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                                                                                                                 Clear Form

                                        Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate

Complete this form so that your employer can withhold the correct California state income tax from your paycheck.
Enter Personal Information
First, Middle, Last Name                                            Social Security Number

Address                                                             Filing Status
                                                                          Single or Married (with two or more incomes)
City                                            State   ZIP Code          Married (one income)
                                                                          Head of Household

1. Use Worksheet A for Regular Withholding allowances. Use other worksheets on the following pages as applicable.
1a.  Number of Regular Withholding Allowances (Worksheet A)                                          0
1b.  Number of allowances from the Estimated Deductions (Worksheet B, if applicable.)                0
1c.  Total Number of Allowances you are claiming                                                     0
2. Additional amount, if any, you want withheld each pay period (if employer agrees), (Worksheet C)
Exemption from Withholding
3. I claim exemption from withholding for 2023, and I certify I meet both of the conditions for exemption.         (Check box here) 
4. I certify under penalty of perjury that I am not subject to California withholding. I meet the conditions set
forth under the Service Member Civil Relief Act, as amended by the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
and the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018.                                                              (Check box here) 
Under the penalties of perjury, I certify that the number of withholding allowances claimed on this certificate does not exceed the number 
to which I am entitled or, if claiming exemption from withholding, that I am entitled to claim the exempt status.

Employee’s Signature                                                                                Date 

Employer’s Section: Employer’s Name and Address                     California Employer Payroll Tax Account Number

Purpose: This certificate, DE 4, is for California Personal Income  1.    You did not owe any federal/state income tax last year, and
Tax (PIT) withholding purposes only. The DE 4 is used to            2.    You do not expect to owe any federal/state income tax this
compute the amount of taxes to be withheld from your wages,               year. The exemption is good for one year.
by your employer, to accurately reflect your state tax withholding 
obligation.                                                         If you continue to qualify for the exempt filing status, a new DE 4 
                                                                    designating exempt must be submitted by February 15 each year 
Beginning January 1, 2020, Employee’s Withholding Allowance         to continue your exemption. If you are not having federal/state 
Certificate (Form W-4) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will income tax withheld this year but expect to have a tax liability 
be used for federal income tax withholding only. You must file the  next year, you are required to give your employer a new DE 4 by 
state form Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (DE 4) to   December 1.
determine the appropriate California PIT withholding. 
                                                                    Member Service Civil Relief Act: Under this act, as provided by the 
If you do not provide your employer with a withholding certificate, Military Spouses Residency Relief Act and the Veterans Benefits and 
the employer must use Single with Zero withholding allowance.       Transition Act of 2018, you may be exempt from California income 
                                                                    tax withholding on your wages if
Check Your Withholding: After your DE 4 takes effect, compare the 
state income tax withheld with your estimated total annual tax. For (i)   Your spouse is a member of the armed forces present in
state withholding, use the worksheets on this form.                       California in compliance with military orders;
                                                                    (ii) You are present in California solely to be with your spouse;
Exemption From Withholding: If you wish to claim exempt, 
complete the federal Form W-4 and the state DE 4. You may claim 
exempt from withholding California income tax if you meet both of   (iii) You maintain your domicile in another state.
the following conditions for exemption:                             If you claim exemption under this act, check the box on Line 4. 
                                                                    You may be required to provide proof of exemption upon request.
DE 4 Rev. 52 (12-22) (INTERNET)                               Page 1 of 4                                               CU

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The California Employer’s Guide (DE 44) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de44.pdf) provides the income tax withholding tables. 
This publication may be found by visiting Payroll Taxes - Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/Forms_and_
Publications.htm). To assist you in calculating your tax liability, please visit the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) (ftb.ca.gov).

If you need information on your last California Resident Income Tax Return (FTB Form 540), visit the FTB (ftb.ca.gov).

Notification: The burden of proof rests with the              Penalty: You may be fined $500 if you file, with no 
employee to show the correct California income                reasonable basis, a DE 4 that results in less tax being withheld 
tax withholding. Pursuant to section 4340-1(e) of             than is properly allowable. In addition, criminal penalties 
Title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR) (govt.westlaw. apply for willfully supplying false or fraudulent information 
com/calregs/Search/Index), the FTB or the EDD may, by         or failing to supply information requiring an increase in 
special direction in writing, require an employer to submit   withholding. This is provided by section 13101 of the 
a Form W-4 or DE 4 when such forms are necessary for the      California Unemployment Insurance Code (leginfo.legislature.
administration of the withholding tax programs.               ca.gov/faces/codes.xhtml) and section 19176 of the  
                                                              Revenue and Taxation Code (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/

DE 4 Rev. 52 (12-22) (INTERNET)                       Page 2 of 4

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Instructions — 1 — Allowances*
When determining your withholding allowances, you must consider your            Married But Not Living With Your Spouse: You may check the “Head of 
personal situation:                                                             Household” marital status box if you meet all of the following tests:
—  Do you claim allowances for dependents or blindness?                         (1) Your spouse will not live with you at any time during the year;
—  Will you itemize your deductions?                                            (2) You will furnish over half of the cost of maintaining a home for the
—  Do you have more than one income coming into the household?                      entire year for yourself and your child or stepchild who qualifies as
                                                                                    your dependent; and
Two-Earners/Multiple Incomes: When earnings are derived from more than          (3) You will file a separate return for the year.
one source, under-withholding may occur. If you have a working spouse or 
more than one job, it is best to check the box “SINGLE or MARRIED (with         Head of Household: To qualify, you must be unmarried or legally separated 
two or more incomes).” Figure the total number of allowances you are            from your spouse and pay more than 50% of the costs of maintaining 
entitled to claim on all jobs using only one DE 4 form. Claim allowances        a home for the entire year for yourself and your dependent(s) or other 
with one employer.                                                              qualifying individuals. Cost of maintaining the home includes such items as 
                                                                                rent, property insurance, property taxes, mortgage interest, repairs, utilities, 
Do not claim the same allowances with more than one employer. Your              and cost of food. It does not include the individual’s personal expenses or 
withholding will usually be most accurate when all allowances are claimed       any amount which represents value of services performed by a member of 
on the DE 4 filed for the highest paying job and zero allowances are            the household of the taxpayer.
claimed for the others.
Worksheet A                                             Regular Withholding Allowances
(A)  Allowance for yourself — enter 1                                                                                                  (A)  
(B)  Allowance for your spouse (if not separately claimed by your spouse) — enter 1                                                    (B)  
(C)  Allowance for blindness — yourself — enter 1                                                                                      (C)  
(D) Allowance for blindness — your spouse (if not separately claimed by your spouse) — enter 1                                         (D)  
(E)  Allowance(s) for dependent(s) — do not include yourself or your spouse                                                            (E)  
(F)  Total — add lines (A) through (E) above and enter on line 1a of the DE 4                                                          (F)  0
Instructions — 2 — (Optional) Additional Withholding Allowances
If you expect to itemize deductions on your California income tax return, you can claim additional withholding allowances. Use Worksheet B to determine 
whether your expected estimated deductions may entitle you to claim one or more additional withholding allowances. Use last year’s FTB Form 540 as a 
model to calculate this year’s withholding amounts.
Do not include deferred compensation, qualified pension payments, or flexible benefits, etc., that are deducted from your gross pay but are not taxed on this 
You may reduce the amount of tax withheld from your wages by claiming one additional withholding allowance for each $1,000, or fraction of $1,000, by 
which you expect your estimated deductions for the year to exceed your allowable standard deduction.
Worksheet B                                                             Estimated Deductions
Use this worksheet only if you plan to itemize deductions, claim certain adjustments to income, or have a large amount of nonwage income not subject to 
1. Enter an estimate of your itemized deductions for California taxes for this tax year as listed in the schedules in the FTB Form 540 1.
2. Enter $10,404 if married filing joint with two or more allowances, unmarried head of household, or qualifying widow(er)
    with dependent(s) or $5,202 if single or married filing separately, dual income married, or married with multiple employers  – 2.
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1, enter difference                                                                                 =   3.     0.00
4. Enter an estimate of your adjustments to income (alimony payments, IRA deposits)                                              + 4.
5. Add line 4 to line 3, enter sum                                                                                               =   5.     0.00
6. Enter an estimate of your nonwage income (dividends, interest income, alimony receipts)                                       – 6.
7. If line 5 is greater than line 6 (if less, see below [go to line 9]);
    Subtract line 6 from line 5, enter difference                                                                                =   7.     0.00
8. Divide the amount on line 7 by $1,000, round any fraction to the nearest whole number                                               8.   0.00
    enter this number on line 1b of the DE 4. Complete Worksheet C, if needed, otherwise stop here.
9. If line 6 is greater than line 5;
    Enter amount from line 6 (nonwage income)                                                                                          9.  
10. Enter amount from line 5 (deductions)                                                                                              10.  0.00
11. Subtract line 10 from line 9, enter difference. Then, complete Worksheet C.                                                        11.  0.00

*Wages paid to registered domestic partners will be treated the same for state income tax purposes as wages paid to spouses for California PIT withholding
and PIT wages. This law does not impact federal income tax law. A registered domestic partner means an individual partner in a domestic partner
relationship within the meaning of section 297 of the Family Code. For more information, please call our Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
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Worksheet C                                         Additional Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
1. Enter estimate of total wages for tax year 2023.                                                                                   1.  
2. Enter estimate of nonwage income (line 6 of Worksheet B).                                                                          2.  
3. Add line 1 and line 2. Enter sum.                                                                                                  3.  
4. Enter itemized deductions or standard deduction (line 1 or 2 of Worksheet B, whichever is largest).                                4.  
5. Enter adjustments to income (line 4 of Worksheet B).                                                                               5.  
6. Add line 4 and line 5. Enter sum.                                                                                                  6.  
7. Subtract line 6 from line 3. Enter difference.                                                                                     7.  0.00
8. Figure your tax liability for the amount on line 7 by using the 2023 tax rate schedules below.                                     8.  0.00
9. Enter personal exemptions (line F of Worksheet A x $154.00).                                                                       9.  0.00
10. Subtract line 9 from line 8. Enter difference.                                                                               10.      0.00
11. Enter any tax credits. (See FTB Form 540).                                                                                   11.  

12. Subtract line 11 from line 10. Enter difference. This is your total tax liability.                                           12.      0.00
13. Calculate the tax withheld and estimated to be withheld during 2023. Contact your employer to request
   the amount that will be withheld on your wages based on the marital status and number of withholding
   allowances you will claim for 2023. Multiply the estimated amount to be withheld by the number of pay
   periods left in the year. Add the total to the amount already withheld for 2023.                                              13.  
14. Subtract line 13 from line 12. Enter difference. If this is less than zero, you do not need to have additional
   taxes withheld.                                                                                                               14.      0.00
15. Divide line 14 by the number of pay periods remaining in the year. Enter this figure on line 2 of the DE 4.                  15.  
Note: Your employer is not required to withhold the additional amount requested on line 2 of your DE 4. If your employer does not agree to withhold the 
additional amount, you may increase your withholdings as much as possible by using the “single” status with “zero” allowances. If the amount withheld still 
results in an underpayment of state income taxes, you may need to file quarterly estimates on Form 540-ES with the FTB to avoid a penalty.
                                     These Tables Are for Calculating Worksheet C and for 2023 Only
              Single Persons, Dual Income  
      Married or Married With Multiple Employers                                                                  Married Persons
IF THE TAXABLE INCOME IS             COMPUTED TAX IS                                   IF THE TAXABLE INCOME IS         COMPUTED TAX IS
      OVER    BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT OVER...                   PLUS                      OVER            BUT NOT          OF AMOUNT OVER...      PLUS
                   OVER                                                                                OVER
      $0      $10,099    1.100%                     $0     $0.00                       $0              $20,198          1.100%            $0   $0.00
   $10,099    $23,942    2.200%                $10,099  $111.09                        $20,198         $47,884          2.200%        $20,198  $222.18
   $23,942    $37,788    4.400%                $23,942  $415.64                        $47,884         $75,576          4.400%        $47,884  $831.27
   $37,788    $52,455    6.600%                $37,788  $1,024.86                      $75,576         $104,910         6.600%        $75,576  $2,049.72
   $52,455    $66,295    8.800%                $52,455  $1,992.88                      $104,910        $132,590         8.800%        $104,910 $3,985.76
   $66,295    $338,639   10.230%               $66,295  $3,210.80                      $132,590        $677,278         10.230%       $132,590 $6,421.60
   $338,639   $406,364   11.330%     $338,639           $31,071.59                     $677,278        $812,728         11.330%       $677,278 $62,143.18
   $406,364   $677,275   12.430%     $406,364           $38,744.83                     $812,728   $1,000,000            12.430%       $812,728 $77,489.67
   $677,275   $1,000,000 13.530%     $677,275           $72,419.07                     $1,000,000 $1,354,550            13.530%  $1,000,000    $100,767.58
   $1,000,000 and over   14.630%     $1,000,000        $116 083 76,.                   $1,354,550      and over         14.630%  $1,354,550    $148,738.20
              Unmarried Head of Household
      OVER    BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT OVER...                   PLUS
      $0      $20,212    1.100%                     $0     $0.00
   $20,212    $47,887    2.200%                $20,212  $222.33
   $47,887    $61,730    4.400%                $47,887  $831.18
   $61,730    $76,397    6.600%                $61,730  $1,440.27
   $76,397    $90,240    8.800%                $76,397  $2,408.29
   $90,240    $460,547   10.230%               $90,240  $3,626.47
   $460,547   $552,658   11.330%     $460,547           $41,508.88                     If you need information on your last California Resident Income Tax 
   $552,658   $921,095   12.430%     $552,658           $51,945.06                     Return, FTB Form 540, visit (FTB) (ftb.ca.gov).
   $921,095   $1,000,000 13.530%     $921,095           $97,741.78
   $1,000,000  and over  14.630%     $1,000,000        $108,417.63
The DE 4 information is collected for purposes of administering the PIT law and under the authority of Title 22, CCR, section 4340-1, and the California 
Revenue and Taxation Code, including section 18624. The Information Practices Act of 1977 requires that individuals be notified of how information they 
provide may be used. Further information is contained in the instructions that came with your last California resident income tax return.
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