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     application electronicallyForm REG‑3‑MCComplete 
.portal.ct.gov/DRS‑myconneCT at myconneCTusing 

Department of Revenue Services
State of Connecticut                                     CT‑IFTA‑2                                                  Calendar Year 2022
PO Box 2937                               Application for International Fuel Tax                                    If registered, enter  
Hartford CT 06104-2937
                                                                                                              Connecticut Tax Registration Number
(Rev. 12/21)                        Agreement (IFTA) License Connecticut Carrier
Complete CT‑IFTA‑2 application electronically                                                             
using myconneCT at portal.ct.gov/DRS‑myconneCT.                                                                   Check if your mailing address
                                                                                                                    has changed and indicate new address.
1. Reason for applying
    New account                 Registration of additional vehicles      Other (Explain)
2. Name of owner, partnership, corporation, or LLC                                                                  Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN), 
                                                                                                                    if applicable
3. Trade name or registered name, if different from Line 2

4. Physical location of this business: PO Box is not acceptable                                                     Telephone number
5. Business mailing address, if different from Line 4                                                               United States DOT Number

6. Name and home address of owner (sole proprietor), partner, LLC member, or corporate officer                      Social Security Number (SSN)

7. Name and home address of other partner, LLC member, or corporate officer                                         SSN

8. Type of ownership:             Other:  _______________________
    Sole proprietor             General partnership           Limited partnership Corporation             S corporation
    Limited liability company (LLC)                             Single member LLC                8a.  Organized under laws of what state?
         Check if taxed as a corporation                        Check if taxed as a corporation
9. Are you currently or have you been registered with another jurisdiction under IFTA?      Yes            No
 If Yes, enter the name of the jurisdiction.
10. Describe in detail the type of business you operate.

11. Do you store fuel in bulk?          Yes   No       If Yes, where is the fuel stored?  ____________________________________________
11a. Types of fuel used     _____ Diesel        _____  Gasoline          _____  Ethanol        _____  Propane              _____Biodiesel
      _____ A-55            _____ E-85          _____   M-85             _____  Gasohol        _____       LNG             _____ Methanol
12. Contact information below must be completed.
Contact Name                                   Email Address

13. Enter Xfor the jurisdictions in which you operate or anticipate operating:                                      _____AB   - Alberta
_____AL   - Alabama     _____IA   - Iowa                 _____NE  - Nebraska            _____RI    - Rhode Island   _____BC   - British Columbia
_____AZ  - Arizona      _____KS  -  Kansas               _____NV  - Nevada              _____SC   -  South Carolina _____NB   -  New Brunswick
_____AR  - Arkansas     _____KY  -  Kentucky             _____NH  - New Hampshire       _____SD   -  South Dakota   _____MB   -  Manitoba
_____CA  - California   _____LA   -  Louisiana           _____NJ   - New Jersey         _____TN   -  Tennessee      _____ON   - Ontario
_____CO  - Colorado     _____ME  -  Maine                _____NM  - New Mexico          _____TX   -  Texas          _____QC   - Quebec
_____CT  - Connecticut  _____MD  -  Maryland             _____NY  - New York            _____UT   -  Utah           _____SK   - Saskatchewan
_____DE  - Delaware     _____MA  - Massachusetts         _____NC  - North Carolina      _____VA   -  Virginia       _____NL   -  Newfoundland
_____FL   - Florida     _____MI   - Michigan             _____ND  - North Dakota        _____VT   -  Vermont        _____NW  -  NW Territory
_____GA  - Georgia      _____MN  - Minnesota             _____OH  - Ohio                _____WA   -  Washington     _____NS   -  Nova Scotia
_____ID   - Idaho       _____MS  - Mississippi           _____OK  - Oklahoma            _____WV  -  West Virginia   _____PE   -  Prince Edward Isle
_____IL   - Illinois    _____MO  - Missouri              _____OR  - Oregon              _____WI   -  Wisconsin      _____YU   - Yukon Territory
_____IN   - Indiana     _____MT  - Montana               _____PA   - Pennsylvania       _____WY  -  Wyoming         _____DC   -  District of Columbia
14. Fees:  All  applicants must               Enter total number of motor vehicles requiring decals:                Fee          Amount due
         complete this section.                                                                                    X $10 =     
                                          Make check payable to Commissioner of Revenue Services
Declaration: I declare under the penalty of false statement that I have examined this application, CT-IFTA-2, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, complete, 
and correct. The applicant agrees to comply with reporting, payment, recordkeeping, and license display requirements as specified in the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). 
The applicant further agrees that base jurisdiction may withhold any refunds due if the applicant is delinquent in paying fuel taxes due any member jurisdiction. Failure to 
comply with these provisions shall be grounds for revocation of the IFTA license. I understand that IFTA decals may not be transferred by me to another person, or from one 
vehicle to another. 

    Signature of owner, partner, corporate officer, or LLC member               Title                                   Date
                            Decals are not transferable from vehicle to vehicle or from company to company.
                                              Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information.

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                                             CT‑IFTA‑2 ‑ Instructions 
Do not use this CT‑IFTA‑2  , Application For International     if applicable. If type of ownership is “Other”, explain on the 
Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) License Connecticut Carrier,         line provided. 
to request Connecticut motor carrier road tax decals.                   Enter the name of the state under the laws of which 
                                                               Line 8a: 
For Connecticut motor carrier road tax decals, submit          the business is organized.
Form REG‑3‑MC, Application for Motor Carrier Road Tax.
Qualified  motor  vehicles are those used, designed, or        Line 9: Check the appropriate box to indicate whether you 
maintained for transportation of persons or property and:      are currently or were previously registered with another 
                                                               jurisdiction for IFTA. If you check Yes, enter the name of the 
•  Have two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered     jurisdiction you are currently or were previously registered 
gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds or 11,797         in for IFTA.
                                                               Line 10:  Provide details of your business operations  or 
•  Have three or more axles regardless of weight; or           activities.
•  Are used in combination and the combined gross vehicle 
weight or registered gross vehicle weight exceeds 26,000       Line 11: Check the appropriate box to indicate if you store 
pounds or 11,797 kilograms.                                    fuel in bulk. If you check Yes  , list the city and state where 
                                                               the fuel is stored.
The term qualified motor vehicle does not include recreational 
vehicles.                                                      Line 11a: Enter an X next to the type(s) of fuel used in your 
                                                               qualified motor vehicles.
You may not transfer International Fuel Tax Agreement 
(IFTA) decals to another person or from one vehicle to         Line  12:  Provide  a  contact  name  and  email  address. 
another.                                                       This must   be completed to permit online access for the 
                                                               electronic filing of returns, renewal of the license, and 
                   Line Instructions                           ordering of additional decals.
Line 1:  Check the appropriate box for a new account,          Line 13:   Enter an X next to each jurisdiction in which you 
registration of additional vehicles, or other reasons such     are likely to operate.
as, renewal, replacement decals, or change of ownership.       Line 14: Indicate the number of IFTA motor vehicles requiring 
If there has been a change of identity, form of ownership, or  decals. Two numbered decals will be issued for each qualified 
organization, you must     apply for a new CT-IFTA number.     motor vehicle. One decal must be placed on the lower rear 
If you are registered with DRS, enter your Connecticut Tax     exterior of the passenger side cab door and the matching 
Registration Number in the upper right corner of this form.    decal must be placed on the lower rear exterior of the driver 
Line 2:  Print the name of the owner, partnership, limited     side cab door of each vehicle.
liability company (LLC), or corporate name. Enter the name     This application must be signed by an owner, partner, LLC 
of the owner if a sole proprietorship. Enter Federal Employer  member, or corporate officer.
Identification Number (FEIN), if applicable.
                                                               Failure to complete all items on this application may result in 
Line 3: Print the trade or registered name if different from   a delay in processing your application.
Line 2. A trade or registered name is the name under which 
business is done, but not necessarily the owner’s name.        Complete Electronically
Example: If John Travel is the proprietorship entered on       Complete  CT-IFTA-2  application  electronically  using 
Line 2, but John T. Trucker Co. is the name chosen by John     myconneCT. DRS myconneCT allows 
Travel for his business, then John T. Trucker Co. is the name  taxpayers to electronically file, pay and 
he would enter on Line 3.                                      manage state tax responsibilities.
Line 4: Print the physical location of the business. A PO Box 
is not accepted as a physical location.                        For Additional Information on CT‑IFTA‑2 
                                                               Call the Applications/Excise Tax Unit at  860‑297‑4870  , 
Line 5: Print the mailing address of the business if different Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
from the physical location of this business (Line 4).
                                                               For Further Information 
Line  6: Print  the  name  and  home  address  of  the  owner 
                                                               Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS.
(sole proprietor), partner, corporate officer, or LLC member. 
Identify the name entered as owner, if a sole proprietorship;  Call DRS Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at:
partner if a partnership; LLC member if an LLC; or officer if  800‑382‑9463 (Connecticut calls outside the Greater 
a corporation.                                                   Hartford calling area only); or
Line 7: Print the name and home address of other partner,      860‑297‑5962 (from anywhere).
LLC member, or corporate officer. Identify the name entered    TTY, TDD,  and Text Telephone  users      only may transmit 
as partner if a partnership; LLC member if an LLC; or officer  inquiries anytime by calling 860-297-4911. Taxpayers may 
if a corporation. Include the SSN in the space provided.       also call 711 for relay services. A taxpayer must tell the 711 
Line 8:  Check the appropriate box to indicate the type of     operator the number he or she wishes to call. The relay 
ownership. Enter the FEIN in the space provided on Line 2,     operator will dial it and then communicate using a TTY with 
                                                               the taxpayer.

CT-IFTA-2 Back (Rev. 12/21)

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