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How does the KDOR (Kansas Department of Revenue) follows the IRS in automatically extending
SCRA help me? income tax deadlines, for 180 days after deactivation, for filing returns, paying taxes, filing
claims for refunds, and taking other actions with KDOR if any of the following situations apply:
• You serve in the Armed Forces in a combat zone or you have qualifying service
outside of a combat zone.
• You serve in the Armed Forces in a qualified hazardous duty area or are deployed
overseas away from your permanent duty station in support of operations in a qualified
hazardous duty area, but your deployment station is outside the qualified hazardous duty
• You serve in the Armed Forces on deployment outside the United States away
from your permanent duty station while participating in a contingency operation. A
contingency operation is a military operation that is designated by the Secretary of
Defense or results in calling members of the uniformed services to active duty (or
retains them on active duty) during a war or a national emergency declared by the
President or Congress.
By extending tax deadlines, KDOR hopes to provide servicemembers with a smooth and
convenient transition before, during, and after deployment.
Who should If you qualify for deferment of taxes based on the criteria above and find yourself in one or
complete and more of the following situations, then you should complete Form KS-2848, Servicemember
Mobilization Notice, and submit it to KDOR:
submit the SCRA
form? • You cannot file your income tax return and pay any tax due until you return from
• You have an existing debt with KDOR for taxes due and are unable to pay while you are
• You have received an assessment or a set-up return notice from KDOR and will not be
able to file your return and/or pay the tax due until you return from deployment.
For your convenience, Form KS-2848 is available as a “fill-in” form. Simply type
the required information in the blank fields, print the form, sign it, and mail it to KDOR. The
“fill-in” form is available at this website address: ksrevenue.org/scra.html
Where do I send Send your completed Form KS-2848, along with a copy of your deployment orders and any
Form KS-2848 KDOR assessment or set-up return notices you may have received, to the following address:
and enclosures? Kansas Department of Revenue
PO Box 750260
Topeka KS 66699-0260
What must I do if I You must continue to file sales and withholding returns and remit any tax due unless you
have a business? are a sole proprietor with no sales tax or withholding obligations. If your business continues to
operate while you are deployed and you have employee(s) obligations, you should seek
additional advice from your accountant or CPA.
What should I do When you return you should file the appropriate tax documents and/or pay the balance due
when I return to to bring your account up-to-date. You may contact KDOR and a Customer Representative will
normal duty? assist you with that process. Taxpayer assistance information can be found on the back cover of
this publication.