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File Only With                                                    Form CT-706 NT                                                                            State of Connecticut
Probate Court                  Connecticut Estate Tax Return (for Nontaxable Estates)
(Rev. 06/22)     For estates of decedents dying during calendar year 2022 (Read instructions before completing this form.) Do not use staples.
Decedent’s last name                                            First name and middle initial               Social Security Number (SSN)
                                                                                                            __ __ __    ____    __ ____ __
Address                                       Number and street                                PO Box       Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) if applicable

City, town, or post office                                      State                          ZIP code     Date of death

Legal residence (domicile) (county and state)                                                               Connecticut Probate Court
                                                                                   Check if amended return.

Residency:              Connecticut resident        Nonresident - Attach Form C-3 UGE, State of Connecticut Domicile Declaration.
Section 1        General Questions Check the appropriate box for each question below. 
1. At the time of death, did the decedent own or have an interest in              6.  Did the decedent have an interest in life insurance on the life of another? 
 any of the following sole ownership property? If                Yes, report the     If Yes, report the cash surrender value in Section 3, Part 1.
 property in Section 3, Part 1.                                                                                                                              Yes      No
  a. Real estate                                                 Yes  No        7.  Did the decedent have an interest in life insurance on his or her 
  b. Securities                                                  Yes  No           life? If Yes, report the entire proceeds in Section 3, Part 3.
  c. Bank accounts                                               Yes  No                                                                                   Yes      No
  d. Other personal property                                     Yes  No        8.  During his or her life, did the decedent make any transfers of 
2. At the time of death, did the decedent own or have an interest in                 real property to another retaining a life use for himself or herself 
 any of the following property owned jointly with right of survivorship?             or continued to have any use in the property? If                         Yes, complete  
 If Yes, report the property in Section 3, Part 2.                                   Section 3, Part 2.                                                      Yes      No
  a. Real estate                                                 Yes  No        9. Did the decedent make any taxable gifts (within the meaning of IRC 
  b. Securities                                                  Yes  No           § 2503) on or after January 1, 2005, but before January 1, 2022? 
                                                                                     If Yes, complete Schedule B (NT).                                       Yes      No
  c. Bank accounts                                               Yes  No
  d. Other personal property                                     Yes  No        10. Did the decedent make any taxable gifts (within the meaning 
                                                                                     of IRC §  2503) during calendar year 2022? If                            Yes, complete  
3. Are any amounts due to a beneficiary or this decedent’s estate                    Schedule A (NT) and attach.                                             Yes      No
 from a pension, stock-bonus or profit-sharing plan, or an annuity? 
                                                                                  11. Was a disclaimer filed in this estate? If Yes, submit a copy of each 
 If Yes, report that amount in Section 3, Part 2.                Yes  No
                                                                                     disclaimer.                                                             Yes      No
4. Did the decedent create any trusts, including trustee bank accounts,           12. Is the estate required to file a federal Form 706, United States 
 during his or her life? If Yes, attach a copy of the trust(s) and report            Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return? See 
 the value of the trust(s) in Section 3, Part 2.                 Yes  No           instructions.                                                           Yes      No
5.  Does the estate elect special-use valuation? See instructions.                13. Was the decedent a beneficiary of a trust for which a QTIP election 
                                                                 Yes  No           was made? See instructions.                                             Yes      No
Section 2        Connecticut Taxable Estate Computation
1.  Total gross estate for Connecticut estate tax purposes: Enter total from Section 4, Line 4. ........................  1.                                              00
2.  Allowable estate tax deductions for federal estate tax purposes other than deduction 
     allowable for state death taxes under IRC § 2058: See Instructions. .......................................................  2.                                      00
3.  Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. ......................................................................................................................  3.               00
4.  Current year Connecticut taxable gifts from Schedule A (NT), Line 9: Attach copy of federal Form 709. ....   4.                                                       00
5.  Prior year Connecticut taxable gifts made on or after January 1, 2005, but before January 1, 2022: 
     Attach a copy of federal Form 709 for each year listed in Schedule B (NT). ............................................  5.                                          00
6.  Connecticut taxable estate: Add Lines 3, 4, and 5. See Instructions. .......................................................  6.                                      00
Declaration: I declare under penalty of law that I have examined this return (including any accompanying schedules and statements) and, to the best of my knowledge 
and belief, it is true, complete, and correct. I understand that the representations contained herein are made under the penalties of false statement as provided in 
Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 53a-157b. The declaration of a paid preparer other than the taxpayer is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.
Fiduciary’s name                                                           Attorney or authorized representative’s name

Signature of fiduciary                                           Date      Signature of attorney or authorized representative                                 Date

Address                                                                    Firm name and address

City                                          State              ZIP code  City                                               State                           ZIP code

Telephone number                                                           Telephone number
                                               Confidential — Not Subject to Disclosure or Inspection
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Section 3 Property and Proceeds Reported for Connecticut Estate Tax Purposes
Part 1 - Solely-Owned Property
    A                                 B                                                                               C           D                    E
    Item  Description of All Property and Two-Letter Abbreviation of State Where Located                              Decedent’s  Fair Market Value    Amount of 
    No.  If real property, list the complete address. Include all property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, % of        at Date of Death     Column D 
         wherever located. If necessary, attach additional sheet(s) and continue with Item 1F.            State       Ownership                        Passing to Spouse
1.  1A                                                                                                                100%
2.  1B                                                                                                                100%
3.  1C                                                                                                                100%
4.  1D                                                                                                                100%
5.  1E                                                                                                                100%
6.  Subtotal from continuation sheets.
7.  Total: Add all amounts for Column D and Column E.

Part 2 - Jointly-Owned Property and Property Passing Other Than by Will or Laws of Intestacy
    A                         B                                                                 C                     D           E                    F
    Item  Description of All Property and Two-Letter Abbreviation of State Where Located        Fair Market Value     Percentage  Includible Value     Amount of 
    No.   If real property, list the complete address. Include all property, real or            at Date of Death      Includible  Attributed to This   Column E 
          personal, tangible or intangible, wherever located. If necessary, attach                                                Estate               Passing to Spouse
          additional sheet(s) and continue with Item 2F.                                  State                                   (Col. C x Col. D)
8.  2A                                                                                                                %
9.  2B                                                                                                                %
10. 2C                                                                                                                %
11. 2D                                                                                                                %
12. 2E                                                                                                                %
13. Subtotal from continuation sheets.
14. Total: Add all amounts for Column E and Column F.

Part 3 - Life Insurance Proceeds on the Life of the Decedent
    A                                             B                                                                               C                    D
    Item                              Description of Life Insurance                                                               Life Insurance Value Amount of 
    No.   Attach copy of federal Form 712 for each policy. If necessary, attach additional sheet(s) and continue with             Report the entire    Column C 
                                                                                                                                  proceeds from  
          Item 3F.                                                                                                                each policy.         Passing to Spouse
15. 3A
16. 3B
17. 3C
18. 3D
19. 3E
20. Subtotal from continuation sheets.
21. Total: Add all amounts for Column C and Column D.

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 Section 4    Total Gross Estate as It Would Be Valued for Connecticut Estate Tax Purposes 
 1.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 1, Column D, Line 7. ..................................................  1.
  2.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 2, Column E, Line 14. ................................................  2.                                 
  3.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 3, Column C, Line 21. ................................................  3.                                 
  4. Total gross estate for Connecticut estate tax purposes: 
     Add Lines 1 through 3. Enter here and on Section 2, Line 1.  ...........................................  4.

 Section 5    For Resident Estates - Basis for Probate Fees 
 Part 1 - Real and Tangible Personal Property Located Outside Connecticut
 1.  Total value of real and tangible personal property located outside Connecticut reported in
      Section 3, Part 1, Column D .. .......................................................................................................  1. 
  2.  Total value of real and tangible personal property located outside Connecticut reported in
      Section 3, Part 2, Column E .. .......................................................................................................  2.
  3. Total value of real and tangible personal property located 
      outside Connecticut: Add Line 1 and Line 2. .................................... ...........................   3.                            

 Part 2 - Amount Passing to Spouse
 1.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 1, Column E, Line 7. .................................................   1.
  2.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 2, Column F, Line 14. ................................................   2.                                
  3.  Enter amount from Section 3, Part 3, Column D, Line 21. ...............................................   3.                                 
  4. Total amount to spouse: Add Lines 1 through 3.  ..........................................................   4.                               
  5.  Enter amount from Section 5, Part 1, Line 1, passing to spouse. ....................................  5.
  6.  Enter amount from Section 5, Part 1, Line 2, passing to spouse. ....................................   6.
  7. Total amount of real and tangible personal property located outside 
     Connecticut passing to spouse: Add Line 5 and Line 6. .... .........................................  7.

 Section 6    For Nonresident Estates Only - Basis for Probate Fees 
 Part 1 - Real and Tangible Personal Property Located in Connecticut
 1.  Total value of real and tangible personal property located in Connecticut 
      reported in Section 3, Part 1, Column D .. .......................................................................................   1. 
  2. Total value of real and tangible personal property located in Connecticut 
     reported in Section 3, Part 2, Column E .. ........................................................................................   2.      
  3. Total value of real and tangible personal property located 
     in Connecticut : Add Line 1 and Line 2. ........................................................................  3.                          

 Part 2 - Amount Passing to Spouse
 1.  Enter amount from Section 6, Part 1, Line 1, passing to spouse. ....................................   1.
  2.  Enter amount from Section 6, Part 1, Line 2, passing to spouse. ....................................   2.                                    
  3. Total amount of real and tangible personal property located 
     in Connecticut passing to spouse: Add Line 1 and Line 2. ... ......................................  3.                                       

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 Schedule A (NT) Computation of Current Year Connecticut Taxable Gifts
 A                       B                                  C               D           E                                                 F                        G 
 Item       Gifts Subject to Gift Tax                       Adjusted      Date    Value at Date of Gift Split Gifts Only                                         Net Transfer
 No.  Donee’s name, address, SSN, relationship to         Basis of Gift of Gift     Enter the fair market                               For split gifts, enter Subtract 
       decedent, if any;                                                              value at the date                                   1/2 of Column E.       Column F from 
      Gift description: If gift was made by means of a                              the gift was made.                                                         Column E.
       trust, enter trust’s identifying number. If gift was 
       securities, enter CUSIP number(s), if available.
      Do not list Connecticut taxable gifts that are 
       includable in the decedent’s gross estate.

 Gifts Made by Spouse - Complete only if decedent split gifts with his or her spouse and the spouse also made gifts.

  1.  Total gifts: Add the value of all gifts listed in Column G and enter here.  ..............................  1.                                                      00
  2.  Total annual exclusion for present interest gifts listed onSchedule A (NT): See instructions. ...  2.                                                             00
  3.  Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.  .................................................................................................  3.                                 00
 4.  Gifts to spouse for which a marital 
      deduction is claimed: Enter item No(s). 
      from Schedule A (NT) ____________________ .  4.                                     00
  5.  Exclusions attributable to gifts on Line 4  ............   5.                       00
  6.  Marital deduction: Subtract Line 5 from Line 4. . .   6.                            00
  7.  Charitable deductions less exclusions: Enter 
      item numbers from Schedule A (NT) ________ .  7.                                    00
  8.  Total deductions: Add Line 6 and Line 7. ..............................................................................  8.                                         00
  9.  Connecticut current year taxable gifts: 
      Subtract Line 8 from Line 3. Enter here and on Section 2, Line 4.  ......................................  9.                                                       00
 10. Did the decedent consent for federal gift tax purposes to have gifts made during the calendar year by the decedent, the decedent’s 
      spouse, or both, to third parties considered as made one-half by each?   Yes    No
    If Yes, print spouse’s name and SSN below.
      Name __________________________________________________________         SSN __________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                              Yes                  No
11.  Is the decedent’s spouse a U.S. citizen?  .................................................................................................................  
   If No, did the decedent transfer any property to his or her spouse during the calendar year?  ................................                                 
12.    Check the box if the value of any item reported on Schedule A (NT) includes a discount for lack of marketability, a minority 
      interest, a fractional interest in real estate, blockage, market absorption, or any other discount. Attach an explanation giving 
      the basis for the claimed discounts and showing the amount of the discounts taken.
 Terminable Interest Marital Deduction as Reported for Federal Gift Tax Purposes
 The decedent is  bound  by the  election  made  for  federal  gift tax purposes.  Check  the  box  if  the  decedent  elected  for federal  
 gift tax purposes:
  13.  To  include gifts of  qualified terminable interest property as  gifts  to  his or her spouse for which  a  marital  deduction 
        was claimed. Enter the item numbers from Column A above of the gifts for which              the decedent made this election under  
        IRC § 2523(f). ______________________________________
  14.  Not to treat as qualified terminable interest property any joint and survivor annuity where only the decedent and his or her spouse 
        have the right to receive payments before the last to die. Enter the item numbers from Column A above for the annuity(ies) for 
        which the decedent made this election under IRC § 2523(f)(6). _______________________________________________________

                                         Continue with Schedule B (NT) on Page 5.
                                                            Go to page 5
Form CT-706 NT (Rev. 06/22)                                                                                                                                        Page 4 of 5

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Schedule B (NT) Gifts From Prior Periods
List annual Connecticut taxable gifts (within the meaning of IRC § 2503) made on or after January 1, 2005, but prior 
to January 1, 2022 other than gifts that are includable in the decedent’s gross estate (See instructions).
Column A                    Column B                     Column C                             Column D
Calendar Year of Gift       Connecticut Taxable Gifts as Taxable Amount Included in Column B  Connecticut Taxable Gifts
                            Originally Reported          for Gifts Includable in Gross Estate (Column B minus Column C)
Total Connecticut Taxable Gifts: Enter here and Section 2, Line 5.

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