Enlarge image | SALSALESCONSUMERES& USE TAX & USE TAX MOMONTHLYUSE TAXTAXRETURNNTHLYRETURN TAX RETURN MONTH COVERED BY THIS REPORTONTH COVERED BY THIS REPORTM MONTH COVERED BY THIS REPORT OR R O OR PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORTERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORTP PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT www.cityofmobile.org/html/departments/revenuewww.cityofmobile.org/html/departments/revenuewww.cityofmobile.org/html/departments/revenuewww.cityofmobile.org/revenuewww.cityofmobile.org/revenue121214 From: F From: To:rom: To: To: CITY OF MOBILE • DEPARTMENT 1519 • P.O. BOX 11407 • BIRMINGHAM, AL 35246-1519 • 251-208-7462CITY OF MOBILE • DEPARTMENT 1519 • P.O. BOX 11407 • BIRMINGHAM, AL 35246-1519 • 251-208-7462CITY OF MOBILE • P.O. BOX 2745 • MOBILE, AL 36652-2745 • PHONE (251) 208-7461ITY OF MOBILE • P.O. BOX 2745 • MOBILE, AL 36652-2745 • PHONE (251) 208-7461C CITY OF MOBILE • P.O. BOX 2745 • MOBILE, AL 36652-2745 • PHONE (251) 208-7461 FIGURES MAY BE ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLARIGURES MAY BE ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLARF FIGURES MAY BE ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR IsIsIs thisthis aa finalfinal return return � �thisYYes Yes a final� �es NoNo.No..return IfI Ifyes,yes,attachattachexplanationexplanationandanddatedateclosedclosed_____/_____/_____f_____/_____/_____ yes, attach explanation and date closed _____/_____/_____ TAX DUE AT CITY RATE TAX DUE AT P/J RATEAX DUE AT CITY RATE TAX DUE AT P/J RATET TAX DUE AT CITY RATE TAX DUE AT P/J RATE 1. 1. 1. GGrossGrossReceipts/UseSales/Use TaxTaxross Sales/Use Tax Col.Col.ColCol.AAA---5%4% 4% Col.Col.Col.BB-2% B-2% - 2.25% Col.Col.Col.CC-2% C-2% - 2.5% Col.Col.Col.D-1%.D-1%D - 1.125%A - 4% Col. B-2% Col. C-2% Col. D-1% (A) Total sales of new and used vehicles, semi-trailers(A) Gross sales of new and used vehicles, semi-trailers(A) Gross sales of new and used vehicles, semi-trailers andandandtrucktrucktrucktrailerstrailers.trailers.delivered into Mobile, AL. (B)(B)(B)TotalGrossGrosssalessalessalesofofofmachinesmachinesmachinesandandandreplacementreplacementreplacementpartspartspartsusedduseused inininmanufacturingmanufacturingmanufacturingprocessprocess.process.delivered into Mobile, AL. (C)(C)(C)TotalGrossGrosssalessalessalesfromfromfromplacesplacesplacesofofofamusement.t.amusemenamusement. (D) Fair market value of properly purchased at wholesale(D) Fair market value of properly purchased at wholesale(D) Fair market value of properly purchased at wholesale withdrawn for use or otherwise disposed of.withdrawn for use or otherwise disposed of.withdrawn for use or otherwise disposed of. (E) Retail selling price of property used within the City or(E) Retail selling price of property used within the City or(E) Retail selling price of property used within the City or PJ on which Mobile tax has not been paid.PJ on which Mobile tax has not been paid.PJ on which Mobile tax has not been paid. (F) Total sales of liquid fuel, gaseous fuel and/or any other(F) Gross sales of liquid fuel, gaseous fuel and/or any other(F) Gross sales of liquid fuel, gaseous fuel and/or any other fuel for use both on and off highways.fuel for use both on and off highways.fuel for use both on and off highways. (G) Total sales of beer, liquor, wine and/or other alcoholic(G) Gross sales of beer, liquor, wine and/or other alcoholic(G) Gross sales of beer, liquor, wine and/or other alcoholic beverages.beverages.beverages. (H)(H)TotalGrosssalessalesoffromallbusinessall businessdeliverednot includedinto Mobile,aboveAL (H) Gross sales from not included above.all business not included above. . (I) Collections made during month on credit sales(I) Collections made during month on credit sales(I) Collections made during month on credit sales heretofore claimed as deductions on sale of receivables.heretofore claimed as deductions on sale of receivables.heretofore claimed as deductions on sale of receivables. 2. TOTAL2. TOTAL OF EACH COLUMN2. TOTAL OF EACH COLUMNOF EACH COLUMN (Lines A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H & I above)(Lines A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H & I above)(Lines A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H & I above) LESS: TOTAL DEDUCTIONS-LINE 4 ON REVERSE SIDELESS: TOTAL DEDUCTIONS-LINE 4 ON REVERSE SIDELESS: TOTAL DEDUCTIONS-LINE 4 ON REVERSE SIDE 5. TOTAL OF AMOUNTS REMAINING AS MEASURE OF5. TOTAL OF AMOUNTS REMAINING AS MEASURE OF5. TOTAL OF AMOUNTS REMAINING AS MEASURE OF TATATAX each column, line 2 minus line 4 from Reverse SideX each column, line 2 minus line 4 from Reverse SideX each column, line 2 minus line 4 from Reverse Side 6. 6. 6. AMOUNT OF TAAMOUNT OF TAAMOUNT OF TAX Each column (Line 5 x Applicable rateX Each column (Line 5 x Applicable rateX Each column (Line 5 x Applicable rate shown at top of column).shown at top of column).shown at top of column). 7. Number of new vehicles withdrawn7. Number of new vehicles withdrawn7. Number of new vehicles withdrawn ____________ x $5.00 (Col.B) CITY____________ x $5.00 (Col.B) CITY____________ x $5.00 (Col.B) CITY ____________ x $2.50 (Col.D) PJ____________ x $2.50 (Col.D) PJ____________ x $2.50 (Col.D) PJ 8. AMOUNT OF TAX - Each Col.8. AMOUNT OF TAX - Each Col.8. AMOUNT OF TAX - Each Col. 9. Add ______________% Penalty - (SEE BELOW*)9. Add ______________% Penalty - (SEE BELOW*)9. Add ______________% Penalty - (SEE BELOW*) 10. TOTAL EACH COL.10. TOTAL EACH COL.10. TOTAL EACH COL. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSEOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSET TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED WWD D WITH THIS REPORTTH THIS REPORTI ITH THIS REPORT $ $ $ IF BUSINESS NAME IS IMPRINTED,THIS RETURN MAY BE USED ONLY BYTHE BUSINESS NAMED.F BUSINESS NAME IS IMPRINTED,THIS RETURN MAY BE USED ONLY BYTHE BUSINESS NAMED.I IF BUSINESS NAME IS IMPRINTED,THIS RETURN MAY BE USED ONLY BYTHE BUSINESS NAMED. *PENALT*PENALTY*PENALT Y YOF OF OF 5% 5% 5% PER PER PER MONTHMONTHMONTH WHENWHENWHEN PAIDPAIDPAID AFTERAFTERAFTER 20TH20TH20TH OFOFOF Account Number: - MONTH FOLLOWING THE PERIODMONTH FOLLOWING THE PERIODMONTH FOLLOWING THE PERIOD COVERED.COVERED.COVERED. This T This report,report,including including accompanying accompanying schedules schedulesorhis report, including accompanying schedules or or statements, has been examined by me and is to thetatements, has been examined by me and is to thes statements, has been examined by me and is to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and est of my knowledge and belief, a true and b best of my knowledge and belief, a true and com ________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ complete complete report report made made in in good good _______________________________faith faith for for the the periodperiodplete report made in good faith for the period Date D Date ate Signature Signature Sig TitleTitlenature Titlesstated.tated.stated. REV. 5/11/2010REV. 9/3/2008REV. 9/3/2008 |
Enlarge image | ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEEDED SCHEDULE “C” - RETAIL DEALERS IN GASOLINE INFORMATION RETURN Gallons of diesel Gallons of -Other- purchased to be Kerosene name fuel & Gallons of gasoline retained for Dollar Value of purchased to be Name & Address of Supplier and aircraft fuel diesel purchased retained for Dollar Value of report no. of gallons Dollar Value Kerosene to be retained for of other purchased High- High- High- High- purchased High- Non purchased way way way way way Highway Use Use Use Use Use Use - SCHEDULE OF WHOLESALE SALES. WHOLESALE SALES ARE SALES FOR RESALE - ATTACH COPIES OF SCHEDULE “D” INVOICES WHEN CLAIMING DEDUCTION. Customer’s Retail Sales Account Customer’s Name Address Total Amount Sold Number To Each Customer $ - SCHEDULE OF SALES TO CITY OF MOBILE DIRECT PAY PERMIT HOLDERS - ATTACH COPIES OF SCHEDULE “E” INVOICES WHEN CLAIMING DEDUCTION. City of Mobile Direct Pay Permit Name of Permit Holder Address Total Amount Sold Number To Each Customer $ - OTHER ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS - EXPLAIN FULLY AND QUALIFY WITH COPIES OF INVOICES WHEN SCHEDULE “F” CLAIMING DEDUCTION. $ 3. SUMMARY OF DEDUCTIONS Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. D (a) Taxable credit sales made during current month not collected (b) Total wholesale sales (SALES FOR RESALE) both cash and credit - use SCHEDULE “D” (c) Sales of lubricating oils and grease (d) Sales of gasoline (RETAILER COMPLETE SCHEDULE “C” - DISTRIBUTORS COMPLETE SCHEDULE A-1) (e) Sales of fertilizer, seeds for planting purposes, baby chicks and poults (f) Sales of foodstuffs for animal consumption - not including dog and cat food (g) Sales to U.S. Gov., State of Alabama. Counties and incorporated cities and towns of Alabama (h) Sales to firms holding a city of Mobile Direct Pay Permit _ must complete SCHEDULE “E”. (j) Sales of prescription drugs (l) Credit allowed for vehicles taken as part payment on sales - trade-ins (m) OTHER ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS - (EXPLAIN FULLY ON SCHEDULE “F”) 4. TOTALS OF DEDUCTIONS - total of each column and enter on front $ $ $ $ DEDUCTIONS NOT DOCUMENTED WILL BE DISALLOWED - - AMOUNT OWED PLUS PENALTY WILL BE ASSESSED |