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State of Connecticut

Department of Revenue Services

IP 2022(15)

Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 

      1099-K, 1099-NEC, and 

      W-2G Electronic Filing 

           Requirements for 

               Tax Year 2022

Important Information on Filing Annual Information Returns

Electronic Filing Requirements

Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, or W-2G 
are required to be filed electronically through the Department 
of Revenue Services’ (DRS)myconneCT atportal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT, 
unless otherwise stated.

Visit myconneCT to electronically file, pay, and manage state tax responsibilities.

While myconneCT  supports  prior  year  forms,  they  must  be  uploaded  in 
accordance with the formats as defined in this publication.

      The due date for filing Forms 1099‑R, 1099‑MISC, 

1099‑NEC, and W‑2G for tax year 2022 is January 31, 2023.

The due date for filing Form 1099‑K is no later than 30 days 

                     after filing with the IRS.

   Informational Publication 2022(15)

                        ISSUED: 11/16/2022

                          Replaces: IP 2021(15)

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Table of Contents

I. General Instructions ............................... 3
                                                                 VII. Examples of Proper Record Sequence 
When to File ...............................................3         for Filing Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 
Electronic Filing Requirements ...................3                   1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G 
                                                                      Information Returns ........................... 8
Extension of Time to File ............................3
Waiver From Filing Electronically ...............3               VIII. Record Specifications ........................ 9
Penalties .....................................................3      Transmitter T Record ‑ General Field 
                                                                      Descriptions .......................................... 9
Record Keeping ..........................................3
                                                                      Record Name: Transmitter T Record .......... 9
Corrected Returns ......................................3
                                                                      Payer A Record ‑ General Field 
 Supplemental Returns ... 4
                                                                      Descriptions ........................................ 11
II. Electronic Filing Through myconneCT  4                            Record Name: Payer A Record ................ 11
Standard Employer Filing Through                                      Payee B Record ‑ General Field 
 myconneCT  .........................................4                Descriptions ........................................14
Electronic Filing Through myconneCT                                   Record Name: Payee B Record ...............14
 as a Third Party Bulk Filer .................... 5                   1.  Payee B Record – Record Layout 
Use of Agent ............................................... 5        Positions 544‑750 for 
                                                                      Form 1099-MISC ................................ 18
III. Questions & Answers  .......................... 6                2.  Payee B Record – Record Layout 
IV. Combined Federal/State Filing                                     Positions 544‑750 for Form 1099‑R .... 19
Program ............................................... 7             3.  Payee B Record – Record Layout 
File Corrections .......................................... 7         Positions 544‑750 for Form 1099‑K .... 21
                                                                      4.  Payee B Record – Record Layout 
V. Data Record Descriptions ..................... 7                   Positions 544‑750 for 
Record Types .............................................. 7         Form 1099-NEC .................................. 22
Money Amounts .......................................... 7            5.  Payee B Record – Record Layout 
                                                                      Positions 544‑750 for Form W‑2G ......23
VI. Programmer’s Review .......................... 8
                                                                      End of Payer C Record ‑ General Field 
General Information .................................... 8            Descriptions ........................................24
Technical Requirements ............................. 8                Record Name: End of Payer C Record ....24
Payment (Calendar) Year ........................... 8                 End of Transmission F Record ‑ General 
Proper Order of Records for Files                                     Field Descriptions ............................... 25
 With More Than One Payer .................. 8                        Record Name: End of Transmission F 
Money Amounts .......................................... 8            Record ................................................ 25
                                                                 IX. Glossary ............................................... 26

Form 1099-MISC
The title of Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income  , has changed to Miscellaneous Information.

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I. General Instructions 
This booklet contains specifications and instructions for      Number,  you  must  combine  the  files  to  complete  your 
filing  Forms  1099-R,  1099-MISC,  1099-K,  1099-NEC,         electronic filing within myconneCT.
and W-2G information electronically with the Department        DRS has no application  or authorization  procedure and 
of Revenue Services (DRS).                                     does not assign submitter control codes for Forms 1099 or 
DRS requires every state copy of the following:                W-2G electronic filing.
Federal  Form  W-2G  for  (1)  Connecticut  Lottery 
  Winnings paid to resident and nonresident individuals        Extension of Time to File
  even  if  no  Connecticut  income  tax  was  withheld; 
  and (2) other gambling winnings paid to Connecticut          To request an extension of time to file you must complete 
  resident individuals  even if no Connecticut  income         Form CT-8809,  Request for Extension of Time to File 
  tax was withheld.                                            Information Returns and mail it on or before January 31. 
                                                               Form CT-8809 cannot be filed electronically.
Federal Form 1099-MISC for:
  a.  Payments made to a Connecticut resident even if          Waiver From Filing Electronically
       no Connecticut income tax was withheld; and             DRS  may  waive  the  electronic  reporting  requirement 
  b.  Payments made to a nonresident of Connecticut if         only  if  the  payer  is  unable  to  file  electronically  due  to 
       the payments relate to services performed wholly        a  documented  hardship.  To  request  a  waiver  complete 
       or partly in Connecticut even if no Connecticut         Form  CT-8508, Request  for Waiver  From Filing 
       income tax was withheld.                                Information Returns Electronically and mail to DRS on or  
Federal  Form  1099-R  reporting  distributions  paid  to    before  January  1,  2023.  Form  CT-8508  cannot  be  filed 
  Connecticut resident individuals, even if no Connecticut     electronically.
  income tax was withheld. For all other recipients, only      If a waiver is granted, your information returns must be 
  if Connecticut income tax was withheld.                      submitted to DRS on CD. See Form CT-4804, Transmittal 
Federal Form 1099-K reporting payments to payees             of Information Returns Reported on Compact Disk (CD).
  located or with locations in Connecticut.
Federal  Form  1099-NEC  reporting  non-employee             Penalties
  compensation for payments made to resident individuals       The penalty for late filing is $50. 
  or to nonresident individuals if the payments relate to      A  penalty  of  $5  per  form  (up  to  a  total  of  $2,000  per 
  services  performed  wholly  or  partly  in  Connecticut     calendar year) is imposed on payers who fail to file federal 
  even if no Connecticut income tax was withheld.              Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-R, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, or W-2G 
                                                               with DRS.
When to File                                                   Failure to file the state copy of federal Form 1099-K with 
Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC,  1099-NEC,  W-2G   and Form           Connecticut will result in a civil penalty of $50 for the 
CT-1096, Connecticut  Annual Summary and Transmittal           first month for each 1099-K that you are required and fail 
of Information Returns,  are  due  January  31,  2023. Form    to file, plus $50 for each month, or fraction thereof, for 
1099-K is due no later than 30 days after such forms are       which such failure continues. The total amount of penalty 
filed  with  the  IRS.  Form  CT-1096  will  be  completed  as imposed will not exceed $250,000 per year.
part of the electronic filing process when you upload the 
                                                               The above penalties may also be imposed on payers who 
state copy of federal Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 1099-K, 
                                                               are  required  to  file  electronically  if  they  file  using  any 
1099-NEC, and W-2G.
                                                               other media without first obtaining a waiver.
If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, 
the return will be considered timely if filed by the next      Record Keeping
business day.
                                                               Records pertaining to Connecticut  information  returns 
                                                               must be retained for at least four years after the due date 
Electronic Filing Requirements                                 of the return.
If  you  file  25  or  more  Forms  1099-MISC,  1099-R, 
1099-K,  1099-NEC,  or  W-2G  you  are  required  to  file     Corrected Returns
electronically unless you have been granted a waiver from 
                                                               A correction  is  an  information  return  submitted  by 
this requirement. See Waiver From Filing Electronically, 
                                                               the  transmitter  to  correct  returns  that  were  previously 
on this page. 
                                                               submitted  and  successfully  processed  by  Connecticut 
If  you  file  24  or  fewer Forms  1099-MISC,  1099-R,        DRS but contained erroneous information.
1099-K, 1099-NEC, or W-2G you are encouraged to file 
                                                               For  information  returns  filed  through myconneCT, 
electronically but may file paper forms without requesting 
                                                                 corrected filings can only be done using the Standard 
a waiver. See II. Electronic Filing Through myconneCT 
                                                                 login or Bulk Filer login.
on Page 4. 
                                                               DO NOT SEND THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL FILE 
DRS  requires  one  filing  for  each  CT  Tax  Registration 
                                                                 AGAIN.  Send  only  the  corrected  Forms  1099  and 
Number. Therefore, if your company has multiple locations 
or  payroll  systems  using  the  same  CT Tax  Registration     W-2G that were erroneous.

IP 2022(15)                                                                                                 Page 3 of 28

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All correction file entries must be transmitted in a new   Supplemental Returns
  file. Make sure that the corrected file has the re-sub     Supplemental  returns  are  processed  the  same  as the 
  indicator (Field Position 6 of the Payee B record).        original filing, but the transmitter must indicate that these 
Forms  1099  and  W-2G omitted  from  the  original  file    information returns were not remitted in a prior file. After 
must not be coded as corrections. Submit these returns       successful upload of any additional Forms 1099 or W-2G, 
under a separate Payee “B” Record as original returns. See   you will be brought to Form CT-1096 where myconneCT 
Supplemental Returns, on this page.                          has populated many of the fields based on the information 
                                                             you  submitted. You  will  then  verify  the  Form  CT-1096 
After successful upload  of the  corrected  information 
                                                             information, complete the quarterly breakout, and submit 
returns, you will be taken to Form CT-1096, Connecticut 
                                                             the return; then receive a new confirmation number.
Annual Summary and Transmittal of Information Returns 
as it was originally submitted. Make necessary corrections    Supplemental returns are information returns omitted 
to  the  Form  CT-1096.  Review,  verify  and  submit,  then    from the original file, and must not be coded as corrections.
receive a new confirmation number.                            Supplemental filings through myconneCT can only be 
Filing methods:                                                 done using the Standard login or Bulk Filer login.
1.  Standard employer login filing through myconneCT          After indicating  that  these are supplemental  returns 
  (see below).                                                  not previously submitted, you will be able to repeat 
                                                                the file process.
2.  Filing  through myconneCT  as  a  Third  Party  Bulk 
  Filer (TPBF) (see Page 5).                                 Filing Methods:
                                                             1.  Standard  employer  login  filing  through myconneCT   
                                                                (see below).
                                                             2.  Filing  through myconneCT  as  a  Third  Party  Bulk 
                                                                Filer (TPBF) (see Page 5).

II. Electronic Filing Through myconneCT
Information return filers can electronically file their Form To begin your 1099 or W-2G filing, choose the option that 
CT-1096, Connecticut Annual Summary and Transmittal          best applies to you and follow the steps below:
of  Information  Returns, and  associated  Forms  1099-      Option 1
MISC, 1099-R, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G, through 
myconneCT.                                                   Key and Send (manually entered)
DRS myconneCT   is a free, fast, easy, and secure way to     1. Login to myconneCT.
conduct business with DRS.                                   2.  Select View/File Returns and View Period Details.
To  file  your  1099  and  W-2G  information  and  Form      3. Select   1099s/CT-1096    Annual Summary          of
CT-1096 using myconneCT:                                        Withholding, File Now hyperlink.
Go to portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT;                         4.  Choose the Key and Send option and select next.
Log into your myconneCT account; and                       5.  Enter all required information, then click Add.
Choose one of the filing options below.                    6. Once  all  Forms  1099  or  W-2G  are  entered,  select 
                                                                next. You  will  be  brought  to  Form  CT-1096  where 
Standard Employer Filing Through                                myconneCT has populated many of the fields based 
myconneCT                                                       on the information you entered.
There are three different options to submit your 1099s       7. Verify the Form CT-1096 information and complete 
and W-2Gs:                                                      the  quarterly  breakout  and  receive  a  confirmation 
Key and Send (manually entered)                               number.
1220 FIRE Standardized file format as defined in this      Your Forms 1099 or W-2G are not successfully transmitted 
  publication.                                               until myconneCT issues a confirmation number for Form 
Pre-defined  Comma  Separated  Value  (CSV)  file 

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Option 2                                                          Electronic Filing Through myconneCT as 
1220 FIRE Standardized File Format (as defined in this            a Third Party Bulk Filer
publication)                                                      Third  Party  Bulk  Filers  (TPBF)  are  tax  preparers  who 
This option allows you to upload a file that is formatted         prepare  returns  for  multiple  employers,  or  for  multiple 
with the standard (1220) file format.                             locations for the same employer.
1. Login to myconneCT.                                            Bulk  Filer  Forms  1099  or  W-2G myconneCT  Filing 
2.  Select View/File Returns and View Period Details.             Options:
3. Select    1099s/CT-1096   Annual   Summary         of          1. Single Client Upload 
   Withholding, File Now hyperlink.                               2. Multi Client 1099 Upload 
4.  Choose the Bulk  file option.  Then select the                Option 1
   Standardized File Layout and upload your file.                 Single Client 1099 Upload 
Once uploaded the file will be reviewed for errors in real        1. Login to myconneCT. 
time. If the file is accepted you will receive a confirmation 
number for your records. If the file fails, you will receive      2.  Click on the More... tab. 
a  list  of  the  failed  records  with  an  explanation.  Simply 3.  Locate  the  Bulk  filing  group  and  select  the View 
correct  the  file  and  resubmit.  There  is  no  limit  on  the    Bulkfiler Menu hyperlink. 
number of upload attempts.                                        4. Locate  the   file  Non-Payroll  Withholding  forms 
Your Forms 1099 or W-2G are not successfully transmitted             hyperlink. 
until myconneCT issues a confirmation number for Form             5. Choose  your  upload  selection Single  Client  1099 
CT-1096.                                                             Upload.
Visit www.ct.gov/electronicfileW2and1099  to  view                6.  Click the Choose  file  button  to  attach  the  file  from 
sample layout.                                                       your computer and click next to upload.
Option 3                                                          Once all Forms 1099 or W-2G are successfully uploaded 
Pre-defined  Comma  Separated  Value  (CSV)  File                 you will be brought to Form CT-1096 where myconneCT 
Layout                                                            has populated many of the fields based on the information 
                                                                  you uploaded.
Submit a file upload using a pre-defined Comma Separated 
Value (CSV) file format.                                          Option 2
1. Login to myconneCT.                                            Multi Client 1099 Upload 
2.  Select View/File Returns and View Period Details.             1. Login to myconneCT. 
3. Select    1099s/CT-1096   Annual   Summary         of          2.  Click on the More... tab. 
   Withholding, File Now hyperlink.                               3.  Locate  the  Bulk  filing  group  and  select  the View 
4.  Choose the Bulk file option. Then select the CSV File            Bulkfiler Menu hyperlink. 
   format.                                                        4. Locate  the   file  Non-Payroll  Withholding  forms 
5. Prepare an excel spreadsheet with your client’s figures:          hyperlink. 
   a.  Each column should represent a line item from              5. Choose  your  upload  selection Multi Client  1099 
       the return you are reporting.                                 Upload (Step 1).
   b.  Each row should represent a return.                        6.  Click the Choose  file  button  to  attach  the  file  from 
Arrange the columns in the correct order and verify the              your computer and click next to upload.
layout matches the pre-defined Comma Separated Value              Once all Forms 1099 or W-2G are successfully uploaded 
before uploading the file through myconneCT.                      (Step 1) you will then need to upload the Form CT-1096 
Once uploaded the file will be reviewed for errors in real        (Step 2) to complete the CT-1096/1099 upload process.
time. If the file is accepted you will receive a confirmation     Visit www.ct.gov/electronicfileW2and1099 for detailed 
number for your records. If the file fails, you will receive      bulk filing information.
a  list  of  the  failed  records  with  an  explanation.  Simply 
correct  the  file  and  resubmit.  There  is  no  limit  on  the Use of Agent
number of upload attempts.                                        Payers  using  a  service  to  electronically  file  or  transmit 
Your Forms 1099 or W-2G are not successfully transmitted          information are responsible for the accuracy and timeliness 
until myconneCT issues a confirmation number for Form             of their information returns. If a transmitter fails to meet 
CT-1096.                                                          the electronic filing requirements, the payer is liable for 
Visit www.ct.gov/electronicfileW2and1099  to  view                any penalties imposed by DRS. 
sample layout.

IP 2022(15)                                                                                                 Page 5 of 28

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III. Questions & Answers 

Q.  Are there any changes affecting the                    Q.  Will failure to file information returns 
   information returns that are required?                     electronically result in the assessment of 
A.  Yes. The Dynamic Web Import (DWI) is no longer            penalties?
   supported. The DWI is now replaced with the CSV         A.  Yes. Payers who are required to file electronically 
   pre-defined layout.                                        will be treated as having failed to file if they file 
                                                              paper forms in lieu of electronic filing, unless DRS 
Q. Are there any new information return filing                has  granted  a  waiver.  See Penalties and Waiver 
   requirements addressed in this publication?                From Filing Electronically on Page 3.
A.  No.
                                                           Q.  How does a payer report changes to an 
Q.  Were there any technical changes in the                   electronically filed submission?
   specifications for 2022?                                A.  DRS now accepts corrected and supplemental filings 
A.  No.                                                       to  be  filed  electronically  through myconneCT. 
                                                              Corrected  and  supplemental  filings  can  only  be 
Q.  Are DRS’ electronic filing specifications                 done using the Standard login or Bulk Filer login. 
   the same as the federal specifications?                    Using the File Import option will result in rejection 
                                                              codes for duplicate filings. See Page 3 for additional 
A.  There  is no  K  Record  (State Totals)  requirement      information on supplemental or corrected return 
   for Connecticut. If included, it will be ignored. The      filings.
   Connecticut  Tax  Registration  Number,  if  any,  is 
   required. Fields not required by DRS are indicated      Q.  How can a payer submit data when there is 
   by N/A .Enter blanks.                                      a requirement for the data to be protected?
Q.  How will records not required by DRS be                A.  Electronic  filing  of  information  returns  through 
   treated?                                                   myconneCT is a free, fast, easy, and secure way 
                                                              to  conduct  business  with  DRS.  The  connection 
A.  Information records not required by DRS will be           created during a filer’s session with  myconneCT 
   ignored.                                                   encrypts all information sent from the filer until the 
                                                              information is delivered to DRS, thus keeping data 
Q.  What paper forms should accompany the                     secure while in transport.
   electronic filing?
A.  None.  Payers  should  not  submit  paper  copies  of  Q.  How does Form CT-1096 get filed?
   any  electronically  filed  forms.  If  there  are  any A. Standard  Login:  Form  CT-1096  will  be 
   attachments that cannot be electronically filed, keep      automatically  populated  for  you  by myconneCT 
   this information with your records to be provided to       once  Forms  1099/W-2G  have  been  successfully 
   DRS upon request.                                          uploaded.  You  must  verify  all  the  figures  and 
                                                              complete the quarterly breakouts.
Q. Is there a penalty for failure to file federal 
   Form 1099-K?                                               Third Party Bulk Filers: Once all Forms 1099 or 
                                                              W-2G are successfully uploaded (Step 1) you will 
A. Yes. Failure to file the state copy of federal Form        then need to upload the Form CT-1096 (Step 2) to 
   1099-K  with  Connecticut  will  result  in  a  civil      complete the CT-1096/1099 upload process.
   penalty of $50 for the first month for each 1099-K 
   that you are required and fail to file, plus $50 for       Visit   www.ct.gov/electronicfileW2and1099 for 
   each  month,  or  fraction  thereof,  for  which  such     instructions.
   failure  continues.  The  total  amount  of  penalty 
   imposed will not exceed $250,000 per year.

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IV. Combined Federal/State Filing Program
Connecticut  participates  in  the  Combined  Federal/State     Record B
Filing  Program  (CF/SF).  However,  you  must  also  file      Field  positions  747-748     (Combined  Federal/State 
Forms  1099-MISC,  1099-NEC,  and  1099-R  that  have             Code) the code for Connecticut is 08.
Connecticut withholding, and all Forms 1099-K, directly 
with  DRS  through myconneCT  even  if  you  participate        File Corrections
in the CF/SF. See Section II. Electronic Filing Through         Any  corrections  to  1099-MISC,  1099-NEC,  1099-K,  or 
myconneCT, on Page 4.                                           1099-R  files  using  the  Federal/State  Combined  Filing 
The  only  forms  filed  through  CF/SF  that  will  satisfy    Program  should  be  replaced  by  uploading  the  correct 
the  DRS  filing  requirement  are  Forms  1099-MISC,           forms.
1099-NEC, and 1099-R with no Connecticut withholding. 
The due date for tax year 2022 is January 31, 2023.
Records T, C, and F are identical to the filing requirements 
in this publication. Differences in the record requirements 
are as follows:
Record A
 Field position 6 (Combined Federal/State Filer) must 
   contain a 1.

V. Data Record Descriptions
Record Types                                                    Field  positions  544  through  750  vary  for  each  type  of 
                                                                return to accommodate special fields for individual forms.
Use the information below as well as the list of technical 
requirements  and  specifications  in  the  other  sections  of End of Payer C Record has the total number of payees 
this  publication  to  prepare  Forms  1099-R,  1099-MISC,      (B Records) and the totals of the payment amount fields 
1099-K  and  W-2G  filings.  See  Section VII. Examples         filed by a payer or return type.
of Proper Record Sequence for Filing  Forms 1099-R,             End of Transmission F Record is the summary of payers 
1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G Information               (A Records) in the entire file. It must be the last record in 
Returns on Page 8.                                              the file.
These record formats are identical to those published by        There  is  no  K  Record  (State  Totals)  requirement  for 
the IRS in Publication 1220, Specifications for Electronic      Connecticut. If included, it will be ignored.
Filing of Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and         Punctuation may be used when appropriate. Do not include 
W-2G.                                                           titles in the payer name field. Titles make it difficult for 
Section VIII. Record Specification includes formats for the     DRS to determine an individual payer’s name and may 
following record types required by DRS. See Section VII,        prevent DRS from properly crediting return data.
for proper record sequence.                                     If it is impossible to remove a title, then you must report 
 T Record    –   Transmitter Record                           the surname first.
 A Record    –   Payer Record
                                                                Money Amounts
 B Record    –   Payee Record
                                                                All  money  amounts  are  strictly  numeric.  They  must 
 C Record    –   End of Payer Record
                                                                include  both  dollars  and  cents  with  the decimal  point 
 F Record    –   End of Transmission Record                   assumed. Do not round to the nearest dollar. 
Transmitter T Record identifies the entity transmitting the 
file. It must be the first record of each file.                   Example:  $5,500.99 = 000000550099

Payer A Record identifies the institution or person making      Do not use punctuations in any money field. 
the payments. The number of Payer A Records depends on          Negative money amounts are not allowed.
the number of payers.
                                                                Right justify and zero fill all money fields. Enter zeros 
Payee B Record contains the payment information from            in a money field that is not applicable. 
the  information  returns.  The  record  layout  for  field 
positions 1 through 543 is the same for all types of returns. 

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VI. Programmer’s Review

General Information                                             Payment (Calendar) Year
  You  must  follow  the  Connecticut  specifications  for       Remember to change the Payment Year in positions 2-5 
    record layouts.                                              of the Transmitter T Record, Payer A Record, and 
   If a return contains errors, DRS will provide a list of      Payee B Record each year the program is run. Payment 
    the failed records with explanations. Simply correct         Year = the calendar year.
    the file and resubmit the entire file.                        The payment year must be in a YYYY format.

Technical Requirements                                          Proper Order of Records for Files With 
Data must be saved using the ASCII character set.             More Than One Payer
Each record in the file must be 750 characters in length        If a file contains information returns for more than one 
    followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).             payer, do not use Transmitter T Record(s) or End of 
Data must be entered  in each record in the exact              Transmission F Record(s) between payers. Each file 
    positions shown in Section VIII. Record Specifications.      can only have one ‘T’ record and one ‘F’ record. See 
The record delimiter must consist of two characters            VII. Examples of Proper Record Sequence for Filing 
    and those two characters must be carriage return and         Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and 
    line feed (CR/LF).                                           W-2G Information Returns, Example 3 below.
Do not place a record delimiter before the first record 
    of the file.                                                Money Amounts
Do  not place more than one record delimiter, for               Do  not  include  negative  money  amounts  in  money 
    example, more than one carriage-return or line feed          fields under any circumstances.
    combination, following a record.                              Zero fill money fields not applicable to your company.
Do not place record delimiters after a field within a record.   Report money amounts in dollars and cents without a 
DRS recommends that  the File  Name be CTTAX                   decimal or dollar sign.
    followed by the 4-digit calendar year of the data you         Money  amounts  must  be  in  the  exact  field  positions 
    are uploading (for example, CTTAX2022).                      prescribed  in  the  instructions,  right  justified,  and 
File name should end with a file extension name of             zero-filled.
    .txt or .dat.                                                 Do not sign money fields.

VII. Examples of Proper Record Sequence for Filing Forms 1099-R, 
1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G Information Returns

Example 1                                  Example 2                                Example 3
Payer Filing Own Form 1099 with            Transmitter Filing Form 1099 for         Transmitter Filing Form 1099 for 
42 Returns                                 One Payer with 42 Returns                Three Payers with 42, 106, and 89 
T ... TRANSMITTER                          T ... TRANSMITTER                        Returns Respectively
A ... PAYER                                A ... PAYER                              T ... TRANSMITTER
B                                          B                                        A ... PAYER 1
   } .  42 PAYEE RECORDS                      } .  42 PAYEE RECORDS                 B
B                                          B                                           } . 42 PAYEE RECORDS
C ... END OF PAYER                         C ... END OF PAYER                       B
F ... END OF TRANSMISSION                  F ... END OF TRANSMISSION                C ... END OF PAYER 1
                                                                                    A ... PAYER 2
                                                                                       } . 106 PAYEE RECORDS
                                                                                    C ... END OF PAYER 2
                                                                                    A ... PAYER 3
                                                                                       } . 89 PAYEE RECORDS
                                                                                    C ... END OF PAYER 3
                                                                                    F ... END OF TRANSMISSION
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- 9 -
VIII. Record Specifications
Transmitter T Record - General Field                            For all fields marked Required, the transmitter must 
Descriptions                                                      provide the information described under Description 
                                                                  and Remarks. For those fields marked Not required, 
  The  Transmitter  T  Record  identifies  the  entity          the transmitter must allow for the field. You may be 
    transmitting the file.                                        instructed to enter blanks or zeros in the Not required 
  The Transmitter T Record is the first record on each          fields. 
    file,  followed  by  a  Payer A  Record. A  file  will  not The Transmitter T Record must be followed by the 
    transmit if the T Record is not present.                      Payer A Record, which must be followed by Payee B 
  The Transmitter T Record requires the total number            Records. However, the first record on each file must 
    of Payees (B Records) being reported. No money or             be a Transmitter T Record.
    payment  amounts  are  reported  in  the  Transmitter  T    All records must be a fixed length of 750 positions 
    Record.                                                       followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF). 

Record Name: Transmitter T Record

                           –Fixed Length of 750 Positions–
Position  Field Title      Length            Description and Remarks
1      Record Type         1                 Required. Enter T.
2-5    Payment Year        4                 Required. Enter 2022.
6      Prior Year Data     1                 Required. Enter P only if reporting prior year data.
       Indicator                             Otherwise, enter a blank.
7-15   Transmitter’s TIN   9                 Required. Enter the transmitter’s nine-digit Tax Identification Number 
                                             (TIN). May be a FEIN or Social Security Number (SSN). Do not enter 
                                             blanks, hyphens, or alpha characters.
16-20  Transmitter         5                 N/A. Enter blanks.
       Control Code
21-27  Blank               7                 Enter blanks.
28     Test File           1                 DRS does not accept the indicator. Enter a blank.
29     Foreign             1                 N/A. Enter a blank.
       Entity Indicator
30-69  Transmitter Name    40                Required. Enter the name of the transmitter in the manner in which it 
                                             is used in normal business. Left justify information and fill unused 
                                             positions with blanks.
70-109 Transmitter Name    40                Enter any additional information that may be part of the name. Left 
       (Continuation)                        justify information and fill unused positions with blanks.
Note: All Required information in Field Positions 110 through 280 must contain the name and address information.
110-149  Company Name      40                Required. Enter the name of the company to be associated with the 
                                             address  where  correspondence  should  be  sent  due  to  processing 
150-189  Company Name      40                Enter any additional information that may be part of the name of the 
       (Continuation)                        company where correspondence should be sent.
190-229  Company Mailing   40                Required. Enter the mailing address where correspondence should be 

IP 2022(15)                                                                                            Page 9 of 28

- 10 -
Position  Field Title     Length Description and Remarks
230-269  Company City     40     Required. Enter the city, town, or post office where correspondence  
                                 should be sent.
270-271  Company State    2      Required. Enter the valid U.S. Postal Service state abbreviation for 
                                 the state.
272-280  Company          9      Required. Enter the valid nine-digit ZIP code assigned by the U.S. 
         ZIP Code                Postal  Service.  If  only  the  first  five  digits  are  known,  left  justify 
                                 information and fill unused positions with blanks.
281-295  Blank            15     Enter blanks.
296-303  Total Number     8      Required. Enter the total number of Payee B Records reported in the 
         of Payees               file. Right justify information and fill unused positions with zeros.
304-343  Contact Name     40     Required. Enter name of the person to be contacted if DRS encounters 
                                 problems with the file.
344-358  Number &         15     Required. Enter telephone number of the person to contact regarding 
         Extension               electronic files. Omit hyphens. If no extension is available, left justify 
                                 information and fill unused positions with blanks. For example, phone 
                                 number of 860-297-1234 extension of 1099 is 86029712341099.
359-408  Contact Email    50     Required  if  available. Enter  the email  address of the person 
         Address                 to  contact  regarding  electronic  files.  Left  justify  information. 
                                 If no email address is available, enter blanks.
409-499  Blank            91     Enter blanks.
500-507  Record Sequence  8      Not required.
508-517  Blank            10     Enter blanks.
518      Vendor Indicator 1      Not required.
519-558  Vendor Name      40     Not required.
559-598  Vendor Mailing   40     Not required.
599-638  Vendor City      40     Not required.
639-640  Vendor State     2      Not required.
641-649  Vendor ZIP Code  9      Not required.
650-689  Vendor Contact   40     Not required.
690-704  Vendor Contact   15     Not required.
         Phone Number
         and Extension
705-739  Blank            35     Enter blanks.
740      Vendor Foreign   1      Enter blanks.
         Entity Indicator  
741-748  Blank            8      Enter blanks.
749-750  Blank            2      Enter blanks.

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- 11 -
Payer A Record - General Field Descriptions                     The second record on the file must be an A Record. A 
                                                                  transmitter may include B Records for more than one 
 The Payer A Record identifies the institution or person 
                                                                  payer. However, each group of B Records must be 
   making payments. The Payer A Record also provides 
                                                                  preceded by an A Record and followed by an End of 
   parameters for the succeeding Payee B Records. DRS 
                                                                  Payer C Record. A separate A Record is required for 
   computer programs rely on the absolute relationship 
                                                                  each payer.
   between  the  parameters  and  the  data  fields  in  the 
   A Record and the data fields in the B Records to which       An  A  Record  may  be  blocked  with  B  Records; 
   they apply.                                                    however,  the  initial  record  on  the  file  must  be  a 
                                                                  T Record followed by an A Record. DRS will accept 
 The number of A Records depends on the number of 
                                                                  an A Record after a C Record.
   payers. The payment amounts for one payer and for 
   one type of return should be consolidated under one          Do not begin any record at the end of a block and 
   A Record if submitted on the same file.                        continue the same record into the next block.
 Do not submit separate A Records for each payment            For all fields marked Required, the transmitter must 
   amount  being  reported.  For  example,  if  a  payer  is      provide the information described under Description 
   filing Form 1099-MISC to report Amount Codes 1, 2,             and Remarks. For those fields not marked Required, 
   and 3, all three amounts should be reported under one          a  transmitter  must  allow  for  the  field,  but  may  be 
   A Record, not three separate A Records. For Payee B            instructed to enter blanks or zeros in the indicated 
   Records  that  do  not  contain  payment  amounts  for  all    field position(s) and for the indicated length.
   three amount codes, enter zeros for those that have no       All records must be a fixed length of 750 positions 
   payment to be reported.                                        followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).

Record Name: Payer A Record 

                            –Fixed Length of 750 Positions–
Position  Field Title       Length         Description and Remarks
1       Record Type         1              Required. Enter A.
2-5     Payment Year        4              Required. Enter 2022.
6       Combined            1              If you are participating in the combined federal/state filing, enter a 1. 
        Federal/State Filer                Otherwise enter a blank.
7-11    Blank               5              Enter blanks.
12-20   Payer’s TIN         9              Required.           Must be the valid nine-digit TIN number assigned to the  
                                           payer. Do not enter blanks, hyphens, or alpha characters. All zeros,  
                                           ones, twos, etc., will have the effect of an incorrect TIN.
21-24   Payer Name          4              Same as IRS. See IRS Publication 1220.
25      Last Filing         1              Payers should enter a  1if this indicator is the last year they will file,        
        Indicator                          otherwise enter a blank. Payers should use this indicator if: due to a 
                                           merger, bankruptcy, etc., they will not be filing information returns 
                                           under this payer name and TIN in the future.
26 - 27 Type of Return      2              Required. Enter the appropriate code from the table below:
                                           Type of Return             Code
                                           1099-MISC                  A
                                           1099-R                     9
                                           1099-K                     MC
                                           1099-NEC                   NE
                                           W-2G                       W

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- 12 -
Position  Field Title         Length          Description and Remarks
28-45   Amount                   18           Required. Enter the a ppropriate amount code for the type of return   
        Codes                                 being reported. Generally, for each amount code entered in the field, a 
                                              corresponding payment amount must appear in the Payee B Record.
        Amount Codes                          For Reporting Payments on Form 1099-MISC:
Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information
                                              Amount Code         Amount Type
                                              1           Rent: See Note 1 below in this section.
                                              2           Royalties: See Note 2 below.
                                              3           Other income
                                              4           Federal  income  tax  withheld  (backup  withholding  or  
                                                          withholding on Indian gaming profits)
                                              5           Fishing boat proceeds
                                              6           Medical and health care payments
                                              8           Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest
                                              A           Crop Insurance Proceeds 
                                              B           Excess golden parachute payments
                                              C           Gross proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal 
                                              D           Section 409A Deferrals
                                              E           Section 409A Income
                                              F           Fish Purchased for resale
                                              G           Prior Year Nonemployee Compensation (NEC) (TY2019 
                                                          and earlier)
                                                          Note: “T” Record Field Position 6 must contain a P For  
                                                          Reporting Payments on Form 1099-NEC: (Tax Year 2020 
                                                          and future only)
Note 1: When using the Direct Sales Indicator in position 547 of Payee B Record, use Type of Return Code A for 
1099-MISC in position 27, and Amount Code 1 in position 28 of the Payer A Record. All payment amount fields in 
the Payee B Record will contain zeros.
        Amount Codes                          For Reporting Payments on Form 1099-R:
Form 1099-R , Distributions from Pensions,
Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing
Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
                                              Amount Code         Amount Type
                                              1           Gross distribution
                                              2           Taxable amount: See Note 1 below.
                                              3           Capital gain (included in Amount Code 2)
                                              4           Federal income tax withheld
                                              5           Employee contributions or insurance premiums
                                              6           Net unrealized appreciation in taxpayer’s securities
                                              8           Other
                                              9           Total employee contributions
                                              A           Traditional  IRA/SEP/SIMPLE  distribution  or  Roth 
                                                          See Note 2 below.
Note 1: If the taxable amount cannot be determined enter a 1 in position 547 of the B Record. Payment Amount 2 
must contain zeroes.
Note 2: For Form 1099-R, report the Roth conversion or total amount distributed from an IRA, SEP, or SIMPLE 
in Payment Amount Field A (IRA/SEP/SIMPLE Distribution or Roth conversion) of the Payee “B” Record, and 
generally, the same amount in Payment Amount Field 1 (Gross Distribution). The IRA/SEP/SIMPLE indicator 
should be set to “1” in Field Position 548 of the Payee B Record. Refer to IRS 2022, Instructions for Forms 1098, 
1099, 5498, and W-2G, for exceptions.
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- 13 -
       Amount Codes                   For Reporting Payments on Form W-2G:
Form W-2G  , Certain Gambling Winnings
                                      Amount Code          Amount Type
                                      1            Gross winnings
                                      2            Federal income tax withheld
                                      7            Winnings from identical wagers
Position  Field Title   Length        Description and Remarks
46-51  Blank            6             Enter blanks.
52     Foreign Entity   1             N/A. Enter a blank.
53-92  First Payer      40            Required. Enter the name of the payer whose TIN appears in positions 
       Name Line                      12-20 of the A Record. Any extraneous information must be deleted. 
                                      Left justify information and fill unused positions with blanks. Filers       
                                      should not enter a transfer agent’s name in this field. Any transfer 
                                      agent’s name should appear in the Second Payer Name Line Field.
93-132 Second Payer     40            If the Transfer Agent Indicator (position 133) contains a  ,1this field      
       Name Line                      must contain the name of the transfer or paying agent. If the indicator 
                                      contains a 0 (zero), this field may contain either a continuation of the 
                                      First  Payer  Name  Line  or  blanks.  Left  justify  information  and  fill 
                                      unused positions with blanks.
133    Transfer         1             Required. Identifies the entity in the Second Payer Name Line field.
       Payer Name
       Agent Indicator
                                      Code         Meaning
                                      1            The entity in the Second Payer Name Line Field is the
                                                   transfer (or paying) agent.
                                      0 (zero)     The entity shown is not the transfer (or paying) agent (for 
                                                   example,  the  Second  Payer  Name  Line  Field  contains 
                                                   either a continuation of the First Payer Name Line Fields 
                                                   or blanks).
134-173  Payer Shipping 40            Required. If the Transfer Agent Indicator in position 133 is a 1, enter 
       Address                        the shipping address of the transfer (or paying) agent. Otherwise, enter 
                                      the actual shipping address of the payer. The street address should 
                                      include number, street, apartment, or suite number (or PO Box if mail 
                                      is  not  delivered  to  street  address).  Left  justify  information  and  fill 
                                      unused positions with blanks.
174-213  Payer City     40            Required. If the Transfer Agent Indicator in position 133 is a 1, enter  
                                      the city, town, or post office of the transfer agent. Otherwise, enter the 
                                      city, town, or post office of the payer. Left justify information, and fill 
                                      unused  positions  with  blanks   Do not enter state and ZIP code 
                                      information in this field.
214-215  Payer State    2             Required. Enter the valid U.S. Postal Service state abbreviation for 
                                      the states.
216-224  Payer ZIP Code 9             Required. Enter the valid nine-digit ZIP code assigned by the U.S. 
                                      Postal  Service.  If  only  the  first  five  digits  are  known,  left  justify 
                                      information and fill the unused positions with blanks.

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- 14 -
Position  Field Title             Length     Description and Remarks
225-239  Payer Phone              15         Enter the payer’s phone number and extension. Omit hyphens. If no 
           Number &                          extension  is  available,  left  justify  information  and  fill  unused 
           Extension                         positions with blanks. For example, phone number of 860-297-1234 
                                             with extension of 1099 is 86029712341099.
240-499  Blank                    260        Enter blanks.
500-507  Record Sequence          8          Not required.
508-748  Blank                    241        Enter blanks.
749-750  Blank                    2          Enter blanks.

Payee B Record - General Field Descriptions                     Positions  127-138  for  Payment  Amount  7 represent 
                                                                non-employee compensation.
The  Payee  B  Record  contains  the  payment  information 
from  the  information  returns.  When  filing  information     Positions 139-162 for Payment Amount 8 and 9, enter 
returns, the format for the B Records remains constant and      0s (zeros).
is a fixed length of 750 positions. The record layout for field Positions  163-174  for  Payment  Amount  A represent 
positions 1 through 543 is the same for all types of returns.   crop insurance proceeds.
Field  positions  544  through  750  vary  for  each  type  of 
                                                                Positions  175-186  for  Payment  Amount  B , enter 0s 
return to accommodate special fields for individual forms. 
In the A Record, the amount codes that appear in the field 
positions 28 through 39 should be left justified and filled     Positions  187-198  for  Payment  Amount  C represent 
with blanks. In the B Record, the filer must allow for all      gross proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal 
14 Payment Amount Fields. For those fields not used, enter      services.
0s (zeros). For example, a payer reporting Form 1099-MISC       Positions  199-210  for  Payment  Amount  D, enter  0s 
should enter A in field position 27 of the A Record, Type of    (zeros).
Return. If reporting payments for Amount Codes 1, 2, 4,         Positions  211-222  for  Payment  Amount  E , enter 0s 
7, and A, the payer would report field positions 28 through     (zeros).
39 of the A Record as 1247Abbbbbbb. In this example, 
                                                                 For all fields marked 
b denotes blanks. Do not enter the letter b.                                             Required, the transmitter must 
                                                                   provide the information described under Description 
Positions  55  through  66  for  Payment  Amount  1                and Remarks. For those fields not marked Required, 
represent rents.                                                   a  transmitter  must  allow  for  the  field,  but  may  be 
Positions 67-78 for Payment Amount 2 represent royalties.          instructed to enter blanks or zeros in the indicated 
Positions 79-90 for Payment Amount 3, enter  0s(zeros).            media position(s) and for the indicated length.
Positions 91-102 for Payment Amount 4 represent federal          Do not use decimal points to indicate dollars and cents. 
income tax withheld for Forms 1099-MISC and W-2G.                  Ten dollars ($10) must appear as 000000001000 in the 
                                                                   payment amount field.
Positions  103-126  for  Payment  Amount  5  and  6 
enter  0s(zeros).                                                All records must be a fixed length of   750 positions 
                                                                   followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).

Record Name: Payee B Record 

                                  –Fixed Length of 750 Positions–
Position  Field Title             Length     Description and Remarks
1          Record Type            1          Required. Enter B.
2-5        Payment Year           4          Required. Enter 2022.

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- 15 -
Position  Field Title  Length Description and Remarks
6     Corrected Return        Enter “G” if the file being submitted contains corrected information. 
      Indicator        1      Otherwise, enter blanks.
7-10  Name Control     4      Same as IRS. See IRS Publication 1220.
11    Type of TIN      1      This field is used to identify the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 
                              in  positions  12-20  as  either  a  Federal  Employer  Identification 
                              Number  (FEIN),  a  Social  Security  Number  (SSN),  an  Individual 
                              Taxpayer  Identification  Number  (ITIN),  or  an  Adoption  Taxpayer 
                              Identification Number (ATIN). Enter the appropriate code from the 
                              following table:
                              Code         Type of TIN   Type of account
                              1            FEIN          A business, organization, sole proprietor, 
                                                         or other entity
                              2            SSN           An individual, including a sole proprietor
                              2            ITIN          An individual required to have a Taxpayer 
                                                         Identification  Number,  but  who  is  not 
                                                         eligible to obtain an SSN
                              2            ATIN          An  adopted  individual  prior  to  the  
                                                         assignment of an SSN
                              Note         N/A           Blanks  are    not  allowed  if  the  type  of 
                                                         TIN is not determinable.
12-20 Payee’s TIN      9      Required. Enter the nine-digit TIN of the payee (SSN, ITIN, ATIN, 
                              or  FEIN).  If  an  identification  number  is  not  available  or  has  been 
                              applied for but not received, enter zeros. Do not enter hyphens or 
                              alpha characters.
21-40 Payer’s Account  20     Enter  any  number  assigned  by  the  payer  to  the  payee  (such  as  a 
      Number For Payee        checking or savings account number). Filers are encouraged to use 
                              this  field. This  number  helps  to  distinguish  individual  payee 
                              records and should be unique for each document .Do not use the           
                              payee’s  TIN  since  this  will  not  make  each  record  unique. This 
                              information is very useful when corrections are filed. This number 
                              will be provided with the backup withholding notification and may 
                              be  helpful  in  identifying  the  branch  or  subsidiary  reporting  the 
                              transaction.  Do  not  define  data  in  this  field  in  packed  decimal 
                              format. If fewer than 20 characters are used, filers may either left or 
                              right justify, filling the remaining positions with blanks.
41-44 Payer’s Office   4      Enter office code of payer, otherwise enter blanks. For payers with 
      Code                    multiple locations, this field may be used to identify the location of the 
                              office submitting the information return.

IP 2022(15)                                                                              Page 15 of 28

- 16 -
Position  Field Title      Length Description and Remarks
45-54  Blank               10     Enter blanks.
       Payment Amount             Required  .  Allow  for  all  payment  amounts. For  those  not  used,  
       Fields                     enter  zeros.  For  example:  If  position  27,  Type  of  Return,  of  the 
       (must be numeric)          A Record, is A (for 1099-MISC) and positions 28-39, Amount Codes 
                                  are 1247Abbbbbbb.  This  indicates  the  payer  is  reporting  any  or 
                                  all five payment amounts in all of the following B Records. In this 
                                  example, bdenotes blanks in the designated positions. Do not enter 
                                  the letter b. Payment Amount 1 represents rents; Payment Amount 2 
                                  represents  royalties;  Payment  Amount  3  will  be  all 0s  (zeros); 
                                  Payment Amount 4 represents federal income tax withheld on Forms 
                                  1099-MISC and W-2G. Payment Amounts 5 and 6 should be all          0s 
                                  (zeros); Payment Amount 7 represents non-employee compensation; 
                                  Payment Amounts 8 and 9 should be all  0s(zeros); Payment Amount A 
                                  represents  crop  insurance  proceeds;  and  Payment  Amount  B 
                                  should  be  all 0s  (zeros).  Payment  Amount  C  represents  gross 
                                  proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal services. Each 
                                  payment  field  must  contain  12  numeric  characters.  Each  payment 
                                  amount  must  contain  U.S.  dollars  and  cents.  The  right-most  two 
                                  positions represent cents in the payment amount fields. Do not enter 
                                  dollar signs, commas, decimal points, or negative amounts. Payment 
                                  amounts  must  be  right  justified  and  unused  positions  must  be 
                                  zero-filled. Income tax withheld cannot be reported as a negative 
                                  amount on any form.
55-66  Payment Amount 1*   12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 1 in the A Record.
67-78  Payment Amount 2*   12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 2 in the A Record.
79-90  Payment Amount 3*   12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 3 in the A Record.
91-102 Payment Amount 4*   12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 4 in the A Record.
103-114  Payment Amount 5* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 5 in the A Record.
115-126  Payment Amount 6* 12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 6 in the A Record.
127-138  Payment Amount 7* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 7 in the A Record.
139-150  Payment Amount 8* 12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 8 in the A Record.
151-162  Payment Amount 9* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code 9 in the A Record.

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- 17 -
Position  Field Title      Length Description and Remarks
163-174  Payment Amount A* 12     The amount reported in  this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code A in the A Record. 
175-186  Payment Amount B* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code B in the A Record.
187-198  Payment Amount C* 12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code C in the A Record.
199-210  Payment Amount D* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code D in the A Record.
211-222  Payment Amount E* 12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code E in the A Record.
223-234  Payment Amount F* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount        
                                  Code F in the A Record.
235-246  Payment Amount G* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code G in the A Record.
247-258  Payment Amount H* 12     The amount reported in this  field  represents payments for  Amount 
                                  Code H in the A Record.
259-270  Payment Amount J* 12     The amount reported in this field  represents payments for  Amount        
                                  Code J in the A Record.
* If there are discrepancies between the payment amount fields and the boxes on the paper forms, the instructions 
in this booklet govern. 
271-286  Blank             16     Enter blanks.
287      Foreign Country   1      If the address of the payee is a foreign country      , enter a  in1 this 
         Indicator                field; otherwise, enter a blank. When filers use this indicator, they 
                                  may  use  a  free  format  for  the  payee  city,  state,  and  ZIP  code. 
                                  Address information must not appear in the First or Second Payee 
                                  Name Line.
288-327  First Payee       40     Required.  Enter  the  name  of  the  payee,  preferably  surname  first, 
         Name Line                whose TIN was provided in positions 12-20 of the B Record. Left 
                                  justify and fill unused positions with blanks.
                                  If more space is required for the name, utilize the Second Payee Name 
                                  Line field. If there are multiple payees, only the name of the payee 
                                  whose TIN  has  been  provided  should  be  entered  in  this  field. The 
                                  names of the other payees may be entered in the Second Payee Name 
                                  Line field. If reporting information for a sole proprietor, the individual’s 
                                  name   must always be present, preferably on the First Payee Name          
                                  Line .
                                  The use of the business name is optional in the Second Payee Name          
                                  Line field. End First Payee Name Line with a full word. Do not split       
328-367  Blank             40     If there are multiple payees (for example, partners, joint owners, or 
                                  Name Line spouses), use this field for those names not associated with 
                                  the TIN provided in positions 12-20 of the B Record or if not enough 
                                  space was provided in the First Payee Name Line, continue the name in 
                                  this field. See Note. Do not enter address information. It is important    
                                  that Filers provide as much payee information to DRS as possible to        
                                  identify the payee associated with the TIN. Left-justify and fill unused 
                                  positions with blanks. Fill with blanks if no entries are present for this 
                                  field. Note: End First Payee Name Line with a full word. Do not split 
                                  words. Begin Second Payee Name Line with the next sequential word.
IP 2022(15)                                                                                 Page 17 of 28

- 18 -
Position  Field Title       Length     Description and Remarks
368-407  Payee Mailing      40         Required.   Enter  mailing  address  of  payee.  Street  address  should  
          Address                      include number, street, apartment, or suite number (or PO Box if mail is 
                                       not delivered to street address). Left justify information and fill unused 
                                       positions with blanks. This field must not contain any data other than  
                                       the payee’s mailing address.
For U. .S  addresses, the payee city, state, and ZIP code must be reported as 40, 2, and 9 position fields, respectively. 
Filers must adhere to the correct format for the payee city, state, and ZIP code.
For foreign addresses, filers may use the payee city, state, and ZIP code as a continuous 51 position field. Enter 
information in the following order: city, province or state, postal code, and the name of the country. When reporting 
a foreign address, the Foreign Country Indicator located in position 247 must contain a 1.

408-447  Blank              40         Enter blanks.
448-487  Payee City         40         Required. Enter the city, town, or post office. Left justify information 
                                       and  fill  the  unused  positions  with  blanks.  Enter  APO  or  FPO,  if 
                                       applicable. Do not enter state and ZIP code information in this field. 
488-489  Payee State        2          Required. Enter the valid U.S. Postal Service state abbreviation. 
490-498  Payee ZIP Code     9          Required.  Enter the valid nine-digit ZIP code assigned by the U.S. 
                                       Postal  Service.  If  only  the  first  five  digits  are  known,  left  justify 
                                       information  and  fill  the  unused  positions  with  blanks.  For  foreign 
                                       countries,  alpha  characters  are  acceptable  as  long  as  the  filer  has 
                                       entered a 1 in the Foreign Country Indicator located in position 247 of 
                                       the B Record.
499       Blank             1          Enter a blank.
500-507  Record Sequence    8          Not required.
508-543  Blank              36         Enter blanks.

The following sections define the field positions for the different types of returns in the 
Payee B Record (positions 544-750):
1. Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information
2. Form  1099-R,    Distributions  From  Pensions,  Annuities,  Retirement  or  Profit-Sharing  Plans,  IRAs,  Insurance, 
   Contracts, etc.
3. Form 1099-K, Credit Card
4. Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation
5. Form W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings

1.  Payee B Record – Record Layout Positions 544-750 for Form 1099-MISC

Position  Field Title       Length     Description and Remarks
544       Second TIN Notice 1          Enter  2to indicate notification by DRS twice within three calendar              
          (Optional)                   years that the payee provided an incorrect name or TIN combination, 
                                       otherwise enter a blank.
545-546  Blank              2          Enter blanks.
547       Direct Sales      1          Enter a 1 to indicate sales of $5,000 or more of consumer products 
          Indicator                    to a person on a buy/sell, deposit/commission, or any other commission 
          (See Note.)                  basis for resale anywhere other than in a permanent retail establishment, 
                                       otherwise enter a blank.
Note: If reporting a direct sales indicator only, use Type of Return A in field position 27, and Amount Code 1 in 
field position 28 of the Payer A Record. All payment amount fields in the Payee B Record should contain zeros.
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Position  Field Title          Length Description and Remarks
548      FATCA Filing          1      Enter  “1”  (one)  if  there  is  FATCA  filing  requirement.  Otherwise, 
         Requirement Indicator        enter a blank.
549-662  Blank                 114    Enter blanks.
663-722  Special Data           60    Required. Enter payer Connecticut Tax Registration Number. Right 
         Entries                      justify and fill unused positions with blanks. Do not enter hyphens.
723-734  State Income          12     Required.  Enter the state income tax withheld for 1099-MISC tax         
                                      withheld only. The payment amount must be right justified and unused 
                                      positions must be zero-filled.
735-746  Local Income          12     N/A. Enter blanks.
         Tax Withheld
747-748  Combined              2      If you are participating in the combined federal/state filing, the code  
         Federal/State Code           for Connecticut is 08. Otherwise enter blanks.
749-750  Blank                 2      Enter blanks.

2.  Payee B Record – Record Layout Positions 544-750 for Form 1099-R

Position  Field Title          Length Description and Remarks
544      Blank                 1      Enter a blank.
545-546  Document              2      Required. Enter at least one distribution code from the table below. 
         Specific/Distribution        More than one code may apply. If only one code is necessary, it must 
         Code                         be entered in position 545 and position 546 will be blank. When using 
         (For a detailed              Code P for an IRA distribution under IRC § 408(d)(4), the filer may 
         explanation of the           also  enter  Code  1,  2,  4,  B,  or  J,  if  applicable. Only  three  numeric 
         distribution codes           combinations are acceptable: Codes 8 and 1, 8 and 2, and 8 and 4, on one 
         see the 2022 IRS             return. These three combinations can be used only if both codes apply to 
         Instructions for             the  distribution  being  reported.  If  more  than  one  numeric  code  is 
         Forms 1099-R                 applicable  to  different  parts  of  a  distribution,  report  two  separate 
         and 5498.)                   B Records. Distribution Codes 3, 5, 6, 9, E, F, N, Q, R, S, and T cannot        be 
                                      used with any other codes. Distribution Code G may be used with 
                                      Distribution Code 4 only if applicable.
                                      Code       Category
                                      1*         Early  distribution,  no  known  exception  (in  most  cases, 
                                                 under age 59½)
                                      2*         Early distribution, exception applies (under age 59½)
                                      3*         Disability
                                      4*         Death 
                                      5*         Prohibited transaction 
                                      6          Section  1035  exchange  (a  tax-free  exchange  of  life     
                                                 insurance, annuity, or endowment contracts)
                                      7*         Normal distribution
                                      8*         Excess  contributions  plus  earning/excess  deferrals 
                                                 (and/or earnings) taxable in 2022
                                      9          Cost of current life insurance protection (premiums paid 
                                                 by a trustee or custodian for current insurance protection)
                                      A          May be eligible for ten-year tax option
                                      B          Designated Roth account distribution

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                                           Code                 Category
                                           D*         Excess  contributions  plus  earnings/excess  deferrals 
                                                      taxable in the reporting period.
                                           E          Distributions under Employee Plans Compliance System  
                                           F          Charitable gift annuity
                                           G          Direct rollover and rollover contribution 
                                           H          Direct  rollover  of  distribution  from  a  designated  Roth 
                                                      account to a Roth IRA
                                           J          Early distribution from a Roth IRA. (This code may be 
                                                      used with Code 8 or P.)
                                           L          Loans treated as deemed distribution under Section 72(p)
                                           N          Recharacterized IRA contribution made for the reporting  
                                           P*         Excess contributions plus earning/excess deferrals taxable 
                                                      in the reporting period.
                                           Q          Qualified  distribution  from  a  Roth  IRA.(Distribution 
                                                      from a Roth IRA when the five-year holding period has 
                                                      been met, and the recipient has reached 59½, has died, or 
                                                      is disabled.)
                                           R          Recharacterized IRA contribution made for the  reporting  
                                                      period. See Note.
                                           S*         Early distribution from a SIMPLE IRA in first two years, 
                                                      no known exception.
                                           T          Roth IRA distribution,  exception  applies because 
                                                      participant has reached 59½, died, or is disabled, but it is  
                                                      unknown if the 5-year period has been met.
                                           U          Distribution from ESOP under Section 404(k).
* If reporting an IRA, SEP or SIMPLE distribution, or a Roth conversion, use the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE Indicator 
of 1 in position 548 of the Payee B Record.
Note: The trustee of the first IRA must report the recharacterization as a distribution on Form 1099-R (and the 
original contribution and its character on Form 5498).

547   Taxable Amount  1                    Enter 1 only if the taxable amount of the payment entered for Payment 
      Not Determined                       Amount  Field  1  (Gross  distribution)  of  the  B  Record  cannot  be 
      Indicator                            computed,  otherwise     enter  a  blank.  (If  Taxable  Amount  Not 
                                           Determined Indicator is used, enter    0s (zeros) in Payment Amount 
                                           Field 2 of Payee B Record.) Please make every effort to compute the 
                                           taxable amount.
548   IRA/SEP/ SIMPLE 1                    Enter  1if reporting for a traditional IRA, SEP, or SIMPLE distribution 
      (See Note.)                          or  Roth  conversion;  otherwise,        enter  a  blank. If the  
                                           IRA/SEP/SIMPLE  Indicator  is  used,  enter  the  amount  of  the  Roth  
                                           conversion or distribution in Payment Amount Field A of the Payee B 
                                           Record. Do not use the indicator for a distribution from a Roth. 
                                           or an IRA characterization.
Note: For Form 1099-R, report the Roth conversion or the total amount distributed from a traditional IRA, SEP, or 
SIMPLE in Payment Amount Field A (IRA/SEP/SIMPLE Distribution, or Roth conversion), as well as Payment 
Amount Field 1 (Gross Distribution) of the B Record. Refer to the IRS 2022, Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 
5498, box 2a instructions, for exceptions.

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Position  Field Title           Length Description and Remarks
549       Total Distribution    1      Enter  a 1 only  if  payment  shown  for  Account  Code  1  is  a  total 
          Indicator (See Note.)        distribution that closed out the account, otherwise, enter a blank.
Note: A total distribution is one or more distributions within one tax year in which the entire balance of the account 
is distributed. Any distribution that does not meet this definition is not a total distribution.
550-551  Percentage of Total    2      Use this field when reporting a total distribution to more than one 
          Distribution                 person, such as when a participant is deceased and a payer distributes 
                                       to two or more beneficiaries. Therefore, if the percentage is 100, leave 
                                       this field blank. If the percentage is a fraction, round off to the nearest 
                                       whole number (for example, 10.4% will be 10%; 10.5% will be 11%) 
                                       Enter the percentage received by the person whose TIN is included               
                                       in position 12-20 of the B Record. This field must be right justified,          
                                       and  unused  positions  must  be  zero-filled.  If  not  applicable, enter  
                                       blanks. Filers need not enter this information for any IRA distribution 
                                       or for direct rollovers. 
552-555  Date of Designated     4      Enter the date of the first year a designated Roth contribution was             
          Roth Contribution            made. Enter in YYYY format.
556       FATCA Filing          1      Enter a “1” (one) if there is a Foreign Account Tax Compliance                  
          Requirement Indicator        Act (FATCA) filing requirement. Otherwise, enter a blank.
557-564  Date of Payment        8      Enter date of payment in YYYYMMDD format. Do not enter hyphens 
                                       or slashes.
565-662  Blank                  98     Enter blanks.
663-722  Special Data           60     Required. Enter payer Connecticut Tax Registration Number. Right 
          Entries                      justify and fill unused positions with blanks. Do not enter hyphens.
723-734  State Income           12     Required. Enter the state income tax withheld. This field must be 
          Tax Withheld                 right justified, and unused positions must be zero-filled.
735-746  Local Income           12     N/A. Enter blanks
          Tax Withheld
747-748  Combined               2      If you are participating in the combined federal/state filing the code          
          Federal/State Code           for Connecticut is 08, otherwise enter blanks.
749-750  Blank                  2      Enter blanks. 

3.  Payee B Record – Record Layout Positions 544-750 for Form 1099-K

Position  Field Title           Length Description and Remarks  
544       Second TIN Notice     1      Enter  2to indicate notification by DRS twice within three calendar   
          (Optional)                   years that the payee provided an incorrect name or TIN combination,  
                                       otherwise enter a blank. 
545-546  Blank                  2      Enter blanks.
547       Type of Filer         1      Required. Enter the appropriate indicator from the following table.             
          Indicator                                      Usage                                  Indicator
                                       Payment Settlement Entity (PSE)                          1
                                       Electronic Payment Facilitator (EPF)/                    2
                                       Other third party

548       Type of Payment       1      Required. Enter the appropriate indicator from the following table. 
                                                         Usage                                  Indicator
                                       Payment Card Payment                                     1
                                       Third Party Network Payment                              2

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Position  Field Title          Length Description and Remarks
549-561 Number of              13     Required. Enter the number of payment transactions. Do not include 
          Payment Transactions        refund transactions. Right justify the information and fill unused  
                                      positions with zeros.  
562-564   Blank                3      Enter blanks.
565-604 Payment Settlement     40     Enter the payment settlement entity’s name and phone number if 
          Entity’s Name and           different from the filer’s name. Otherwise, enter blanks. Left justify 
          Phone Number                the information, and fill unused positions with blanks.
605-608 Merchant Category      4      Required. Enter the Merchant Category Code (MCC). All MCCs must 
          Code (MCC)                  contain four numeric characters. If no code is provided, fill unused         
                                      positions with zeros.
609-662  Blank                 54     Enter blanks.
663-722  Special Data          60     This portion of the “B” Record may be used to record information for 
          Entries                     state or local government reporting or for the filer’s own purposes.  
                                      Payers should contact the state or local revenue departments for filing 
                                      requirements. You may enter your routing and transit number (RTN)            
                                      here. If this field is not used, enter blanks.
723-734  State Income          12     State income tax withheld is for the convenience of the filers. This         
          Tax Withheld                information does not need to be reported to the IRS. If not reporting  
                                      state  tax  withheld,  this  field  may  be  used  as  a  continuation  of  the 
                                      Special Data Entries Field. The payment amount must be right justified 
                                      and unused positions must be zero-filled. 
735-746 Local Income           12     N/A. Enter blanks. 
          Tax Withheld
747-748   Combined             2      If you are participating in the combined federal/state filing the code for 
          Federal/State Code          Connecticut is 08, otherwise enter blanks.
749-750  Blank                 2      Enter blanks.

4.  Payee B Record – Record Layout Positions 544-750 for Form 1099-NEC

Position  Field Title          Length Description and Remarks  
544       Second TIN Notice    1      Enter  2to indicate notification by DRS twice within three calendar          
          (Optional)                  years that the payee provided an incorrect name or TIN combination,  
                                      otherwise enter a blank.  
545-546  Blank                 2      Enter blanks.
547       Direct Sales         1      Enter a “1” (one) to indicate sales of $5,000 or more of consumer 
          Indicator                   products to a person on a buy-sell, deposit-commission, or any other         
                                      commission basis for resale anywhere other than in a permanent retail 
                                      establishment. Otherwise, enter a blank. 
Note: If reporting a direct sales indicator only, use Type of Return “A” in Field Position 27, and Amount Code 1 in 
Field Position 28 of the Payer “A” Record. All payment amount fields in the Payee “B” Record will contain zeros.
548-662  Blank                 115    Enter blanks.
663-722  Special Data          60     Required. Enter payer Connecticut Tax Registration Number. Right             
          Entries                     justify and fill unused positions with blanks. Do not enter hyphens.
723-734  State Income          12     Required.  Enter  the  state  income  tax  withheld  for  1099-NEC  tax 
          Tax Withheld                withheld only. The payment amount must be right justified and unused 
                                      positions must be zero-filled.
735-746  Local Income          12     N/A. Enter blanks. 
          Tax Withheld
747-748  Combined              2      If you are participating in the combined federal/state filing, the code      
          Federal/State Code          for Connecticut is 08. Otherwise enter blanks.
749-750  Blank                 2      Enter blanks.
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5.  Payee B Record – Record Layout Positions 544-750 for Form W-2G

Position  Field Title  Length Description and Remarks
544-546  Blank         3      Enter blanks.
547      Type of Wager 1      Required.  Enter  the  applicable  type  of  wager  code  from  the  table 
         Code                 below:
                              Code        Category
                              1           Horse race track (or off-track betting of a horse track nature)
                              2           Dog race track (or off-track betting of a dog track nature)
                              3           Jai alai
                              4           State conducted lottery
                              5           Keno
                              6           Casino type bingo. Do not use this code for any other type 
                                          of bingo winnings (for example, church or fire department.)
                              7           Slot machines
                              8           Poker Winnings
                              9           Any other type of gambling winning.
548-555  Date Won      8      Required.   Enter  the  date  of  the  winning  transaction  in  the  format 
                              YYYYMMDD (for example, 20221022).               Do not enter hyphens or 
                              slashes. This is not the date the money was paid, if paid after the date 
                              of the race (or game).
556-570  Transaction   15     Required.   For  state  conducted  lotteries,  enter  the  ticket  or  other 
                              identifying number. For keno, bingo, or slot machines, enter the ticket 
                              or card number, and color, if applicable, machine serial number, or any 
                              other information that will help identify the winning transaction. For  
                              all others, enter blanks.
571-575  Race          5      If applicable, enter the race (or game) relating to the winning ticket,      
                              otherwise enter blanks.
576-580  Cashier       5      If  applicable,  enter  the  initials  of  the  cashier  making  the  winning 
                              payment, otherwise enter blanks.
581-585  Window        5      If  applicable,  enter  the  window  number  or  location  of  the  person 
                              paying the winning payment; otherwise, enter blanks.
586-600  First ID      15     For other than state lotteries, enter the first identification number of the 
                              person receiving the winning payment, otherwise enter blanks.
601-615  Second ID     15     For other than state lotteries, enter the second identification number of 
                              the person receiving the winnings, otherwise enter blanks.
616-662  Blank         47     Enter blanks. 
663-722  Special Data  60     Required. Enter payer Connecticut Tax Registration Number. Right 
         Entries              justify and fill unused positions with blanks. Do not enter hyphens.
723-734  State Income  12     Required. Enter the state income tax withheld. This field must be right 
         Tax Withheld         justified and unused positions must be zero-filled.
735-746  Local Income  12     N/A. Enter blanks.
         Tax Withheld
747-748  Blank         2      Enter blanks.
749-750  Blank         2      Enter blanks.

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End of Payer C Record - General Field                             In developing the C Record, for example, if a payer used 
Descriptions                                                        Amount Codes 1, 3, and 6 in the A Record, the totals 
                                                                    from the B Records would appear in Control Total 1 
  The control total fields are each 18 positions in length.
                                                                    (positions 16-33), 3 (positions 52-69), and 6 (positions 
  The  C  Record consists of the  total  number of the            106-123)  of  the  C  Record.  In  this  example,  positions 
    payees  and  the  payment  amount  fields  totals,  filed       34-51,  70-105,  and  124-231  would  be  zero-filled. 
    by a given payer, a particular type of return, or both.         Positions 340-499 would be blank-filled.
    The C Record must be written after the last B Record 
                                                                  All records must be a fixed length of   750 positions 
    for  each  type  of  return  for  a  given  payer.  For  each 
                                                                    followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).
    A Record and a group of B Records on the file, there 
    must be a corresponding C Record.

Record Name: End of Payer C Record
                          –Fixed Length of 750 Positions–
Position  Field Title     Length        Description and Remarks
1       Record Type       1             Required. Enter C.
2-9     Number of         8             Required.  Enter  the  total  number  of  B  Records  covered  by  the 
        Payees                          preceding A Record. Right justify information and fill unused positions 
                                        with zeros.
10-15   Blank             6             Enter blanks.
Required. Accumulate totals of any payment amount fields in the B Record into the appropriate control total fields 
of the C Record. Control totals must be right justified and unused control total fields zero-filled. All control 
total fields are 18 positions in length.
16-33   Control Total 1   18
34-51   Control Total 2   18
52-69   Control Total 3   18
70-87   Control Total 4   18
88-105  Control Total 5   18
106-123  Control Total 6  18
124-141  Control Total 7  18
142-159  Control Total 8  18
160-177  Control Total 9  18
178-195  Control Total A  18
196-213  Control Total B  18
214-231  Control Total C  18
232-249  Control Total D  18
250-267  Control Total E  18
268-285  Control Total F  18
286-303  Control Total G  18
304-321  Control Total H  18
322-339  Control Total J  18
340-499  Blank            160           Enter blanks.
500-507  Record Sequence  8             Not required.
508-748  Blank            241           Enter blanks. 
749-750  Blank            2             Enter blanks.

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End of Transmission F Record - General Field              For all fields marked Required, the transmitter must 
Descriptions                                                provide the information described under Description 
                                                            and Remarks. For those fields not marked Required, 
  The F Record is a summary of the number of payers       a  transmitter  must  allow  for  the  field,  but  may  be 
    in the entire file.                                     instructed to enter blanks or zeros in the indicated 
  This record should be written after the last C Record   media position(s) and for the indicated length.
    of the entire file.                                     All records must be a fixed length of 750 positions 
                                                            followed by a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF).

Record Name: End of Transmission F Record

                            –Fixed Length of 750 Positions–
Position  Field Title     Length Description and Remarks
1      RecordType         1      Required. Enter F.
2-9    Number of          8      Enter the total number of Payer A Records in the entire file. Must be 
       A Records                 right justified and unused positions must be zero-filled or enter all 
10-30  Zero               21     Enter blanks.
31-49  Blank              19     Enter blanks.
50-57  Total Number       8      Not required.
58-499 Blank              442    Enter blanks.
500-507  Record Sequence  8      Not required.
508-748  Blank            241    Enter blanks.
749-750  Blank            2      Enter blanks.

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Effect on Other Documents: This Informational            For the Latest News
Publication supersedes IP 2021(15) Forms 1099-R,         Visit the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS.
1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G Electronic 
Filing Requirements For Tax Year 2021.                   E -Services Update
                                                         Use myconneCT to file taxes, make payments, view filing 
Effect of This Document: An Informational                history, and communicate with the agency simply and more 
Publication issued by DRS addresses frequently asked     efficiently on virtually any mobile device, including laptops, 
questions about a current position, policy, or practice, tablets, and smartphones, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
usually in a less technical question and answer format.  For updated information, please visit the DRS website at 

IX. Glossary
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – One of the acceptable character sets used for 
electronic processing of data.

Block – A number of logical records grouped and written together as a single unit on a CD.

Byte – A computer unit of measurement; one byte contains eight bits and can store one character.

Calendar Year – Generally, the year in which payments were made by a payer to a payee.

Character – A letter, number, or punctuation symbol.

Character Set – A group of unique electronic definitions for all letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols.

DRS – State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.

FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) – A nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Services 
(IRS) to an organization for federal tax reporting purposes. 

File – A file consists of one Transmitter T Record at the beginning of the file followed by Payer A Record, Payee 
B Records, and an End of Payer C Record after each set of B Records. The last record on the file should be the End 
of Transmission F Record. Nothing should be reported after the End of the Transmission F Record.

Filer – Person (may be payer or transmitter) submitting information to DRS.

Filing Year – The calendar year during which the information returns are submitted to DRS. 

Payee – Person or organization receiving payments from the payer or for whom an information return must be 
filed. The payee includes a gambling winner (Form W-2G) or a seller or other transferor.

Payer – Includes the person or institution making payments or a person reporting a real estate transaction. The 
payer will be held responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and timely submission of files submitted to DRS. 

Transmitter – Any person or organization submitting an electronic file to DRS.

myconneCTInteractive tool accessed through the DRS website at portal.ct.gov/DRS-myconneCT for a free, 
fast, easy, and secure way to conduct business with DRS.

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             Informational Publication 2022(15)

Forms 1099-R, 1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1099-NEC, and W-2G 

  Electronic Filing Requirements for Tax Year 2022

Use myconneCT to file taxes, make payments, view filing history, 
  and communicate with the agency simply and more efficiently 
  on virtually any mobile device, including laptops, tablets, and 
           smartphones, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Secure Messaging 
Send a secure message through myconneCT:
Log into myconneCT.
Open the More... menu.
Locate the Correspondence group and click the Send Message link.
Select the account, period, message area (e.g. account, return, refund), and 
Enter the subject and message. You can also add attachments to your 

           Visit us at portal.ct.gov/DRS for more information.

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