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TheNotice of Contribution Rates and Statement of                   To determine your rate, find your reserve ratio (shown on 
UI Reserve Account(DE 2088) informs you of your                    line 17 of the DE 2088) on the assigned UI rate schedule 
Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training Tax               (i.e., on Schedule “F,” ratio .129 would be 2.7 percent). 
(ETT), and State Disability Insurance (SDI) contribution           When the ratio between the UI Fund balance and the total 
rates for the period shown on your DE 2088. It also shows          wages paid by all employers is less than 0.6 percent, rates 
the items used to determine your UI rate and the balance           in Schedule F are multiplied by 1.15 (i.e., 2.7 percent 
in your UI reserve account shown on line 15 of your                multiplied by 1.15 equals 3.1 percent). 
DE 2088. For more information on experience rating and/or  
any further questions, refer to Information Sheet: California      ETT Rate - Employers whose UI reserve account balance 
System of Experience Rating (DE 231Z) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/           is positive (zero or greater) pay an ETT of 0.1 percent. 
pdf_pub_ctr/de231z), visit your local Employment Tax               Employers whose UI reserve account balance is negative 
Office (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator) listed in the  California       (shows a minus sign before the amount) do not pay ETT 
Employer’s Guide  (DE 44) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/           and it is shown as 0.0 percent on the notice. 
de44), or at call the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888­
745-3886 or TTY at 1-800-547-9565. 
                                                                   Exception: Employers subject to section 977(c) of the CUIC. 
                                                                   SDI Contribution Rate - This is the percentage amount 
This is the official mail date for the Notice of Contribution      to be withheld from each employee’s salary. SDI is a 
Rates and Statement of UI Reserve Account for the period           wage continuation plan for employees who are unable 
shown on your DE 2088. Due to bulk mailing, some                   to work because of nonoccupational illness, injury, or 
notices are mailed prior to this date.                             due to pregnancy. It is funded through employee payroll 
                                                                   The SDI withholding rate is the same for all employers and 
This is the eight-digit number assigned to you when you            is calculated pursuant to section 984 of the CUIC. The rate 
registered as an employer with the EDD. This number                is based on the balance in the SDI Fund and the amount of 
is assigned to you for UI, ETT, SDI, Personal Income               disbursements and wages paid. 
Tax (PIT), and Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) 
purposes. Please refer to your employer payroll tax                ANNUAL TAXABLE WAGE LIMITS 
account number (shown as Account ID on the DE 2088) 
when making inquiries about your account.                          UI and ETT are paid and SDI is withheld on the first  
                                                                   wages earned by each employee per calendar year up to 
CONTRIBUTION RATES                                                 the annual taxable wage limit shown on your DE 2088. 

UI Contribution Rate - This is your UI contribution rate           RIGHT TO PROTEST 
for the period shown on your DE 2088. New employers                Any item on the DE 2088 may be protested except SDI 
are assigned a 3.4 percent UI rate for a period of two             and ETT, which are specifically set by law. To protest 
to three years. This will depend on when the employer              online, visit the EDD e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/ 
meets the criteria under section 982(b) of the California          e-Services_for_Business). You must provide a valid Letter
Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC) (leginfo.legislature.           ID with the associated tax rate year you are protesting, and
ca.gov/faces/codes). After that, an employer’s contribution        it must be submitted within 60 days of the issued date on
rate is determined by his/her experience rating and the            the notice. A protest may also be filed in writing and must
condition of the UI Fund. 
                                                                   be postmarked within 60 days of the issued date on the
                                                                   notice. Please include your employer payroll tax account
UI Rate Schedule - Section 977 of the CUIC mandates  
which Contribution Rate Schedule is in effect. Each year,          number, the specific item(s) you wish to protest, and the
the schedule is determined by the ratio between the                reason you are protesting. To request an extension of up to
UI Fund balance on September 30 and the total wages paid           60 days, it must be in writing and show good cause. Mail
by all employers. When this calculation produces a ratio           your written protest and/or request for an extension to:
of less than 0.6 percent, the rate the employer would have 
paid in Schedule F is multiplied by 1.15, rounded to the                     Employment Development Department 
nearest tenth, as mandated by section 977.5 of the CUIC.                     Rate Management Group, MIC 4 
All tax-rated employers are rated under the same schedule.                   PO Box 826880 
A copy of the Contribution Rate Schedule is on the last page                 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 
of this explanation sheet. 
                                                               -1-                                                 CU  

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EXPLANATION OF THE UI RESERVE ACCOUNT BY LINE                     10. 	 Increase in Negative Reserve Balances - Shows 
ITEM:                                                                   the amount of prorated charges to your UI reserve 
                                                                        account as a result of the increase in the total of all 
1. 	Previous Reserve Balance - Shows the ending balance                 negative UI reserve account balances. 
       in your UI reserve account as of the date shown on 
       your DE 2088.                                              11. 	 Benefit Overpayments Established - Shows the 
                                                                        amount of prorated charges to your UI reserve 
                                                                        account as a result of UI benefit overpayments 
2. 	UI Contributions Paid - Shows the total of all UI                   established. 
       contributions paid by you for the period shown on 
       your DE 2088.                                              12. 	 UI Benefits not Charged to Reserve Accounts - Shows 
                                                                        the amount that has been charged to your UI reserve 
       NOTE:  The ETT paid is not considered UI contributions           account as a result of CUIC provisions relieving 
       and is not included in this figure. When allowed,                individual UI reserve accounts of charges under 
       voluntary UI payments are included but cannot be                 certain conditions. Each year, the total of all benefit 
       taken as a credit on any tax return.                             charges not charged to individual UI reserve accounts 
                                                                        is accumulated and prorated to all employers. 
3. 	   Interest Earned by UI Fund - Shows the amount              13. 	 Other Expenses - Shows the amount of prorated 
    credited to positive UI reserve accounts for interest               charges to your UI reserve account for miscellaneous 
    earned on the UI Fund. Employers with a negative UI                 expenses of the UI Fund. 
    reserve account balance as shown on line 15 of your 
    DE 2088, do not receive a portion of these interest           14. 	 Total Charges - Shows the total of all the items 
    earnings.                                                           subtracted from your UI reserve account from line 
                                                                        items 9 through 13 above. 
4. 	   Negative Balance Reduction - Shows the amount of 
    your negative UI reserve balance canceled per                 15. 	 Your new UI reserve balance shown on your 
                                                                        DE 2088: 
    section 1027.5 of the CUIC. 
                                                                           Previous Reserve Balance        (line 1) 
5. 	   Benefit Overpayments Collected - Shows the amount                   Plus Total Credits              (line 8) 
    credited to your UI reserve account for overpayments            Minus Total Charges                    (line 14) 
    recovered from claimants who were overpaid UI                          New Reserve Balance             (line 15) 
    benefits as a result of error or fraud. 
                                                                  16. 	 UI Taxable Payroll - Shows the total of all UI taxable 
6. 	  Positive Reserve Account Balances Canceled -                      wages reported on your Quarterly Contribution 
    Shows the amount credited to your UI reserve account                Return (DE 3D), Employer of Household Worker(s) 
    as the result of the cancelation of positive UI reserve             Annual Payroll Tax Return (DE 3HW), or Quarterly  
    accounts. Whenever an employer ceases to pay                        Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9)  
    wages, the UI reserve account (unless transferred to a              for the years shown on your DE 2088 and any 
    successor’s account) is canceled after a period of three            adjustments made to the taxable wages for those 
    consecutive years. Each year, the total of the canceled             years. An increase in UI taxable payroll may result in 
    UI reserve accounts with positive balances is prorated              an increase to your UI contribution rate. 
    to all employers’ accounts. 
                                                                  17. 	 Reserve Ratio - Shows the ratio between your UI 
                                                                        reserve balance and your average base payroll. 
7. 	   Other Income - Shows your share of money deposited 
    in the UI Fund from other sources.                              Reserve Account Balance                = Reserve Ratio 
                                                                           Average Base Payroll 
8. 	   Total Credits - Shows the total of all the items 
    added to your UI reserve account from line items   2                To determine youraverage base payroll, divide the 
    through 7 above.                                                    UI taxable payroll on line 16 by the number of years 
                                                                        of UI taxable payroll history within the three years 
9.	     UI Benefits Charged - Shows the amount of UI benefits           shown on your DE 2088. 
    paid to your former employees for the period shown                     UI Taxable Payroll              = Average 
    on your DE 2088. This amount should agree with                         3, 2, or 1 (depending on          Base Payroll 
    the amount shown on your Statement of Charges to                       taxable payroll history) 
    Reserve Account    (DE 428T). These charges may also be  
    as a result of a UI reserve account transfer. For partial           NOTE: If taxable wages are reported in at      least  
    transfers, the successor will not receive the DE 428T.              one quarter of a year, that is considered a full year with  
                                                                        The UI taxable wages  for the time period shown at 
                                                                        the bottom of the DE 2088 are used to calculate the 
                                                                        prorated credits and charges. 


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MINIMIZING YOUR UI RATE	                                            COMMON QUESTION

• 	 Work with your employees to avoid separations.                  Q. 	 Why did my rate increase? 
Every discharge has the potential to increase your  
contribution rate.                                                  A.	   Your rate will increase for any one or all of the  
• 	 When a layoff is unavoidable, contact your local EDD                 following reasons: 
office for assistance in finding work for your displaced                 1. 	A change in the UI rate schedule used for all UI  
workers.                                                                 tax-rated employers. (Refer to page 1, “UI Rate  
• 	 Respond in time to all claim notices. Failure to respond             Schedule,” for more information.) 
may cause you to lose future protest rights. 
                                                                         2. 	A change in your taxable payroll for the three  
• 	 If possible, offer former employees a job when you are               years shown on line 16 of your DE 2088. If there  
notified they are drawing UI benefits.                                   is either an increase or decrease, this will alter  
• 	 Submit your UI payment within the required time                      the ratio. (Refer to page 2, item 16, for more  
limits, along with an accurately completed Payroll Tax                   information.) 
Deposit (DE 88). Make sure that each of the funds the                    3. 	The total charges were more than the total credits. 
deposit represents is individually listed and that the                   (Refer to page 2, “Explanation of the UI Reserve  
funds are totaled correctly. Entering the total figure                   Account by Line Item,” for more information.) 
only on the DE 88 may cause your fund amounts 
to be incorrectly allocated and your UI rate could                  Q. 	 Why is my reserve account charged when none of my 
increase.                                                                former employees drew benefits? 
• 	 Submit your Quarterly Contribution Return and Report            A.	   To ensure the UI Fund remains solvent, all costs must 
of Wages (Continuation)(DE 9C), or Employer of                           be reimbursed. This is done by sharing costs and 
Household Worker(s) Quarterly Report of Wages and                        income to the UI Fund that are not directly credited 
Withholdings (DE 3BHW), at the close of each quarter.                    or charged to an employer’s reserve account. (Refer to 
                                                                         page 2, items 5-7 and 10-13, for more information.) 
                                                                    Q. 	 How do I manage my UI costs? 
You may request a transfer of the predecessor’s (former             A.	   For detailed information, refer to the Managing 
owner’s) reserve account after acquiring another business.               Unemployment Insurance Costs  (DE 4527) (PDF) 
You must submit an Application for Transfer of Reserve                   (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de4527). 
Account  (DE 4453) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pubctr/de4453).            Q. 	 Is my reserve account balance refundable? 
If your application is approved, your UI rate will be               A. 	 No. The UI contributions are deposited in the UI Fund  
recalculated and may result in a reduction or increase in                and used only to pay UI benefits. The reserve account  
your UI rate.                                                            is a statistical method of measuring employment  
                                                                         experience and it is only used to determine your UI  
• 	 If you acquire part of another business and wish to                  contribution rate. Your reserve balance may not be  
transfer a portion of it’s reserve account, you must                     used as a credit on your Quarterly Contribution Return  
file an application within 90 days after the date of                     and Report of Wages (DE 9). 
acquisition.                                                        Q.	  Why does my rate increase when I hire more      
• 	 If you acquire all of another business, you have up 
to three years to file an application after the date of             A.	   The more employees you have, the greater your risk 
acquisition. However, an application filed after                         of UI claims. Any increase in your taxable payroll 
90 days may be restricted.                                               without a corresponding increase in the reserve 
                                                                         account balance can result in a higher UI tax rate. 
                                                                         If your average taxable payroll increases but your 
Not all reserve account balances are desirable. If the transfer  
                                                                         reserve balance does not increase proportionately, 
of your predecessor’s reserve account is approved, you will  
                                                                         your reserve ratio will decrease, causing your UI rate 
be subject to all or a percentage of the predecessor’s benefit           to increase. (See page 2, items 16 and 17, for more 
charges, which could increase your rate in future years.                 information.) 
VOLUNTARY UI CONTRIBUTIONS                                          Q. 	 Can my reserve account be canceled? 
Voluntary Unemployment Insurance (VUI) payments are                 A.	   Yes. Whenever you cease to pay wages, the reserve 
allowed in years when rate schedules AA to D are in                      account, unless it has been transferred under  
effect. VUI is not available when rate schedules E or F are              sections 1051-1061 of the CUIC, shall be canceled 
in effect, or in calendar years in which the emergency                   on the records of the EDD after a period of three 
solvency surcharge is in effect.                                         consecutive years has elapsed following the latest 
                                                                         calendar quarter in which you paid wages. 


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                                    UI CONTRIBUTION RATE SCHEDULE

     Reserve Ratio 
                                                                 Contribution Rate Schedules 
Line Exceeds or =        Less than                                      Stated as a Percent 
                                             AA  A               B      C         D               E       F   *F+
   1 Less than              -0.20            5.4 5.4             5.4    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   2 -0.20                  -0.18            5.2 5.3             5.4    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   3 -0.18                  -0.16            5.1 5.2             5.4    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   4 -0.16                  -0.14            5.0 5.1             5.3    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   5 -0.14                  -0.12            4.9 5.0             5.3    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   6 -0.12                  -0.11            4.8 4.9             5.2    5.4       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   7 -0.11                  -0.10            4.7 4.8             5.1    5.3       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   8 -0.10                  -0.09            4.6 4.7             5.1    5.3       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
   9 -0.09                  -0.08            4.5 4.6             4.9    5.2       5.4             5.4     5.4        6.2 
10   -0.08                  -0.07            4.4 4.5             4.8    5.1       5.3             5.4     5.4        6.2 
11   -0.07                  -0.06            4.3 4.4             4.7    5.0       5.3             5.4     5.4        6.2 
12   -0.06                  -0.05            4.2 4.3             4.6    4.9       5.2             5.4     5.4        6.2 
13   -0.05                  -0.04            4.1 4.2             4.5    4.8       5.1             5.3     5.4        6.2 
14   -0.04                  -0.03            4.0 4.1             4.4    4.7       5.0             5.3     5.4        6.2 
15   -0.03                  -0.02            3.9 4.0             4.3    4.6       4.9             5.2     5.4        6.2 
16   -0.02                  -0.01            3.8 3.9             4.2    4.5       4.8             5.1     5.4        6.2 
17   -0.01                          0.00     3.7 3.8             4.1    4.4       4.7             5.0     5.4        6.2 
18   0.00                           0.01     3.4 3.6             3.9    4.2       4.5             4.8     5.1        5.9 
19   0.01                           0.02     3.2 3.4             3.7    4.0       4.3             4.6     4.9        5.6 
20   0.02                           0.03     3.0 3.2             3.5    3.8       4.1             4.4     4.7        5.4 
21   0.03                           0.04     2.8 3.0             3.3    3.6       3.9             4.2     4.5        5.2 
22   0.04                           0.05     2.6 2.8             3.1    3.4       3.7             4.0     4.3        4.9 
23   0.05                           0.06     2.4 2.6             2.9    3.2       3.5             3.8     4.1        4.7 
24   0.06                           0.07     2.2 2.4             2.7    3.0       3.3             3.6     3.9        4.5 
25   0.07                           0.08     2.0 2.2             2.5    2.8       3.1             3.4     3.7        4.3 
26   0.08                           0.09     1.8 2.0             2.3    2.6       2.9             3.2     3.5        4.0 
27   0.09                           0.10     1.6 1.8             2.1    2.4       2.7             3.0     3.3        3.8 
28   0.10                           0.11     1.4 1.6             1.9    2.2       2.5             2.8     3.1        3.6 
29   0.11                           0.12     1.2 1.4             1.7    2.0       2.3             2.6     2.9        3.3 
30   0.12                           0.13     1.0 1.2             1.5    1.8       2.1             2.4     2.7        3.1 
31   0.13                           0.14     0.8 1.0             1.3    1.6       1.9             2.2     2.5        2.9 
32   0.14                           0.15     0.7 0.9             1.1    1.4       1.7             2.0     2.3        2.6 
33   0.15                           0.16     0.6 0.8             1.0    1.2       1.5             1.8     2.1        2.4 
34   0.16                           0.17     0.5 0.7             0.9    1.1       1.3             1.6     1.9        2.2 
35   0.17                           0.18     0.4 0.6             0.8    1.0       1.2             1.4     1.7        2.0 
36   0.18                           0.19     0.3 0.5             0.7    0.9       1.1             1.3     1.5        1.7 
37   0.19                           0.20     0.2 0.4             0.6    0.8       1.0             1.2     1.4        1.6 
38   0.20                or more             0.1 0.3             0.5    0.7       0.9             1.1     1.3        1.5 
*The emergency solvency surcharge rate (1.15 times the rate the employer would have paid in Schedule F, rounded to the 
nearest tenth).

                                         e-Services for Business 
     e-Services for Business provides employers and their agents with the ability to request rate informatio  
               online and also the ability to obtain an electronic DE 428T.  To begin the enrollment process  
                         go toe-Services for Bussiness (edd.ca.gov/e-Services_for_Business) 
                         For assistance with e-Services for Business, please call 1-855-866-2657

   The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary services and services are available upon request to 
     individuals with disabilities. Requests for services, aids, and/or alternate formats need to be made by calling 
                                    1-888-745-3886 (voice) or TTY 1-800-547-9565. 

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