Enlarge image | CITY OF NORTH POLE SALES TAX RETURN This return must be received, with payment, by the last day of the following month taxes were collected to: CITY OF NORTH POLE 125 SNOWMAN LANE NORTH POLE, AK 99705 BUSINESS NAME, ADDRESS & EMAIL: ____________________________________________________ DATE:____________________________ ____________________________________________________ ACCT. NUMBER:___________________ ____________________________________________________ Check here if change of address/phone number. New owners must apply for business license. 1. Gross Sales for Month : _________________ $ __________________ 2. Credit Card Service Fees $ __________________ 3. Non-Taxable Sales (see chp.4, Sec. 4.08.020 & 4.08.050 of North Pole Code) $ __________________ 4. Gross Taxable Sales $ __________________ (Subtract lines two and three from line one) 5. Sales Tax Due (5% of line four) $ __________________ ($10 cap per transaction) 6. Fees: (Calculate the following charges based on line five) a. Returns 1 - 29 days past due add $25 or .00875 of sales tax due, whichever is greater, in addition to the total amount due . Incomplete returns add an additional penalty of $15. $ __________________ b. Returns 30- 60 days past due add $50 or .00875 of sales tax due, whichever is greater, in addition to all previous fees and penalties. $ __________________ Incomplete returns will incur an additional penalty of $15. c. Returns 61 days past due will incur a reoccurring monthly fee of $50 in addition to all previous fees, interest. Sellers failing to file complete returns & full remittance will be subject to revocation of their business license and a lien against the seller’s property will be administered. $ __________________ 7. TOTAL FEES DUE $ __________________ 8. TOTAL SALES TAX/FEES DUE $ __________________ (Add lines 5,6 & 7 show amount here) Interest at the rate of 10.5% per annum, applied monthly, shall accrue on all delinquent taxes & fees starting from the due date until paid in full. I DECLARE, SUBJECT TO THE FEES PRESCRIBED, THAT THIS RETURN (INCLUDING ACCOMPANYING STATEMENTS) HAS BEEN EXAMINED BY ME, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF IS A TRUE, CORRECT, AND COMPLETE RETURN. DATE: ______________ OWNER/AGENT: _____________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER :_____________________________________________ EMAIL:____________________________________________________ |