Withholding Tax Forms and Publications
Since July 1, 2010, businesses have been required to submit Retailers’ Sales Compensating Use and Withholding Tax returns electronically.
The development and use of paperless formats promotes efficiency, reduces processing costs and therefore, aids in reducing the overall cost of government. Customers can call 785-368-8222 for more information.
Notice of Electronic Filing Mandate
The page numbers on instructions may not be consecutive.
- Allowance from Unemployment Benefits (K-4U)
- Annual Withholding Tax Return (KW-3)
- Claim to Support Withholding Tax Credit (IA-81)
- Employees Withholding Allowance Certificate (K-4)
- Withholding Requirements (KW-110)
- Withholding Tax Deposit Report (KW-5)
NOTE: Effective Jan. 1, 2007, filing W2 and 1099 forms on magnetic media will no longer be acceptable. Payees filing 51 or more W-2s or 1099s will file through a fast, safe, and secure web-based application currently being developed. File specifications can be found below. More information about changes in the W-2 and 1099 filing requirements, W-2/1099 Electronic Filing Frequently Asked Question, and testing.
- Kansas 1099 Specifications for Electronic Filing - Pub 1220 Format (K-99MT)
- Kansas 1099 Specifications for Electronic Filing - CSV Format (K-99CSV)
- Kansas W-2 Specifications for Electronic Filing - EFW2 Format (K-2MT)
- Kansas W-2 Specifications for Electronic Filing – CSV Format (KW-2CSV)
- Kansas KW-3/KW-3E Specifications for Electronic Filing (KW-3ECSV)
Publications assist in understanding the provisions of Kansas tax
laws and regulations and are designed for informational purposes
only. The contents should not be used as authority to support a
technical position.
- Business Taxes for Hotels, Motels & Restaurants (KS-1540)
- Guide to Kansas Withholding Tax (KW-100)
- Withholding Tax Rates Single or Married
- Withholding Tax Tables Single or Married
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