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WLD-612 (7/2012) 
                                                                   STATE OF WYOMING 
                                                                   Department of Revenue 
                                                                        Liquor Division 
                                                                   6601 Campstool Road 
                                                                   Cheyenne, WY  82002-0110                                                        
                                                                        (307) 777-6449       
                       Limited Transportation Liquor License Application 
                   Type of Business:                               Railroad 
 Type of License              Railroad:               Annual (Fee $250.00)  24Hr (Fee $25.00) 
 Applied for:                 Charter:  Annual (Fee $250.00)   24Hr (Fee $25.00) 
Effective:   From:             /          /                             To:             /          /           
Applicant:                                                                       D/B/A:                                                                   
Contact Person:                                                                                                 Phone: (          )        -              
Company Location:                                                                City:                                  State:              Zip:          
Mailing Address:                                                                 City:                                  State:              Zip:          
Vehicle License Plate Number:                                                                                           State:                            
  INDIVIDUAL                 PARTNERSHIP                                 CORPORATION            LLC                          LLP 
NOTE: Individual and Partnership filers must be domiciled residents of Wyoming for at least one year and not claimed 
residence in any other state in the last twelve months, and provide personal information in table below. 
 Applicants Legal Name  Date of DO NOT LIST PO BOXES                        Residence Phone    Have you been a                     Have you       Have you been 
                        Birth    Residence Address, Street,                   Number          DOMICILED resident for                been          Convicted of a 
                                     City, State & Zip                                         at least 1 year and not            Convicted of a Violation Relating 
                                                                                              claimed residence in any              Felony       to Alcoholic Liquor 
                                                                                              other statein the last year?         Violation?    or Malt Beverages? 
                                                                                                               YES                YES             YES     
                                                                                                               NO                 NO              NO      
                                                                                                               YES                YES             YES     
                                                                                                               NO                 NO              NO      
  (If more information is required, complete in identical form, on a separate piece of paper and attach to this application.) 
If a corporation, LLC or LLP list the full names and residence address of all the officers and directors and of all shareholders 
owning jointly or severally ten percent (10%) or  more of the stock of the corporation, LLC or  LLP. Use  back of form  if 
additional space is needed. 
 Applicants Legal Name  Date of DO NOT LIST PO BOXES                        Residence Phone  For corp or              For corp or  Have you       Have you been 
                        Birth    Residence Address, Street,                   Number          LLC. No of               LLC.         been          Convicted of a 
                                     City, State & Zip                                       years in corp            % of Stock  Convicted of a Violation Relating 
                                                                                              or LLC                   Held         Felony       to Alcoholic Liquor 
                                                                                                                                   Violation?    or Malt Beverages? 
                                                                                                                                  YES              YES    
                                                                                                                                  NO              NO      
                                                                                                                                  YES              YES    
                                                                                                                                  NO              NO      
  (If more information is required, complete in identical form, on a separate piece of paper and attach to this application.) 
By filing this application, I agree to operate in Wyoming under the requirements of W.S.12-2-202 and all other applicable Wyoming 
laws and rules, and to file required sales tax reporting documents and taxes. 
By signing this application, I acknowledge  for __________________________________________(Business Name) that all of the 
information provided is true and correct, and that I agree to meet the Wyoming operating conditions specified above.  This application 
must be signed by an owner, partner, corporate office or LLC/LLP member. 
(Requires signatures by ALL Individuals, ALL           Partners, ONE (1) LLC Member, TWO (2) Corporate Officers or Directors, except 
that if all the stock of the corporation is owned by ONE (1) individual then that individual may sign and verify the application upon 
his oath, or TWO (2) Club Officers.) W.S.12-4-102(b) 
Under  penalty  of  perjury,  and  the  possible  revocation  or  cancellation  of  the  license,  I  swear  the  above  stated  facts,  are  true  and 
Dated this _______ day of _______________, _______.                             
                 For Liquor Division Use Only                                   
Agent:                                                                         ________________________________________________ 
Date:   _                                                                                                                Applicant 

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