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CDTFA-401-GS (S1F) REV. 89 (1-23)                                                                          STATE OF CALIFORNIA
STATE, LOCAL, AND DISTRICT SALES AND                                                          CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF  
USE TAX RETURN — MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL                                                          TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION

DUE ON OR BEFORE                      PERIOD BEGIN DATE        PERIOD END DATE                             CDTFA USE ONLY
                                                        YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF                                                                                   READ INSTRUCTIONS 
TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION                                                                                 BEFORE PREPARING
PO BOX 942879
SACRAMENTO CA 94279-8009                                                                                      GS

 Please check this box if this filing represents an AMENDED RETURN.
ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.CDTFA.CA.GOV OR BY CALLING 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711).                            THE NEAREST WHOLE DOLLAR

1   Total sales                                                                                      1   $      .00
2   Purchases subject to use tax                                                                     2          .00
3   Total (add lines 1 and 2)                                                                        3          .00
11  Total nontaxable transactions reported (enter the total from Section B, line 6)                  11         .00
12  Transactions subject to tax (subtract line 11 from line 3)                                       12         .00
13a State tax 6.00 percent (  multiply line 12 by 0.0600)                                            13a        .00
                                           Diesel sales            Multiply by 5.75 percent (0.0575) 
13b Additional state tax on diesel sales   $                                                                    .00
14  County tax 1/4 percent (  multiply line 12 by 0.0025)                                            14         .00
15  Local tax 1.00 percent (  multiply line 12 by 0.01; additional schedules may apply—see           15
    line 15 instructions)                                                                                       .00
16  District tax (you must complete CDTFA-531-A2 if you are engaged in business in a                 16
    transaction and use tax district)                                                                           .00
17  Total state, county, local, and district tax (add lines 13a, 13b, 14, 15, and 16)                17         .00
18  Excess tax collected (enter excess tax collected, if any)                                        18         .00
19  Total tax amount (add lines 17 and 18)                                                           19         .00
20a Credit for current period partial tax exemptions (enter the total from Section D, line 8)        20a        .00
20b Credit for prior period tax recovery (  enter the total tax recovery amount                      20b
    from CDTFA-531-Q)                                                                                           .00
20c Credit for tax paid to other state(s) (enter the credit as calculated from CDTFA-531-P)          20c        .00
20d Credit for sales tax prepaid to fuel suppliers (enter amount from line G2                        20d
    of CDTFA-531-G)                                                                                             .00
20e Total credit (add lines 20a, 20b, 20c, and 20d)                                                  20e        .00
21  Net tax (subtract line 20e from line 19)                                                         21         .00
                                  1st prepayment (tax only)    2nd prepayment (tax only)
22  Less tax prepayments          $                            $                                     22
    (see line 22 instructions)       No taxable transactions        No taxable transactions
23  Net tax less prepayments (  subtract line 22 from line 21)                                       23         .00
24  Sales tax paid to DMV (enter the total amount from column D from CDTFA-531-MV       )            24         .00
25  Remaining tax (subtract line 24 from line 23)                                                    25         .00
26  PENALTY: (  multiply line 23 by 10.00 percent [0.10] if a payment was                            26
    made, or your tax return is filed, after the due date shown above)                                          .00

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CDTFA-401-GS (S1B) REV. 89 (1-23)                                                                                                   STATE OF CALIFORNIA
                                                           CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION

 27 Penalty paid to DMV for late payments of sales tax (  enter the total amount from column E                           27
    from CDTFA-531-MV)                                                                                                              .00
 28 PENALTY: due (subtract line 27 from line 26. If line 28 is less than 0, enter 0)                                     28         .00
    INTEREST: One month’s interest is due on tax for each month or 
 29 fraction of a month that payment is delayed after the due date. The            INTEREST                              29
    adjusted monthly interest rate is       INTEREST RATE CALCULATOR                                                                .00
 30 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE (add lines 25, 28, and 29)                                                              30         .00
 31 Sales at state-designated fairgrounds (see instructions)                                                             31       $ .00

                 For our privacy policy and notice, visit our webpage at www.cdtfa.ca.gov/privacy.htm, or go to  
 www.cdtfa.ca.gov/formspubs/forms.htm and search for CDTFA-324-GEN-WEB, Privacy Notice—Website—No Action Needed.

                 I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me  
                                  and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct, and complete return.
SIGNATURE                             PRINT NAME AND TITLE                                                           DATE
EMAIL ADDRESS                                                                                                        TELEPHONE
 PAID PREPARER’S PAID PREPARER’S NAME                                                                                PAID PREPARER’S TELEPHONE NUMBER
              Make check or money order payable to: California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.
              Write your account number on your check or money order. Make a copy of this document for your records.
                                  California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
                                            PO Box 942879
                                           Sacramento CA 94279-8009

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                               CDTFA-401-GS (S2) REV. 89 (1-23)                                                                                               STATE OF CALIFORNIA
                                                                                                                       CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION

                               STATE, LOCAL, AND DISTRICT SALES AND USE TAX RETURN
                               YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER                                                     REPORTING PERIOD

                               SECTION A. Nontaxable Sales (deductions)
                                4                            Sales to other retailers for purposes of resale                                             32 $ .00
                                5                            Nontaxable sales of food products                                                           33   .00
                                6                            Nontaxable labor (repair and installation)                                                  34   .00
                                7                            Sales to the United States government                                                       35   .00
                                8                            Sales in interstate or foreign commerce                                                     36   .00
                                9                            Sales tax included on line 1 (if any)                                                       37   .00
                                                             Other deductions (clearly explain )
                                10                                                                                                                       38
                                11                           Total Section A (add lines 4 through 10)                                                    39 $ .00

                               SECTION B. Current Period Tax Recoveries and Deductions 
                               The amount reported is for the current period only. The original transaction needs to be included in line 1 on page 1 (to 
                               claim a credit for all other prior period tax recovery items, complete CDTFA-531-Q, Schedule Q—Tax Recovery).
                                1                            Bad debt losses on taxable sales                                                            40 $ .00
                                2                            Cost of tax-paid purchases resold prior to use                                              41   .00
                                3                            Returned taxable merchandise                                                                42   .00
                                4                            Cash discounts on taxable sales (see instructions on how to calculate this deduction)       43   .00
                                5                            Total Section B (add lines 1 through 4)                                                     44   .00
                                6                            Total nontaxable transactions (add the total from Section A, line 11, and Section B,        45
                                                             line 5, and enter the total here and on page 1, line 11)                                       $ .00
Tax ExemptionsExemptionPartial SECTION C. Current  (do not include partial                                                                                                       atPeriod Rate             Partial 0.05 
                               exemptions in Section A, line 11) 
                                1                            Farm equipment and machinery                                                                46 $ .00
                                2                            Diesel fuel used in farming and food processing                                             47   .00
                                3                            Timber harvesting equipment and machinery                                                   48   .00
                                4                            Motor vehicle fuel (MVF) transactions                                                       49   .00
                                5                            Subtotal Section C (add lines 1 through 4)                                                  50   .00
                                6                            Partial tax exemption rate                                                                  51   .05
                                7                            Total Section C (multiply line 5 by line 6)                                                 52 $ .00
                               SECTION D. Current Period Partial Tax Exemptions at 0.039375 Partial Exemption Rate (do not include partial 
                               exemptions in Section A, line 11)
                                1                            Manufacturing and Research and Development Equipment                                        53 $ .00
                                2                            Zero-emission transit bus                                                                   54   .00
                                3                            Diesel fuel (excluding sales of diesel fuel used in farming and food processing reported in 55
                                                             Section C, line 2)                                                                               .00
                                4                            Zero-emission motor vehicle                                                                 56   .00
                                5                            Subtotal Section D (adds lines 1 through 4)                                                 57   .00
                                6                            Partial tax exemption rate                                                                  58   .039375
                                7                            Total Section D (multiply line 5 by line 6)                                                 59 $ .00

                                8                            Total Current Period Partial Exemptions (add the total from Section C, line 7, and          60
                                                             Section D, line 7, and enter here and on page 1, line 20a)                                     $ .00

                                                                                                             PRINT     CLEAR

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