PDF document
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                                                                            Secretary of State 
                                                                Business Programs Division 
                                                                            Business Entities 
                                                   1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 
                                               P.O. Box 944260, Sacramento, CA 94244-2600 

                                                    Submission Cover Sheet


• Complete and include this form with your paper submission. This information only will be
  used to communicate in writing about the submission, if needed. This form will be
  treated as correspondence and will not be made part of the filed document.

• Make all checks or money orders payable to the Secretary of State.

• In person submissions (excluding Statements of Information): $15 handling fee; do not include
  a $15 handling fee when submitting documents by mail.

• Standard processing time for submissions to this office is approximately 5 business days from
  receipt. All submissions are reviewed in the date order of receipt with online submissions
  given priority. For updated processing time information, visit

Optional Copy and Certification Fees: 

• If applicable, include optional certification fees with your submission.

• For applicable certification fee information, refer to the instructions of the specific form you are

Contact Person: (Please type or print legibly) 

First Name:                                     Last Name: 

Phone (optional):  

Entity Information: (Please type or print legibly) 


Entity Number (if applicable):



Submission Cover Sheet (REV 03/2022)                            Clear Form  Print Form

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                                     Instructions for Completing the 
                                     Certificate of Correction (Form LLC-LP-11) 

Limited Liability Company (LLC) 
This form can be used to correct an LLC document that was previously filed with the California Secretary of 
State if the record:  
• was filed pursuant to the California Revised Uniform LLC Act commencing with California Corporations Code 
  section 17701.01; and
• at the time of filing, contained inaccurate information or was defectively signed.
The correction will be effective retroactively as of the effective date of the record this form corrects.
Note:  This form may not indicate a delayed (future) effective date. (California Corporations Code section 

Limited Partnership (LP) 
This form may be used to correct a limited partnership record that was previously filed with the California 
Secretary of State if, at the time of filing, the record contained false or erroneous information or was defectively 
The correction will be effective retroactively as of the effective date of the record this form corrects.  
Note:  This form may not indicate a delayed (future) effective date. (California Corporations Code section 

Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Partnership (LP) 

Fees: Filing Fee:  The fee for filing the Certificate of Correction (Form LLC-LP-11) is $30.00.Faster Service Fee:
  -   Counter and guaranteed expedite services are available only for documents submitted in person (drop 
      off) to our Sacramento office.

  -   Counter Drop Off:  A separate, non-refundable $15.00 handling fee is required if you submit in 
      person (drop off) your completed document at our Sacramento office.  The $15.00 handling fee 
      provides priority service over documents submitted by mail.  The handling fee is not refundable 
      whether the document is filed or rejected.

  -   Guaranteed Expedite Drop Off:      For more urgent submissions, documents can be processed                within 
      a guaranteed timeframe for a non-refundable fee instead of the counter drop off fee.  For          detailed 
      information about this faster processing service through our Preclearance and Expedited            Filing 
      Services, go to www.sos.ca.gov/business/be/service-options.

Copies:  Upon filing, we will return one (1) plain copy of your filed document for free and will certify the 
copy upon request and payment of a $5 certification fee.  

Payment Type:           Check(s) or money orders should be made payable to the Secretary of State.         Do not 
send cash by mail.  If submitting the document in person in our Sacramento office, payment also may be 
made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard®). 

Processing Dates:  For current processing dates, go to www.sos.ca.gov/business/be/processing-dates. 

LLC-LP-11 Instructions (REV 03/2022)                                                 202 2California Secretary of State 

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Type or legibly print in black or blue ink. Complete the Certificate of Correction (Form LLC-LP-11) as 

Item      Instruction                                   Tips 

1.        Enter the entity name of the entity           To ensure you have the exact name of the entity, look 
          exactly as it appears on the records of       to your registration document filed with the California 
          the California Secretary of State             Secretary of State and any name change 
          including the entity identifier (ex: “Jones   amendments filed with the California Secretary of 
          & Company, LLC” or “Smith                     State office.  
          Construction, LP”).   

2.        Enter the 12-digit Entity Number issued       • To ensure you have the correct Entity (File) 
          to the entity by the California Secretary       Number(s) and exact name of the entity, look to 
          of State at the time of registration.           your registration document filed with the California 
                                                          Secretary of State and any name change 
                                                          amendments filed with the California Secretary of 
                                                          State office.
                                                        • Secretary of State Records can be accessed online 
                                                          through our Business Search at
                                                          bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov. While searching the 
                                                          Business Search, be sure to identify your entity 
                                                          correctly, including the jurisdiction that matches 
                                                          your entity.

3.        Enter the title of the document being         The title of the document is listed at the top of the 
          corrected.                                    document (e.g., Certificate of Limited Partnership, 
                                                        Certificate of Amendment, Application for 
                                                        Registration, etc.). 

4.        Enter the date (month/day/year) the           • The file date is provided by the California Secretary 
          document being corrected was filed              of State on the document filed with the California              
          with the California Secretary of State.         Secretary of State.
                                                        • Secretary of State Records can be accessed online 
                                                          through our Business Search at
                                                          bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov.  While using the Business 
                                                          Search, be sure to identify your entity correctly, 
                                                          including the jurisdiction that matches your entity.

5.        Item 5a.                                      • An example of a defective provision may be a
          Enter the incorrect provision(s) in the         misspelled name of a city, general partner, or
          document as previously filed and the            member.
          reason it is incorrect. If the signing of the • An example of a defective signature may be a
          document was defective, indicate the            wrong title of the signer.
          way it was defective. 
                                                        • Attach additional pages if necessary.
                                                          - All attachments should be 8 ½ x 11, one sided,
                                                             legible and clearly marked as an attachment to
                                                             this Form LLC-LP-11.
                                                          - All attachments are part of this document.

LLC-LP-11 Instructions(REV 3 0 /2022)                                                       202 2California Secretary of State 

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5.        Item 5b.                                    • An example of a provision being corrected may be a
          Enter the corrected information or the        corrected spelling of the name of a city, general
          corrected signature.                          partner, or member.
                                                      • An example of a corrected signature may be a
                                                        corrected signature block showing the correct title of
                                                        the signer.
                                                      • Attach additional pages if necessary.
                                                          - All attachments should be 8 ½ x 11, one sided,
                                                            legible and clearly marked as an attachment to
                                                            this Form LLC-LP-11.
                                                          - All attachments are part of this document.

6.        Limited Liability Company must              Limited Liability Company 
                                                      Enter the parties that signed the document being 
          Limited Partnership only complete for       corrected. If this is a merger, also enter the names of 
          mergers.                                    the entities involved in the merger. 

                                                      Limited Partnership (mergers only) 

                                                      Enter the entities involved in the merger. 

Signature Do not use a computer-generated             Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited 
          signature.                                  Partnership (LP): 
          Form LLC-LP-11 must be signed in the          • If you need more space for signatures:
          same way the document being                     - Place the additional signatures on only one
          corrected was required to be signed.              side of a standard letter-sized piece of paper (8
          (California Corporations Code sections            ½ x 11) clearly marked as an attachment to
          15902.04,17702.06(c),      17702.03(a)(6).)       Form LLC-LP-11 and attach the extra page(s)
                                                            to the completed Form LLC-LP-11.
                                                          - All attachments are part of this document.
                                                        • If Form LLC-LP-11 is signed by an entity, the
                                                          person who signs on behalf of the entity should
                                                          note their name and position/title and the entity
                                                          name. Example: If a limited liability company
                                                          ("Smith LLC") is the organizer, the signature of
                                                          the person signing on behalf of the Smith LLC
                                                          should be reflected as Joe Smith, Manager of
                                                          Smith LLC, Organizer.
                                                      Limited Partnership Signature Tips: 
                                                        • If signed by any person other than the general
                                                          partner(s), the signature must be followed by the
                                                          words “signature pursuant to Section _____ ”
                                                          identifying the appropriate statutory authority.
                                                          (Section 15902.05)
                                                        • If an attorney-in-fact is signing on behalf of an
                                                          individual, the signature should be followed by the
                                                          words “Attorney-in-fact for (name of the individual
                                                          general partner).” Attorney-in-fact cannot sign for
                                                          a business. (Section 15902.04)
                                                        • If signed by a general partner who is an
                                                          association, the person who signs for the

LLC-LP-11 Instructions (REV 03/2022)                                              202 2California Secretary of State 

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                                       association should state the exact name of the 
                                       association, his/her name and position/title. 

                                     • If signed by a trust, the trustee should sign as
                                       follows:___________, trustee for ___________ 
                                       trust (including the date of the trust, if applicable).
                                       Example: Mary Todd, trustee of the Lincoln
                                       Family Trust (U/T 5-1-1994).

Submission Cover Sheet (Optional): Complete and include with your paper submission. This 
information will be used to communicate with you about the submission, if needed. This submission cover 
sheet will be treated as correspondence and will not be made part of the filed document. 

Where to File:          Completed forms along with the applicable fees, if any can be mailed to Secretary of State, 
Business Entities, P.O. Box 944260, Sacramento, CA  94244-2260 or delivered in person (drop off) to the 
Sacramento office, 1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA  95814.   

Legal Authority: 
• Limited Liability Company (LLC): Statutory filing provisions are found in California Corporations
  Code section 17702.06. All Statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless 
  otherwise stated.

• Limited Partnership (LP): Statutory filing provisions are found in California Corporations Code 
  section 15902.07                .  All statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless
  otherwise stated.

LLC-LP-11 Instructions (REV 03/2022)                                      202 2California Secretary of State 

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                 Secretary of State 
                 Certificate  of Correction 
                 Limited Liability Company (LLC) or 
                 Limited Partnership (LP) 

IMPORTANT - Read Instructions before completing this form. 

Filing Fee  -    $30.00 

Certification Fee (Optional) -  $5.00 
                                                                               This Space For Office Use Only 
1. Entity Name (Enter the exact name of the entity on file with the California 2. 12-Digit Entity Number (Enter the
    Secretary of State.)                                                       exact 12-digit Entity Number issued by 
                                                                               the California Secretary of State.)

3. Document Title (Enter the title of the document being corrected.)           4. File Date of Document Being 
                                                                               Corrected (MM/DD/YYYY)

5. Document Provision(s)
    Enter the inaccurate information and the reason it is inaccurate, or the manner in which the signing was defective. 


    Enter the corrected information or correct signature. 


6. Parties to the Document Being Corrected (Limited Liability Company - must list the name of each person who
signed the document being corrected. Correcting a Merger - Limited Liability Companies and Limited Partnerships must                         list
the entities involved in the merger.)

Read, and Sign Below. See Instructions for signature requirements. (This certificate must be signed in the 
same way the document being corrected was required to be signed.) 

Additional pages set forth on attached pages, if any, are incorporated herein by reference and made part of this Form LLC-
LP-11. All attachments should be 8 ½ x 11, one sided, legible, and clearly marked as an attachment to this Form LLC-LP-11. 

I declare I am the person who executed this instrument, which execution is my act and deed. By signing this 
document, I affirm under penalty of perjury that the stated facts are true and correct. 

_____________________________       _______________________________       _____________________________ 
Signature                                            Type or Print Name                               Business Title 

LLC-LP-11 (REV 03/2022)                   Print Form       Clear Form                        202 2California Secretary of State              

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