MARK CHURCH EF-502-A-R14-0518-41005969-1 Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder BOE-502-A (P1) REV. 1 4(05-18) 555 County Center PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT Redwood City, CA 94063 T P 650.363.4500 F 650.599.7435 email Preliminary Change of Ownership Report web filed with each conveyance in the County Recorder’s office for the county where the property is located. NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF BUYER/TRANSFEREE ASSESSOR'SPARCELNUMBER (Make necessary corrections to the printed name and mailing address SELLER/TRANSFEROR BUYER’SDAYTIMETELEPHONENUMBER ( ) BUYER’SEMAILADDRESS STREETADDRESSORPHYSICALLOCATIONOFREALPROPERTY MO DAY YEAR YES NO Thispropertyisintendedasmyprincipalresidence.IfYES,pleaseindicatethedateofoccupancy orintendedoccupancy. YES NO Areyouadisabledveteranoraunmarriedsurvivingspouseofadisabledveteranwhowas compensatedat100%bytheDepartmentofVeteransAffairs? MAILPROPERTYTAXINFORMATIONTO(NAME) MAILPROPERTYTAXINFORMATIONTO(ADDRESS) CITY STATE ZIPCODE PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please complete all statements. YES NO A. Thistransferissolelybetweenspouses (addition or removal of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce settlement, etc.). B. ThistransferissolelybetweendomesticpartnerscurrentlyregisteredwiththeCaliforniaSecretaryofState (addition or removal of a partner, death of a partner, termination settlement, etc.). * C. Thisisatransfer: between parent(s) and child(ren) from grandparent(s) to grandchild(ren). * This transferistheresultofacotenant’sdeath. Dateofd * E. This transaction is to replace a principal residence owned by a person 55 years of age or older. Withinthesamecounty? YES NO * F. ThistransactionistoreplaceaprincipalresidencebyapersonwhoisseverelydisabledasdefinedbyRevenueandTaxationCode section69.5.Withinthesamecounty? YES NO G. This transaction is only a correction of the name(s) of the person(s) holding title to the property (e.g., a name change upon marriage). IfYES,pleaseexplain: H. Therecordeddocumentcreates,terminates,orreconveysalender'sinterestintheproperty. I. This transaction is recorded only as a requirement for financing purposes or to create, terminate, or reconvey a security interest (e.g., cosigner).IfYES,pleaseexplain: J. Therecordeddocumentsubstitutesatrusteeofatrust,mortgage,orothersimilardocument. K. Thisisatransferofproperty: 1. to/fromarevocabletrustthatmayberevokedbythetransferorandisforthebenefitof thetransferor,and/or thetransferor'sspouse registereddomesticpartner. 2. to/fromanirrevocabletrustforthebenefitofthe creator/grantor/trustorand/or grantor's/trustor’s grantor’s/trustor’s registereddomesticpartner. L. Thispropertyissubjecttoaleasewitharemainingleasetermof35yearsormoreincludingwrittenoptions. M. This is a transfer between parties in which proportional interests of the transferor(s) and transferee(s) in each and every parcel requir * O. Thistransferistothefirstpurchaserofanewbuildingcontaininganactivesolarenergysystem. P. Other.Thistransferisto * Please provide any other information that will help the Assessor understand the nature of the transfer. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION |
EF-502-A-R14-0518-41005969-2 BOE-502-A (P2) REV. 1 4(05-18) PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION Check and complete as applicable. A. Dateoftransfer,ifotherthanrecordingdate: B. Typeoftransfer: Purchase Foreclosure Gift Tradeorexchange Merger,stock,orpartnershipacquisition(FormBOE-100-B) Contractofsale.Dateof Inheritance.Dateofdeath: Sale/leaseback Creationofalease Assignment of a lease Terminationofalease.Dateleasebegan: Original term in years (including written options): Remaining term in years (including written options): Other.Pleaseexplain: C. Onlyapartialinterestinthepropertywastransferred. YES NO IfYES,indicatethepercentagetransferred: % PART 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Check and complete as applicable. A. Totalpurchaseprice $_______________ B. Cashdownpaymentorvalueoftradeorexchangeexcludingclosingcosts Amount$_______________ C. Firstdeedoftrust@______%interestfor______years. Monthlypayment$_____________ Amount$_______________ FHA(___DiscountPoints) Cal-Vet VA(___DiscountPoints) Fixedrate Variable rate Bank/Savings&Loan/CreditUnion Loancarriedbyseller Balloonpayment$_____________ Duedate:_____________ D. Seconddeedoftrust@______%interestfor______years.Monthlypayment$_____________ Amount$_______________ Fixedrate Variable rate Bank/Savings&Loan/CreditUnion Loancarriedbyseller Balloonpayment$_____________ Duedate:_____________ E. WasanImprovementBondorotherpublicfinancingassumedbythebuyer? YES NO Outstandingbalance$_______________ F. Amount,ifany,ofrealestatecommissionfeespaidbythebuyerwhicharenotincludedinthepurchaseprice $_______________ G. Thepropertywaspurchased: Throughrealestatebroker.Brokername: Phonenumber: ( ) Direct from seller From a family member-Relationship Other.Pleaseexplain: H. Pleaseexplainanyspecialterms,sellerconcessions,broker/agentfeeswaived,financing,andanyotherinformation(e.g.,buyerassumedthe existingloanbalance)thatwouldassisttheAssessorinthevaluationofyourproperty. PART 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION Check and complete as applicable. A. Type of property transferred Single-family residence Co-op/Own-your-own Manufacturedhome Multiple-familyresidence.Numberofunits: Condominium Unimprovedlot Other.Description:(i.e.,timber,mineral,waterrights,etc.) Timeshare Commercial/Industrial B. YES NO Personal/businessproperty,orincentives,providedbysellertobuyerareincludedinthepurchaseprice.Examplesofpersonal propertyarefurniture,farmequipment,machinery,etc.Examplesofincentivesareclubmemberships,etc.Attachlistifavailable. IfYES,enterthevalueofthepersonal/businessproperty: $ Incentives $ C. YES NO Amanufacturedhomeisincludedinthepurchaseprice. IfYES,enterthevalueattributedtothemanufacturedhome: $ YES NO Themanufacturedhomeissubjecttolocalpropertytax.IfNO,enterdecalnumber: D. YES NO Thepropertyproducesrentalorotherincome. IfYES,theincomeisfrom: Lease/rent Contract Mineral rights Other: E. Theconditionofthepropertyatthetimeofsalewas: Good Average Fair Poor Pleasedescribe:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATION I certify (or declare) that the foregoing and all information hereon, including any accompanying statements or documents, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SIGNATUREt OF BUYER/TRANSFEREE OR CORPORATE OFFICER DATE TELEPHONE ( ) NAME OF BUYER/TRANSFEREE/PERSONALREPRESENTATIVE/CORPORATE OFFICER (PLEASE PRINT) TITLE EMAILADDRESS Assessor’ |
EF-502-A-R14-0518-41005969-3 BOE-502-A (P3) REV. 1 4(05-18) INFORMATION Preliminary Change of Ownership Report NOTICE You may be responsible for the current or upcoming property taxes even if you do not receive the tax bill. location of the real property. NOTE: Your telephone number and/or email address is very important. If there is a question or a problem, the Assessor needs to be able to contact you. T A claim form must be filed a nd all requirements met in order to obtain the exemption. Please contact the Assessor for a claim form. PART 1: TRANSFER INFORMATION If you check YES to any of these statements, the Assessor may ask for supporting documentation. C, D, E, F: base. A claim form must be filed and all requirements met in order to obtain any of these exclusions. Y G: H: in the property. "Beneficial interest" I: A "cosigner" M: exactly the same. N: this property is subject to a government or nonprofit affordable housing program that imposes restrictions. P O: A claim form must be filed and all requirements met in order to obtain the exclusion. Contact the Assessor for a claim form. PART 2: OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION A: B: sheet if necessary. C. Change in Ownership Statement, Death of Real Property Owner, |
EF-502-A-R14-0518-41005969-4 4 5-18) PART 3: PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Y A. “Mortgage insurance”insuramortgagor’FHA . B. costs. “Closing costs” propertyseller ’ C. T A “balloon payment” paid installment. D. T E.balance, An “improvement bond or other public financing” F. G. broker broker’numberthe the “Direct from sellerfamilywho” purchaproperty “From a family member” fatheraunt, “OTHER”and provide a detailed description (attach a separate sheet if necessary). H. unrecorde propertyconcession(e.g., the in . PART 4: PROPERTY INFORMATION A. B. businebusiness machinery tickets, homeowners’ not provided. C. attributable Vbeing . D.source geneowner-occupied. E. “fair ”or “poor”a brief description of repair needed. |