS 66601-0400  •  Phone (785) 296-5027  •  Fax (785) 291-3425

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Kansas Department of Labor                                                                                        Page 4 of 5
Employer Status Report
K-CNS 010 (Rev. 3-19)

Space for additional information (include question number):

                           UNEMPLOYMENT TAX CONTRIBUTIONS
                           P.O. Box 400, Topeka, KS 66601-0400 •  Phone (785) 296-5027  •  Fax (785) 291-3425

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Kansas Department of Labor                   K-CNS      010    INSTRUCTIONS                                             Page 5 of 5
Employer Status Report
K-CNS 010 (Rev. 3-19)
1. Place an X before the appropriate type of ownership of        15. Enter the legal names of officers, members, member/
    your business. If not listed, place an X in OTHER and            managers, partners or owners of the business. Include
    describe the ownership.                                          Social Security numbers for each listing and title of the
2a. Place an X before your type of governmental agency:              person (Corp. Pres., Mem/Mgr, Mem. Gen Ptr, Owner, etc.).
    State, local (city, county, etc.) or Indian Tribe.               Enter your street number, the direction (N, S, NE, SW, etc.),
2b. Place an X in the selected finance (payment) option.             the street name, any apartment or suite number, city, state
3. Indicate if you are a 501(c)(3) organization. If YES, you         and ZIP.
    must complete questions 3a and 3b.                           16. Enter your Kansas wages, by calendar quarter, for the
    a. Place an X in the finance option.                             current calendar year and the prior calendar year.
    b. Place an X in the YES box if you have received            17. Enter a number from 1 through 52 which indicates the
    your IRS exemption letter. If NO, explain.                       number of the week during the current or prior calendar
4. Indicate if you are a Professional Employment                     year in which you had sufficient employees for at least 20
    Organization (Employee Lease Organization). If YES,              weeks. For purposes of this report, each week counted
    you must complete a K-CNS 015 for each client that you           must include the Saturday. The weeks do not have to be
    represent.                                                       consecutive. For general employment, you must have one
5. Describe your major service or product in Kansas (that            or more employees each week; agriculture employment
    portion producing the major income source).                      must have 10 or more employees each week; and 501(c)
    a. Indicate if your business is considered to be in the          (3) employment is four or more employees in each week.
    construction industry.                                       18. Are you operating a business that was once operated
6. Enter the first date you paid wages in Kansas.                    by someone else? Note: If you reorganized/restructured
7. List your nine-digit Federal Employer Identification              your business and are now reporting employees under
    Number (FEIN) issued by the IRS used on your 940 and             a different entity/FEIN, please answer YES to the above
    941 reports.                                                     question.
8. Enter your legal business name (for example - ABC Inc.,       a. Enter the date when you purchased or acquired the
    ABC, LLC, John Smith, Sole Proprietor, etc.).                    business and whether you purchased all the business or
9. Enter your business or trade name (doing business as              what percent of the business. Enter termination date of
    name, Dark Corner #1, ABC Inc. d/b/a House Restaurant,           prior owner.
    etc.).                                                       b. Is the prior owner operating any other business in
10. Enter your actual business phone number, including the           Kansas? If YES, explain how the previous owner
    area code. List the main fax number and business email.          continues in operation.
11. Enter the business mailing address where                     c.  Would you like to have the prior owner's unemployment
    correspondence from the agency is to be sent. List your          tax rate and experience factors used to calculate your
    street number or PO Box, the direction (N, S, NE, SW,            tax rate?
    etc.), the street name, any apartment or suite number, city, d. Enter the name of the prior owner and serial number, if known.
    state and ZIP.                                               e. Enter the prior business or trade name and phone.
12. Indicate if your Kansas location is a storefront/physical    f.  Enter the prior owner's current address, if known.
    location, a job/construction site or an employee's           19. List each business location you have operated in Kansas
    residence. Tell us the Kansas location's street number,          for the last three years. If you have more than one, list
    direction of street address (N, S, NE, SW, etc.), the street     each location separately.
    name and apartment number or suite number, city, state       20. Indicate if you are subject to the Federal Unemployment
    and ZIP.                                                         Tax Act (FUTA), for the current or prior year.
13. Enter the Kansas location where your accounting              21. Indicate if you wish to elect to extend unemployment
    records are maintained and can be examined by agency             insurance coverage to your workers if a determination
    personnel. If the address information is the same                indicates that you are not required by statute to cover
    as entered in item #12, place an X in the checkbox.              employees. You may also elect coverage for workers who
    Otherwise, enter the street number, direction of street          are not defined by the statute as employees. (Election of
    address (N, S, NE, SW, etc.), the street name and                coverage is for two calendar years). If YES, place an X
    apartment number or suite number, city, state and ZIP.           before your choice of coverage. If NO, place an X in the
14. Indicate who is your company or in-house payroll contact         NO box.
    person. If the address information is the same as entered    22. Indicate if your business is continuing to pay wages in
    in item #12, place an X in the checkbox. Otherwise, enter        Kansas.
    the street number or PO Box, direction of street address     23. Indicate which workers you believe are not employees.
    (N, S, NE, SW, etc.), the street name and apartment              Explain in detail why you consider them to be something
    number or suite number, city, state and ZIP. Also list the       other than employees.
    main company email address of the payroll contact person     24. Indicate if you would like a further explanation from a
    and a direct phone number.                                       KDOL staff member about any questions on this form.
                                                                 25. Sign the report, providing your title and the date.

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