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DE 44 Rev. 49 (1-23) (INTERNET) Cover + 118 pages

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                                     Important Information

Electronic Reporting and Payment Requirement: All employers must electronically submit employment 
tax returns, wage reports, and payroll tax deposits to the Employment Development Department (EDD). 
For more information, visit e-file and e-pay mandate (edd.ca.gov/EfileMandate) or refer to page 49.

e-Services for Business: Employers can file, pay, and manage their employer payroll tax account online. 
For more information, visit e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.
htm) or refer to page 50.

State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES): Employers and third-party administrators can elect to 
electronically receive and respond to the EDD Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) 
using SIDES. For more information, visit SIDES (edd.ca.gov/SIDES).

New Employee Registry (NER): All employers are required by law to report all newly hired or 
rehired employees to the NER within 20 days of their start-of-work date. For more information, visit 
NER California’s New Hire Reporting Program (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/New_Hire_Reporting.htm) or 
refer to page 53.

Payroll Tax Seminars: The EDD offers no-cost seminars to help employers comply with state payroll tax 
laws. For more information, visit Payroll Tax Seminars (edd.ca.gov/payroll_tax_seminars) or refer to page 1.
Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Reporting: For information on how to prevent and detect fraud, visit 
Help Fight Fraud (edd.ca.gov/about_edd/fraud.htm). Refer to page 83 for information about UI fraud, or 
page 95 for Disability Insurance (DI) fraud.
Improper Payment of UI Benefits: When an employer is financially impacted by improper UI payments. 
The problem can result in higher UI taxes for all employers. You can help by responding timely to requests 
for wage information. For more information, visit UI claim notices (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/responding_
California Employer News and Updates: Find the latest tax news, annual updates, and resources to 
support you and your business. Visit Employer News and Updates (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/employer-
news.htm) and subscribe to receive emails about employment and payroll tax updates. 

  2023 Payroll Tax Rates, Taxable Wage Limits, and Maximum Benefit Amounts

Unemployment Insurance (UI)
y  The 2023 taxable wage limit is $7,000 per employee.
y The UI maximum weekly benefit amount is $450.
y  The UI tax rate for new employers is 3.4 percent (.034) for a period of two to three years.
y  The employer rates are available online at e-Services for Business 
Employment Training Tax (ETT)
y The 2023 ETT rate is 0.1 percent (.001) on the first $7,000 of each employee’s wages.
State Disability Insurance (SDI)
y  The 2023 SDI withholding rate is 0.9 percent (.009). The rate includes Disability Insurance (DI) and 
  Paid Family Leave (PFL).
y The current SDI taxable wage limit and DI/PFL maximum weekly benefit amount are available 
  online at Quick Statistics (edd.ca.gov/en/about_edd/quick_statistics/).
California Personal Income Tax (PIT) Withholding
California PIT withholding is based on the amount of wages paid, the number of withholding allowances 
claimed by the employee, and the payroll period. Please refer to page 15 for additional information on PIT 
withholding or refer to the PIT withholding schedules available on page 17.
For additional rate or PIT withholding information refer to page 10 or visit Rates and Withholding 

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                                                                                                                    Gavin Newsom, GovernorGavin Newsom, Governor
                                                                           California Labor and Workforce Development AgencyCalifornia Labor and Workforce Development Agency

                                                                                                                                       Gavin Newsom 

Dear California Employer:
Dear California Employer: 

The Employment Development Department (EDD) appreciates your continued 
contribution to the economic well-being of this great state.The Employment Development Department (EDD) appreciates your continued 
contribution to the economic well-being of this great state. 
With you in mind, we have made it easier to file and pay with e-Services for Business 
(edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm).With you in mind, we have made it easier to file and pay withUsinge-Servicese-Servicesfor Businessfor                  
(edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business). Using e-Services for Business is 
Business is a fast, easy, and secure way to manage your employer payroll tax account 
a fast, easy, and secure way to manage your employer payroll tax account online at no 
online at no cost to you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can file and adjust returns, 
cost to you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can file and adjust returns, make 
make payments, view and update your account information, and much more!
payments, view and update your account information, and much more! 

We encourage you to visit the EDD website (edd.ca.gov) for additional information 
We encourage you to visit the EDD website (edd.ca.gov) for additional information 
critical to employers and their employees on topics such as Unemployment and 
critical to employers and their employees on topics such as Unemployment and 
DisabilityDisabilityInsurance,Insurance,jobjob training,training,laborlabormarketmarketinformation,information,payrollpayrolltaxtaxseminars,seminars,andand 
EDD forms and publications. EDD forms and publications.  

StayStayinformedinformedaboutaboutourourprogramsprograms andandservicesservicesbybysubscribingsubscribingtotothethe EDD’sEDD’semailemail 
subscriptionsubscriptionserviceservice  (edd.ca.gov/about_edd/get_email_notices),(edd.ca.gov/en/about_edd/Get_Email_Notices),or callor callthe Taxpayerthe 
Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.  

WeWeappreciateappreciateyouryourcommitmentcommitment totodoingdoingbusinessbusinessininCaliforniaCaliforniaandandwishwishyouyou continued 
success in the year ahead.continued success in the year ahead. 

Sincerely, Sincerely, 


 PO Box 826880    Sacramento, CA 94280-0001    edd.ca.gov
 PO Box 826880    Sacramento, CA 94280-0001    edd.ca.gov

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Use e-Services for Business to electronically:

•  File tax returns and wage reports
Make payments
•  Update addresses
•  And much more.

  Enroll today at

  e-Services for Business 

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Seminars to Help Employers Succeed  .................................................................................................................                          1
Introduction  .............................................................................................................................................................    2
Payroll Tax Help, Forms, and Publications  ..........................................................................................................                          3
Start Here  ................................................................................................................................................................   4
 Flowchart  ...........................................................................................................................................................        5
2023 Forms and Due Dates ....................................................................................................................................                  6
About Employers and When to Register  ..............................................................................................................                           7
Classifying Employees  ..........................................................................................................................................              8
 ABC Test, Employee or Independent Contractor?  .............................................................................................                                  8
State Payroll Taxes  .................................................................................................................................................         9
 Unemployment Insurance  ..................................................................................................................................                    9
 Employment Training Tax  ...................................................................................................................................                  9
 State Disability Insurance  ..................................................................................................................................                9
 California Personal Income Tax  .........................................................................................................................                     9
 State Payroll Taxes (table)  .................................................................................................................................                10
 Help Us Fight Fraud  ...........................................................................................................................................              10
Wages   ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
 Subject Wages  ...................................................................................................................................................            11
 Personal Income Tax Wages  .............................................................................................................................                      11
 Are Subject Wages and Personal Income Tax Wages the Same?  ....................................................................                                               11
 Employers Subject to California Personal Income Tax Only  ..............................................................................                                      11
 Meals and Lodging  .............................................................................................................................................              12
 Additional Information  ........................................................................................................................................              12
California Personal Income Tax Withholding  ......................................................................................................                             13
 How to Determine Which Wages Require Personal Income Tax Withholding  ...................................................                                                     13
 Marital Status, Withholding Allowances, and Exemptions Form W-4 and DE 4  ................................................                                                    13
 Employer’s Obligations for the Form W-4 and DE 4  ..........................................................................................                                  14
 How to Determine Personal Income Tax Withholding Amounts  .........................................................................                                           15
     What if Your Employee Wants Additional Personal Income Tax Withholding?  ............................................                                                     15
 How to Withhold Personal Income Tax on Supplemental Wages  ......................................................................                                             15
 Quarterly Estimated Payments  ..........................................................................................................................                      15
 Wages Paid to:
     California Residents  ....................................................................................................................................                16
     Nonresidents of California  ...........................................................................................................................                   16
 Personal Income Tax Withholding on Payments to Nonresident Independent Contractors  ...............................                                                           16
 Additional Information  ........................................................................................................................................              16
California Withholding Schedules for 2023 ..........................................................................................................                           17
Electronic Filing and Payment Requirements  .....................................................................................................                              49
 E-file and E-pay Mandate for Employers  ...........................................................................................................                           49
Online Services .......................................................................................................................................................        50
 e-Services for Business  .....................................................................................................................................                50
 Express Pay  .......................................................................................................................................................          51
Required Forms  ......................................................................................................................................................         52
 Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34): .................................................................................................................                          53 
     Overview  ......................................................................................................................................................          53
     Sample DE 34 Form  ....................................................................................................................................                   54
 Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542):
     Overview  ......................................................................................................................................................          55
edd.ca.gov                                        i        Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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  Sample DE 542 Form  ..................................................................................................................................             56
 Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88):
  Overview  ......................................................................................................................................................   57
  Withholding Deposits  ...................................................................................................................................          58
  California Deposit Requirements  .................................................................................................................                 58
  Due Dates for Quarterly Tax Deposits  .........................................................................................................                    59
  2023 Quarterly Payment Table  ....................................................................................................................                 59
  Correcting Previously Submitted Payroll Tax Deposits  ................................................................................                             60
 Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9):
  Overview  ......................................................................................................................................................   62
  Correcting a Previously Filed DE 9 ...............................................................................................................                 62 
 Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C):
  Overview  ......................................................................................................................................................   63 
  Correcting a Previously Filed DE 9C ............................................................................................................                   64
 Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ):
  Overview .......................................................................................................................................................   65 
  Sample DE 9ADJ Form ................................................................................................................................               66
 Federal Forms W-2 and 1099  ............................................................................................................................            68
Change to Your Business Status  ..........................................................................................................................           70
 Business Name And Mailing Address Change  ...................................................................................................                       70
 No Longer Have Employees  ..............................................................................................................................            70
 Close Your Business  ..........................................................................................................................................     71
 Reopen Your Employer Payroll Tax Account  ......................................................................................................                    71
 Purchase, Sell, Transfer, or Change Ownership  ................................................................................................                     71
 What Is a Successor Employer?  ........................................................................................................................             72
 It Is Against the Law to Change/Purchase a Business Entity Solely to Obtain a Lower UI Rate ........................                                                72
Additional Requirements  .......................................................................................................................................     72
 Posting Requirements  ........................................................................................................................................      72
 Required Notices and Pamphlets  ......................................................................................................................              72
 Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act .........................................................................................................                  73
 Plant Closure or Mass Layoff (WARN)  ...............................................................................................................                74
 U.S. Government Contractor Job Listing Requirements  ....................................................................................                           76
 Recordkeeping  ...................................................................................................................................................  77
Employers’ Bill of Rights  .......................................................................................................................................   78
 Commitment  ....................................................................................................................................................... 78
 Employer Rights  .................................................................................................................................................  78
 Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate  .............................................................................................................               78
  Taxpayer Advocate Office  ............................................................................................................................             78
  Settlements Office  .......................................................................................................................................        79
 Protecting Your Privacy  ......................................................................................................................................     79
 Offers in Compromise  ........................................................................................................................................      79
Unemployment Insurance Taxes  ...........................................................................................................................            80
 Methods of Paying for UI Benefits  .....................................................................................................................            80
 How Your UI Tax Rate Is Determined .................................................................................................................                80
 Notice of Tax Rates  ............................................................................................................................................   81
 Federal Unemployment Tax Act Certification  .....................................................................................................                   81
 Reserve Account Transfers  ................................................................................................................................         81
 Wages in Another State ......................................................................................................................................       81
 Interstate Reciprocal Coverage Elections for Multistate Workers  ......................................................................                             82
 Tips for Reducing Your UI Tax Rate  ...................................................................................................................             82
 Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Reporting .......................................................................................................                  83
 UI Rate Manipulation ..........................................................................................................................................     83

edd.ca.gov                                        ii             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 7 -
Unemployment Insurance Benefits .......................................................................................................................                         84
 Unemployment Insurance Funding  ....................................................................................................................                           84
 Benefit Amount  ...................................................................................................................................................            84
 Benefit Qualifications  .........................................................................................................................................              84
 Qualifying UI Wages  ..........................................................................................................................................                85
 UI Eligibility Determination  .................................................................................................................................                85 
 How to Designate an Agent or Single Address ...................................................................................................                                85 
 How to Request an Electronic DE 1545  .............................................................................................................                            85
 Responding to Notices  .......................................................................................................................................                 86
 Subsequent Benefit Year ....................................................................................................................................                   87
 Notices of Determination, Ruling, or Modification ...............................................................................................                              88
 UI Benefits – Appeal Rights ................................................................................................................................                   89
 False Statement Penalty .....................................................................................................................................                  90
 Benefit Audits to Determine Fraud ......................................................................................................................                       90
 Back Pay Award ..................................................................................................................................................              91
 Workers’ Compensation Benefits ........................................................................................................................                        91
 Statement of Charges .........................................................................................................................................                 92
 Alternate Base Period .........................................................................................................................................                92
 Layoff Alternatives ...............................................................................................................................................            93
      Partial UI Claims ...........................................................................................................................................             93
      Work Sharing Program .................................................................................................................................                    93
 Notice of Layoff ...................................................................................................................................................           93
 Wage Notices  .....................................................................................................................................................            93
State Disability Insurance  ......................................................................................................................................              94
 Taxes – Who Pays for State Disability Insurance?  ............................................................................................                                 94
 Employee Benefits  .............................................................................................................................................               94
 Employer Claim Notices  .....................................................................................................................................                  94
 SDI Online ...........................................................................................................................................................         95
 Voluntary Plan  ....................................................................................................................................................           95 
 Self-Employed Benefits  ......................................................................................................................................                 95
 Workers’ Compensation Insurance  ....................................................................................................................                          95
 SDI Fraud  ...........................................................................................................................................................         95
Employment and Training Services  ......................................................................................................................                        96
 EDD Workforce Services  ...................................................................................................................................                    96
 Employment Training Panel  ...............................................................................................................................                     96
      Funding  ........................................................................................................................................................         96
      How Is ETP Different?  .................................................................................................................................                  96
 General Information  ...........................................................................................................................................               97
 Trade Adjustment Assistance  .............................................................................................................................                     97
 Work Opportunity Tax Credit ...............................................................................................................................                    98
 eWOTC ...............................................................................................................................................................          98
Labor Market Information  ......................................................................................................................................                99
 What Labor Market Information Is Available Online?  .........................................................................................                                  99
 Multiple Location and/or Function Employers  ....................................................................................................                              99
 How Your Industry Code Is Determined  .............................................................................................................                            99
 The Importance of Occupational Information  .....................................................................................................  100
Information and Assistance by Topic  ................................................................................................................... 101
Glossary  .................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Index  .........................................................................................................................................................................113
Instructions for Ordering Forms and Publications  .............................................................................................  117

edd.ca.gov                                          iii Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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The Employment Development Department (EDD) offers no-fee seminars to help established employers and new 
employers to understand and comply with California’s payroll tax laws.

                 The EDD offers seminars on the following topics:

 State payroll tax reporting requirements and    Employment Status Tax Seminar.
  recordkeeping.                                  Cannabis Industry and State Payroll Tax 
 Federal/State Basic Payroll Tax Seminar.         Seminar.
 State Labor Law and Payroll Tax Seminar.        AB 5 Motor Carrier Worker Classification 
                                                   Online Webinar.

                                               The EDD and the Department of Industrial Relations’ 
The EDD and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 
                                                 Division of Labor Standards Enforcement jointly 
           jointly offer seminars on:
                                                                      present classes on:

 Federal/state payroll reporting and             Wage and hour rules and regulations.
  withholding requirements.                       Employer and employee rights and 
 Difference between employees and                 responsibilities.
  independent contractors and the importance      Recordkeeping, reporting, and posting 
  of proper worker classification.                 requirements.

                 Register for a tax seminar at Payroll Tax Seminar

edd.ca.gov                                     1                      Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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This guide helps you understand your rights and responsibilities as an employer.
How to Use This Guide
The information in this guide provides information you need to know or do as an employer, when to register, who is 
an employee, and what are wages. Find the information you need in the table of contents then review the content. 
Each section includes web resources for additional information.
When possible, the Employment Development Department (EDD) follows federal tax guidelines and due dates. 
California laws and rates may differ from federal laws and rates. The EDD administers payroll tax reporting laws 
according to the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC) and California Code of Regulations (CCR).
Regardless of the size of your business, this guide is an important resource on the procedures required for compliance 
with California payroll tax laws. It clarifies how the CUIC and CCR impact your business.
This guide provides general information that applies to most employers and references information on specialized 
topics. Information on detailed or complex issues applicable to a small number of employers is not included.
How to Obtain Assistance and Additional Information
If you have questions not addressed in this guide and/or need additional information, visit the EDD website (edd.
ca.gov) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. 
The EDD offers seminars and presentations on California payroll tax reporting requirements to help you:
  Understand your California payroll tax reporting requirements.
  Avoid common pitfalls and costly mistakes.
 Learn the differences between employees and independent contractors.
  Understand your reporting requirements for new employees and independent contractors.
  Discover no-cost services and resources available to you.
  Develop a better understanding of the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program.
For additional information about a payroll tax education event near you, contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
1-888-745-3886 or register for a Payroll Tax Seminar (edd.ca.gov/payroll_tax_seminars/). 
Learn more about SDI educational presentations for California workers, military family members, employers, and 
licensed health professionals by visiting Outreach Events Information (edd.ca.gov/disability/events_calendar.htm) or 
emailing the SDI Outreach Development Section at diboutreach@edd.ca.gov.
Other Services
This guide also contains useful information about EDD services specifically for employers including programs offering 
tax credits. The EDD also provides employment services, such as job development and job search workshops, 
designed to reduce unemployment and your taxes. A variety of services for new and established employers can help 
you in building a more successful business while complying with California laws.
We Want to Hear From You
How can we improve this guide to better meet your needs? Please send your comments and suggestions to:
Employment Development Department
Publications and Marketing Services Group, MIC 93
PO Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
Email: pmsg@edd.ca.gov

Other Website of Interest
taxes.ca.gov –  This website is sponsored by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, the 
              Employment Development Department, the Franchise Tax Board, and the Internal Revenue Service 

edd.ca.gov                                          2                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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                                                                                     Walk-In Offices
                      e-Services for Business                                        For information and advice on your 
                      Fulfills the e-file and e-pay                                payroll tax responsibilities, visit your 
                        mandate.                                                     local Employment Tax Office from  
                                                                                     8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Time, 
                      Manage your employer payroll 
                                                                                     Monday through Friday.
                        tax account online.
                      Register as an employer.          Anaheim ............... 2099 S. State College Blvd., #401, 92806
                                                          Audit  and Collection Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                      File tax returns and wage 
                        reports.                          Fresno .................. 1050 O Street, 93721
                                                          Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                      Pay deposits and liabilities.
                      Make address changes.             Oakland ................ 7677 Oakport Street, Suite 400, 94621
                                                          Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Collection Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
Register online using e-Services for Business, 
(edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm).   Redding ................ 1325 Pine Street, 96001
                                                          Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Sacramento .......... 3321 Power Inn Road, Suite 220, 95826
                      Online                              Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Collection Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                      Visit the EDD website at 
                      edd.ca.gov.                         San Bernardino..... 658 East Brier Drive, Suite 300, 92408
                                                          Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Collection Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          San Diego....... 10636 Scripps Summit Ct., Suite 202, 92131
Frequently asked questions                              Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          San Jose............... 906 Ruff Drive, 95110
Payroll Tax Seminars                                    Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Santa Fe Springs.. 10330 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 150, 90670
Tax Professionals                                       Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Collection Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886
                                                          Van Nuys…….... 6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 210, 91401
Ask EDD (edd.ca.gov/about_edd/contact_edd.htm).         Audit Office Phone Number: 1-888-745-3886

Visit California Tax Service Center (taxes.ca.gov) for      To find an office near you, visit the Office Locator
federal and California tax information for businesses and               (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator/).
                                                                        Self-Service Offices
                                                          Tax forms and free direct-line phones are available from 
                                                          8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Time, Monday through Friday at 
                                                          our self-service offices.
                      Toll-free from the U.S. or Canada:  Bakersfield ............1800 30th Street, Suite 240, 93301
                      1-888-745-3886                      Eureka ..................409 K Street, Suite 202, 95501
                      Hearing impaired: 1-800-547-9565    Modesto ................3340 Tully Road, Suite E-10, 95350
                      Outside the U.S. or Canada:         San Francisco.......745 Franklin Street, Suite 400, 94102
                                                          Santa Rosa ...........50 D Street, Room 100, 95404
Staff are available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Time,  Vallejo ...................1440 Marin Street, Suite 114, 94590
Monday through Friday to answer your questions.           Ventura .................  4820 McGrath Street, Suite 200, 93003

                                                                     Forms and Publications
                                                            Download and order forms, instructions, and publications 
                                                                     at EDD Forms (edd.ca.gov/forms/).
edd.ca.gov                                                3             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 11 -
                                                     START HERE
           As a new employer, the following steps ensure you meet your employer reporting, and tax payment 
           obligations. Keep in mind that your employer requirements may not be limited to informatoin on this 
           page. Refer to page 5, for a flowchart of these steps.

Step 1     You are an employer if you pay wages for employment to one or more people in excess of $100 during any 
           calendar quarter.
           Note: If you pay wages to people who work in or around your home, you may be considered a household 
           employer. Refer to page 7 for additional information or view the Household Employer’s Guide (DE 8829) 

Step 2     Register for an EDD employer payroll tax account number online at e-Services for Business 
           (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). You must register within 15 days after 
           paying wages in excess of $100 for employment. A commercial employer is a business connected 
           with commerce or trade, operating primarily for profit. The EDD will assign you an eight-digit employer 
           payroll tax account number to identify your business when reporting and paying payroll taxes. Include 
           your employer payroll tax account number on all correspondence with the EDD. For additional 
           information and registration options, refer to page 7.

                 Report new employee(s) using the online Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34) at 
                  e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) within 20 
                  days of the employee’s start-of-work date. All employees who are newly hired, rehired after a 
                  separation of at least 60 consecutive days, or returning to work from a furlough, separation, leave 
                  of absence without pay, or termination must be reported to the EDD. If you acquire an ongoing 
                  business and employ any of the former owner’s workers, these employees are considered new 
                  hires, and you must report them to the EDD’s New Employee Registry (https://edd.ca.gov/en/
                  Payroll_Taxes/New_Hire_Reporting). For additional information and available reporting methods 
                  for reporting new employees, refer to page 53.
                 Report independent contractor information using the online Report of Independent Contractor(s) 
                  (DE 542) at e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) 
                  within 20 days ofeither paying an independent contractor $600 or more for services performed  or
                  entering into a contract for $600 or more, whichever is earlier. Independent contractor information 
                  must be reported to the EDD. For additional information and available reporting methods for 
                  independent contractor reporting, refer to page 55.
                 Provide your employees with pamphlets on employee withholdings, Unemployment Insurance 
                  (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL). For additional information on 
                  employee pamphlets, refer to page 72.
                 Post an employee notice with UI, DI, and PFL claim and benefit information. This notice should 
                  be posted in a prominent location, easily seen by your employees. The appropriate notice will be 
                  sent to you after you register. For additional information on employee notices, refer to page 72.

Step 4     Make your Payroll Tax Deposits (DE 88) payments for UI, Employment Training Tax (ETT), State 
           Disability Insurance (SDI), and California Personal Income Tax (PIT) online at e-Services for Business 
           (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). Your SDI and PIT withholdings deposit due dates 
           are based on your federal deposit schedule/requirement and the amount of accumulated PIT that you have 
           withheld. Your UI and ETT payments are due quarterly. For additional information about deposit requirements, 
           refer to pages 58 and 59.

Step 5     File a Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9) online at e-Services 
           for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) to reconcile the tax and withholding 
           amounts with your DE 88 deposits for the quarter. Also, file a Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of 
           Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) to report total subject wages paid, PIT wages, and PIT withheld for each 
           employee for the quarter.
           These reports are due on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year. These reports must be 
           submitted even if you have no payroll during a calendar quarter. For additional information and available 
           filing options, refer to pages 62 and 63.
           Note: Failure to complete the above steps on time may result in penalty and interest charges.
           For information on your federal employment tax reporting requirements, access the IRS website 
           (irs.gov) or contact the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.
edd.ca.gov                                                4                 Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 12 -
                                      Did you pay wages in excess of $100                NO        No registration 
Step 1                                         in a calendar quarter?                                 required.


                                   Register online for an employer payroll tax account 
                                           number at e-Services for Business 
Step 2                    (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm).
                                   Refer to page 7 for alternate registration options.

Step 3

                                                 Give to Employee(s)
Provide to the EDD within 20 days                                                          Post in Workplace
                                      Employee’s Withholding Allowance 
                                      Certificate (DE 4)
Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34)                                                    Notice to Employees (DE 1857A)
                                      Employee’s Withholding Certificate (Form 
Report of Independent Contractor(s)   W-4)                                           (If you are a public entity or not 
(DE 542)                              For Your Benefit: California’s Programs for    subject to UI, refer to page 75 
                                      the Unemployed (DE 2320)                       for your posting requirements.)
                                      Paid Family Leave (DE 2511)
                                      Disability Insurance Provisions (DE 2515)

                                      Continuous Filing Requirements
                                      File required reports online at e-Services for 
                                   Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_

                                            Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88)
                                      File online at e-Services for Business
Step 4                             (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.
                                      Refer to page 57 for deposit requirements.

                         Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9)
               Form DE 9 reconciles tax and withholding amounts with deposits for the quarter.


               Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) 
Step 5         Form DE 9C reports total subject wages and Personal Income Tax [PIT] wages 
                                   paid and PIT withheld for each employee for the quarter.

                                      File online at e-Services for Business
               Refer to pages 62 and 63 for additional information and available filing options.

Most forms are available online at EDD (edd.ca.gov) or by calling the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

edd.ca.gov                                              5               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 13 -
                                         2023 FORMS AND DUE DATES
 Form                                    Name                                                                  Due
                     Commercial Employer Account Registration              Within 15 calendar days after paying more 
 DE 1                and Update Form (If you are not a commercial          than $100 in wages during any calendar 
                     employer, refer to page 7.)                           quarter.
 DE 34               Report of New Employee(s)                             Within 20 days of start-of-work date for new 
                                                                           or rehired employees.
                                                                           Within 20 days of paying an independent 
 DE 542              Report of Independent Contractor(s)                   contractor $600 or more or entering into a 
                                                                           contract for $600 or more, whichever is earlier.
                                                                                                                  Delinquent if Not 
 Report                                  Quarter                                               Due                      1
                                                                                                                        Filed by
 DE 9/DE 9C               1st (January, February, March)                      April 1, 2023                             May 1, 2023
 DE 9/DE 9C               2nd (April, May, June)                              July 1, 2023                              July 31, 2023
 DE 9/DE 9C               3rd (July, August, September)                       October 1, 2023                     October 31, 2023
 DE 9/DE 9C               4th (October, November, December)                   January 1, 2024                     January 31, 2024

                                     CALIFORNIA DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                  California “Deposit 
 If Your Federal             And You Have 
                                                                                               PIT and SDI              Schedule” box  
                                                                              Deposit Due by
 Deposit Schedule/        Accumulated State         If Pay Date Is                                             2        to indicate on  
 Requirement Is1          PIT Withholding Of
                                                                                                                        the DE 88
                             Less than $350         Any payday                                 Quarterly3               Quarterly
                                                                                               15 th  of the 
 Next-Day                    $350 to $500           Any payday                                                          Monthly
                                                                              following month
                             More than $500         Any payday                                 Next-Day                 Next-Day
                             Less than $350         Any payday                                 Quarterly3               Quarterly
                                                                                               15 th  of the 
                             $350 to $500           Any payday                                                          Monthly
                                                                              following month
                             More than $500        Wed., Thurs., or Fri.                                     7          Semi-weekly
                             More than $500        Sat., Sun., Mon., or Tues. Following Friday7                         Semi-weekly
                             Less than $350         Any payday                                 Quarterly3               Quarterly
 Monthly                                                                                       15 th  of the 
                             $350 or more           Any payday                                                          Monthly
                                                                              following month
                                                                                               May 1, 2023
                                                                                               July 31, 2023
 Quarterly  4, 5             Less than $350         Any payday                                                          Quarterly
                                                                              October 31, 2023
          or                                                                  January 31, 2024
                                                                                               15 th  of the 
                             $350 or more           Any payday                                                          Monthly
                                                                              following month
1  If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is extended to the next business day. For example, if a deposit is due 
 on Friday, but Friday is a holiday, the deposit due date is extended to the following Monday. 
2  Electronic transactions for Next-Day deposits must be settled in the state’s bank account on or before the third business day following the 
 payroll date.
3  If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is extended to the next business day. For example, if a deposit is due 
 on Friday, but Friday is a holiday, the deposit due date is extended to the following Monday.
4  If you have accumulated less than $350 of Personal Income Tax (PIT) and you choose to make an additional deposit before the quarterly due 
 date, designate the deposit schedule as quarterly on your DE 88.
5  If you are not required to follow one of the above federal deposit schedules/requirements, you are still required to make California payroll tax 
 deposits of accumulated State Disability Insurance (SDI) deductions and PIT withholdings quarterly or more often, based on the guidelines in 
 this table. Information about federal deposit schedules is located in the Internal Revenue Service’s Employer Tax Guide (Publication 15).
6  A deposit of employer Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Employment Training Tax (ETT) taxes and any accumulated SDI and PIT withholdings 
 not previously paid must be deposited each quarter by the due dates shown.
7  If your federal deposit requirement is annually, you are required to make California payroll tax deposits quarterly or monthly based on the 
 guidelines in this table.
edd.ca.gov                                                       6                             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 14 -
                                      ABOUT EMPLOYERS
An employer is a person or legal entity that hires one or more employees to work for a wage, salary, or other 
compensation. Employers include sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, nonprofit organizations, charitable 
organizations, foundations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, public entities (including state and 
federal agencies), schools, associations, trusts, estates, joint ventures, and Indian Tribes.
When Do I Become An Employer?
You become an employer when you pay wages in excess of $100 during any calendar quarter to one or more 
employees. Wages are compensation for services performed, including, but not limited to, cash payments, 
commissions, bonuses, and the reasonable cash value of nonmonetary payments for services, such as meals and 
lodging. For additional information, refer to “What Are Wages?” on page 11.
Private households, local college clubs, and local chapters of fraternities and sororities that employ workers to 
perform household services are “household employers.” Additional information about household employment is 
available online atHousehold Employer (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/household_employer.htm).     You can also refer to 
the Household Employer’s Guide (DE 8829) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de8829.pdf) online, or obtain a copy by 
contacting the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
NOTE: If you acquired an existing business, refer to “What Is a Successor Employer?” on page 72 for further details.

                                      WHEN TO REGISTER
All employers conducting business in California are subject to the employment tax laws of the California Unemployment 
Insurance Code (CUIC). Once a business hires an employee and pays in excess of $100 during any calendar quarter, 
the business is considered to be an employer and must register at e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-
Services_for_Business.htm) or submit a registration form to the EDD within 15 days after paying wages.
Employers are responsible for reporting wages paid to their employees and paying Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax 
and Employment Training Tax (ETT) on those wages, as well as withholding and remitting State Disability Insurance 
(SDI) and Personal Income Tax (PIT) due on those wages.
Action Required: Register with the EDD for an employer payroll tax account number if you pay wages in excess of 
    $100 during any calendar quarter to one or more employees.

How to Register for an EDD Employer Payroll Tax Account Number
Register online using the EDD e-Services for Business 

Additional Options for Registering for an Employer Payroll Tax Account Number
    1.  Select the appropriate registration form for your industry available at Forms and Publications 
     (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm). The most common registration forms available:
         Commercial Employer Account Registration and Update Form (DE 1)   
         Agriculture Employer Account Registration and Update Form (DE 1AG)
         Governmental Organizations, Public Schools, and Indian Tribes Registration and Update Form (DE 1GS) 
         Employers of Household Workers Registration and Update Form (DE 1HW)
         Nonprofit Employers Registration and Update Form (DE 1NP) 
         Employers Depositing Only Personal Income Tax Withholding Registration and Update Form (DE 1P)
    2.  Submit the completed registration form by mail or fax to the EDD:
                   Employment Development Department
                   Account Services Group, MIC 28
                   PO Box 826880
                   Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
                   Fax: 1-916-654-9211
      Employment occurs when an employer engages the services of an employee for pay.
      You become an employer when you pay wages over $100 during any calendar quarter to one or more 
      You must register with the EDD within 15 days of paying wages in excess of $100.
      Employers are responsible for reporting wages paid to employees and paying UI and ETT on the wages, as 
     well as withholding and remitting SDI and PIT.

edd.ca.gov                                            7                         Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 15 -
                                       CLASSIFYING EMPLOYEES
An “employee” includes all of the following:
    Any officer of a corporation.
    Any worker who is an employee under the ABC test.
    Any worker whose services are specifically covered by law.
An employee may perform services on a temporary or less than full-time basis. The law does not exclude services from employment 
that are commonly referred to as day labor, part-time help, casual labor, temporary help, probationary, or outside labor.

What Is the ABC Test?
Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) on September 18, 2019, codifying the ABC test for employee 
versus independent contractor classification adopted by the California Supreme Court in Dynamex Operations West, 
Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles (Dynamex). AB 5 became law on January 1, 2020. AB 5 added section 2775 to the 
Labor Code as well as amending section 621 (b) of the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC) by removing the 
“common law rules” and applying the ABC test. 
Under amended section 621 (b) of the CUIC and section 2775 of the Labor Code, a person providing labor or services for 
payment shall be considered an employee rather than an independent contractor unless the hiring entity demonstrates that 
all of the following are satisfied:
 (A)  The person is free from the control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work,  
     both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact. 
 (B)  The person performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.
 (C)  The person is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same   
     nature as that involved in the work performed.         
Note:  California does not provide relief under the “Safe Harbor” provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, 
     it is important that workers are properly classified under the ABC test which determines employer-employee 
How Can I Get Additional Information on This Topic?
Incorrectly classifying your workers can be a costly mistake. If you have incorrectly classified employees as independent 
contractors, you could be liable for back taxes, penalties, and interest. The following EDD resources can help you 
determine if you have correctly classified your workers:
    Employment Determination Guide (DE 38) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de38.pdf) – Asks a series of “Yes” or 
     “No” questions regarding your treatment of workers to help determine if a problem may exist and whether you need 
     to seek additional guidance. The DE 38 is available to download online. 
    Determination of Employment Work Status for Purposes of State of California Employment Taxes and Personal 
     Income Tax Withholding (DE 1870) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1870.pdf) – Provides a series of questions 
     regarding your relationship with your workers. Complete and return this form to the EDD for a written determination 
     stating whether your workers are employees or independent contractors based on the facts that you provide. The 
     DE 1870 is available to download online.
    Information Sheets – Provide general and industry-specific information. To obtain information sheets, visit 
     Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance 
     Center at 1-888-745-3886.
    Independent Contractor Information – The Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About the  
     California Independent Contractor Reporting Law (DE 542FAQ) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de542faq.pdf) 
     and Independent Contractors Misconceptions Brochure (DE 573M) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de573m.pdf) 
     provides detailed information and are available online to download.
    Payroll Tax Seminars – The EDD offers no-fee seminars online to help employers comply with the California 
     payroll tax laws. To enroll visit Payroll Tax Seminars (seminars.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_Seminars/) or contact the 
     Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

    An employee includes any officer of a corporation, a worker who is an employee under the ABC test, and a worker 
     whose services are specifically covered by law. Refer to Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) 
     (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231te.pdf) for more information.
    An employee may perform services on a temporary or less than full-time basis.
    The EDD has several resources available to help you correctly classify your workers.

edd.ca.gov                                                  8                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 16 -
                                         STATE PAYROLL TAXES
The Employment Development Department (EDD) administers the following California payroll tax programs:
  Unemployment Insurance Tax (UI)                       State Disability Insurance Tax (SDI)
  Employment Training Tax (ETT)                           California Personal Income Tax (PIT) Withholding. 
Note: Paid Family Leave (PFL) is a component of the SDI program. 
UI and ETT are employer paid contributions. SDI and PIT are withheld from employee wages. Wages are generally 
subject to all four payroll taxes unless otherwise stated by law.

                                   UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE TAX
What Is UI Tax?
The UI program was established as part of a national program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor under 
the Social Security Act. The UI program provides temporary payments to individuals who are unemployed through no 
fault of their own.
Who Pays It?
The UI program is funded through payroll taxes paid by the employer. Tax-rated employers pay a percentage on 
the first $7,000 in wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. The UI rate schedule and amount of taxable 
wages are determined annually. New employers pay 3.4 percent (.034) for a period of two to three years. The 
UI rate could increase to a maximum of 6.2 percent (.062) or decrease to a minimum of 1.5 percent (0.015) 
based on an employer’s experience rating and the balance in the UI Fund. For a detailed explanation of the 
experience rating method, refer to Information Sheet: California System of Experience Rating (DE 231Z) (PDF) 
Government entities and certain nonprofit employers may elect the reimbursable method of financing UI in which they 
reimburse the UI Fund on a dollar-for-dollar basis for all benefits paid to their former employees.

                                    EMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX
What Is ETT?
Employment Training Tax (ETT) provides funds to train employees in targeted industries to improve the 
competitiveness of California businesses. The ETT Fund promotes a healthy labor market by helping California 
businesses invest in a skilled and productive workforce while developing the skills of new and incumbent workers.
Who Pays It?
ETT is an employer-paid tax. Employers are subject to pay 0.1 percent (.001) for ETT on the first $7,000 in wages 
paid to each employee in a calendar year. The tax rate is set by statute at 0.1 percent (.001) of UI taxable wages for 
employers with positive UI reserve account balances and subject to section 977(c) of the CUIC. The maximum tax is 
$7 per employee per year ($7,000 x .001).

                                   STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE TAX
What Is SDI Tax?
State Disability Tax (SDI) allows the Disability Fund to pay Disability Insurance (DI) and PFL benefits to eligible 
California workers. DI benefits are paid to eligible California workers who lose wages when they are unable to work 
due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. 
PFL benefits are paid to eligible California workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, parent, 
parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner. Benefits are also available to 
new parents who need time to bond with a new child entering the family by birth, adoption, or foster care placement. 
Benefits are also available to California workers who participate in a qualifying event because of a family member’s 
spouse, registered domestic partner, parent, or child’s military deployment to a foreign country. 
Who Pays It?
The SDI program is funded through a payroll deduction from employees’ wages. Employers withhold 0.9 percent (.009) 
for SDI on the first $153,164 in wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. Taxable wages and rates may change 
each year.

                           CALIFORNIA PERSONAL INCOME TAX
What Is California PIT?
California Personal Income Tax (PIT) is a tax levied on California residents’ income and on income that California 
nonresidents derive from California. The EDD reports, collects, and enforces PIT withholding. Taxes collected from 
the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and the EDD support California public services such as schools, public parks, roads, 
health, and human services.
Who Pays It?
California PIT is either withheld from employees’ wages based on the Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate  
(DE 4) on file with their employer or is based on the supplemental tax rates, refer to page 15.
edd.ca.gov                                                9          Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 17 -
                                            STATE PAYROLL TAXES
                       Unemployment           Employment              State Disability     California Personal 
                       Insurance              Training Tax             Insurance             Income Tax
 Who Pays?             Employer               Employer            Employee (employer  Employee (employer 
                                                                  withholds from           withholds from 
                                                                  employee wages)          employee wages)
 Taxable Wages         First $7,000 of        First $7,000 of     First $153,164 of        No limit. Refer to PIT 
                       subject wages per      subject wages per   subject wages per        withholding (edd.
                       employee, per year.    employee, per year. employee, per year.      ca.gov/payroll_
 Tax Rate              New employer tax rate  Set by statute at   The 2023 SDI             Withheld based 
                       is 3.4 percent (.034)  0.1 percent (.001)  withholding rate         on the Employee’s 
                       for a period of two to of UI taxable wages is 0.9 percent (.009).   Withholding 
                       three years. Following for employers with  The SDI taxable          Allowance Certificate  
                       this period, the tax   positive UI reserve wages and tax rate       (DE 4).
                       rate is calculated     account balances    are set by law and 
                       annually based on      and employers       may change each 
                       each employer’s        subject to section  year.
                       previous experience    977(c) of the CUIC.
                       and the condition of 
                       the UI Fund. The EDD 
                       notifies employers of 
                       their new rate each 
 Maximum Tax           $434 per employee,     $7 per employee,    $1,378.48 per            No maximum.
 (Except when          per year. (The amount  per year            employee, per year 
 employer is subject   has been calculated    ($7,000 x .001).    ($153,164 x .011).
 to section 977[c] of  at the highest UI tax 
 the CUIC.)            rate of 6.2 percent 
                       [$7,000 x .062].)
 Note:   Some types of employment are not subject to payroll taxes and/or PIT withholding. Refer to 
      Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231te.pdf). 
      Certain types of wages and benefits are not subject to payroll taxes. Refer to Information Sheet: Types of 
      Payments(DE 231TP) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231tp.pdf). For additional assistance, contact the 
      Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                                            HELP US FIGHT FRAUD
The “underground economy” refers to those individuals and businesses that deal in cash and/or use other schemes 
to conceal their activities and their true tax liability from government licensing, regulatory, and taxing agencies. The 
underground economy is also referred to as tax evasion, tax fraud, cash pay, tax gap, payments under-the-table 
and off-the-books. When businesses operate in the underground economy, they gain an unfair advantage over 
businesses that comply with the law because they do not pay workers’ compensation and state and federal payroll 
taxes. The EDD, in partnership with several other governmental agencies, follows leads and conducts on-site 
inspections of businesses throughout the state. Visit EDD Underground Economy Operations (UEO) programs (edd.
ca.gov/payroll_taxes/underground_economy_operations.htm) to learn more. 
To report businesses that are paying workers undocumented cash payments, failing to carry workers’ compensation 
insurance, or not complying with labor and licensing laws, please download and complete an Underground 
Economy Operations Lead Referral/Complaint Form (DE 660 in English or DE 660/S in Spanish) (PDF) 
(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de660.pdf)/(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de660s.pdf) or contact the UEO at:
              Hotline:   1-800-528-1783       Email:    ueo@edd.ca.gov
              Fax:     1-916-227-2772         Online:   askedd.edd.ca.gov/ReportFraud.aspx
  •  To obtain the brochure Paying Cash Wages “Under the Table” (DE 573CA in English or DE 573CA/S 
  in Spanish), visit Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm) or order 
  copies using our online order form (edd.ca.gov/forms).
     Further information about how to help the EDD fight fraud may be found in the brochure Help Us Fight Fraud 
(DE 2370) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de2370.pdf).

edd.ca.gov                                              10             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 18 -
                                     WHAT ARE WAGES?
Wages are all compensation for an employee’s personal services, whether paid by check, cash, electronic debit, or 
the reasonable cash value of noncash payments, such as meals and lodging. The method of payment, whether by 
private agreement, consent, or mandate, does not change the taxability of wages paid to employees. Payments are 
considered wages even if the employee is a casual worker, a day or contract laborer, part-time or temporary worker, 
or paid by the day, hour, or any other method or measurement. Supplemental payments, including bonuses, overtime 
pay, sales awards, commissions, and vacation pay are also considered wages.

                                          SUBJECT WAGES
Generally, all wages, unless excluded under the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC), are considered 
subject wages and are used to determine the amount of Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training Tax 
(ETT), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits a claimant should receive. Subject wages are the 
full amount of wages, regardless of the UI and State Disability Insurance (SDI) taxable wage limits. Refer to the inside 
front cover for UI/SDI taxable wage limits. Enter the Total Subject Wages in “Item F” for each employee on the Quarterly 
Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C). Certain types of employment and payments are 
not considered subject. Refer to Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) and Information Sheet: Types 
of Payments (DE 231TP) online at Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm) or 
contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                                 PERSONAL INCOME TAX WAGES
Personal Income Tax (PIT) wages are cash and noncash payments subject to state income tax and must be 
     reported on an individual’s California income tax return. Most payments for employees’ services are reportable 
     as PIT wages. An employee’s PIT wage calendar year total should agree with the amount reported on the 
     employee’s federal Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) in Box 16 (state wages, tips, etc.). The PIT wages 
     for each employee must be reported quarterly in “Item G” on the DE 9C. For additional information, refer to 
     Information Sheet: Personal Income Tax Wages Reported on the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report 
     of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) (DE 231PIT) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231pit.pdf) or contact the 
     Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
Note: Some wages excluded from PIT withholding are still considered PIT wages and must be reported to the EDD; 
     for example, wages paid to agricultural workers.

In most situations, when wages are subject to UI, ETT, SDI, and PIT withholding, subject wages and PIT wages are 
the same. Examples of when subject wages and PIT wages are different are:
  Employee salary reduction contributions to a qualified retirement or pension plan are generally included as 
     subject wages, but are not reportable as PIT wages. Refer to the “Retirement and Pension Plans” section of 
     Information Sheet: Types of Payments (DE 231TP) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231tp.pdf) or contact the 
     Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
  Under certain situations, wages paid to family employees (a child under age of 18 years employed by own 
     father or mother, an individual employed by own son, daughter, spouse, or registered domestic partner) may  
     not be reported as subject wages but are reportable as PIT wages. Refer to the “Family Employees” section  
     of Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231te.pdf) or 
     contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
  Payments made to employees of churches are not reported as subject wages, but are reportable as PIT wages. 
     Refer to the “Nonprofit Organization Employees” section of Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) 
     (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231te.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

Employers who are only required to withhold California PIT, but not the other payroll taxes, are still required to register 
with the EDD using the Registration Form for Employers Depositing Only Personal Income Tax Withholding (DE 1P). The 
employer is liable for the required PIT, whether or not it is withheld. By law, the filing of federal Form 1099-MISC or Form 
1099-NEC (issued to the worker) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Franchise Tax Board does not relieve the 
employer of liability.

edd.ca.gov                                             11              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 19 -
                                       MEALS AND LODGING

Meals and lodging provided free of charge or at a reduced rate to an employee are wages. If your employees are 
covered under a contract of employment or union agreement, the taxable value of meals and lodging cannot be 
less than the estimated value stated in the contract or agreement. Meals and lodging furnished for the employer’s 
convenience and on the employer’s premises are not subject to PIT.

If the cash value is not stated in an employment contract or union agreement, please refer to the table below for the 
value of the meals and/or lodging. To determine the value of lodging, multiply the amount you could rent the property 
for (ordinary rental value) by 66 2/3 percent (0.6667). Ordinary rental value may be calculated on a monthly or weekly 
basis as follows:

                            Value of Meals                                              Value of Lodging
           Three Meals                                                     Meal Not     Minimum  Maximum 
  Year           Per Day    Breakfast  Lunch                        Dinner Identified   Per Week Per Month
  2023           $ 13.85    $ 2.85     $ 4.25                       $ 6.75 $ 4.95       $ 57.05  $ 1,759
  2022           $ 12.95    $ 2.65     $ 4.00                       $ 6.30 $ 4.65       $ 55.60  $ 1,715

The values above apply to non-maritime employees only.

For more information on meals and lodging, including values for those provided to maritime employees, visit Payroll 
Taxes Rates and Withholding (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/rates_and_withholding.htm) or contact the Taxpayer 
Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.

For historical rate information for the last eight years, visit the Tax Rates, Wage Limits, and Value of Meals and 
Lodging (DE 3395) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de3395.pdf).

                                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

  Who Is an Employee? Refer to page 8.
 EDD forms and publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm)
  Information Sheets:
  Wages (DE 231A)
  Types of Employment (DE 231TE)
  Types of Payments (DE 231TP)
  Personal Income Tax Wages Reported on the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of  
    Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) (DE 231 PIT)

                           For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                            California Employer News and Updates 

                         Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

edd.ca.gov                                            12                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 20 -
With certain exceptions, compensation for services performed by an employee is considered wages and subject 
to Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding. California wages include, but are not limited to, salaries, bonuses, 
commissions, fees (except fees paid to public officials), and payments in forms other than checks or cash. Wages 
in any form other than checks or cash are measured by the fair market value of the goods, lodging, meals, or other 
compensation given in payment for the employee’s services.

Most wages require California PIT withholding. To determine which wages require PIT withholding, refer to 
Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) and Information Sheet: Types of Payments (DE 231TP). These 
information sheets identify special classes of employment and special types of payments and their treatment for 
Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI), and California PIT 
wages and withholding. Also refer to “Who Is an Employee?” on page 8.
To obtain information sheets for specific industries and types of services, visit Forms and Publications 
(edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at  
1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, contact 1-916-464-3502.

                                       FORM W-4 AND DE 4
Beginning January 1, 2020, the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) Employee’s Withholding Certificate (Form W-4) is 
used for federal income tax withholding only. The employee must file the state form Employee’s Withholding Allowance 
Certificate (DE 4) for the appropriate PIT withholding.
If employees expect to itemize deductions on their California income tax return, they can claim additional withholding 
allowances, which are greater than their regular withholding allowances. When reduced withholding amounts are 
appropriate because of large amounts of itemized deductions, employees must complete a DE 4, including the 
attached worksheets, to support additional allowances for the itemized deductions. For information on treatment of 
additional withholding allowances for estimated deductions, refer to “Instructions for Additional Withholding Allowances 
for Estimated Deductions” on page 17 and the “Estimated Deduction” table on page 19.
Use of the DE 4 is no longer optional; therefore, when employees provide you with a DE 4, you must use it to 
determine their California PIT withholdings. You can download the DE 4 (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de4.pdf) or 
contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
Employees may request that no California PIT be withheld if they:
  Incurred no liability for federal/state income tax for the prior tax year and
  Anticipate that no federal/state income tax liability will be incurred for the current tax year.
 Action Required: Each employee must complete a DE 4 with the word “EXEMPT” in Line 1.

           If                                                        Then
Employee does not file a DE 4 You may use the existing withholding certificate in your file to withhold. If you 
                              have no existing withholding certificate from the employee, then you must use 
                              Single with Zero withholding allowance.
                              Exception: Do not withhold any California PIT from wages of employees who have 
                              filed “EXEMPT” on their DE 4 unless you receive a written notice from the Franchise 
                              Tax Board (FTB) to withhold at a special rate. To maintain “EXEMPT” status, the 
                              employee must file a new DE 4 each year on or before February 15.
Employee files a DE 4         You must use the DE 4 to calculate and withhold California PIT.
Employee’s marital status     Request the employee to correct the DE 4 or submit a new one. Until the 
cannot be determined from the  new or corrected form is received, consider the employee as Single with Zero 
DE 4                          withholding allowances for California PIT withholding purposes.
Employee admits that DE 4 is  When you receive an invalid DE 4, do not use it to calculate PIT withholding. 
false                         Ask the employee for a new DE 4. If the employee does not give you a valid 
                              DE 4, withhold PIT as if the employee was single and claiming no withholding 
                              allowances. However, if you have an earlier Form W-4 or DE 4 for this worker that 
                              is valid, withhold as you did before.

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When you hire an employee, you must have the employee complete and provide a signed withholding exemption 
certificate, federal Form W-4 and a DE 4. The Form W-4 is used to withhold federal income tax and the DE 4 is used 
for the appropriate California Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding. If an employee fails to give you a properly 
completed Form DE 4, you must withhold state income taxes from the employee’s wages as if the employee were 
single and claiming no withholding allowances. 

The requirements for a complete exemption from state wage withholding are the same as the federal requirements. 
You will not deduct and withhold any tax upon a payment of wages made to an employee if there is in effect, for 
the federal income tax purposes, with respect to the payment a withholding exemption certificate provided to the 
employer by the employee which contains statements that: 
  The employee incurred no liability for federal income tax imposed for the preceding tax year; and
  The employee anticipates that they will incur no liability for federal income tax for the current tax year.

A DE 4 claiming exemption from withholding is valid only during the calendar year it was filed with the employer. To 
continue exemption from withholding in the next year, an employee must give you a new DE 4 claiming exempt status 
by February 15 of that year. If the employee does not give you a new DE 4, withhold tax as if the employee is Single, 
with Zero withholding allowances.  However, if you have an earlier Form W-4 or DE 4 (not claiming exempt status) for 
this employee that is valid, withhold as you did before.

Employers must retain the federal Form W-4 and state DE 4 in their payroll records.

The DE 4 is considered invalid* if either of the following two conditions exist: 
  The employee makes major changes to DE 4, such as crossing out words or writing more than is asked.
  The employee admits that the DE 4 is false.

When you receive an invalid Form W-4 or DE 4, do not use it to calculate PIT withholding. Tell the employee that it is 
invalid and ask for another one. If the employee does not give you a valid one, withhold PIT as if the employee was 
single and claiming no withholding allowances. However, if you have an earlier Form W-4 or DE 4 for this worker that 
is valid, withhold as you did before. 

The Franchise Tax Board or the Employment Development Department (EDD) may, by special direction in writing, 
require you, as the employer, to submit a Form W-4 or DE 4 when such forms are necessary for the administration of 
the withholding tax programs.

* Pursuant to section 31.3402(f)(2)-1(e) of title 26, Code of Federal Regulations, and section 4340-1(b) of Title 22, 
California Code of Regulations.

                             For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                      California Employer News and Updates 

           Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

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Refer to page 17 for the 2023 PIT withholding schedules and information on how to calculate withholdings.
                       What if Your Employee Wants Additional PIT Withholding?
In addition to the tax withholding requirement from salaries and wages, you may, upon written request from the 
employee, agree to withhold an additional amount from the employee’s wages. This agreement will be effective for 
the periods you and the employee mutually agree upon or until written termination of the agreement. 

If employees rely on the Form W-4 instructions when calculating California withholding allowances, their California PIT 
could be significantly under withheld. This is particularly true if the household income is derived from more than one 
source. In order to determine the appropriate California PIT withholding, employees must complete the DE 4. If an 
employee wants more California PIT withheld than the schedules and the alternate methods allow, the employee should 
either request additional withholding or, if married, indicate “single” on the DE 4. For more information, refer to the DE 4 
form and instructions. 
Supplemental wages include, but are not limited to, bonuses, overtime pay, sales awards, commissions, stock 
options, vacation pay, and dismissal or severance pay. Under certain circumstances, bonuses and stock options are 
taxed at a different flat rate than other types of supplemental wages (refer to “Supplemental Wages” below). This only 
applies to stock options that are considered wages subject to PIT withholding.
If the supplemental wage is given to the employee at the same time as the employee’s regular wages are paid, you 
are required to treat the sum of the payments as regular wages and withhold PIT based on the regular payroll period 
using the PIT withholding schedules. 
If the supplemental wage is not given to the employee at the same time as the employee’s regular wages are paid, 
you may use either of the following two options:
    1.  Compute the amount of PIT to withhold from the supplemental wage based on the combined regular wages 
     and the supplemental wage. Compute the PIT withholding on the total of the supplemental wage and the 
     current or most recent regular (gross) wage payment using the PIT withholding schedules. From that amount, 
     subtract the PIT you withheld from the regular wages. The difference is the PIT amount you should withhold 
     from the supplemental wages.
    2.  Withhold the percentage noted below on the following types of supplemental wages without allowing for any 
     withholding allowances claimed by the employee:

     Supplemental Wages                                 Percentage
     Bonuses and stock options                          10.23 percent (.1023)
     Other types (such as overtime pay, commissions, 
     sales awards, severance, and vacation pay)         6.6 percent (.066)

To find out if stock options are wages subject to PIT withholding, obtain Information Sheet: Stock Options (DE 231SK) 
(PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231sk.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                               QUARTERLY ESTIMATED PAYMENTS
Wages are subject to mandatory California PIT withholding at the time they are paid to the employee. Quarterly 
estimates paid directly to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) are intended to satisfy taxes on income that is not subject to 
withholding. Quarterly estimates paid by an employee directly to FTB in lieu of proper withholdings from wages may 
result in an assessment to the employer. If you have questions regarding quarterly estimated payments, contact the 
FTB at 1-800-852-5711.

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                               WAGES PAID TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS

           If                                                     Then
 A California resident         Wages paid to the resident employee are subject to California PIT withholding, and 
 performs services in          PIT must be withheld from all wages paid, in accordance with the employee’s  
 California or in another      DE 4. Refer to the withholding requirements on page 13. 
 state.                        The wages paid must be reported as PIT wages on the Quarterly Contribution 
                               Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C). The PIT withheld must also be 
                               reported on the DE 9C.
 A California resident         Make the withholding required by the other jurisdiction, and:
 performs services that are       For California, withhold the amount by which the California withholding 
 subject to personal income    
                                amount exceeds the withholding amount for the other jurisdiction, or
 tax withholding laws of 
 both California and another     Do not withhold any California PIT if the withholding amount for the other 
 state, political subdivision,  jurisdiction is equal to, or greater than, the withholding amount for California.
 or the District of Columbia.  The wages reported as PIT wages on the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report 
                               of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) for the year should be the same wages that are 
                               entered in “Box 16” on your employee’s Form W-2. The PIT withheld must also be 
                               reported on the DE 9C.

           If                                                     Then
 A nonresident employee        The wages paid to the nonresident employee are subject to California PIT withholding.  
 performs their entire         The PIT must be withheld from all wages paid in accordance with the employee’s  
 service within California     DE 4. However, the spouse of a military service member may exclude  
 during the year (may          wages from California PIT withholding by marking the corresponding box when filing a 
 include spouse of a military  DE 4. Refer to the withholding requirements on page 13. 
 service member).              The wages paid must be reported as PIT wages on the DE 9C. The PIT withheld 
                               must also be reported on the DE 9C.
 A nonresident employee        Only the wages earned in California are subject to California PIT withholding. The 
 performs services both        amount of wages subject to California PIT withholding is that portion of the total 
 in California as well as in   number of working days employed in California compared to the total number of 
 another state.                working days employed in both California and the other state.
                               The California wages must be reported as PIT wages on the DE 9C. The PIT 
                               withheld must also be reported on the DE 9C.
                               NOTE:  For employees whose compensation depends on the volume of business 
                                    transacted, the amount of earnings subject to California PIT withholding is that 
                                    portion received for the volume of business transacted in California compared 
                                    to the total volume of business in both California and the other state.

Please refer to FTB’s Resident and Nonresident Withholding Guidelines (Publication 1017) 
(ftb.ca.gov/forms/misc/1017.html) for guidance regarding PIT withholding on payments to nonresident independent 
contractors for services performed in California or contact the FTB at 1-888-792-4900. 

                                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
 EDD forms and publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm):
  Information Sheets:
  Multistate Employment (DE 231D)
  Withholding From Pensions, Annuities, and Certain Other Deferred Income (DE 231P)
  Personal Income Tax Withholding – Supplemental Wage Payments, Moving Expense 
    Reimbursement – WARN Act Payments (DE 231PS)
  Third-Party Sick Pay (DE 231R)
  Types of Employment (DE 231TE)
  Types of Payments (DE 231TP)
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                                  CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023

 California provides two methods for determining the amount of wages and salaries to be withheld for state personal income tax: 
          METHOD A -WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD                    (Limited to wages/salaries less than $1 million) 
           METHOD A provides a quick and easy way to select the appropriate withholding amount, based on the payroll period,       
           filing status, and number of withholding allowances (regular and additional) if claimed. The STANDARD DEDUCTION   
           and EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE CREDIT are already included in the wage bracket tables. Even though this method 
           involves fewer computations than Method B, it cannot be used with your computer in determining amounts to be withheld. 
        METHOD B may be used to calculate withholding amounts either manually or by computer. This method will give an     
           exact amount of tax to withhold. To use this method, you must enter the payroll period, filing status, number of withholding 
           allowances, standard deduction, and exemption allowance credit amounts. These amounts are included in TABLES 1 
           through 5 of the EXACT CALCULATION section.  
 If there are any questions concerning the operation/methodology of Method B for computer software, contact:                              
                                Franchise Tax Board, Statistical Solutions and Modeling Section –516, Mail Stop A-351                   
                                PO Box 942840, Sacramento, CA  94240 
 SPECIAL NOTE FOR MARRIED EMPLOYEES WITH EMPLOYED SPOUSES: To avoid underwithholding of state income tax 
 liability we recommend that you use one of the following options: Single filing status to compute withholding amounts for the 
 employee and spouse; or withhold an additional flat amount of tax.   
 Instructions for additional withholding allowances for estimated deductions: 
 All additional allowances for ESTIMATED DEDUCTIONS that are claimed on an Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate 
 (DE 4) must be used to reduce the amount of salaries and wages subject to withholding by using steps 1 and 2 shown below.  If 
 the Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (Form W-4) is used for California withholding purposes, all additional 
 allowances for ESTIMATED DEDUCTIONS claimed must be treated as regular withholding allowances; unless the employee 
 requests in writing that they be treated in accordance with the following: 
 1.  Subtract the employee's estimated deduction allowance shown in the TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE        
           from the gross wages subject to withholding; and 
 2.   Compute the tax to be withheld using either: 
       METHOD A -WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD                        
 If the DE 4 is used for California withholding purposes, compute the tax to be deducted and withheld based on the total     
 number of regular withholding allowances claimed on line 1(c) of DE 4. 
 If the Form W-4 is used for California withholding purposes, compute the tax to be deducted and withheld based on the         
 total number of withholding allowances claimed on line 5 of Form W-4; minus the number of additional allowances for    
 estimated deductions claimed. If Form W-4 does not separately identify the number of additional allowances for estimated 
 deductions, the employee's request must specify the number claimed. The employee's request will remain in effect until the 
 employee terminates it by furnishing a signed written notice or by furnishing a DE 4.   
 Employers may require employees to file DE 4 when they wish to use additional allowances for estimated deductions to 
 reduce the amount of wages subject to withholding. 
 As of January 1, 2020, the Form W-4 will be used for federal income tax withholding only. You must file a DE 4 to determine the 
 appropriate California PIT withholding. If you do not provide your employer with a withholding certificate, the employer must use 
 Single with Zero withholding allowance. 
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                        METHOD A -WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD                                            
To determine the amount of tax to be withheld follow these steps: 
Step 1     Determine if the employee's gross wages are less than, or equal to, the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW 
           INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE. If so, no income tax is required to be withheld. 
Step 2     If the employee claims any additional withholding allowances for deductions, subtract the amount shown in 
           "ABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE from the gross wages. 
Step 3     Subtract the number of additional withholding allowances from the total allowances to obtain the net     
           allowances for tax computational purposes.  
Step 4     Refer to the correct wage bracket table to arrive at the amount of tax to be withheld. 
EXAMPLE A:  METHOD A - WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD. Weekly earnings of $900, married, and claiming five 
            withholding allowances on Form W-4 or DE 4, three of which are for estimated deductions. 
Step 1     Earnings for the weekly pay period of $900 are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1 -                       
           LOW INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE ($664); therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2     Earnings for the payroll period..............................                                         $900.00 
           Subtract amount from TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE...                                              -58.00 
           Salaries and wages subject to withholding....................                                        $842.00 
Step 3     Total number of withholding allowances claimed...............                                                     5 
           Subtract number of estimated deduction allowances claimed                     ....                               -3 
           Net allowances for tax computation purposes..................                                                     2 
Step 4     Refer to the appropriate wage bracket table (weekly taxable earnings of $842 
           with two deductions) to arrive at the amount of tax to be withheld...........................                      $4.11 
EXAMPLE B:  METHOD A - WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD.Monthly earnings of $3,500, married, and                   
            claiming six withholding allowances on Form W-4 or DE 4, four of which are for estimated deductions. 
Step 1     Earnings for the monthly payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW                
           INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE ($2,875); therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2     Earnings for the payroll period..............................                                      $3,500.00 
           Subtract amount from TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE.                                              -333.00 
           Salaries and wages subject to withholding....................                                      $3,167.00 
Step 3     Total number of withholding allowances claimed.               ..............                                                              6 
           Subtract number of estimated deduction allowances claimed.  ...                                                                          -4 
           Net allowances for tax computation purposes..................                                                                             2 
Step 4     Refer to the appropriate wage bracket table (monthly taxable  
           earnings of $3,167 with two deductions) to arrive at the  
           amount of tax to be withheld.................................                                           $6.93                                

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                                   CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                   METHOD A---WAGE BRACKET TABLE METHOD

                                  TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE

                                   SINGLE,                                       MARRIED
                      DUAL INCOME MARRIED                                                                    UNMARRIED
                      OR MARRIED WITH                                ALLOWANCES ON DE 4 OR FORM W-4                   HEAD OF
PAYROLL PERIOD        MULTIPLE EMPLOYERS                              '0' OR '1'        '2' OR MORE          HOUSEHOLD

WEEKLY                            $332                                  $332                $664                     $664
BIWEEKLY                          $664                                  $664                $1,327                   $1,327
SEMI-MONTHLY                      $719                                  $719                $1,438                   $1,438
MONTHLY                           $1,438                             $1,438                 $2,875                   $2,875
QUARTERLY                         $4,313                             $4,313                 $8,626                   $8,626
SEMI-ANNUAL                       $8,626                             $8,626               $17,252                    $17,252
ANNUAL                            $17,252                            $17,252              $34,503                    $34,503
DAILY/MISCELLANEOUS               $66                                   $66                 $133                     $133

                                  TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE

                                                                       PAYROLL PERIOD
WITHHOLDING                                  BI-             SEMI-                                   SEMI-             DAILY/
ALLOWANCES *             WEEKLY   WEEKLY  MONTHLY  MONTHLY  QUARTERLY                     ANNUAL  ANNUAL              MISC.

  1                   $19         $38            $42                    $83      $250       $500             $1,000  $4
  2                   $38         $77            $83                    $167     $500       $1,000           $2,000  $8
  3                   $58         $115           $125                   $250     $750       $1,500           $3,000  $12
  4                   $77         $154           $167                   $333     $1,000     $2,000           $4,000  $15
  5                   $96         $192           $208                   $417     $1,250     $2,500           $5,000  $19
  6                   $115        $231           $250                   $500     $1,500     $3,000           $6,000  $23
  7                   $135        $269           $292                   $583     $1,750     $3,500           $7,000  $27
  8                   $154        $308           $333                   $667     $2,000     $4,000           $8,000  $31
  9                   $173        $346           $375                   $750     $2,250     $4,500           $9,000  $35
  10**                $192        $385           $417                   $833     $2,500     $5,000           $10,000 $38

*Number of Additional Withholding Allowances for Estimated Deductions claimed on  ormF  W-4 or DE    4.

** If the number of Additional Withholding Allowances for Estimated Deductions claimed is greater than 10, 
    multiply the amount shown for one Additional Allowance by the number claimed.

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                                              FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1            2    3     4            5     6     7          8      9     10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                OR MORE
                                   ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $160
160        170  0.71
170        180  0.82
180        190  0.93
190        200  1.04
200        210  1.15
210        220  1.26
220        230  1.37
230        240  1.48
240        250  1.59
250        260  1.70
260        270  1.81
270        280  1.92
280        290  2.03
290        300  2.16
300        310  2.38
310        320  2.60
320        330  2.82
330        340  3.04  0.08                                  
340        350  3.26  0.30
350        360  3.48  0.52
360        370  3.70  0.74
370        380  3.92  0.96
380        390  4.14  1.18
390        400  4.36  1.40
400        410  4.58  1.62
410        420  4.80  1.84
420        430  5.02  2.06
430        440  5.24  2.28
440        450  5.46  2.50
450        460  5.68  2.72
460        480  6.01  3.05         0.09
480        500  6.45  3.49         0.53
500        520  6.89  3.93         0.97
520        540  7.33  4.37         1.41
540        560  7.77  4.81         1.85
560        600  8.86  5.91         2.95
600        640  10.62 7.67         4.71 1.75
640        680  12.38 9.43         6.47 3.51  0.55
680        720  14.14 11.19        8.23 5.27  2.31
720        760  15.90 12.95        9.99 7.03  4.07         1.11
760        800  17.66 14.71 11.75       8.79  5.83         2.87
800        840  19.42 16.47 13.51       10.55 7.59         4.63  1.67
840        880  21.91 18.95 15.99       13.03 10.07        7.11  4.16  1.20
880        920  24.55 21.59 18.63       15.67 12.71        9.75  6.80  3.84       0.88
920        970  27.52 24.56 21.60       18.64 15.68        12.72 9.77  6.81       3.85   0.89
970        1070 32.47 29.51 26.55       23.59 20.63        17.67 14.72 11.76      8.80   5.84  2.88
1070       1170 39.31 36.35 33.39       30.43 27.47        24.52 21.56 18.60      15.64  12.68 9.72
1170       1270 48.11 45.15 42.19       39.23 36.27        33.32 30.36 27.40      24.44  21.48 18.52
1270       1370 56.91 53.95 50.99       48.03 45.07        42.12 39.16 36.20      33.24  30.28 27.32
1370       1470 66.35 63.39 60.44       57.48 54.52        51.56 48.60 45.64      42.68  39.72 36.76
1470 and over                            (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

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                                            FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1    2            3   4  5            6     7 8            9 10
LEAST      THAN                                                                    OR MORE
                           ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $160
160        170  0.71
170        180  0.82
180        190  0.93
190        200  1.04
200        210  1.15
210        220  1.26
220        230  1.37
230        240  1.48
240        250  1.59
250        260  1.70
260        270  1.81
270        280  1.92
280        290  2.03
290        300  2.14
300        310  2.25
310        320  2.36
320        330  2.47
330        340  2.58
340        350  2.69
350        360  2.80
360        370  2.91
370        380  3.02  0.07
380        390  3.13  0.18
390        400  3.24  0.29
400        410  3.35  0.40
410        420  3.46  0.51
420        430  3.57  0.62
430        440  3.68  0.73
440        460  3.85  0.89
460        480  4.07  1.11
480        500  4.31  1.35
500        520  4.75  1.79
520        540  5.19  2.23
540        560  5.63  2.67
560        580  6.07  3.11
580        600  6.51  3.55
600        620  6.95  3.99
620        640  7.39  4.43
640        660  7.83  4.87
660        680  8.27  5.31 0.15
680        700  8.71  5.75 0.59
700        720  9.15  6.19 1.03
720        740  9.59  6.63 1.47
740        760  10.03 7.07 1.91
760        780  10.47 7.51 2.35
780        800  10.91 7.95 2.79
800        820  11.35 8.39 3.23         0.27
820        840  11.79 8.83 3.67         0.71
840        860  12.23 9.27 4.11         1.15
860        880  12.67 9.71 4.55         1.59

                                 --- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE ---

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                                               FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2         3      4      5      6       7                  8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                       OR MORE
                              ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
880        900  13.11  10.15  4.99      2.03
900        920  13.55  10.59  5.43      2.47
920        940  13.99  11.03  5.87      2.91
940        960  14.43  11.47  6.31      3.35   0.39
960        980  14.87  11.91  6.75      3.79   0.83
980        1000 15.31  12.35  7.19      4.23   1.27
1000       1020 15.75  12.79  7.63      4.67   1.71
1020       1040 16.41  13.45  8.07      5.11   2.15
1040       1060 17.29  14.33  8.51      5.55   2.59
1060       1080 18.17  15.21  8.95      5.99   3.03   0.08
1080       1100 19.05  16.09  9.39      6.43   3.47   0.52
1100       1120 19.93  16.97  9.83      6.87   3.91   0.96
1120       1140 20.81  17.85  10.49     7.53   4.57   1.61
1140       1170 21.91  18.95  11.59     8.63   5.67   2.71
1170       1200 23.23  20.27  12.91     9.95   6.99   4.03   1.07
1200       1230 24.55  21.59  14.23     11.27  8.31   5.35   2.39
1230       1260 25.87  22.91  15.55     12.59  9.63   6.67   3.71    0.76
1260       1290 27.19  24.23  16.87     13.91  10.95  7.99   5.03    2.08
1290       1320 28.51  25.55  18.19     15.23  12.27  9.31   6.35    3.40               0.44
1320       1350 29.83  26.87  19.51     16.55  13.59  10.63  7.67    4.72               1.76
1350       1390 31.37  28.41  21.05     18.09  15.13  12.17  9.21    6.26               3.30   0.34
1390       1430 33.13  30.17  22.81     19.85  16.89  13.93  10.97   8.02               5.06   2.10
1430       1470 34.89  31.93  24.57     21.61  18.65  15.69  12.73   9.78               6.82   3.86   0.90
1470       1510 36.65  33.69  26.33     23.37  20.41  17.45  14.49   11.54              8.58   5.62   2.66
1510       1550 38.41  35.45  28.09     25.13  22.17  19.21  16.25   13.30              10.34  7.38   4.42
1550       1590 40.52  37.56  29.85     26.89  23.93  20.97  18.01   15.06              12.10  9.14   6.18
1590       1630 43.16  40.20  31.61     28.65  25.69  22.73  19.77   16.82              13.86  10.90  7.94
1630       1670 45.80  42.84  33.37     30.41  27.45  24.49  21.53   18.58              15.62  12.66  9.70
1670       1710 48.44  45.48  35.92     32.96  30.00  27.04  24.08   21.13              18.17  15.21  12.25
1710       1750 51.08  48.12  38.56     35.60  32.64  29.68  26.72   23.77              20.81  17.85  14.89
1750       1810 54.38  51.42  41.86     38.90  35.94  32.98  30.02   27.07              24.11  21.15  18.19
1810       1870 58.34  55.38  45.82     42.86  39.90  36.94  33.98   31.03              28.07  25.11  22.15
1870       1950 62.96  60.00  50.44     47.48  44.52  41.56  38.60   35.65              32.69  29.73  26.77
1950       2030 68.24  65.28  55.72     52.76  49.80  46.84  43.88   40.93              37.97  35.01  32.05
2030       2130 74.18  71.22  61.66     58.70  55.74  52.78  49.82   46.87              43.91  40.95  37.99
2130       2280 84.34  81.39  69.91     66.95  63.99  61.03  58.07   55.12              52.16  49.20  46.24
2280       2430 97.54  94.59  82.82     79.86  76.90  73.95  70.99   68.03              65.07  62.11  59.15
2430       2580 110.74 107.79 96.02     93.06  90.10  87.15  84.19   81.23              78.27  75.31  72.35
2580       2730 124.02 121.06 109.22    106.26 103.30 100.35 97.39   94.43              91.47  88.51  85.55
2730       2880 139.36 136.40 123.21    120.25 117.29 114.33 111.37  108.41             105.45 102.50 99.54
2880 and over                                  (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                     22            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 30 -

                                        FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1     2     3     4           5     6     7           8     9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                         OR MORE
                            ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $250
250        260  0.60
260        270  0.71
270        280  0.82
280        290  0.93
290        300  1.04
300        310  1.15
310        320  1.26
320        330  1.37
330        340  1.48
340        350  1.59
350        360  1.70
360        370  1.81
370        380  1.92
380        390  2.03
390        400  2.14
400        410  2.25
410        420  2.36
420        430  2.47
430        440  2.58
440        450  2.69
450        460  2.80
460        470  2.91
470        480  3.02  0.07
480        490  3.13  0.18
490        500  3.24  0.29
500        520  3.41  0.45
520        540  3.63  0.67
540        560  3.85  0.89
560        580  4.07  1.11
580        600  4.30  1.34
600        620  4.74  1.78
620        640  5.18  2.22
640        660  5.62  2.66
660        680  6.06  3.10  0.14
680        700  6.50  3.54  0.58
700        740  7.16  4.20  1.24
740        780  8.04  5.08  2.12
780        820  8.92  5.96  3.00  0.04
820        860  9.80  6.84  3.88  0.92
860        900  10.68 7.72  4.76  1.80
900        950  11.67 8.71  5.75  2.79
950        1010 12.88 9.92  6.96  4.00  1.04
1010       1070 14.20 11.24 8.28  5.32  2.36
1070       1150 15.74 12.78 9.82  6.86  3.90        0.94
1150       1240 19.24 16.28 13.32 10.36 7.40        4.44  1.48
1240       1360 23.86 20.90 17.94 14.98 12.02       9.06  6.10  3.14        0.18
1360       1490 30.19 27.23 24.27 21.31 18.35       15.39 12.44 9.48        6.52  3.56   0.60
1490       1630 39.10 36.14 33.18 30.22 27.26       24.30 21.35 18.39       15.43 12.47  9.51
1630       1770 49.02 46.06 43.10 40.14 37.18       34.22 31.27 28.31       25.35 22.39  19.43
1770       1910 61.34 58.38 55.42 52.46 49.50       46.54 43.59 40.63       37.67 34.71  31.75
1910       2050 74.30 71.34 68.38 65.43 62.47       59.51 56.55 53.59       50.63 47.67  44.71

2050 and over                      (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                              23                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 31 -

                                              FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1           2    3     4              5 6                 7 8     9     10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                OR MORE
                                   ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $260
260        280  0.77
280        300  0.99
300        320  1.21
320        340  1.43
340        360  1.65
360        380  1.87
380        400  2.09
400        420  2.31
420        440  2.53
440        460  2.75
460        480  2.97
480        500  3.19
500        520  3.41
520        540  3.63
540        560  3.85
560        580  4.07
580        600  4.31
600        620  4.75
620        640  5.19
640        660  5.63
660        680  6.07   0.15
680        700  6.51   0.59
700        720  6.95   1.03
720        740  7.39   1.47
740        760  7.83   1.91
760        780  8.27   2.35
780        800  8.71   2.79
800        820  9.15   3.23
820        860  9.81   3.89
860        900  10.69  4.77
900        940  11.57  5.65
940        980  12.45  6.53        0.61
980        1020 13.33  7.41        1.49
1020       1070 14.32  8.40        2.48
1070       1120 15.42  9.50        3.58
1120       1170 17.07  11.15       5.23
1170       1220 19.27  13.35       7.43 1.51
1220       1270 21.47  15.55       9.63 3.71
1270       1320 23.67  17.75  11.83     5.91
1320       1370 25.87  19.95  14.03     8.11  2.20
1370       1420 28.07  22.15  16.23     10.31 4.40
1420       1470 30.27  24.35  18.43     12.51 6.60  0.68
1470       1520 32.47  26.55  20.63     14.71 8.80  2.88
1520       1620 35.77  29.85  23.93     18.01 12.10 6.18       0.26
1620       1720 40.52  34.60  28.68     22.76 16.85 10.93      5.01
1720       1880 49.10  43.18  37.26     31.34 25.43 19.51      13.59 7.67          1.75
1880       2040 59.66  53.74  47.82     41.90 35.99 30.07      24.15 18.23         12.31 6.40  0.48
2040       2200 70.22  64.30  58.38     52.46 46.55 40.63      34.71 28.79         22.87 16.96 11.04
2200       2380 83.02  77.10  71.18     65.27 59.35 53.43      47.51 41.59         35.68 29.76 23.84
2380       2560 98.86  92.94  87.02     81.11 75.19 69.27      63.35 57.43         51.52 45.60 39.68
2560       2740 114.70 108.78 102.86    96.95 91.03 85.11      79.19 73.27         67.36 61.44 55.52
2740 and over                           (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                    24               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 32 -

                                               FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1     2              3   4  5         6        7 8           9 10
LEAST      THAN                                                                      OR MORE
                             ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $260
260        280  0.77
280        300  0.99
300        320  1.21
320        340  1.43
340        360  1.65
360        380  1.87
380        400  2.09
400        420  2.31
420        440  2.53
440        460  2.75
460        480  2.97
480        500  3.19
500        520  3.41
520        540  3.63
540        560  3.85
560        580  4.07
580        600  4.29
600        620  4.51
620        640  4.73
640        660  4.95
660        680  5.17
680        700  5.39
700        720  5.61
720        740  5.83
740        760  6.05  0.13
760        780  6.27  0.35
780        800  6.49  0.57
800        820  6.71  0.79
820        840  6.93  1.01
840        860  7.15  1.23
860        880  7.37  1.45
880        900  7.59  1.67
900        920  7.81  1.89
920        940  8.03  2.11
940        960  8.25  2.33
960        980  8.47  2.55
980        1000 8.84  2.92
1000       1020 9.28  3.36
1020       1060 9.94  4.02
1060       1100 10.82 4.90
1100       1140 11.70 5.78
1140       1180 12.58 6.66  0.75
1180       1220 13.46 7.54  1.63
1220       1260 14.34 8.42  2.51
1260       1300 15.22 9.30  3.39
1300       1340 16.10 10.18 4.27
1340       1380 16.98 11.06 5.15
1380       1420 17.86 11.94 6.03           0.11
1420       1460 18.74 12.82 6.91           0.99
1460       1500 19.62 13.70 7.79           1.87

                                 --- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE ---
edd.ca.gov                                     25           Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 33 -

                                     FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2            3     4      5      6      7             8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                   OR MORE
1500       1540 20.50  14.58  8.67         2.75
1540       1580 21.38  15.46  9.55         3.63
1580       1620 22.26  16.34  10.43        4.51
1620       1660 23.14  17.22  11.31        5.39
1660       1700 24.02  18.10  12.19        6.27  0.35
1700       1740 24.90  18.98  13.07        7.15  1.23
1740       1780 25.78  19.86  13.95        8.03  2.11
1780       1820 26.66  20.74  14.83        8.91  2.99
1820       1860 27.54  21.62  15.71        9.79  3.87
1860       1900 28.42  22.50  16.59        10.67 4.75
1900       1940 29.30  23.38  17.47        11.55 5.63
1940       1980 30.18  24.26  18.35        12.43 6.51   0.59
1980       2020 31.06  25.14  19.23        13.31 7.39   1.47
2020       2060 31.94  26.02  20.11        14.19 8.27   2.35
2060       2100 33.70  27.78  21.86        15.95 10.03  4.11
2100       2140 35.46  29.54  23.62        17.71 11.79  5.87
2140       2180 37.22  31.30  25.38        19.47 13.55  7.63   1.71
2180       2220 38.98  33.06  27.14        21.23 15.31  9.39   3.47
2220       2260 40.74  34.82  28.90        22.99 17.07  11.15  5.23
2260       2300 42.50  36.58  30.66        24.75 18.83  12.91  6.99   1.07
2300       2350 44.48  38.56  32.64        26.73 20.81  14.89  8.97   3.05
2350       2400 46.68  40.76  34.84        28.93 23.01  17.09  11.17  5.25
2400       2450 48.88  42.96  37.04        31.13 25.21  19.29  13.37  7.45          1.54
2450       2500 51.08  45.16  39.24        33.33 27.41  21.49  15.57  9.65          3.74
2500       2550 53.28  47.36  41.44        35.53 29.61  23.69  17.77  11.85         5.94   0.02
2550       2600 55.48  49.56  43.64        37.73 31.81  25.89  19.97  14.05         8.14   2.22
2600       2650 57.68  51.76  45.84        39.93 34.01  28.09  22.17  16.25         10.34  4.42
2650       2700 59.88  53.96  48.04        42.13 36.21  30.29  24.37  18.45         12.54  6.62   0.70
2700       2750 62.08  56.16  50.24        44.33 38.41  32.49  26.57  20.65         14.74  8.82   2.90
2750       2800 64.28  58.36  52.44        46.53 40.61  34.69  28.77  22.85         16.94  11.02  5.10
2800       2850 66.48  60.56  54.64        48.73 42.81  36.89  30.97  25.05         19.14  13.22  7.30
2850       2900 68.68  62.76  56.84        50.93 45.01  39.09  33.17  27.25         21.34  15.42  9.50
2900       2950 70.88  64.96  59.04        53.13 47.21  41.29  35.37  29.45         23.54  17.62  11.70
2950       3000 73.08  67.16  61.24        55.33 49.41  43.49  37.57  31.65         25.74  19.82  13.90
3000       3050 75.28  69.36  63.44        57.53 51.61  45.69  39.77  33.85         27.94  22.02  16.10
3050       3150 78.58  72.66  66.74        60.83 54.91  48.99  43.07  37.15         31.24  25.32  19.40
3150       3250 85.00  79.08  73.17        67.25 61.33  55.41  49.49  43.58         37.66  31.74  25.82
3250       3350 91.60  85.68  79.77        73.85 67.93  62.01  56.09  50.18         44.26  38.34  32.42
3350       3450 98.20  92.28  86.37        80.45 74.53  68.61  62.69  56.78         50.86  44.94  39.02
3450       3550 104.80 98.88  92.97        87.05 81.13  75.21  69.29  63.38         57.46  51.54  45.62
3550       3700 113.05 107.13 101.22       95.30 89.38  83.46  77.54  71.63         65.71  59.79  53.87
3700       3850 122.95 117.03 111.12 105.20      99.28  93.36  87.44  81.53         75.61  69.69  63.77
3850       4050 134.50 128.58 122.67 116.75      110.83 104.91 98.99  93.08         87.16  81.24  75.32
4050       4250 147.70 141.78 135.87 129.95      124.03 118.11 112.19 106.28        100.36 94.44  88.52
4250       4450 163.41 157.49 151.57 145.65      139.74 133.82 127.90 121.98        116.06 110.15 104.23
4450       4700 183.21 177.29 171.37 165.45      159.54 153.62 147.70 141.78        135.86 129.95 124.03
4700       4950 205.21 199.29 193.37 187.45      181.54 175.62 169.70 163.78        157.86 151.95 146.03
4950       5250 229.41 223.49 217.57 211.65      205.74 199.82 193.90 187.98        182.06 176.15 170.23
5250       5550 257.24 251.32 245.40 239.48      233.57 227.65 221.73 215.81        209.89 203.98 198.06
5550 and over                              (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                       26            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 34 -

                                            FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2      3      4         5      6                7 8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                              OR MORE
                              ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $560
560        580  1.87
580        600  2.09
600        620  2.31
620        640  2.53
640        660  2.75
660        680  2.97
680        700  3.19
700        720  3.41
720        740  3.63
740        760  3.85
760        780  4.07
780        800  4.29
800        820  4.51
820        840  4.73
840        860  4.95
860        880  5.17
880        900  5.39
900        920  5.61
920        940  5.83
940        960  6.05   0.13
960        980  6.27   0.35
980        1000 6.49   0.57
1000       1040 6.82   0.90
1040       1080 7.26   1.34
1080       1120 7.70   1.78
1120       1160 8.14   2.22
1160       1200 8.60   2.68
1200       1250 9.59   3.67
1250       1300 10.69  4.77
1300       1350 11.79  5.87
1350       1400 12.89  6.97   1.05
1400       1450 13.99  8.07   2.15
1450       1500 15.09  9.17   3.25
1500       1550 16.19  10.27  4.35
1550       1600 17.29  11.37  5.45
1600       1650 18.39  12.47  6.55   0.63
1650       1700 19.49  13.57  7.65   1.73
1700       1750 20.59  14.67  8.75   2.83
1750       1800 21.69  15.77  9.85   3.93
1800       1850 22.79  16.87  10.95  5.03
1850       1950 24.44  18.52  12.60  6.68   0.77
1950       2050 26.64  20.72  14.80  8.88   2.97
2050       2150 28.84  22.92  17.00  11.08  5.17
2150       2250 31.04  25.12  19.20  13.28  7.37      1.45
2250       2350 34.51  28.59  22.67  16.76  10.84     4.92
2350       2500 40.01  34.09  28.17  22.26  16.34     10.42  4.50
2500       2650 46.61  40.69  34.77  28.86  22.94     17.02  11.10  5.18
2650       2850 54.31  48.39  42.47  36.56  30.64     24.72  18.80  12.88       6.97   1.05
2850       3050 66.98  61.06  55.14  49.23  43.31     37.39  31.47  25.55       19.64  13.72  7.80
3050       3250 80.18  74.26  68.34  62.43  56.51     50.59  44.67  38.75       32.84  26.92  21.00
3250       3550 98.04  92.12  86.20  80.29  74.37     68.45  62.53  56.61       50.70  44.78  38.86
3550       3850 124.44 118.52 112.60 106.69 100.77    94.85  88.93  83.01       77.10  71.18  65.26
3850       4150 152.70 146.78 140.86 134.94 129.02    123.11 117.19 111.27      105.35 99.43  93.52
1450 and over                        (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)
edd.ca.gov                                  27               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 35 -

                                               FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1           2    3      4      5          6               7 8     9     10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                OR MORE
                                   ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $300
300        320  1.03
320        340  1.25
340        360  1.47
360        380  1.69
380        400  1.91
400        420  2.13
420        440  2.35
440        460  2.57
460        480  2.79
480        500  3.01
500        540  3.34
540        580  3.78
580        620  4.22
620        660  4.68
660        700  5.56
700        740  6.44   0.03
740        780  7.32   0.91
780        820  8.20   1.79
820        860  9.08   2.67
860        900  9.96   3.55
900        940  10.84  4.43
940        980  11.72  5.31
980        1020 12.60  6.19
1020       1060 13.48  7.07        0.65
1060       1100 14.36  7.95        1.53
1100       1140 15.24  8.83        2.41
1140       1180 16.12  9.71        3.29
1180       1220 17.00  10.59       4.17
1220       1260 18.44  12.02       5.61
1260       1300 20.20  13.78       7.37 0.96
1300       1340 21.96  15.54       9.13 2.72
1340       1380 23.72  17.30  10.89     4.48
1380       1420 25.48  19.06  12.65     6.24
1420       1460 27.24  20.82  14.41     8.00   1.58
1460       1500 29.00  22.58  16.17     9.76   3.34
1500       1540 30.76  24.34  17.93     11.52  5.10
1540       1580 32.52  26.10  19.69     13.28  6.86   0.45
1580       1620 34.28  27.86  21.45     15.04  8.62   2.21
1620       1660 36.04  29.62  23.21     16.80  10.38  3.97
1660       1700 37.80  31.38  24.97     18.56  12.14  5.73
1700       1750 39.78  33.36  26.95     20.54  14.12  7.71       1.30
1750       1800 41.98  35.56  29.15     22.74  16.32  9.91       3.50                     
1800       1850 44.91  38.49  32.08     25.67  19.26  12.84      6.43   0.02
1850       1950 49.86  43.44  37.03     30.62  24.21  17.79      11.38  4.97
1950       2050 56.46  50.04  43.63     37.22  30.81  24.39      17.98  11.57      5.15
2050       2250 66.36  59.94  53.53     47.12  40.71  34.29      27.88  21.47      15.05 8.64  2.23
2250       2450 79.56  73.14  66.73     60.32  53.91  47.49      41.08  34.67      28.25 21.84 15.43
2450       2700 98.20  91.78  85.37     78.96  72.55  66.13      59.72  53.31      46.89 40.48 34.07
2700       2950 120.20 113.78 107.37    100.96 94.55  88.13      81.72  75.31      68.89 62.48 56.07
2950       3200 143.57 137.16 130.75    124.33 117.92 111.51     105.10 98.68      92.27 85.86 79.44

3200 and over                           (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)
edd.ca.gov                                     28                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 36 -

                                              FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1     2   3             4  5          6       7 8           9 10
LEAST      THAN                                                                     OR MORE
                            ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $300
300        320  1.03
320        340  1.25
340        360  1.47
360        380  1.69
380        400  1.91
400        420  2.13
420        440  2.35
440        460  2.57
460        480  2.79
480        500  3.01
500        520  3.23
520        540  3.45
540        560  3.67
560        580  3.89
580        600  4.11
600        620  4.33
620        640  4.55
640        660  4.77
660        680  4.99
680        700  5.21
700        720  5.43
720        740  5.65
740        760  5.87
760        780  6.09
780        800  6.31
800        820  6.53  0.11
820        840  6.75  0.33
840        860  6.97  0.55
860        880  7.19  0.77
880        900  7.41  0.99
900        920  7.63  1.21
920        940  7.85  1.43
940        960  8.07  1.65
960        980  8.29  1.87
980        1000 8.51  2.09
1000       1040 8.84  2.42
1040       1080 9.29  2.88
1080       1120 10.17 3.76
1120       1160 11.05 4.64
1160       1200 11.93 5.52
1200       1240 12.81 6.40
1240       1280 13.69 7.28
1280       1320 14.57 8.16
1320       1360 15.45 9.04
1360       1400 16.33 9.92
1400       1440 17.21 10.80
1440       1480 18.09 11.68 0.49
1480       1520 18.97 12.56 1.38
1520       1560 19.85 13.44 2.26
1560       1600 20.73 14.32 3.14

                                 --- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE ---

edd.ca.gov                                    29            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 37 -

                                              FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2      3        4      5      6                 7 8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                               OR MORE
                              ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
1600       1640 21.61  15.20  4.02
1640       1680 22.49  16.08  4.90
1680       1720 23.37  16.96  5.78
1720       1760 24.25  17.84  6.66   0.24
1760       1800 25.13  18.72  7.54   1.12
1800       1840 26.01  19.60  8.42   2.00
1840       1880 26.89  20.48  9.30   2.88
1880       1920 27.77  21.36  10.18  3.76
1920       1960 28.65  22.24  11.06  4.64
1960       2000 29.53  23.12  11.94  5.52
2000       2040 30.41  24.00  12.82  6.40
2040       2080 31.29  24.88  13.70  7.28     0.87
2080       2120 32.17  25.76  14.58  8.16     1.75
2120       2160 33.05  26.64  15.46  9.04     2.63
2160       2200 33.93  27.52  16.34  9.92     3.51
2200       2250 35.19  28.78  17.33  10.91    4.50
2250       2300 37.39  30.98  18.43  12.01    5.60
2300       2350 39.59  33.18  19.53  13.11    6.70   0.29
2350       2400 41.79  35.38  20.63  14.21    7.80   1.39
2400       2450 43.99  37.58  21.73  15.31    8.90   2.49
2450       2500 46.19  39.78  23.83  17.41    11.00  4.59
2500       2550 48.39  41.98  26.03  19.61    13.20  6.79   0.37
2550       2600 50.59  44.18  28.23  21.81    15.40  8.99   2.57
2600       2650 52.79  46.38  30.43  24.01    17.60  11.19  4.77
2650       2700 54.99  48.58  32.63  26.21    19.80  13.39  6.97    0.56
2700       2750 57.19  50.78  34.83  28.41    22.00  15.59  9.17    2.76
2750       2800 59.39  52.98  37.03  30.61    24.20  17.79  11.37   4.96
2800       2850 61.59  55.18  39.23  32.81    26.40  19.99  13.57   7.16        0.75
2850       2900 63.79  57.38  41.43  35.01    28.60  22.19  15.77   9.36        2.95
2900       2950 65.99  59.58  43.63  37.21    30.80  24.39  17.97   11.56       5.15
2950       3000 68.19  61.78  45.83  39.41    33.00  26.59  20.17   13.76       7.35   0.94
3000       3075 70.94  64.53  48.58  42.16    35.75  29.34  22.92   16.51       10.10  3.69
3075       3150 74.24  67.83  51.88  45.46    39.05  32.64  26.22   19.81       13.40  6.99   0.57
3150       3225 77.54  71.13  55.18  48.76    42.35  35.94  29.52   23.11       16.70  10.29  3.87
3225       3300 80.84  74.43  58.48  52.06    45.65  39.24  32.82   26.41       20.00  13.59  7.17
3300       3375 84.14  77.73  61.78  55.36    48.95  42.54  36.12   29.71       23.30  16.89  10.47
3375       3475 89.27  82.86  65.63  59.21    52.80  46.39  39.97   33.56       27.15  20.74  14.32
3475       3575 95.87  89.46  70.03  63.61    57.20  50.79  44.37   37.96       31.55  25.14  18.72
3575       3675 102.47 96.06  75.34  68.93    62.51  56.10  49.69   43.27       36.86  30.45  24.04
3675       3775 109.07 102.66 81.94  75.53    69.11  62.70  56.29   49.87       43.46  37.05  30.64
3775       3975 118.97 112.56 91.84  85.43    79.01  72.60  66.19   59.77       53.36  46.95  40.54
3975       4175 132.17 125.76 105.04 98.63    92.21  85.80  79.39   72.97       66.56  60.15  53.74
4175       4450 147.85 141.43 120.71 114.30   107.89 101.48 95.06   88.65       82.24  75.82  69.41
4450       4850 171.47 165.06 142.99 136.58   130.16 123.75 117.34  110.92      104.51 98.10  91.69
4850       5250 206.67 200.26 174.77 168.36   161.94 155.53 149.12  142.70      136.29 129.88 123.46
5250       5650 241.87 235.46 209.97 203.56   197.14 190.73 184.32  177.90      171.49 165.08 158.66
5650       6050 278.63 272.22 245.17 238.76   232.34 225.93 219.52  213.10      206.69 200.28 193.86
6050       6500 322.11 315.69 287.11 280.70   274.28 267.87 261.46  255.04      248.63 242.22 235.80
6500 and over                        (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                    30            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 38 -

                                            FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2      3      4             5      6            7 8      9       10
LEAST      THAN                                                                               OR MORE
                               ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $600
600        620  1.94
620        640  2.16
640        660  2.38
660        680  2.60
680        700  2.82
700        720  3.04
720        740  3.26
740        760  3.48
760        780  3.70
780        800  3.92
800        820  4.14
820        840  4.36
840        860  4.58
860        880  4.80
880        900  5.02
900        940  5.35
940        980  5.79
980        1020 6.23
1020       1060 6.67   0.26
1060       1100 7.11   0.70
1100       1140 7.55   1.14
1140       1180 7.99   1.58
1180       1220 8.43   2.02
1220       1260 8.87   2.46
1260       1300 9.36   2.95
1300       1350 10.35  3.94
1350       1400 11.45  5.04
1400       1450 12.55  6.14
1450       1500 13.65  7.24   0.83
1500       1550 14.75  8.34   1.93
1550       1600 15.85  9.44   3.03
1600       1650 16.95  10.54  4.13
1650       1700 18.05  11.64  5.23
1700       1750 19.15  12.74  6.33
1750       1800 20.25  13.84  7.43   1.01
1800       1900 21.90  15.49  9.08   2.66
1900       2000 24.10  17.69  11.28  4.86
2000       2100 26.30  19.89  13.48  7.06   0.65
2100       2200 28.50  22.09  15.68  9.26   2.85
2200       2300 30.70  24.29  17.88  11.46  5.05
2300       2420 33.12  26.71  20.30  13.88  7.47          1.06
2420       2540 36.89  30.48  24.07  17.66  11.24         4.83
2540       2660 42.17  35.76  29.35  22.94  16.52         10.11  3.70
2660       2780 47.45  41.04  34.63  28.22  21.80         15.39  8.98   2.56
2780       2900 52.73  46.32  39.91  33.50  27.08         20.67  14.26  7.84    1.43
2900       3200 62.95  56.54  50.13  43.71  37.30         30.89  24.48  18.06   11.65  5.24
3200       3500 82.75  76.34  69.93  63.51  57.10         50.69  44.28  37.86   31.45  25.04   18.62
3500       3810 103.73 97.32  90.90  84.49  78.08         71.67  65.25  58.84   52.43  46.01   39.60
3810       4120 131.01 124.60 118.18 111.77 105.36        98.95  92.53  86.12   79.71  73.29   66.88
4120       4430 159.46 153.04 146.63 140.22 133.80        127.39 120.98 114.56  108.15 101.74  95.33
4430 and over                        (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                  31                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 39 -

                                                FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1           2   3      4             5 6                 7 8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                 OR MORE
                                   ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $600
600        640  2.05
640        680  2.49
680        720  2.93
720        760  3.37
760        800  3.81
800        840  4.25
840        880  4.69
880        920  5.13
920        960  5.57
960        1000 6.01
1000       1050 6.51
1050       1100 7.06
1100       1150 7.61
1150       1200 8.16
1200       1250 8.71
1250       1300 9.26
1300       1350 10.35
1350       1400 11.45
1400       1450 12.55
1450       1500 13.65  0.83
1500       1600 15.30  2.48
1600       1700 17.50  4.68
1700       1800 19.70  6.88
1800       1900 21.90  9.08
1900       2000 24.10  11.28
2000       2100 26.30  13.48       0.65
2100       2200 28.50  15.68       2.85
2200       2300 30.70  17.88       5.05
2300       2400 32.90  20.08       7.25
2400       2500 35.55  22.73       9.90
2500       2600 39.95  27.13  14.30    1.47
2600       2700 44.35  31.53  18.70    5.87
2700       2800 48.75  35.93  23.10    10.27
2800       2900 53.15  40.33  27.50    14.67  1.85
2900       3000 57.55  44.73  31.90    19.07  6.25
3000       3100 61.95  49.13  36.30    23.47  10.65
3100       3200 66.35  53.53  40.70    27.87  15.05  2.22
3200       3300 70.75  57.93  45.10    32.27  19.45  6.62
3300       3400 75.15  62.33  49.50    36.67  23.85  11.02
3400       3500 79.55  66.73  53.90    41.07  28.25  15.42    2.60
3500       3700 86.52  73.69  60.86    48.04  35.21  22.39    9.56
3700       3900 99.72  86.89  74.06    61.24  48.41  35.59    22.76   9.93
3900       4100 112.92 100.09 87.26    74.44  61.61  48.79    35.96   23.13       10.31
4100       4400 129.42 116.59 103.76   90.94  78.11  65.29    52.46   39.63       26.81  13.98  1.16
4400       4700 149.22 136.39 123.56   110.74 97.91  85.09    72.26   59.43       46.61  33.78  20.96
4700       5100 174.39 161.57 148.74   135.92 123.09 110.26   97.44   84.61       71.79  58.96  46.13
5100       5500 209.59 196.77 183.94   171.12 158.29 145.46   132.64  119.81      106.99 94.16  81.33
5500       5900 244.79 231.97 219.14   206.32 193.49 180.66   167.84  155.01      142.19 129.36 116.53
5900       6300 282.03 269.21 256.38   243.55 230.73 217.90   205.08  192.25      179.42 166.60 153.77
6300 and over                          (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                    32              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 40 -

                                           FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1    2             3 4  5          6       7 8             9 10
LEAST      THAN                                                                    OR MORE
                           ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $600
600        640  2.05
640        680  2.49
680        720  2.93
720        760  3.37
760        800  3.81
800        840  4.25
840        880  4.69
880        920  5.13
920        960  5.57
960        1000 6.01
1000       1040 6.45
1040       1080 6.89
1080       1120 7.33
1120       1160 7.77
1160       1200 8.21
1200       1240 8.65
1240       1280 9.09
1280       1320 9.53
1320       1360 9.97
1360       1400 10.41
1400       1440 10.85
1440       1480 11.29
1480       1520 11.73
1520       1560 12.17
1560       1600 12.61
1600       1640 13.05 0.23
1640       1680 13.49 0.67
1680       1720 13.93 1.11
1720       1760 14.37 1.55
1760       1800 14.81 1.99
1800       1840 15.25 2.43
1840       1880 15.69 2.87
1880       1920 16.13 3.31
1920       1960 16.57 3.75
1960       2000 17.01 4.19
2000       2040 17.45 4.63
2040       2080 17.89 5.07
2080       2140 18.44 5.62
2140       2200 19.68 6.85
2200       2260 21.00 8.17
2260       2320 22.32 9.49
2320       2380 23.64 10.81
2380       2440 24.96 12.13
2440       2500 26.28 13.45
2500       2560 27.60 14.77
2560       2620 28.92 16.09
2620       2680 30.24 17.41
2680       2740 31.56 18.73
2740       2800 32.88 20.05
2800       2860 34.20 21.37
                              --- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE ---

edd.ca.gov                                 33            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 41 -

                                               FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS  0      1      2         3     4      5      6       7            8      9      10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                 OR MORE
                                ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
2860       2920  35.52  22.69  0.33
2920       2980  36.84  24.01  1.65
2980       3040  38.16  25.33  2.97
3040       3100  39.48  26.65  4.29
3100       3160  40.80  27.97  5.61
3160       3220  42.12  29.29  6.93
3220       3280  43.44  30.61  8.25
3280       3340  44.76  31.93  9.57
3340       3400  46.08  33.25  10.89
3400       3460  47.40  34.57  12.21
3460       3520  48.72  35.89  13.53     0.70
3520       3580  50.04  37.21  14.85     2.02
3580       3640  51.36  38.53  16.17     3.34
3640       3700  52.68  39.85  17.49     4.66
3700       3800  54.44  41.61  19.25     6.42
3800       3900  56.64  43.81  21.45     8.62
3900       4000  58.84  46.01  23.65     10.82
4000       4100  61.04  48.21  25.85     13.02 0.20
4100       4200  63.24  50.41  28.05     15.22 2.40
4200       4300  65.44  52.61  30.25     17.42 4.60
4300       4400  67.64  54.81  32.45     19.62 6.80
4400       4500  70.38  57.55  34.65     21.82 9.00
4500       4600  74.78  61.95  36.85     24.02 11.20
4600       4700  79.18  66.35  39.05     26.22 13.40  0.57
4700       4800  83.58  70.75  41.25     28.42 15.60  2.77
4800       4900  87.98  75.15  43.45     30.62 17.80  4.97
4900       5000  92.38  79.55  47.65     34.83 22.00  9.17
5000       5100  96.78  83.95  52.05     39.23 26.40  13.57  0.75
5100       5200  101.18 88.35  56.45     43.63 30.80  17.97  5.15
5200       5300  105.58 92.75  60.85     48.03 35.20  22.37  9.55
5300       5400  109.98 97.15  65.25     52.43 39.60  26.77  13.95   1.12
5400       5500  114.38 101.55 69.65     56.83 44.00  31.17  18.35   5.52
5500       5600  118.78 105.95 74.05     61.23 48.40  35.57  22.75   9.92
5600       5700  123.18 110.35 78.45     65.63 52.80  39.97  27.15   14.32        1.50
5700       5800  127.58 114.75 82.85     70.03 57.20  44.37  31.55   18.72        5.90
5800       5900  131.98 119.15 87.25     74.43 61.60  48.77  35.95   23.12        10.30
5900       6000  136.38 123.55 91.65     78.83 66.00  53.17  40.35   27.52        14.70  1.87
6000       6200  142.98 130.15 98.25     85.43 72.60  59.77  46.95   34.12        21.30  8.47
6200       6400  151.78 138.95 107.05    94.23 81.40  68.57  55.75   42.92        30.10  17.27  4.44
6400       6600  160.58 147.75 115.85 103.03   90.20  77.37  64.55   51.72        38.90  26.07  13.24
6600       6800  169.38 156.55 124.65 111.83   99.00  86.17  73.35   60.52        47.70  34.87  22.04
6800       7000  181.84 169.02 133.45 120.63   107.80 94.97  82.15   69.32        56.50  43.67  30.84
7000       7200  195.04 182.22 142.25 129.43   116.60 103.77 90.95   78.12        65.30  52.47  39.64
7200       7400  208.24 195.42 153.98 141.15   128.33 115.50 102.67  89.85        77.02  64.20  51.37
7400       7600  221.44 208.62 167.18 154.35   141.53 128.70 115.87  103.05       90.22  77.40  64.57
7600       7800  234.64 221.82 180.38 167.55   154.73 141.90 129.07  116.25       103.42 90.60  77.77
7800       8100  251.14 238.32 196.88 184.05   171.23 158.40 145.57  132.75       119.92 107.10 94.27
8100       8500  274.24 261.42 219.98 207.15   194.33 181.50 168.67  155.85       143.02 130.20 117.37
8500       8900  300.64 287.82 246.38 233.55   220.73 207.90 195.07  182.25       169.42 156.60 143.77
8900       9400  330.34 317.52 276.08 263.25   250.43 237.60 224.77  211.95       199.12 186.30 173.47
9400       9900  373.74 360.91 309.94 297.11   284.28 271.46 258.63  245.81       232.98 220.15 207.33
9900       10500 422.14 409.31 358.34 345.51   332.68 319.86 307.03  294.21       281.38 268.55 255.73
10500      11100 474.94 462.11 411.14 398.31   385.48 372.66 359.83  347.01       334.18 321.35 308.53
11100      11800 532.14 519.31 468.34 455.51   442.68 429.86 417.03  404.21       391.38 378.55 365.73
11800      12500 603.30 590.47 533.30 520.47   507.64 494.82 481.99  469.17       456.34 443.51 430.69
12500 and over                           (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)
edd.ca.gov                                     34            Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 42 -

                                            FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0      1      2      3      4        5      6                 7 8      9       10
LEAST      THAN                                                                               OR MORE
                              ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         1400
1400       1450 6.14
1450       1500 6.69
1500       1550 7.24
1550       1600 7.79
1600       1650 8.34
1650       1700 8.89
1700       1750 9.44
1750       1800 9.99
1800       1850 10.54
1850       1900 11.09
1900       1950 11.64
1950       2000 12.19
2000       2050 12.74
2050       2100 13.29  0.46
2100       2150 13.84  1.01
2150       2200 14.39  1.56
2200       2250 14.94  2.11
2250       2300 15.49  2.66
2300       2350 16.04  3.21
2350       2400 16.59  3.76
2400       2450 17.14  4.31
2450       2500 17.69  4.86
2500       2600 18.51  5.69
2600       2700 20.70  7.88
2700       2800 22.90  10.08
2800       2900 25.10  12.28
2900       3000 27.30  14.48  1.65
3000       3100 29.50  16.68  3.85
3100       3200 31.70  18.88  6.05
3200       3300 33.90  21.08  8.25
3300       3400 36.10  23.28  10.45
3400       3500 38.30  25.48  12.65
3500       3600 40.50  27.68  14.85  2.02
3600       3700 42.70  29.88  17.05  4.22
3700       3800 44.90  32.08  19.25  6.42
3800       3900 47.10  34.28  21.45  8.62
3900       4000 49.30  36.48  23.65  10.82
4000       4100 51.50  38.68  25.85  13.02  0.20
4100       4200 53.70  40.88  28.05  15.22  2.40
4200       4300 55.90  43.08  30.25  17.42  4.60
4300       4500 59.20  46.38  33.55  20.72  7.90
4500       4700 63.60  50.78  37.95  25.12  12.30
4700       4900 68.00  55.18  42.35  29.52  16.70    3.87
4900       5100 75.55  62.72  49.90  37.07  24.24    11.42
5100       5300 84.35  71.52  58.70  45.87  33.04    20.22  7.39
5300       5600 95.35  82.52  69.70  56.87  44.04    31.22  18.39  5.57
5600       5900 108.55 95.72  82.90  70.07  57.24    44.42  31.59  18.77        5.94
5900       6300 125.91 113.08 100.25 87.43  74.60    61.78  48.95  36.12        23.30  10.47
6300       6700 152.31 139.48 126.65 113.83 101.00   88.18  75.35  62.52        49.70  36.87   24.05
6700       7200 182.01 169.18 156.35 143.53 130.70   117.88 105.05 92.22        79.40  66.57   53.75
7200       7700 219.78 206.95 194.13 181.30 168.48   155.65 142.82 130.00       117.17 104.35  91.52
7700       8300 268.18 255.35 242.53 229.70 216.88   204.05 191.22 178.40       165.57 152.75  139.92
8300       8900 324.03 311.20 298.37 285.55 272.72   259.90 247.07 234.24       221.42 208.59  195.77
8900 and over                        (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                  35              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 43 -

                                              FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1            2    3     4     5     6                      7 8      9    10
LEAST      THAN                                                                                OR MORE
                                    ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $28
28         30   0.10
30         32   0.12
32         34   0.14
34         36   0.16
36         38   0.19
38         40   0.21
40         42   0.23
42         44   0.25
44         46   0.27
46         48   0.30
48         50   0.32
50         54   0.35
54         58   0.40
58         62   0.45
62         66   0.54
66         70   0.63  0.03
70         74   0.71  0.12
74         78   0.80  0.21
78         82   0.89  0.30
82         86   0.98  0.38
86         90   1.07  0.47
90         94   1.15  0.56
94         98   1.24  0.65         0.05
98         102  1.33  0.74         0.14
102        106  1.42  0.82         0.23
106        110  1.51  0.91         0.32
110        114  1.59  1.00         0.41
114        118  1.77  1.18         0.58
118        122  1.95  1.35         0.76 0.16
122        126  2.12  1.53         0.93 0.34
126        131  2.32  1.73         1.13 0.54
131        136  2.54  1.95         1.35 0.76  0.16
136        141  2.76  2.17         1.57 0.98  0.38
141        146  2.98  2.39         1.79 1.20  0.60  0.01
146        151  3.20  2.61         2.01 1.42  0.82  0.23
151        156  3.42  2.83         2.23 1.64  1.04  0.45
156        161  3.64  3.05         2.45 1.86  1.26  0.67  0.08
161        166  3.86  3.27         2.67 2.08  1.48  0.89  0.30
166        171  4.16  3.56         2.97 2.38  1.78  1.19  0.59
171        176  4.49  3.89         3.30 2.71  2.11  1.52  0.92            0.33
176        181  4.82  4.22         3.63 3.04  2.44  1.85  1.25            0.66     0.07
181        186  5.15  4.55         3.96 3.37  2.77  2.18  1.58            0.99     0.40
186        201  5.81  5.21         4.62 4.03  3.43  2.84  2.24            1.65     1.06   0.46
201        216  6.80  6.20         5.61 5.02  4.42  3.83  3.23            2.64     2.05   1.45 0.86
216        241  8.26  7.67         7.07 6.48  5.88  5.29  4.70            4.10     3.51   2.91 2.32
241        271  10.68 10.09        9.49 8.90  8.30  7.71  7.12            6.52     5.93   5.33 4.74
271        301  13.48 12.88 12.29       11.70 11.10 10.51 9.91            9.32     8.73   8.13 7.54
301 and over                            (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                                    36          Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 44 -

                                   FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0    1    2    3   4                   5   6 7 8                9 10
LEAST      THAN                                                                   OR MORE
                          ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $32
32         34   0.14
34         36   0.16
36         38   0.19
38         40   0.21
40         42   0.23
42         44   0.25
44         46   0.27
46         48   0.30
48         50   0.32
50         52   0.34
52         54   0.36
54         56   0.38
56         58   0.41
58         60   0.43
60         62   0.45
62         64   0.47
64         66   0.49
66         68   0.52
68         70   0.54
70         72   0.56
72         74   0.58
74         76   0.60 0.01
76         78   0.63 0.03
78         80   0.65 0.05
80         82   0.67 0.08
82         84   0.69 0.10
84         86   0.71 0.12
86         88   0.74 0.14
88         90   0.76 0.16
90         92   0.78 0.19
92         94   0.80 0.21
94         96   0.82 0.23
96         98   0.85 0.25
98         100  0.88 0.29
100        102  0.92 0.33
102        104  0.97 0.37
104        106  1.01 0.42
106        108  1.06 0.46
108        110  1.10 0.51
110        112  1.14 0.55
112        114  1.19 0.59
114        118  1.25 0.66 0.07
118        122  1.34 0.75 0.15
122        126  1.43 0.84 0.24
126        130  1.52 0.92 0.33
130        134  1.61 1.01 0.42
134        138  1.69 1.10 0.51
138        142  1.78 1.19 0.59
142        146  1.87 1.28 0.68 0.09
146        150  1.96 1.36 0.77 0.18

                                --- CONTINUED NEXT PAGE ---

edd.ca.gov                         37                      Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 45 -

                                        FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1     2     3     4              5     6     7       8      9     10
LEAST      THAN                                                                         OR MORE
                            ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
150        154  2.05  1.45  0.86  0.26
154        158  2.13  1.54  0.95  0.35
158        162  2.22  1.63  1.03  0.44
162        166  2.31  1.72  1.12  0.53
166        170  2.40  1.80  1.21  0.62  0.02
170        174  2.49  1.89  1.30  0.70  0.11
174        178  2.57  1.98  1.39  0.79  0.20
178        182  2.66  2.07  1.47  0.88  0.29
182        186  2.75  2.16  1.56  0.97  0.37
186        190  2.84  2.24  1.65  1.06  0.46
190        195  2.94  2.34  1.75  1.15  0.56
195        200  3.05  2.45  1.86  1.26  0.67           0.08
200        205  3.16  2.56  1.97  1.37  0.78           0.19
205        210  3.34  2.75  2.16  1.56  0.97           0.37
210        215  3.56  2.97  2.38  1.78  1.19           0.59
215        220  3.78  3.19  2.60  2.00  1.41           0.81  0.22
220        225  4.00  3.41  2.82  2.22  1.63           1.03  0.44
225        230  4.22  3.63  3.04  2.44  1.85           1.25  0.66  0.07
230        235  4.44  3.85  3.26  2.66  2.07           1.47  0.88  0.29
235        240  4.66  4.07  3.48  2.88  2.29           1.69  1.10  0.51
240        245  4.88  4.29  3.70  3.10  2.51           1.91  1.32  0.73    0.13
245        250  5.10  4.51  3.92  3.32  2.73           2.13  1.54  0.95    0.35
250        255  5.32  4.73  4.14  3.54  2.95           2.35  1.76  1.17    0.57
255        260  5.54  4.95  4.36  3.76  3.17           2.57  1.98  1.39    0.79   0.20
260        265  5.76  5.17  4.58  3.98  3.39           2.79  2.20  1.61    1.01   0.42
265        270  5.98  5.39  4.80  4.20  3.61           3.01  2.42  1.83    1.23   0.64  0.04
270        275  6.20  5.61  5.02  4.42  3.83           3.23  2.64  2.05    1.45   0.86  0.26
275        280  6.42  5.83  5.24  4.64  4.05           3.45  2.86  2.27    1.67   1.08  0.48
280        285  6.64  6.05  5.46  4.86  4.27           3.67  3.08  2.49    1.89   1.30  0.70
285        290  6.86  6.27  5.68  5.08  4.49           3.89  3.30  2.71    2.11   1.52  0.92
290        300  7.19  6.60  6.01  5.41  4.82           4.22  3.63  3.04    2.44   1.85  1.25
300        310  7.63  7.04  6.45  5.85  5.26           4.66  4.07  3.48    2.88   2.29  1.69
310        320  8.18  7.59  7.00  6.40  5.81           5.21  4.62  4.03    3.43   2.84  2.24
320        330  8.84  8.25  7.66  7.06  6.47           5.87  5.28  4.69    4.09   3.50  2.90
330        340  9.50  8.91  8.32  7.72  7.13           6.53  5.94  5.35    4.75   4.16  3.56
340        350  10.16 9.57  8.98  8.38  7.79           7.19  6.60  6.01    5.41   4.82  4.22
350        360  10.82 10.23 9.64  9.04  8.45           7.85  7.26  6.67    6.07   5.48  4.88
360        380  11.81 11.22 10.63 10.03 9.44           8.84  8.25  7.66    7.06   6.47  5.87
380        400  13.13 12.54 11.95 11.35 10.76          10.16 9.57  8.98    8.38   7.79  7.19
400        425  14.62 14.02 13.43 12.84 12.24          11.65 11.05 10.46   9.87   9.27  8.68
425        455  16.79 16.19 15.60 15.00 14.41          13.82 13.22 12.63   12.03  11.44 10.85
455        490  19.65 19.05 18.46 17.86 17.27          16.68 16.08 15.49   14.89  14.30 13.71
490        530  22.95 22.35 21.76 21.16 20.57          19.98 19.38 18.79   18.19  17.60 17.01
530        570  26.75 26.16 25.56 24.97 24.37          23.78 23.19 22.59   22.00  21.40 20.81
570 and over                      (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                              38                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 46 -

                                        FOR WAGES PAID IN 2023
AT         LESS 0     1     2     3     4     5                    6       7   8     9    10
LEAST      THAN                                                                           OR MORE
                            ...THE AMOUNT OF INCOME TAX TO BE WITHHELD SHALL BE...
$1         $56
56         58   0.19
58         60   0.21
60         62   0.23
62         64   0.25
64         66   0.27
66         68   0.30
68         70   0.32
70         72   0.34
72         74   0.36
74         76   0.38
76         78   0.41
78         80   0.43
80         82   0.45
82         84   0.47
84         86   0.49
86         88   0.52
88         90   0.54
90         92   0.56
92         94   0.58
94         96   0.60  0.01
96         100  0.64  0.04
100        104  0.68  0.09
104        108  0.73  0.13
108        112  0.77  0.18
112        116  0.81  0.22
116        121  0.87  0.27
121        126  0.98  0.38
126        131  1.09  0.49
131        136  1.20  0.60  0.01
136        141  1.31  0.71  0.12
141        146  1.42  0.82  0.23
146        151  1.53  0.93  0.34
151        156  1.64  1.04  0.45
156        161  1.75  1.15  0.56
161        166  1.86  1.26  0.67  0.08
166        171  1.97  1.37  0.78  0.19
171        176  2.08  1.48  0.89  0.30
176        181  2.19  1.59  1.00  0.41
181        186  2.30  1.70  1.11  0.52
186        191  2.41  1.81  1.22  0.63  0.03
191        196  2.52  1.92  1.33  0.74  0.14
196        206  2.68  2.09  1.50  0.90  0.31
206        216  2.90  2.31  1.72  1.12  0.53
216        226  3.12  2.53  1.94  1.34  0.75  0.15
226        236  3.50  2.90  2.31  1.72  1.12  0.53
236        246  3.94  3.34  2.75  2.16  1.56  0.97                 0.37
246        256  4.38  3.78  3.19  2.60  2.00  1.41                 0.81  0.22
256        276  5.04  4.44  3.85  3.26  2.66  2.07                 1.47  0.88  0.29
276        296  6.11  5.52  4.93  4.33  3.74  3.14                 2.55  1.96  1.36  0.77 0.17
296        321  7.60  7.01  6.41  5.82  5.22  4.63                 4.04  3.44  2.85  2.25 1.66
321        351  9.46  8.86  8.27  7.68  7.08  6.49                 5.89  5.30  4.71  4.11 3.52
351        381  12.10 11.50 10.91 10.32 9.72  9.13                 8.53  7.94  7.35  6.75 6.16
381        411  14.87 14.27 13.68 13.08 12.49 11.90                11.30 10.71 10.11 9.52 8.93
411 and over                      (Use Method B - Exact Calculation Method)

edd.ca.gov                              39                         Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 47 -
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023 
                                 METHOD B -EXACT CALCULATION METHOD                       
This method is based upon applying a given percentage to the wages (after deductions) which fall within a taxable            
income class, adding to this product the accumulated tax for all lower tax brackets; and then subtracting a tax credit                 
based upon the number of allowances claimed on the (Form W-4 or DE 4). This method also takes into consideration the 
special treatment of additional allowances for estimated deductions. 
The steps in computing the amount of tax to be withheld are as follows: 
Step 1     Determine if the employee's gross wages are less than, or equal to, the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW 
           INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE. If so, no income tax is required to be withheld. 
Step 2     If the employee claims any additional withholding allowances for estimated deductions on a DE 4,            
           subtract the amount shown in TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE from the gross wages. 
Step 3     Subtract the standard deduction amount shown in TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE to                
           arrive at the employee's taxable income. 
Step 4     Use TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE for the payroll period and marital status to find the applicable line on           
           which the taxable income is located. Perform the indicated calculations to arrive at the computed tax liability.      
Step 5     Subtract the tax credit shown in TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE* from the computed tax           
           liability to arrive at the amount of tax to be withheld. 
*If the employee uses additional allowances claimed for estimated deductions, such allowances MUST NOT be used in the 
determination of tax credits to be subtracted. 
EXAMPLE A:  Weekly earnings of $210, single, and claiming one withholding allowance on Form W-4 or DE 4. 
Step 1     Earnings for the weekly payroll period are LESS than the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME 
           EXEMPTION TABLE ($332); therefore, no income tax is to be withheld. 
  EXAMPLE B:   Biweekly earnings of $1,600, married, and claiming three withholding allowances, one of which is for estimated 
Step 1     Earnings for the biweekly payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME 
           EXEMPTION TABLE ($1,327); therefore, income tax should be withheld.   
Step 2     Earnings for biweekly payroll period..........................                                     $ 1,600.00 
           Subtract amount from TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE....                                              -38.00 
           Salaries and wages subject to withholding.   ....................                                  $ 1,562.00 
Step 3     Subtract amount from TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE.....                                            -400.00 
           Taxable income................................................                                     $ 1,162.00 
Step 4     Tax computation from TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE: 
           Entry covering $1,162 (over $776 but not over $1,840). 
             2.2% amount over $776 (.022 x ( $1,162  [ –$776                                                                      ])$        8.49 
             Plus the marginal amount..................................                                              +8.54 
             Computed tax..............................................                                              17.03 
Step 5     Subtract amount from TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE. 
           for two regular withholding allowances....   .................                                            -11.85 
           Net amount of tax to be withheld............................                                       $        5.18 
NOTE:      Table 5 provides a method comparable to the federal alternative method for percentage calculation of 
           withholding. This method is a minor simplification of the exact calculation method described above in that the tax 
           rate applies to the total taxable income with the excess amount subtracted.   

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- 48 -
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023 
EXAMPLE C:  Monthly earnings of $5,100 married, and claiming five withholding allowances on Form W-4 or DE 4. 
Step 1      Earnings for the monthly payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1LOW-                                            INCOME 
            EXEMPTION TABLE ($2,875) therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2      Earnings for monthly payroll period.                                                                                              $  5,100.00         
            Not applicable - no estimated deduction allowance claimed.                                                    
Step 3      Subtract amount from TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE.                                                                  -867.00 
            Taxable income..............................................                                                     $  4,233.00 
Step 4      Tax computation from TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE: 
              Entry covering $4,233 (over $3,992 but not over $6,300). 
              4.4% of amount over $3,992 (.044 x ([$4,233 - $3,992]                  ).                                                            $       10.60 
              Plus marginal tax amount...................................                                          +69.30 
              Computed tax...............................................                                                       $       79.90 
Step 5      Subtract amount from TABLE 4   – EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE for 
            5 regular withholding allowances.............................                                           -64.17 
            Net amount of tax to be withheld...........................                                      $      15.73 
EXAMPLE D:  Weekly earnings of $800, unmarried head of household, and three withholding allowances on Form W-4 or  
            DE 4. 
Step 1      Earnings for the weekly payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1LOW-                        INCOME 
            EXEMPTION TABLE ($664); therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2      Earnings for weekly payroll period...........................                                   $     800.00 
            Not applicable - no estimated deduction allowance claimed. 
Step 3      Subtract amount from TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE...                                            -200.00 
            Taxable income   ..............................................                                 $     600.00 
Step 4      Tax computation from TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE: 
              Entry covering $600 (over $389 but not over $921).  
              2.2% of amount over $389 (.022 x (         [$600 -$389]        ).                                                                $         4.64 
              Plus marginal tax amount...................................                                          + 4.28 
              Computed tax...............................................                                  $         8.92 
Step 5      Subtract amount from TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE for  
            3 regular withholding allowances.............................                                            - 8.88 
            Net amount of tax to be withheld.............................                                   $         0.04 
EXAMPLE E:  Semi-monthly earnings of $2,100, married, and claiming four allowances on Form W-4 or DE 4. 
Step 1      Earnings for the semi-monthly payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME 
            EXEMPTION TABLE ($1,438); therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2      Annualized wages and salary (24 x $2,100).................                                      $50,400.00 
            Not applicable - no estimated deduction allowance claimed. 
Step 3      Subtract amount from TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE......                                    -10,404.00 
            Taxable income.................................................                                           $39,996.00 
Step 4      Tax computation from TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE: 
              Entry covering $39,996 (over $20,198 but not over $47,884). 
              2.2% of amount over $39,996 (.022 x [$39,996-                  $20,198]). ...                 $    435.56 
              Plus marginal tax amount....................................                                      +222.18 
               Computed annual tax.........................................                                 $    657.74 
Step 5      Subtract amount from TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE for 
            4 regular withholding allowances...............................                                       -616.00 
            Annual amount of tax to be withheld.          ...........................                        $      41.74 
            Divide by number of payroll periods in year (24)...............                                  $        1.74 
NOTE:       Employers may determine the amount of income tax to be withheld for an annual payroll period and                      
                    prorate the tax back to the payroll period. This method may be useful to employers who have employees  
            being paid for more than one payroll period and want to conserve computer memory by storing only the                
                    annual tax rates, wage brackets, deduction values, and tax credits. 
edd.ca.gov                                                41                                  Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 49 -
                    METHOD B -EXACT CALCULATION METHOD (CONTINUED)                                  
EXAMPLE F:  Annual earnings of $57,000, monthly pay period, married, and claiming four allowances on Form W-4 or DE 4. 
Step 1      Earnings for the annual payroll period are GREATER than the amount shown in TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME 
            EXEMPTION TABLE ($34,503); therefore, income tax should be withheld. 
Step 2      Annualized wages and/or monthly salary (12 x $4,750).......      .                                                     $  57,000.00 
            Not applicable - no estimated deduction allowance claimed. 
Step 3      Subtract amount from TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE......                                         -10,404.00 
            Taxable income.................................................                                              $  46,596.00 
Step 4      Tax computation from TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE: 
             Entry covering $46,596 (over $20,198 but not over $47,884) 
             2.2% of amount over $20,198 (.022 x ([$46,596 -$20,198]                  ). ...                  $       580.76 
             Plus marginal tax amount....................................                                            +222.18 
             Computed annual tax.........................................                                     $       802.94 
Step 5      Subtract amount from TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE for 
            4 regular withholding allowances...............................                                            -616.00 
            Annual amount of tax to be withheld............................                                    $       186.94 
            Divide by number of payroll periods in year (12)..............                                     $         15.58 
NOTE:       Employers may determine the amount of income tax to be withheld for an annual payroll period and figure        
            the tax for the payroll period. This method may be useful to employers who have employees being paid for a 
            lump sum, or a yearly amount not withheld on; and want to conserve computer memory by storing only the annual 
            tax rates, wage brackets, deduction values, and tax credits. 
edd.ca.gov                                                                        42              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 50 -
                                   METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD

                                   TABLE 1 - LOW INCOME EXEMPTION TABLE

                                  SINGLE,                             MARRIED
                      DUAL INCOME MARRIED                                                                 UNMARRIED
                      OR MARRIED WITH                  ALLOWANCES ON DE 4 OR FORM W-4                            HEAD OF
PAYROLL PERIOD        MULTIPLE EMPLOYERS               ''0' OR '1'               '2' OR MORE             HOUSEHOLD

WEEKLY                            $332                        $332                      $664                     $664
BIWEEKLY                          $664                        $664                      $1,327                   $1,327
SEMI-MONTHLY                      $719                        $719                      $1,438                   $1,438
MONTHLY                           $1,438                   $1,438                       $2,875                   $2,875
QUARTERLY                         $4,313                   $4,313                       $8,626                   $8,626
SEMI-ANNUAL                       $8,626                   $8,626                     $17,252                    $17,252
ANNUAL                            $17,252                  $17,252                    $34,503                    $34,503
DAILY/MISCELLANEOUS               $66                         $66                       $133                     $133

                                  TABLE 2 - ESTIMATED DEDUCTION TABLE

                                                             PAYROLL PERIOD
WITHHOLDING                       BI-        SEMI-                                           SEMI-               DAILY/

1                     $19         $38            $42          $83     $250              $500             $1,000  $4
2                     $38         $77            $83          $167    $500              $1,000           $2,000  $8
3                     $58         $115           $125         $250    $750              $1,500           $3,000  $12
4                     $77         $154           $167         $333    $1,000            $2,000           $4,000  $15
5                     $96         $192           $208         $417    $1,250            $2,500           $5,000  $19
6                     $115        $231           $250         $500    $1,500            $3,000           $6,000  $23
7                     $135        $269           $292         $583    $1,750            $3,500           $7,000  $27
8                     $154        $308           $333         $667    $2,000            $4,000           $8,000  $31
9                     $173        $346           $375         $750    $2,250            $4,500           $9,000  $35
10**                  $192        $385           $417         $833    $2,500            $5,000           $10,000 $38

*Number of Additional Withholding Allowances for Estimated Deductions claimed on Form W-4  or DE   4.

**If the number of Additional Withholding Allowances for Estimated Deductions claimed is greater than 10,
   multiply the amount shown for one Additional Allowance by the number claimed.

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- 51 -
                               CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                      METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD

                                      TABLE 3 - STANDARD DEDUCTION TABLE

                                SINGLE,                                    MARRIED
                         DUAL INCOME MARRIED                                                                      UNMARRIED
                           OR MARRIED WITH                 ALLOWANCES ON DE 4 OR FORM W-4                            HEAD OF
PAYROLL PERIOD          MULTIPLE EMPLOYERS                      '0' OR '1'            '2' OR MORE                HOUSEHOLD

WEEKLY                                $100                        $100                         $200                      $200
BIWEEKLY                              $200                        $200                         $400                      $400
SEMI-MONTHLY                          $217                        $217                         $434                      $434
MONTHLY                               $434                        $434                         $867                      $867
QUARTERLY                             $1,301                   $1,301                $2,601                            $2,601
SEMI-ANNUAL                           $2,601                   $2,601                $5,202                            $5,202
ANNUAL                                $5,202                   $5,202                $10,404                         $10,404
DAILY/MISCELLANEOUS                       $20                     $20                          $40                       $40

                                       TABLE 4 - EXEMPTION ALLOWANCE TABLE

                                                                 PAYROLL PERIOD
ON DE 4 OR                                BI-        SEMI-                                        SEMI-                DAILY/
FORM W-4           WEEKLY WEEKLY MONTHLY MONTHLY QUARTERLY                           ANNUAL               ANNUAL        MISC.

0                    $0.00         $0.00          $0.00            $0.00       $0.00     $0.00                $0.00      $0.00
1                       $2.96         $5.92         $6.42      $12.83      $38.50    $77.00               $154.00      $0.59
2                       $5.92         $11.85  $12.83           $25.67      $77.00    $154.00              $308.00      $1.18
3                       $8.88         $17.77  $19.25           $38.50      $115.50   $231.00              $462.00      $1.78
4                       $11.85        $23.69  $25.67           $51.33      $154.00   $308.00              $616.00      $2.37
5                       $14.81        $29.62  $32.08           $64.17      $192.50   $385.00              $770.00      $2.96
6                       $17.77        $35.54  $38.50           $77.00      $231.00   $462.00              $924.00      $3.55
7                       $20.73        $41.46  $44.92           $89.83      $269.50   $539.00              $1,078.00    $4.15
8                       $23.69        $47.38  $51.33           $102.67     $308.00   $616.00              $1,232.00    $4.74
9                       $26.65        $53.31  $57.75           $115.50     $346.50   $693.00              $1,386.00    $5.33
10*                     $29.62        $59.23  $64.17           $128.33     $385.00   $770.00              $1,540.00    $5.92

* If the number of allowances claimed exceeds 10, you may determine the amount of tax credit to be allowed by multiplying
the amount for one allowance by the total number of allowances.

For example, the amount of tax credit for a married taxpayer with 15 allowances, as determined on Form    W-4 or DE 4 ,
on a weekly payroll period would be $34.65

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- 52 -
                           CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                           CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                   METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD
                                        TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE
IF THE TAXABLE                                            IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...               THE COMPUTED TAX IS...         INCOME IS...            THE COMPUTED TAX IS...
OVER           BUT NOT      OF AMOUNT       PLUS          OVER         BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT         PLUS
               OVER         OVER...                                      OVER     OVER...
$0           $10,099 ...   1.100%      $0   $0.00         $0           $39 ...    1.100%      $0 $0.00
$10,099      $23,942 ...   2.200%  $10,099  $111.09       $39          $92 ...    2.200%  $39    $0.43
$23,942      $37,788 ...   4.400%  $23,942  $415.64       $92          $145 ...   4.400%  $92    $1.60
$37,788      $52,455 ...   6.600%  $37,788  $1,024.86     $145         $202 ...   6.600%  $145   $3.93
$52,455      $66,295 ...   8.800%  $52,455  $1,992.88     $202         $255 ...   8.800%  $202   $7.69
$66,295      $338,639 ...  10.230% $66,295  $3,210.80     $255         $1,302 ... 10.230% $255   $12.35
$338,639     $406,364 ...  11.330% $338,639 $31,071.59    $1,302       $1,563 ... 11.330% $1,302 $119.46
$406,364     $677,275 ...  12.430% $406,364 $38,744.83    $1,563       $2,605 ... 12.430% $1,563 $149.03
$677,275 $1,000,000 ...    13.530% $677,275 $72,419.07    $2,605       $3,846 ... 13.530% $2,605 $278.55
$1,000,000   and over ...  14.630% $1,000,000 $116,083.76 $3,846 and over ...     14.630% $3,846 $446.46
               MARRIED PERSONS                                           MARRIED PERSONS
IF THE TAXABLE                                            IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...               THE COMPUTED TAX IS...         INCOME IS...            THE COMPUTED TAX IS...
OVER           BUT NOT     OF AMOUNT           PLUS       OVER         BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT         PLUS
               OVER        OVER...                                       OVER     OVER...
$0           $20,198 ...   1.100%      $0   $0.00         $0           $78 ...    1.100%      $0 $0.00
$20,198      $47,884 ...   2.200%  $20,198  $222.18       $78          $184 ...   2.200%  $78    $0.86
$47,884      $75,576 ...   4.400%  $47,884  $831.27       $184         $290 ...   4.400%  $184   $3.19
$75,576      $104,910 ...  6.600%  $75,576  $2,049.72     $290         $404 ...   6.600%  $290   $7.85
$104,910     $132,590 ...  8.800%  $104,910 $3,985.76     $404         $510 ...   8.800%  $404   $15.37
$132,590     $677,278 ...  10.230% $132,590 $6,421.60     $510         $2,604 ... 10.230% $510   $24.70
$677,278     $812,728 ...  11.330% $677,278 $62,143.18    $2,604       $3,126 ... 11.330% $2,604 $238.92
$812,728 $1,000,000 ...    12.430% $812,728 $77,489.67    $3,126       $3,846 ... 12.430% $3,126 $298.06
$1,000,000 $1,354,550 ...  13.530% $1,000,000 $100,767.58 $3,846       $5,210 ... 13.530% $3,846 $387.56
$1,354,550   and over …    14.630% $1,354,550 $148,738.20 $5,210 and over …       14.630% $5,210 $572.11
IF THE TAXABLE                                            IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...               THE COMPUTED TAX IS...         INCOME IS...            THE COMPUTED TAX IS...
OVER           BUT NOT     OF AMOUNT           PLUS       OVER         BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT         PLUS
               OVER        OVER...                                       OVER     OVER...
$0           $20,212 ...   1.100%      $0   $0.00         $0           $78 ...    1.100%      $0 $0.00
$20,212      $47,887 ...   2.200%  $20,212  $222.33       $78          $184 ...   2.200%  $78    $0.86
$47,887      $61,730 ...   4.400%  $47,887  $831.18       $184         $237 ...   4.400%  $184   $3.19
$61,730      $76,397 ...   6.600%  $61,730  $1,440.27     $237         $294 ...   6.600%  $237   $5.52
$76,397      $90,240 ...   8.800%  $76,397  $2,408.29     $294         $347 ...   8.800%  $294   $9.28
$90,240      $460,547 ...  10.230% $90,240  $3,626.47     $347         $1,771 ... 10.230% $347   $13.94
$460,547     $552,658 ...  11.330% $460,547 $41,508.88    $1,771       $2,126 ... 11.330% $1,771 $159.62
$552,658     $921,095 ...  12.430% $552,658 $51,945.06    $2,126       $3,543 ... 12.430% $2,126 $199.84
$921,095 $1,000,000 ...    13.530% $921,095 $97,741.78    $3,543       $3,846 ... 13.530% $3,543 $375.97
$1,000,000    and over ... 14.630% $1,000,000 $108,417.63 $3,846 and over ...     14.630% $3,846 $416.97

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- 53 -
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                  METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD

                                          TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE


IF THE TAXABLE                                        IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...      INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...
OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS    OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER       OVER...

$0           $2,525 ...   1.100%       $0  $0.00      $0           $5,050 ...   1.100%       $0  $0.00
$2,525       $5,986 ...   2.200%  $2,525   $27.78     $5,050       $11,972 ...  2.200%  $5,050   $55.55
$5,986       $9,447 ...   4.400%  $5,986   $103.92    $11,972      $18,894 ...  4.400%  $11,972  $207.83
$9,447       $13,114 ...  6.600%  $9,447   $256.20    $18,894      $26,228 ...  6.600%  $18,894  $512.40
$13,114      $16,574 ...  8.800%  $13,114  $498.22    $26,228      $33,148 ...  8.800%  $26,228  $996.44
$16,574      $84,660 ...  10.230% $16,574  $802.70    $33,148      $169,320 ... 10.230% $33,148  $1,605.40
$84,660      $101,591 ... 11.330% $84,660  $7,767.90  $169,320     $203,182 ... 11.330% $169,320 $15,535.80
$101,591     $169,319 ... 12.430% $101,591 $9,686.18  $203,182     $338,638 ... 12.430% $203,182 $19,372.36
$169,319     $250,000 ... 13.530% $169,319 $18,104.77 $338,638     $500,000 ... 13.530% $338,638 $36,209.54
$250,000     and over ... 14.630% $250,000 $29,020.91 $500,000     and over ... 14.630% $500,000 $58,041.82

               MARRIED PERSONS                                       MARRIED PERSONS

IF THE TAXABLE                                        IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...      INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS    OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER       OVER...

$0           $5,050 ...   1.100%       $0  $0.00      $0           $10,100 ...  1.100%       $0  $0.00
$5,050       $11,972 ...  2.200%  $5,050   $55.55     $10,100      $23,944 ...  2.200%  $10,100  $111.10
$11,972      $18,894 ...  4.400%  $11,972  $207.83    $23,944      $37,788 ...  4.400%  $23,944  $415.67
$18,894      $26,228 ...  6.600%  $18,894  $512.40    $37,788      $52,456 ...  6.600%  $37,788  $1,024.81
$26,228      $33,148 ...  8.800%  $26,228  $996.44    $52,456      $66,296 ...  8.800%  $52,456  $1,992.90
$33,148      $169,320 ... 10.230% $33,148  $1,605.40  $66,296      $338,640 ... 10.230% $66,296  $3,210.82
$169,320     $203,182 ... 11.330% $169,320 $15,535.80 $338,640     $406,364 ... 11.330% $338,640 $31,071.61
$203,182     $250,000 ... 12.430% $203,182 $19,372.36 $406,364     $500,000 ... 12.430% $406,364 $38,744.74
$250,000     $338,638 ... 13.530% $250,000 $25,191.84 $500,000     $677,276 ... 13.530% $500,000 $50,383.69
$338,638     and over ... 14.630% $338,638 $37,184.56 $677,276     and over ... 14.630% $677,276 $74,369.13


IF THE TAXABLE                                        IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...      INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS    OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT           PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER       OVER...

$0           $5,053 ...   1.100%       $0  $0.00      $0           $10,106 ...  1.100%       $0  $0.00
$5,053       $11,972 ...  2.200%  $5,053   $55.58     $10,106      $23,944 ...  2.200%  $10,106  $111.17
$11,972      $15,433 ...  4.400%  $11,972  $207.80    $23,944      $30,866 ...  4.400%  $23,944  $415.61
$15,433      $19,099 ...  6.600%  $15,433  $360.08    $30,866      $38,198 ...  6.600%  $30,866  $720.18
$19,099      $22,560 ...  8.800%  $19,099  $602.04    $38,198      $45,120 ...  8.800%  $38,198  $1,204.09
$22,560      $115,137 ... 10.230% $22,560  $906.61    $45,120      $230,274 ... 10.230% $45,120  $1,813.23
$115,137     $138,165 ... 11.330% $115,137 $10,377.24 $230,274     $276,330 ... 11.330% $230,274 $20,754.48
$138,165     $230,274 ... 12.430% $138,165 $12,986.31 $276,330     $460,548 ... 12.430% $276,330 $25,972.62
$230,274     $250,000 ... 13.530% $230,274 $24,435.46 $460,548     $500,000 ... 13.530% $460,548 $48,870.92
$250,000     and over ... 14.630% $250,000 $27,104.39 $500,000     and over ... 14.630% $500,000 $54,208.78

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- 54 -
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                            CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                  METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD

                                        TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE


IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS      OVER        BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER     OVER...

$0             $421 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00        $0          $842 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00
$421           $998 ...   2.200%  $421    $4.63        $842      $1,996 ...   2.200%    $842  $9.26
$998         $1,575 ...   4.400%  $998    $17.32       $1,996    $3,150 ...   4.400%  $1,996  $34.65
$1,575       $2,186 ...   6.600%  $1,575  $42.71       $3,150    $4,372 ...   6.600%  $3,150  $85.43
$2,186       $2,762 ...   8.800%  $2,186  $83.04       $4,372    $5,524 ...   8.800%  $4,372  $166.08
$2,762       $14,110 ...  10.230% $2,762  $133.73      $5,524    $28,220 ...  10.230% $5,524  $267.46
$14,110      $16,932 ...  11.330% $14,110 $1,294.63    $28,220   $33,864 ...  11.330% $28,220 $2,589.26
$16,932      $28,220 ...  12.430% $16,932 $1,614.36    $33,864   $56,440 ...  12.430% $33,864 $3,228.73
$28,220      $41,667 ...  13.530% $28,220 $3,017.46    $56,440   $83,334 ...  13.530% $56,440 $6,034.93
$41,667      and over ... 14.630% $41,667 $4,836.84    $83,334   and over ... 14.630% $83,334 $9,673.69

               MARRIED PERSONS                                       MARRIED PERSONS

IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS      OVER        BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER     OVER...

$0             $842 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00        $0        $1,684 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00
$842         $1,996 ...   2.200%  $842    $9.26        $1,684    $3,992 ...   2.200%  $1,684  $18.52
$1,996       $3,150 ...   4.400%  $1,996  $34.65       $3,992    $6,300 ...   4.400%  $3,992  $69.30
$3,150       $4,372 ...   6.600%  $3,150  $85.43       $6,300    $8,744 ...   6.600%  $6,300  $170.85
$4,372       $5,524 ...   8.800%  $4,372  $166.08      $8,744    $11,048 ...  8.800%  $8,744  $332.15
$5,524       $28,220 ...  10.230% $5,524  $267.46      $11,048   $56,440 ...  10.230% $11,048 $534.90
$28,220      $33,864 ...  11.330% $28,220 $2,589.26    $56,440   $67,728 ...  11.330% $56,440 $5,178.50
$33,864      $41,667 ...  12.430% $33,864 $3,228.73    $67,728   $83,334 ...  12.430% $67,728 $6,457.43
$41,667      $56,440 ...  13.530% $41,667 $4,198.64    $83,334   $112,880 ... 13.530% $83,334 $8,397.26
$56,440      and over ... 14.630% $56,440 $6,197.43    $112,880  and over ... 14.630% $112,880 $12,394.83


IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS      OVER        BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER     OVER...

$0             $842 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00        $0        $1,684 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00
$842         $1,995 ...   2.200%  $842    $9.26        $1,684    $3,990 ...   2.200%  $1,684  $18.52
$1,995       $2,572 ...   4.400%  $1,995  $34.63       $3,990    $5,144 ...   4.400%  $3,990  $69.25
$2,572       $3,183 ...   6.600%  $2,572  $60.02       $5,144    $6,366 ...   6.600%  $5,144  $120.03
$3,183       $3,760 ...   8.800%  $3,183  $100.35      $6,366    $7,520 ...   8.800%  $6,366  $200.68
$3,760       $19,189 ...  10.230% $3,760  $151.13      $7,520    $38,378 ...  10.230% $7,520  $302.23
$19,189      $23,027 ...  11.330% $19,189 $1,729.52    $38,378   $46,054 ...  11.330% $38,378 $3,459.00
$23,027      $38,379 ...  12.430% $23,027 $2,164.37    $46,054   $76,758 ...  12.430% $46,054 $4,328.69
$38,379      $41,667 ...  13.530% $38,379 $4,072.62    $76,758   $83,334 ...  13.530% $76,758 $8,145.20
$41,667      and over ... 14.630% $41,667 $4,517.49    $83,334   and over ... 14.630% $83,334 $9,034.93

edd.ca.gov                                          47             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 55 -
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                          CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING SCHEDULES FOR 2023
                                  METHOD B---EXACT CALCULATION METHOD

                                        TABLE 5 - TAX RATE TABLE


IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...             THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS   OVER         BUT NOT     OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER    OVER...

$0             $194 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00     $0           $388 ...    1.100%     $0   $0.00
$194           $460 ...   2.200%  $194    $2.13     $388         $920 ...    2.200%  $388    $4.27
$460           $727 ...   4.400%  $460    $7.98     $920         $1,454 ...  4.400%  $920    $15.97
$727         $1,009 ...   6.600%  $727    $19.73    $1,454       $2,018 ...  6.600%  $1,454  $39.47
$1,009       $1,275 ...   8.800%  $1,009  $38.34    $2,018       $2,550 ...  8.800%  $2,018  $76.69
$1,275       $6,512 ...   10.230% $1,275  $61.75    $2,550      $13,024 ...  10.230% $2,550  $123.51
$6,512       $7,815 ...   11.330% $6,512  $597.50   $13,024     $15,630 ...  11.330% $13,024 $1,195.00
$7,815       $13,025 ...  12.430% $7,815  $745.13   $15,630     $26,050 ...  12.430% $15,630 $1,490.26
$13,025      $19,231 ...  13.530% $13,025 $1,392.73 $26,050     $38,462 ...  13.530% $26,050 $2,785.47
$19,231      and over ... 14.630% $19,231 $2,232.40 $38,462     and over ... 14.630% $38,462 $4,464.81

               MARRIED PERSONS                                       MARRIED PERSONS

IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...             THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS   OVER         BUT NOT     OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER    OVER...

$0             $388 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00     $0           $776 ...    1.100%     $0   $0.00
$388           $920 ...   2.200%  $388    $4.27     $776         $1,840 ...  2.200%  $776    $8.54
$920         $1,454 ...   4.400%  $920    $15.97    $1,840       $2,908 ...  4.400%  $1,840  $31.95
$1,454       $2,018 ...   6.600%  $1,454  $39.47    $2,908       $4,036 ...  6.600%  $2,908  $78.94
$2,018       $2,550 ...   8.800%  $2,018  $76.69    $4,036       $5,100 ...  8.800%  $4,036  $153.39
$2,550       $13,024 ...  10.230% $2,550  $123.51   $5,100      $26,048 ...  10.230% $5,100  $247.02
$13,024      $15,630 ...  11.330% $13,024 $1,195.00 $26,048     $31,260 ...  11.330% $26,048 $2,390.00
$15,630      $19,231 ...  12.430% $15,630 $1,490.26 $31,260     $38,462 ...  12.430% $31,260 $2,980.52
$19,231      $26,049 ...  13.530% $19,231 $1,937.86 $38,462     $52,098 ...  13.530% $38,462 $3,875.73
$26,049      and over ... 14.630% $26,049 $2,860.34 $52,098     and over ... 14.630% $52,098 $5,720.68


IF THE TAXABLE                                      IF THE TAXABLE 
INCOME IS...              THE COMPUTED TAX IS...    INCOME IS...             THE COMPUTED TAX IS...

OVER           BUT NOT    OF AMOUNT          PLUS   OVER         BUT NOT     OF AMOUNT          PLUS
               OVER       OVER...                                    OVER    OVER...

$0             $389 ...   1.100%       $0 $0.00     $0           $778 ...    1.100%     $0   $0.00
$389           $921 ...   2.200%  $389    $4.28     $778         $1,842 ...  2.200%  $778    $8.56
$921         $1,187 ...   4.400%  $921    $15.98    $1,842       $2,374 ...  4.400%  $1,842  $31.97
$1,187       $1,469 ...   6.600%  $1,187  $27.68    $2,374       $2,938 ...  6.600%  $2,374  $55.38
$1,469       $1,735 ...   8.800%  $1,469  $46.29    $2,938       $3,470 ...  8.800%  $2,938  $92.60
$1,735       $8,857 ...   10.230% $1,735  $69.70    $3,470      $17,714 ...  10.230% $3,470  $139.42
$8,857       $10,628 ...  11.330% $8,857  $798.28   $17,714     $21,256 ...  11.330% $17,714 $1,596.58
$10,628      $17,713 ...  12.430% $10,628 $998.93   $21,256     $35,426 ...  12.430% $21,256 $1,997.89
$17,713      $19,231 ...  13.530% $17,713 $1,879.60 $35,426     $38,462 ...  13.530% $35,426 $3,759.22
$19,231      and over ... 14.630% $19,231 $2,084.99 $38,462     and over ... 14.630% $38,462 $4,169.99

edd.ca.gov                                       48              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 56 -
                                    E-FILE AND E-PAY MANDATE

All employers are required to electronically submit their employment tax returns, wage reports and payroll tax 
deposits to the EDD. 

Benefits of Electronic Filing and Payment
  Increases data accuracy.
  Protects data through encryption.
  Reduces paper and mailing cost.
  Eliminates lost mail.


                                 Paper Submittal                                        Penalty
 Tax Return:                                                                   $50 per return
   Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9)
   Employer of Household Worker(s) Annual Payroll Tax Return (DE 3HW)
   Quarterly Contribution Return (DE 3D)
 Wage Report:                                                                  $20 per wage item
   Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C)
   Employer of Household Worker(s) Quarterly Report of Wages and Withholdings 
  (DE 3BHW)
 Payroll Tax Deposit:                                                          15% of amount due
   Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88)

Note: Filing a paper return to indicate that no wages were paid will result in a noncompliance penalty of $50.00.

Employers may request a waiver from the mandate due to lack of automation, severe economic hardship, 
current exemption from the federal government, or other good cause. Mandate waiver requests cannot be filed 
retroactively. You will receive an approval or denial letter from the EDD by mail. The approval letter will indicate 
the approval period. Upon the expiration of the approval period, you must start to electronically file and pay. 
If you are still unable to electronically file and pay, you must submit a new waiver request to avoid any non-
compliance penalties. For more information, visit e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance penalties   
(edd.ca.gov/EfileMandate). You can download the E-file and E-pay Mandate Waiver Request (DE 1245W) 
(PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1245w.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                                    Enroll in e-Services for Business 
                                    to help you meet the requirements 
                                    of the e-file and e-pay mandate.
                                         Fast, easy, and secure!

edd.ca.gov                                           49               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 57 -
                                          ONLINE SERVICES
                                          e-Services for Business

e-Services for Business allows employers and employer representatives/payroll agents to manage employer payroll tax 
accounts online at no cost. With a simple one-time enrollment, e-Services for Business can be used to electronically 
submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.*

                                  Enroll in e-Services for Business
                                          Fast, easy, and secure!

                                   Register, close, or re-open an employer payroll tax account.
                                   File, adjust, and print tax returns and wage reports.
                                   Make payments.
                                   View and update business name, address, and more.
                                   Protest Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit charges or UI rates. 
                                   Authorize a power of attorney.
                                   Report new employees or independent contractors.
                                   Request a transfer of a reserve account.

                                   Fulfills the e-file and e-pay mandate for employers.
                                   No cost to enroll and use.
                                   Provides confirmation when your return, report, or payment is received.
                                   Saves time by saving basic account information for future transactions.
                                   Reduces paper and mailing cost.

* The DE 34 and DE 542 may be filed from 5 a.m. to 12 midnight, Pacific Time, 7 days a week. All other services may 
be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

            Additional e-Services for Business Information

            Tutorials on how to:                     Answers to frequently asked questions about:
  Enroll for a username and password.              Accessing an employer payroll tax account.
  Register for an employer payroll tax account     Registering, closing, or reopening an account.
  number.                                           Filing forms and making payments.
  File an employment tax return/wage report.       Filing benefit charge and rate protests.
 Make a payroll tax deposit.                       And more.
  And more.

  Visit e-Services for Business Tutorials                        Frequently Asked Questions
           (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/                             (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/ 
 e-Services_for_Business_tutorials.htm) for more!    FAQ_-_e-Services_for_Business.htm).

edd.ca.gov                                        50               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 58 -
                                       ONLINE SERVICES (cont.)

Express Pay
Employers and employer representatives/payroll agents can make electronic tax payments without having to 
register with the EDD. Just enter an employer payroll tax account number or letter ID and payment information 
to submit a payroll tax deposit or account payment online, visit File and Pay (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/File_
and_Pay.htm) to make a payment today.

e-Services for Business Tutorials and User Guide
The EDD has created tutorials (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business_tutorials.htm) so employers and 
employer representatives/payroll agents can become familiar with e-Services for Business. 
The e-Services for Business User Guide (DE 160) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de160.pdf) provides detailed step-
by-step instructions on how to complete common tasks within e-Services for Business such as, creating a username 
and password, filing a tax return and wage report, making a payroll tax deposit, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions
For answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding our electronic services, such as filing returns and 
reports, making payments, bulk transfer options, and more, visit FAQs for e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/
For more information regarding e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) 
contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                    For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                               California Employer News and Updates 

                    Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

           To request an annual mailing of the California Employer’s Guide (DE 44), visit 
                               Employer’s Guide Mailing Preference

edd.ca.gov                                             51        Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 59 -
                                       REQUIRED FORMS

Under California law, you are required to report specific information periodically or upon notification or request. 
Timely filing of the required forms will avoid penalty and interest charges. In addition, it will enable the Employment 
Development Department (EDD) to pay Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family 
Leave (PFL) benefits. Timely filing also assists the California Department of Child Support Services and the 
Department of Justice in the collection of delinquent child support obligations. Refer to page 49 for the information on 
the e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance penalties.

The required reporting forms are:
•  Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34)
•  Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542)
•  Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88)
•  Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9)
•  Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C)

                       For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                 California Employer News and Updates 

                       Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

           To request an annual mailing of the California Employer’s Guide (DE 44), visit 
                                 Employer’s Guide Mailing Preference

edd.ca.gov                                     52                  Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 60 -
                             REPORT OF NEW EMPLOYEE(S) (DE 34)
All employers are required by law to report all newly hired or rehired employees to the New Employee 
Registry (NER) within 20 days of their start-of-work date, which is the first day services were performed for 
Newly Hired employees are those individuals who have not previously been included on your payroll.
Rehired employees are those individuals who were previously included on your payroll, left your  
  employment, and were rehired after a separation of at least 60 consecutive days.

If you acquire an ongoing business and employ any of the former employees, they are considered new hires, and 
you should report them to the EDD’s NER. The NER assists California’s Department of Child Support Services and 
Department of Justice in locating parents to collect delinquent child support payments. Employers must also report 
the actual start-of-work date (not the date hired) for each newly hired or rehired employee so that the NER data can 
be cross-matched to the UI benefit payment file. This will result in the early detection and prevention of UI benefit 

Filing Options for Reporting New or Rehired Employees:
  1.  File through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). It’s fast, easy, 
     and secure.
  2.  Download the Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de34.pdf).
  3.  Order DE 34 forms using the EDD online order form (forms.edd.ca.gov/forms).
You must report all newly hired or rehired employees within 20 days of the start-of-work date. If an employee 
returns to work after a layoff or leave of absence and is required to complete a new IRS Employee’s Withholding 
Certificate (Form W-4) and state Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate (DE 4), you must report the employee 
as a new hire. If the returning employee had been separated or removed from payroll records for at least 60 
consecutive days, then you need to report the employee as a rehire.
Include the following information when reporting new or rehired employees:

                  Employer Information                                    Employee Information
    EDD eight-digit employer payroll tax account          First name, middle initial, and last name.
     number.                                               Social Security number.
    Federal employer identification number (FEIN).        Home address.
    Business name.                                        Start-of-work date.
    Business address.
    Contact person and phone number.
Refer to sample DE 34 form on page 54.
Filing an Informal Report
If you are not able to obtain a DE 34 by the due date, file an informal report or a copy of the employee’s DE 4 to 
avoid penalty and interest charges. Your informal report must include all the information listed in the table above.
Mail or fax your new employee information to:
     Employment Development Department
     Document Management Group, MIC 96
     PO Box 997016
     West Sacramento, CA 95799-7016
     Fax: 1-916-319-4400
Employers who hire employees in more than one state may elect to electronically report all newly hired employees to 
one state in which they have employees. Multistate employers who choose to file in one state must notify the Office 
of Child Support Enforcement (acf.hhs.gov/programs/css/resource/ocse-multistate-employer-registration-contacts). 
You can file online using e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). It’s fast, 
easy, and secure. IF YOU FILE ELECTRONICALLY, DO NOT FILE A PAPER DE 34. For additional information on 
new employee electronic filing, refer to the Electronic Filing Guide for the New Employee Registry Program (DE 340) 
(PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de340.pdf) or the NER FAQs 
(edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/faq_-_california_new_employee_registry.htm), or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center 
at 1-888-745-3886.

edd.ca.gov                                           53                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 61 -
                                  FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY

                                     REPORT OF NEW EMPLOYEE(S)
                        NOTE:  Failure to provide all of the information below may result in  
                                   this form being rejected and/or a penalty being assessed.
DATE                                     CA EMPLOYER ACCOUNT NUMBER BRANCH CODE             FEDERAL ID NUMBER00340600

030423M  M  D  D   Y  Y                  00000000                                             xxxxxxxxx

BUSINESS NAME                                        CONTACT PERSON                                          PHONE NUMBER
EMPLOYER CITY STORE                                  JANE SMITH                                              123-555-7789
ADDRESS                           STREET                            CITY                               STATE                            ZIP CODE
PO BOX 12345                                      ANYTOWN                 CA                  12345
EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME
                                                  E                 MILLER
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT
                                                  CEDAR STREET
CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                            CA      12345                             M 022522M  D  D   Y  Y
e-Services for Business 
EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT

CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                                                                      M  M  D  D   Y  Y

EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT

CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                                                                      M  M  D  D   Y  Y

EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT

CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                                                                      M  M  D  D   Y  Y

EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT

CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                                                                      M  M  D  D   Y  Y

EMPLOYEE FIRST NAME                               MI EMPLOYEE LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER            STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                                           UNIT/APT

CITY                                                                                          STATE ZIP CODE                          START-OF-WORK DATE
                                                                                                                                      M  M  D  D   Y  Y

           DE 34 Rev. 10 (3-17) (INTERNET)    Page 1 of 2         MAIL TO:  Employment Development Department / PO Box 997016, MIC 96                            CU
                                                                                 West Sacramento, CA 95799-7016 or fax to 916-319-4400

edd.ca.gov                                                          54                              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 62 -
                    REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR(S) (DE 542)

Any business or government entity that is required to file the federal Forms 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC for personal 
services performed must also report specific information to the Employment Development Department (EDD) 
regarding any independent contractor providing services to you or your business. The Independent Contractor 
Reporting (ICR) information assists California’s Department of Child Support Services and Department of Justice 
in locating parents for the purpose of collecting delinquent child support payments. An independent contractor is an 
individual who is not an employee under the ABC test or statutory employee of a business and/or government entity 
for California purposes and who receives compensation for, or executes a contract for, services performed for a 
business and/or government entity, either in or outside of California.
Filing Options for Reporting Independent Contractors:
1.  File through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). It’s fast, easy, 
      and secure.
2.  Download the Report of Independent Contractor(s) DE 542 (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de542.pdf).
3.  Order DE 542 forms using the EDD online order form (edd.ca.gov/forms).
Important Due Dates: Independent contractor information must be reported to the EDD within 20 days of EITHER 
making payments totaling $600 or more, OR entering into a contract for $600 or more with an independent contractor 
in any calendar year, whichever occurs first. This is in addition to your requirement to report the total annual 
payments to the Internal Revenue Service on the Forms 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC after the close of the calendar 
Include the following information when reporting independent contractors:

           Business or Government Entity                                 Independent Contractor
           (Service-Recipient) Information                            (Service-Provider) Information
  Federal employer identification number (FEIN).           First name, middle initial, and last name (do not 
  EDD eight-digit employer payroll tax account                   use company name). 
      number (if applicable).                               Social Security number (do not use FEIN).
  Social Security number (if no FEIN number or             Address.
      eight-digit EDD employer payroll tax account                 Start date of contract.
                                                            Amount of contract (including cents).
  Business or government entity name, address,  
      and phone number.                                     Contract expiration date or check box if the 
                                                                  contract is ongoing.
  Contact person.

Refer to sample DE 542 on page 56.
Filing an Informal Report
If you are not able to obtain a DE 542 by the due date, you may file an informal report to avoid penalty and interest 
charges. Your informal report must include all the information listed in the table above.
Mail or fax your independent contractor information to:
      Employment Development Department
      Document Management Group, MIC 96
      PO Box 997350
      Sacramento, CA 95899-7350
      Fax: 1-916-319-4410
If you are reporting a large number of independent contractors, we encourage you to send the information 
electronically. You can file online using e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.
htm). IF YOU FILE ELECTRONICALLY, DO NOT FILE A PAPER DE 542. For additional information on ICR 
electronic filing, refer to the Electronic Filing Guide for the Independent Contractor Reporting Program (DE 542M) 
(PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de542m.pdf), the ICR FAQs (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de542faq.pdf), and ICR 
reporting (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/faq_-_california_independent_contractor_reporting.htm), or by contacting the 
Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

edd.ca.gov                                             55                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 63 -
                                        FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY

                                                        REPORT OF
                                          INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR(S) 
                             See detailed instructions on reverse side. Please type or print.    05420101
031423                       XXXXXXXXX                       00000000                         XXXXXXXX

SERVICE-RECIPIENT NAME / BUSINESS NAME                                                        CONTACT PERSON
    EMPLOYER CITY STORE                                                                       JANE SMITH

ADDRESS                                                                                       PHONE NUMBER
                                                                                              123           555-7899
    CITYe-Services for Business                                                               STATE              ZIP CODE 
                                                                                              CA            12345

FIRST NAME                                              MI LAST NAME
HENRY                                                   A    KENNEDY
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                  STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                       UNIT/APT
000000000                               2954               HILLCREST DRIVE
CITY                                                                                          STATE       ZIP CODE
ANYCITY                                                                                       CA            12345
030422M M  D D Y         Y   1000.00 ,                ,    .            063022M M D   D Y     Y

FIRST NAME                                              MI LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                  STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                       UNIT/APT
CITY                                                                                          STATE       ZIP CODE

    M M    D D Y         Y              ,             ,    .                  M M D   D Y     Y

FIRST NAME                                              MI LAST NAME

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER                  STREET NUMBER   STREET NAME                                                       UNIT/APT
CITY                                                                                          STATE       ZIP CODE

    M M    D D Y         Y              ,             ,    .                  M M D   D Y     Y

                         MAIL TO:  Employment Development Department • PO Box 997350, MIC 96 • Sacramento, CA 95899-7350  
                                                        or Fax to 916-319-4410
        DE 542 Rev. 9 (6-17) (INTERNET)                      Page 1 of 2

edd.ca.gov                                                   56                       Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 64 -
                                     PAYROLL TAX DEPOSIT (DE 88)

The Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) is used to report and pay Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax, Employment Training 
Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI) tax withholding, and Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding to the 
Employment Development Department (EDD). Employers can enroll and use e-Services for Business to make 

                                                      e-Services for Business. Fast, easy and secure!

Electronic Filing with e-Services for Business: 
  All employers must electronically submit payroll tax deposits. Refer to page 49 for 
        additional information on the e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance penalties. 
  Fulfills the e-file and e-pay mandate. 
  Fast, easy, and secure way to manage your payroll taxes online.
  Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  Employer representatives or payroll agents can manage their clients’ payroll tax accounts by enrolling in 
        e-Services for Business as a Representative/Agent. 
  For additional e-Services for Business features, refer to page 50.
Enroll and file through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) today.

Important Due Dates: 
  If you do not withhold PIT or if accumulated PIT withholdings are less than $350, taxes (UI, ETT, SDI, and 
        PIT) are due each quarter on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.
  If PIT withholdings are $350 or more, SDI and PIT may need to be deposited more often. Refer to page 6 for 
        the California Deposit Requirements table. 

Note:   A penalty of 15 percent plus interest will be charged on late payroll tax payments. Your UI, ETT, and SDI tax 
        rates are available on your e-Services for Business account.

For additional assistance, contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. If outside of the U.S. or 
Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.

edd.ca.gov                                            57                      Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 65 -
                            PAYROLL TAX DEPOSIT (DE 88) (cont.)
                                         Withholding Deposits
All employers must electronically submit payroll tax deposits to the EDD. Refer to page 49 for information on the 
e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance penalties. Employers can enroll and use e-Services for Business 
(edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) to submit a Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) electronically. 
Although employer contributions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Employment Training Tax (ETT) are due 
quarterly, withholdings from employee wages for State Disability Insurance (SDI) and Personal Income Tax 
(PIT) may need to be deposited more often. The SDI and PIT deposit due dates are based on each employer’s 
federal deposit schedule/requirement and the amount of accumulated PIT the employer has withheld. Details 
are provided below and in the table on page 59. For information on federal deposit schedules, download the IRS 
Employer’s Tax Guide (Publication 15, Circular E) at IRS (irs.gov) or contact the IRS at 1-800-829-3676.
A penalty of 15 percent plus interest will be charged on late payroll tax payments.

                            CALIFORNIA DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS
Deposit                                              Requirement Definition
Next-Day   You are required to make next-day SDI and PIT deposits if you are required to make federal next-
           day deposits and you accumulate more than $500* in California PIT during one or more payroll 
           periods. If you accumulate $350 to $500* in PIT during one or more pay periods, refer to 
           monthly requirements below.
           The next-day deposit schedule requires deposits to be made by the next business day. Business 
           days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, or federal holidays.
Semiweekly You are required to make semiweekly SDI and PIT deposits if you are required to make federal 
           semiweekly deposits and you accumulate more than $500* in California PIT during one or more 
           payroll periods. If you accumulate $350 to $500* in PIT during one or more pay periods, refer 
           to monthly requirements below.
           The semiweekly deposit schedule requires deposits for paydays on Wednesday, Thursday, and 
           Friday to be made by the following Wednesday. For paydays on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or 
           Tuesday, deposits must be made by the following Friday.
           Semiweekly depositors always have three business days after the end of the semiweekly period to 
           make a deposit. If any of the three business days after the end of the semiweekly period is a legal 
           holiday, you will have an additional business day to make your deposit.
Monthly    You are required to make monthly SDI and PIT deposits if you are required to make federal 
           annual, quarterly, or monthly deposits and you accumulate $350 or more in California PIT during 
           one or more months of a quarter.
           Monthly deposits are due by the 15th day of the following month. If the 15 this a Saturday, Sunday, 
           or federal holiday, the last timely date would be the next business day.
           You are required to make monthly SDI and PIT deposits if you are required to make federal 
           semiweekly or next-day deposits and you accumulate $350 to $500* in California PIT during 
           one or more months of a quarter.
Quarterly  Quarterly tax payments are due and delinquent on the same dates as the Quarterly Contribution 
           Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C). Refer to the monthly deposit schedule if you are 
           a quarterly depositor but accumulate $350 or more in California PIT during one or more months of the 
           Employer contributions for UI and ETT are due quarterly. However, they may be submitted more 
           often with any required SDI and PIT deposits.

*California PIT deposit threshold may be adjusted annually. Please refer to the California Deposit Requirements    
on page 6. 

edd.ca.gov                                              58           Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 66 -
                                   PAYROLL TAX DEPOSIT (DE 88) (cont.)
                                   Due Dates for Quarterly Tax Deposits

Using Electronic Funds Transfer
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) transactions, regardless of the method of transmission (e-Services for Business, 
vendor, or Federal/State Employment Taxes program), for quarterly Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax, Employment 
Training Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI) Tax, and Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding payments must 
settle in the state’s bank account on or before the timely settlement date. Refer to the last column in the table below 
for specific settlement dates.
                                        2023 Quarterly Payment Table
        Reporting Period                Taxes Due            Last Timely Date             Timely Settlement 
                                                             (initiate on or before)      Date
 January, February, March               April 1, 2023        May 1, 2023                  May 2, 2023
           April, May, June             July 1, 2023         July 31, 2023                August 1, 2023
 July, August, September                October 1, 2023      October 31, 2023             November 1, 2023
 October, November, December            January 1, 2024      January 31, 2024             February 1, 2024

To ensure timely settlement of your electronic payments, please note:
  EFT Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit transactions must be completed before 3 p.m., Pacific Time,  
 on or before the last timely date to ensure a timely settlement date.
  The EFT ACH credit transactions are processed based on individual bank requirements. Ask your bank what 
 day you should report your payment to ensure a timely settlement date.

Using a Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) Coupon
All employers must electronically submit payroll tax deposits to the EDD. Refer to page 49 for additional information 
on the e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance penalties. Employers who have an approved e-file and 
e-pay mandate waiver can mail your tax payments with a DE 88 to the EDD. A penalty of 15 percent plus interest 
will be charged on late payroll tax payments. The filing due dates and delinquency dates for 2023 quarterly payroll 
tax deposits are:

           Reporting Period                  Filing Due Date                       Delinquent if Not Paid By
 January, February, March                    April 1, 2023                              May 1, 2023
           April, May, June                  July 1, 2023                               July 31, 2023
        July, August, September              October 1, 2023                            October 31, 2023
 October, November, December                 January 1, 2024                            January 31, 2024

Late Deposit, Penalty, and Interest
When tax payments are remitted electronically, the settlement date is used to determine timeliness. When your tax 
payments are mailed to the EDD, the postmark date is used to determine timeliness. If the last timely filing date falls 
on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, the next business day is considered to be the last timely date. A penalty 
of 15 percent plus interest will be charged on late payroll tax payments. The interest rate is reestablished every 
six months. Refer to the interest table (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/interest_rate.htm).
Note: If you do not make timely payments, you will receive a Statement of Account (DE 2176) that provides details 
of the delinquent balance due. If the delinquency is not paid, a State Tax Lien may be issued. If a State Tax Lien is 
issued, it will be recorded at the county recorder’s office and the Secretary of State. Tax lien information is a matter of 
public record after it is recorded.
Penalty for Failure to Deposit Payroll Taxes
Employers are required to withhold payroll taxes and send them to the EDD. Any person or employer who fails to do 
this, even by mistake, can be charged with a misdemeanor. If convicted, the person or employer can be fined up to 
$1,000 or sentenced to jail for up to one year, or both, at the discretion of the court.

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- 67 -
                               PAYROLL TAX DEPOSIT (DE 88) (cont.)

                      Correcting Previously Submitted Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88)
Payroll tax deposits can be corrected online through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_
for_Business.htm) even if the deposit was made using another electronic payment method or a paper DE 88 coupon.
The following tables clarify when and how to notify the EDD of adjustments to payroll tax deposits.

      Reason for Adjustment                 How to Make an Adjustment                           Form to Use
 Overpaid UI, ETT, SDI, and/or PIT on      On the next DE 88 for the same              DE 88 (DO NOT use a 
 a DE 88 prior to filing your Quarterly    calendar quarter, reduce the amount         Quarterly Contribution and 
 Contribution Return and Report of         of taxes due by the amount of the           Wage Adjustment Form [DE 
 Wages (DE 9) for the quarter.             overpayment. Do not show credits on         9ADJ])
                                           the DE 88.
 Overpaid UI, ETT, SDI, and/or PIT on      Claim the amount overpaid on Line J         File DE 9 at the end of the 
 a DE 88 prior to filing your DE 9 for the when you file your DE 9 for the quarter.    quarter. (DO NOT use a 
 quarter, and you cannot reduce the                                                    9ADJ.)
 overpayment on your next deposit within 
 the quarter.
 Overwithheld PIT and:                        Do not refund PIT withholding to         None
   DE 9 was filed.                         the employee.
   DE 9C was filed.                         Do not change the California PIT 
  Wage and Tax Statement (Form             withholding amount shown on the 
   W-2) was issued to the employee.         Form W-2.
                                             Do not file a claim for refund with 
                                            the EDD.
                                           The employee will receive a credit 
                                           for the PIT withholding when filing a 
                                           California state income tax return with 
                                           the Franchise Tax Board (FTB).
 Underpaid UI, ETT, SDI, and/or PIT        Submit a DE 88 to pay the additional        DE 88 (DO NOT use a 
 prior to filing your DE 9 for the         amount due, including penalty and           DE 9ADJ.)
 quarter.                                  interest. Indicate the payroll date on the 
                                           DE 88.
                                           The penalty amount is 15% of the portion 
                                           of the payment that is late (penalty is 10% 
                                           for periods prior to 3rd quarter 2014).
 Underpaid UI, ETT, SDI, and/or PIT        Submit a DE 88 for the additional           Complete the DE 9ADJ, 
 information and your DE 9 was filed.      amount due for the quarter, including       Sections I, II, III, and V, with 
                                           any penalty and interest, or pay the        the correct information.
                                           balance due when you receive a 
                                           Statement of Account (DE 2176) in the 
                                           The penalty amount is 15% of the 
                                           portion of the payment that is late.
 Allocated the wrong amounts to specific   Do Not Adjust: The EDD will make the        No form required.
 funds on a DE 88.                         necessary adjustments at the end of the 
                                           quarter when your DE 9 is filed.

Refer to the Instructions for Completing the Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ-I) 
(edd.ca.gov/siteassets/files/pdf_pub_ctr/de9adji.pdf) or page 65 for additional information and samples.

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- 68 -
                            PAYROLL TAX DEPOSIT (DE 88) (cont.)

                                Correcting Payroll Tax Deposits (cont.)
Note: All employers must electronically submit payroll tax deposits to the Employment Development Department 
     (EDD). Refer to page 49 for additional information on the e-file and e-pay mandate and related noncompliance 
Upon receiving written permission from an employee, you are authorized to adjust any over or underwithholding 
of California PIT from the employee if the adjustment is made within the same calendar year and before the IRS 
Form W-2 is issued. You should obtain a receipt from the employee whenever a credit adjustment or repayment of 
overwithheld tax is made.
Overwithheld SDI and/or California PIT must be credited or refunded to your employee before you can take a credit 
or receive a refund from the EDD. This overpayment can be adjusted in one of the following ways:
  If you have issued an IRS Form W-2 to the employee, you cannot adjust any overwithholding of PIT reported. 
      The employee will receive credit for any overwithholding when he/she files a California state income tax return 
      with the Franchise Tax Board.
  If you have issued the IRS Form W-2 showing the wrong amount, you must issue an IRS Corrected Wage and 
      Tax Statement (Form W-2C) to the employee. Do not send the state copy of the IRS Form W-2C to the EDD 
      or the FTB.
Note: A claim for credit or refund must be filed within three years of the delinquent date for the quarter being adjusted.

                          For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                   California Employer News and Updates 

                         Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

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- 69 -

Employers use the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) to reconcile payroll tax payments and 
total subject wages reported for the quarter. You must electronically file a DE 9 and a Quarterly Contribution 
Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) each quarter. As an active employer, you must file a 
DE 9 each quarter even if you paid no wages during the quarter. Your DE 9 should indicate that no wages 
were paid for the quarter. If you no longer have employees or you are no longer in business, refer to page 70 for 
filing instructions. Effective January 1, 2019, filing a paper return to indicate that no wages were paid will result in a 
noncompliance penalty of $50. If you need to report wages after your account has been inactivated/ceased, you must 
reactivate the account and file the return and wage report electronically.
            2023 Due Dates for the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9)

           Report Covering                      Due Date                     Delinquent if Not Filed By
       January, February, March                 April 1, 2023                             May 1, 2023
            April, May, June                    July 1, 2023                            July 31, 2023
       July, August, September                  October 1, 2023                       October 31, 2023
  October, November, December                   January 1, 2024                       January 31, 2024

Penalty and interest will be charged on late reports. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the 
due date is extended to the next business day.
Note: For reporting purposes, wages are taxable when paid, when constructively paid, or when an employee 
      receives payment other than cash

Important:  All employers must electronically submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payroll tax 
           deposits to the EDD. Refer to page 49 for additional information on the e-file and e-pay mandate and 
           related noncompliance penalties.
   If your reports are filed late or you do not make timely payments, you will receive a Statement of Account (DE 
      2176) that provides details of the delinquent balance due. If the delinquency is not paid, a State Tax Lien may 
      be issued. If a State Tax Lien is issued, it will be recorded at the county recorder’s office and the Secretary of 
      State. A Notice of State Tax Lien information is a matter of public record after it is recorded.
     A penalty of $50 plus interest will be charged for filing a paper tax return. For more information, visit e-file 
      and e-pay mandate for employers (edd.ca.gov/EfileMandate) or refer to page 49.
                                  Correcting a Previously Filed DE 9

If you made an error on a DE 9, you can make a correction as follows:

 Log in to e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) and access the 
 previously filed DE 9 you want to correct. For step-by-step instructions, access the e-Services for Business 
 User Guide (DE160) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de160.pdf) and tutorials. 

 Complete and mail the Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ). Refer to pages 65 and 
 66 for additional information and a sample DE 9ADJ form.

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- 70 -

Employers use the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) to report employee 
wages subject to Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax, Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance 
(SDI) tax, and to report Personal Income Tax (PIT) wages and PIT withheld. As an active employer, you must 
electronically file a DE 9C each quarter even if you paid no wages during the quarter indicating you do not 
have the payroll to report. If you no longer have employees or you are no longer in business, refer to page 70 for 
filing instructions. If you need to report wages after your account has been inactivated/ceased, you must reactivate 
the account and file the return and wage report electronically.
                                       2023 Due Dates for the DE 9C
      Report Covering                             Due Date                 Delinquent if Not Filed By
     January, February, March                     April 1, 2023                   May 1, 2023
           April, May, June                       July 1, 2023                    July 31, 2023
     July, August, September                      October 1, 2023                 October 31, 2023
October, November, December                       January 1, 2024                 January 31, 2024

Penalty and interest will be charged on late reports. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, 
the due date is extended to the next business day.
Note: For reporting purposes, wages are taxable when paid, when constructively paid, or when an employee 
     receives payment other than cash. If wages are still unpaid at the time the DE 9C is due, wages due to 
     an employee that were not paid within the time required by law should be reported by filing the Quarterly 
     Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ) online through e-Services for Business with “Wages 
     Legally Due but Unpaid” noted as the reason for adjustment. This will ensure that an employee receives 
     proper wage credit for the quarter when the wages should have been paid. However, the employment taxes 
     due on these wages should be paid when the wages are actually or constructively paid for the employee. 

  Wages are reported when they are paid to the employee, not when the employee earns the wages. Because 
     UI and SDI benefits are based on the highest quarter of wages, it is important that wages are reported for 
     the correct quarter. If you have any questions on reporting your employees’ wages, contact the Taxpayer 
     Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
    All employers are required to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payroll 
     tax deposits to the EDD. Refer to page 49 for additional information on the e-file and e-pay mandate and 
     related noncompliance penalties.
  A wage item penalty of $20 per employee will be charged for late reporting or unreported employee wages.
  A noncompliance penalty of $20 per employee will be charged for filing a paper wage report. 
  Before submitting your DE 9C, make sure the following are correct: 
       The quarter you are reporting.
       Your employer payroll tax account number. 
       The names of your employees, and their Social Security numbers.

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- 71 -

                                    Correcting a Previously Filed DE 9C

The DE 9C can be corrected through  e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.
htm) even if originally filed using another electronic filing method or a paper form.

   Log in to e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) and access the 
   previously filed DE 9C you want to correct. For step-by-step instructions, access the e-Services for Business 
   User Guide (DE 160) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de160.pdf) and tutorials. 

   Complete and mail a DE 9ADJ. Refer to pages 65 and 66 for additional information and a DE 9ADJ sample form.

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- 72 -

Employers use the Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ) to make corrections to previous tax 
returns and wage reports. Corrections may also be made electronically through e-Services for Business 

                      Reason for 
       Form                                               How to Make an Adjustment
Correcting previously Incorrect UI, ETT, File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, III, V with the correct 
filed Quarterly       SDI, and/          information. Also, complete Section IV (items A and C) of the 
Contribution Return   or PIT information DE 9ADJ if a correction is needed to the DE 9C for the quarter.
and Report of Wages   reported. 
(DE 9)                                   Note: If taxes are due, send a payment for the additional tax amount 
                                         due plus penalty and interest, if any, with the DE 9ADJ.
Correcting previously Incorrect employee  File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, IV (items A and C), and V. 
filed Quarterly       Social Security    Refer to pages 3 through 5 of the Instructions for Completing the 
Contribution Return   number (SSN)       Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ-I) and 
and Report of Wages   and/or name        examples 5-7 of wage line adjustments.
(Continuation) (DE 9C) reported.
                      Incorrect wages    File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, IV (items A and C), and V. 
                      and/or PIT         Refer to page 3 through 5 of the DE 9ADJ-I for detailed instructions 
                      information        and examples 3 and 4 of wage line adjustments.
                      for employees 
                      previously         Note: If DE 9 has been filed with incorrect information, also complete 
                      reported.          Section III.
                      No SSN reported    File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, IV (items A and C) and V. 
                      for employee.      Refer to pages 3 through 5 of the DE 9ADJ-I for detailed instructions 
                                         and example 8 of wage line adjustments.
                      Employee(s)        File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, IV (items A and C) and V. 
                      not previously     Refer to pages 3 through 5 of the DE 9ADJ-I for detailed instructions 
                      reported.          and example 2 of wage line adjustments. 

                                         Note: If a DE 9 has been filed with incorrect information, also 
                                         complete Section III. If taxes are due, send a payment for the 
                                         additional tax amount plus penalty and interest, if any, with the DE 
                      Incorrect wage     File a DE 9ADJ. Complete Sections I, II, IV (items A and B, or items 
                      plan code(s)       A and C) and V. Refer to pages 3 through 5 of the DE 9ADJ-I for 
                      previously         detailed instructions and examples 1 and 9 of wage line adjustments.

Detailed DE 9ADJ instructions are provided on the DE 9ADJ-I (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de9adji.pdf) or contact 
the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886 for additional assistance.

A completed sample DE 9ADJ is shown on pages 66 and 67.

                      For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                 California Employer News and Updates 

                      Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

edd.ca.gov                                        65              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 73 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Examples were created using 2022 rates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Refer to inside front cover for 2023 rates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Quarterly Contribution and Wage 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Adjustment Form

The                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form       (DE 9ADJ) is used to request corrections to information previously 
reported on a Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) and/or                                                                                                                                                                                                       Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of 
Wages                                                                                                                                                                                               (Continuation) (DE 9C).     A claim for refund must be filed within 3 years of the last timely date of the quarter being 
adjusted, 6 months after an assessment becomes final, or 60 days from the date of the overpayment, whichever date occurs 
You                                                                                                                                                                                                 can also file adjustments to previously filed returns online through the Employment Development Department (EDD) 
e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/e-Services_for_Business). Refer to the Instructions for Completing the Quarterly 
Contribution                                                                                                                                                                                            and Wage Adjustment Form          (DE 9ADJ-I) (PDF)   (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de9adji.pdf) for additional             information.
Check the box                                                                                                                                                                                                     ☐ If only adjusting the DE 9,           ☐ If only adjusting the DE 9C,                      ☐  If adjusting DE 9 and DE 9C, 
that applies:                                                                                                                                                                                                       complete Sections I, II, III, and V.    complete Sections I, II, IV, and V.                  complete all sections.

Section I: Employer Information. Complete all fields (Please print).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Quarter
Business Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                      _______________________________________________AND JOHN JANE SMITH                                          YYQ122 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    _______________________________________________                                           Employer Account Number
Street Address:e-Services_______________________________________________BOXPO                                                                                                                                       12345 for Business                                                                            000-0000-0
City, State,(edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_ZIP Code: _______________________________________________12345ANYTOWN, CA 
Section II: Reason for Adjustment. Enter a detailed reason for the adjustments requested. (Required)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________QUARTER BY $9,500.50UNDERSTATED 1ST SSN, INCORRECT REPORTED ONE FOR NAME REPORTED. TO DUE EMPLOYEE.NOT EMPLOYEE ONE 
Section III: Request to Adjust the DE 9.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (1)                                (2)                    (3)
Complete all fields. If requesting a credit (decrease) to  Amounts Reported on                                                                                                                                                                                                         Amounts That                           Difference
SDI or PIT, you must also complete Line O below.                                                                                                                                                                                                          DE 9 or Most Recent          Should Have Been                 Debit/(Credit)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Adjustment Form                            Reported
A. Total Subject Wages                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9,000 00                            18,500 50               9,500 50
B. Unemployment Insurance (UI) Taxable Wages                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7,000 00                           14,000 00                7,000 00
C. State Disability Insurance (SDI) Taxable Wages                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9,000 00                           18,500 50                9,500 50
D.Employer’s UI Contributions                                                                                                                                                                                                   (UI rate___%3.4 times B)                238 00                         476 00                    00238 
E. Employment Training Tax (ETT rate___%0.1                                                                                                                                                                                                 times B)                           7 00                        14 00                       007 
F. SDI Withheld (SDI rate ____%1.1                                                                                                                                                                                               times C) 
                           (Includes Paid Family Leave)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     99 00                      203 51                    104 51
G. Personal Income Tax (PIT) Withheld                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       150 00                     350 55                    200 55
H. Subtotal (Add amounts on Lines D, E, F, and G)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       494 00                         1,044 06                  550 06
I. Plus: Erroneous SDI Deductions Not Refunded (Refer to Note below)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0 00
J. Less: Contributions and Withholdings Paid for the Quarter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           494 00
K. Total Taxes Due or Overpaid (H2 + I – J). (If balance is due, complete L,
                           M, and N)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       550 06
L. Penalty (If balance is due, calculate 15% of the amount on Line K)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         82 51
M. Interest (Refer to the DE 9ADJ-I for instructions)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         14 50
N. Total Due (Lines K + L + M)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             647 07
O. SDI and PIT overpayments. If requesting a credit (decrease) to SDI or PIT, you must                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SDI Deductions PIT Deductions
                           answer the following questions:
                           1. Was the credit claimed above (column 3) withheld from the wages of employee(s)?                                                                                                                                                                                              ☐ Yes  ☐ No        ☐ Yes  ☐ No
                           2. If yes, has this amount been refunded to the employee(s)?                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ☐ Yes   ☐ No       ☐ Yes  ☐ No
                           3. Was the correct PIT reported on the Form W-2 issued to the employee(s)?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ☐ Yes  ☐ No
Note: SDI and PIT deductions are employee contributions. The EDD cannot refund these amounts unless you first refund the 
erroneous deductions to the employee(s). If you have issued Form(s) W-2, do not refund PIT overwithholdings or 
change the amount reported on the employee(s) Form W-2. The employee will receive a credit for the PIT overwithheld 
when they file their California Income Tax Return (Form 540) with the Franchise Tax Board. If you are requesting a PIT credit 
for a prior year because you paid the EDD more than the amount withheld from the employee(s), attach a copy of Form(s) 
W-2 filed for each affected employee. Refer to the DE 9ADJ-I for additional instructions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sign on Page 2 and Mail To: Employment Development Department / PO Box 989073 / West Sacramento, CA  95798-9073

DE                         9ADJ Rev. 4 (1-23)                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 1 of ___                                                                                                  CU                                                                     

edd.ca.gov                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    66                       Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 74 -
                                             FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY
                                                     Examples were created using 2022 rates.
                                                     Refer to inside front cover for 2023 rates.

                                                                                                                    Quarter       Employer Account Number
                                 Business Name: ______________________________________AND JOHN JANE SMITH              YYQ 22 1                000-0000-0

Section IV: Request to Adjust the DE 9C. Complete Item A for all DE 9C adjustments. Complete Item B only for wage plan 
code corrections to all employees. Complete Item C to request adjustments to individual employee information. 
A. DE 9C Grand Totals for the Quarter
   A1. Enter the correct grand totals for all                         Total Subject Wages                  Total PIT Wages                     Total PIT Withheld
           employees for the quarter.                                                     18,500 50                 18,500 50                    350 55
   A2. Enter the number of employees full-time and part-time who                                             1st Month          2nd Month       3rd Month
           which includes the 12 of the month.
           worked during or receivedth       pay subject to UI for the pay period                              1                 2               2
                                                                                                                                                Wage Item Count
   A3. Enter the correct total number of wage lines for all employees for the quarter.                                                           2
B.    Wage Plan Code Corrections for All Employees. Leave blank if not correcting all wage plan codes. Refer to the 
      Information Sheet: Reporting Wage Plan Codes on Quarterly Wage Reports and Adjustments (DE 231WPC) (PDF)
      (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231wpc.pdf) for additional information.
      Enter Number of Employees: _________ Prior Plan Code: ____ Correct Plan Code: _____ 
      (Item C below is not       required if only adjusting wage plan codes for all employees.)
C.    Individual Wage Line Adjustments.                             Identify the adjustment type for each affected employee and complete the fields 
      indicated. Include only the wage lines that need to be corrected. Make corrections to the quarter(s) in which the 
      informatione-Serviceswas originallyfor Businessreported. Do not report negative amounts.  
  (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Adjustment Type                                              Fields to Complete for Each Affected Employee
      Add employee(s)Business.htm).not previously reported.                                             C1–C6. Leave C7 –C9 blank.
      Remove employee(s) reported in error.                                                             C1–C6. Enter 0.00 in C3 –C5.
      Adjust wages or PIT amounts previously reported.                                                  C1–C6. Leave C7 –C9 blank.
      Correct employee name(s).                                                                         C1–C6 and C7. Leave C8 –C9 blank.
      Correct a Social Security number (SSN).                                                           C1 – C6 and C8. Leave C7 and C9 blank.
      Correct wage plan code for one or more employees but not all.                                     C1 – C6 and C9. Leave C7 and C8 blank.
      Multiple adjustments.                                                                             C1 – C6 and C7 – C9 if they apply to adjustment.
  Enter the information that should have been reported in fields C1 –C6.                                       For name, SSN, or plan code corrections, enter 
If a correction reduces wages or withholdings amount to zero, enter 0.00 in the                                the information previously reported       in fields 
                                              field.                                                           C7 – C9. Leave these fields blank for all other 
                                                                                                                                adjustment types.
C1. Social Security Number (SSN) C2.Employee Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)                                C7.Previously Reported Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
xxx-xx-xxxx                        THOMAS T TAYLOR
C3. Total Subject Wages          C4.PIT Wages                       C5.PIT Withheld                    C6.Plan Code C8.Previously Reported SSN C9.Previously Reported Plan Code
             9,500 50                        9,500 50                                     200 55        S
C1. Social Security Number (SSN) C2.Employee Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)                                C7.Previously Reported Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
XXX-00-XXXX                        HARRY L JONES                                                               HAROLD L JONES
C3. Total Subject Wages          C4.PIT Wages                       C5.PIT Withheld                    C6.Plan Code C8.Previously Reported SSN C9.Previously Reported Plan Code
           9,000 00                          9,000 00                                     150 00        S      000-XX-0000
C1. Social Security Number (SSN) C2.Employee Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)                                C7.Previously Reported Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)

C3. Total Subject Wages          C4.PIT Wages                       C5.PIT Withheld                    C6.Plan Code C8.Previously Reported SSN C9.Previously Reported Plan Code

                               Please attach additional pages if reporting more than 3 wage line adjustments. 
Section V: Declaration. I declare that the information herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. (A signature is 
required on all adjustments) 
Signature______________________________Title _________________________OWNER                                        Date _____________________________01/03/2023
Print Name _____________________________SMITH JANE                    Phone _______________________555-7899(123)   Email ____________________________Jane123@gmail.com

           Sign and Mail To: Employment Development Department / PO Box 989073 / West Sacramento, CA  95798-9073 

 DE 9ADJ Rev. 4 (1-23)                                                                    Page 2 of ___                                         
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- 75 -
                                  FEDERAL FORMS W-2 AND 1099
Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) 
Employers are required to annually prepare a federal Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) for each employee. For 
tax year 2023, employers must provide each employee with a Form W-2 by January 31, 2024*. Prepare the Form 
W-2 on the federal/state four-part paper form. To obtain these forms, visit the IRS (irs.gov).
For information on Form W-2 reporting requirements, refer to the IRS Employer’s Tax Guide (Publication 15, Circular 
E). For federal instructions on completing Form W-2, refer to the IRS publication 2023 General Instructions for Forms 
W-2 and W-3. To obtain these publications, visit the IRS (irs.gov) or call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676.
In addition to required federal information, employers must include PIT wages, PIT withheld, and SDI tax withheld in 
the following Form W-2 boxes:

                                             FORM W-2
                              Box                                                 Enter
       Box 16 (State wages, tips, etc.)                     California PIT wages
       Box 17 (State income tax)                            California PIT withheld
       Box 19 (Local income tax)                            The abbreviation “CASDI” or SDI withheld  
                                                            (For additional information, refer to “Note” below.)
Note: If Box 19 has local taxes, use “Box 14-Other.” If no boxes are available, you are required to provide your 
employees with a separate written statement containing:
        Your business or entity name, address, federal employer identification number, and the Employment 
       Development Department (EDD) eight-digit employer payroll tax account number.
        The employee’s name, address, state, and Social Security number.
        The amount of SDI tax actually withheld and/or paid directly by you under the state plan.
        If the wages were not subject to SDI, show “CASDI 0” (zero).
        If you pay SDI taxes without withholding SDI from the employee’s wages, you should show the SDI taxes 
       as if withheld and increase the amount you report according to the formula as shown on Information Sheet: 
       Social Security/Medicare/State Disability Insurance/Federal Income Taxes Paid by an Employer (DE 231Q). 
       Download the DE 231Q (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231q.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance 
       Center at 1-888-745-3886.
        If you are covered under an authorized Voluntary Plan Disability Insurance (VPDI), enter “VPDI” and the 
       VPDI amount actually withheld.
Generally, the amount reported as California PIT wages on Form W-2 (Box 16, State wages) is the same as the 
federal wages (Box 1). However, the amounts may differ based on:
        Federal and California differences in definition of:
         Employee (refer to Information Sheet: Types of Employment [DE 231TE]).
         Taxable wages (refer to Information Sheet: Types of Payments [DE 231TP]).
         The DE 231TE and DE 231TP are available on Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/
           forms_and_publications.htm) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
        Residency of the employee (refer to page 16).
        If the employee performs services in more than one state.
For additional information on federal and California differences, please contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
1-888-745-3886. If the employee performs services in more than one state, contact the other state(s) for guidance on 
how to complete the Form W-2 for that state.
If you discover an error on a previously issued Form W-2, refer to the IRS publication General Instructions for Forms 
W-2C and W-3C for guidance on completing an IRS Corrected Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2C). To obtain 
these forms, visit the IRS (irs.gov) or call 1-800-829-3676.
*Employers failing to provide a Form W-2 to each employee, or who furnish a false or fraudulent statement, are subject to a 
penalty of fifty dollars ($50) for each such failure as imposed pursuant to section 13052 of the California Unemployment 
Insurance Code (CUIC). Employers may also be subject to an additional penalty for failure to file informational returns (Form 
W-2, Form 1099-MISC, or Form 1099-NEC) to misclassified employees as provided pursuant to section 13052.5 of the CUIC. 
The amount of the penalty is determined based upon the unreported payments for personal services multiplied by the maximum 
rate as provided pursuant to section 17041 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Contact the EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
1-888-745-3886 for assistance.

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- 76 -
                              FEDERAL FORMS W-2 AND 1099 (cont.)

Do not send a copy of Form W-2 or Form W-2C to the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) 
or the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). The Forms W-2 and W-2C are not filed with the state because you should already 
be reporting wage and withholding information to the EDD on the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages 
(Continuation) (DE 9C). However, you must continue to send Forms W-2 and W-2C to your employees and the Social 
Security Administration.

Information Return (Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC)
Individuals, partnerships, corporations, or other organizations engaged in a trade or business in California may have 
a requirement to report independent contractor payments made in the course of their business. For 2023, you must 
provide a statement to each independent contractor by January 31, 2024*, containing the information furnished to the 
IRS and FTB. If you do not use the official IRS Form 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC to furnish the statement to recipients, 
refer to the IRS Publication 1179 for specific rules for substitute statements.

How to File
The FTB recommends that you file under the IRS Combined Federal/State Filing program. When you are approved 
and use the IRS Combined Federal/State Filing program, you only have to file once. The IRS will forward your 
California information returns to FTB. The following forms may be filed under this program: Forms 1099-DIV, 1099-G,  
1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-OID, 1099-PATR, 1099-R, and 5498. For information on the IRS Combined 
Federal/State Filing program, call IRS at 1-866-455-7438.
If you are not participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing program, did not file by paper with the IRS, and file 
250 or more information returns of one type, you must file electronically directly with FTB. If you file less than 250 
returns, you must file either by paper or electronically with FTB.
If you file paper information returns with the IRS, do not send a paper copy to the FTB. The IRS will forward the 
information to FTB. This applies to paper filing only. 
Generally, FTB’s reporting requirements are the same as the IRS reporting requirements. For specific differences, 
contact the Information Reporting Program Help Desk at IRPHELP@ftb.ca.gov.

Publications and Contact Information
Visit the IRS (irs.gov) to: obtain Form 1099 reporting requirements and instructions, the IRS Publication 1220, and 
the IRS General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G, or call 1-800-829-3676.

Note: California PIT withheld from pension, annuity, and other deferred income should be reported on the IRS form 
      Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. 
      (Form 1099-R). For instructions on completing Form 1099-R, refer to IRS Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 
      5498. To obtain instructions, access the IRS (irs.gov) or call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676. 

For more information, contact:
      Internal Revenue Services
      Franchise Tax Board

*Failure to provide an Information Return (Form 1099), if required, may result in a penalty for each independent contractor as 
imposed pursuant to section 13052.5 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code or section 19175 of the Revenue and 
Taxation Code (R&TC). The amount of the penalty is the unreported payments for personal services multiplied by the maximum 
rate as provided pursuant to section 17041 of the R&TC. Contact the EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886 for 

Note: All employers are required to notify all of their employees of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. Refer to 
      page 73 for details.

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- 77 -
                                   Change to Your Business Status
Registered employers must report any change in business status to the EDD. Employers or their authorized 
representative may report changes to an employer payroll tax account using e-Services for Business.


If you have changes to your business such as:
  Your Business name           
  Corporation name
  Personal name (e.g., marriage)
  Change in ownership of the business
  Business mailing address

 Action Required: 
Notify the EDD of any change to your business status through e-Services for Business 

                                   NO LONGER HAVE EMPLOYEES
If you no longer have employees and will not be reporting wages in any future quarter, you must submit a final 
DE 88, DE 9, and DE 9C. You may close your employer payroll tax account using e-Services for Business  
(edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). For instructions on how to reopen your Employer Payroll 
Tax Account, visit the e-Services for Business FAQs category Register, Close, or Reopen an Employer Payroll Tax 
Account (edd.ca.gov/en/payroll_taxes/faq_-_e-services_for_business).
If you currently do not have employees, but may have employees in future quarters, you are required to file your 
DE 9 and DE 9C stating you have no payroll to report every quarter, otherwise the EDD may presume you have 
employees and assess your account.

                                        CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS
If you close your business, you are required to submit a final DE 88, DE 9, and DE 9C within 10 days of quitting 
business, regardless of the normal due dates. You must close your employer payroll tax account using e-Services 
for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). For instructions on how to reopen your 
Employer Payroll Tax Account, visit the e-Services for Business FAQs category Register, Close, or Reopen an 
Employer Payroll Tax Account (edd.ca.gov/en/payroll_taxes/faq_-_e-services_for_business). 

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- 78 -
                          Reopen Your Employer Payroll Tax Account
Request to reopen your employer tax account on e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_
Business.htm) when:
If you paid wages in excess of $100 (or $750 for household employers) in the current calendar year or the prior 
  calendar year and pay wages in any amount in a calendar quarter.
If you did not have payroll in the prior calendar year and you paid wages in excess of $100 ($750 for household 
  employers) in any calendar quarter in the current calendar year.

Registered employers must report any change in business status; for example, any change in business name or 
legal entity, such as a change from partnership or limited liability company to corporation. Report changes through 
e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm).
If you add or remove partners/LLC members; change corporate name/officers of a business entity type, the entity 
normally keeps the same EDD employer payroll tax account number and continues to make payroll tax deposits and file 
reports as though it was the same type of ownership for the entire year. The EDD must be notified of any change in the 
ownership of a business entity so that the taxpayer information can be updated. For additional information, contact the 
Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.

Remember: Report changes through e-Services for business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.

Purchase a Business
If you purchase a business with employees (or a business that previously had employees), you may be held liable for 
the previous owner’s EDD liability if a Certificate of Release of Buyer (DE 2220) is not obtained. To request a DE 2220, 
contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.
Until a DE 2220 is issued, you (the buyer) must hold in escrow an amount sufficient to cover all amounts the seller 
owes to the EDD, up to the purchase price of the business. The DE 2220 is issued after the seller pays all amounts 
owed to the EDD. Payment must be made by cash, cashier’s check, certified check, escrow check, or money order 
payable to the Employment Development Department.
For your protection, escrow funds should not be disbursed until the DE 2220 has been issued. For additional 
information, download the Requirements for Obtaining Certificate of Release of Buyer (DE 2220) When a Business 
Is Sold (DE 3409A) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de3409a.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.
Note:  If you employ any of the former owner’s workers immediately after the acquisition of the business, the wages 
     paid to these employees during the same calendar year are considered as having been paid by you. Therefore, 
     wages paid by the former owner in the current calendar year are applied to the taxable wage limits for 
     Unemployment Insurance tax, Employment Training Tax, and State Disability Insurance tax.

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- 79 -
                              WHAT IS A SUCCESSOR EMPLOYER?
A successor employer is an employer who has acquired all or part of another employer’s (predecessor’s) business 
and continues to operate the business without substantial reduction of personnel resulting from the acquisition. 
The successor employer may receive all or part of the predecessor’s UI reserve account balance by applying for a 
reserve account transfer. The transfer may result in an immediate reduction or increase of the successor’s UI tax 
rate. The successor employer must register the acquired business with the EDD.
For more information on reserve account transfers, refer to page 81 or call 1-916-653-7795.
Note:  Acquiring all or part of the stock in a corporation does not constitute a new employing unit. The corporation  
 retains the same EDD employer payroll tax account number.

                                        TO OBTAIN A LOWER UI RATE
Changing your business ownership solely for the purpose of obtaining an employer account with a lower UI 
contribution rate is not allowed. Section 1052 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code provides that a 
reserve account transfer will not apply to any acquisition, which is determined to have been made for the purpose 
of obtaining a more favorable UI contribution rate. The EDD aggressively pursues businesses practicing UI rate 
manipulation. To read more about UI rate manipulation, refer to page 83.

                                        ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
Posting Requirements
Once you are registered with the EDD, you will receive a notice to post in your workplace that informs your 
employees of their rights under Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family Leave 
(PFL). This notice must be posted in a prominent location that is easily seen by your employees. You will receive the 
following notice if you are subject to: 
  UI, DI, and PFL – Notice to Employees (DE 1857A).
  UI only – Notice to Employees - Unemployment Insurance Benefits (DE 1857D).
  DI and PFL only – Notice to Employees (DE 1858).

Required Notices and Pamphlets
Provide a copy of the following notices and pamphlets to each of your employees when appropriate. The publications 
listed below are available at Required Notices and Pamphlets (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/required_notices_and_
  The following pamphlets explain your employees’ benefit rights:
         For Your Benefit: California’s Programs for the Unemployed (DE 2320) – Provides information on UI, DI, 
        PFL, and Workforce Services benefits available to the employee and must be given when an employer 
        discharges, lays off, or places an employee on a leave of absence.
         Disability Insurance Provisions (DE 2515) – Provides information on DI benefits.
         Paid Family Leave Brochure (DE 2511) – Provides information on PFL benefits.
 Note: For additional information on your posting requirements, access the California Tax Service Center 
           (taxes.ca.gov). Voluntary Plan Disability Insurance (VPDI) insurers have similar literature. VPDI employers 
           must also supply claim forms to their employees. For further information on VPDI, refer to page 95.
  Notice required by the Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act (refer to page 73 for details).
  Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship – Written notice must be given immediately to employees of 
 their discharge, layoff, leave of absence, or change in employment status, along with a DE 2320.

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- 80 -
                           ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (cont.)
   The following sample meets the minimum requirements:

           (Issued pursuant to provisions of section 1089 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code.)

   Name __________________________________________________  SSN _____________________

   1.  You were/will be laid off/discharged on __________________,  20_______.
   2.  You were/will be on leave of absence starting __________________,  20_______.
   3.  On __________________, your employment status changed/will change as follows:
                                            (Name of Employer)

   You may wish to prepare the employee notice in duplicate and keep a copy for your files. Notices prepared by the 
   employer must include the information shown on the Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship (above).
    Notice of plant closure or mass layoff.
           Action Required: Post the DE 1857A and provide a DE 2320, DE 2511, and DE 2515 to each of your 
           employees. Provide the Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship and/or Worker Adjustment and 
           Retraining Notification (WARN) as applicable.
   No written notice is required if it is a voluntary quit, promotion or demotion, change in work assignment or 
   location (some changes in location require a WARN notice), or if work stopped due to a trade dispute.

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act
The refundable California EITC is available to low-income working individuals who earned wage income subject to 
California withholding and/or have net earnings from self-employment. This credit is similar to the federal Earned 
Income Credit (EIC) but with different income limitations. To claim the California EITC, you must file a California 
income tax return and attach a completed California Earned Income Tax Credit (FTB 3514) form. For information on 
the availability of the credit, eligibility requirements, and how to obtain the necessary California tax forms or get help 
filing, visit the Franchise Tax Board (ftb.ca.gov/forms) or call 1-800-852-5711. 

Employers who are subject to, and required to provide, Unemployment Insurance to their employees must provide 
EITC notification to the employee by either handing it directly to the employee or mailing it to the employee’s last 
known address. Posting of this information on an employee bulletin board will not satisfy the notification requirement.

The notification will be provided within one week before, after, or during the time the employer provides an annual 
wage summary, including, but not limited to, Forms W-2 or 1099, to the employee. The notice will include instructions 
on how to obtain any notices available from the IRS for this purpose, including, but not limited to, the IRS Notice 797 
or any successor notice or form, or any notice created by you as long as it contains substantially the same language 
as the notice below.
   “Based on your annual earnings, you may be eligible to receive the earned income tax credit from 
   the federal government. The earned income tax credit is a refundable federal income tax credit for 
   low-income working individuals and families. The earned income tax credit has no effect on certain 
   welfare benefits. In most cases, earned income tax credit payments will not be used to determine 
   eligibility for Medicaid, supplemental security income, food stamps, low-income housing, or most 
   temporary assistance for needy families’ payments. Even if you do not owe federal taxes, you 
   must file a tax return to receive the earned income tax credit. Be sure to fill out the earned income 
   tax credit form in the federal income tax return booklet. For information regarding your eligibility 
   to receive the earned income tax credit, including information on how to obtain the IRS Notice 
   797, or any other necessary forms and instructions, visit the IRS (irs.gov) or contact the IRS at 

edd.ca.gov                                              73           Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 81 -
Federal and California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) laws require covered employers to 
provide 60 days advance notice of plant closings and mass layoffs. Advance notice provides employees and their 
families some transition time to adjust to the prospective loss of employment, to seek and obtain alternative jobs, 
and, if necessary, to acquire skill training or retraining that will allow these employees to successfully compete in the 
job market.
Employers should review the Federal WARN law and the California WARN law Labor Code section 1400  –1408 for a 
full understanding of the notification requirements.

              General Provisions of the Federal and California WARN Laws

Category      Federal WARN                                                California WARN
Covered       Applicable only to employers with 100 or            Applicable to a “covered establishment” that 
Employers     more full-time employees who must have              employs or has employed in the preceding 
              been employed for at least six months of the        12 months 75 or more full and part-time 
              12 months preceding the date of required            employees. As under the federal WARN Act, 
              notice in order to be counted.                      employees must have been employed for at 
              (29 United States Code [USC] 2101 and 20            least six months of the 12 months preceding 
              Code Federal Regulations [CFR] 639.3)               the date of required notice in order to be 
                                                                  (California Labor Code, section 1400[a] and [h])
Plant Closing Plant closings involving 50 or more employees       Plant closure affecting any amount of 
or Layoff     during a 30-day period. Layoffs within a 30-day     employees. Layoff of 50 or more employees 
Requiring     period involving 50 to 499 full-time employees      within a 30-day period regardless of percent 
Notice        constituting at least 33 percent of the full-time   of workforce. Relocation of at least 100 miles 
              workforce at a single site of employment.           affecting any amount of employees.
              Layoffs of 500 or more employees are covered        (California Labor Code section 1400 [d]-[f])
              regardless of percentage of workforce.
              (29 USC, et seq., 2101 and 20 CFR 639.3)
Legal         Enforcement of WARN requirements through            Suit may be brought in “any court of competent 
Jurisdiction  U.S. District Courts. The court, in its discretion, jurisdiction.” The court may award reasonable 
              may allow the prevailing party a reasonable         attorney’s fees as part of costs to any prevailing 
              attorney’s fee as part of the costs.                plaintiff. The California WARN law is in the 
              (29 USC 2101, et seq.)                              Labor Code, and the authority to investigate 
                                                                  through the examination of books and records 
                                                                  is delegated to the Labor Commissioner.
                                                                  (California Labor Code, sections 1404 and 1406)
Employer      An employer who violates the WARN provisions  A possible civil penalty of $500 a day for each 
Liability     is liable to each employee for an amount equal      day of violation. Employees may receive 
              to back pay and benefits for the period of the      back pay to be paid at employee’s final rate 
              violation, up to 60 days, but no more than          or three-year average rate of compensation, 
              half the number of days the employee was            whichever is higher. In addition, employer is 
              employed by the employer.                           liable for cost of any medical expenses incurred 
              (29 USC; 2104[a])                                   by employees that would have been covered 
                                                                  under an employee benefit plan. The employer 
                                                                  is liable for a period of violation up to 60 days 
                                                                  or one-half the number of days the employee 
                                                                  was employed whichever period is smaller.
                                                                  (California Labor Code, section 1403)

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- 82 -
                           PLANT CLOSURE OR MASS LAYOFF (WARN)
Category                   Federal WARN                                                     California WARN
Notice           An employer must provide written notice 60                  An employer must give notice 60 days prior to 
Requirements     days prior to a plant closing or mass layoff to all  a plant closing, layoff, or relocation. In addition 
                 of the following:                                           to the notifications required under the federal 
                   Employees or their representative.                       WARN Act, notice must also be given to both of 
                                                                             the following: 
                   Employment Development Department.
                    Email a WARN Notice to                                      The Local Workforce Development Board.
                   WARNNotice@edd.ca.gov.                                        Employment Development Department.
                   The chief elected official of local government                Email a WARN Notice to 
                  within which such closing or layoff is to occur.               WARNNotice@edd.ca.gov.
                 (29 USC, 2102; 20 CFR 639.5 and 639.6)                          The chief elected official of each city 
                                                                                and county government within which the 
                                                                                termination, relocation, or mass layoff 
                                                                             (California Labor Code, section 1401)
Exceptions       Regular federal, state, local, and federally                California WARN law does not apply when the 
and              recognized Indian tribal governments are not                closing or layoff is the result of the completion of 
Exemptions       covered. (20 CFR 639.3)                                     a particular project or undertaking of an employer 
to Notice                                                                    subject to Wage Orders 11, 12, or 16, regulating 
Requirements     The following situations are exempt from                    the Motion Picture Industry, or Construction, 
                 notice:                                                     Drilling, Logging, and Mining Industries, and the 
                   There is an offer to transfer employee                   employees were hired with the understanding 
                  to a different site within a reasonable                    that their employment was limited to the duration 
                  commuting distance. (29 USC, 2101[b][2];                   of that project or undertaking. 
                  20 CFR 639.5)                                               (California Labor Code, section 1400[g])
                   The closure is due to unforeseeable                      The notice requirements do not apply to 
                  business circumstances or a natural                        employees involved in seasonal employment 
                  disaster. (29 USC, 2102; 20 CFR 639.9)                     where the employees were hired with the 
                   The closing or layoff constitutes a strike               understanding that their employment was 
                  or constitutes a lockout not intended to                   seasonal and temporary.
                  evade the requirement of this chapter.                      (California Labor Code, section 1400[g][2])
                  (29 USC, 2103[2])
                                                                             Notice is not required if a mass layoff, 
                                                                             relocation, or plant closure is necessitated by a 
                                                                             physical calamity or act of war.
                                                                              (California Labor Code, section 1401[c])
                                                                              Notice of a relocation or termination is 
                                                                                not required where, under multiple and 
                                                                                specific conditions, the employer submits 
                                                                                documents to the Department of Industrial 
                                                                                Relations (DIR), and DIR determines that 
                                                                                the employer was actively seeking capital or 
                                                                                business, and a WARN notice would have 
                                                                                precluded the employer from obtaining the 
                                                                                capital or business. (California Labor Code, 
                                                                                section 1402.5). This exception does not 
                                                                                apply to notice of a mass layoff as defined 
                                                                                in California Labor Code section 1400(d). 
                                                                                (California Labor Code, section 1402.5[d])
Rapid Response services are available to assist employers and workers facing a potential mass layoff or plant closure.  
These services are carried out by Rapid Response teams and are a collaborative effort between state and local 
workforce development agencies. These teams work with employers to help avert layoffs and meet with workers who 
face job loss. They provide important information about the services available under the Workforce Innovation and 
Opportunity Act and the EDD Workforce Services and UI programs. If the dislocation is the result of foreign trade, the 
dislocated worker may be eligible for case management services such as career assessments, development of an 
Individual Employment Plan, review of eligible training programs, information about financial aid, career counseling, 
labor market information, and supportive services; and income support, job search and relocation allowances, and 
training under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. For more information about the TAA, refer to page 97. 
To learn more about Rapid Response services, contact the Local Workforce Area (edd.ca.gov/jobs_and_training/Local_
Area_Listing.htm) near you.
For more information on WARN requirements visit WARN Information for employers (edd.ca.gov/Jobs_and_Training/
Layoff_Services_WARN.htm). Visit the federal WARN Act Compliance Assistance (doleta.gov/layoff/warn.cfm) for 
more information.
edd.ca.gov                                      75                               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 83 -

Nationally, employers with U.S. government contracts or subcontracts who meet the criteria listed in the table 
below are required to list job openings with the State Workforce Agency Job Bank, which in California is known as 
CalJOBSSM (caljobs.ca.gov). This is required to enable EDD to comply with federal compliance inquiries from the 
Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Program (OFCCP). Contractors may post their jobs on the National Labor 
Exchange (NLx) (usnlx.com), but CalJOBS SMdoes not maintain permanent records of jobs imported from the NLx 
or other third-party job sites. Furthermore, employers are required to take affirmative action to employ and advance 
in employment, qualified disabled veterans, other protected veterans, Armed Forces service medal veterans, and 
recently separated veterans. They must also file an annual VETS-4212 Federal Contract Reporting with the U.S. 
Department of Labor to disclose the total number of all current employees in each job category and at each hiring 
location. For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/vets4212). 

The table below provides the general provisions of the Federal Contractor Reporting requirements.

Subject        Subject Prior to December 1, 2003                      On or After December 1, 2003
Job           Employers with a federal government contract         Government contractors with a federal 
Listings      of $25,000 or more, prior to December 1, 2003,       government contract of $150,000 or more, 
              and not modified on or after December 1, 2003,       must list applicable job openings with the 
              if more than $100,000, must list applicable          state workforce agency job bank (CalJOBS in 
              job openings with the state National Labor           California), or the local American Job Center 
              Exchange website. In California, employers           (known as the employment service delivery 
              must first register and list applicable jobs within  system) where the openings occur. Listing these 
              CalJOBSSM.                                           employment openings is one type of affirmative 
              (41 CFR 60-250.40)                                   action the contractor takes to recruit and hire 
                                                                   qualified veterans.
                                                                   The contractor has some immediate actions 
                                                                   to take as soon as it has a minimum threshold 
                                                                   contract, and it has some ongoing actions it must 
                                                                   take for as long as it continues to be a federal 
                                                                   contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veteran’s 
                                                                   Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA). 
                                                                   For more information, refer to the 
                                                                   Postings and Notice Requirements (dol.
VETS-4212     Employers with a federal government contract         Employers with a federal government contract of 
Federal       of $25,000 or more, entered into prior to            $150,000 or more entered into or modified on or 
Contract      December 1, 2003, and not modified on or after       after December 1, 2003, must file a VETS-4212 
Reporting     December 1, 2003, if more than $100,000, must  Federal Contract Reporting.
              file a VETS-4212 Federal Contract Reporting.         (38 United States Code, sections 4211 and 4212)
              (38 United States Code, sections 4211 and 4212)
Affirmative   Employers with a federal government contract         Government contractors with a federal 
Action        of $50,000 or more, entered into prior to            government contract of $150,000 or more, must 
Program       December 1, 2003, and not modified on or after       prepare, implement, and maintain a written 
              December 1, 2003, if more than $100,000 and          Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) for each of its 
              have 50 or more employees, must prepare,             establishments. 
              implement, and maintain a written Affirmative        (41 CFR 60-300.40)
              Action Plan (AAP) for each of its establishments.
              (41 CFR 60-250.40)

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- 84 -

Employers are required to keep payroll records for at least four years. If you believe that you are not a subject 
employer or that your employees are exempt, state law requires that you maintain records of payments made to 
people who provide services to your business for at least eight years in case of an employment tax audit. Your 
records must provide a true and accurate account of all workers (employed, no longer employed, on a leave of 
absence, and independent contractors) and all payments made. Records must include the following information for 
each worker: 

 ○  Full name (first name, middle initial, and last name).
 ○  Social Security number.
  Date hired, rehired, or returned to work after a temporary layoff.
  Last date services were performed.
  Place of work.
  Monies paid:
 ○  Dates and amounts of payment.
 ○  Pay period covered.
  Cash or cash value of in-kind wages (such as meals, lodging, bonuses, gifts, and prizes) showing the nature 
 of the payment, the period that the services were performed, and the type of special payment made.
  The amounts withheld from employee wages. (Note: You may be required to make withholding deposits. 
 Refer to “Withholding Deposits” on page 58.)
  Disbursement records showing payments to workers.
  Other information necessary to determine payments to workers.

If you have any questions on the records you must keep, refer to the Information Sheet: Employment Tax Audit 
Process (DE 231TA) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231ta.pdf) or by contacting the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 

                        For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                           California Employer News and Updates 

                        Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

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                                      EMPLOYERS’ BILL OF RIGHTS

The Employment Development Department (EDD) is committed to applying the payroll tax laws of the State of 
California in an equitable and impartial manner. We developed the following to inform you of your rights during the 
employment taxation process.

                                            EMPLOYER RIGHTS
As an employer, you have the right to:
  Courteous and timely service from EDD employees.
  Expect that information maintained by the EDD be kept confidential and not published or made available for 
    public inspection. However, in certain instances, the law requires that this information be shared with other 
    governmental agencies. When those instances occur, the EDD closely follows the law to protect your rights to 
  Call upon the EDD for accurate information, assistance, and to have all your questions answered.
  Receive a clear and accurate account statement if the EDD believes you owe taxes.
  Request a filing extension for up to 60 days. The law provides that the EDD may grant a filing extension where 
    “good cause” is shown for a delay. (Refer to page 109 for the definition of “good cause.”)
  Request a filing extension for up to 60 days. The law provides that the EDD may grant a filing extension when 
    the governor declares a state of emergency if the employer is directly affected by an emergency or disaster.
  Request a waiver of penalty by showing “good cause” for filing a report or making a payment late.
  An impartial audit and a full explanation of our findings if your business is selected for an audit.
  Discuss the issue(s) with an EDD representative, supervisor, office manager, and the Taxpayer Advocate 
    Office if you disagree with an action taken by the EDD. 
  Petition certain actions to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

The Employers’ Bill of Rights (DE 195) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de195.pdf) brochure has been developed 
to inform you of your rights during the employment taxation process. For more information contact the Taxpayer 
Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

The EDD Tax Branch established the Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate (OTRA), which is responsible for 
providing a clear and consistent focus on protecting the rights of the taxpayer. Incorporated within OTRA are the 
Taxpayer Advocate Office and the Settlements Office.

                                      Taxpayer Advocate Office

The Taxpayer Advocate Office is responsible for protecting the rights of taxpayers during all phases of the payroll tax 
administration, assessment, and collection process, while also protecting the interests of the state.

If you are unable to resolve a payroll tax problem with an EDD representative, supervisor, and office manager, you 
may contact the Taxpayer Advocate Office for assistance. This office will review the issues and facts of your case to 
ensure that your rights have been protected and work to facilitate a resolution.

    Employment Development Department
    Taxpayer Advocate Office, MIC 93
    PO Box 826880
    Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
    Toll-free Phone: 1-866-594-4177
    Phone: 1-916-654-8957
    Fax: 1-916-449-9498

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                                              Settlements Office
The Settlements Program provides employers and the state an opportunity to avoid the cost of prolonged litigation 
associated with resolving disputed payroll tax issues (e.g., petitions for reassessment, appeals, or denial of refund claims).
When reviewing a settlement offer, the EDD considers the risks and costs for the state associated with litigating the 
issues, balanced against the benefit of reaching a settlement agreement. Final tax liabilities, cases still in process, 
cases involving fraud or criminal violations, and issues solely involving fairness or financial hardship are generally 
not eligible. Depending on the reduction of tax and penalties, all settlement agreements are subject to approval by an 
Administrative Law Judge, the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and/or the Attorney General’s office. 
If you have questions, refer to the Information Sheet: Settlements Program (DE 231SP) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/
de231sp.pdf) or contact the Settlement Office at 1-916-653-9130 or the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.
Settlement offers must be in writing. You can email, fax or mail in your settlement offers to the Settlements Office:
 Fax: 1-916-449-2161

 Employment Development Department
 Settlements Office, MIC 93
 PO Box 826880
 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

                                      PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY
The EDD recognizes that your privacy is a personal and fundamental right without exception. The EDD values and  
protects your privacy and places strict controls on the gathering and use of personally identifiable data. Your personal 
information is not disclosed, made available, or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified at or before the 
time of collection, except with your consent or as authorized by law or regulation.
Payroll tax and benefit information collected and maintained by the EDD is confidential. As an employer, you have 
the right to obtain access to and inspect your records. You may also authorize your agent or representative to access 
your records by submitting a Power of Attorney (POA) Declaration (DE 48) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de48.pdf) 
online through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm) or by contacting the 
Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. 
If you have further questions regarding your privacy rights, contact the Tax Information Security Office at  

                                      OFFERS IN COMPROMISE
An Offer in Compromise (OIC) enables a qualified applicant to reduce an employment tax liability to less than full 
value. To qualify for an OIC, all of the following are required:
  The liability must be final and undisputed.
  The employer’s account must be inactive and out-of-business or the applicant must no longer have a 
 controlling interest or any association with the business that incurred the liability.
  The applicant must meet all financial requirements.
  Full financial disclosure is required before an offer can be analyzed.

If you have questions, refer to the Information Sheet: Offers in Compromise (DE 631C) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_
ctr/de631c.pdf) or contact the OIC office at 1-916-464-2739. 

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                                   UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – TAXES
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) program provides financial assistance to individuals who are temporarily out of 
work through no fault of their own. In California, this program is financed entirely by employers.

                            METHODS OF PAYING FOR UI BENEFITS
Experience Rating Method
The experience rating method is used by the majority of employers. For a detailed explanation of the experience 
rating method, refer to the “How Your UI Tax Rate Is Determined” section below, obtain Information Sheet: California 
System of Experience Rating (DE 231Z) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231z.pdf), or contact the Taxpayer 
Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

Reimbursable Method
Public employers and nonprofit organizations described under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code have 
the option of becoming “reimbursable” employers. Employers electing the reimbursable method (also known as the 
cost-of-benefits method) are required to reimburse the UI Fund on a dollar-for-dollar basis for all benefits paid to their 
former employees and charged to their account. Reimbursable employers are billed quarterly and payment is due 
within 30 days of the statement date.
For public employers, financing under the reimbursable method must remain in effect for two complete calendar 
years. For nonprofit employers, financing under the reimbursable method must remain in effect for five complete 
calendar years. Employers who terminate their reimbursable coverage remain liable for UI benefits paid to their 
former employees covered under this program for a period of three calendar years.
For a detailed explanation of the reimbursable method, refer to Information Sheet: Nonprofit and/or Public Entities 
(DE 231NP) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231np.pdf) and Potential Liability for Unemployment Insurance (UI) 
Benefits When Electing the Reimbursable Method of Financing Under the California Unemployment Insurance Code 
(CUIC) (DE 1378F) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1378f.pdf). To obtain these publications, visit Forms and 
Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
1-888-745-3886. For additional information, contact:
       Employment Development Department
       Reimbursable Accounting Group, MIC 19
       PO Box 826880
       Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
       Phone: 1-916-653-5846

School Employees Fund (SEF) Method
California public school districts (kindergarten through 12 thgrade), California community colleges, and charter 
schools may elect to participate in the School Employees Fund (SEF), which is a special UI reimbursable financing 
method available for school districts. For additional information visit SEF (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/school_
employees_fund.htm) or  contact the SEF Unit at 1-916-653-5380.

                            HOW YOUR UI TAX RATE IS DETERMINED
Tax Rate Schedules
The UI tax rates are based on one of seven tax rate schedules (AA through F) established by law. The first step in the 
annual process of establishing the UI tax rates for the calendar year is for the EDD to determine which of the seven 
tax rate schedules will be in effect. Employers are assigned their UI tax rates from the same rate schedule.

New Employer – UI Tax Rate and Reserve Account
A UI reserve account is a nonmonetary account that is set up when an employer registers with the EDD. New 
employers are assigned a 3.4 percent (.034) UI contribution rate for a period of two to three years. This will depend 
on when the employer meets the criteria under section 982(b) of the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC). 
After that, an employer’s UI contribution rate is determined by their experience rating and the condition of the UI Fund.

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                                      NOTICE OF TAX RATES
Each December, the Employment Development Department (EDD) mails the Notice of Contribution Rates and 
Statement of UI Reserve Account (DE 2088) that shows your Unemployment Insurance (UI), and Employment 
Training Tax (ETT) tax rates and taxable wage limits for the upcoming year. For SDI rate information visit Tax-Rated 
Employers (edd.ca.gov/en/payroll_taxes/tax-rated-employers/). If you have address changes and/or agent updates, 
please contact the EDD immediately in order to receive your notice timely.
You may protest any item on the DE 2088 except SDI and ETT, which are specifically set by law. To protest online, 
visit the EDD e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). You must provide 
a valid Letter ID with the associated tax rate year you are protesting within 60 days of the issued date on the notice. 
You may also file a protest in writing which must be postmarked within 60 days of the issued date on the notice. 
Please include your employer payroll tax account number, the specific item(s) you wish to protest, and the reason 
you are protesting. An extension of up to 60 days may be granted for “good cause” if your request is submitted before 
the protest deadline.
For more information about the DE 2088 or protest information, review the Explanation of the Notice of Contribution 
Rates and Statement of UI Reserve Account (DE 2088) for the Period Shown on Your DE 2088 (DE 2088C) (PDF) 
(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de2088c.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. 

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) certification process to verify 
that the total taxable wages claimed on the Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return (Form 
940) or the federal Household Employment Taxes (Form 1040, Schedule H) was actually paid to the state. Under  
this “dual” system, you are subject to both the state and federal payroll tax requirements.
You are required to file reports and pay UI taxes with the EDD. You are also required to file a Form 940 with IRS to 
report total taxable UI wages and pay any federal Unemployment Tax due. Generally, you can take a federal credit 
against your FUTA tax for the UI taxes you paid to California. You may request a FUTA Recertification at Ask EDD 
(askedd.edd.ca.gov) and follow the prompts under Payroll Tax.
On an annual basis, the IRS and the EDD compare amounts reported on your IRS Form 940 to the Total 
Subject Wages (line C) and UI Taxable Wages (line D2) reported on your EDD Quarterly Contribution Return 
and Report of Wages (DE 9). When an “out-of-balance” condition exists, reconciliation must be made or 
an assessment may be issued by either the IRS or the EDD. A common reason for an “out-of-balance” is 
a change of entity or federal employer identification number (FEIN) that has not been updated with the 
EDD. You can view or update your FEIN and make changes to your account at  e-Services for Business 
(edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). For more FUTA information, visit the FUTA Information 
page (payroll_taxes/federal-unemployment-tax-act-htm) or contact the EDD FUTA Certification Unit at 

                               RESERVE ACCOUNT TRANSFERS
When an employer acquires all or part of an ongoing business and continues to operate the business without 
substantial reduction of personnel resulting from the acquisition, the employer may request the previous owner’s 
UI reserve account balance transferred to the new ownership by completing an Application for Transfer of Reserve 
Account (DE 4453). This form can be filed electronically through e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/
e-Services_for_Business.htm). If the EDD approves the transfer, the UI tax rate will be recalculated and may result in 
an immediate reduction or increase in the UI tax rate. For further information regarding reserve account transfers, call 
  When a UI reserve account transfer is approved, the employer requesting the transfer will receive a revised 
     DE 2088 stating the UI tax rate.
  Employers who receive a reserve account transfer accept responsibility for the UI benefit charges for the 
     previous owner’s former employees. This may increase your UI tax rate in future years.
  A reserve account transfer cannot be reversed once it has been completed.
  There are time limits to qualify for a reserve account transfer. Apply for a reserve account transfer immediately 
     after purchasing an ongoing business.

                                      WAGES IN ANOTHER STATE
Section 930.1 of the California Unemployment Insurance Code (CUIC) provides that a California employer who pays 
wages to an employee for employment subject to the unemployment insurance laws of another state (and reports 
to that state), can use such wages in computing the UI taxable wage limit in the same calendar year if the individual 
is subsequently transferred to California. Such wages may not be used to arrive at the taxable wage limit for State 
Disability Insurance purposes.
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When an individual performs services in two or more states and the services are not localized in any one state, under 
the provisions of CUIC (sections 602 and 603), the employer may request to report the individual’s services to one 
Upon approval for UI and State Disability Insurance purposes, the employer may report to any state in which (a) 
services are performed, (b) the employee has residence, or (c) the employer maintains a place of business.
Note: Special reporting may be required for California Personal Income Tax withholding purposes.
For additional information, refer to the Information Sheet: Multistate Employment (DE 231D) (PDF) 
(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231d.pdf) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                             TIPS FOR REDUCING YOUR UI TAX RATE
UI tax works like any other insurance premium. An employer may pay a lower rate when former employees make 
fewer claims on the employer’s payroll tax account. The following steps may help reduce your UI tax rate:
  Maintain a stable workforce; it could save you UI taxes. High employee turnover increases the potential of 
      benefits charged to your reserve account.
  Submit your Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) within the required time limits to ensure your UI contributions are 
      included in calculating your UI tax rate for the following year.
  Respond timely to the Benefit Audit (DE 1296B, DE 1296NER, and DE 1296NBA). It may lead to the reversal 
      of related charges to your reserve or reimbursable account. For additional information, refer to “Benefit Audits 
      to Determine Fraud” on page 90.
  Respond timely to the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER) if you 
      believe that a former employee does not meet the UI eligibility criteria. A timely response to a DE 1101CZ or 
      DE 1101ER may reduce charges to your reserve account. For added convenience, employers and third-party 
      administrators can elect to electronically receive and respond to the DE 1101CZ through the State Information 
      Data Exchange System (SIDES). Visit SIDES (edd.ca.gov/SIDES) to learn more.
  Respond timely to the Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545) if you believe 
      the wages used to establish a claim are incorrect, the employee is still working, or if you believe a former 
      employee does not meet the UI eligibility criteria. A timely response to a DE 1545 may reduce charges to your 
      reserve account. 
  Conduct and document an exit interview to help you to understand why the employee is leaving. This may 
      result in changes to your policies or procedures that will assist you in retaining your employees. Written 
      documentation of the exit interview may be important in supporting your protest. 
  Permit leaves of absence because they may help keep fully trained personnel.
  Keep good personnel records to justify any action(s) taken. Give written warnings prior to discharging an 
      employee and keep a copy of these warnings and other supporting information. For more information, refer to 
      the Recordkeeping section on page 77.
  Protest UI benefit claims for former employees who you believe are not eligible for benefits (e.g., employee 
      voluntarily quit or was discharged for misconduct, etc.). Answer UI claim notices promptly, accurately, and in detail.
  Rehire former employees who are currently receiving UI benefits that may be charged against your 
      reserve account.
  Report refusals of work to the EDD at (AskEDD, Employer Inquiry/Report Refusal of Work).
  Provide clear, specific answers to phone interview questions from EDD personnel.
  Review your Statement of Charges to Reserve Account (DE 428T) and report inaccuracies within the protest 
      time limits.
  Bring witnesses with firsthand knowledge of pertinent facts when attending an appeal hearing.

For additional information on the UI program or assistance in reducing UI costs, refer to the booklet Managing 
Unemployment Insurance Costs (DE 4527) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de4527.pdf).

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The Employment Development Department (EDD) recognizes your concerns about imposter fraud and the threat 
of identity theft. Imposter fraud and identity theft occurs when someone steals your employees’ employment and/or 
personal information and uses that information for personal gain. We actively investigate cases of imposter fraud 
and are committed to taking the steps necessary to protect the integrity of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Fund. 
To assist in these efforts, you may receive a Request for Additional Information (DE 1326ER) asking you to validate 
information provided to us by an individual when we suspect a UI claim may have potential identity or imposter issues. 
Completing and returning the DE 1326ER with the requested information will assist us in resolving these issues 
promptly. Visit our fraud detection and prevention activities (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/responding_to_ui_claim_
notices.htm) for more information. 
We also encourage you to take all necessary steps to protect your employees’ Social Security numbers (SSN) and 
other identifying information. A key way to protect yourself and your employees is by properly disposing of your old 
payroll records. California law requires you to properly destroy (e.g., shred, erase, etc.) the personal information on 
all records under your control. Your employees may sue you for civil damages if you fail to protect their confidential 
information. For more information on California privacy legislation and protecting yourself and your employees from 
identity theft, visit the Office of Privacy Protection (oag.ca.gov/privacy). 
To minimize potential fraud and protect your UI reserve account, we urge you to carefully review each EDD statement 
and/or notice and respond as directed in a timely manner to any items for which you have questions. If you suspect 
your payroll or personnel data has been compromised, please report the incident immediately to our Fraud Hotline at 
1-800-229-6297 or by submitting a fraud reporting form (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/fraud_prevention.htm).
Additionally, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers employers and authorized agents a service for 
verifying employees’ SSNs. For information on how to access the SSA’s SSN verification service, visit the SSA 
(ssa.gov/employer/ssnv.htm) or contact your local SSA office.
To learn about steps that you can take to fight imposter fraud, protect your employees, and control your UI costs,  
review the brochure How You Can Prevent Unemployment Insurance Imposter Fraud (DE 2360ER) (PDF) 

                                       UI RATE MANIPULATION
There are several types of schemes businesses use to unlawfully lower their UI contribution rates. These UI rate 
manipulation schemes typically involve a business with a high UI tax rate obtaining a lower UI rate through the 
creation of a new corporate entity or through the purchase of a shell business with a low UI rate. The practice of UI 
rate manipulation threatens the stability of California’s UI Fund and creates an unfair advantage for those businesses 
that use these schemes to lower their rates.
In 2005, California implemented a law to prevent UI rate manipulation; it requires employers who are illegally 
lowering their UI rates to pay at the highest rate provided by law plus an additional 2 percent. The law also provides 
for the greater of a $5,000 penalty or 10 percent of underreported contributions, penalty, or interest for anyone 
knowingly advising another person or business to violate California’s UI rate and reporting laws. 
This law also made changes regarding the transfer of UI reserve account balances and specified that whenever a 
business transferred all or part of its business or payroll to another employer, the reserve account attributable to the 
transferred business will also be transferred if they are under common ownership, management, or control. It also 
provides that the transfer will be denied if the acquisition was for the purpose of obtaining a lower UI rate.
For more information, visit UI rate manipulation (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/suta_dumping.htm) or contact the 
Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. If outside the U.S. or Canada, call 1-916-464-3502.

                            For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                   California Employer News and Updates 

                            Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

edd.ca.gov                                             83                    Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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                                UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FUNDING
The California Unemployment Insurance (UI) program is funded through payroll taxes paid by employers. These 
taxes are placed in the UI Fund and benefits are paid to qualified claimants from this fund. The individual tax reserve 
account established for each employer has no monetary value. The reserve account is an accounting tool used to 
keep track of credits and charges made against the employer’s account to determine his/her annual UI tax rate. For 
additional information, please refer to “Unemployment Insurance Taxes” on page 80.

                                                BENEFIT AMOUNT
The maximum amount of UI benefits payable to a claimant during a regular benefit year is 26 times the claimant’s 
weekly benefit amount or one-half of the total base period earnings, whichever is less. The benefit year is a 52-week 
period starting on the effective date of a new UI claim. The base period consists of four calendar quarters of three 
months each. When a base period begins and which calendar quarters are used depends on the date the claim 
begins and whether the claim is for UI or for Disability Insurance (DI).
For UI, there are two types of base periods that may be used to establish a claim: the Standard Base Period (SBP) 
and the Alternate Base Period (ABP). The SBP is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to 
the beginning date of the UI claim. If a claimant does not have sufficient wages in the SBP to establish a claim, the 
Employment Development Department (EDD) will consider whether the claimant qualifies to file a claim using the 
ABP. The ABP is the four most recently completed calendar quarters prior to the beginning date of the claim. The 
ABP can only be used to file a UI claim when there are not enough wages earned in the SBP to file a monetarily 
valid UI claim. Refer to page 92 for more information about the ABP.
                                                                        Maximum Charged to
                Current Weekly UI Benefit Amount                   Reserve Account for Each
                 Year           Minimum  Maximum                  Employee for a Regular Claim
                 2023           $40             $450                          $11,700
                 2022           $40             $450                          $11,700

                                    BENEFIT QUALIFICATIONS
To be eligible for UI benefits, claimants must:               A claimant may be ineligible for UI benefits if the claimant:
   Be unemployed through no fault of their own.                   Was discharged for misconduct connected to his/her 
 Be totally or partially unemployed and registered               work, proof of misconduct rests with the employer.
   for work with the EDD as required.                              Voluntarily quit without “good cause” (includes 
 Accurately report all earnings during their weekly              quitting for personal reasons, to go to school, or 
   claim certification – even those from                           to move).
   part-time or temporary work.                                    Files a UI claim during a recess period, if he/she 
 Be physically able to work in their usual                       worked for a school employer, and had reasonable 
   occupation or in other work for which they are                  assurance of returning to work for a school employer.
   reasonably qualified.                                           Refused suitable work without “good cause.”
 Be available for work by being ready and willing                Failed to take part in reemployment services.
   to immediately accept suitable work in their usual               Failed to apply for a job when referred by a public 
   occupation or in an occupation for which they are             
                                                                   employment office.
   reasonably qualified.
   Be actively seeking work on their own behalf.                  Failed to make reasonable efforts to look for work.
   Have received a minimum amount of wages                        Failed to comply with regulations.
   during the base period. For additional information,             Made false statements or withheld information for 
   please refer to the Qualifying UI Wages section                 the purpose of receiving UI benefits.
   on page 85.                                                     Is not legally entitled to work in the U.S.
   Comply with regulations in regard to filing claims.            Is not able to work or is not available for work.
Once a claim is filed, EDD staff will determine if there           Is working full-time or earns wages totaling more 
                                                                   than 25 percent of their weekly UI benefit amount.
are eligibility issues. An EDD representative may call 
employers as well as claimants to resolve eligibility issues.      Voluntarily left work due to a trade dispute.
                                                              Certain types of employees are not covered for UI 
                                                              benefits. For additional information, refer to:
                                                                  Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE).
                                                                  Information Sheet: Types of Payments (DE 231TP).
                                                              The DE 231TE and DE 231TP are available at Forms 
                                                              and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_
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- 92 -
                                    QUALIFYING UI WAGES
To have a valid UI claim, individuals must have earned:
  $1,300 or more in covered employment wages in one quarter of the base period, or
  $900 or more in covered employment wages in the base period quarter with the highest earnings and earned 
     at least 1.25 times the high quarter earnings during the entire base period.
Certain types of payments made to employees are not considered covered employment (wages) for UI purposes. For 
additional information, refer to Information Sheet: Types of Payments (DE 231TP) (PDF) 
(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231tp.pdf). The table shows if certain types of jobs and types of income are taxable 
for UI. If the table shows that a job or type of income is “not subject” to UI tax, then that income is excluded from 
establishing a UI claim.

                                 UI ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION
The EDD schedules fact-finding phone interviews or sends questionnaires when there are eligibility questions 
regarding a claim. Our staff will talk to the claimant, employer, and appropriate third parties as necessary to make a 
decision. Based on the decision, benefits will either be paid or denied. If benefits are denied, a notice will be issued 
to the claimant. If the employer responds timely to the first notice sent by the EDD and addresses the issue being 
decided, a notice will also be sent to the employer.
Note: The maximum amount an employer can be charged on a regular claim is $11,700. Refer to “Benefit Amount” 
     on page 84. In addition, an employer’s reserve account may be subject to charges for benefits paid on a 
     Training Extension (TE) claim. Claimants who have been approved for California Training Benefits (a program 
     established to retain displaced workers who need new skills to return to work) may be eligible for a TE claim. 
     A claimant with a TE claim is eligible to receive a maximum of 52 times his/her weekly benefit amount on the 
     regular claim, which includes the maximum benefit award of the regular claim.

Tax-Rated Employers or Reimbursable Employers
Tax-Rated or Reimbursable Employers may make address changes or designate an agent by contacting the EDD 
Tax Branch. Refer to “Changes to Your Business Status” information on page 70.
Reimbursable Employers
Public entity and nonprofit employers should also submit the single agent address or agent information to the EDD 
Tax Branch to have the address on file changed. To have the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed  
(DE 1101CZ) and tax forms sent to the designated single address, refer to “Changes to Your Business Status” 
information on page 70.
In addition, public entity and nonprofit employers and their agents must elect to have the notice of new or additional 
claim (DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER) sent to a designated single address, per section 806 of the California Unemployment 
Insurance Code.

Send requests for designation of a single address to:
     Employment Development Department
     Unemployment Insurance Division, MIC 40
     PO Box 826880
     Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
     Fax: 1-916-654-8117

                        HOW TO REQUEST AN ELECTRONIC DE 1545
Employers and their agents may electronically obtain the Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) 
Claim (DE 1545) through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). To obtain information about EDI, contact:
     Employment Development Department
     Employer Assistance Unit, MIC 16
     PO Box 826880
     Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
     Phone: 1-916-464-2325 

edd.ca.gov                                               85           Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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                                     RESPONDING TO NOTICES
You need to respond timely and in writing to the Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ or 
DE 1101ER), Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim      (DE 1545), or the Notice of Potential 
Increased Liability For Training Extension Benefits (DE 1545TE) if:
  The claimant was terminated or voluntarily quit.
  You have knowledge of information that might affect the claimant’s eligibility for UI benefits.
  The claimant’s name and Social Security number are not correct.
  You want a written decision of eligibility that provides your appeal rights to the EDD’s decision.
  The claimant’s work was in non-covered employment for UI purposes and the wages should not be used to 
     establish a UI claim, including work performed as an elected official.
If you believe the claimant is not entitled to benefits, it is important to protest in writing when you receive the first 
notice and within the protest time limits. Refer to page 87 for the “Claim Notices and Protest Time Limits” table. Your 
response must include any facts that may affect the claimant’s eligibility for UI benefits or the potential liability of your 
UI reserve account for benefits paid to the claimant.

Protests to the DE 1101CZ, DE 1101ER, DE 1545, DE 1545R, or DE 1545TE should be in writing and mailed to the 
address noted on the form within the protest time limits of that form. Employers and third-party administrators can elect 
to electronically receive and respond to the EDD’s Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) using 
SIDES (edd.ca.gov/SIDES). Protests may be written on the notice or included in a separate letter and should contain 
the following information:
  Employer’s payroll tax account number, name, and address.
  Claimant’s name and Social Security number.
  Beginning date of the claim.
  Date of separation from employment.
  Dates of separation(s) and rehire(s) during and following the quarters shown on the DE 1545.
  Information supporting your belief of the claimant’s ineligibility. (Refer to page 84 for a list of disqualifying 
     events.) Protests should include specific facts and circumstances. General statements (e.g., employee was 
     fired for misconduct) should be supported with specific events and documentation. This will result in better 
     eligibility decisions based on the facts.
  If the wage information listed on the DE 1545 or DE 1545TE is incorrect, please inform the EDD in writing at:
     Employment Development Department
     Employers Assistance Unit, MIC 16
     PO Box 826880
     Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
     Include the following information with your correction of wage information:
        Employer’s payroll tax account number, name, and address.
        Claimant’s name and Social Security number.
        Beginning date of the claim.
        Correction to the wage information. Please provide supporting documentation to the correction, such as 
           a copy of the Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) or Quarterly 
           Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ).
        Name, signature, and phone number of the employer or employer representative preparing the wage 
        Date of the wage correction.
  The protest should be signed by the person having personal knowledge of the facts or having access to 
     records containing the facts.

Remember: If a written protest is not submitted, or submitted untimely for the DE 1101CZ, DE 1101ER, DE 1545, 
or DE 1545TE, you waive your right to protest your UI reserve account’s potential liability for benefits paid to the 
claimant and your right to appeal the EDD determination.

edd.ca.gov                                                 86              Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 94 -
                                SUBSEQUENT BENEFIT YEAR
If you receive a notice that a subsequent benefit year has been established, you must resubmit any facts you 
furnished on the initial Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER) to be entitled to  
a determination and/or ruling based on such facts for the later benefit year.

                                CLAIM NOTICES AND PROTEST TIME LIMITS
                         Notice                                              Postmarked Within
DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER
Mailed to the last employer when a current or former    10 calendar days of the date mailed to you (the date is 
employee files a new UI claim or an existing claim is   printed on the top right side of the DE 1101CZ and the 
reopened.                                               DE 1101ER).
DE 1545
Issued to all base period employers after a claimant    The deadline to submit a ruling request is located on the 
receives the first UI payment. This notice informs each top right side of the DE 1545.
employer of the wages used to establish the claim and 
the amount of potential charges to their UI reserve     To request a ruling, submit separation information 
account for that claim.                                 within 15 calendar days from the mail date. If wage 
                                                        information is incorrect, submit the information within 30 
Note:   Employers and their agents may obtain the       calendar days.
     DE 1545 electronically. (Refer to “How to 
     Request an Electronic DE 1545” on page 86.)
DE 1545TE
Mailed to base period employers only when a former      15 calendar days from the mail date.
employee has been approved for the California Training 
Benefits (CTB) program. This form will inform you of 
the maximum amount of potential benefits payable, 
including training extension benefits, and the amount 
of potential charges to your UI reserve account. When 
protesting a former employee’s eligibility for the CTB 
program, employers should address the particular 
criteria that individuals must meet under section 1269 
and 1269.1 of the California Unemployment Insurance 

Note: If you respond untimely, provide the reason you are submitting the eligibility information untimely and the EDD 
     will determine if you had “good cause” for not submitting your response timely. If there is a finding of “good 
     cause,” you will be entitled to receive a notice of determination or ruling. If it is determined that you did not 
     have “good cause” for the late response, a Response to Employer Communication (DE 4614) will be issued. 
     This form can be appealed if you disagree with the determination. Also, if you respond untimely with eligibility 
     information, the EDD will conduct a determination of eligibility with the claimant regardless of whether you are 
     entitled to a notice of determination or ruling.

                         For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                                California Employer News and Updates 

                         Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

edd.ca.gov                                              87                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 95 -
You will receive one of the following DE 1080 notices in response to eligibility issues you reported on the Notice 
of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER), Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment 
Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545), or the Notice of Potential Increased Liability for Training Extension Benefits  
(DE 1545TE).

            Notice                                                         Purpose
DE 1080CZ:                             Reimbursable Employer(s)
   Notice of Determination            Sent to an employer who responds timely to a DE 1101CZ or DE 1101ER, 
                                       and who submits information about quits and discharges. The notice 
                                       informs the employer whether or not the claimant was found eligible for 
                                       Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.
                                       Tax-rated and Reimbursable Employers(s)
                                       Sent to an employer who responds timely to a DE 1101CZ, DE 1101ER, 
                                       DE 1545, or DE 1545TE, or who provides eligibility information about 
                                       issues other than quits or discharges that can affect a claimant’s eligibility 
                                       for UI benefits, such as job refusals or a claimant’s unavailability for work 
                                       because of school attendance, lack of child care, etc. The notice informs 
                                       the employer whether or not the claimant was found eligible to receive UI 
                                       benefits. Refer to page 84 for a list of disqualifying events.
   Notice of Determination/Ruling     Sent to a tax-rated employer who responds timely to a DE 1101CZ 
                                       or DE 1101ER with eligibility information regarding a voluntary quit or 
                                       discharge. The ruling portion of this notice informs the employer whether or 
                                       not the reserve account will be charged for UI benefits paid.
   Notice of Ruling                   Sent to a tax-rated employer who responds timely to a DE 1545 with 
                                       separation information. The separation must have occurred during or after 
                                       the base period of the claim. This notice informs the employer whether or 
                                       not the reserve account will be charged for UI benefits paid.
DE 1080M:                              Sent to the employer who previously received a DE 1080EZ stating that the 
   Notice of Modification             claimant was disqualified. This form informs the employer that the claimant’s 
                                       disqualification period is over. This notice does not change the original ruling 
                                       issued to the employer.

Remember: Employers who finance UI coverage under one of the reimbursable financing methods receive Notices 
of Determination, but do not receive Notices of Ruling because they do not have a UI reserve account.
The Notice of Potential Increased Liability for Training Extension Benefits (DE 1545TE) provides base-period 
employers with a timely notice of maximum amount of potential UI benefits, including training extension benefits that 
may be charged to their accounts. This form is mailed to base-period employers only when a former employee has 
been approved for the California Training Benefits (CTB) program. When protesting a claimant’s eligibility for the CTB 
program, employers should address the particular criteria that individuals must meet under sections 1269 and 1269.1 
of the CUIC.

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- 96 -
You have the right to file an appeal if you do not agree with a decision made by the Employment Development 
Department (EDD) about your:
  Former employee’s right to receive UI benefits.
  UI reserve account being charged for benefits paid to a former employee.

You must send your written appeal to the EDD within 30 calendar days of the date the decision was mailed to 
you. The EDD will send you an acknowledgment of receipt and registration of your appeal with the phone number 
for the Office of Appeal hearing the case. The Office of Appeal will schedule a hearing with an Administrative Law 
Judge (ALJ). Both you and your former employee will be notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing at least 
10 days before the hearing date. If you are filing an appeal to a Notice of Ruling (DE 1080CZ), the employee is not 
considered a party to the proceeding and is not notified of the hearing. The ALJ will conduct a hearing and give all 
interested parties the opportunity to present their evidence. The ALJ will consider the facts presented at the hearing 
and issue a written decision that is mailed to all concerned parties.

If you do not agree with the ALJ’s decision, you may appeal to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals 
Board (CUIAB). The CUIAB reviews appeals to decisions rendered by the ALJ. Both the CUIAB and the ALJs operate 
impartially and independently of the EDD.

The CUIAB provides the following publications to assist in filing an appeal and preparing for an administrative hearing:
    Appeals Procedure (DE 1433)
    Office of Appeals Tax Hearing Information Pamphlet (DE 6412TF)
For copies of these publications, write to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board at the address shown 
on the following page. You may also download these forms from CUIAB (cuiab.ca.gov/). If you have any questions 
about filing an appeal, please contact the EDD at 1-800-300-5616.

Note: An EDD Appeal Form (DE 1000M) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de1000m.pdf) is enclosed with all  
     DE 1080s.  

edd.ca.gov                                        89                 Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

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                                     FALSE STATEMENT PENALTY
Section 1142(a) of the CUIC provides that an employer and/or the employer’s agent may be assessed a cash 
penalty from 2 to 10 times the claimant’s weekly benefit amount if it is determined that the employer, employer’s 
representative, employer’s officer, or employer’s agent willfully made a false statement or misrepresentation or failed 
to report a material fact concerning the claimant’s termination of employment.
Section 1142(b) of the CUIC provides that an employer and/or the employer’s agent may be assessed a cash 
penalty from 2 to 10 times the claimant’s weekly benefit amount if it is determined that the employer, employer’s 
representative, employer’s officer, or employer’s agent willfully made a false statement or representation or willfully 
fails to report a material fact concerning the claimant’s reasonable assurance of reemployment as defined in 
section 1253.3 of the CUIC.
Section 1142.1 of the CUIC provides that an employer may be assessed a cash penalty from 2 to 10 times the 
claimant’s weekly benefit amount if it is determined that the employer, employer representative, employer officer,  
or employer agent, where the claimant was performing services for an educational institution as defined in  
section 1253.3, willfully makes a false statement or representation or fails to report a material fact concerning the 
claimant’s termination of employment or regarding any week during which services were performed (as provided in 
section 1253.3) or any time granted to the claimant for professional development while working for that employer.
If you are not in agreement with the Notice of Determination or Assessment Under UI Code Section 1142(A)  
(DE 3807 SEP) or Notice of Determination or Assessment Under UI Code Section 1142(B) (DE 3807 RA), you may 
file a Petition for Reassessment to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), of the California Unemployment Insurance 
Appels Board (CUIAB), refer to the Notice of Petition Rights (DE 2350). The CUIAB, established separate and apart 
from the EDD, reviews, hears, and renders impartial and independent decisions in tax and benefit matters related to 
the CUIC.
Prepare an original and a copy of the petition. The petition may be informal but must be in writing and should:
  Show your EDD employer payroll tax account number and the date of the assessment. For faster processing, 
 enclose a copy of the DE 3807 SEP or DE 3807 RA with your petition.
  Provide the claimant’s name and Social Security number.
  Clearly indicate that it is a “Petition for Reassessment.”
  Describe the reason for the petition and specify the facts or grounds for requesting a reassessment.
  Be signed by you or your authorized agent.
  State your address or that of your agent, if any.
To be timely, the petition must be mailed or delivered to the office shown below within 30 calendar days from the date 
of assessment. The time to protest can be extended by an ALJ for not more than 30 days but only if “good cause” for 
the delay is shown. Mail or deliver the original and a copy of your petition for reassessment to:
 California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
 Sacramento Office of Appeals
 2400 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 100
 Sacramento, CA 95833-4224

                               BENEFIT AUDITS TO DETERMINE FRAUD
The benefit audit process leads to the recovery of improper UI benefit payments and the potential reversal of 
related charges to the employer’s reserve account when the EDD determines that the claimant was not entitled to 
UI benefits. The Benefit Audit (DE 1296B) identifies individuals who may have improperly received UI benefits for 
weeks in which they worked and had earnings. The EDD has several processes to detect and deter fraud; thereby, 
protecting the integrity of the UI program. Each quarter, as part of the EDD fraud detection efforts, DE 1296B audit 
forms are mailed to employers to request wage information for specific weeks that their California employees may 
have worked. 
Each quarter, the EDD also runs a cross-match with other states’ wage records. If it appears an individual may have 
worked in another state while receiving California UI benefits, then an Interstate Unemployment Insurance Benefit 
Payment Audit (IB 8605) form will be sent to out-of-state employers.

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                           BENEFIT AUDITS TO DETERMINE FRAUD (cont.)
Additionally, as part of our continuing efforts to detect and deter fraud, the EDD cross-matches the Social Security number 
and start-of-work date (SWD) from the New Employee Registry information reported by employers with UI benefit payment 
information. An accurate SWD (not the hire date) is important for this cross-match process. If a match is identified, a New 
Employee Registry Benefit Audit (DE 1296NER) audit form will be sent to the employer requesting earnings and eligibility 
information. The returned employer information is used to identify benefit overpayments and to recover the improper 
benefit payments.
The DE 1296NER audit form enables the EDD to detect fraud up to six months sooner than the quarterly Benefit Audit 
Process and protects the UI Fund by reducing overpayments. Employers who have responded to the DE 1296NER audit 
form will not receive a DE 1296B for the same employee for the same quarter.
Similar to the NER cross-match, the EDD runs the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) cross-match on a weekly 
basis which identifies work earnings with employers in other states. When the NDNH cross-match identifies an 
overlap between the SWD reported by the employer and weeks the claimant certified for UI benefits, a New Hire 
Benefit Audit (DE 1296NBA) audit form is mailed to the employer.
Employers are required by state and federal laws to respond to the DE 1296B, the DE 1296NER, the IB 8605, and 
the DE 1296NBA benefit audits. Employers’ participation in these processes is essential to detect potential fraud and 
to protect the integrity of the UI program.
Send questions or comments about the benefit audit process to:
Employment Development Department
PO Box 3038, MIC 16A
Sacramento, CA 95812-3038
Phone: 1-866-401-2849
For more information visit Benefit Fraud (edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/Completing_Benefit_Audit_Forms.htm).

                                           BACK PAY AWARD
Employees who receive UI benefits and later receive back pay awards or settlements must have the Back Pay Award 
or settlement allocated to the period for which it was awarded. The EDD must be reimbursed an amount that equals 
the amount of UI benefits received if the Back Pay Award covers the same period for which UI benefits were paid. 
Back pay is considered wages and should be reported within 30 days from the settlement or agreement date.
A determination must be made regarding who is responsible to repay the EDD for the overpaid benefit 
amounts. If the Back Pay Award agreement states that the employer will withhold overpayment amounts 
from the Back Pay Award or settlement, the employer is responsible for submitting the amounts withheld 
to the EDD to clear the overpayment. The employer must provide the claimant’s name and complete Social 
Security number and information concerning the period covered by the Back Pay Award.
At the employer’s request, the EDD will determine the amount of UI benefits to be repaid, establish an overpayment, 
and notify the claimant and employer. (“Employer” refers to both tax-rated and reimbursable employers.) 
Reimbursable employers will receive credits against their future charges only after the liability has been paid. For 
further information, contact:
Employment Development Department  UI Overpayment Center, #017
PO Box 826880
Anaheim, CA 92816-6600
Phone: 1-714-687-4400

                                WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS
Employees who received UI benefits and later receive workers’ compensation benefits in the form of Temporary Total 
Disability (TTD) benefits, Vocational Rehabilitation Maintenance Allowance (VRMA), or settlements for the same 
period must repay the EDD an amount equal to the UI benefits received. For further information, contact:
Employment Development Department
Workers’ Compensation Specialist
PO Box 2588
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Phone: 1-916-464-0713
edd.ca.gov                                 91                               Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 99 -
                                     STATEMENT OF CHARGES
Each September, the annual Statement of Charges to Reserve Account (DE 428T) is mailed to you. This statement 
notifies you of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit charges and credits to your reserve account from July 1 
through June 30 of the previous fiscal year. Charges are itemized and based on the UI benefits paid to your former 
employees. Charges to your reserve account may increase your UI contribution rate for the next calendar year. It 
is important to review your statement carefully and respond timely if you do not agree with the charges. To protest 
online, visit e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_Business.htm). You must provide 
a valid Letter ID for the period you are protesting within 60 days of the issued date on the notice. File a protest in 
writing postmarked within 60 days of the issued date on the notice. An extension of up to 60 days may be granted for 
“good cause” (refer to page 56) if your request is submitted before the protest deadline. When filing your protest, you 
must include your Employment Development Department (EDD) eight-digit employer payroll tax account number, the 
claimant’s name, Social Security number, claim date, the dollar amount, total number of claimants protested, and the 
specific reason for protesting. Protests with missing information will be returned. 
Protest charges may be submitted online through e-Services for Business or by mail to:
     Employment Development Department 
     Contribution Rate Group 
     PO Box 826831 
     Sacramento, CA 94230-6831
For a sample form and detailed instructions on how to file a protest, refer to the DE 428T Protest Sample Form 
(DE 428C) and the Information Sheet Statement of Charges to Reserve Account, DE 428T (DE 428I) by visiting 
Forms (edd.ca.gov/Forms) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886. 

To ensure your DE 428T is received timely, please make the necessary updates to your address and/or agent 
information. For your convenience, these updates can be submitted online using e-Services for Business.

                                     ALTERNATE BASE PERIOD
The Alternate Base Period (ABP) program requires the EDD to use more recently earned wages to calculate 
monetary eligibility for new UI claims for unemployed individuals who do not qualify for a UI claim using the Standard 
Base Period (SBP). The SBP uses the wages earned in the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior 
to the beginning date of the UI claim. The ABP uses the wages earned in the four most recently completed calendar 
In addition to employers’ current quarterly wage reporting, if the ABP wages are not showing in the EDD database, 
employers will be asked to provide the wages for claimants. At times, employers may be asked to provide wages 
prior to the quarterly wage reporting. The EDD will only request wages from employers if it appears that claimants 
have enough wages to qualify for a UI claim using the ABP. If it is necessary for the EDD to obtain the wages from 
the employer, the EDD will mail the employer a Request for Wages (DE 1919) to request wage information for each 
of the five most recently completed quarters. This will assist the EDD in determining if the claimant qualifies for a 
claim using the SBP or ABP. Employers have 10 days to respond to the EDD request.
In addition to mailing the employer a DE 1919, the EDD will mail the claimant an Affidavit of Wages (DE 23A) to 
request the wage information. If the employer does not respond to the EDD request for wage information within the 
10 days, and the claimant provides the DE 23A along with tangible evidence of the wages earned, the EDD will file 
the claim based on the wage information provided by the claimant.
If the base period wages on an ABP claim are later adjusted when the quarterly wages are reported by the employer, 
an overpayment may not be established on the ABP claim unless the claim was based on fraudulent information 
provided by the claimant. Meaning, if employers do not respond timely to the EDD original DE 1919, they may incur 
reserve account charges they might not have otherwise incurred.

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- 100 -
                                           LAYOFF ALTERNATIVES

                                               Partial UI Claims
The Partial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim program enables employers to keep trained employees who are 
partially employed during slow business periods. Employers may use the Partial UI Claim program if employees are 
temporarily working reduced hours or have been placed on layoff status for no more than two consecutive weeks. 
For information about partial claims and the partial forms, refer to the Notice of Reduced Earnings (DE 2063) and 
Notice of Reduced Earnings (Fisherperson) (DE 2063F) by visiting Partial Claims FAQs (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/
If you participate in the program, you should:
  Instruct your employees to call the EDD UI toll-free numbers to file a UI claim by phone.
  Instruct your employees to advise the EDD they are participating in the Partial UI Claims program. 
  Complete the employer portion of the Notice of Reduced Earnings (DE 2063) and issue it to your employees.
  Instruct employees to complete and sign the DE 2063 and mail it to the EDD.
If an employee has no wages (does not work) for two consecutive weeks, instruct the employee to contact the 
Employment Development Department (EDD) to obtain the regular Continued Claim (DE 4581) form. Participation in 
this program may increase the employer’s UI tax rate.
For more information about partial UI claims contact one of the toll-free UI phone numbers on page 106 or visit 
UI Claims (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/partial_claims.htm).

                                              Work Sharing Program
The Work Sharing program is available to employers who reduce employee wages and hours as an alternative to 
a layoff. The affected workforce or work unit(s) must consist of two or more employees who comprise at least 10 
percent of the workforce or work unit(s) and the employer must meet other requirements in order to participate. 
The employer must sign a Work Sharing (WS) Unemployment Insurance Plan Application (DE 8686) with the EDD 
and comply with all requirements to remain eligible for participation. The DE 8686 must be periodically renewed. 
Participation in this program may increase the employer’s UI tax rate. If you are interested in participating in the 
program or would like additional information, visit Work Sharing claims (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/work_sharing_
claims.htm) or contact:
      Employment Development Department
      Special Claims Office
      PO Box 419076
      Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9076
      Phone: 1-916-464-3343
      Fax: 1-916-464-2616 
      Alternate fax: 1-916-464-3333
Note: Employees participating in the Work Sharing or Partial Claims programs cannot use Tele-Cert SMor the EDD 
      UI Online SMto certify for UI weekly benefits. Participants of these programs are required to continue using the 
      existing paper continued claim form by mail.

                                              NOTICE OF LAYOFF
Employers who have employed 75 or more full and part time employees in the preceding 12 months and are planning 
plant closures, or layoffs of 50 or more employees within a 30-day period, or relocation of at least 100 miles affecting 
any amount of employees, must give affected employees at least 60 days written notice. Employees must have been 
employed for at least six of the 12 months preceding the date of required notice in order to be counted. Please refer 
to the Plant Closure or Mass Layoff section on page 74 for additional information.

                                               WAGES NOTICES
In the event of a layoff or business closure involving 10 or more employees, the EDD Wages Notice Group will 
investigate and post Electronic Wages Notices (EWN) for staff in the EDD offices to use. The EWNs contain wage 
findings (e.g., findings on in-lieu-of-notice pay and bonuses) to ensure consistent determinations when several 
employees may be affected by the same set of facts. For additional information, visit mass layoffs and wage notices 
edd.ca.gov                                            93                   Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 101 -
                                STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM
The State Disability Insurance (SDI) program provides Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits to 
eligible workers who need to take time off work due to a disability or family leave. DI is a component of the SDI program. 
DI provides partial wage replacement benefits to eligible California workers who have a loss of wages when they are 
unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. PFL is another component of the SDI program. It 
covers family leave. PFL provides benefits to eligible workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, parent, 
parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner. Benefits are available to new 
parents who need time off work to bond with a new child through birth, adoption, or foster care placement. Benefits are 
also available to eligible workers who take time off work to participate in a qualifying event because of a spouse, registered 
domestic partner, parent, or child’s military deployment to a foreign country. 

The SDI program, which includes DI and PFL, is funded through mandatory employee payroll deductions for most 
California workers. California law requires employers to provide coverage for employees with payroll in excess of 
$100 in a calendar quarter. There are a few exceptions. Some of those specifically excluded are:
  Some domestic workers.
  Some governmental employees.
  Employees of interstate railroads.
  Employees of some nonprofit agencies.
  Individuals claiming a religious exemption.
Note: When a worker has more than one employer during a calendar year, it is possible that excess SDI 
     contributions may be withheld from the worker’s wages. Workers should request a refund of excess SDI 
     withholdings on their California income tax return.
The SDI tax rate may be adjusted annually to not more than 1.5 percent (.015) or less than 0.1 percent (.001) 
depending on the balance in the Disability Fund. Employee contributions withheld are paid by the employer to either 
the Disability Fund or a Voluntary Plan (refer to page 95).

                                        EMPLOYEE BENEFITS
Eligible employees may file for DI benefits for each occurrence of disability or PFL benefits up to the maximum 
number of weeks allowed within any 12-month period to care, bond or participate in a qualifying event because 
of a family member’s military deployment to a foreign country. The brochure Disability Insurance Provisions 
(DE 2515) contains general information on DI eligibility. The Paid Family Leave Brochure (DE 2511) contains general 
information on PFL eligibility. The Claim for Disability Insurance (DI) Benefits (DE 2501) and Claim for Paid Family 
Leave (PFL) Benefits (DE 2501F) are paper forms that contain applications to file for benefits and additional program 
information. Employees can also apply electronically through SDI Online (edd.ca.gov/disability/sdi_online.htm).
California employers whose employees are subject to SDI contributions must provide new employees the 
DE 2515 and the DE 2511 and post the Notice to Employees (DE 1857A) poster. The California Unemployment 
Insurance Code (CUIC) requires employers to provide general DI information to each employee unable to 
work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. Employers are also required to provide PFL 
information to each employee requesting time off to care for a seriously ill family member, to bond with a new 
child, or to participate in a qualifying event resulting because of family member’s military deployment to a 
foreign country. The brochures and applications are provided to employers at no cost. Additional copies may be 
ordered at EDD Forms (edd.ca.gov/forms) or contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                                        EMPLOYER CLAIM NOTICES
When a DI claim is filed, the employer(s) reported on the DI claim form will receive a Notice to Employer of Disability 
Insurance Claim Filed (DE 2503). When a PFL claim is filed, the employer(s) will receive a Notice of Paid Family 
Leave (PFL) Claim Filed (DE 2503F). Employers are required to complete and return the DE 2503 or DE 2503F 
within two working days. The DE 2503 can also be submitted electronically using SDI Online  
To deter fraud, please respond immediately if you are not the employer shown on the DE 2503 or DE 2503F, or if the 
individual filing for benefits:
  Is not your employee.
  Has quit their job.
  Is receiving wages.
  Has not stopped working.
  Is known to be working for another employer.
Note:  Your Unemployment Insurance reserve account will not be affected when your employees file DI and/or PFL 
     claims. Because employees pay for DI and PFL through payroll deductions, you will not be notified of claimant 
     employee eligibility for DI/PFL benefits.

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                                                 SDI ONLINE
SDI Online is an electronic claim filing system available to employers, individuals filing for benefits, 
physicians/practitioners, Voluntary Plan employers, and third-party administrators for submission of DI and PFL claim 
information. Employers can securely submit employee information (e.g., wages earned, last day worked, etc.) for DI 
claims online. For additional information, visit SDI Online (edd.ca.gov/disability/SDI_Online.htm).

                                                 VOLUNTARY PLAN
California law allows an employer to apply to the EDD for approval of a Voluntary Plan (VP) for the payment of DI and 
PFL benefits in place of the mandatory SDI coverage. A VP must provide all the benefits of SDI, at least one benefit 
that is better than SDI, and it cannot cost employees more than SDI. To be approved for a VP, the employer must 
post a security deposit with the EDD.
Once a VP is approved, the employer is no longer required to send SDI withholdings to the EDD for those employees 
covered by the VP. Instead, if the plan is paid by the employees, the employer holds the VP contributions in a trust 
fund to pay DI or PFL benefit claims and approved expenses. The employer may enlist a greater benefit by paying 
for the plan rather than having the employees pay for it. The VP employer pays a quarterly assessment to the EDD 
based on the taxable wages of employees participating in the plan and other factors.
A VP must provide better coverage without additional cost to the employees. Based on claims experience, excess 
funds may be used to increase benefit levels or lower contributions. Please note that any money collected for VP 
purposes must be used only for the benefit of employees who contribute to the plan.
An employer considering a VP commitment should be aware that the employer takes ultimate responsibility for 
the plan benefits and expenses. If the accumulated VP trust fund is inadequate to cover benefits or expenses, the 
employer is responsible to cover the deficit. The employer may loan or gift the plan: any loans made to the VP 
may be recovered from future excess VP trust funds. If a plan terminates and there are insufficient trust funds, the 
employer must assume the financial obligation until all plan liabilities have been met.
For more information on VP options, refer to the Employers’ Guide to Voluntary Plan Procedures (DE 2040) (PDF) 
(edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de2040.pdf) call 1-916-653-6839 (TTY users dial the California Relay Service 711), or email 

                                         SELF-EMPLOYED BENEFITS
Any self-employed individual who receives the major part of his or her income from the trade, business, or occupation 
in which he or she is self-employed may elect coverage for themselves. Under provisions in the CUIC, self-employed 
individuals who are employers, may elect UI and SDI or SDI coverage only for themselves. Self-employed individuals 
who are not employers, may only elect SDI coverage for themselves.
Self-employed individuals who elect coverage pay at a rate determined by the prior annual combined usage of all 
For more information on elective coverage, refer to the Information Sheet: Elective Coverage for Employers and 
Self-Employed Individuals (DE 231EC) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de231ec.pdf).
For additional information, refer to the Fact Sheet: Disability Insurance Elective Coverage Program (DIEC) (DE 
8714CC) (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de8714cc.pdf) or call the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

                          WORKERS’ COMPENSATION INSURANCE
Workers’ compensation insurance is an employer paid insurance that provides benefits to eligible workers 
experiencing a loss of wages when they are unable to perform their regular or customary work due to an 
occupational illness or injury. Generally, employees are not eligible for SDI when receiving workers’ compensation 
benefits unless the SDI rate is greater than the workers’ compensation rate. For additional information, visit the 
Department of Industrial Relations (dir.ca.gov/dwc).
If you have any employees, you are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance. Failure to do so is a 
crime and may result in penalties and closure of your business.
If you have questions about workers’ compensation insurance or how to obtain coverage, contact your insurance 
agent or the Division of Workers’ Compensation at 1-800-736-7401.

                                                 SDI FRAUD
To provide affordable benefits to eligible workers, the SDI program has systems in place to detect and deter fraud. 
Help fight fraud (edd.ca.gov/about_edd/fraud.htm) by reporting suspected fraudulent activity to the Ask EDD 
(askedd.edd.ca.gov/s/) fraud reporting form, or contact the Fraud hotline at 1-800-229-6297 or fax1-866-340-5484.

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                                 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES
                                       WORKFORCE SERVICES
The Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a comprehensive range of employment and training 
services in partnership with state and local agencies through numerous America’s Job Center of California SM(AJCC) 
locations statewide. The EDD administers several federal employment and training programs, the largest being the 
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth programs and the 
Title III Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service programs. These programs provide job seekers with access to 
employment, education, training, and supportive services in order to succeed in California’s labor market, and help 
match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
Employers may access the following services offered by the WIOA and Wagner-Peyser programs at an AJCC: 
•  Applicant screenings and referrals                  •  Job placement assistance
•  Recruitment services                                •  Labor market information
•  Business closure assistance                         •  On-the-job training
•  Customized training                                   CalJOBSSM

To locate your nearest AJCC, visit the EDD’s Office Locator (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator/).
CalJOBS SMis California’s online labor exchange system which provides quick access to a large pool of job-ready 
candidates. Employers can post job openings, browse résumés, and find qualified candidates for employment.
Employers without internet access or who have special requirements, can be served by customer service 
representatives who take job opening information by phone or fax, and assist employers in finding qualified 
applicants. There is no fee to use CalJOBSSM.
To register with CalJOBSSM, you will need your EDD employer payroll tax account number. Visit CalJOBSSM (caljobs.
ca.gov) or call the CalJOBSSM Employer Help Desk at 1-877-622-4997 for assistance. If you do not have an EDD 
employer payroll tax account number, please refer to page 7 for information about obtaining one.
Visit employment and training services (edd.ca.gov/jobs_and_training/Employer_information.htm) for more 
information or locate your nearest America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator/).

                                       EMPLOYMENT TRAINING PANEL
The Employment Training Panel (ETP) is a statewide business-labor training and economic development program. 
The ETP provides funding to employers to assist in upgrading the skills of their workers through training that leads 
to good paying, long-term jobs. The ETP was created in 1982 by the California State Legislature and has invested 
approximately $1.7 billion for the successful training and employment retention of more than 1.36 million workers by 
over 91,000 California businesses to date. The ETP is a funding agency, not a training agency. Businesses determine 
their own training needs and how best to provide training.
The ETP funds training to foster job creation and the retention of workers in secure, full-time employment in targeted 
industries in order to improve California’s competitiveness in a global economy and to advance the skills of the state’s 
workforce. The ETP’s Core Funding Program primarily funds retraining of currently employed workers in companies 
threatened by out-of-state competition and has placed special emphasis on training for small businesses with fewer 
than 100 employees in California.
The legislature established the Employment Training Tax (ETT) in 1982. All tax-rated employers, including new employers, 
are subject to the ETT. Employers with positive reserve accounts are assessed 0.1 percent (.001) on the first $7,000 of 
each employee’s wages. Employers do not pay the ETT while their accounts have a negative reserve balance, but they 
must pay a higher rate of Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax. The maximum ETT collected is $7 per employee, per year. 
The ETP’s Core Funding Program is funded by the ETT. The ETP has also received additional funding for alternative 
programs. This additional funding has been through partnerships with the California Energy Commission (CEC), as well 
as through funding from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) to fund specific training programs.

                                             How Is ETP Different?
The ETP’s performance-based contracts ensure that ETP funded training results in good-paying, secure jobs. Before 
an employer may earn training cost reimbursement, trainees must receive a certain number of training hours and 
must complete the required retention period at their job, depending on the contract type, as well as meet the required 
ETP minimum wage. The employer determines the training courses, trainers, and types of training that best meet 
their business needs.
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                                             GENERAL INFORMATION
The ETP contracts directly with tax-rated employers, groups of employers (including associations and chambers 
of commerce), training agencies, vocational schools, Workforce Development Boards (WDB), and grant recipients 
under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Under its Core Funding Program, the ETP funds the following types of training to promote a healthy labor market in  
a growing and competitive economy:
 Retraining – Helps companies facing out-of-state competition by upgrading the job skills of current 
 New-Hire Training – Trains unemployed workers eligible to receive California UI benefits or who have 
  exhausted UI benefits within 24 months of the start of training.
 Special Employment Training (SET) – The ETP provides limited funding for SET projects to improve 
  the skills and employment security of frontline workers (workers directly producing goods or services) in 
  occupations that pay at least the state average hourly wage. SET projects are not subject to ETP’s out-of-
  state competition requirement, but are a priority for workforce training. SET funding also allows training of 
  frontline workers who earn below the state average, if they are in the following categories:
  Workers     in High Unemployment Areas Provides training funds for workers in areas where the 
           unemployment rate is significantly higher than the state average.
  Small  Business Skills Training for small business owners to enhance the competitive position of their 
           business. Owners must have at least one, but no more than nine, full-time employee(s).
  Workers     with Multiple Barriers to Employment Training for individuals with barriers to full-time 
           employment, such as, but not limited to, physical disabilities, lack of work history, and limited 
           communication and literacy skills.
  Seasonal    Industries Training funds for workers employed by companies in seasonal industries.
For more information, including how to apply for funds, eligible entities, training methods, reimbursement rates, and 
ETP Annual Reports, visit ETP (etp.ca.gov). Interested parties may also contact one of the following ETP offices:

                   Sacramento Central Office ............................................... 1-916-327-5640
                   North Hollywood Regional Office ..................................... 1-818-755-1313
                   Sacramento Regional Office ............................................ 1-916-327-5439
                   San Diego Regional Office ............................................... 1-619-881-1777
                   San Francisco Bay Area Regional Office ......................... 1-650-655-6930

                              TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program is a federal program that assists U.S. workers who have lost or may 
lose their jobs as a result of foreign trade.

The TAA program is administered by the EDD and provides benefits and services to workers who are a part of 
a certified worker group and who are determined eligible for individual benefits and services, including: training, 
employment and case management services, job search and relocation allowance, and income support. To obtain 
and file a Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (ETA 9042), workers may visit the U.S. Department of Labor 
website (dol.gov/agencies/eta/tradeact/petitioners), contact any America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM, or contact the 
EDD TAA State Coordinator at WSB_TAA@edd.ca.gov.

For more information about the TAA program, visit the EDD’s TAA webpage at (edd.ca.gov/Jobs_and_Training/

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                                 WORK OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from 
certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.
To be considered for the tax credit, employers must submit properly completed forms to the EDD within 28 days of 
the employee’s start date to determine if their new hire meets the eligibility criteria. 
For identification of target groups and additional information, visit Work Opportunity Tax Credit (edd.ca.gov/wotc), call 
1-866-593-0173 or email WOTCSupport@edd.ca.gov.

eWOTC is an online service to submit, view, and manage Work Opportunity Tax Credit Request for
Certification applications. This system significantly increases efficiency in processing new applications and decreases 
the waiting period for approvals.

To take full advantage of the benefits offered by eWOTC, employers with 25 or more employees and all 
agents/consultants must complete a one-time eWOTC enrollment (edd.ca.gov/wotc) to be able to submit WOTC 
Request for Certification applications online.

Employers with 24 employees or less, and without agent/consultant representation, are also encouraged to submit 
new applications online through eWOTC, but they may also mail applications to the address below. Please note that 
mailed applications will take longer to process.

Employment Development Department
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Authorization Center
2901 50th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

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                                     LABOR MARKET INFORMATION
The Labor Market Information Division (LMID) collects, analyzes, and publishes information about California’s labor 
market and economy. Labor market information helps employers, policy makers, and researchers develop plans and 
make important business decisions.

                     What Labor Market Information Is Available Online?
To access labor market data that is of interest to employers and the business community, visit the LMID 
(labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov). Labor market information is organized by customer type. Select “LMI by Customer” to 
find information specific to employers’ needs, such as:
  Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Planning Information – Get population, labor force, and 
     summary occupational information to help with developing affirmative action programs.
  Labor Market Information for Employers – Find links to wage statistics, benefits information, data for your 
     business plans, local labor market profiles, and more.
  National Compensation Survey – A federal survey of employee salaries, wages, and benefits.
  Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages – The program serves as a near census of monthly employment 
     and quarterly wage information at the state and county levels and provides the most detailed industry data 
  Local Area Profiles – Find an overview of labor market information in the state or a county, including employment 
     and unemployment, industry payroll information, wages, the consumer price index, and more.
  Employment Projections – Estimates the changes in industry and occupational employment over time resulting 
     from industry growth, technological change, and other factors.
Information about workplace issues, including those related to benefits, meal breaks, and pay are available from the 
Department of Industrial Relations (dir.ca.gov).
For assistance, contact the LMID at 1-916-262-2162 or your local Labor Market Consultant 

                     Multiple Location and/or Function Employers
When an employer maintains a business with more than one physical location or conducts more than one business 
activity/function at the same location, and the secondary location has a total of 10 or more employees, the employer 
is considered to be a multiple establishment employer. A primary location is defined as the one with the highest 
number of employees. If your firm fits the multiple location criteria and you are not currently completing a Multiple 
Worksite Report (BLS 3020), please contact the LMID’s Employment and Payroll Group at 1-855-728-7973. 
Remember: Filing the Multiple Worksite Report (BLS 3020) is mandatory and must be done on a quarterly basis.
The LMID mails the federal form BLS 3020 to multiple worksite business owners at the close of each quarter (e.g., 
December 31, 2022). Employers have until the end of the following month (e.g., January 31, 2023) to return the 
BLS 3020 form to the Employment Development Department.

                                     How Your Industry Code Is Determined
All businesses and government organizations are assigned an industry classification code from the North American 
Industry Classification System (NAICS), which allows the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to tabulate national and 
state economic data by industry. Most new employers are assigned an industry code based on their response to 
Section R (Industry Activity) of the Commercial Employer Account Registration and Update Form (DE 1). Each year, 
selected employers are sent an Industry Verification Form (BLS 3023 NVS or NVM) to verify the accuracy of their 
industry code and physical location address. This process is known as the Annual Refile Survey. Other employers, 
who have not yet been assigned an industry code, may receive an Industry Classification Form (BLS 3023 NCA). 
Please answer all questions about your business and industry thoroughly when completing these forms. For 
additional information, call 1-800-562-3366.

Note: The BLS 3023-NVS form can be filed electronically by using the Web ID and password provided by the Bureau 
     of Labor Statistics. To complete the form electronically, visit the Annual Refiling Survey (idcfars.bls.gov/).

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- 107 -
                                LABOR MARKET INFORMATION (cont.)

The LMID collects data directly from employers primarily using surveys, such as the Occupational Employment and 
Wage Statistics (OEWS) Survey, to learn about the occupations used by employers and the wages paid for those 
occupations. The OEWS program produces employment and wage estimates annually for more than 800 occupations 
by industry and geographic area.

Occupational information creates the basis of good decisions made by employers, job seekers, workforce and 
economic development professionals, educators, public program planners, and policy makers. For example:
  Employers use occupational information for salary negotiations, to project future skills needs, and to keep a 
 competitive edge in the local community.

  Job seekers use occupational information to become better informed about the education, training, skill, and 
 ability requirements for specific occupations thus enabling them to make better decisions when preparing and 
 applying for desired jobs.

  Economic developers use wage data for business attraction and retention.

  Educators and trainers use occupational information to identify areas where vocational and educational 
 programs are needed and to create or modify curriculum to better prepare students to meet the needs of 

It is extremely important that employers respond to a request for information from the LMID. Our ability to obtain 
information from employers about the occupations found in California is essential for the development of tools used 
by decision makers throughout our economy. If you have received an OEWS Survey, or would like more information 
about this program, contact the EDD at 1-800-826-4896 or at LMIOccupationalSurvey@states.bls.gov.

To access occupational information, visit Labor Market Information (labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov) and under the LMI 
by Subject section, select Occupations or Wages.

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If you have any questions regarding the following topics, please contact the designated agency or office.

       TOPIC                           DESCRIPTION                                   CONTACT
California Personal       To request the California PIT withholding   EDD (edd.ca.gov)
Income Tax (PIT)          tables or for information on whether        Taxpayer Assistance Center:
Withholding               payments are subject to California PIT      1-888-745-3886
                          withholding.                                Outside the U.S. or Canada, call  

California Tax Service    This is a joint tax agency website. It      CTSC (taxes.ca.gov)
Center (CTSC)             contains tax-related information from the 
                          Employment Development Department 
                          (EDD), the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), 
                          the California Department of Tax and Fee 
                          Administration (CDTFA), and the Internal 
                          Revenue Service (IRS).
CalJOBSSM                 An online labor exchange system             CalJOBSSM Employer Helpdesk 
                          featuring self-service options to search    Monday through Friday
                          for jobs, build résumés, find qualified     8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PT)
                          candidates for employment, and gather       Caljobsemployer@edd.ca.gov 
                          information on education and training       1-877-622-4997
                          programs.                                   CalJOBS (caljobs.ca.gov)
                          Employers and job seekers may contact 
                          the nearest America’s Job Center of         Central Office Workforce Services 
                          California SMfor additional assistance.     Division, MIC 50
                                                                      PO Box 826880
                          To locate your nearest office, visit Office Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
                          Locator (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator).
                                                                      Jobs and Training 
Disability Insurance (DI) DI is a component of the State Disability   EDD Disability Insurance:
                          Insurance (SDI) program. DI provides        y  English ....................1-800-480-3287
                          partial wage replacement benefits to        y  Spanish ..................1-866-658-8846
                          California workers who are unable to 
                          work due to a non-work-related illness,     TTY: 1-800-563-2441 
                          injury, or pregnancy.                       Employer/Licensed Health Professional 
                                                                      Help Line: 
                                                                      This phone number is dedicated 
                                                                      to employers and licensed health 
                                                                      professionals only.
                                                                      EDD Disability (edd.ca.gov/en/disability/
e-Services for Business   A convenient and secure method for          e-Services for Business 
                          managing your employer payroll tax          (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_
                          account, filing most of your returns and    for_Business.htm)
                          reports, and paying tax deposits and 
                          liabilities online. Refer to page 50 for    Taxpayer Assistance Center:
                          additional information.                     1-888-745-3886

edd.ca.gov                                             101             Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 109 -
        TOPIC                       DESCRIPTION                                   CONTACT
Economic Development    The EDD Labor Market Information           Labor Market Information Division 
                        Division offers data on occupational       (labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov):
                        wages and outlook, employment by           1-916-262-2162
                        industry, and state and local labor market.

Employee Eligibility to Under federal law, employers are required  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration 
Work                    to verify that every individual (citizen,  Services (www.uscis.gov/)
                        national, or other) whom they hire has the Business Liaison
                        right to work in the U.S.                  Automated phone service:
                        The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration       1-800-357-2099
                        Services (USCIS) requires you to           Request a copy of the Handbook for 
                        complete an Employment Eligibility         Employers: Guidance for Completing 
                        Verification (Form I-9) for each person    Form I-9 (M-274).
                        hired to verify employment eligibility.

Employer Requirements   The Taxpayer Assistance Center can         Taxpayer Assistance Center 
                        answer your payroll tax questions          (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/contact_us_
                        (e.g., employee and independent            about_payroll_taxes.htm):
                        contractor status, employer registration,  1-888-745-3886
                        independent contractor reporting, and 
                        new employee reporting).
Employer Rights During  Employer rights are protected by the       Taxpayer Advocate Service 
the Employment Tax      Taxpayer Advocate Office during the        (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/taxpayer_
Audit and Collection    employment tax audit and collection        advocate.htm)
Process                 process. You may request assistance 
                        from this office after first attempting    Taxpayer Advocate Office, MIC 93
                        to resolve an issue with the EDD           PO Box 826880
                        representative, supervisor, and office     Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
                        manager.                                   Toll-Free:     1-866-594-4177
                                                                   Phone:         1-916-654-8957
                                                                   Fax:           1-916-449-9498
Employment              Provides a variety of information on       EDD (edd.ca.gov)
Development             the EDD programs and services, forms 
Department Website      and publications, and links to other 
                        government sites.
Employment Tax Rates    A Notice of Contribution Rates and         EDD Rate Management Group, MIC 4
                        Statement of UI Reserve Account            PO Box 826880
                        (DE 2088) is mailed annually by            Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
                        December 31 to notify employers of their   Phone: 1-916-653-7795
                        UI and ETT tax rates. For additional       (24-hour automated phone system)
                        information, refer to page 81.
                        Protests to the DE 2088 must be 
                        submitted within 60 days of the “issued 
                        date” on the notice.
Employment Training     Provides employers funding to train and    Employment Training Panel (etp.ca.gov)
Panel                   retain workers in targeted industries in   Sacramento
                        performance-based contracts. Includes      Central Office        1-916-327-5640
                        retraining current employees, training 
                        new hires (unemployed individuals), and    Regional Offices:
                        Special Employment Training program.       North Hollywood       1-818-755-1313
                        For additional information, refer to page  Sacramento            1-916-327-5439
                        97.                                        San Diego             1-619-881-1777
                                                                   San Francisco Bay Area  1-650-655-6930

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- 110 -
     TOPIC                           DESCRIPTION                                   CONTACT
Federal Tax             For federal employment tax and               Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov):
Requirements            personal income tax requirements,            1-800-829-4933
                        contact the Internal Revenue Service 
                        (IRS). The federal Employer’s Tax 
                        Guide (Publication 15, Circular E) and 
                        Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide 
                        (Publication 15-A) are available from the 
Federal Unemployment    The method the IRS uses to verify with       EDD FUTA Certification Unit Phone: 
Tax Act (FUTA)          the states that the credit claimed on the    1-916-654-8545
Certification           Form 940 or Form 1040, Schedule H, 
                        was actually paid to the state. Refer to 
                        page 82 for additional information.
  Alternate Tax Forms  The requirements and approval for using      EDD Alternate Forms Coordinator
                        alternate forms to file your payroll tax     1-916-255-0649
                        reports can be obtained by contacting the 
                        alternate forms coordinator.
  Tax Forms and        Tax forms and publications are available     EDD Forms and Publications 
 Publications           on the Internet and Employment Tax           (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_
                        Offices.                                     publications.htm)

                                                                     Less than 25 copies:     1-888-745-3886
                                                                     25 copies or more:       1-916-322-2835
Job Referral and        The EDD Workforce Services offers a          Find a local EDD office or America’s 
Recruitment Services    variety of services that bring employers     Job Center of California SM(edd.ca.gov/
                        with job openings together with qualified    Office_Locator/).
                        job seekers.                                 Employer Information: 
Labor Law Requirements  Information about workplace issues,          Department of Industrial Relations 
                        including those related to benefits, meal    (dir.ca.gov)
                        breaks, and pay are available on the DIR 
Labor Market            California’s labor market information can    Labor Market Information Division
Information             help with important business decisions.      (labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov):
                        Data available includes occupational         1-916-262-2162
                        employment and wage data, industry 
                        employment, labor force, and selected 
                        population characteristics.
Paid Family Leave (PFL) PFL is a component of the State Disability  EDD Paid Family Leave: 
                        Insurance (SDI) program. PFL provides        y  English ....................1-877-238-4373
                        partial wage replacement benefits to         y  Spanish ..................1-877-379-3819
                        California workers who take time off work    y  Cantonese ..............1-866-692-5595
                        to care for a seriously ill child, parent,   y  Vietnamese .............1-866-692-5596
                        parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild,      y  Armenian ................1-866-627-1567
                        sibling, spouse, or registered domestic      y Punjabi ...................1-866-627-1568
                        partner. Benefits are available to new       y  Tagalog ...................1-866-627-1569
                        parents who need time off work to bond       TTY: 1-800-445-1312 
                        with a new child through birth, adoption,    Employer Licensed Health Professional 
                        or foster care placement. Benefits are       Help Line:1-855-342-3645
                        also available to eligible workers who take  This phone number is dedicated 
                        time off work to participate in a qualifying to employers and licensed health 
                        event because of a spouse, registered        professionals only.
                        domestic partner, parent, or child’s 
                                                                     EDD Paid Family Leave  
                        military deployment to a foreign country.    (edd.ca.gov/disability/paid_family_leave.
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      TOPIC                       DESCRIPTION                                      CONTACT
Payroll Tax Seminars    Seminar topics include reporting             EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center:
                        requirements, how to complete payroll        1-888-745-3886 
                        tax forms, and independent contractor        Register online at 
                        and employee issues.                         EDD Payroll Tax Seminars 
Reimbursable Method of  Public employers and certain nonprofit       EDD
Paying Unemployment     organizations have the option of             Reimbursable Accounting Group, MIC 19
Insurance (UI) Benefits becoming “reimbursable” employers.           PO Box 826880
                        Employers using this method to pay UI        Sacramento, CA 94280
                        benefits are required to reimburse the UI 
                        Fund on a dollar-for-dollar basis for all UI 1-916-653-5846
                        benefits paid to their former employees.
School Employees Fund   Only California public school employers      EDD School Employees Fund, MIC 13
(SEF)                   (kindergarten through 12 thgrade),           PO Box 826880
                        California community colleges, and           Sacramento, CA 94280
                        charter schools may elect to participate     1-916-653-5380
                        in the SEF (UI program) to finance UI        School Employees Fund 
                        benefits.                                    (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/school_
Small Business          Located on the California Tax Service        California Tax Service Center 
Assistance Center       Center website, it provides helpful          (taxes.ca.gov)
                        information about starting, running, or 
                        closing your business.
State Disability        SDI program provides two benefits:           EDD Disability Insurance:
Insurance (SDI) Program Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family    y  English ....................1-800-480-3287
                        Leave (PFL). DI provides partial wage        y  Spanish ..................1-866-658-8846
                        replacement benefits to California workers   Hearing Impaired (TTY): 1-800-563-2441
                        who are unable to work due to a non-
                        work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy.  EDD Paid Family Leave:
                        PFL provides partial wage replacement        y  English ....................1-877-238-4373
                        benefits to California workers who take      y  Spanish ..................1-877-379-3819
                        time off work to care for a seriously ill    y  Cantonese ..............1-877-692-5595
                        family member, to bond with a new child,     y  Vietnamese .............1-866-692-5596
                        or to participate in a qualifying event      y  Armenian ................1-866-627-1567
                        because of a family member’s military        y Punjabi ...................1-866-627-1568
                        deployment to a foreign country. The SDI     y  Tagalog ...................1-866-627-1569
                        program is funded through employee           TTY: 1-800-445-1312 
                        payroll deductions.                          Employer/Licensed Health Professional 
                                                                     Help Line: 1-855-342-3645
                                                                     This phone number is dedicated to 
                                                                     employers and licensed health professional 
                                                                     EDD State Disability Insurance 
SDI Online              SDI Online is our electronic claim           EDD SDI Online
                        filing system available to employees         Employer/Licensed Health Professional 
                        and licensed health professionals, for       Help Line: 1-855-342-3645
                        submission of Disability Insurance (DI)      This phone number is dedicated 
                        and Paid Family Leave (PFL) claim            to employers and licensed health 
                        information. Employers, Voluntary            professionals only.
                        Plan (VP) employers, and third-party         SDI Online 
                        administrators can use SDI online to         (edd.ca.gov/disability/SDI_online.htm)
                        securely submit employee information for 
                        DI claims online.

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- 112 -
        TOPIC                      DESCRIPTION                                 CONTACT
State Information Data SIDES is a secure and timely way for       EDD
Exchange System        employers and third party administrators   SIDES E-Response Technical Support: 
(SIDES)                to electronically receive and respond      1-855-327-7057
                       to the EDD’s Notice of Unemployment        SIDES Web Service Technical Support 
                       Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ).         SIDES-support@naswa.org
                       SIDES streamlines communication to         This number is for employers with 
                       help employers manage their UI account     inquiries related specifically to SIDES. 
                       and reduce improper payments.              Employers with questions about the 
                                                                  Unemployment Insurance (UI) program 
                                                                  should use the phone numbers listed 
                                                                  below under Unemployment Insurance 
Tax Debt – California  Enables a qualified tax debtor to          EDD Offers in Compromise:
Payroll Taxes          eliminate an employment tax liability at   1-916-464-2739
                       less than full value.
  Offers in 
 Compromise            Provides employers and the state an        EDD
                       opportunity to avoid the cost of prolonged Settlements Office, MIC 93
                       litigation associated with resolving       PO Box 826880
  Settlements         disputed employment tax issues.            Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
 Program                                                          Phone:  1-916-653-9130
                                                                  Fax:     1-916-449-2161
Taxpayer Assistance    For general tax information, the Taxpayer  EDD
Center                 Assistance Center staff is available       Taxpayer Assistance Center:
                       8 a.m. to 5 p.m., PT, Monday through       1-888-745-3886
                       Friday. The Taxpayer Assistance Center     Outside the U.S. or Canada, call 
                       will be closed on state holidays.          1-916-464-3502
                                                                  TTY: 1-800-547-9565
Taxpayer Advocate      If you are unable to resolve an            Taxpayer Advocate Office
Office                 employment tax problem with an EDD         (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/taxpayer_
                       representative, supervisor, and office     advocate.htm)
                       manager, you can contact the Taxpayer      Taxpayer Advocate Office, MIC 93
                       Advocate Office for assistance.            PO Box 826880
                                                                  Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
                                                                  Toll-Free: 1-866-594-4177
                                                                  Phone:     1-916-654-8957
                                                                  Fax:       1-916-449-9498
Underground Economy    Investigates businesses that are paying    Underground Economy Operations (edd.
                       workers undocumented cash payments         ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/Underground_
                       or not complying with labor, taxes, and    Economy_Operations.htm)
                       licensing laws.                            1-800-528-1783

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- 113 -
        TOPIC                       DESCRIPTION                                   CONTACT
Unemployment            Provides temporary income to               EDD Unemployment Insurance Services
Insurance (UI) Benefits unemployed workers who meet the UI         Phone
                        eligibility requirements.                  y  English .....................1-800-300-5616
                                                                   y  Spanish ...................1-800-326-8937
                                                                   y  Cantonese ...............1-800-547-3506
                                                                   y  Vietnamese ..............1-800-547-2058
                                                                   y Mandarin .................1-866-303-0706
                                                                   Hearing Impaired (TTY) 1-800-815-9387
                                                                   UI program self-service 1-866-333-4606

                                                                   Employer Information:
                                                                   Employers who call should listen to the 
                                                                   introduction message, select language 
                                                                   choice, and press “5” for the employer 
                                                                   menu (available in English and Spanish) 
                                                                   that provides UI and Workforce Service 
                                                                   information, or visit Unemployment 
                                                                   (edd.ca.gov/unemployment/) and 
                                                                   select the “Employer Information” link 

                                                                   Claimant Information:
                                                                   File for UI benefits using one of the 
                                                                   following methods:
                                                                   •  Online: UI OnlineSM is the fastest and 
                                                                     most convenient way to file your UI 
                                                                     claim. Visit UI OnlineSM (edd.ca.gov/
                                                                     UI_Online) to get started. 
                                                                   •  Phone: Call one of the phone 
                                                                     numbers listed above and speak 
                                                                     with an EDD representative 8 a.m. 
                                                                     to 12 noon (PT). Monday to Friday, 
                                                                     except on state holidays.
                                                                   •  Fax or Mail: When filing a new claim 
                                                                     through UI OnlineSM, some customers 
                                                                     will be instructed to fax or mail their UI 
                                                                     application to the EDD. If this occurs, 
                                                                     the paper Unemployment Insurance 
                                                                     Application (DE 1101I) will display. For 
                                                                     faster and more secure processing, 
                                                                     fax the completed form to the number 
                                                                     listed on the form. If you decide to mail 
                                                                     your UI application, use the address 
                                                                     on the form and allow additional time 
                                                                     for processing.
Unemployment            A Statement of Charges to Reserve          EDD
Insurance Benefit       Account (DE 428T) is mailed annually       Contribution Rate Group, MIC 4
Charges                 in September. This statement is an         PO Box 826831
                        itemized list of UI charges to your reserve  Sacramento, CA 94320-6831
                        account. For additional information, refer 1-916-653-7795
                        to page 93.                                (24-hour automated phone system)
                        Protests to the DE 428T must be 
                        submitted within 60 days of the “issued 
                        date” on the notice.

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- 114 -
TOPIC                 DESCRIPTION                                              CONTACT
Voluntary Plan        California law allows an employer to apply  EDD Voluntary Plan
                      to the EDD for approval of a Voluntary      (edd.ca.gov/disability/Employer_
                      Plan (VP) for the payment of Disability     Voluntary_Plans.htm)
                      Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave        1-916-653-6839
                      (PFL) benefits in place of the mandatory 
                      State Disability Insurance (SDI) state 
                      plan. A VP must provide all the benefits 
                      of SDI, at least one benefit that is better 
                      than SDI, and it cannot cost employees 
                      more than SDI. Once a VP is approved, 
                      an employer is no longer required to send 
                      SDI withholdings to the EDD. Instead, 
                      the employer holds the contributions in a 
                      separate trust fund to pay the DI and PFL 
                      benefits and approved expenses.
Workers’ Compensation If you have employees, you are required     Workers’ Compensation Insurance 
Insurance             by law to have workers’ compensation        (dir.ca.gov/dwc)
                      insurance coverage. Failure to do so is     Your insurance agent or Division of 
                      a crime and may result in penalties and     Workers’ Compensation
                      closure of your business.
Workforce Services    The EDD offers a variety of services        Find a local EDD office or America’s Job 
                      that brings employers with job openings     Center of CaliforniaSM
                      together with qualified job seekers.        (edd.ca.gov/Office_Locator/).
Work Opportunity Tax  The EDD is the WOTC certifying              EDD 
Credit (WOTC)         agency for California employers. WOTC       Work Opportunity Tax Credit 
                      promotes the hiring of individuals who      (edd.ca.gov/Jobs_and_Training/Work_
                      qualify as a member of a target group,      Opportunity_Tax_Credit.htm)
                      and provides a federal tax credit to        1-866-593-0173 
                      employers who hire these individuals.

                      For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                      California Employer News and Updates 

                     Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

edd.ca.gov                                     107                Taxpayer Assistance Center 1-888-745-3886

- 115 -

Automated Clearing     Any entity that operates as a clearing house for electronic debit or credit transactions 
House (ACH)            pursuant to an Electronic Funds Transfer agreement with an association that is a member 
                       of the National ACH Association.
Base Period            The base period consists of four calendar quarters of three months each. When a base 
                       period begins and which calendar quarters are used depends on what date the claim begins 
                       and whether the claim is for Unemployment Insurance (UI) or for State Disability Insurance 
                       (SDI). For UI, there are two types of base periods: the Standard Base Period (see “Base 
                       Period, Standard [UI]”) and Alternate Base Period (see “Base Period, Alternate [UI]”). The 
                       Alternate Base Period can ONLY be used to file a UI claim when there are not enough wages 
                       earned in the Standard Base Period to file a monetarily valid UI claim. For SDI, a base period 
                       covers 12 months and is divided into 4 consecutive quarters. The base period includes wages 
                       subject to SDI tax which were paid approximately 5 to 18 months before the claim start date.
Base Period, Alternate The UI Alternate Base Period is the last four completed calendar quarters prior to the 
(UI)                   beginning date of the claim. The Alternate Base Period can only be used if an individual 
                       cannot monetarily establish a valid UI claim using the Standard Base Period.
Base Period Employer   Employers who paid the earnings used to establish a UI claim and calculate an award.
Base Period, Standard  The UI Standard Base Period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters 
(UI)                   prior to the beginning date of the claim.
CCR                    The California Code of Regulations (govt.westlaw.com/calregs).

CUIAB                  The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (cuiab.ca.gov).
California             The laws administering California’s Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training 
Unemployment           Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI), and Personal Income Tax programs (PIT). 
Insurance Code (CUIC)  The CUIC is available at (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes.xhtml).
Cash Wages             Checks, currency, and electronic debit payments paid to employees.
Charges                Amounts deducted from an employer’s reserve account or amounts reimbursable for 
                       state UI benefits paid to former employees.
Claim                  An application for Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), or Paid Family 
                       Leave (PFL) benefits.
                         UI – The process that establishes a UI benefit year is called a new claim. Weekly 
                           Continued Claim (DE 4581) forms are used by claimants to certify for UI benefits 
                           during the benefit year. The EDD has two additional methods that unemployed 
                           individuals may use to certify for UI benefits. Rather than filling out and submitting 
                           a paper DE 4581 by mail, EDD Tele-CertSM allows individuals to certify for benefits 
                           using the phone and EDD UI Online SMallows individuals to certify for UI benefits 
                           through the EDD website. After establishing a benefit year, claimants can interrupt 
                           their claims for a variety of reasons. For example, the claimant may receive a 
                           disqualification, obtain intervening employment, or fail to continue to certify for 
                           benefits. The claimant may request to reopen an existing claim with a claim balance 
                           during the benefit year.
                         DI – The application that establishes a DI benefit period is called an initial claim. 
                           Subsequent certifications on that DI claim are called continued claims. For each 
                           separate period of disability, a new first initial claim must be filed.
                         PFL – The application that establishes a PFL benefit period is called an initial 
                           claim. Subsequent certifications on that claim are called continued claims. For each 
                           separate period of family leave, an initial claim must be filed.
Claimant               A California wage-earner who files a claim for UI, DI, or PFL benefits.
Contributions          Employer’s payroll tax payments for UI and ETT. The CUIC refers to taxes under its 
                       provision as “Contributions.” In this guide, “Contributions” are generally referred to as 

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- 116 -
Deposit                   An amount of money electronically submitted to the EDD with a Payroll Tax Deposit  
                          (DE 88) through the e-Services for Business (edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/e-Services_for_
                          Business.htm). For additional information, refer to page 57.
Determination             A decision regarding a claimant’s eligibility to receive UI, DI, or PFL benefits.
Disability Insurance (DI) Benefits paid to eligible California workers who have a loss of wages when they are 
                          unable to work due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy. DI is a component 
                          of the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program and funded through employee payroll 
Electronic Funds          An electronic method of remitting state payroll tax payments. Funds are transferred from 
Transfer (EFT)            your bank account (with payment information) to the state’s account.

Employee                  A wage-earner in employment covered by the CUIC.
Employer Payroll Tax      The Employment Development Department (EDD) eight-digit employer payroll tax 
Account Number            account number assigned to each registered employer (e.g., 000-0000-0). Always refer 
                          to your EDD employer payroll tax account number when communicating with the EDD. 
                          Omission of your employer payroll tax account number may result in delays in processing 
                          payments, reporting documents, and correspondence.
Employment Taxes          Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax, Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability 
                          Insurance (SDI) Tax, and Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding.
Employment Training       A special fund in the State Treasury for depositing into or transferring all ETT 
Fund                      contributions collected from employers.
Employment Training       Administers the employment training funds that are provided by the ETT to train and retain 
Panel (ETP)               workers with job skills needed by employers. Funds may be used to train unemployed 
                          individuals or to train and retain current workers of businesses, primarily businesses facing 
                          out-of-state competition.
Employment Training       An employer-paid tax that funds jobs skills training for employees in targeted industries to 
Tax (ETT)                 improve the competitiveness of California businesses. Employers subject to ETT pay  
                          one-tenth of one percent (.001) of the first $7,000 in wages paid to each employee per year.
E-file and E-pay          State law requires all employers to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage 
Mandate                   reports, and payroll tax deposits to the EDD. Beginning January 1, 2018, all employers 
                          became subject to this requirement.
e-Services for            Online tool that allows employers to manage their employer payroll tax accounts online. New 
Business                  employers can register for an EDD employer payroll tax account number online. Registered 
                          employers can access account and payment information, file most returns and reports, 
                          including New Employee Registry (NER) and Independent Contractor Reporting (ICR), pay 
                          tax deposits and tax liabilities, review statements, correspondence, and email messages, 
                          obtain tax rates, change addresses, make payment arrangements, close and/or reopen their 
                          account. For additional information about the EDD e-Services for Business, refer to page 50.
Excluded Employment       Employment specifically excluded from coverage pursuant to the CUIC.
Experience Rating         The system by which an employer’s UI contribution rate is determined each calendar 
                          year based on previous employment experience.
Good Cause                A substantial reason that provides a legal basis for an employer filing a tax report 
                          or submitting a late payment. “Good Cause” cannot exist unless there are unusual 
                          circumstances or circumstances that could not be reasonably foreseen; for example, 
                          earthquakes or floods. For more information, contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 
Household Employment      Describes employment of a household nature.
Independent Contractor    An independent contractor (service-provider) is any individual who is not an employee of 
                          the service-recipient for California purposes and who receives compensation or executes 
                          a contract for services performed for that business or government entity in or outside of 
                          California. Refer to page 8 for Independent Contractor determination reference material. 
                          For additional information about filing the Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542), 
                          refer to page 55.

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- 117 -
Interstate Benefit Audit Each quarter, the EDD runs a cross-match with wages earned in other states against 
                         California’s Unemployment Insurance Benefits paid file. When the crossmatch identifies 
                         an overlap between the earnings reported by the out-of-state employers and weeks 
                         the claimant was paid UI benefits, the system automatically generates the Interstate 
                         Unemployment Insurance Benefit Payment Audit (IB 8605) that is mailed to the out-of-
                         state employer(s).
Labor Market             California’s labor market information can help in making important business decisions. 
Information (LMI)        Data available includes occupational employment and wage data, industry employment, 
                         labor force, occupation and industry projections of employment, and selected population 
Mid-month Employment     The number of full-time and part-time employees who worked during or received pay 
                         subject to UI for the payroll period that includes the 12th day of the month.
Multiple Establishment   An employer that maintains a business at more than one physical location and/or 
Employer                 conducts more than one business activity/function at the same location and the 
                         secondary locations have a total of 10 or more employees.
New Employee Registry    California’s new hire reporting program. Employers are required to report their new or 
(NER)                    rehired employees within 20 days of their start-of-work date. Refer to Report of New 
                         Employee(s) (DE 34) on page 53.
North American           The six-digit industry classification code that identifies the primary business functions of 
Industry Classification  an employer’s business. Visit the United States Census Bureau 
System (NAICS)           (census.gov/naics/) for more information.
Paid Family Leave (PFL)  Benefits paid to eligible California workers who take time off work to care for a seriously 
                         ill family member, to bond with a new child, or to participate in a qualifying event because 
                         of a family member’s military deployment to a foreign country. PFL is a component of the 
                         State Disability Insurance program and is funded through employee payroll deductions.
Payroll Period           The frequency you pay wages: daily, weekly, bi-weekly (every two weeks), semi-monthly 
                         (twice a month), etc.
Payroll Records          Records providing an accurate account of all workers (employed, laid off, on a leave of 
                         absence, or an independent contractor) and all payments made.
Payroll Taxes (State)    Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax, Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability 
                         Insurance (SDI) Tax, and Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding.
Personal Income Tax      All wages paid during the periods that are subject to PIT, even if they are not subject to 
(PIT) Wages              PIT withholding. The PIT wages consist of all compensation for services by employees for 
                         their employer and include, but are not limited to, salaries, fees, bonuses, commissions, 
                         and payments in forms other than cash or checks. Wages in any form other than cash 
                         or checks are measured by the fair market value of the goods, lodging, meals, or other 
                         compensation given in payment for the employee’s services. The calendar year total 
                         for PIT wages should agree with the amount reported on the individual’s Wage and Tax 
                         Statement (Form W-2), in Box 16 (State Wages, Tips, etc.).
Personal Income Tax      California PIT is withheld from employees’ pay based on the Employee’s Withholding 
(PIT) Withholding        Allowance Certificate (DE 4) on file with the employer.
Predecessor              A previous owner registered with the EDD as an employer.
Prepayments (UI and      UI or ETT taxes that an employer voluntarily sends to the EDD during a quarter even 
ETT)                     though they are not due until the end of the quarter.
Registered Domestic      A domestic partnership registered with the Secretary of State in California pursuant to 
Partner                  section 297 of the Family Code.
Reimbursable Employer    A public entity employer or certain types of nonprofit employers who are permitted by law 
                         to be billed for UI benefits after they are paid to former employees.
Reserve Account          A book account kept for each tax-rated employer to measure employment experience 
                         and set the employer’s UI tax rate.
Ruling on Benefit Claim  For tax-rated employers, a ruling is the EDD decision as to whether an employer’s reserve 
                         account will be charged for UI benefits. The ruling is based on the reason for separation.

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Ruling on Tax Question A decision, in writing, as to an employer’s subject status or tax liability in the stated 
School Employees Fund  A UI financing method available only to California public schools (kindergarten through 
(SEF)                  12 thgrade), California community colleges, and charter schools.

SDI Online             An electronic claim filing system available to individuals filing for benefits and licensed 
                       health professionals for submission of Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family 
                       Leave (PFL) claim information. Employers, Voluntary Plan employers and third-party 
                       administrators can use SDI Online to securely submit employee information (e.g., wages 
                       earned, last day worked, etc.) for DI claims.
Service-Provider       An individual (independent contractor) who is not an employee of the service-recipient for 
                       California purposes and who receives compensation or executes a contract for services 
                       performed for that business or government entity in or outside of California.

Service-Recipient      Any business or government entity that, for California purposes, pays compensation to 
                       a service-provider (independent contractor) or executes a contract for services to be 
                       performed by an independent contractor in or outside of California.
Settlement Date        The date an electronic payment transaction is completed and posted on the books of the 
                       Federal Reserve Bank and the state’s bank account.

SIDES                  State Information Data Exchange System allows employers and third-party administrators 
                       to electronically receive and respond to the EDD’s Notice of Unemployment Claim Filed 
                       (DE 1101CZ).
Social Security Number A nine-digit number issued to an individual by the Social Security Administration. All 
(SSN)                  employee wage records and claim actions are filed under this number, rather than by 
State Disability       The SDI program provides Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) 
Insurance (SDI)        benefits to eligible workers who need time off work because of disability or family leave. 
                       DI benefits are paid to eligible California workers who have a loss of wages when 
                       they are unable to work due to an illness, injury, or pregnancy. PFL benefits are paid 
                       to eligible California workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill family 
                       member, to bond with a new child, or to participate in a qualifying event because of a 
                       family member’s military deployment to a foreign country. The SDI program is funded by 
                       mandatory payroll deductions from employee wages.
Subject Employer       An employer who is liable pursuant to the rules and provisions of the CUIC.
Subject Quarter        The calendar quarter when an employer first meets the requirements for reporting their 
                       payroll taxes.
Subject Wages          Subject wages are used to determine UI, DI, and PFL benefits. Generally, all wages are 
                       considered subject wages regardless of the UI and SDI taxable wage limits. Refer to 
                       the inside front cover of this guide for current rates and taxable wage limits. For special 
                       classes of employment and payments that may not be considered subject wages, refer 
                       to Information Sheet: Types of Employment (DE 231TE) and Information Sheet: Types of 
                       Payments (DE 231TP).
Successor              A change in ownership or a new ownership of a business already registered with the EDD 
                       as an employer.
Tax-Rated Employer     An employer who is required to register with the EDD and pay UI taxes each year on 
                       wages paid to each of their employees, up to the UI taxable wage limit.
Tax Return             A Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) or an Employer of 
                       Household Workers Annual Payroll Tax Return (DE 3HW). Quarterly household 
                       employers are required to file a tax return each quarter to reconcile California payroll 
                       tax payments and the total subject wages reported. Annual household employers are 
                       required to file the tax return annually.
Taxable Wage Limit     The maximum amount of an employee’s wages that certain taxes apply to in a calendar 
                       year. Refer to the inside front cover of this publication for taxable wage limits.

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- 119 -
Taxable Wages           Compensation paid for “covered employment” up to the taxable wage limits for the 
                        year. Compensation includes wages and allowances such as meals, lodging, and other 
                        payments in lieu of money for services rendered in employment.
Unemployment            Benefits paid to eligible California workers who are unemployed. Recipients must meet 
Insurance (UI)          specific qualifications to receive benefits. UI is funded by employer payroll taxes.
Voluntary Plan (VP)     California law allows an employer to apply to the EDD for approval of a VP for the 
                        payment of DI and PFL benefits in place of the mandatory SDI state plan. A VP must 
                        provide all the benefits of SDI, at least one benefit that is better than SDI, and it cannot 
                        cost employees more than SDI. Once a VP is approved, an employer is no longer 
                        required to send SDI withholdings to the EDD for those employees covered by the VP. 
                        Instead, if the plan is paid by employees, the employer holds the VP contributions in a 
                        separate trust fund to pay the DI or PFL benefits and approved expenses. The employer 
                        may enlist a greater benefit by paying for the plan rather than having the employees pay 
                        for it. The VP employer pays a quarterly assessment to the EDD based on the taxable 
                        wages of employees participating in the plan and other factors.
Wage Detail             A Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) filed each 
                        quarter listing employee(s) full name, SSN, total subject wages, PIT wages, and PIT 
Wage Report             A Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) or 
                        an Employer of Household Worker(s) Quarterly Report of Wages and Withholdings 
                        (DE 3BHW). Both quarterly and annual household employers are required to file a wage 
                        report each quarter to report employee wage and payroll tax withholding information.

Wages                   All payments made to employees, whether paid by check, cash, or the reasonable cash 
                        value of noncash payments, such as meals and lodging.
Work Opportunity Tax    Federal tax credits for employers who hire and retain job seekers from any one of 10 
Credit (WOTC)           different target groups.
Worker Adjustment and   Protects employees, their families, and communities by requiring that employers give a 
Retraining Notification 60-day notice to the affected employees and both state and local representatives prior to 
(WARN) Act              a plant closing or mass layoff.

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- 120 -
Address Change ........................................................................................................................................................      70
Adjustments ...............................................................................................................................................................  60
Alternate Base Period................................................................................................................................................        92
Appeal Rights – Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims ............................................................................................                              89
Back Pay Award ........................................................................................................................................................      91
Benefit Audits.............................................................................................................................................................  90
Paid Family Leave (PFL) ....................................................................................................................................                 94
Disability Insurance (DI) ......................................................................................................................................             94
Unemployment Insurance (UI) ............................................................................................................................                     84
Billings – Reimbursable UI Method ...........................................................................................................................                80
Bonuses .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Business Name Change ............................................................................................................................................            70
Claim Notices:
Notice to Employer of Disability Insurance Claim Filed (DE 2503) .....................................................................                                       94
Notice to Employer of Paid Family Leave Claim Filed (DE 2503F) ....................................................................                                          94
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) ...........................................................................                                         86
Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545).......................................................                                                  86
Closing Business .......................................................................................................................................................     70
Commissions .............................................................................................................................................................    15
Cost-of-Benefits (Reimbursable) Method ..................................................................................................................                    80
Correcting Payroll Tax Deposits ..........................................................................................................................                   60
Delinquent ...........................................................................................................................................................       59
Due Dates ...........................................................................................................................................................        59
Requirements  .....................................................................................................................................................          58
Disability Insurance:
Self-Employed Benefits  ......................................................................................................................................               95
State Disability Insurance (SDI) Program ...........................................................................................................                         94
Voluntary Plan .....................................................................................................................................................         95
Discharge .................................................................................................................................................................. 84
e-Services for Business  ............................................................................................................................................        50
Elective Coverage (Disability Insurance) ...................................................................................................................                 95
Employee – Definition................................................................................................................................................        8
Employee or Independent Contractor........................................................................................................................                   8
Definition .............................................................................................................................................................     7
Employer Rights ..................................................................................................................................................           78
How to Register ..................................................................................................................................................           7
When Do I Become an Employer? ......................................................................................................................                         7
Employer Notices:
Notice of Determination/Ruling (DE 1080EZ) .....................................................................................................                             88
Notice to Employer of Disability Insurance Claim Filed (DE 2503) .....................................................................                                       94
Notice to Employer of Paid Family Leave (PFL) Claim Filed (DE 2503F) ..........................................................                                              94
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) ...........................................................................                                         86
Notice of Modification (DE 1080M) .....................................................................................................................                      88
Notice of Potential Increased Liability for Training Extension Benefits (DE 1545TE) .........................................                                                87
Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545).......................................................                                                  86
Employer Obligations for the Form W-4 or DE 4 .......................................................................................................                        14
Employer-Sponsored Voluntary Plan.........................................................................................................................                   95
Employer UI Contribution Rates ................................................................................................................................              80
Employment and Training Services ...........................................................................................................................                 96

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                                             INDEX (cont.)
Employment Training:
Funding ...............................................................................................................................................................    96
Panel (ETP) ........................................................................................................................................................       96
Tax (ETT) ............................................................................................................................................................           9
Entity Change ............................................................................................................................................................ 71
Escrow Clearance .....................................................................................................................................................     71
Estimated Payments..................................................................................................................................................       15
Experience Rating .....................................................................................................................................................    80
False Statement Penalty ...........................................................................................................................................        90
Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) Certification ................................................................................................                         81
Firing an Employee....................................................................................................................................................     85
Notice ..................................................................................................................................................................  74
Alternate Filing Options .......................................................................................................................................           50
Due Dates ...........................................................................................................................................................            6
How to Obtain Forms and Publications ............................................................................................................... 117
Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (DE 4) ........................................................................................                               13
Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) ................................................................................................................................               57
Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) ...............................................................................                                   62
Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) ....................................................                                              63
Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ) .........................................................................                                        65
Report of New Employee(s) (DE 34) ..................................................................................................................                       53
Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542) ...................................................................................................                           55
Fraud Prevention, Detection, Reporting, and UI Rate Manipulation .........................................................................                                 83
Income Tax:
California Personal Income Tax (PIT) Withholding Tables ..................................................................................                                 18
Independent Contractor or Employee........................................................................................................................                       8
Independent Contractor Reporting Requirements .....................................................................................................   55
Interstate Benefit Audit ..............................................................................................................................................    90
Labor Market Information ..........................................................................................................................................        99
Rapid Response Team ........................................................................................................................................               75
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) ....................................................................................                                  74
Written Notice Requirements ..............................................................................................................................                 75
Leave of Absence ......................................................................................................................................................    72
Lodging ......................................................................................................................................................................  12
Marital Status for Personal Income Tax (PIT) Reporting ...........................................................................................   13
Meals .........................................................................................................................................................................  12
Multiple Location and/or Function Employers............................................................................................................                    99
Multiple Worksite Report (BLS 3020)  .......................................................................................................................               99
New Employee Registry (NER) .................................................................................................................................              53
New Employer:
Employer Training Tax (ETT) Rate ......................................................................................................................   9
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Rate .............................................................................................................   9
No Longer Have Employees......................................................................................................................................             70
Nonresident Employees ............................................................................................................................................         16
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) .................................................................................                                 86
Notice of Determination (DE 1080EZ) .......................................................................................................................                88
Notice of Wages Used For Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545) ............................................................                                          87 
Notice to Employer of Disability Insurance (DI) Claim Filed (DE 2503).....................................................................                                 94
Notices for Employees...............................................................................................................................................       72
Obtaining an EDD Employer Payroll Tax Account .....................................................................................................                              7
Offers in Compromise (OIC) ......................................................................................................................................          79

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                                       INDEX (cont.)
Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate .....................................................................................................................                   78
Ordering Forms and Publications .............................................................................................................................. 117
Correcting Previously Filed DE 9 ........................................................................................................................                      62
Correcting Prior DE 88 ........................................................................................................................................  60
Paid Family Leave (PFL) ....................................................................................................................................                   94
Partial Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claims ...........................................................................................................                         93
Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) ......................................................................................................................................             57
Personal Income Tax (PIT):
Marital Status ......................................................................................................................................................          13
Schedules ...........................................................................................................................................................          17
Supplemental Wages ..........................................................................................................................................  15
Wages .................................................................................................................................................................        11
Withholding .........................................................................................................................................................          13
Plant Closures ...........................................................................................................................................................     75
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) ...........................................................................                                           87
Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545).......................................................                                                    87
Purchase a Business .................................................................................................................................................          71
Quarterly Contribution and Wage Adjustment Form (DE 9ADJ)................................................................................                                      65
Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (DE 9) .....................................................................................                                 62
Correcting Previously Filed DE 9 ........................................................................................................................  62
Due Dates ...........................................................................................................................................................  62
Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation) (DE 9C) ...........................................................                                           63
Correcting Previously Filed DE 9C .....................................................................................................................                        64
Due Dates ...........................................................................................................................................................          63
Quarterly Estimated Payments ..................................................................................................................................                15
Quitting Business.......................................................................................................................................................       70
Reopen Your Payroll Tax Account .............................................................................................................................                  71
Recordkeeping ..........................................................................................................................................................       77
Registration for EDD Employer Payroll Tax Account Number:
When Do You Become an Employer? .................................................................................................................                              7
How to Register ..................................................................................................................................................             7
Reimbursable Method of Paying for UI .....................................................................................................................                     80
Report of New Employees(s) (DE 34) .......................................................................................................................                     53
Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542) .........................................................................................................                         55
Required Postings, Notices, and Pamphlets .............................................................................................................                        72
Reserve Account:
Statement of Charges to Reserve Account (DE 428T) .......................................................................................                                      92
Experience Rating ...............................................................................................................................................              80
Notice of Contribution Rates and Statement of Unemployment Insurance (UI) Reserve Account (DE 2088) ....                                                                       81
Reserve Account Transfers (Successor Employers) ...........................................................................................                                    81
Notice of Unemployment Insurance Claim Filed (DE 1101CZ) ...........................................................................                                           86
Notice of Wages Used for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim (DE 1545).......................................................                                                    86
Sale of Business ........................................................................................................................................................      71
School Employees Fund Method of Paying for UI Benefits .......................................................................................                                 80
Settlements Office .....................................................................................................................................................       79
Severance Pay ..........................................................................................................................................................       15
SIDES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 86
State Disability Insurance (SDI):
Benefits ...............................................................................................................................................................       94
Elective Coverage ...............................................................................................................................................              95
Employer Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................                  94
Self-Employed Benefits .......................................................................................................................................                 95

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                                  INDEX (cont.)
Voluntary Plan  ....................................................................................................................................................          95
Who Pays? ..........................................................................................................................................................          9
Stock Options ............................................................................................................................................................    15
Subject Wages ..........................................................................................................................................................      11
Successor Employer..................................................................................................................................................          72
Supplemental Wage Payments .................................................................................................................................                  15
Tax Deposits:
Delinquent Deposits ............................................................................................................................................              59
Deposit Requirements ........................................................................................................................................                 58
Electronic ............................................................................................................................................................       59
Tax Offices (Listing)  ..................................................................................................................................................     3
Tax Rate:
Experience Rating ...............................................................................................................................................             80
How Your Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Rate Is Determined .....................................................................                                             80
Notice of Contribution Rates and Statement of UI Reserve Account (DE 2088) ................................................                                                   81
Who Is an Employee ...........................................................................................................................................                8
Withholding Allowances and Exemptions ...........................................................................................................                             13
Taxpayer Advocate Office ..........................................................................................................................................           78
Tips for Reducing Your Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Rate ..............................................................................                                    82
Trade Adjustment Assistance ....................................................................................................................................              97
Transfer of Business, Successor Employer ...............................................................................................................                      71
Underground Economy..............................................................................................................................................             10
Unemployment Insurance (UI):
Standard Base Period (SBP) and Alternate Base Period (ABP)  ........................................................................                                          92
Benefits ...............................................................................................................................................................      84
Employer Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................                 86
Rate ....................................................................................................................................................................     81
Who Pays? ..........................................................................................................................................................          9
Voluntary Plan ...........................................................................................................................................................    95
Wages Subject to:
Personal Income Tax (PIT)..................................................................................................................................                   11
State Disability Insurance (SDI) Tax....................................................................................................................                      9
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax......................................................................................................................                         9
WARN ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Withholding Deposit:
Delinquent ...........................................................................................................................................................        59
Electronic ............................................................................................................................................................       59
Marital Status ......................................................................................................................................................         13
Requirements  .....................................................................................................................................................           58
Withholding Schedules Personal Income Tax (PIT) ..................................................................................................                            17
Withholding Statements:
Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate:
      Federal (Form W-4) ......................................................................................................................................               13
      California (DE 4) ...........................................................................................................................................           13
Information Return (Form 1099) .........................................................................................................................                      69
Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) ................................................................................................................                            69
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) .......................................................................................................................                    98
Work Sharing Program ..............................................................................................................................................           93
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) ...........................................................................................                              74
Workers’ Compensation Insurance............................................................................................................................                   95

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The EDD provides easy access to its forms, publications, and information sheets by phone or online on the EDD 
website (edd.ca.gov). If you require additional assistance, contact the Taxpayer Assistance Center at 1-888-745-3886.

By Phone:                      For quantities of 25 or more, call 1-916-322-2835.
                               For quantities of 24 or less, call 1-888-745-3886.

Download Forms
Online Forms and Publications (edd.ca.gov/payroll_taxes/forms_and_publications.htm)

Order Forms Online
EDD Forms (edd.ca.gov/forms/)

Request Annual Mailing Employer Guide (eddservices.edd.ca.gov/tap/open/annualguide/_/#1)

The California Employer’s Guide (DE 44) is no longer automatically mailed to all employers. The DE 44 is available 
online. You can view or download the DE 44 (PDF) (edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/de44.pdf). To receive a paper guide each 
year or to stop receiving a paper guide, complete your Employer’s Guide Mailing Preference (eddservices.edd.ca.gov/

Reminder: All employers are required to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payroll tax 
deposits to the Employment Development Department (EDD). Refer to page 49 for information on the e-file and e-pay 
mandate and related noncompliance penalties.

                           For the latest tax news and employer resources, visit 
                               California Employer News and Updates 

                           Subscribe to the EDD no-fee email subscription services

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The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available 
upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for services, aids, and/or alternate formats 
need to be made by calling 1-888-745-3886 (voice) or TTY 1-800-547-9565.

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