Enlarge image | City of Palmer ● Department of Finance 231 W. Evergreen Avenue ● Palmer, AK 99645 Phone: 907-745-3271 Fax: 907-745-0930 www.palmerak.org Sales Tax Remittance Form Please indicate the time frame you are filing this return for: Month Ending Quarter Ending Semi-annual Period Ending Palmer Business License No. Business Name Mailing Address City State Zip Consumers Tax on Sales, Services, Etc. Palmer Municipal Code 3.16 Your gross revenue must include the amount of all sales rentals & services, all nontaxable sales, rentals & services, including amounts over the $1,000 maximum tax cap. Gross revenue from retail sales $ 1. Gross revenue from sales & services rendered, inc. materials $ 2. Gross revenues from residential and commercial rentals $ 3. Gross revenues from other sources $ 4. Total revenues $ 5. Less exceptions claimed per Palmer Municipal Code $ (attach statement itemizing exceptions) 6. Net taxable revenue – Line 5 minus Line 6 $ 7. Computation of tax Line 8: 3% of line 7 $ 8. Late Filing Fee Line 9: $25.00 $ 9. Penalty Line 10: In addition to the fee, a penalty of 5% of the tax for each month or portion thereof late after duedate, until total penalty of 20% has been accrued. $ 10. Line 10 =Line 8 x 5% for eachmonth or portion thereof late (maximum 20%) InterestLine 11 : 0.15 times tax amount divided by 365 times number of days late $ 11. Total Amount Due (add lines 8, 9, 10, 11) $ 12. The sales tax return, and the related remittance of sales tax, is due and must be received, not merely postmarked, by the City not later than 5 pm on the last business day of the month immediately following the month, quarter, or semi-annual period for which the return was prepared. I declare, subject to the penalties prescribed in Chapter 3.16.160 of the Palmer Municipal Code, that this return and any accompanying statements has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge, this return is a true, correct and complete return. __________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of firm member, owner or agent Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Mail _____ Received Counter ______ Drop Box _____ Revised August 2020 |