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                  USE TAX: Guide to Reporting Out-of-State Purchases

Publication 217                                      www.cdtfa.ca.gov                                   December 2017

Use tax has been in effect since            How do I pay use tax?                       Did you make purchases of the 
July 1, 1935. Use tax is intended to        • You can report your purchase(s)           following items from out-of-state 
protect California sellers who would be 
                                            subject to use tax on our website at        retailers without payment of tax?
at a competitive disadvantage when out-     www.cdtfa.ca.gov by selecting Make a
of-state retailers sell goods to California Payment, and then select Pay use tax        q Books
customers without charging tax.             for one-time purchases from out-of-state    q Electronics
Sales tax generally applies to the sale of                                              q Computer equipment
merchandise in the state. Use tax applies   • Once you have registered, you can pay     q Manufacturing equipment
to the use, storage, or other consumption   any use tax due by filing your return.
of those same items when a similar          You can also register to report use tax     q Other________________
purchase was made from outside the          in person at any of our offices, or         If yes, you will need to report and pay use 
state. The use tax is set at the same rate  • Report use tax on your FTB Income         tax on these purchases.
as the state’s sales tax and must be paid   Tax Return
directly to the California Department of                                                Where do I look in my records for 
Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)          Who is not eligible to report tax           these purchases?
or on your Franchise Tax Board (FTB) 
                                            on the FTB Income Tax Return?               q Email receipts
Income Tax Return.
                                            The following taxpayers are required 
                                                                                        q Sales invoices
                                            to report purchases subject to use tax 
Use tax is your responsibility.             directly to the CDTFA and may not report    q Purchase orders
Payment of use tax is generally the         use tax on their income tax return:         q Credit card statements
responsibility of the purchaser. Many 
                                            • Businesses that have a California         q Bank statements
out-of-state companies are “engaged in 
                                            seller’s permit.
business,” or have a physical presence                                                  q Other________________
in California and must register with the    • Businesses that are not required to       These records will help you determine 
CDTFA to collect use tax on their retail    hold a California seller’s permit, but      whether or not you owe use tax.
sales to California customers. Some         receive at least $100,000 in annual
out-of-state companies will voluntarily     gross receipts (includes rental, multiple
register with the CDTFA and collect         businesses, and out-of-state income).
tax as a courtesy to their California       Please see our Qualified Purchaser          For More Information
customers. However, if a company is not     Program information on our website for
“engaged in business” in California, it     more information (type in “Qualified        Internet 
                                            Purchaser Program” in our search box).
will generally not charge California tax.                                               www.cdtfa.ca.gov
                                            • Individuals or businesses that have a
It is your responsibility to report and 
                                            California consumer use tax account.        Customer Service Center 
pay use tax for purchases you make from 
out-of-state companies that don’t charge 
                                            Did you purchase from one or                TTY:711
you tax.
                                            more of these common out-of-                Customer service representatives are 
Exemptions from use tax                     state retailers?                            available weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 
Generally, the same types of items that     q Mail order catalog                        5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state 
are subject to sales tax are subject to     q Internet retailer                         holidays.
use tax. Use tax does not apply to items                                                California Department of  
                                            q Television shopping network
specifically exempt from sales tax such                                                 Tax and Fee Administration 
as prescription medicines and most food     q Online auction                            PO Box 942879 
items purchased at a grocery store.         If yes, you will need to check your records Sacramento, CA 94279-0001
                                            to determine whether or not you paid tax.

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