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BOE-570-FO-2 (BACK) REV. 2 (01-08)
InstructIons for completIng form Boe-570-fo-2
Complete general information listing name of management company, county in which the airport is
located, airport name, and previous calendar year nonscheduled flight activity. Fill in the columns in
the following manner:
column A. List aircraft by make, model, and series from BOE-570-FO-1.
column B. Enter the total arrivals and departures of this type of aircraft at this airport only for the prior
calendar year.
column c. Enter the total arrivals and departures of this type of aircraft system wide for the prior
calendar year.
column D. Calculate the total factor by dividing the number of arrivals and departures of all aircraft
at this airport in Column B by the total number of arrivals and departures in Column C.
column e. The taxablevalueoftheoperartor’sentirefleetofeachtypeofaircraftwillbedetermined
by the Assessor reported on BOE-570-FO-1 and entered into this column.
column f. The Assessor will multiply the total factor in Column D by the taxable value in Column E
and enter the result here.
column g. (Assessor’s Use Only)