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                                                    Tax Attribute Carryovers
Form            For calendar year _____ or the taxable year beginning _________, _____, ending __________, ____

EIN                                  Name Shown on Return

Name and EIN of Alaska taxpayer generating attributes, if different from taxpayer(s) filing this return (attach additional forms if necessary):
EIN                                                            Name

Enter all numbers as positive numbers
1. Net operating loss (NOL) carryover
    Tax Year-End of NOL                                      Charitable Contributions 
     mm/dd/yyyy                    NOL Generated               Converted to NOL           Previously Utilized            Available
     A                                      B                             C                                   D          B + C - D = E

2. Total NOL carryover available.  Sum of line 1, column E . . .      . . . . . .     . . . . .                 . . . . 2

3. Alaska income from Schedule A, line 1.   . . . .        . . .      . . . . . .     . . . . .                 . . . . 3

4. NOL carryover to be utilized.  Enter the lesser of line 2 or line 3.  Enter here and on Schedule A, line 2 . . . . . 4
5. Net operating loss (NOL) for carryback.  
     Tax Year-end of NOL
     mm/dd/yyyy                                 NOL Generated                   Previously Utilized                      Available
        A                                           B                                   C                                B - C = D

6. Total NOL carryback available.  Sum of line 5, column D . . .      . . . . . .     . . . . .                 . . . . 6

7. Subtract line 4 from line 3 . .   .  .   . . . .        . . .      . . . . . .     . . . . .                 . . . . 7

8. NOL carryback to be utilized.  Enter the lesser of line 6 or line 7.  Enter here and on Schedule A, line 2   . . . . 8
9. Unused capital loss carryover
     Tax Year-End of Loss
     mm/dd/yyyy                                 Loss Generated                  Previously Utilized                      Available
        A                                           B                                   C                                B - C = D

10. Total capital loss carryover available.  Sum of line 9, column D  . . . . . .     . . . . .                 . . 10
                                                                                                                         0405-6385 Rev 09/01/20

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                                     Tax Attribute Carryovers

EIN                                  Name Shown on Return

11. Net Alaska capital and section 1231 gains (see instructions) .   . . . . . .   . .            . .        . .   .     11

12. Capital loss carryover to be utilized.  Enter the lesser of line 10 or line 11 and on Schedule J, line 9 .   .   .   12

13. Unused capital loss for carryback
     Tax Year-End of Loss
     mm/dd/yyyy                      Loss Generated                            Previously Utilized                               Available
        A                            B                                                          C                                B - C = D

14. Total capital loss carryback available.  Sum of line 13, column D. . . . . . .   .          .   . .        .   .   . 14

15. Net Alaska capital and section 1231 gains limited for carryback purposes (see instructions) . .   .      .   .   .   15

16. Capital loss carryback to be utilized.  Enter the lesser of line 14 or line 15 and on Schedule J, line 9 .   .   .   16

17. Excess charitable contributions
Tax Year-End of Excess Contributions                                     Charitable Contributions 
     mm/dd/yyyy                      Excess Contributions                  Converted to NOL                  Previously Utilized Available
          A                          B                                           C                                       D       B - C - D = E

18. Total charitable contribution carryover.  Sum of line 17, column E.  Enter here and on Schedule K, line 6    .   .   . . 18

19. Alaska net alternative minimum tax (AMT) previously paid. 
     Tax Year-End
     mm/dd/yyyy                      AK AMT Paid                               AK AMT Credit Claimed                           Net AMT Paid
        A                            B                                                          C                                B - C = D

20. Total Alaska AMT previously paid.  Sum of line 19, column D.  Enter here and on Schedule A, line 11   .      .   .   20

                                                                                                                                 0405-6385 Rev 09/01/20

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