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KANSAS Transient
Guest Tax Return
Form TG-1 (Rev. 12-21)
Line 5 Credit Memo. If you received a credit memo from the
Need to make a quick payment? Kansas Department of Revenue, enter the amount
It’s simple — pay your transient guest tax electronically. from that memo on line 5. If filing an amended return,
Visit ksrevenue.gov enter total amount previously paid for this filing period.
and log in to the Kansas Customer Service Center. Line 6 Amount of Tax Due. Subtract line 5 from line 4 and
enter result.
GENERAL INFORMATION Line 7 Penalty. If filing a late return, enter the amount of
penalty due. See our website for current penalty rates.
• The due date is the 25th day of the month following the
ending date of this return. Line 8 Interest. If filing a late return, enter the amount of
• You must file a return even if there were no taxable sales. interest due. See our website for current interest rates.
• Keep a copy of your return for your records. Line 9 Total Due. Add lines 6, 7, and 8 and enter result.
• Write your tax account number on your check or money
order and make payable to “Kansas Transient Guest Tax”. PART II
Mail your return and payment to: KDOR-Miscellaneous Tax,
PO Box 3506, Topeka, KS 66625-3506. Complete lines A and B, if applicable, and enter the total
• For assistance contact our office at the address shown deductions on line C.
above or call 785-368-8222. Sign your return and provide a daytime phone number on
the back of this return.
(Complete Part II, if applicable, before completing PART I) TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE
LINE 1 Gross Receipts. Enter the total gross receipts from If you have questions or need assistance completing this
charges for sleeping accommodations during this form, contact our office.
reporting period. By Phone By Mail
Line 2 Allowable Deductions. Enter the total allowable 785-368-8222 Tax Operations
deductions from the back of the return (Part II, line C). PO Box 3506
Line 3 Taxable Amount. Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter Topeka KS 66625-3506
result. By Appointment
Line 4 Tax Due. Multiply line 3 by the appropriate tax rate Go to ksrevenue.gov to set up an appointment at the Topeka
percentage and enter result. or Overland Park office by using the Appointment Scheduler.
Detach and send with payment
Rev. 3-22TG-1 Transient Guest 1. Gross Receipts
2. Allowable
Tax Return Deductions
Tax Account Number EIN 3. Taxable Amount Tax Rate
4. Tax Due
015 -Beginning Date EndingFDate End Date Jurisdiction Code %
5. Credit Memo
Business Name 6. Amount of
Tax Due
7. Penalty
Mailing Address 8. Interest
9. Total Due
City State Zip Code
Date Name or
Business Amended Additional Address
Closed Return Return Change Payment
Amount $
Please Sign The Back of This Return
4900 Part I