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               kansas secretary of state                                       All information on this formmust be complete, 
                                                                               accompanied by 
               Certificate of Reinstatement or Renewal,                                         the correct filing fee, and all 
            RR For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Corporations                      past due annual reports or the document will 
                                                                               not be accepted for filing.

               GENERAL FILING 


Filing fee                  For-profit corporations: The filing fee for the document is $35. An $85 penalty fee also applies if the 
                            reason for forfeiture is failure to timely file the annual report.

                            Not-for-profit corporations: The filing fee for this document is $20. A penalty fee is not required.

                            See Annual Report Fee Schedule for annual report fees/franchise taxes owed.

Payment                     Please submit payment by check, money order, or credit card. Checks and money orders need to be 
                            made payable to the Secretary of State.  Forms received without the appropriate fee will not be accepted 
                            for filing. Please do not send cash. 

                            Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. To use a credit card, please provide 
                            the following information:

                            Credit card number __________________________________________________________________

                            Billing zip code _____________________________   Expiration date _________________________

                            NOTICE:  There is a $25 service fee for all returned checks.

Daytime phone and contact 
person                      ___________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing requirement         The certificate of reinstatement and all past due annual reports and unpaid fees or taxes must be filed at 
                            the same time. Please make sure all documents, fees and/or taxes are mailed in the same envelope.

Fax filing available        Documents may be fax filed for a processing fee of $20 in addition to the normal filing fee. Include contact 
                            name, daytime phone number, credit card number, credit card expiration date and billing zip code. 

                            Fax documents and payment information to Business Services, 785-296-4570. Faxed documents that are 
                            without errors and received prior to 4:00 p.m. CT will receive that day’s file date.  Faxed documents received 
                            after 4:00 pm Central Time cannot be guaranteed to receive that day’s filing date.

                            Filed documents will be returned by mail. You may request a file-stamped copy be faxed for an additional $1 
                            per page. Fax filing does not guarantee same day return faxing.

No duplicate copies         Please do not send duplicate copies of documents. The original is processed, file stamped and returned 
                            by mail to the address provided.

No email                    Filings are not accepted by email.

No filing by phone          No documents or reports can be filed with our office by phone.

Public Information          All documents filed with our office are available to the public and may be viewed online at www.sos.ks.gov 
                            without cost. Please consider this when providing information on our forms. Instructions and payment 
                            information are not public information and are shredded after use.

            K.S.A. 17-7002                                                                      Please proceed to form.
Inst.       Rev. 01/23/23 tc

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                    kansas secretary of state   
            RR      Certificate of Reinstatement or Renewal,
                    For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Corporations

                                  RR FORM 


Note: The certificate of reinstatement must be submitted with all annual reports and fees/franchise taxes due from the 
time of forfeiture. See Annual Report Fee Schedule for annual report fees/franchise taxes owed.

Question on Form
2.          Name of corporation   The name of the corporation must be the existing name on record with the Secretary of State when 
                                  the corporation forfeited or expired. If the existing name is not available at the time of reinstatement or 
                                  renewal, the corporate name on the reinstatement form may be changed by the following method:

                                  List the corporation’s name as it is currently on file and state that it is changing to the new name.

                                  Example: ABC, Inc. changing its name to DEF, Inc.

                                  To check name availability, go to https://www.kansas.gov/businesscenter and select the Name 
                                  Availability link.

3.          Registered agent      The resident agent can be an individual, the corporation itself, or a business entity that is registered with 
                                  the Secretary of State.

            Registered office     The registered office is the Kansas street address where the resident agent is located.

5a. Statement referring to        This statement applies only to corporations that are reinstating due to forfeiture, which means the 
            reinstatement         corporation’s articles of incorporation or application for authority to do business in Kansas has been 
                                  forfeited for one of the following reasons:

                                  1.  Failure to timely file and annual report and pay the annual report fee or franchise tax.
                                  2.  Failure to designate or maintain a resident agent and registered office.

5b. Statement referring to        This statement applies only to corporations that are renewing due to expiration, which means when the 
            renewal               corporation’s articles of incorporation or application for authority to do business in Kansas was filed, an 
                                  expiration date was given to cease the corporation or authority. The corporation must give the date of 
                                  expiration in the space provided.

6.          Duration of existence Indicate whether the corporation will have a perpetual existence or authority upon reinstatement or, if not 
                                  perpetual, the date upon which the corporation’s existence or authority will expire.

             K.S.A. 17-7002
Inst.        Rev. 01/23/23 tc

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                            ANNUAL REPORT 
                            FEE SCHEDULE

For-profit corporations (use annual report Form AR):

            To determine fees and/or franchise taxes owed, please refer to the chart below for the tax years for which the corporation is 
            filing past due annual reports.

            Annual reports with tax year ending DECEMBER 2004 TO PRESENT:

            Fee amount:               $55 flat filing fee

            Annual reports with tax year ending 2001 TO NOVEMBER 2004:

            Franchise tax calculation: $2 for every $1,000 of net worth

            Minimum amount:           $55
            Maximum amount:           $5015

            Annual reports with tax year ending PRIOR AND UP TO 2000:

            Franchise tax calculation: $1 for every $1,000 of net worth

            Minimum amount:           $35
            Maximum amount:           $2515

Not-for-profit corporations (use annual report Form NP):
            To determine fees owed, please refer to the chart below for the tax years for which the corporation is filing past due annual 
            reports. Not-for-profit corporations are required to only file the annual reports for the three most recent reporting periods, but 
            shall pay all fees due from the date of forfeiture.

            Annual reports with tax year ending 2001 TO PRESENT:

            Fee amount:               $40 flat filing fee

            Annual reports with tax year ending 1993 TO 2000:

            Fee amount:               $20 flat filing fee

            Annual reports with tax year ending 1972 TO 1992:

            Fee amount:               $5 flat filing fee

            Annual reports were not required for not-for-profit corporations PRIOR TO 1972.

            K.S.A. 17-7002
Inst.       Rev. 01/23/23 tc

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                                                                                Print                                     Reset
                   kansas secretary of state            
                   Certificate of Reinstatement or Renewal,                    Selecting 'Print' will print the form and 'Reset' will clear 
            RR     For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Corporations                                 the entire form.

      Memorial Hall, 1st Floor                  (785) 296-4564                             For-Profit 53-08
      120 S.W. 10th Avenue                      kssos@ks.gov                               Not-For-Profit 53-24
      Topeka, KS 66612-1594                     https://sos.ks.gov                         THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY.

Note: The certificate of reinstatement must be submitted with all annual reports and fees/franchise taxes due from the time of 
forfeiture. See Annual Report Fee Schedule for annual report fees/franchise taxes owed.

      1.   Business entity ID 
            Not Federal Employer ID 
            Number (FEIN).

      2.   Name of corporation:
            Must match name on record with 
            the Secretary of State.

      3.   Name of resident                     Name
            agent and address of 
            registered office in 
                                                Street Address
            Must be a street, rural route, 
            or highway. A P.O. box is           City                            State      Zip

      4.   Mailing address:                     Attention Name
            Address will be used to send 
            official mail from the Secretary of 
            State’s Office.                     Address

                                                City               State        Zip           Country

      5a.  This state only applies to corporations that are reinstating due to forfeiture:
            The corporation’s articles of incorporation or application for authority to do business in Kansas has been forfeited for failure 
            to timely file an annual report and pay the annual report fee or franchise tax, or has been forfeited for failure to designate or 
            maintain a resident agent and registered office.

      5b.  This statement only applies to corporations that are renewing due to expiration:
            The corporation’s articles of incorporation or application for authority to do business in Kansas has expired or will expire on:
            Month                     Day              Year

            K.S.A. 17-7002                                                                 Please continue to next page.
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6.   Duration of corporation upon reinstatement or renewal (Select only one):
 o The corporation will have a perpetual existence/authority.
 o The corporation’s existence/authority will expire on:
 Month Day                     Year

7.   This certificate is filed by the authority of duly elected directors or members of the governing body of the 
 corporation in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 17-7002(d)(6).

8.   I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the state of Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct. 

Signature of Authorized Officer


      K.S.A. 17-7002                                                         Please review to ensure completion.
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