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Kansas Department of Labor Page 3 of 3
Employer Account Record Change
K-CNS 0103 (Rev. 2-22)
The Employment Security Law, K.S.A. 44-703 et seq., provides that the experience rating account of the predecessor may be acquired by
the successor whenever an employing unit acquires or in any manner succeeds, including, but not limited to, buying substantially all of the:
Employing Enterprise .......Those business locations with employment
Organization .....................Employees or employee position(s) required to continue the business.
Trade or Business ............Clientele or customers that frequent the business; the goods or services provided; or some combination.
Assets of an Employer......The assets considered are those items that are necessary to the normal operation of the business: real property,
.............................equipment, inventories, etc. If only a portion of the business was acquired, a description of the portions acquired
.............................and retained is required. Attach additional pages for this explanation.
Completing the Employer Account Record Change
1. Enter your unemployment insurance tax serial number as it be transferred to your successor. Indicate whether the
appears on the K-CNS 100. The serial number is a six-digit acquisition was total or partial. Also, report the date your
number printed at the top of the report. business was acquired.
2. Enter the date the change in your employer status occurred. 9. Enter the successor’s information; to include name, address,
3. Enter your Federal Employer Identification number (FEIN) phone number,FEIN and Transfer of Rating Factors.
issued to your business by the Internal Revenue Service. 10. Indicate if the form of the organization has changed. If the form
Please indicate if the FEIN has changed. did change, and the same individuals remain in control of the
4. Enter your Legal Business Name as it is registered with the new organization, this change is characterized as a Mandatory
State of Kansas. Successorship by Kansas statute. For example:
A sole proprietor incorporates and continues to operate
5. Enter your Business Trade Name (if applicable). the same enterprise. The experience rating factor transfer would
6. Enter the mailing address where you would like to receive be mandatory. The corporation would continue to pay
agency correspondence. unemployment taxes at the same rate as the sole proprietor. By
7. Enter the physical location in Kansas. This can be an statute, corporate officers are employees of the corporation.
employee’s residence, job site or actual business location. The compensation paid to officers for service to the
corporation must be reported as wages.
8. Indicate the type of change in your employer status. Mark only
one: A, B or C 11. Indicate if there was a change or substitution of Principals.
Enter the name(s) of the partner(s) that changed. Indicate if the
A. If your operation is continuing with no employees, or partnership continues to use the same federal employer’s tax ID
no money being paid for performing services, we will number (FEIN). Enter the FEIN. Generally, if one of the original
make your account inactive. Inactive accounts are not partners remains, we will note the new partners but make no
required to file a K-CNS 100, Quarterly Wage Report change in the account. If the IRS has issued a new FEIN and
and Unemployment Tax Return. When you resume wages have been reported under the new number, we can
employment, you must notify us; your account will return assign you a new Kansas unemployment tax number to assist
to active. Accounts inactive for three complete calendar with federal unemployment tax payment certification. Enter the
years will be terminated. individual changes within the organization. These changes DO
B. If you suspended your operation or discontinued it without NOT change the established entity. This will include Partners,
a successor, we will make your account inactive. When Corporate Officers, etc.
you resume the business or start another, you must 12. The Employer Account Record Change must be signed by the
notify us. Your account will return to active. Accounts that owner, partner, corporate officer or designated employee. Print
are inactive for three complete calendar years will be your title and the date you sign it. Return the completed notice
terminated. to:
C. If your operation was acquired by a successor, your Kansas Department of Labor
account will be terminated. In most cases, your PO Box 400
experience rating factors, taxes, payrolls and claims will Topeka, KS 66601-0400
For help in completing this notice, you may call your local unemployment tax office. A list of offices is online at:
Assistance is also available from our administrative office in Topeka:
Phone: (785) 296-5027 • Fax: (785) 291-3425
Frequently used reports are available online at:
PO Box 400, Topeka, KS 66601-0400 • Phone (785) 296-5027 • Fax (785) 291-3425