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Please complete all sections starting with Section I.
Section I: Business Information
Check Boxes
Put a check in any of the boxes in the first two lines that apply to your business. Each block in the next two lines is self-explanatory
and requires a check in the appropriate box or information.
Business Name
The business name should be the DBA (Doing Business As) or if you are not using a business name, the name of the owner.
Business Location Address
The address listed is your business location address. Include suite, unit, or apartment numbers. P.O. Box numbers are not
accepted for business location.
Business Telephone
The telephone number listed here should correspond to the business location.
Fax Number
Provide the fax number for the person who should receive inquiries concerning this application.
E-mail Address
Provide the E-mail address for the person who should receive inquiries concerning this application.
State Tax License #
List your Arizona State privilege tax number if you are required to have one.
Federal ID #
List your Federal Employer Identification Number. This number is required in order to use Tucson Tax and License Online.
Section II: Mailing Address And Telephone Number
List business legal entity name if different from Section I, or "In-Care-Of" name or information. Property managers or independent
tax preparers who will be receiving returns should list their name here.
Mailing Address
Provide the mailing address. Note: Business license and tax billings will be sent to this address. Please include suite, unit, or
apartment numbers.
Telephone Number
Provide the telephone number that corresponds to the mailing location.
Section III. Business Ownership And Record Location
Please indicate the type of ownership. If you mark "other" please describe. All corporations must provide: State in which
incorporated, State Incorporation Number, officers' names and addresses (at least two) and statutory agent information. A Limited
Liability Corporation (LLC) must have at least one member. General partnerships must provide the name of the general partner(s).
Owners/Partners/LLC/Members Or Officers
List complete owner/officer/partner information as requested. Include names and titles. P.O. Box numbers are not acceptable for
home addresses.
Corporation Name If Different From DBA
The corporation name, if applicable.
Location Where Business Records Are Kept
Complete this section if business records are not kept at the location listed in Section I.
Section IV: Business Type
Describe Nature Of Business
Provide a detailed description of business activity. For example, if retail sales, list type of items to be sold; if construction
contracting, list type of contracting, etc. If you are doing construction contracting, please indicate your Contractor's number with
Arizona Registrar of Contractors.
Check Method You Will Use To Submit Reports
Check cash receipts if you recognize income and expense based upon the date you receive funds or pay bills. Check accrual
method if you recognize income when earned and expense when incurred regardless of when cash is received or disbursed.
Section V: Business Premises Status
Ownership Of Business Location
If your business location is a residence, check "Yes" and complete the enclosed Home Occupational Form. If you answer "No", please
indicate whether or not you own your business location. If you do not own your business location, please provide the name of the legal
owner or property manager along with their mailing address and telephone number.
Application & License Fees
Effective January 1, 2015, all applications for a City of Tucson business license must include a $25 application fee and a $50 annual license
fee. The annual license fee is prorated by quarter. If your business is starting between April 1 and June 30, the fee is $37.50. If your
business is starting between July 1 and September 30, the fee is $25.00. If your business is starting between October 1 and December
31, the fee is $12.50. If your business is engaged in a taxable activity in the City of Tucson, please include a license fee of $20 for a
municipal tax license.
All applications MUST be signed by either the Sole Owner, All Partners, One Corporate Officer, Trustee, or General Partner.
Application and annual license fees are non-refundable.