Enlarge image | Send completed return and payment to: QUARTERLY SALES & TRANSIENT ROOM City and Borough of Sitka TAX RETURN Finance Department - Sales Tax 100 Lincoln Street Sitka, Alaska 99835 Via email: tax@cityofsitka.org For the quarter ending: Questions call 907-747-1840 ☐Check here if no business activity this period. Sign, date, and return form CHANGE ADDRESS: (Additional forms online) on time to avoid late filing fee. Mailing: _______________________________ Account #: Physical: _______________________________ Name: Address: ☐CLOSED: Permanently or Sold. Please complete information on the back of this form. See reverse side for instructions and exemptions. Sales Tax Sales Tax Transient Room Tax 1. GROSS RECEIPTS (EXCLUDING TAX) 5% 6% 6% A. Sales/service ________________ ________________ B. Rental (long-term always 5%) ________________ XX (always 5%) XX C. Rentals less than 30 days ________________ ________________ ________________ 2. TOTAL RECEIPTS (Add lines A-C) ________________ ________________ ________________ 3. LESS EXEMPTIONS A. Wholesale/resale ________________ ________________ ________________ B. Long-term residential rentals ________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C. Outside municipality ________________ ________________ D. Sales to senior citizens with exemption card ________________ ________________ E. Government agencies ________________ ________________ ________________ F. Government supported exempt agencies ________________ ________________ G. Sales over the taxable limit ________________ ________________ H. Other exemptions -attach list: REQUIRED- ________________ ________________ ________________ 4. TOTAL EXEMPTIONS (Add exemptions A-H) (_______________) (_______________) (_______________) 5. Net Taxable Receipts (Subtract Line 4 from Line 2) ________________ ________________ ________________ X .05 X .06 X .06 6. Calculate Tax (multiple line 5 by tax rate) _______________ ______________ ______________ (1) (2) (3) 7. Fish Box Tax: containers x $10.00 sales tax = 8. Subtotal Tax (Total Line 6 columns (1-3) and Line 7 $___________________ A. Less tax paid: First month (___________________) B. Less tax paid: Second month (___________________) C. Credit from previous returns (___________________) D. Less discount 3% of Line 8 **if timely monthly payments were made – maximum $100.00 (___________________) 9. Add: Late Filing Fee($15.00 for first month to $100.00 –see back for schedule) ____________________ 10. Add: Penalty (5% per month or part thereof to 25% - see back for schedule) ____________________ 11. Add: Interest(12% of delinquent tax per annum –calculation on back) ____________________ 12. Amount due from previous return(s) ____________________ 13 TOTAL DUE WITH RETURN $___________________ I declare, subject to penalties prescribed by ordinance, that this return (including and Paid preparer signature: ________________________ attachments) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge is a true, correct, and complete return. Printed name: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________ Contact phone #: ______________ Printed Name: ____________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Phone #: ________________________ |
Enlarge image | COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF THIS IS A FINAL RETURN Date Business Discontinued____________________________ Reason Business Discontinued______________________________________________________ Name of Purchaser ____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS, SALES & TRANSIENT LODGING TAX RETURN GROSS RECEIPTS: st th Item 1. Enter here allstreceipts in appropriatesttax column. April 1 - June. 30 6% tax is levied excluding long term rentals which remains at the 5% rate; July. 1 - March 31 5% tax is levied. If sales tax was collected at a higher rate, you can remit the sales tax or refund the customer. Line 1C should be the same in the sales tax columns and the transient room tax column except in the Lodge or Charter Industry where market value is used to establish room tax. Include exempt sales as they will be subtracted from the total under deductions. DO NOT include sales tax on this line in order for final calculations to be correct. EXEMPTIONS: Item 3A. Wholesale. List here sales which are covered by wholesale-resale exemption certificates. No exemptions may be claimed under this category unless covered by certificates. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3B. Long Term Residential Rentals. List here rent received for residential housing for thirty (30) or more consecutive days or an entire calendar month by a person or persons for a room, set of rooms, structure, or suite. Trailer space rental is not exempt. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3C. Outside Municipality. List here sales for which the order is received from outside the municipality by mail, radio or other public communication, and which are also delivered by mail or another common carrier. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3D. Sales to senior citizens with exemption card. Sales, except for alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or tobacco products, and marijuana or marijuana products to persons over 65 years of age who have been issued exemption cards and are making purchases solely for their personal use. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3E. Government agencies. List here sales to federal, state, or municipal governments. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3F. Government supported exempt agencies. List here sales to agencies who have been issued an exemption certificate which proves that they are 50% government funded. Be prepared to list these on request. Item 3G. Sales over taxable limit. This covers that portion of a selling price for a single sale unit over $12,000.00 which is sold to and is for the exclusive use of a single-family unit. See SGC 4.09.100(n) for further clarification. Item 3H. Other Exemptions. List here any exempt items not included in the other deductions. Please explain fully. CALCULATIONS: Item 5. Net taxable receipts for quarter. To arrive at this figure, subtract your total deductions from your gross receipts. Item 6. Tax Calculated from taxable receipts for quarter. Multiply net taxable receipts by 5% or 6%. Item 7. Fish Box tax. Enter no. of fish containers retained by fish charter customers & then multiply by $10.00 sales tax due. Item 8. Subtotal tax. Combine the tax calculated for the 5% and 6% rates and the fish box tax. Item 8A -C. Tax paid for first and second months of the quarter and credit or overpayments on account. This will reflect any payments or credits that may be applied to this quarter’s tax due. Item 8D. This is allowed only if you have made monthly payments following the schedule below. Monthly Tax: Paid by: Form Monthly Tax: Paid by: Form January February 15 Monthly July August 15 Monthly February March 15 Monthly August September 15 Monthly March April 30 Quarterly September October 31 Quarterly April May 15 Monthly October November 15 Monthly May June 15 Monthly November December 15 Monthly June July 31 Quarterly December January 31 Quarterly If any payment is late, the discount for the quarter will not be allowed. If you are eligible for discount, compute here 3% of total tax due for quarter, line 7. Discount may not exceed $100. for each month or part of a month that you are delinquent as well as a penalty 1 month or part thereof for any tax owed as per the schedule. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 2 month or part thereof This applies only at the end of the quarter. 3 month or part thereof Payments are applied to late fees, penalty, and interest first before being applied 4 month or part thereof to the tax owing for the quarter. 5 month or part thereof Item 9 & 10. Late Filing Fee & Penalty. If you are delinquent, add a late fee Month(s)ndthstthrd delinquent Penalty 5%20%15%25%10% Late$ $ $100.00$ $ 15.0090.0065.0040.00Fee x x Item 11. Interest. Add 12% per annum, from date of delinquency, of any delinquent amounts. (TAX .12 (# of days/365)) Item 13. Total Due with Return. Total lines 8 through 12 and pay amount recorded here. Returns shall be filed by or postmarked prior to 4:45 p.m. on the last day of the month following the end of each quarter. In the event the last day of the month falls on a legal holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, then the return may be filed on the first business day following. Rev. 7/2023 |