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Tax Audit & Collections
20 East Main Street, Suite 450
PO Box 1466
Mesa, Arizona 85211-1466
(480) 644-2051 Tel
(480) 644-2687 Fax
Tax Clearance Request Form
Transaction Privilege Tax#
Requestor’s Name:
Name of Business:
City: State: Zip code: Phone #: Fax #:
Mailing address to mail request:
The Reason for the request of the Tax Clearance:
Dissolution of Corporation Date of Dissolution of Corporation:
Sale of Business Date of the Sale: Transaction Privilege Tax#
Name of New Owner:
City: State: Zip code:
Other (please specify):
Signature: _____________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
(Corporate Officer, Partner, Owner)
Print and Mail form to: City of Mesa, Tax Audit & Collections, PO Box 1466, Mesa, AZ, 8211-1466.