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STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
CT-1                                                                                              PAGE 1 of 7
(Rev. 02/2021)
Office of the Attorney General 
Registry of Charitable Trusts                      INITIAL  
P.O. Box 903447 
Sacramento, CA 94203-4470 
                                       REGISTRATION FORM 
1300 I Street                          STATE OF CALIFORNIA 
Sacramento, CA 95814 
(916) 210-6400                  OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 
www.oag.ca.gov/charities               (Government Code Sections 12580-12599.7)
                                                                                                  (For Registry Use Only)
Part A - Identification of Organization

Name of Organization:
Mailing Address:                                   Telephone number:
City:                                              E-mail address:
State:                                             Fax number:
ZIP Code:                                          Website:

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN):     Corporation or Organization Number:

Part B - Registration Fee

A $50 REGISTRATION FEE must accompany this registration form. Make check payable to DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.
Part C - List of Trustees or Directors and Officers
Names and addresses of ALL trustees or directors and officers (attach a list if necessary):
Name:                                                    Position:
Address:                                           City:                                   State: ZIP Code:
Name:                                                    Position:
Address:                                           City:                                   State: ZIP Code:
Name:                                                    Position:
Address:                                           City:                                   State: ZIP Code:
Name:                                                    Position:
Address:                                           City:                                   State: ZIP Code:
Part D - Organization Activities
Describe the primary activity of the organization (a copy of the material submitted with the application for federal or state tax 
exemption will normally provide this information).  If the organization is based outside California, comment fully on the extent of 
activities in California and how the California activities relate to total activities.  In addition, list all funds, property, and other assets 
held or expected to be held in California. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

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STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
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(Rev. 02/2021)

Part E - Assets and Accounting Period
If assets (funds, property, etc.) have been received, enter the date first received.                   Registration with the Attorney 
                                                                                                       General is required within thirty days 
                                                                                                       of receipt of assets.
Date assets first received in/from California:

What annual accounting period has the organization adopted? Fiscal Year Ending (Month/Day):
Part F - Founding Documents

Attach the organization's founding documents as follows:
 A)   Corporations - a copy of the endorsed / certified articles of incorporation and all amendments and current bylaws.  If      
              incorporated outside California, enter the date the corporation qualified through the California Secretary of State's Office to   
              conduct activities in California. 
  B)  Associations - a copy of the instrument creating the organization (bylaws, constitution, and/or articles of  
      association / organization). 
  C)  Trusts - a copy of the trust instrument or will and decree of final distribution. 
  D)  Trustees for charitable purposes - a statement describing operations and charitable purpose.

Part G - Federal Tax Exempt Status
Has the organization applied for or been granted IRS tax-exempt status?    Yes                       No

Date of application for Federal tax exemption:

Date of exemption letter:                                             Exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)               (      )
If known, are contributions to the organization tax-deductible? Yes        No

Attach a copy of the Application for Recognition of Exemption (IRS Form 1023 or 1024) and the determination letter issued by the IRS.

Part H - Fundraising Professionals
Does the organization contract with or otherwise engage the services of any commercial fundraiser for charitable purposes, 
fundraising counsel, or commercial coventurer (as defined in Government Code sections 12599-12599.2)?  If yes, provide the 
name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), and registration number(s) assigned by the Registry of Charitable Trusts of the 
provider(s). Attach additional sheets if necessary.

     Commercial Fundraiser ( #                      ) Fundraising Counsel ( #                      )   Commercial Coventurer ( #                      )
Name:                                                                      Telephone Number:
Address:                                                        City:                                  State: ZIP Code:
     Commercial Fundraiser ( #                      ) Fundraising Counsel ( #                      )   Commercial Coventurer ( #                      )
Name:                                                                      Telephone Number:
Address:                                                        City:                                  State: ZIP Code:
     Commercial Fundraiser ( #                      ) Fundraising Counsel ( #                      )   Commercial Coventurer ( #                      )
Name:                                                                      Telephone Number:
Address:                                                        City:                                  State: ZIP Code:

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Part I - Please respond to the following list of questions and provide supplemental information if applicable.
 1. List all DBAs and names of the organization uses or has used. 

 2. List all states in which you solicit charitable donations or have registered to do so, or in which you are exempt from registration 
 but operate.

 3. Is the organization under common control, does it have a close connection with, or is it related to, any other nonprofit or for-profit 
 organization or trust? If yes, identify by name, address, and telephone.

 4. Has the organization's IRS tax-exempt status ever been denied, revoked, or modified? If yes, please explain circumstances on a 
 separate sheet.

 5. Has the organization's tax-exempt status ever been suspended or revoked by the Franchise Tax Board? If yes, please explain 
 circumstances on a separate sheet. 

6. Has the organization's corporation status ever been suspended or revoked by the Secretary of State? If yes, please explain 
circumstances on a separate sheet.

 7. Are any officers, directors, trustees, or employees related by blood, marriage or adoption? If yes, identify by name, title and 

 8. Has the organization or any of its officers, directors, or trustees been the subject of a court or administrative proceeding in any 
 state regarding any solicitation or registration? If yes, please explain on a separate sheet.

 9. Have any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees been convicted of any crime involving the misuse or 
 misappropriation of funds, or any crime involving deception in the operation of a charity? If yes, identify by name and title.

 Please note that the Form CT-1 is a public document which will be posted on the Registry's website.  If you wish to 
 maintain the confidentiality of any attachment to the Form CT-1, you must request that the attachment not be 
 maintained in the Public File. 

Part J - Signature
I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined this registration form, including accompanying documents, and to the best of 
my knowledge and belief, the form and each document are true, correct, and complete, and I am authorized to sign.

Signature                           Title                                                            Date

The organization will be required to file financial reports annually on Form RRF-1 (Annual Registration/Renewal Fee Report) no later than four months 
and fifteen days after the end of the organization's accounting period.  Organizations with $50,000 or more in total revenue are also required to file the 
applicable IRS Form 990, with all attachments and schedules, as filed with the IRS. Organizations with less than $50,000 in total revenue are generally 
required to file Form CT-TR-1.  All Registry forms can be found on the Attorney General's website at www.oag.ca.gov/charities.
For additional information, please refer to the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act (Government Code sections 
12580-12599.8) and the Administrative Rules and Regulations pursuant to the Act (California Code of Regulations, Title 11, Sections 300-312.1), and 
other resources available on the Attorney General's website at www.oag.ca.gov/charities. 
Additional information is available on the Attorney General's website at www.oag.ca.gov/charities.  You may also call the Attorney General's Registry 
of Charitable Trusts at (916) 210-6400 or fax at (916) 444-3651 or contact the Registry via email at Registration@doj.ca.gov.

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STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
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                                                  Office of the Attorney General 

                                                  Registry of Charitable Trusts 

                                                           Privacy Notice 

                                               As Required by Civil Code § 1798.17  

              Collection and Use of Personal Information. The Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts 
              (Registry), a part of the Public Rights Division, collects the information requested on this form as 
              authorized by the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act (Gov. Code § 
              12580 et seq.) and regulations adopted pursuant to the Act (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 11, §§ 300-316). The 
              Registry uses the information in the administration and enforcement of the Act, including to register, 
              renew, or update your organization's registration or to prepare reports pursuant to the Act. The Attorney 
              General may also use the information for additional purposes, including in support of investigations and 
              law enforcement actions, providing public access to information as required by the Act (Gov. Code §§ 
              12587, 12587.1, 12590), and making referrals to other law enforcement agencies. Any personal 
              information collected by state agencies is subject to the limitations in the Information Practices Act and 
              state policy. The Department of Justice's general privacy policy is available at www.oag.ca.gov/
              Providing Personal Information. All the personal information requested in the form must be provided. 
              An incomplete submission may result in the Registry not accepting the form, and cause your 
              organization to be out of compliance with legal requirements to operate in California. 
              Access to Your Information. The completed form is a public filing that will be made available on the 
              Attorney General's website at www.oag.ca.gov/charities pursuant to the public access requirements of 
              the Act. You may review the records maintained by the Registry that contain your personal information, 
              as permitted by the Information Practices Act. See below for contact information. 
              Possible Disclosure of Personal Information. In order to process the applicable registration, renewal, 
              registration update, application, or report, we may need to share the information on this form with other 
              government agencies. We may also share the information to further an investigation, including an 
              investigation by other government or law enforcement agencies. In addition, the information is available 
              and searchable on the Attorney General's website. 
              The information provided may also be disclosed in the following circumstances: 
                           ·With other persons or agencies where necessary to perform their legal duties, and their use of    
                            your information is compatible and complies with state law, such as for investigations or for  
                            licensing, certification, or regulatory purposes; 
                           ·To another government agency consistent with state or federal law. 
              Contact Information. For questions about this notice or access to your records, contact the Registrar of 
              Charitable Trusts, 1300 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 at rct@doj.ca.gov or (916) 210-6400. 

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 STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
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 (Rev. 02/2021)
 MAIL TO:                                           INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING  
 Registry of Charitable Trusts 
 P.O. Box 903447                               INITIAL REGISTRATION FORM (CT-1) 
 Sacramento, CA 94203-4470              ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA 
 (916) 210-6400                                REGISTRY OF CHARITABLE TRUSTS 
                                               (Government Code Sections 12580-12599.8) 

WHO MUST FILE  THE INITIAL REGISTRATION FORM CT-1?                      Unincorporated organizations are assigned an organization number 
                                                                        by the Franchise Tax Board upon application for California tax 
Every charitable corporation, unincorporated association and            exemption. For unincorporated organization number information, visit 
trustee holding assets for charitable purposes or doing business in     www.ftb.ca.gov. 
California, unless exempt, is required to register with the Attorney     
General within thirty days after receipt of assets (cash or other       Part B 
forms of property).                                                     A registration fee of $50 must accompany this registration form. The 
                                                                        registration fee must be paid by check or money order, payable to 
The initial registration requirement also applies to foreign charitable “Department of Justice.” 
organizations (organizations formed under the laws of other states)      
doing business or holding property in California. Doing business in     Part C  
California includes soliciting donations in California by phone, mail,  List the names and mailing addresses for all officers, directors, and 
email, advertisements, or any other means from outside of               trustees - Include the position or title (e.g., President, Vice President, 
California. Other examples include engaging in any of the following     Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee). 
activities in California: holding meetings of the board of directors or  
corporate members here, maintaining an office here, having officers     Part D 
or employees who perform work here, and/or conducting charitable        Describe the organization's primary activity - Describe the charitable 
programs in California.                                                 purpose or mission of the organization in detail.  (A copy of the 
                                                                        material submitted with the application for federal or state tax 
CLAIMING EXEMPTION FROM REGISTRATION                                    exemption will normally provide this information). 
If the organization is claiming exemption as a hospital, educational     
institution, religious or mutual benefit corporation, you must submit   If the organization is based outside California, comment fully on the 
the following:                                                          extent of activities in California and how the California activities relate 
·     Founding documents, such as certified Articles of Incorporation,  to total activities.  In addition, list all funds, property, and other assets 
  Articles of Association, Bylaws, or Trust Instrument (include any     held or expected to be held in California.  Attach additional sheets if 
  amendments);                                                          necessary. 
·     IRS Determination letter (if applicable); and                      
·     IRS Form 1023 or 1024, application for tax exemption (if          Part E 
  applicable).                                                          If assets (funds, property, etc.) have been received, enter the date 
·     Mutual benefit organizations should also include a detailed       first received - Date assets first received in/from California include - 
  description of the organization's funding activities.  (i.e., does    ·    Holding property and having bank accounts in California 
  the organization solicit/receive contributions from the public        ·    Soliciting and receiving contributions (from California residents, 
  and/or receive government grants in California to be used for          foundations, corporations, and governmental agencies).  
  charitable purposes or is the organization only funded by              Soliciting includes direct requests for charitable contributions, 
  members).                                                              such as by phone, mail, email, advertisement, or grant requests. 
LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM CT-1                      What annual accounting period has the organization adopted? - 
Part A                                                                  Enter the month in which the annual accounting period ends.  For 
Name of Organization - Insert the legal name as stated in the           example, if the annual accounting period ends December 31, enter 
organization's organizing instrument (i.e., articles of incorporation,  12/31.  If the annual accounting period ends June 30, enter 6/30.  
articles of association, or trust instrument).                          This information is usually found in the organization's bylaws, or 
                                                                        other documents, such as the IRS Determination letter (if applicable), 
Official Mailing Address and Contact Information for Organization -     or the IRS Form 1023 or 1024 application for tax-exempt status (if 
Insert the mailing address of the organization. Insert the contact      applicable). 
information of the organization.                                         
                                                                        Part F 
Organization's website - If the organization has a website, insert the  Attach the organization's founding documents - 
complete website address.                                               A) Corporations  - a copy of the articles of incorporation endorsed by 
                                                                        the Secretary of State of California.  They will include the corporate 
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) -  All organizations      number and date of incorporation.   Include any certified 
must apply for a FEIN from the Internal Revenue Service, including      amendments and the current bylaws.  
organizations that have a group exemption or file group returns.         
                                                                        If incorporated outside California, enter the date the corporation 
Corporation or Organization Number - All California and foreign         qualified through the California Secretary of State's Office to conduct 
corporations that have qualified to do business in California are       activities in California.  Also include the certified articles of 
assigned a corporation number by the California Secretary of State.     incorporation (and any amendments) that are stamped / fully 
For corporate number information, visit www.sos.ca.gov/business-        executed by the state of domicile.

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B) Associations  - a copy of the instrument creating the                Part I 
organization (e.g., bylaws, constitution, and/or articles of            Answer each question and provide supplemental information if 
association, articles of organization).                                 applicable. 
                                                                        Question 3. 
C) Trusts  - a copy of the trust instrument or will and decree of final “Common control” means you and one or more other organizations 
distribution.  Include any amendments.                                  or trusts have: (1) a majority of directors, officers, or trustees 
                                                                        appointed or elected by the same organization(s) or individuals, (2) a 
D) Trustees for charitable purposes  - a statement describing           majority of directors, officers, or trustees consisting of the same 
operations and charitable purposes.                                     individuals. Common control also occurs when you and one or more 
                                                                        organizations have a majority ownership interest in a corporation, 
Part G                                                                  partnership, or trust. “Ownership” means voting power in a 
Federal Tax Exempt Status (if applicable)                               corporation, profits interest in a partnership, or beneficial interest in a 
·    Has the organization applied for or been granted IRS tax-          trust. 
  exempt status? Check “Yes” or “No”.                                   “Close connection” means any of the following relationships between 
                                                                        organizations: (1) control of one organization by another through 
·    Date of application for Federal tax exemption: Enter the date      common directors, officers, or trustees or through authority to 
  when the organization submitted IRS Form 1023 / 1024 to the           approve budgets or expenditures; (2) coordination or sharing of 
  IRS.                                                                  operations as to facilities, programs, employees, or other activities; or 
                                                                        (3) common persons exercising substantial influence over the 
·    Date of exemption letter: Enter the date on the tax exemption      organizations. 
  determination letter the organization received from the IRS.          “Related to” an organization means to control or be controlled by an 
                                                                        organization. “Control” means (1) to have the power (by the 
·    Exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c): Enter the       organization or through one or more officers, directors, trustees or 
  applicable Internal Revenue Code section number, e.g.,                agents) to remove and replace (or to appoint, elect, or approve or 
  section 501(c)(3).                                                    veto the appointment or election of) the majority of another 
                                                                        organization's directors or trustees, or a majority of members who 
·    If known, are contributions to the organization tax-deductible?    elect a majority of another organization's directors or trustees; (2) to 
  Check “Yes” or “No.”                                                  own more than 50% of a stock corporation; (3) to own more than 
                                                                        50% of the profits or capital interests or is managing partner, general 
·    Attach a copy of the Application for Recognition of Exemption      partner, or managing member of a partnership or LLC; or (4) to own 
  (IRS Form 1023 / 1024) and the determination letter issued by         more than 50% of the beneficial interest in a trust. 
  the IRS to the organization.                                           
                                                                        Part J 
Part H                                                                  Signature, Title, and Date - I declare under penalty of perjury that I 
Commercial Fundraiser, Fundraising Counsel, Commercial                  have examined this registration form, including accompanying 
Coventurer - Does the organization contract with or otherwise           documents, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the form and 
engage the services of any commercial fundraiser for charitable         each document are true, correct, and complete. 
purposes, fundraising counsel, or commercial coventurer (as              
defined in Government Code section 12599-12599.2)?  If yes,             ·    Must be signed by the organization's president or chief executive 
provide the name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), and                officer, treasurer or chief financial officer,  (if a trust or 
registration number assigned by the Registry of Charitable Trusts         unincorporated association) authorized trustee, or authorized 
of the provider(s):                                                       agent. 
·    Commercial Fundraiser  - Any individual, corporation, or other      
  legal entity who (for compensation) solicits funds, assets, or        ·     Include the date that Form CT-1 was signed by the 
  property in California for charitable purposes. (See                    organization's president, chief executive officer, treasurer or chief 
  Government Code section 12599 for complete definition).                 financial officer, or (if a trust or unincorporated association) 
                                                                          authorized trustee.  
·    Fundraising Counsel  - Any person who (for compensation)            
  plans, manages, advises, counsels, consults, or prepares              ·    Signatures do not need to be original inked signature. Copies or 
  material for, or with respect to, the solicitation in this state of     electronic signatures are acceptable. 
  funds, assets or property for charitable purposes. (See                
  Government Code section 12599.1 for complete definition.) 
·    Commercial Coventurer  - Any person who, for profit, is 
  regularly and primarily engaged in trade or commerce other 
  than in connection with the raising of funds, assets, or property 
  for charitable organizations or charitable purposes, and who 
  represents to the public that the purchase or use of any goods, 
  services, entertainment, or any other thing of value will benefit 
  a charitable organization or will be used for a charitable 
  purpose. (See Government Code Section 12599.2 for 
  complete definition.)      

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Please note that the Form CT-1 is a public document which will be 
posted on the Registry's website.  If you wish to maintain the 
confidentiality of any attachment to the Form CT-1, you must request 
that the attachment not be maintained in the Public File.  
The organization will be required to file financial reports annually on 
Form RRF-1 (Annual Registration/Renewal Fee Report) within four 
months and fifteen days after the end of the organization's 
accounting period. Organizations with $50,000 or more in total 
revenue are also required to file the applicable IRS Form 990, with all 
attachments and schedules, as filed with the IRS. Organizations with 
less than $50,000 in total revenue are required to file Form CT-TR-1. 
All Registry forms can be found on the Attorney General's website at 
For additional information, please refer to the Supervision of Trustees 
and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act (Government Code 
sections 12580-12599.8) and the Administrative Rules and 
Regulations pursuant to the Act (California Code of Regulations, Title 
11, Sections 300-312.1), and other resources available on the 
Attorney General's website at www.oag.ca.gov/charities.  
Additional information is available on the Attorney General's website 
at www.oag.ca.gov/charities. You may also call the Attorney 
General's Registry of Charitable Trusts at (916) 210-6400, fax at 
(916) 444-3651, or contact the Registry via email at 

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